Do I need to add baking powder to the yeast dough: which one to use, how to replace the yeast? What will happen if you add a lot of baking powder to the dough?

Do I need to add baking powder to the yeast dough: which one to use, how to replace the yeast? What will happen if you add a lot of baking powder to the dough?

Which baking powder is used in yeast dough? The answer to the question is described in detail in the article.

The yeast dough is the basis of the bakery industry. This is a workpiece that is prepared on the basis of yeast, flour and water.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling, so that they do not open and the filling does not flow?". You will find step -by -step instructions with photos, as well as tips. You will learn how to sculpt pies of various shapes beautifully.

The dough, regardless of what it is liquid, medium viscosity or dense, can be prepared in two ways: unimpressive (for products with a minimum amount of sugar, eggs, milk) and spar (with a large number of compass). But which baking powder is better to use for the test? Do I need to add baking powder to the yeast dough? The answers to these and other questions are described in the information below. Read further.

What are the methods of loosening the dough?

Yeast dough with baking powder
Yeast dough with baking powder

To obtain pies, buns and other products from dough with a porous air structure and increased volume, the workpiece must first be loosened. All methods of loosening the dough are divided into three groups:

  • Chemical, This includes soda and carbon dioxide. Soda is used on the basis that when interacting with an acidic environment, it emits carbon dioxide, which contributes to the loosening of the dough. During heating, carbon dioxide decomposes into carbon dioxide, ammonia and water. It can be added both in powder form and diluted in water. When preparing a dough with chemical baking powers, yeast is not used, because most confectionery products contain a lot of fatty and sugar.
  • Biological - These are yeast (live microorganisms). Their action is based on the fact that in the process of life, sugar decomposes into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Bubbles, accumulating in the mass, create pores and the workpiece increases in volume.
  • Mechanical - The use of whipped proteins. They are used for a batch of biscuit, custard, protein and puff pastry, as well as pancake dough.

Let us consider in more detail the most popular methods of loosening the test. Read further.

What is a baking powder in ordinary yeast, yeast puff pastry: briefly, composition

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to make the dough for lush and delicious cheese cakes on kefir, on yeast?". You will find recipes, photos, videos.

The baking powder for a simple yeast dough can be a special baking powder, dry or ordinary yeast, as well as soda. It all depends on the technology. Sometimes alcohol, rum or cognac are added. During the processing process, it is very important to observe the stages of the recipe. This is what the composition of a good yeast dough should be, so that it makes a delicious pastries:

A set of ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 0.6 kg
  • Dry yeast - 10 gr. or alive - 20 gr.
  • Warm water - 300 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. With a hill
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. (2 tbsp. L. - in the dough itself, 1 tbsp. - for lubrication)

In the manufacture of yeast puff pastry, two methods are used: using carbon dioxide as a result of fungi vital activity and lubrication of rolled layers of dough with margarine or oil.

Necessary products:

  • Wheat flour - 0.5 kg
  • Dry yeast-7-10 gr. or fresh - 20 gr.
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Sugar-70-80 gr.
  • Margarine or butter - 250 gr.
  • Salt-1-2 pinch
  • Vanilin - 1 pinch or vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Do I need to put any baking powder in a yeast blank? Read further.

Video: The secret of the right yeast dough. Detailed video recipe

Do the baking powder add to the yeast dough: is it possible?

Yeast dough with baking powder
Yeast dough with baking powder

This is a really controversial question. After all, microorganisms living in yeast, they already make an air harvesting and add porosity and softness.

  • When preparing rolls and pies, additional baking powder is absolutely not important, the main thing is to observe the norms of the recipe and the technique of kneading the workpiece.
  • But more and more often it can be noted that manufacturers still add baking powder to this type of workpiece and it changes its name to soda-throat.

This is undoubtedly a violation of the recipe and is most likely due to the desire of the manufacturer to save and reduce the cost of the final product, but the product quality also depends on this.

