How to write a prefix without and demon in words in Russian: rule, examples

How to write a prefix without and demon in words in Russian: rule, examples

The basic rules for writing the prefix “without (demon) and other prefixes on“ z ”and“ s ”.

In the process of studying the Russian language, any person in one way or another has problems with writing some words. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in order to perfectly master the Russian language in writing, it is necessary to learn many rules and remember a huge amount of material.

One of these rules is the spelling of the prefixes " WITHOUT" and " Demon". Despite the fact that the topic for assimilation is quite easy, many people who have long graduated from school continue to make mistakes in writing this prefix. In our article you will find a detailed answer to the question when you should write " WITHOUT", and when " Demon».

Image 1. Spelling of prefixes without and demon in Russian.
Image 1. Spelling of the prefixes “without” and “demon” in the Russian language.

The general rule of writing the prefixes “without” and “demons” and other prefixes on “z” and “s”

As you know, the prefix is \u200b\u200ba significant part of the word that is placed in front of the root and is intended to supplement or change the word. The Russian language has about 70 prefixes, some of which do not change under any circumstances. However, the prefixes ending in the letter " H", In some situations are written with the end" FROM».

Except for the prefix " Without (demon)"This category belongs" From (IS)», « Once (races)», « WHO (OS)», « ZA (Sun)», « Bottom (nis)», « Through (too)". The choice of the letter in the end of any of these prefixes will depend on which letter the next prefix or the root of the word begins.

Image 2. Spelling of prefixes on s and s.
Image 2. The spelling of the prefixes on “h” and “s”.
  • The letter " H»Is placed in cases where the next prefix or root of the words begin with a vowel or ringing consonant letter. For example: illiteracy.
    As can be seen from the example, after the prefix " WITHOUT"There is a sonorous consonant" G", So the letter" is written in the end " H».
  • The letter " FROM»Is placed in cases where the next prefix or root of the words begin with deaf consonants. For example: besulture.
    First letter " To»In the root of the word is deaf, so the letter" is written at the end of the prefix " FROM».

Vigorous and deaf consonants of the Russian language

To make it easy to apply the described rule in practice, it is extremely important to learn not only to distinguish vowels and consonants, but also deaf consonants from sonors. If in this case you will be guided exclusively by ear, then at some point he can let you down. For example, many schoolchildren consider the letter " C."With a call, comparing it with the deaf" FROM". However, they both belong to a deaf consonant. In order to avoid such errors, one should also remember the categories of letters of the Russian alphabet once and for all.

Vigorous and deaf consonants of the Russian language:

  • Vowels: A, e, e, and, o, y, y, e, yu, I;
  • Deaf consonants: K, P, C, T, F, C, H, W, SH;
  • Vigorous consonants: B, c, g, d, g, s, y, l, m, n, r;
Image 2. Table of voiced and deaf consonant letters of the Russian language.
Image 3. A table of voiced and deaf consonant letters of the Russian language.

In order for students to remember sonorous and deaf consonants, teachers are developing specialized phrases or poems. They are much easier to remember than standard letter sets.

The most famous phrase for memorizing deaf consonants " Stepka Fetz, do you want a bristle?". In this phrase there are extremely deaf consonants and it will be easy to remember it to the child. And in the sentence " Where was life in the world"Only voiced consonants are used (except" Th"). However, you can show imagination and come up with a "memorial" for your child yourself.

Examples of words with the prefixes "without" and "demon"

The rule of writing prefixes " WITHOUT" and " Demon"Applies to both nouns and adjectives, verbs, adverbs and other parts of speech.

Examples of words with a ringing consonant after the prefix, when the end is written "without":

  • Immobilize;
  • Decapit;
  • Discharite;
  • Neutralize;
  • Dehydrated;
  • Low -fat;
  • Painkillers;
  • Lawlessness;
  • Carelessness;
  • Homeless;
  • Shredder;
  • Loafer;
  • Hopeless;
  • Reckless;
  • Illiterate;
  • Mediocrity;
  • Uncomplaining;
  • Serene;
  • Tasteless;
  • Hairless;
  • Deserted;
  • Impunity;
  • Soundless;
  • Ruthless;
  • Untimely;
  • Bezrodny;
Image 4. The spelling table of prefixes on Z and C with exceptions.
Image 4. The spelling table on “z” and “C” with the words exceptions.

Examples of words with a deaf consonant after the prefix, when the “demon” is written at the end:

  • Spineless;
  • Unscrupulous;
  • Nonsensical;
  • Non -phaseic;
  • Dishonest;
  • Inhuman;
  • Indisputable;
  • Free;
  • Infinity;
  • Tactlessness;
  • Femindicity;
  • Unceremoniality;
  • Bloodless;
  • Concerned;
  • Exhausted;
  • De -energized;
  • Spinelessness;
  • Insensibility;
  • Invaluation;
  • Stupidity;

Examples of words with a vowel letter after the prefix, when the end is written "without":

  • Cloudlessness;
  • Impeccability;
  • Uninitiation;
  • Peremptory;
  • Urgent;
  • Tasty;
  • Unarmed;
  • Unsuccessful;
  • Hopeless;
  • Tongueless;
  • Distraught;

Important: note that B Between the prefix and the root is not taken into account, as in the word " tongueless».

Video: consoles on "s" and "s"

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