Merry script for the festival of Shrovetide on the street with games for adults and children. Songs poems, ditties and congratulations for the festival of Shrovetide: Texts

Merry script for the festival of Shrovetide on the street with games for adults and children. Songs poems, ditties and congratulations for the festival of Shrovetide: Texts

From our article you will learn how to organize the celebration of Shrovetide for a large company on the street. We will also rearrange the list of the most interesting games for children and adults.

Pancake week - This is a cheerful winter holiday with noisy games, festivities and interesting fun for children and adults. He appeared even in ancient times, when people believed in the fact that in order for spring to come, the winter should be driven away. Therefore, at the end of winter, they necessarily made a straw stuffed animal and burned it on the main square of their cities and villages. They accompanied this process with songs, dancing and funny ditties.

With the advent of Christianity, Shrovetide from a pagan holiday turned into Slavic. People also gathered in the squares, burned a scarecrow, but put into it a completely different meaning. Since Shrovetide is celebrated before the greatest post, the housewives tried to feed their relatives and friends, dishes that could not be eaten for a rather long period. From here came the tradition of baking for this holiday pancakes with different fillings.

Merry script for the festival of Shrovetide on the street

The script of the holiday

If you want the wires of winter to go as fun as possible, then take care so that at the holiday it is interesting for both children and their parents. To begin with, find a spacious place, install at least a small scene and musical equipment there. Nearby, place an unexplored straw scarecrow and a couple of high pillars with gifts.

Be sure to make sure that guests of the holiday can buy hot tea, pancakes with different fillings and all kinds of pies. Also take care of decorating the area. Decorate it with snowflakes, garlands, sparkling artificial rain and multi -colored balls. All this Christmas tinsel, combined with a correctly selected musical accompaniment, will help you create the right atmosphere of the holiday.

Holiday participants:

  1. Leading
  2. Pancake week
  3. Buffoon (if there are many people at the festival, then such characters may take 2 or 3)


  • Leading: Hello guests and you are Shrovetide Winter Beauty. It's time for us to see you and meet the red spring. And since you came to us on white horses, but on painted sleigh, it is time for you to leave until the sun began to warm.
  • Pancake week: Okay, I will retreat and will retire until next year. But if you want spring to come soon, then fulfill several of my wishes. As soon as I get everything I want, I will leave immediately and will not show up until the next winter.
  • Buffoon: Say what you want. We are ready to decorate you, welcome it fun and loudly, if only you saved us from the cold and frost.
  • Pancake week: While I was guesting all my beads, I lost all my beads. Until I get them, I will not go anywhere. Yes, just do not give me my old ones, I want to get new and very beautiful.

The presenter appears on the stage, chooses those who wish guests and gives them an inventory for the manufacture of beads. After they are made, they are handed over to Maslenitsa to fun.

  • Buffoon: Well, you are satisfied with the winter beauty. We tried to make a beautiful and strong decoration for you so that it would serve you the whole next year.
  • Pancake week: Yes, the beads turned out more beautiful than the previous one, but I’m going to smoke on a straw scarecrow and I see that it does not look like me at all. Until you decorate it as it should not be given to you warmth and sun.

The host again appears on the stage and begins to choose those who want to decorate the straw stuffed up. Having chosen the right number of people, he gives them the inventory, and they begin to wear and paint a straw stuffed up to the music. The rest of the guests at this time can drive round dances.

  • Buffoon: Now, when we decorated the scarecrow, you will retreat? Or will there be more wishes?
  • Pancake week: If I am an dear guest for you, then you should accompany me accordingly. I want to get the most delicious pancake cake!

The host again goes on stage and chooses people who will make several pancakes. In order for all guests to see the cooking process well, tables with ready -made pancakes, jam and condensed milk should be placed on stage. Ready pancake cakes are cut into portions and distributed to everyone.

  • Buffoon: Well, what about Shrovetide, are you satisfied now?
  • Pancake week: You got me, so harness my sleigh and see me off to fun music.

Shrovetide sits in a wagon harnessed by horses and leaves, and a funny walk with games and entertainments begins in the square, at the end of which a straw stuffed up is necessarily burned.

