I can’t survive death, loss of a cat, cats: what to do? How to survive the death of a beloved cat, a kitten, to calm the pain of loss to an adult, a child: a psychologist, answers of a priest

I can’t survive death, loss of a cat, cats: what to do? How to survive the death of a beloved cat, a kitten, to calm the pain of loss to an adult, a child: a psychologist, answers of a priest

An article on how to survive the pain of loss to people who have lost their beloved cat.

How to survive the death of a beloved cat, a kitten, to calm the pain of loss to an adult: a psychologist's advice

Sometimes, surviving the death of a beloved cat is as hard as to survive the death of a loved one.

Lonely people are especially difficult to experience the death of their pets. If they start cats and dogs after the death of a husband, wife or child, taking care of a small and helpless creature takes the pain of the loss of a loved one. And pets become full members of the family.

Such a small family consists of a cat and a mistress or owner. And then for two the hostess divides a piece of sausage, milk is poured for two and personally for a pet is bought animal food. And he can also knit socks and blouses so that he does not freeze when it is cool in the apartment.

Animals are able to feel such care and more than give their love and affection instead of her instead of her. The threshold of a cat or dog in this case does not matter. And purebred saffron signs, selected on the street, will compete with any thoroughbred cat in the quality of their life.

Cat, as a full member of the family
Cat, as a full member of the family

If for any reason the animal dies, how to survive the death of a beloved cat, if the whole world leaves with his departure? This is not an exaggeration of the state of a person who has died a cat, but the real picture of depression, which a person falls into.

  • The advice of starting a new kitten in this case does not work, because a person is experiencing very severe mental pain, and a new animal will remind that more recently there was a different cat in this house.
  • Tips for taking sedatives, or more in the fresh air, also do not work because a person rejects any attempts by friends to remove him from a state of grief.
  • Sometimes people in their impulse to perpetuate the memory of the animal bury him in a cemetery for animals and put monuments from marble. And there would be nothing unnatural in this if a person had not completely plunged into a state of severe depression.

In this case, there is only one way to survive the death of a beloved cat, and it is that a person accepts loss, accepts his grief and learns to live without his pet.

Each new day will be a little remote from the black date. Each new day will bring little relief and bring close the time when you can start a new animal or find comfort in other classes. Sometimes in such cases advice helps, take a cat from an animal shelter. End cats are in such shelters are similar to orphans located in orphanages.

How to survive the death of your beloved cat
How to survive the death of your beloved cat

How to help survive death, loss of a beloved cat, a kitten for a child, a teenager: a psychologist's advice

If the child is heavily experienced by the death of his beloved cat, a double cargo lies on his parents. They need to cope with the pain of the pet to the world and help the baby or teenager in such a difficult situation.

It is impossible to compare the experiences of adults and children, because children still do not have the experience of such situations and can have a vulnerable soul.

How to help survive the death of your beloved cat to a child:

  • If parents have a trusting relationship with a baby or a teenager, then in this situation the general work of parents and a child can help not so much in a body as a soul. Strive to be a child's friend in any situation.
  • If the baby cries and is upset , you need to try to distract him from sad thoughts, For example, going to his favorite places for walking on the street. It will be better if you do not meet cats in these places.
  • Some parents immediately run after a new kitten. This is not quite the right decision. Just like adults, the child must go through the pain of loss. He must survive this loss and become a little stronger and older.

But, if the period of grief was dragged out and the child himself wants to start a new pet, it may be worthwhile to meet him. After all, children's depression is more complicated than the depression of adults.

New cat, like a cure for depression
New cat, like a cure for depression

How to survive the death of a cat, forget the deceased cat, come to terms with death, his loss: the answers of priests

The sacrament of life and the sacrament of death are considered by priests as the natural stages of being.

A miracle of a nascent life, whether it be a bug, a plant, a cat or a person, church ministers explain how the will of God. And they also explain death.

How to survive the death of a cat, forget the deceased cat, come to terms with death, his loss? Everything that lives on planet Earth should die sooner or later. After all, there is no eternal life for ordinary animals, plants and people.

