Dithes of Grandmas Hawk for adults - Free selection for a noisy holiday

Dithes of Grandmas Hawk for adults - Free selection for a noisy holiday

Do you like to surprise guests with unusual entertainment? Then our article is exactly for you, in it you will find a lot of funny and funny ditties of the head of the quarter, which can be used for any holiday.

Dithes of Grandmas Hawk for adults - the best selection

Dithes of Grandmas Hawk for adults - the best selection
Dithes of Grandmas Hawk for adults - the best selection

Dithes of Grandmas quarters for adults - the best selection:

I walked home in the forest,
The Mercedes rode behind me.
There was a terrible raffle
The driver of Mercedes.

The door playfully opened me
And put in the car.
I remember as if in a dream -
He stroked my knee

Unshaven, crooked
The leg is bone.
And he also swore
That I have been in love with me for a long time.

It was strongly succumbing
It is a pity that the harsh.
I cooked him
But I overshadowed it.

Prooped with mustard
Olivier and pizza.
And now the whole forest is buzzing:
"The grandmother" Mercedes "has!"

Here are the last words -
The essence of the ditties is as follows:
In order not to be eaten,
Do not drink at the wheel!

Stretch the accordion fur,
Eh, play-do.
Sing ditties, grandmother's hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk.

Somehow I walked through the forest
Someone found a phone
I remembered my friend's number
I reminded of myself.

Koschey called me back
I spoke flattering words.
And the waterman will call
Only the wave drives.

The goblin stuck: - Sorry!
Call me, call!
Why do not you call me? -
But you can't break me

I can’t fly without a broom,
There is nothing to sweep traces.
Woe, grief at the yagushka,
If she does not have a broom.

Merring honest people,
Open your mouth wider,
We drink together,
And we sing together together!

I'll go in front of you
I’m dining in, here I will sing.
Well, what a cutie am I
How I love myself!

Christmas trees, noisy holiday,
Christmas trees - moths,
I live alone in the forest -
Without daddy, without mommy!

Christmas trees-sowers,
Thorny needles.
Without a broom, I am like without hands
Without my panicle!

Go to the Hedgehog in the hut,
Bring a ditty with you
So that the grandmother has fun
And suddenly fell out of bed

By the way, where is our grandmother,
Our dear yagusya?
Maybe we’ll call in chorus
Do we pour a cup to my grandmother?

I do not need "Mercedes" "
I do not need a "Volga,"
I would have a stupa and a broom
To fly for a long time.

My eyes are like strollers
Just do not ride
I don't know what
Leshaki fall in love!

We came to your praise,
To be more fun,
Although you were not called us,
But here we are in front of you!

We came to dance,
And, of course, shout:
Congratulations on the holiday,
We drink for health!

There is a hut on the mountain,
Mazan red clay ...
Baba Yaga lives there,-
Her leg is attached.

Look at me,
Well, why am I not a beauty?
My girlish beauty
Can't help but like it!

Undermine, all the people,
Grandma for dance will go now!
Away soon, from the road!
Take care of your legs!

Today is a glorious anniversary,
Look at the guests
Everyone laughs, rest,
The glasses themselves fill it!

Heard that Yaga has
Is there a great groom?
He bakes her pies
Buys a port.

Who has a holiday here,
Congratulate that soon!
Tip over your ears
To be obedient.
(to be obedient)

I have no girlfriends -
How bitter!
Friend of Koschey and Water
They only visit!

We are tired of singing something
Yes, and you are already drunk
So congratulations
We wish you happiness!

Hey girlfriend don't yawn,
Vodka flows over the edge,
Substitute the bottle,
Will be on a collar!

I was fun
And flying on a broomstick,
At least I do not believe
To these superstitions!

I'll tell you a toast now
I'll tell you about health!
You are protecting health,
And look do not die!

I am a girl at least where
Not quite old:
Three hundred years old
Do not spoil the weather to me!

I lost Koshchei
Where are you, where are you, dear?
And today I met
The most cool and dear!

I have been living alone for a hundred years
In the very center of the forest,
I'm in love with Koshchei
He is to his princess.

I am a yagus from Samara
Ah, Samara, town,
I will play the guitar
Jazz and waltz, and even rock.

Ditties of grandmas quarters for a noisy feast

Ditties of grandmas quarters for a noisy feast
Ditties of grandmas quarters for a noisy feast

Dithes of grandmas quarters for a noisy feast:

I'll tell you a little
Loved to yourself.
A grandmother of the hedgehog came in
In megamart with a basket.

I ran to the store,
The seller costs one.
I say: I have five rolls.
He ran away, your mother!

I chose pancakes
Sellers: - We are afraid.
So I'm home.
Really very scary?

I go to the cashier, I
Everyone runs like from fire.
Only a brave head of the one
Even offered a discount.

I liked you
Megamart is your extra class!
I will come again
Buy from you for the future.

Stretch the accordion fur,
Eh, let's get on!
I love megamart a little
And don't persuade!

