Ditties for graduation in kindergarten, school - the best selection for the holiday

Ditties for graduation in kindergarten, school - the best selection for the holiday

We bring to your attention a large selection of ditties for graduation - in the preschool educational institution, in the 4th, 9th, 11th grade.

Graduation ditties - the best selection for the holiday

Graduation ditties - the best selection for the holiday
Graduation ditties - the best selection for the holiday

Graduation ditties - the best selection for the holiday:

Finally I am produced
I say goodbye to my cute school
Everything was so good
But I would like more.


You are all cool,
At school, many were famous.
But when they came for the first time, -
They hid behind the portfolios.


How to part pain
With an expensive cabinet.
At least, of course, cool
To immediately become so big.


There will be labor everyday life,
There will be holidays in life.
But there is no friend in the whole world,
Better a classmate.


I have a graduation with you,
It's great, my friend!
We will walk now
And tomorrow to remember the school!


Goodbye our school,
Goodbye our house!
Tomorrow we will wake up early
We’ll start to be sad immediately!


We were sitting at the desk,
We are a pointing at the desk.
And now it became clear to us
We spent time not in vain!


We are very sad today,
We part with you.
We will definitely not forget you
We will visit you!


It’s sad for us all from that.
That the school is over, and that’s it.
Where do we go now?
Where is the time to spend?


Someone will become an oligarch
Someone as president.
From fate we wish you
Only applause.


We said goodbye to the school
They tried to hold the tears
I restrained my tears, and Vlad
I could not keep the selected mat ...


In the morning after graduation
I saw myself another
Drunk, sad, look
Here is such a graduate.


On the last, on the call
Carried a girl on the shoulder
It was not a first -grader
And the resulting Masha.


Girls on the call last
Three rivers spilled tears
An hour later with a laugh
They set fire to the diaries.


The last call rang
I rejoiced as best I could
The whole teacher cut off:
"For the teacher, a call!"


Muddled on graduation
With Lenko Seryozha
Who knew that Lenka and her mother
Horror how similar are.


Ten years we have studied
The certificates received
Only now the military registration and enlistment office
So my certificate was waiting.


We are not shkolota now
Adult guys
We drink at night, as always,
But for certificates.


We said goodbye to the school
We set fire to the diaries
There was a strong wind
Instead of school, now ashes.


Behind the fourth grade
We still have a lot of things
The fifth and sixth soon
Only we dream of peace


And now I'm an adult small
And I will say publicly:
Primary school course
I know "excellent"!


If they ask me
Who is generally in life
I will answer the manners
That now I'm a five -coat.


Goodbye, shallow
I'm leaving forever
I look at you
I went through the fourth grade.


We were scared, and more than once
We will not go through the ninth grade.
And now they will scare
That the exam should be taken.


Nine classes have studied
I learned what I learned
I will not come to school anymore
I go to vocational schools


That's one time, about time
The ninth grade flew by
Two more classes will fly
Only you have time to blink an eye.


You have passed the ninth grade
Became adults with us
Accept congratulations
Successfully with you in learning.


We are our boys,
Oh, how they noticed!
They sing diligently
They blink wonderful!


Our children were not lazy
And everyone studied diligently.
Here are the five for the answer
He began to put a speech therapist.


The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said: “Cook!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters! "


Our educators -
Good, beautiful,
They love everyone,
The child is playful.


In our kindergarten wonderful
All lives peacefully, together.
Know many different songs,
They sing with pleasure.


We would less less than classes
The quiet hour is still to remove
Moms could not then
Take us home without tears.


Nina in the kindergarten was late,
Good reason:
The scarf strangled all the way
And tormented the leg!


Suddenly began to strangle the shirt.
I almost died of fear.
Then he realized: “E-mine!
I grew out of it! "


I bought a ball yesterday,
I'm not happy anyway
Because I am punished
For a broken window.


I have two friends
With fashionable glasses,
And dad will bring me


On the road, by dust
I was driving a bb quickly,
The nail fell under the wheel,
Fuck-b-bah !!! That's all.


Cooks we helmet hello,
Our kisses,
Always delicious
Porridge, cabbage soup and soup!


They are used to educators,
As if to the mother’s mothers.
Their personal secrets
We are talking in the ear.


Sasha and Masha played
All toys scattered
They began to argue and scream
Who to collect toys!


You are hooligans boys
Hurry up to the hall first.
Shout in the classroom,
All are so nervous.


Polina tried
Eat the porridge to half.
The porridge is harmful.
She laughed at Polinka.

Graduation ditties in kindergarten

Graduation ditties in kindergarten
Graduation ditties in kindergarten

Graduation ditties in kindergarten:

Graduation in the style "Oscar"

We came to the matinee
Baked cake with cookies,
Before you eat
We listen to the ditties.


Daughters-stalls, sons-
You are no longer kids.
Your shirt dresses,
As in adults, in large ones.


Along the path of scarlet red
You go like in a movie.
Our little stars -
This is your celebration.


Let it be remembered for a long time
This prize in the garden
Let's say joyfully and loudly:
"Kindergarten 500 I love!"


Thank you educators
For patience, labors
Only chur do not relax
Our yard is full of children.


We sang ditties
Not singers, but how they managed
Ahali and enjoyed
We want us to be patted.


Ditties for graduation.

We are funny guys,
Sprinkle ditties to you.
We are no longer preschool.
Soon we will go to school!


What kind of roar, what kind of noise?
The walls are swinging ...
These are our first -graders
They say goodbye to the kindergarten!


We put new trousers,
White shirts,
Look at us-
What first -graders!


Oh, guys-cavaliers,
Move away from me.
My Milenok is lower than everyone
And I do not see him.


Buy me a diary
I will be the best student!
I will draw five
On the pages at the same moment!


The academic year has begun
The watch was focused
And the question is oppressed
Is the holidays soon?


Oh guys dear
Advise how to be.
Dad with mom at work,
And who to wear the portfolio?


The letters are all in my notebook,
Do not stand on the parade
The letters jump and dance
And they wave my tails!