Why add baking powder to the yeast dough: is it needed?

All housewives have many secrets in the preparation of different blanks. The same applies to toast workpiece. Each uses its special secrets. Why add baking powder to the yeast dough and is it necessary? Read more:

  • The soda-throzer dough is easily rolled into a thin sheet that will not be compressed in the brazier and the products will have a delicate taste.
  • Add up to 3-5 g of food. soda per 1 kg of flour Provides the normal acidity of the yeast workpiece for a period of up to six hours. excess fermentation.
  • It is worth noting that such a mixture, thanks to its composition, acquires one property - the time period of storage in the refrigerator increases.

As you can see, such a blank has advantages. Below even more useful information. Read further.

What baking powers are used in the preparation of yeast dough?

As a baking powder for a yeast, yeast and foods themselves are usually used. soda. Less commonly, as mentioned above, alcoholic drinks are used - rum, cognac, etc.

The main role of the "looser" is displayed in its name - it loosen, gives airiness and porosity. And without it, it will look like dumplings. But here you can argue, many housewives and cooks will agree with this, which, subject to all the rules and standards, will be enough only yeast fungi.

A combination of baking powder, starch in yeast test on dry yeast for peppy pies: recipe with photo step by step

Baking powder, starch in yeast dough on dry yeast for the splendor of pies
Baking powder, starch in yeast dough on dry yeast for the splendor of pies

To add starch, together with the baking powder, there are several irrefutable reasons:

  • This product gives the dough elasticity, it can be rolled out as thin as possible and it will not be torn.
  • It perfectly absorbs excess moisture when kneading.
  • If starch is added, then the dough should be mixed exclusively on dairy products using confectionery spices, for a bright taste.
  • Baking even the next day remains soft and fresh.

The combination of baking powder, starch in the yeast test on dry yeast is used for the splendor of pies. But how to prepare a universal dough from which you can bake sweet buns, pies with a variety of filling, open and closed pies, you should try some secrets. Here is a recipe with a photo step by step:

You must have in your kitchen:

  • Wheat flour - 0.8 kg
  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l. or 1 bag
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Soda or baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Potato or corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation technology:

  • Yeast, a spoonful of sugar and add the same amount of flour to preheated milk ( 50-70 ml), mix well and leave for 20-25 minutes For awakening fungi. The mixture should rise a little.
  • To prepare light and air testing, the flour must be sifted, it will be saturated with oxygen.
  • Prepare dough. Add half a portion of flour, salt, sugar, prepared yeast, soda and diluted starch in a heated milk, knead the workpiece with your hands. Cover the basin with a towel and put in a warm place approximately at 40-45 should increase in volume 2 times.
  • Melt the butter, it is introduced warm.
  • Pour the oil and the remaining flour into the finished dough, knead well.
  • Almost finished dough should not stick to their hands. It must be kneaded longer so that the workpiece is saturated with oxygen. Next, take it into the basin and put in a warm place to rest, approximately for 1-1.5 hours.
  • After 1,5 hour Circle the dough and give it again 20-30 minutes, To re -rise and you can cook pies.

Try to cook pastries on such a test - you will like it. Even the next day, the pies will be soft and tasty. Below are still recipes. Read further.

Yeast dough with baking powder and vinegar: why do we need vinegar?

When preparing homemade baking, many housewives use acetic acid for soda to extinguish 9% or concentrated essence 70%. This is done in order to extinguish the taste of soda. But it is worth knowing that a part of carbon dioxide disappears, although this does not particularly affect the result. If there is no simple vinegar in the kitchen, it can be abandoned and replaced with fruit - apple or grape, or use ordinary lemon juice. A yeast blank with a looser and vinegar is magnificent, with a large number of air bubbles.

Most often, confectioners use vinegar to acidify the dough, it also helps the test, making the consistency more loose. Vinegar also improves the quality of flour gluten.