And you can only accept the departure into the world of the non -being of your beloved cat. To thank the Lord God for the happiness that your favorite gave you, and let his little soul into the cat paradise. After all, if there is a paradise for people, then it is probably for cats.

Paradise for cats
Paradise for cats

The death of a cat through my fault - I feel guilty in front of a deceased cat: what to do, how to live?

Very often people understand how important the cat was for them, precisely after its loss. And such a feature is inherent not only after the loss of the animal, but also after the departure of a loved one.

Love is also ephemeral, it cannot be kept by chains and only when it leaves at the same time with those who loved us we begin to suffocate from a lack of love. And sometimes a cat or a person loved us completely unimportant. After the death of our favorite creatures, it can be very painful. If a feeling of guilt is added to grief, then this becomes just an unbearable load.

I feel guilty to the deceased cat what to do, how to live - such thoughts are typical for people with an increased sense of responsibility for pets.

Such self -flagellation will no longer return the pet, but will block the way so that a person can start a pet again. Maybe you are somewhat exaggerating your guilt? And you need to think about the fact that the new happiness will come to your house with a new cat? Just wait a bit, the time will pass, the pain will be dull, and again you can give affection for a new pet.

How to release the deceased cat, how to deal with depression after the death of the cat, how to calm down?

If you do not know how to release the deceased cat, and thoughts about it do not give you rest, best of all consult this topic with your friends. Your friends probably have a similar experience, and often it gives many more valuable tips than the experience of psychologists who can judge such a problem only in terms of medicine.

Crying a friend in a vest, telling him about your problem is very useful because by voicing your sad thoughts, you direct yourself to a constructive solution to the problem. If such a friend is not, you can chat with people who are faced with a similar problem on the forum for cats.

The main thing is not to get hung up on this, and the question of how to deal with depression after the death of the cat, how to calm down, will stop worrying you.

The best remedy for depression
The best remedy for depression

When will the pain take place from loss, tragic death of a cat, cat?

The pain from loss, tragic death of the cat will not take place in one day. In one day, this pain will become less. Unfortunately, there are no devices measuring mental pain and there is no wonderful tablet, having drunk which can be provided in another reality.

Based on the experience of people who have lost their favorite domestic animals, we can say that a month after the tragedy the pain will weaken significantly, and six months later, new unrest, impressions and new pets will completely change your life. If for a long time you cannot forget the death of the favorites, you may need the qualified help of a psychologist.

Why does a cat die that she takes with her: signs

The cat can die from old age and illness, tragically die under the wheels of the car and only in very rare cases the animal dies by oversight of the hosts.

Sometimes you can read that the cat dies not by chance and her death takes with him the problems of the owner.

Signs about cats

Indeed, the mental connection of the cat and the owner can be so strong that the death of one of this couple causes the spiritual collapse of the one who survived his friend. Moreover, cats may suffer if their mistress died.

If death separated those who loved each other, then It's time for grief and loneliness. Do not think that this black strip in your life is forever. Average this grief, rebuild, there is no other way, and believe that love awaits you ahead. After all, even a small cat can give you great love.

How to survive the death of a cat's pets: reviews

Reviews on how to survive the death of a pet:

  • Eugene, 20 years: When our cat, my parents, mom and stepfather fell ill, treated her. And the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles was spent on treatment. The cat still died. A few months later I got sick and got to the hospital. My parents did not give me anything for treatment. Why such injustice? Cats are more expensive for some people of their own children.
  • Elena 50 years: My cat died at the hands of a neighbor. Moreover, he poisoned not only her, but also her kittens. Of course, I wanted to apply the Lynch court to this neighbor. Because the punishment for people who brutally treat animals does not work. In fact, such people remain unpunished. For a long time I was depressed.
  • Natalia, 40 years old. My favorite cat disappeared a week ago. She jumped into the staircase when I went into the apartment. I could not catch up with her. I am very sorry for her, because she never left the apartment and does not know how to live on the street. And I walk every day I am looking for her. This is the worst of all whether she is not alive or not.