Me and mom shops
Everyone in the district went around.
Where to buy a larger portfolio,
So that the toys all come in!


Dad invented the alarm clock,
So that I do not sleep a lesson,
I attacked the bell firmly
Hefty hammer!


Porridge and cheesecakes
Just like that, we will not go.
Do not worry mom and dad,
We will not be lost at school!


Kindergarten, kindergarten,
Stone building,
We are leaving for first grade,
Goodbye to all of you!


Parents' performance on graduation in kindergarten for the motive "Hope"

A unfamiliar star shines
Behind the threshold of our kindergarten
To leave here forever
Let's honestly - we are not at all happy.


Here for 5 years they taught us good
And forgive ridiculous insults.
And during this time everything around
We have become relatives close.

Thank you! Our garden is dear!
Our song is sung about you.
Thank you! To everyone who works here
In the garden, which ______ is called.


Not salary entered you here
Not a career ghostly glare.
Women's warmth and kindness
And the love is great for our children.


You gave the children in full
All your talents and patience,
And you will always be a reward
The generation you have naked.


Thank you! Our garden is dear!
Our song is sung about you.
Thank you! To everyone who works here
In the garden, which ___ is called.


The time of parting does not trouble
Tomorrow the change will come to you another
Fate has fallen to you
Seeing some, others meeting.


We will remember these days forever.
In memory, a light ray will break through
This island of childhood and dreams -
Kindergarten that _____ is called.


Thank you! Our garden is dear!
Our song is sung about you.
Thank you! To everyone who works here
In the garden, which _________ is called.

Ditties for employees of the kindergarten for graduation

Ditties for employees of the kindergarten for graduation
Ditties for employees of the kindergarten for graduation

Ditties for employees of the kindergarten for graduation:

In our kindergarten is warm and comfortable,
Delicious - porridge, good - morning,
Weekdays - funny, bright - holidays,
Books, toys are loved, different.


There is no “dandelion” of our cooler!
And the team is the best with us!
Flower beds - bloom, in the areas - order,
There are no malfunctions in technology.

Accept from us gratitude to the reward,
The first lady of the kindergarten!


So that the vaccinations are on time,
Hygiene give a lesson
To go to the optometrist,
A speech therapist and a dentist ...


So that our children are
Healthier than everyone in the world -
At the post in the morning


We eat porridge for breakfast,
Delicious soup for lunch,
There is nothing tastier
Casseroles and cutlets!


Except sugar and salt,
Except meat and cereals,
The cooks are put in pots
By a pinch of kindness,

Half a half of the smiles
Two pieces of sensitive words,
This is the only way to get
The most delicious pilaf in the world!


Teachers will teach
How it is better to work with children,
In which direction
Advance to training,


How to develop children speech,
Protect from mistakes,
Convincing, speech -
Our permanent methodologist!


Social worker
Everyone knows: kindergarten - support in raising a child,
But the most important thing is the family - it should not stand aside.
Who works with the family?
Something to his mother will explain
Something will explain to dad
Does family day organize?
Kind, attentive and strict
Social teacher.


Cleaner -
This is not a paper paper,
And not some kind of paper gunner,
He is as important as the teacher!
Will draw up all certificates and different benefits -
There is a lot of paper work in the kindergarten!


Taught to dance
You are our kids.
Even those who are clumsy
Frankly, let's say.


They taught the songs to sing
Baskov is no worse.
Even those to whom the bear
Standing on the ears!


Who will tell everything about the crisis: why, when, and how?
Psychology is science, not some trifle!

Will explain everything about the child and will help to figure it out
Why doesn’t fall asleep why he suddenly began to fight.

Why "I myself" everywhere, why is it very stubborn,
Why we should praise the child day and night.

Everyone needs it very much and roads
A wonderful psychologist!


Washing worker
Clean sheets, soft pillows,
Children's cribs - just like toys ...

He strokes and erases affectionately with care.
Home in washing is an important job!


The head
You thought seriously
How many managers have a lot
And worries and different things?

Inventory distributed to everyone,
I poured paint into the buckets,
I ordered products to us, -
So I managed to go through the day.
The ubiquitous knowledge -
Tssaging is a manager!


Cleaning woman
The folk path will not overgrow here:
Parents in the morning lead children in kindergarten.
Place them, wash everything quickly.
You are a fairy of purity - a cleaning lady of a kindergarten!


La-la-la, yes, la-la-la!
Where to get the words to the song?
To rise in the mood
The head did not hurt.


We will sing ditties loudly,
To become more fun,
We congratulate today
Our educators!


I'm running to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead mom by the hand,
In order for mommy
I congratulated everyone on the holiday!


Our teacher is good
We love you very much
Take you today
Our congratulations!


We love our nanny very much
She loves us too.
And a fervent ditty
We’ll pass it to her now!


To read the fairy tale for us
You became a reader
After all, it was not for nothing that you were nicknamed
The younger teacher!


Music plays loudly
In the music room,
This is a musician again
Playing the piano!


To, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,
They came to the music hall
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, before,
Sang the song well!


Something we were hungry
There is a great hunt
When they wanted to eat,
They remembered the cooks!


Vitamins are useful to everyone -
This is the doctor told us
And the guys in our group
I gave everyone a vitamin!


And the head of the garden
There is no time to get bored at all
Because she needs
To manage a kindergarten!


We will soon grow large,
Years will fly quickly
We will often recall
Our favorite kindergarten!

Ditties cooks in kindergarten at graduation

Ditties cooks in kindergarten at graduation
Ditties cooks in kindergarten at graduation

Ditties cooks in kindergarten at the prom:

Thank you, dear cooks,
For delicious soup, for casseroles, porridge.
We have to say goodbye today,
Your children are leaving the kindergarten.


We want to congratulate you from the bottom of heart,
After all, graduation is our common holiday with you,
Will remember your dishes forever
Here is every brisk, mischievous prankster.


You cooked dinners to us
Porridge was fed delicious,
We all ate your cabbage
And grew, grew, grew!