Grandma Yezhka is fun.
Walking to the village,
On the way, she was taken aback:
I met Lesha.

The grandmother became fun:
I spoke my ears
She dissipated her legs.
Gloriously, I am!

She asked her grandfather's granddaughter:
"Grandfather, buy bicycles!"
The grandfather answers the granddaughter:
“To hell with me a bicycle?

You, Svetul, do not grumble.
Listen to grandfather and silent.
Sani lungs now
We are just right in the snow. "

The granddaughter told the grandfather:
“I will leave you, grandfather.
A prince on a white horse
Waiting for me in my country. "

The grandfather answers the granddaughter:
“I will give you one advice:
If the prince - then go,
Do not forget me! "

And when spring comes,
There will be no grandmas to sleep:
Birds will be loudly.
Grandmas are waiting for goblin.

In summer - linden will bloom.
Eh, walk, honest people!
They let the grandmothers for the dance:
We are not up to you today!

Cold occurs.
Grandmas autumn - no trouble.
Come to the light,
Unknown guy!

And winter will come again
So we are spinning all year.
We are waiting for Koshchei to visit
Festive fun day.

Have fun, honest people,
We escort the holiday
They became drunk grandmas
From the wine rosy.

Eh, twist, dance, turn!
We and I along the way.
We’ll swing with a sprinkle
To make laughter!

Ditties of grandmas quarters for corporate

Ditties of grandmas quarters for corporate
Ditties of grandmas quarters for corporate

Dithes of grandmas quarters for a corporate party:

Eh, strapy, leg,
Yaga flew to you!
And who is not believed -
Let him make sure!

Let them meet on clothes,
Seeing the mind!
Give the word to the grandmother Yezhka,
And not that - I'll take it myself!

Well it is necessary as you
Eyes sparkle!
Apparently, rarely to visit you
Hedgehogs arrive!

I'll go dance -
The earth is spinning!
And no one is sad
And not angry!

Oh, men! Yes, in kind!
I'll come closer.
I will be a fool,
If I don’t find a couple.

You men have forgotten
About me, a forest star.
I see from dust
Combed into ... nose.

How much I am tormented by torment!
If only someone helped.
From cultural entertainment
Only a broom between the legs.

Will you fly with me, my dear?
Something, dear, you have ...
It is useless to unlock
I'm what? I can eat.

I am, if necessary,
I swallow and without chewing.
I am not happy for myself
Not having achieved ... nothing.

Be obedient to me and meek.
And do not try to insult.
I'm in the contest of beauties
Deserved a title ... Miss.

If you are a supporter of marriage
I will buy a veil for myself.
Well, you yourself will get off without a tailcoat
For Pubnious Nambe Tu.

I will allow you without bargaining
Admire me, Hedgehog-beautiful,
You find you with delight,
How I will imagine Naga!

Come to me bolder
Do not be afraid, not in jelly!
I am the sweetest in the world.
Here you have the whole ... story.

What do you drink tuta? Vodka?
Without her, I am also horrible.
So, take a toothbrush,
Drink a glass, and on the way!

I play the accordion
I barely have enough strength!
Well, the grandmother of the hedgehog,
So that the soul is fried!

I flew on a broomstick
I hugged me now!
I thought I would like
You are my beauty!

You were tipsy
On a huge crash!
You almost fell down
I was terribly surprised!

You brought a man
Solded only slightly!
He fell in love with you
And settled down!

You have been waiting for children for a long time,
And you live like in a movie!
Eat buns
Break drying!

I wish you happiness,
All problems - in half!
After all, the grandmother of the hedgehog,
Happy a little!

Stretch the accordion fur,
Eh, play-do.
Sing ditties, grandmother's hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk.

Ditties of grandmas hedgehog for entertainment of guests at the table

Ditties of grandmas hedgehog for entertainment of guests at the table

Ditties of grandmas hedgehog for entertainment of guests at the table:

The brain was pierced in a moment:
Can go to a picnic
Or to go to Moscow?
We must get together.

How to go is a question!
Only a chur do not hang your nose!
The night shake in the reserved seat
Poor card.

The old method of butter-eg
Someone saved for us.
Milled junky
The rods are compressed tightly.

Eh, play, my accordion,
Eh, play, eat,
Be a Russian woman hedgehog,
How to get into an accident.

There is transport. The criterion here -
Grab the ram of weight to everyone.
Choice to start-
Elya, Rose, Alla.

Blinded a motor in a broomstick,
We climbed onto the hill
And without any mani
They washed off from Kazan.

We flew the fields
Rivers of flat kyngel,
In general, half-Europe
The priests are already tired.

Eh, play, my accordion,
Eh, play, eat.
Be a Russian woman hedgehog,
How to get into an accident.

Dragged on barely
Moscow loomed.
The stars sparkles
Bubbka lures.

His eyes sparkled
Press the brakes.
Muscovites like brothers,
Accepted in arms.

The area is red is good
Like a Russian soul
And Vasily her
He became completely blessed.