Video: signs and superstitions associated with the death of a cat

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  1. There are people who are involved in the support of the soul to birth in the return of it to the new body.

  2. My little cat was strangled, and I believe that I am to blame for this. I love her very much and miss her. I miss her. And this is my first cat that died before my eyes ... I could save her, but I did not know that she was dying 😭
    She lived with me for only 10 days, and for 11 .. strangled

  3. I had a cat Belchik my favorite he was for a month as I took him and recently he was 16 years old and he died of old age he lived, he was very good, he didn’t hurt, he was sleeping, I had a lot of time sleeping on the bed and culture I loved him very, very much, he escorted me a meeting, The towels covered the povery overlapped with a tulle and buried under a tree near my house I go there and cry

  4. On August 20, the beloved cat Kuzya died, he was 12 years old (((it passed the month easier, but only worse on the soul ... On 39 days after the death of my cat, someone threw a red cat (teenager) along with the carrying of the floor. , of course, we took her. She pleases us, but with the loss of Kuzi 🐈 I do not agree, I can’t come to terms, it's hard ...

  5. My black green -eyed Felix took out of nowhere 14 years ago, just lay in the flowerbed, merging with the ground. At first I fed him in the yard, then he began to meet me from work, jumped on cars. It was August. After a while I took it. Four days ago I had to let go, oncology, is very difficult. Today, after three days I dreamed at night, I picked it in my arms, heavy, the coat is dense, as before and so seriously looks into my eyes. He always hugged me in his arms by the neck, and he also hugged his head under his chin. I download it in my arms, and then licked into the left temple, pushed off and jumped to the left into the void. I woke up, a wet temple. He came to say goodbye and say that I let him go. The faster I will let him in, the faster he will reborn into the kitten and again will appear, he has 9 lives. I will find him yet.

  6. I sympathize with your loss. You are a good mistress, 14 years for a cat in our country - this is a lot. So much on statistics now live thoroughbred cats in Britain. I recently wrote an article about how many dogs live and read about cats too. I hope you still have a favorite cat.

  7. We had a pet, a cat Odysseus yesterday. It was more than the cat. The house is empty. The heart breaks with pain and longing.

  8. And yesterday, on December 31, my baby Basenka left, she was only 4 years old. They fought to the last, but leukemia still took it. I hate this New Year. Now I can’t find a place for myself. And the cat is also looking for and crying. How to deal with this, I don't know.

  9. Cvetlan, we sincerely sympathize with your loss. We understand that losing a pet on the New Year is especially insulting. Understand that there is no karma or God's punishment in this. The trouble does not choose the day when to come. Two days ago, a woman fell before our eyes when she crossed the railway and received a closed fracture. Also to whom is the New Year, and to whom traumatology. In general, I think you were far from the only one on the holiday. If you were able to establish such a diagnosis, then you tried, and you are good. Everything will be good for you)

  10. My Koteychka-Elezaika (Elesik) left me forever 01.01.2022. He was 5.5 years old, the Screw-slieter. Now I have a very severe mental trauma, the morning will come, I’ll think about how to bury him. I did everything possible that can be done for my woolen, delicate 4-kilogram happiness! Vet. The hospital withdrew a lot of money, but did not save him. Although it began without offensive, I was harmful in food, I fed only natural food. I waited a little, I thought, maybe the day, I didn’t eat two, thereby heals himself, but no, something is not that ... in the clinic they said that viral leukemia is possible, they need to take tests, and assured that if the analysis is not confirmed, there will be a complex Treatment and he will be healthy .. Years, very pale mucous membranes. The test was negative, at that moment I was the happiest in the world, because, as the doctor said, viral leukemia for cats is death .. Vitamin B 12 and Locke’s solution, Ferum Lesk (iron) .. Ultrasound, Rengen- Only for withdrawing money. They already knew how it would end .. for the day my 4- kilogram happiness left me forever. Loss inexplicable for me. I am in huge sorrow. The end of that year and the beginning of this year is mourning for me. I decided for myself, I can’t get a pet anymore, I can’t. For his Elsenka, I was a good mommy, he knew about this and until the last breath, the tip of the tail spoke to me about his love for me .. after leaving, I held it in my arms for two hours, for the last time he was just sleeping. .People !! Who reads these lines, I want to say, you can’t love so animal in any way, he was like a little family like a member of the family, like a man .. it’s very difficult to let go, it is impossible to come to terms with loss, grief, you need a lot of effort to reconcile, and this is not everyone Given.