Today we leave the kindergarten
We express my gratitude to you
And we also want to say:
We will remember porridge!


To try delicious ones,
Run for lunch soon,
Our miraculous cooks
We say thank you.


Your hands are golden
Cook everything with a soul.
"Be happy, relatives!"
We tell you in the graduation.


Our gratitude to you -
Very cool cooks!
What they tried to please
Tasty soup for us to cook.


And cutlets and cheesecakes,
Delicious tea in our circles
Let's not try now.
Kindergarten will close the door


And all of us will let us go to school.
Be happy, healthy
Remember us often.
We are leaving for first grade.


The cooks are more beautiful than ours
In the whole world, do not find,
Tasty is so prepared porridge,
Create on the shoulder and cake.


For cooking your wonderful
We will be very missing
Let these dishes in the future
The new ones are pleasing to the guys!


Our relatives, cooks,
Thank you for your dishes!
The children love you
After all, your food is a miracle!


We will be very bored
By your porridge and soups,
We will remember the cutlets ...
We are very grateful to you!


Thank you for breakfast, dinners,
Thank you for hearty food
For soups and porridge, and cutlets,
We will be very bored by pancakes!


What a pity we have to say goodbye,
Alas, we leave a kindergarten!
Thank you very much, cook,
After all, you feed you delicious all the guys!


Supodeli, Kashevara,
Thanks from the guys
You made delicious the most
Our favorite kindergarten.


Thank you for your care
Hello from graduates,
We will remember we compotes
Even after many years!


Thank you for delicious dinners
For the fact that they were nearby,
Let troubles bypass
And you are always happy.


We congratulate you on the graduation,
And we will remember about you
We only wish you many years
Smiles will be every hour.


Thank you for everything, of course,
We will be bored with you all,
And we will remember the kindergarten forever
Let happiness go on the heels.

Ditties for graduation about kindergarten

Ditties for graduation about kindergarten
Ditties for graduation about kindergarten

Ditties for graduation about kindergarten:

We will sing about kindergarten
About toys, about guys,
How we live here together,
We dance, we sing songs.


We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh!
Don't look at us like that -
We can fasten!


Maybe somewhere not in rhyme,
Maybe somewhere out of place.
We composed ditties
About our native kindergarten.


There are clouds in the blue sky,
There will be a rain or hail.
Olya asks for pens
On the way to kindergarten!


So as not to oversleep in the kindergarten,
We need to try -
Mom must be asked
At 5 o’clock, rise.


Wow, oh you, girls and boys,
Wow, oh you jump like bunnies!

Alla was sitting at the table,
Behind the plate I thought
Pinocchio hooked on her,
All the compote and porridge ate.


I asked my grandmother
To buy me a bag,
Aunt shoes for me, buy me,
Well, the grandfather walk.


Will be Vanya - an engineer,
Lenochka will be a doctor.
Vera will become a teacher, but for now we are singing:
Wow, you, ah, you are all astronauts.


They came to the garden, and our nanny
The third time washed the floor
Silently the floors are stubbornly
Whoever passes by!
Wow, oh you, girls and boys,
Wow, oh you jump like bunnies!


In the morning, our Mila
I gave two sweets.
I barely managed to give
I immediately ate them.


We walked towards Tolya and Kolya,
One hundred bottles dragging.
They say they were looking
Old man Hottabych!


The nurse smears green
Sometimes sores are for us.
Makes vaccinations even
From diseases we always.


How we came to kindergarten-
Were very small
We were taught to draw
We became remote.


I went to my grandmother,
Cheerful and removal:
I am my snub -haired nose
Two dozen was based!


In the morning we are brought by mothers
And we are stubborn.
In the locker room, we’ll tear
And then we are going to play.


I found my mom's shoes
In high heels
Once stepped, two fell
I almost broke my legs.


In kindergarten is having fun
Unbearable people.
At a quiet hour he can’t sleep,
He sings in half a voice:

The educators with us -
This is just the upper class!
They put on heels,
Like fashion models!


For charging every day
We come together
Because "worm"
We need to crawl.


Lead the kids to us to the garden
By the clock and not the clock.
And how does the evening come
They forget to pick them up.


I'm running to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead mom by the hand,
In order for mommy
I congratulated everyone on the holiday!


Our favorite kindergarten,
Many different guys here!
All are so different
And so cool!


Says a lazy person:
"Take your bed!"
And the lazy person: “Mom,
I'm still small. "


Don't scold me, Alina,
Get rather with me.
I am very soon from school
I will bear your briefcase.


I was too lazy in the morning of Vova
Comb the scallop,
A cow came to him,
Combed my tongue!


Music plays loudly
In the music room,
This is a musician again
Playing the piano!


Dasha gnawed before bedtime
And finished in the morning
Not a marshmallow, not pastille,
Lipstick with mother of pearl!


Our educators
They love silence very much.
Why do not like to make noise
Well, I don’t understand?!


Saying goodbye to mom in the morning
Fall into our hands
Ten crying girls
And a screaming little boy.


It was swimming to swim a turtle.
And bit everyone with fear
I'm afraid of anyone!


In heroic Lena with laziness
Fought all day
But, to the big sadness,
Lenus defeated Lenus.


For charging we in the morning
We walk with the mood,
And it ends -
We leave with regret.

Graduation ditties at school

Graduation ditties at school
Graduation ditties at school

Graduation ditties at school:

I remember, September in the morning
Mom brought to school.
I'm with a tie, with a bouquet!
Mom, what a shame?
I am a kid! I'm in Adidas
I always went to kindergarten!

They told me: “This is a school!
Be diligent here and sweet. ”
What can you do here,
Accepted the rules of the game.


I went into the class ... Who are you?
Answer: "Schools!"
Okay, there are no more questions.
Less, however, is not either.
Nothing, I gradually
I myself will find all the answer.

They looked like me
My classmates.
They quickly got together with them,
I distributed places -
Who and where should sit here,
As if shoulder to shoulder
We will study for so many years
At least I don't really want to.