Games for a fun holiday Shrovetide for adults and children

Shrovetide games and fun

Games for children

Hot pan

A large circle is drawn on the ground, along the edge of which children stand in a row. On command, they raise one leg up and begin to jump onto the second, trying to push the neighbor into an impromptu frying pan. Anyone who could not resist and got inside the circle drops out of the game. The game continues until one winner remains.

Fun buffoons

Prepare a few hats with bells in advance and distribute them to the children. Next, invite them to show the habits of the animals they know. For example, they can show how a cat, a bear, a hare, a pig or goose walks. Children should do all this to fun music. To the one who tried most of all, you can give out an inexpensive present. Other participants suggest dancing all together in hats with bells.

Living picture

We divide the children into teams and invite them to come up with a simple plot of the picture. Then the teams take turns with a pantomime to portray what they planned. Another team must guess what is depicted in a live picture. At the end of the game, all participants receive prizes. Some for the best plot, others for the ability to quickly guess.


To get started, we prepare the inventory. We take a piece of cotton wool and flush it well. When it is over, we put the children in a circle and start the game. Children should take turns to transfer a piece of cotton wool to each other, preventing him from falling to the ground. Anyone who does not have time to throw a flunt receives a Fant. You can invite your child to sing a song, tell a verse or just to do anything interesting. Such a game can continue until all the children try themselves in the role of artists.


In the snow, the snakes are exhibited. They must be placed at least 30 centimeters from each other at a distance. Then the child sits on a broomstick and begins to promote the same snake with the same snake. Everything must be done as quickly as possible, but at the same time do not knock down a single pins. If you want to complicate the task, then let not one, but two babies sit on the broom.

Games for adults

Games for adults

Twisting the rope

A strong rope lies on the ground, bandaged in the middle with a red ribbon. Men are divided into teams and begin to pull the rope over themselves. The team that will pull the opponents to its side wins.


Men should be divided into groups by weight categories, and then each member of the team takes turns raising the weight with his left and right hand. When all participants cope with the task, all climbs are summarized and the winner is declared. Such a competition can be slightly complicated and offered to raise the weight for a while.

Mettle throwing

In the snow, indicate the path along which you can also scatter the line for which you can not go out. A man or woman will have to take a broom for a wooden pen and throw it as far as possible from the run. Such a game can be both single and team.

Relay for adults.

Put two tables and put a compote on them, a bowl of finished pancakes and an empty glass. Break people into teams and start the baton to the music. The first participant must run up and pour compote into a glass, another run up and drink poured, and the third - eat pancake. The team in which the products will end first wins. If desired, the compote can be replaced with warm tea or what a strong drink.

Festive hockey

Such a game can be held both on ice and on an ordinary field, the main thing is that it is snowing. The participants of both teams are given boots, insulated mittens and ordinary sports equipment. The game is held according to the same rules as ordinary hockey, unless the rounds can be done shorter. The winner is announced by the team that defeated more rounds.

The best cook

This competition will like this most of all. They will have to bake the most many pancakes for a certain time, prepare the filling for them, wrap it and serve the finished dish. Anyone who does this is the best of all and will be declared the winner.

Congratulations on the holiday of Shrovetide Official in prose and verses

Congratulations on Shrovetide in Verses
Verse No. 2
Verse No. 3

Official congratulations on Shrovetide:

  • From a pure heart I congratulate you on the most fun winter holiday - Shrovetide. I wish you that all the abundance that today will be present at your tables would not disappear from there the whole next year. Let your house settled in your house, joy, smiles, health and luck. Let the spring approaching us bring you many happy and memorable moments.
  • Just recently, noisy New Year holidays ended, and we approached the celebration of Shrovetide. I wish this winter holiday to become for you the beginning of something new, long-awaited and good. Let all your cherished dreams come true today, and the house will be filled with well -being. Let all the bad disappear with frosts and a blizzard, and spring will delight you with new meetings and achievements.
  • We have to tolerate just a little bit, and the fierce winter will retreat. We will believe that all anxieties, hardships, troubles and illnesses will leave with her. Let's look at our future with optimism, not afraid that some obstacles will arise on our path. With Shrovetide, you are my dear!
  • Let your home always have a children's laugh, your parents will be healthy and your friends or just good people are constantly visiting you. Let the sun always shine over you and your family and dark clouds are never going. I wish you that all your undertakings always bear fruit, and the life road has always been straight and have no steep turns.