  11. I cried very much when I saw a woman and a man on the Internet that they arranged a cubic cub torture for a week. So the woman avenged her mother -in -law in her absence. After the cat died. Now the investigation is going on.
    But the law and justice are different things.
    I still pay about a cousin cat. He was 14 years old. LiVIDYERS dealt with him nonhumans ((((((((((((((((((
    She herself saved two cats. They live in my house. Without them, my life is empty.

  12. Help not to leave these Livisters from Severodvinsk from criminal liability. It's just some kind of horror. The red -haired cat named Kuzya was subjected to brutal torture from these nonhumans. Then he died.
    They posted these videos on the Internet.
    God ! What a horror.
    Zhudyerov must be punished strictly according to the law, so that such non -people as they and like they really are afraid of the law, and do not create such a thing before the eyes of the child and those people whose psyche was undermined by these videos, which were laid out by the Zhudyers.
    I attached links. This lawlessness is now concerned throughout Russia!
    On the Web about the cat Kuza who died from torture, there are information on YouTubokanal. There are a lot of it. I attached three links at the end of the letter.
    Help to punish these nonhumans! Sign the petition!
    1. https://www.change.org/ Part-Sadists-Annu-Gromovich-I-Artema-Lavrentieva-K-Maximal-Real-Snrook-5-Lite ??

  13. »Eugene, 20 years: when our cat, my parents, mother and stepfather fell ill, treated her. And the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles was spent on treatment. The cat still died. A few months later I got sick and got to the hospital. My parents did not give me anything for treatment. Why such injustice? Cats are more expensive for some people of their own children. ""
    Eugene answer:
    Cats have nothing to do with it. Do not break evil on the defenseless brothers smaller. Look for the cause in yourself.

  14. Rimma
    "My little cat was strangled, and I believe that I am to blame for this. I love her very much and miss her. I miss her. And this is my first cat that died before my eyes ... I could save her, but I did not know that she was dying 😭
    She lived with me for only 10 days, and for 11 .. strangled "
    Sorry Rimma. But it is very strange that you did not know.

  15. Thanks to all the people for signing the petition for the Kuzu cat!
    And let God punish these nonhumans! I wish these nonhumans to experience terrible torment, such that they caused God's defenseless creature.

  16. Help spread the petition on social. networks! Thank you in advance .
    If not we, then who then. The faster we will collect signatures for the petition to punish the Zhvyvyers over Koteka Kusey, the faster they will be punished by law for a cruel monstrous handling of a cat.

  17. Kozhukhov municipal shelter in trouble

  18. I greet Larisa, the fate of Elisha, and the fate of my beloved Yukushka. I have been living with him for 14.5 years, and I don’t know where my mistake was, I fed, mostly natural food, and in addition to dry, they lived with him in the country. They lived together and now at home, he began to tear him. We were at the veterinarian and made him injections, then he did not tear, but recommended to feed only dry, and he did not willingly ate him and began to lose weight in my eyes, lost weight and strength. Когда давала рыбу,ел с удовольствием,он к ней привык.Потом поменяла ветеринара и она признала у него гепатит по виду,а потом попробовали сделать анализ крови,но не получилось,оказалась кровь очень густая, тогда делали много уколов сразу два,потом несколько Two and then, the exhausted he took him home and began to feed him with food from hepatitis, and he did not recognize her and continued to lose weight and now for a month, as he was gone. December 8, lying on my sofa before my eyes when he understood when he understood that he has no strength, brought a piece of pike to his nose and he raised the head with all his strength I lowered it and breathe, and frantically pulled with his paw and died. And now I can’t get used to that he is no longer there. I will pay every day, he was a member of the family and there will be no other like that. Where is my mistake?