No cars, no toys ...
There is no semolina porridge either?
Hmm, and the school is better!
Positive moment!

The first three or four years
It was cool and easy -
Arithmetic is simple,
And I read well.
And then tired of
I tried to skip
And the lesson was difficult first ...
It’s better to sleep an extra hour.


In high school, certainly
I ran away from physical education -
Cross with an obstacle to the house,
And you can’t say - skipped.


In general, the school was cool,
I strained a little bit.
True, I remember very little,
So to speak - the very essence.
Nothing, I'm at the university
I will understand everything for a week
And I will lead the abstract,
And in pairs I will not fall asleep.

And what time is studying?
I get up even earlier?
Oh sorry, sorry, sorry,
And when is I walking?

No, I'm an adult, I understand
I'm not a schoolboy almost.
I promise to correct
On my conscience.

I just realized how beautiful
There was a shkolotny life here,
Like a hand, gallant
Seeing from the yard.

It is useless to break out -
They want to hand a certificate.
I don't understand what it is?
I don't want to leave!


Papa Pasha, dad Pasha
I inserted windows at our school
But did not become smarter than Pavel
Dad did not insert the brain to his son.


Walked up the stairs of Didro
Stepped in a bucket
Screamed dirty with fear
Feurbach disturbed.


Tomatoes, tomatoes
Tomatoes - vegetables
It is impossible to pass the exam
Without outside help.


I don't want to take the exam
This muck is not for me
I will go to study in vocational schools
In life, more useful.


At school instead of physical education
Today is the collection of waste paper
Graduates helped -
They brought diaries.


Our school without repair
All is already cracking at the seams
The director has no money -
Buys a new jeep.


In the office of physics
Shiziki fell
Only a scream and a mat is heard
Here is such a physician.


On their works, girls
They learned to drive the moonshine
We must not be lazy -
In life is useful.


And the guys are on the works
What they do - yes just ah!
Four stools
Sprinkled into chips.


They showed me the picture
Where there is a pestle and stamens
Explained the essence and business
I have not blown up for a long time.


I smoked in the toilet
The cigarette smoked
Such are the manners
Though the first -grader.


Our school is out
Our school on the edge
Therefore, they don't go to us
We have quiet, like in paradise.


Our rural school
School has nine people
And on all nine
There are only one set of books.

Ditties for graduation about school

Ditties for graduation about school
Ditties for graduation about school

Graduation ditties about school:

The classmate told me
So that I respect him.
How can I respect him?
The eye marched to me again!


I have a classmate
Heaked, brothers, three rubles!
He did not give him three rubles:
Only the figure showed ...


A classmate is for a show
I marched me, brothers, eyes.
How I do not like him ...
The time will come - I will avenge!


My classmate is useful
Yes, it’s good!
There is only one catch:
You will not find a "brain" there.


I am a classmate today
He showed his company to a sensory!
In vain, he "teeth" showed:
I did not read three teeth ...


Lesha is at a break
Is engaged in smoking,
He was always ruddy,
He became yellow as a lemon.


On the grass are firewood,
And on the chair - a button.
I looked at the head
And the ass is suffering!


Petya Katya pounded
- Even healed:
Maybe he fell in love?


I didn't answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And she was placed in the diary
Masty duckling!


Who is pushing in the buffet?
Does it break forward? -
Pity Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!


In the lesson we chatted
Not noticed anything.
And then they looked for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga.


At school is heard here and there
The cocks and din.
There are fighting
We have our own roosters.


Dima Hearing developed good.
Maybe without fear
Listen standing at the board,
From the distant desk of a clue.


Though not very assessments,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He moves his ears.


Even on a birthday day
Yura out of habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Jitted by the pigtails!


Vova to School Late
Explains simply:
- And to study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!


Once Olya received
Sasha’s note,
Lend me to the dictation
Summary pen.


Nikolai decided an example
And Sergey interfered with him.
Here, guys, you are an example,
How can you decide an example!


Once with a friend on the day of laughter
Changed - that's fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “m” and “g”.


Seryozha walked in the park
And did not learn the lesson.
Took and hid under the desk,
So no one could find.


Create cool on the parquet!
It’s a pity there are no skates with me.
The form is dirty in the end -
Well, at least the legs are whole.


What whisper is heard in the class?
Who bothers us so much?
It's just someone with someone
Something is discussing.


Our friend was tired,
From the lesson, just a mock.
Why is he so tired? -
He waited for the whole lesson to call.


I went to school on the way
Moving his legs a little.
Here are the steps. Here is the threshold.
Then the lesson ended!


We are not used to deuces,
Doubles are so easy to grab,
There is no need to teach anything -
That's the reward for this.


The earring was called to the board
But the earrings are silent,
Because the whole lesson
He looked out the window.


Grief at Katya,
Everyone sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in the pocket of the dress
The cheat sheet fell.


If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
I have to learn.


Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one record!


In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.


If you are my friend,
They rescued from the misfortune.
Raise your hand soon
So that they don't call me!


Valya tormented the comb,
I did a hairstyle for school.
I was tormented, tormented,
But it turned out a scarecrow!


Woodwood colorful with sharp beak
Filting a sonorous pine.
Two forty in the lesson
Disrupt the silence.


I'm going to school with flowers,
I hold my mom by the hand.
Because of a magnificent bouquet
I do not find doors.

Ditties for graduation in grade 4: words

Ditties for graduation in grade 4: words
Ditties for graduation in grade 4: words

Graduation ditties in grade 4 - words:

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.


In the book of Guinness with a record
I haven't hit yet
At least I can for a change
Eat four pies!


Well, there are still records
To achieve in the lessons,
To mom, and dad,
Do not scare the diary!


Mom doesn't allow me
Jump and scream at school.
Growth - at the disco
I will "go" to go!


I drag the portfolio heavy:
In the fourth grade I study.
Yes, while I graduate from school,
I will turn off from study!


Grief at Tanya,
Everyone is sorry for Tanya -
From a hole in her pocket
The cheat sheet fell.


Zhenya went out to answer
But I did not know where to start.
The hour was silent, then said:
"Ulyana Ivanovna, call."