Eh, play, my accordion,
Eh, play, pick up,
Be a Russian woman-hedgehog,
Clarify the money.

Everyone was terribly happy
Visit an hunting series.
And for the heads of the quart
There are one hundred tracks.

The photo was taken with a broom,
Zhukov’s mouth twisted with an arc.
The monument is serious,
Elya, Alla, Rose!

We walked along the paths for a long time
All the paths were bored.
Surprising an exclamation:
"And here is McDonald's!"

Eh, play, my accordiona,
Eh, play, pick up,
Be a Russian woman with a hedgehog,
Eat, boil.

They sang for three,
We memorized this verse.
Called as visitors
Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Saved from the Baboja spell
All who were - both small and old,
Although we did not believe
In these superstitions.

In the historical museum
We passed the brooms soon.
And went to unwind
In the casino "Metelitsa".

Eh, play, my accordion,
Eh, play, pick up,
Be a Russian woman hedgehog
And play, win.

The grandmas won
On the road, rags.
Three more tickets
Listen to Rigoletto.

Delighted the theater big,
Rested in him with the soul
And it's time to admit-
Time to pack up.

Like from fog
Tatarstan train
The speed is gaining.
Is it possible?

Song-drive in ditties from a grandmother of a hedgehog

Song-drive in ditties from a grandmother of a hedgehog
Song-drive in ditties from a grandmother of a hedgehog

Song-drive in ditties from the grandmother of the hedgehog:

Koshchei has trawl
Looks to the head.
Ten hats tried on:
It does not climb, then crooked.

Water eyes are building my eyes:
I will endure a panicle.
Old grunt, you should not blink:
I love Ivanushka!

We are with me in the week
They swam naked.
Karasi at the bottom of the banads:
They tried to bite.

Who forced Koshcheushka:
Smile all day?
He put a prosthesis yesterday:
The erysipelas of nabekrin became ...

I'm walking, and at the well
My Koshcheyushka lies.
The head in the bushes laughs
And the skeleton runs into the forest.

I cheated on koshchei
I don’t remember how many times.
I danced with a goblin lady,
I lit me in my left eye.

Kikimora (admit)
Balakhonchik from brocade.
She loves to somersault
At Emely on the stove.

I hinted at Koshchei
For intimate affairs.
There is no glue to stick the device:
The witch shed a fool.

Dear slammed from the ward
And screams: Merssei-Bet!
Is it possible to NAPARI
So much vodka to a fool?

Your torn feather bed
He brought hints!
I will move the bone foot,
You will be behind at once, stupid dog!

I will not fly with him yet,
Though I love me a Black Sea!
I got somewhere everywhere:
Someone stole my stupa!

I have such a beauty
Lochma curls to the eyebrows!
He blew off the ground half a rally
Our robber-salt!

I do not kiss Koshcheya:
I regretted me one hundred rubles.
I'll call him to the bathhouse:
Maybe it will become like ...

Oh, bad times,
If the world is crazy
People suffer anger,
And they kill each other!

I don’t understand Europe now,
They solve everything through the ass,
For whom the trouble is
for PACE, Like Mother Rodna!

There is no order in the sky
Tears stars in the eyes
Isn't it time to shake the world
God look into the soul?

Let me call me a yaga
But I don't know what's with me,
It even hurts me today
I am unhappy with an evil life!

You can't believe it, at night I
Born the hero.
Not quite a bit of a bit,
And an unknown little animal.

Leshy looked at the visit
He looked at the baby.
Oh, father, taken aback,
He looks like a goblin.

The frightened escaped
Only the heels showed.
"Happiness" is this to me?
Lonely, it looks like.

Who is dad? Nonsense.
There will be a lesson in the future,
After all, Kikimoras are old women
Call with a slut.

Leshny simply scoundrel
He did not admit that he was his father.
Oh, who is left for?
And with whom to raise my son?

I'm returning with my son,
Cat Bayun, with a grin, into the house.
Well, what kind of similar seems to be:
"Come here, holy fool!"

Cat Bayun grinned the cheekbone,
I looked under my skirt
He suddenly said: “Penantide,
Yes, I have not been here, a descent. "

Frowned, caressed
And he escaped to Kikimore.
Ah, chamomiles-nobody,
What can you do with a bastard?

Miserable one,
Well, I was faithful to them!
Well, who will give me a subsidies?
I will continue the demonstration!

Zmey Gorynych - a contender,
That he is dad, only a percentage.
Filed for alimony
I received a “zero” percent.

I will conjure, he will be
It is ruined to a penny!
Squealing Gorynych, greedy,
Already a three -headed reptile.

I will declare to Koshchei
I will declare his dad.
And he shook weakly,
At least eternal, but plug -in.

"Ugh", immortal in the face.
He grabbed his egg
I looked at the needle,
And at once, a bastard, he was stolen.

Spat on his baldness
To the goblin returned to the forest.
I was looking for all the night,
In the tavern, she found.