  19. Apparently an old organism at the age of 14 lost the disease.
    In general, of course, it is often impossible to give fish. All veterinarians talk about this.
    Firstly, their urine becomes smelly. But that's not the point .
    Sooner or later, urinary disease occurs from fish from fish.
    And from raw, also worms. If I did not eat, it was necessary to force him for a violent man. You can. And drink water. So that Kitsky Elisha has the forces. And so ... the body is already weakened and it died of dehydration.
    I understand how hard it is to lose a pet.

  20. On March 8, our cat Sima went to the rainbow. I do not find a place for myself. I cry, the pain is such, as if a piece was pulled out of the heart. The cat remained. He and Sima lived together for almost 10 years, were friends, always were together. The cat yearns for Sima, does not eat, does not sleep, searches for it, calls it. He is screaming. He is afraid to stay, waiting for us, clinging to the door. How do we survive the loss? Unbearable…

  21. My favorite cat Maroussia died. I raised it from 1 month old. She was 15.5 years old. Smart, devoted cat. I always met at the threshold, take it in my arms, hugged her with her paws. I understood that sooner or later she would leave. Oncology (mastitis) began, moreover, because of completeness, apparently, shortness of breath began. Everything happened suddenly at night. She began to breathe heavily and died for half an hour. Until the last breath, I stroked her back, as she always loved. I had a shock, I could not cry. Tears poured with my stream later. I console myself with the fact that she did not suffer and left quickly, not burdening her departure, because she knew how we love her. She left us a daughter in consolation, she is now 8 years old. If not for her presence, it would be even harder for me.

  22. Smoke. 1 year. I am only 10. Today my cat died no longer. He was sick with a deadly disease and it was impossible to cure. They decided to put to sleep. I'm no longer giving what should I do! I cry for 3 hours in a row ...

  23. My cat Sacha died today from hepatitis. He was 10 years old. I handed it to the medicines for 2.5 months. Until the last, he hoped that he would get out. I can't come to terms. I cry, I can’t sleep without my baby. And he lies in a box, as if just sleeping. Tomorrow I will bury him. My sun was leaving me, my cinneple. Tears are strangling😭😭😭

  24. Today our favorite cat passed away. 1.4 years. Still a child. Golden character. In the soul, wild pain and emptiness. I don't understand how so. Like less than a week there is no cat. Was and no.

  25. Yesterday my peach Kotu died only three years. They buried at the end of the site because he loved nature very much, sniffed flowers and was afraid to mole the grass, walked along the path. This was the first best mousetrap cat in the world picked him up on the street in 2019 just followed me and stayed. Even Saturday, he ran and did not show signs of the disease, left per day, an autopsy does not make sense to return it, this will not return it. From Saturday to Sunday, he spent the night on the street where he most likely ate a poisoned mouse, because 7 in the morning he left the house and it was not all day as if I did not call him, and in the morning he saw how he was sitting in the grass to his voice did not react and He didn’t move, as if he hadn’t seen me, he laid it on the bed, he was lying without moving as if he was just waiting for a sound, and on the way to the clinic, as I later understood, small convulsions had already begun, the doctors made an adrenaline injection, and Before my eyes, the tongue turned blue, they couldn’t pump it out, they told me that the kidneys refused, but I think not only they refused there. I left, but I don’t find a roar for myself for days, I can’t think what I couldn’t think, he always loved him so that he even came to say goodbye and die, although they say that the cats were leaving to die from home, and then I wouldn’t find places for myself. would be him, and so all night called out the window, thought meow, but no. How to survive the loss I just don't understand