If you are my girlfriend
From the misfortune they rescued:
Raise your hand soon
So that they do not call me.


They learned very quickly
Vika with Nastya is a new verse.
And the four received
To regret, for two.


Our Andrey that week
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her -
Clean, wash or wash.


Though not very assessments,
Vanya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He moves his ears.


We joked a little
Laughed at themselves
If something was added -
So the misconduct is small!


All ditties quail
We think that they are good
So patry more friendly
We tried from the heart.


There is a barbar in our class,
Zhenya, Vera and Tatyana.
Vicki two and two hazits
That's all our girls!


And the boys are our class,
Mikes Adidas are worn.
There is Nikita and Andrey,
Zhenya, Misha and Sergey!


Do not forget about Ostap,
Vitya, Igor, Ivan.
There is Sasha Mischievous,
This is our graduation class!

Ditties for graduation - grade 9: words

Ditties for graduation - grade 9: words
Ditties for graduation - grade 9: words

Graduation ditties - grade 9 - words:

School of many generations!
We will sing about her now!
A lot of vivid impressions
I accumulated with us! (together)


I have been studying about 9 years,
I will not overtake anyone
After all, they scare a little right away:
"I'll tell my mother everything!"
(About mother of class hands.)


Pythagorian pants
In all directions are equal!
Why there is no theorem
About the sweatshirt and the Joers?


I fell in love with the president
Only my dreams about him!
I painted it:
"Putin gives me flowers."


I turn on the TV
"Bazhenov's ratings."
Everything that was shot there is not new
ObZh is used!


Where are you, my Tatyana,
What will a letter write to me?
How could Onegin reject?
I don’t understand him!


Oh, these standards ....
Push -ups, jumping ...
You would better before the table
Our speed was spotted!


Previously to onions in a microscope
There was an attraction
And now I'm interested in
Topic: "Propagation"!


Obsessed with a large -scale net,
Passion, how Azimuth I love!
On a date to my Svetka
I will come according to the compass!


I respect English!
The trend is new words:
Lol, okay, respect and wow ...
How did the country live without them?


I love Chopin
I love Shostakovich!
After music lessons
I do not recognize Pops!


I'm from the era of the mesozois
And to this time
That the history of Russia,
I live in it, in love with it!


Halogen, salt, gases ...
I love chemistry, already passion!
I'm trying to laboratory assistance
2 years already to get


Oh, vocabulary words!
I will always remember you!
Flavor, courage, baggage,
Diplomat and vernissage!
(Rus. Language)


I'm sitting in prostration
From career guidance!
About me, gaining 3 points,
I learned a lot of new things!
(psychology, career.)


From the Internet I go for
About laws and rights,
I learned at the "Society"
I also have them!
(social science.)


I'm on Newton's physics
I checked all laws.
Pears, apples, loaves
I threw it in a SUTONOSK!


I'm at breakfast, lunch,
Gluttered head, I am flying!
If you make an extension,
I’ll get another afternoon snack!
(About cooks and delicious food.)


At the Vakhtersh exams
I did not let the left into class.
With her, the cleaners in the team
Replace all special forces!


We sang ditties to you
These are the schools.
You have a big bow from us!
Is it cool?

Ditties for graduation - 11th grade: words

Ditties for graduation - 11th grade: words
Ditties for graduation - 11th grade: words

Graduation ditties - 11th grade - words:

Mathematics for us -
Acting torment,
And like torture by our
Finding root.


Chemistry and physics
Complex sciences.
We see the formulas - trouble
We lower our hands.


We include us on music
Schubert and Bach
And we want pop
Baba to the whole class.


We are with English
Fight with great difficulty,
We know only we are “good bye!”
Well, it’s better to say goodbye.


If you call Pushkin
In our literary class,
He would not wait long -
He shot himself at the same hour.


And in computer science
Our brain freezes,
Because memory
The brain is not enough.


We love geography
Strictly studying
Where to fly on vacation
Choose for a long time.


We composed ditties
About the native school,
Well, in each included
Humor in a conjure.


Our cool leader
In our class super-leader!
You can entrust everything to him,
Only if carefully.


We are no longer kids
We don't need pencils
So as not to carry bags,
We can solve everything in the mind.


We are now graduates,
Behind the exercise.
That's why playful
Our mood!


We are responding to the director
We will show him the diaries.
We care about him -
We pour valerian.


Dad is called to school,
And they will probably praise there.
Dad, red with embarrassment,
Give me a belt on my birthday!


We are too lazy to write cheat sheets,
The hand will get tired!
Okay Google - no problem
Google will give answers to everyone.


In our school, graduation,
The Trudovik went into the binge.
So what, but physical
Suddenly encoded!


I will put on the graduation
White dress,
Maybe someone in him
Get married!


I received a diploma
Ah, five, how many in it!
Do not meet me from the threshold
So daddy with a belt!


I fell in love with me, girls,
Watchman - Uncle Vasya,
Maybe for me for the second year
Is it staying at school?


How we have been waiting for you for a long time
Our graduation evening,
To dance with your beloved
At the ball at the meeting.


Our physical education is like an acrobat,
On a log taught girls,
He held once on his side,
And full of ruddy cheeks.


The physicist told us
How to assemble an electrical science,
But she didn't tell us
That the brains need to have.


I remember was drawing
They painted the whole portrait
I sighed the label
With foreign cigarettes.


Checking geometry,
I want to write off as soon as possible
You need to make it quickly
The neck was completely numb.
And the teacher laughs everything
It is not possible to peep.


We wrote an essay
About your holidays,
Everyone beautifully described
Who saw dreams.


I remember sang to the stumps
Our Nikita sang loudly,
As it turned out later,
He ate the eggs for breakfast.

Ditties to teachers for graduation

Ditties to teachers for graduation
Ditties to teachers for graduation

Ditties to teachers for graduation:

Ah, our teachers!
Well, the persistent people!
Neither illness nor misfortune -
Does nothing take them!