It is not worth it on the feet,
It strives to object to me.
I say: “Look, cattle,
You look like a kid.

Crocious, you see, nose,
And in the face is a skew.
Your shaggy Lapina
Eyes are so definitely dad's. "

He turned the child.
He objected: "Here the demon puffed up."
Then he recovered Koschey ...
And the devil is horned at the door:

“What kind of noise, but no fight?
I traveled for many years -
We will not find another one else,
Such a trouble -free one. "

The plenum decided
And unclean announced:
"To educate everyone together!"
Ah, you, Yaga-Mother's nuclear!

I put it all to the wait,
Friendly Swedish family.
And to this day they live there,
They are called tolerant.

Funny ditties of grandmas quarters for free

Funny ditties of grandmas quarters for free
Funny ditties of grandmas quarters for free

Funny ditties of grandmas quarters for free:

Our grandmother is an hour
Everyone knows from the diapers.
She lives in a fairy tale
She scares her children!

Babusi, Yagushi,
The leg is bone.
Though a terrible yaga
But not angry at all!

And the hut of Yaga
Very cunning.
He knows the ass and before where
Look how smart!

Stupa, like a plane,
Yaga flies at Yaga
And the owl night is long
He howls in the forest!

Eh, creaky-saw, accordion,
Drink-google, eat!
Sing on a party, grandmother hedgehog
The rash - Varevo!

Snezhna Baba Snowman
I got used to love hotly.
Kisses flocks,
Both instantly sipped.

Santa Claus looked around,
He brought two to the puddle of the heart.
The colleague-fir
The result was a couple.

But a dashing baked "cupcake",
A fashionable unisex came out.
A single puddle-
A couple is picture.

What would they do
How would the nights go and days?
Hedgehog, right -handed,
I attracted the three -headed.

To crap Yagusenka wife,
On the tongue and in the ears, well,
I gave her poison
Wedding reward.

Snake-ghorynych, not a fool,
The husband presented a fist,
So that the wife was in charge:
"Listen immediately!"

And love went to the family:
The wife pokes blood to her husband,
He will get drunk brave
And, well, to defeat his wife!

The difference has become visible
Here are the husband, and here is the wife:
The husband snores in feeding,
And the wife was beaten.

Hey, Chipiy-Sipi, accordion,
Tears of crocodile.
Howl on a party, grandmother hedgehog
Marriage idyll!

We, funny old women,
Sprinkle ditties now.
We live in a fabulous country,
There are only two of us in the world.

We learn from the Internet
We are talking about everything about that and that.
Feel and entertainment awaits us
Bubalyalin's birthday!

This is where we’ll take your soul
My friend and I are together
Overpass, we find,
We’ll eat in all of free rein.

In the midst of gifts there is no color
Appeal on our feast!
To congratulate from the heart,
We came with gifts.

Brought Medka, raspberry,
And floristry picture,
And an eagle feather,
To fly high.

For parents, a clearing
They cut off as if dripping.
Hello such a day from us
They have a huge bouquet.

The baby is all congratulated
And they want healthy.
For his health we drink
And chew, chew, chew ...

For a long time the fun lasted,
Together with the sun rolled.
It is a pity that only once a year
We see this Kuterom!

Goodbye, leaving,
We wish everyone good!
In love, the boy is growing up!
Light a new competition!

We, old woman, do not forget
Invite more often!
All! Your ears are tired.
We finished ditties!

Ditties of grandmas hedgehogs converted - text

Ditties of grandmas hedgehogs converted - Text
Ditties of grandmas hedgehogs converted - text

Dithes of grandmas hedgehogs converted - Text:

Having launched harmonica fur,
Dance, dance women hedgehogs,
Under oaks-columns
The legs in the dance settled themselves!

Spring days waited
Fry the accordion, Life Life!
Snake Gorynych is rocker,
And Capella starts a song,

Drops dripped from the roofs -
Hurries in the circle of April!
For April after May -
Play more fun!

They say I'm bad
That I am a woman is very angry
That I don't like children
On fire in a boiler Varia
And I live on the edge
In his little hut

And I'm good, I'm good
Just a little strange I'm
Stupa, hut and swans faithful
Baba Hedgehog - my name is friends
Baba Hedgehog - my name is friends

Yes, sometimes I'm angry
Yes, sometimes I'm rude
Maybe just lonely
The head fell ill
But believe me the guys
I'm not to blame for anything!

Come to visit me
I will treat you with tea
I will pump you on a mortar
And I will pump on the brooms!
And then you will understand everything
Why am I so sad

Brutered a broom,
The stupa leaned down
Pro-trial cat-here are things! -
The meat is stole from the soup.

Something in my native wilderness
The fly agaric is not sweet,
For economy and soul
The groom I need b.

He would have got a hut to me
He weaved baskets in winter,
In the evenings at the moon
I would take my back.

Where are you, my dear falcon,
My darling is my dear?
The frogyshin is caviar
I would feed you ...