What to add to the yeast dough so that it does not stale?

Yeast dough
Yeast dough

Any housewife wants the baking for a long time to remain tasty, lush and soft. What to add to the yeast workpiece so that it does not stale? Consider what cooks and confectioners advise:

  • Baking and bread will remain fresh for a long time and not stale if you add a little to the workpiece semolina.
  • As for white wheat bread, when it baked, a small amount is introduced into the composition rye flour. This ingredient allows white bread for a long time not to blame.
  • Another very important point so that the dough is not stale and does not wind, it must necessarily be included vegetable oil.
  • And if you add diluted when kneading potato starch, then the baking will last soft for a long time.

As you can see, there are many secrets. Choose one or combine a few of them, and create your own special baking recipe.

Is it possible to add soda to the yeast dough?

You can add soda to the yeast tested, of course, if you are really convinced that this will change the final result, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, the soda in the workpiece will be immediately bent and the effect of “loosening” will be insignificant.

As mentioned above, most cooks and confectioners argue that in such a combination (with the addition of soda), SDB will be more tender and light. But it is worth remembering that it should not be added to any dough, but only with a high content of fat component (margarine, oil, sour cream). Such an additive is needed for mixing fats and liquids, it is precisely because of this that a homogeneous mixture is quickly obtained.

What will happen if you add a lot of baking powder to the dough?

If you introduce too many confectionery powder or soda, the test workpiece may not rise at all and will be tasteless and inelastic. Due to the excess carbon dioxide, the bubbles will quickly disappear. Also, from an excess of baking powder, confectionery products acquire a yellow color and an unpleasant taste.

Another example is bread on store shelves, when cutting it crumbles, which allows us to conclude that the powder is oversupply in the composition.

What to add to the dough for pies without yeast for splendor: how can I replace the yeast in the dough?

Yeast dough
Yeast dough

There are no irreplaceable products for culinary specialists. You can always replace one with another, in almost any recipe, just have little knowledge about products and their properties. In addition to soda and all kinds of looser, kefir, carbonated water, beer, fermentation, and in some cases, a cucumber or cabbage brine, in a non -external test workpiece, can be used. Here are more details that you can put in the dough for pies without yeast for splendor than you can replace yeast in the dough:

  • Carbonated (mineral water)

Suitable for making a test workpiece for pizza and bread. She will give her softness and insignificant porosity. Liquid ingredients are replaced with mineral water, so if you want a greater effect, you can attach a pinch of citric acid and soda.

  • Beer

Designed for omission of baking (fish and meat pies, pizza and bread). Its action is based on the fact that there is already yeast in the composition. It is best to use a living dark beer.

  • Kefir

It turns out a beautiful soft dough with a small sourness, which can be eliminated if you add a pinch of soda. It is better to take this dairy-sour drink already standing- 3-4 days. Introduced warm for a greater effect. It will be made of chic pancakes, fried pies, charlotte and much more.

  • Brine

Gorgeous pies and bread are baked, the taste of the brine is not felt at all. You can take cucumber and cabbage, the main thing is to heat it to room temperature.

  • Leaven

Our ancestors made pastries exclusively on the sourdough. But this is a very complex process, since it is preparing for a long time - several days. An unforgettable pies, pies, kulebyaks and bread are obtained from this drink, they just melt in their mouths and remain soft and do not stale for a long time. There are many nuances when working with Zakovskaya, for example, when it insisted every 12 hoursit is necessary to feed (add fresh milk, etc.).

As you can see, there are many options for batching. You can use additional baking powder, or you can do without it, but only with yeast. Experiment, try a stove from dough with different ingredients and you will definitely find your secret, which will be your “chip”. And, perhaps, someday the housewives will bake pies or bread according to your unique recipe. Good luck!

Video: Seven reasons add soda to yeast dough

Video: How to use the baking powder for the test?

Video: Do \u200b\u200byou add vinegar to the dough?

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