Eight troubles - one answer!
I'll go to the teacher's council!
Let everyone scold me there,
I have not known fear for a long time!


There is pine on the mountain,
Under the city of Cherry.
Our school is good!
And the facade came out.


Mini skirts are very fashionable,
Mini dresses, mini-skirts.
And the salaries were mini:
Once, another - and not at all.


In front of the school Tryn-grass,
Flowers do not grow
Though they are sown every year
At this fashion point.


Russians are strong people,
Oh, desperate people!
He is robbed and fooling around
And he dances and sings!


I come to school in the morning
Fresh, holder.
And I'm leaving school


In the morning I am going to school:
Curls curl!
I will take seven lessons -
Scums do not bend!


The head teacher walks, the head teacher walks,
Walks, smiles.
Oh, I'm afraid that it’s not good:
Rebeling is planned.


I went to the dining room
I found nothing there:
Two dried up cakes,
Well, no more fig!


I gave the salary
His daughter Ellochka.
She bought it for her
Eskimo on a stick.


I received a salary.
I planned a hundred purchases
Brought her home
There is no purchase.


And our historian
There are plugs on the ears
Does not want to hear anything
He says that Lenin is breathing.


And chemist once
Almost fell asleep
She guys instead of boron
Kvass was poured into a cone.


Who will not take the falsetto
A rag plugs the mouth
This is not a tormentor at all
These are music teachers.


The physicist conducted experience,
Inspired by Tesla.
There is no school, he flew away himself
Only a chair remained


Our teacher of Russian
Doesn't call, but calls
He lays and puts
Does not pick up books


Like a mathematician
All circles-squares,
Balls for rollers
Calculates nols


Our biologist is very smart
Darwin did not stand nearby
He crossed the beaver and pumpkin
Pumpkin-beobble ran away


Our biologist for crafts
Collects dead protein
They play from the sobs
He already has a "squirrel"


In gym class
We sat down a thousand times.
The physical education
Crawled into a neighboring class

Ditties about children at graduation at school

Ditties about children at graduation at school
Ditties about children at graduation at school

Ditties about children at graduation at school:

Having handed over in Russian work,
I was waiting for the result on Saturday.
Dad got a deuce -
Poorly illuminated the topic!

The chorus is repeated after each verse:

I will sell you a verse-
You want to believe, but you want not.
Dad solved me the problem,
I passed the notebook and cry -
The teacher says, took
I integrated without asking.


With Petya cone volume
We calculated together
"Minus eight" was the answer,
There is a cone, volume - no!


Katya flew to school like that
I did not put a uniform in school.
The whole lesson considered Katya
I am peas on the dressing gown.


I answered in the lesson -
Our teacher in fainting
From my ignorance
He has no consciousness.


The teacher Tole says:
"What are you rushing around school?"
“And who to wear me?
Is it a head teacher to ask? "


I taught my sister Masha:
"You need to eat porridge with a spoon!"
Eh! In vain taught -
I got a spoon on my forehead.


The school has a long corridor.
Kostya rushes at full speed.
Do not touch him on a gallop
He is not Kostya - a frisky horse!


Dima conducted experience
To tear out ink.
Mom was very surprised:
"Where is the deuce?" "Oppressed!"


Stas is a diligent student,
He wrote in his diary:
“You must certainly eat
Sandword at a break. "


The school contest "Miss Spring".
Who is the spring? Who is she?
The title of that one went to Kolya,
Kolya was in Olya's clothes.


Having rested at sea somewhere,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
What are the changes?
Pants became knees.


Two sisters Galya with Valya
They were almost late at school,
They tied two laces:
Left Galin, Right Valin.


There are two twins in the class,
The same from the face.
At the board first,
With diaries - two at once.


In the singing lesson
Viti has no patience -
He wants to sing, but where is he - hearing?
No wonder the surname is a rooster.


Valentine is a singer with us.
He has a chic bass,
But he is silent, opening his mouth,
Like a hippo zoo.


Clever I am sitting in the saddle
On a beautiful horse,
He only rushes barely ...
That horseman on the carousel.


Lenechka went to the gym.
Lenya rocked the muscles.
He defended the girl -
Komarov nailed on it.


Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the universal.
“Mom, but there are no cereals there,
I had to buy sweets! "


I don’t understand why
In the "parachute" we write yu,
After all, arithmetic is simple -
One is a jester here or two of them.


Says in Russian Yura:
"I have a temperature,
I can't tell the poem
My memory has shocked "


I wrote in a notebook,
I checked with a boost.
I hit, hit
So that the desk broke!


Oh, I'm tired, tired -
The roots dug all day.
Not in the forest and not in the garden,
And in words in his notebook!


Vova turned to God:
- The request to fulfill mine,
Make it in dictations
Chu was written through Yu!


I am with the title letter "Vova"
Does not intend to write
Let him stop first
We, girls, offend us!


Oh, your ears guys
We should not trust.
Even though we are sometimes hearing,
The letter "o" should write!


Oh, I don't remember again
The word "thicket" is how to write!
With the letter "I"? Or maybe without?
I’ll write better the “forest”!


- "I run" and "he runs"
What is the time, Gene?
Genka did not think for long:
- This is a change!


In today's lesson
We were taught to take away!
How could I listen to it
Sitting quietly and silent!


-Ah, my vovochka-loving
I knew the Zubok table!
The tooth was pulled out from Vova,
And now teach everything again!


By heart, ask mom,
I know all the words of advertising.
And the table, how is it
I will not remember in any way!


All the guys know in the world
Twice two - always four!
And who does not agree with this,
He is dangerous for society!


All day I am "X" I am looking for
What an equation!
Here I will let go of the dog,
Let him find a solution!


We teach English together
There are successes and progress:
Instead of "yes" now everywhere
We answer the choir "EU"!

Ditties from parents for graduation

Ditties from parents for graduation
Ditties from parents for graduation

Ditties from parents for graduation:

We know a lot of ditties -
And good and bad.
It’s good to listen to it
Who does not know any.


Hey, mammers, laughter,
Singeat ditties,
Singer fun
To please the guests.