And above the forest to the far-dall
Geese fly.
Underlooking sadness
The heart is left.

And I look at day-day
In the dusty window
On overgrown with grass
A narrow path ...

Well, the wind is whistling, well, the snowstorm,
Baba Yaga was sad.
I extinguished the candle, climbed onto the stove,
Pomelo under the ear and sniffs the old woman,
It’s like her nose is not a nose - but a pump.

In the morning, Koschey Immortal came to her,
Zlato silver on the bench laid out,
We will play cards or chess,
But the yaga Koshchei pushed into the neck,
Why did you stuck Koschey like a burdock.

And the other day, the snakes Gorynych called,
A little three -headed phone did not cut it off,
Everything hissed in the ear, fly a girlfriend.
I barely bounced off, the stupa said broke,
Reluctance, at least kill her to the snake.

She would have to drive her to a gobble -free,
Tea with raspberry jam hang.
And then on the sled grove and clearings,
Sosnishki, oak tree, roll curly,
But do not throw her legs off the furnace at least scream.

Well, the wind is whistling, well, the snowstorm,
Something Baba Yaga fell ill ...

Ditties of grandmas quarters congratulatory

Ditties of grandmas quarters congratulatory
Ditties of grandmas quarters congratulatory

Dithes of grandmas Hawk Congratulatory:

Grandma hedgehog,
Bone leg,
Walked along the street
I found the ruble.
I ran to the meadow
And I bought a pie.

And I am a grandmother-Yaga,
I have a curve leg.
I'm this leg
I stomp a little!

Baba hedgehog is having fun,
Overtaking the plane,
And playing the accordion,
The song sings joyfully:

- I'll say without ceremony
The fairy tale is cooler than progress!
You can’t catch up with a woman's hedgehog,
Despite the excess weight!

Stretch your congratulations
May everyone wave to us
Take the instruction
(Name) Ours.

We wish the warmth
And so that her dream comes true.
And also a big love.
We wish a crowd.

So that the heart does not hurt,
So that the skin does not get old
So that the trouble does not torment
Our ____ never.

Stretch your congratulations
May everyone wave to us
Take the instruction
(Name) Ours.

We wished everything
They did not forget anything.
Now it's time to walk
Your holiday is celebrated!

We wish everything
What is stored in the mind,
Never nobody
So that you do not have to be ashamed.

Be healthy and happy
Many, many, many years.
So that you do not know sorrows
Our very close person.

We wandered around the world
All the shores went around
You have accumulated happiness
And good luck two bags.
They brought you love
The suitcases are full.
Take a gift
So that we do not get it.

(Name) dear,
Congratulations from the heart.
You are young, you are young
And do not look for years.

You are your energy
You will also submit space.
Well, pour us soon
What are you sitting calmly?

I poured us on the cup,
Thank you here.
Now let's continue to you
We sing songs beautifully.

We wish from the heart
Good health,
Never lose heart
Resume the feast.

Congratulations of their own
We sing here from the heart.
You take them soon,
And hug us tightly.

We wish the grandmother a bunch,
There were just in case.
So that there are two thousand in a pocket,
They were lost there at the bottom.

So that you do not look for them,
And I took the others instantly,
We will still add a friend
Million a couple of pieces.

So that the car is under the window,
Did not dim, did not rust,
With a man of his two,
You are torn to Seychelles.

You sunbathe on Bali
About work, do not begged.
Will not disappear anywhere,
He will wait at home.

We wish you on your holiday,
So that you do not be sad
And from the famous couturier
She wore everything.

To the house of three floors,
Fate presented you.
And there were a lot of children in it,
Sweet candies.

Ditties of grandmas on his birthday

Ditties of grandmas on his birthday
Ditties of grandmas on his birthday

Dithes of grandmas on his birthday:

All: Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

First: We flew on a broomstick.
And slightly more fun!
What do we not believe in
What are we in the anniversary.

All: Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

Second: A (name) cheerful
And beautiful and slim
I called people here
To celebrate the anniversary!

All. Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

Third: How many years old she had been -
This is not a secret at all!
Twenty years will always be for her,
Even at 80 years old!

All. Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

Fourth: your anniversary has come
You pour us a bar.
Tasty snack
Your table is like art!

All. Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

Grandma Hedgehog Sang Song
And everything in the mirror looked.
Oh, what a beauty I am,
Yes, and not old!

Grandma hedgehog - well done:
I wanted to go down the aisle.
Oh, I went to Kosheyushka
And Arkan took it!

Grandma hedgehog on a broomstick
She jumped up frozen.
I looked at my watch
And in the fog “sailed”!

Grandma hedgehog wanted
To become young again!
I ate the fellow apples
And she went to Kloset to drag ...

Grandma hedgehog smelled,
When in the mirror "pounded."
Here is such a beauty;
Tears are dripping from the face!

Grandma Hedgehog fell ill:
Her body caught fire.
Well, and with whom to yaging now?
Is it to go to Africa?