  26. I'm sitting doused with tears. And the child is nearby too. Today, on 14.04, our Martian was gone. And tomorrow 15.04 he was supposed to be only 1 year old. The beloved, adored by my Koto River passed away sharply, for no reason, on Monday rose by the evening the temperature, I immediately rushed with the 5th to the veterinarian (now even for this I scold myself), made him an injection of the antipyretic and X -ray and let him go home , and he began to scream at home and pushing his head in one direction, and shouted like that all night, louder and stronger, did not eat, did not drink, walked, lit up and shouted, probably from pain. In the morning I took him to the veterinary clinic, there they tried to anesthetize him, but unsuccessfully (they took tests, sent to CT to the other end of Moscow) they did everything, but after a day he faded away completely, he was put in a medical dream, from which he did not leave. This morning he was gone, at 5 in the morning the heart is a stop, and at that time I woke up with such horror, I thought that I was dying myself, and that was him, my which, left me, came off my heart. As we love him, God for why, what happened, even the doctors did not find out. The sea tears, the heart is shrinking.

  27. Two days ago, our favorite rat left. Suddenly he began to choke, went to the clinic with him immediately. They didn’t take it .... He died in the car. The doctor said the doctor. He was 8 years old with us. The whole family is in shock and longing ....

  28. On May 4, my kitty went to the rainbow, he was 9 years old, KhPN. For almost a month they fought, injections, droppers, vitamins, feeding through the syringe, but it became only worse, I blame myself that I had not noticed before. It was a wonderful, incredible, naive child. Eternal kitten. He was born with a feature in the form of twisted ankle, but this betrayed only great incredity to him. He was like a child, gentle, affectionate, kind. I sob every day, I can’t believe that he will not meet me anymore, will not sleep on my shoulder, will not ask her knees when I eat. No one can ever replace it. Nearby lies a cat Mosya, she is 16, I also love her very much, but she is not him. Now you need to be more attentive to her so as not to miss the moment when it can still be fixed.

  29. On June 14, my cat Barney went into another world .. He lived with us for only 3 years. I cannot find a place for myself, I feel guilty of his death. He jumped out the window from the 7th floor, he fought to the last. He died in the clinic before my eyes. I will forever remember these eyes. How can I survive the death of a loved one, I don’t understand ... I buried him with his toys .. He was very playful cat .. How to find the strength to survive this? ((((

  30. Today, 06/15/2022, my cat Bonichka has gone. She was 19 years old. I appeared when I was 11/12 years old ... Longing, grief, emptiness, anger, love - all feelings mixed in one bottle. The pain of loss will subside over time, but now of course it is very bad. I am looking for ways to facilitate my condition. "I love you my sun! I will be crazy about you and I will never forget you! My sweet cake. My Pankusha, my affectionate, tender, kind "

  31. My cat is Nastya is three -color, she left 20 days ago and did not return when she left she was thin and walked around. On June 5 or 4, I had a dream in this dream: I wanted to call someone, but another person called me on the video (for example, like Vatsapa) this man said from sleep, "Sorry or oh, I didn’t want to call" then he was silent. , he overwhelmed to the right, then to the left and there was my cat Nastya, I watched for a few seconds and turned off the video bell. Only waking up and regretted that in a dream she turned off this video call. A day or 2 days pass. Mom brings home a kitten girl blackly white, this kitten of which mother brought in the same one looks like a Nastya when she was a kitten, but the color of my cat stood out, my cat had a dark one, the buttocks closer to her stomach had a beige spot, the kitten was near the kitten. Which mother brought home to eat a white strip on the nose and she herself is black. White, but Chernogg is more. I also said ”Nastya come back to the garden, I will most likely only be in the evening, but they still wait for you there, my mother is in the garden all day, so come at any time. And she came to the barn only when her mother found her, she was already dead. Mom, I buried a little a little further than the shed and showed where her grave was

  32. My cat was 8-9 years old.

  33. My baby was only 8 months old, Neva-maskarad. I was not at home, there was a husband. He said that she was vomiting several times and she was breathing heavily ... And that’s all, she was gone. I can’t imagine how to live, because she was always there, ate, slept, met from work. My heart breaks, and I do not know how to forgive my husband, for the fact that I did not help her and did nothing, I did not even try