Mom ladies loudly:
- How the program changes!
By notebooks of son Vasya
I don’t understand in which class it is.


Ah, today is a holiday in the house,
Cabbage pies -
Petya learned lessons,
Everything and even oral!


Dad, dear mom,
What kind of allergies do you have?
How do you take notebooks
Everyone is shaking in a fever.


Oh, how in time my dad is
All so smoothly bald
And not that, looking into my diary,
He would be very gray!


-Devtor, son, is not visible
Lost it again?
- No, I gave it to Seryoga,
To scare your ancestors!


If, Petya, you later
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
A terrible compromise!


Children were visited by the circus,
The tricks have seen.
After the tricks of all
The diaries are gone!


-What kind of gaps in the notebook? -
Mom was indignant.
“This is,” Vova explains, “
Place for advertising.


- Why Katya's tasks
Resolved again by the father?
- So my mother did not have time -
I was engaged in a cold!


They flew quietly
These glorious days.
Look how matured
Our daughters and sons.


The doors will open you soon
New institutions,
Do not forget what you taught
After admission!


The ditty has a beginning
The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Frankly, well done!


All ditties quail
We think that they are good
So patry more friendly:
We tried from the heart.


We will sing ditties now,
You will recognize yourself in them.
We joked a little
About teenagers.


Vanya recently was late,
Went to bed late on the couch.
Where was Vanya at night?
The urns in the square were falling.


Silence is like this
So physics is coming.
You can even hear if a fly
In the classroom on the floor will fall.


Why physical education
Steam falls from all children?
Running to the norms all handed over,
As if driving horses!


Sasha was a brave boy,
Circular Tangens killed.
And now all the equalities
They scatter into the waves.


Vova was also “smart”,
Only three letters memorized.
And he always writes boldly
There are so skillfully on the desk.


With elegant bangs
Many holes in the head?
That the girl will not learn
Everything will drown like in the water.


Borya drives a school system
And the speech says.
So the guys mint a step,
The school rings with glass.


The Constitution was taught -
The flag and the coat of arms, and the new anthem.
And when they asked about them,
Everyone forgot how one.


On history asked,
Who took Kazan from the khan.
It turned out voluntarily
Khan Rus gave her.


Drawing in drawing
Wooden gates.
It turned out on the paper
A mousetrap for a cat.


The geographer on the map
All Yamal disappeared yesterday.
It turned out that Seryozha
For 5 years I leased.


With a friend of Vitya there is diamonds
They will look for from autumn.
Or geologists will become,
Or they can become steep.


We sang ditties to you,
Everyone was amused.
It would be nice if in life
You have not waned!

Cool ditties for graduation - text

Cool ditties for graduation - text
Cool ditties for graduation - text

Cool ditties for graduation - Text:

Andrei quickly runs
And he moves off the hill
And at the desk he trembles
Like a mouse in a mink!


Vovka was very risked,
And he painted on the desk.
Yes, I drew this
What deprived the girls of peace ...


Getting up, study something
You need to know when to finish.
An unfinished lesson -
However, it will not work for the future.


Our Oleg, dirty noble,
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her -
Clean, wash or wash.


Our Rustam is dumb and sleepy,
He is always in prostration.
He is absent -minded, like a cat
The cat after castration.


In order to make a smart look
To fool all teachers -
Talking cheat sheet
It is necessary to cure in a blouse.


Our Maxim at a break
Is engaged in smoking,
He used to be rosy,
And it became yellow, like a lemon.


Fat Misha on the couch
I went through the whole day.
Because with a overturning
He experiences laziness.


Why our Igor
Looks angrily, like a ferret?
- Because Lena again
I did not let the lesson write off.


Our chicken is grouse
Puts with a paw on the sand.
Our Olya is the same
He writes with a pen on the leaflet.


Dima is sighing, sighing,
Nonsense mutters at the board ...
Everyone yawns. Dry
Even flies from longing.


Kolya game on the Internet
Loved like an addict.
Stupidly staring at his gadget,
Thoughts - zero, in the head - fog.


Our Vadim is a rich boy,
But by no means a gentleman.
He is stupid and rude,
His dad is a businessman.


Zhora went out to answer
But I did not know where to start.
But before there was an excellent student,
How could he grind like that?


Sitting a vovochka, hiccups,
The essence of the lesson does not delve into.
Rightly! It will not continue
Watch pornography!


Our teacher leaned over
And he put his nose under his desk
And I saw it there,
That he made his diarrhea.


Our Nikita in the lessons
Forever sang something
Under his thieves' songs
Fizruku himself marched.


How Tamara will be stared,
How it starts to look point blank -
So all thoughts are lost
And there is a constipation.


Lech behaved like a woman -
He did not answer for the bazaar
And in answers to questions
Something muddy mumbled.


Galya handed over physics,
She answered at the board.
I was barely dragged
- We are physically close!


Write off mathematics
Allowed Lenka.
Well, have to kiss
With her on a break.


We threw at the teacher
Crumpled piece of paper,
And the director is in the window -
Dried poop.


Despite untidiness
Dima is very famous
Because in the lessons
He moves his ears.


Our Galya is not a nun
Though it seems quiet.
If necessary, will be a removal,
It doesn't seem a little.


Pavel laughs louder than everyone
Roma is spitting further than everyone,
Alla sings the most ringing more
And Marina gives everyone (write off).


To the teacher Cyril
He looks stupidly like a moron.
The careless boy has
There are only girls in my head.


Played by dope
Virtual games,
Not capable of studying
And the deeds are real.


Who is for hours inseparable
He sits in his gadget
He is underdeveloped with the brain
And has a pale look.


Our Vitalik, Balabol,
He loves chips and football.
Wears dirty socks
And yawns at the board.


The excellent student Irina
Cheeks like tangerines,
A chubby tummy
And a slobbery mouth.


Lariska is vocal
A languid look and the front is fleshy.
And Nastya's ass is more modest
But she is smarter.