Grandma hedgehog was scared
When I bathed in a river.
There piranha sailed
Up the belly of a belly surfaced at once!

Grandma hedgehog went to the forest
And I found the mushroom there.
I ate, turned white
Smooth out in a lot!

She wants to dance.
Everything is glued to the gobble
Wiping the baldness to him!

Grandma hedgehog - well done:
The cucumber salt.
Small green,
He is now pervist!

Grandma hedgehog from morning
Pour Vincets into the "eyes".
And now, finally,
I wanted to go down the aisle!

Grandma hedgehog was released:
On it is a skirt, a jacket.
Oh, what a beautiful one!
Only a pity, she is deaf!

Grandma hedgehog - here's the case -
Suddenly she took the harmonica.
I played, sobbed,
And the hut dancing!

Grandma hedgehog danced
And dancing under the moon.
And when dancing is tired,
Then howl under the pine!

Grandma hedgehog in burning
She showed us from the shoulder.
Oh, this grandmother

Grandma hedgehog built,
After all, she did not eat yesterday.
Only a bunny ate
And three pigs!

Grandma hedgehog - on the shallows:
Everyone fled from the grandmother lice.
As now in the tavern, brothers,
Jack with ghouls?

These are miracles:
Grandma hedgehog came to us.
Did not dance
Songs sang!

Ditties of the head of the quarter for the anniversary

Ditties of the head of the quarter for the anniversary
Ditties of the head of the quarter for the anniversary

Dithes of grandmas quarters for the anniversary:

We came to the anniversary
To be more fun,
Although you were not called
Here we are in front of you!

Hey girlfriend don't yawn,
Vodka flows over the edge,
Substitute the bottle,
On after the collar!

We came to dance,
And, of course, shout,
Congratulations on the anniversary
We drink for health!

Merring honest people,
Open your mouth wider,
We drink together,
And we sing together together!

Today is exactly the anniversary
Look at the guests
Everyone laughs, rest,
The glasses themselves fill it!

Who has an anniversary here
Congratulations that soon
Tip over your ears
To be obedient.

I'll tell you a toast now
I will drive about health,
You are protecting health,
And look do not die!

H that's what we are tired of
Yes, and you are already drunk
So congratulations
We wish you happiness!

We rushed here.
Good evening, gentlemen!
Did you find out by clothes?
We are grandmas hedgehog!

Sensible, in this anniversary
There will be many guests here.
We decided too
Sunn up to the youth!

(Name) Our young.
Everyone and everyone is Mila.
Young person!
You look at both!

She knows a lot about everything:
How to keep both a garden and a house.
She is not a single sister
It is not good in the outlets!

Date (name) nonsense!
I will convince you, gentlemen:
We are already at work
The year is three hundredth!

Let him rush after the year.
Dozens of benefits are waiting for her.
Will be a secular lady
And the happy one.

(Finishing ditties, they draw the attention of guests to the stocking, shut up behind the belt of one of the heroines.)

Grandma-Yuka 1:
Three days in the forest flew.
All bills collected.
Put them in a stocking
So that no one would fade.

Grandma-Yuka 2:
For cosmetics, fur coat
You will always take a penny in it;
He will be a help to you.
It has a terrible bill in it!

Grandma-Yuka 3:
Let the money stock
It will come in handy on time.
In honor of the anniversary
Money, not sparing!

Games, contests, gifts
On the birthday is not in vain!
For you today, a holiday -
Red day of the calendar!

Past the house of the anniversary
I don't go without jokes
Then I will remind you about gray hair
Then I will indicate age.

We sat in the evening
Beer was amused.
That's our birthday days
They coped all year round.

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
At (name) birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

Agree, guests are with me
I'm a stylish granny!
With a figure, with a mind,
Besides, sexy!

Jubilee, do not be sad.
You can believe me -
You won't give you forty
Only thirty -nine!

I came all the mountains
And steep shores.
I wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Open your ears wider
We will not be too lazy to listen to us!
We’ll hang ditties to you
About this happy day!

We have no friends, doubt,
That ditties need to sing!
Once they came for a birthday -
Silently there is nothing to sit!

But, figs to you! It was not there-
So the hostess fed,
That we can’t dance yet,
Only ditties we can sing!

You, dear girlfriend,
You give us a tone of life!
Such a pretty -
You do not want, but you will sing!

You are good for everyone for a marvel -
Tell me, the secret is?
You always look beautiful -
In the morning, in the evening and day!

We wish you further
Happiness was over the edge!
If he offends who - away
They send them, girlfriend!

Why is there somewhere with a cry
Everyone runs like a fire?
Because a friend (brother) beloved
Today will be a jubilee!

Why today in the house
Very crowded from guests?
Because they note
Here is the anniversary today!

Congratulations like a man
With an annual anniversary
To the light of the birth.
Well, for the birthday!

The tractor eats solarium
Boeing loves kerosene
Let me congratulate you
Happy Day of Wonderful Day!