Congratulations on the holiday of Shrovetide are funny, comic, cool: in prose and poems

Congratulations on Shrovetide in Verses
Verse No. 2
Verse No. 3

Comic congratulations on Shrovetide:

  • Shrovetide on the threshold, which means that it is time to bake delicious ruddy pancakes. I would like to wish all your pancakes to be eaten, and the wine is all drunk. And so that all this tasty is not postponed on your figure, I wish you the most funny and unbridled dances, round dances and games. Dance and have fun for fame, but do not forget that after the holidays you will find strict bosses and homework.
  • With Shrovetide, you, funny, noisy and fragrant! I wish you to eat from a belly pancakes with delicious fillings, taste wines and nasal for homemade. And let all the problems, hardships, bad thoughts will burn with a stuffed straw, and, of course, the calories gained.
  • Mom, I congratulate you on Shrovetide. I wish you happiness, health, obedient children and grandchildren. And let your most cherished desire come true today. Let the pancakes bake themselves, the filling is prepared independently, and dirty dishes as if magic become clean and sparkling. Try to forget about cooking and cleaning at least today and spend the winter as fun and louder as possible.
  • I wish you that pancakes with the most delicious filling were present at your table all this week. Eat them diligently so that until the next resurrection you cannot get up from the couch. Just joking of course. I wish you simple human happiness so that there is a full bowl, faithful friends and a good salary. Let all these attributes of a successful person will stick to you with the advent of spring and never leave you again. With Shrovetide, you are my dear person.

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

SMS congratulations on Shrovetide

If you want your message to be like a festive one, then be sure to dilute it with funny emoticons. Believe me, even a small sun or snowflake will make printed words more pleasant and warm.


  • Hello beloved girlfriend. The sun has already risen, which means it's time to bake pancakes, eat them to have fun. I wish this day to bring you a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and the ocean of delight. Be happy and always smile.
  • Accept congratulations on Shrovetide Week. Let it be cheerful, bright, kind and will bring a fresh spring breeze to your life, with which great happiness will fall into your house.
  • I congratulate you on Shrovetide, my favorite sister. Be always beautiful, kind and cheerful. Let us have bad people and even the smallest troubles in your life from today in your life.
  • Be always cheerful, fresh and beautiful as a winter beauty Shrovetide. Rejoice in life and bloom further! I really love you my dear person and I want you and I have met more than one spring.
  • With the most sunny festival of winter to you. I wish your life to be long, serene and happy, and so that you always smile as much as today. With Shrovetide you!

Songs for the festival of Shrovetide

Song for children
Song number 1
Song number 2
Song number 3

In principle, at the celebration of Shrovetide, absolutely any songs can sound the main thing that people who are present at the holiday like them. But still there are several, without which you definitely cannot do. At the festival, songs for a meeting and wires of Shrovetide must be sounded. Without them, you cannot but start not to finish the festive action.

If you decide to do without old ritual songs, then turn on modern, just opt \u200b\u200bfor those who talk about pure love, homeland, family hearth, and, of course, about winter and holidays. And since the guys usually get acquainted with the girls on Shrovetide, you can dilute the rest of the songs with any funny dance.

Poems to celebrate Shrovetide

Verse No. 1
Verse No. 2
Verse No. 3

Not a single winter celebration is complete without funny verses. And if now they are most often told exclusively at official events, then earlier, Shrovetide poems knew all the smallest and the oldest. With their help, people escorted Shrovetide, praised their pancakes, invited guests to the house and cheered them up.

Therefore, if you want your family holiday to be the most identical old, then be sure to make your household learn at least one poem.

Ditties for the festival of Shrovetide: Texts

Ditties # 1
Ditties No. 2
Ditties No. 3

Oblings are part of Russian culture, so it is impossible to imagine the wires of winter without them. In this case, you will not be limited in choosing a repertoire and you can sing everything you like. The only thing you should take into account is that they are very poorly combined with electronic music. Therefore, it will be better if you make sure that folk melodies are used as musical accompaniment. Perfectly complement the ditties of harmonica or balalaika.

Video: Shrovetide, signs and fortune telling

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  1. Scenario of the holiday Maslennitsa

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