Natashenka is talkative
A lush bust and a playful disposition.
Katya is more difficult to master
But she is more tender.


Immatable Andryushka
Could behave like a pig
- He told Natasha
About funny poop.


Like our Valentina
Thoughts like web
- So confusing, infection,
What to basic with her without a mase.


Our cool leader
I am not able to delve into the essence:
Turn to her with a question
And she will begin to hiccup.


Our director is so cultural
Expressed obscene,
That I won myself in law
Respect and glory.


Our head teacher is so nightmare
Like grandmother Yaga -
Demonically insidious
And ruthlessly strict.


Our head teacher is like a moon
Cool and pale.
And physical education - with muffled mug
Similar to the cake.


Vasya fell in love with the girl,
Every day he gave a flower
Offering a hand, heart
And elastic proboscis.


We will set up teachers
On the lyrical motive,
Giving him to the Day of Knowledge
Poetic creative!


We will set up teachers
To the desire to fall asleep.
After all, when he is in a sleepy form
It is easier to deceive.


I will pretend to be a baby
I will run naked!
Songs loud yell
And sunbathe under the sun.


When the lesson ended
Hurry up, children, to the catering block.
School bagels -
The most funny!


We scold children in the spring
We send three letters.
Which ones, do you tell?
On the exam! - It's time to know

Funny ditties on graduation - text

Funny ditties for graduation - Text
Funny ditties on graduation - text

Funny ditties on graduation - Text:

In our class there are such
- write off together.
And they grow out of them baldbes,
Who needs it?


The car rides outside the window
Yellow with a miga,
I am taken today with red -handed -
With a long cheat sheet.


I couldn't live homemade
Perform a task,
And the teacher lost
Self -control.


Katya will stand at the board -
It seems like a dog.
- He knows everything and understands
But he is silent, however.


Our Sveta has a talent
- Muddy give answers.
Words wagon, but everything is slurred
What said is incomprehensible.


Our craftswoman is Ksyusha
Hang on everyone noodles on your ears,
How Ksyusha will open -
Be sure to lie.


At school Masha at the board
The eye does not dare to raise.
So fell in love with the teacher
What is stupid with him ...


Katya with Masha in the lesson
Tarathorni like forty.
To make them be silent
- We must call.


Our maxim, noble excellent student,
Everyone is good, but incomprehensible.
Writes, studies books,
What around does not notice.


Vasya sighs plaintively,
Smallly looks at the ceiling.
Do you think he fell in love?
-No, he should write off a lesson!


Alla stands at the board
And almost crying.
Very narrow jeans are narrow
And the tasks are complex.


Our Anya was dishedsome,
All Anyuta is sorry -
From a hole in her pocket
The cheat sheet fell.


Vasya's nose perforated
Contour map.
Blushed, and from shame
He hid under the desk.


In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who is dancing, who sings
- Just not to study!


If you take a large notebook
And draw a thuja in it,
Yes enter a rhyme there
- It will be just a shock!


The sprat swims in a tomato,
And the black eye is putting on.
Galya got a deuce
He says - the last time!


Edik was so lazy at school,
What was reported from the class,
The teachers flared up
And the exam was overwhelmed.


As a director of our school
Issued such a decree:
Who will not learn lessons
Will be lowered into the toilet.


Volodka's lessons
Forever problems.
Again a word of three letters
He wrote in a notebook.

Funny ditties for graduation - Text

Funny ditties for graduation - Text
Funny ditties for graduation - Text

Funny ditties on graduation - Text:

We are girlfriends, laughter,
We live cheerfully at school!
"Old people" their ditties
We’ll preach today!


So that you sang, have fun,
And they clapped their hands.
After all, no wonder more pood
Salts together broke.


You are all cool,
At school, many were famous.
But when they came for the first time, -
They hid behind the portfolios.


Quickly years flew by
School days are with them.
They did not have time to look around - -
You are already graduates.


Guys everything, as for selection,
Slender and okay.
For girls are a mountain -
Bold, brave.


And the girls are queens,
Do not find the words of others.
At least today Miss Universe
Everyone can shine.


How to part pain
With an expensive cabinet.
At least, of course, cool
To immediately become so big.


There will be labor everyday life,
There will be holidays in life.
But there is no friend in the whole world,
Better a classmate.


Help will reach out
With a kind word, he will cheer up.
Well, if anyone gets
It will fly more than the wind.


Someone will become an oligarch
Someone as president.
From fate we wish you
Only applause.


So that you live very sweet,
Build money.
Well, to school, if it is not a pity,
Find a little.


Come to us more often,
A friendly family is waiting for you.
And now we wish you all
You are neither fluff nor a pen!


Who does not think positively -
It is disgusting to live in life.
Happiness does not come to the house
Where they whine day after day.


I don't know how you are
And we have at the holiday
They made all the girls laugh
Boys - pranksters.


So that the ability to learn
To educate in your brain -
You need to eat right
And rest culturally.


In the lesson I am sitting
I look at the teacher.
Than he loads more,
The more I slow down.


In the garden of a swan,
On the wattle fingers.
In the exam - trouble,
I did not teach lessons!


Wider my children's horizons
In all sections of knowledge.
I love girls, football
And in the courtyard of the festivities.


To study well -
It is not necessary to count the raven
And give a job to the brain,
Smart books read!


Lariska, a girlfriend,
The nose is snub and freckles.
The ears stick out cheerfully,
Lara is better than all girls!


Our Vitalik at the board
How the lavish shines
Even a cactus on the window
He blushes for him.


Our Olya is like a dog
He knows a lot, but is silent.
And Sergey for all questions
Something muddy muddy.


Ruslan, at Balbes,
There is no interest in life -
Then he is sleepy and lazy,
It will rush like a gelding blue.


The pigeon flew in the sky,
And after him is forty.
And Vadim fell asleep again
In the middle of the lesson.


Like school, at the gate
Galya cries bitterly -
Fill her into a snowdrift
Uglint Borka!


I would go to the loafers,
Let me teach me -
Do something good
And not to do it - better!

Video: School ditties or graduation in elementary school

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