I love potatoes cake
And the girlfriend is with cottage cheese.
I give a fuck,
After all, attention is expensive!

If in the morning a little alive,
Like a ghost,
So you're cool yesterday
Meet my birthday!

The plane flies in the sky
The boat floats in the pond
Along the fence, from the day of birth
I am a tipsy walk.

The cook makes cutlets,
The horse makes manure.
I'm coming for a birthday
And the gift did not bring!

There is a mare on the mountain,
Under the town of harrow.
Congratulations on birthday!
Pour more wine!

The steamer floats along the Volga,
And the motor is on the Ob.
Congratulations on birthday
And we wish you love!

We were called to the restaurant,
Birthday was celebrated.
Would also celebrate
Yes, healthy is not for what ...

I happened to noted
Birthdays all day.
Now I drink mineral water -
Got a ballot.

Next to this anniversary
I, count, was born again.
As he looks with a passionate look,
So blood boils in the veins!

Birthday —- childhood holiday,
Though you are fifty.
We will give a rattle
You will play it.

There are many anniversaries today,
Anniversaries too
But we will congratulate him
Who is more expensive for us all.

Hello, dear guests,
All the feast is waiting for you
Eat, drink how much it will fit
For my health.

The sun shines behind the window,
And the birds fly.
For those present ladies
Let's drink a glass!

Be happy, unharmed
And you live a long century,
Our beloved, our darling,
The best person!

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, eat!
A friend has a birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

We wish you on birthday,
So that fate does not go around
I gave a lot of money
And gave you my wife!

Forty years - what kind of date,
Only half a life lived.
We wish to live richly
So that I would like and could.

I'm on your birthday
I will give three roses.
Let your eyes with happiness
Glums like stars

On our birthday we wish
A lot of happiness and love!
If you need to drink vodka,
You just call us!

On our birthday we wish
So that everything comes true.
There was enough strength to work
Love remains.

Ditties of grandmas hedgehog from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

Ditties of grandmas hedgehog from the cartoon
Ditties of grandmas hedgehog from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

Dithes of grandmas hedgehog from the cartoon "Flying Ship":

Stretch the hand -made fur
Eh, play-do
Sing ditties, grandmother hedgehog
Sing, don't talk

I was tipsy
And flew on a broomstick.
Oh, I don't believe
In these superstitions

I walked home in the forest,
Damn the devil behind me.
I thought- man,
What the hell is this

I turned home
The devil is behind me again.
Spat on a baldness to him
And sent to the gobard

The most harmful of people
This is a fairy tale of the villain.
That's a liar skillful
It is a pity that he is tasteless.

Stretch the hand -made fur
Eh, play-do
Sing ditties, grandmother hedgehog
Sing, don't talk

Funny fairy -tale New Year ditties of women hedgehog, yaga

Funny fairy -tale New Year ditties of women hedgehog, yaga
Funny fairy -tale New Year ditties of women hedgehog, yaga

Funny fairy -tale New Year ditties of women hedgehog, yaga:

Babayzhkovsky people
Loves the new year
And over the gardens
Walks in round dances.

Lukomor cat
They shave the head from the tail
And they drive Lesha
Screams: "Cut him!"

And to Kashchei for the whole forest
Show "antires",
And at the snakes Gorynych
They ask for Magarych's debt.

For three heroes
They go to match their daughters
And the cow Murochka
Row under the yagurochka.

Korolevich is on a horse
I drove yesterday to me.
I got up in the morning from the body -
Well, I don’t remember the hell!

Caught up for the New Year
The moonshine is fresh ...
And now I will not hide
Day and night from the goblin.

I'm not sitting in a hut
I go skiing to the forest.
Goblin will guard me -
As he sees, laughs for a long time.

The brownie is the other day
Invited to the hayloft ...
Until the morning under the balalaika
I read the tales of Pushkin!

In the morning of the first day
I looked in the mirror:
What was smashed to
Someone drunk Murlo!

Allowed to water
Spend yourself to the house,
And now the mother is chopped
I can't drive back!

Somehow I met a strap
I drove crazy with beauty
I wanted to meet -
Barely caught up!

How I got about yesterday
House stupor -
Wow, without gingerbread, Okhnik,
You don't groan me!

Do not go, girls, to the forest
There lives a shaggy demon
Only he does not show
Today, the women are interested.

Grandma Yezhka is fun -
Lost a pomelo
And now Idont on foot -
Hello, Hedgehog, New Year!

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Support the old woman!
Rape Yaga a little
I will tighten a ditty.

How angry the frost is
The Christmas trees are hot!
My legs have fallen -
Valenks are holey.

That's why Zhabenka Zhabenka
Narrow tropin?
After all, she was waiting for guests to her
He offended an orphan!

Filin hungs a consumption
To the beat of my ditty.
I dreamed to celebrate the New Year
I'm in the company of friends ...

Wind, blizzard, cold
It doesn't matter for Koshchei
I hear, I hear the creak of relics,
I waited for the guests!
What a frost prankster -
I wanted to spoil the holiday!