  34. Today is two weeks, as there is no our most beloved Murzik ... These two weeks, just hell. I can’t call it otherwise ... He was a child for us. No, we have a son. He is already an adult. We have more cats (cat and cat). But this cat was special. He loved us madly for 8 years ... It was an angel in cat flesh. He never bit or scratched anyone. Have you met such? No. And don't meet. From today, I hated a fox, although I always defended and protected any animal. It was she who destroyed my Murzik. I don’t know how to live on. No medicine helps. I wake up with this horror and lie down with him. When this pain subsides ...

  35. My cat died yesterday. His name was peach, he was white and with two red spots. He was Turkish Angora.
    Persian is a very smart cat. We loved him very much. He was smart, stubborn, cute, active as a shooting. And yesterday he was gone. He was 4.5 years old. He was born on 12/30/17 and he did not become on 24.07. 22. He lived little for the middle age. We cried with the whole family. And so, I tell the story how he died: my mother and I had a week with my grandparents and dad was in the city and watched the cat and worked. Dad arrived on Saturday and we left on Sunday morning in the city. We come home, and there everything is in shit. We started panic and we washed the cat. He refused 2 hind legs. It was a blow in the heart. Parents went to euthanize our sun and gave me and my younger brother to kiss him. We said goodbye. When the parents and the cat were descent on the elevator, the cat seemed to have made a deep breath if he would say “finally!”. But the parents did not have time to bring our pet to the vet. Clinic and he died in the car. Parents took him to the forest and buried him ... This is a big loss for our family. Now 1 day after the peach has died. The family was already ridiculous with this, but I still cry and cannot come to terms ...

  36. Very, very hard ... .. I pay, and also half a year passed .. like my dear, my beloved ashenka rests .. it was 13 years old without a month .. loving, unforgettable ... Day does not go about her thoughts. She is resting under the window from the window. her diseases .. and she loved to lie and look with these windows .. she lay and breathed in the air, looked, listened, listened ... And the place after her was so warm .. my little, my .. Chisenka .. where are you, now a beautiful bush, now Nearby are green plants, although a little. But this place and I always see you and feel you, I can’t ... It’s very painful and so there is not enough your warm lobby, your eye, I kissed and kept you all the time, even when life is slowly of you I left .. my warm, my warm baby .. I asked you to forgive me so many times ... I'm sorry ... I did everything to help you and you and I fought for almost three years, and you ate, drank, even played ... And I in the forest I was in the forest I wore it, on the grass ... and you slept nearby, warm .... But the disease grew .. and you are dear, ashenka is not able to do it already .. It’s hard for you and now you are sweet You rest, under your window, next to the tree you looked at, angry at the birds ... You are nearby, dear, you are my ... sleep, baby,. Every day I roller the bushes, I speak with you and love .. pretty, I love it very much ... I love it ...

  37. Our little Sonya was taken by the disease of oncology.
    September 14, I had to let her go, fought for 2 years for her life. I lived only 6 years.
    God gave us such a short happiness. We can’t survive a day without her, she was as part of us all, it seems to me that there are no more such cats.
    We picked her up from the trash, she was about 2 months old, beautiful, educated, smart and most devoted, even no one could curse her. The dream was just perfect, she always met and escorted, she had such an unforgettable look. Even the last days, she tried to reach the tray on her own,
    We have two more cats, but they have a completely different character, they are a shkodnitsa.
    On September 6, they did a lane operation, a biapsy for an accurate diagnosis, since the doctors did not know what to treat. I want to say that I was very jelly that I made a current diagnosis, I didn’t listen to these doctors better, made only worse, the tumor increased from the fist in a week. Sleepy faded away before our eyes.
    Very bad without her, I don’t know how to survive her loss. Buried in a summer cottage,
    In the spring we plant flowers, make a beautiful CLCMBU. I will never forget and will not replace my little baby, I love it very much and I will love her, my sleeper.

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