Baba Yaga - warns!

Dear peasants,
Butterfly - beauties!
Yaga came to visit you
Glue with ditties!

I'll sing ditties to you
But - I warn:
Cook the fee for me
"Euro" - I am collecting!

Eh, strap your leg -
Against the crisis of Yaga!
In the middle of people walked, but rubbed,
And now, and in the forest, have risen!

Crisis - Shisis, do not twist,
Do not knock me out of the way!
Oh, you are a butt life,
No matter how you look - fig!

They say that I'm old
I just can't believe it
How to study Koshchei -
Everything in me moves!

Oh, I will dance to you Break-Dan-
This is my last chance
Though the leg and bone -
Anyway, I'm young!

I warn the peasants:
Do not build my eyes!
I go out for Koshchei -
Sing Mendelssohn!

Waiting for frost in the New Year,
Tea, it will not pass by
All men - oh, stones
To the fly agaric tincture!

I made a desire
I will wait for execution.
I need little for happiness -
Only change the prostheses!

Ditties of women yaga for adults funny

Ditties of women yaga for adults cool
Ditties of women yaga for adults funny

Dithes of Baba Yaga for adults are funny:

I can’t fly without a broom,
There is nothing to sweep traces.
Woe, grief at Yaga,
If she does not have a broom.

I'll go in front of you
I’m dining in, here I will sing.
Well, what a cutie am I
How I love myself!

Look at me,
Well, why am I not a beauty?
My girlish beauty
Can't help but like it!

Undermine, all the people,
Grandma for dance will go now!
Away soon, from the road!
Take care of your legs!

I have no girlfriends -
How bitter!
Friend of Koschey and Water
They only visit!

I was fun
And flying on a broomstick,
At least I do not believe
To these superstitions!

I am a girl at least where
Not quite old:
Three hundred years old
Do not spoil the weather to me!

I lost Koshchei
Where are you, where are you, dear?
And today I met
The most cool and dear!

I have been living alone for a hundred years
In the very center of the forest,
I'm in love with Koshchei
He is to his princess.

You are my lady,
You are mine!
I love to dance
I can't resist!

I'll go dance,
Legs nowhere to put.
I will take my broom in my meter
Yes, as a lady I will dance!

Eh, Baba Yaga!
Bone leg!
I live how old
I did so many troubles!

Five hundred years, or maybe more
I live on the ground,
Where is the honor and respect
By my old age, where?!

I'm sitting in my hut
Day and night I am sad about that.
With whom I will share sadness,
Is it with my cat?

Oh, harmful I
Yes, angry me!
I'll go dance,
Evil your evil!

Original ditties about the grandmother's hedgehog and her fairy -tale friends

Cool ditties about the grandmother of the hedgehog and her fairy -tale friends
Original ditties about the grandmother's hedgehog and her fairy -tale friends

Original ditties about the grandmother's hedgehog and her fairy -tale friends:

The bird is freezing on a bitch
Bear shoes
Spinning in the tongue
Any absurdity.

The grandmother of the hedgehog of marsh
The business is highly profitable,
Together with a brisk ghoul
Serves as a conductor here.

Damp. It is heard in silence
How frogs jump
Yes mermaids at the moon
They sniffed loudly.

The tail flickens in the moonlight
Cheshui style -
Immediately gobly gobblet
Oriassic corn.

I went to the swamps
The cranberries took the ripe.
Was to the ache
And she lay on a bump.

Here, as the goblin is sneaking up.
Passion has taken me -
So my goblin was taken aback
And in Dubrava again - span!

And now I'm sitting on a bump
I, waking up from sleep,
Berry in Tuesochka.
And tasty - and all alone!

Flowers grow on a meadow,
In the swamp berries,
Yes, a cuckoo on a bitch,
I think with her year.

How young I am
All the same is pretty!
Bumblebee flies with a bumblebee,
And I am alone.

I want, I want, I want! -
I shouted to the goblin grunt. -
Pink panties,
Peniir and beads!

Do not fly to me, Gorynych,
I want the prince!
A real man
He wants a girl's body!

Do not follow me
For my bike!
My twopedals
From cold steel,
Maniacs bit -
The teeth broke!

Belu was soaked,
Swimming on a boat.
Raise, Leshak, windy,
To the milestock!

There is no joy to me in meat
There is no happiness in love.
I'm thin to the outrages,
Libido is not in the blood.

I will grab in the forest by the branch
And hanging, swing,
The to the ancestor who has lost his tail
I'm very surprised.

I wish they gave a prize
To fight me with laziness
I would be lazy then
I would have won without difficulty.

Asterisk shines in the sky,
There is a glass on the table.
If anyone respects -
Only a cockroach.

Ditties Grandma hedgehog for adult company

Grandmas Hedgehogs Hedgehogs Funny for adult company
Ditties Grandma hedgehog for adult company

Dithes of Grandmas Hedgehog for Adult Company:

We flew on a broomstick.
And slightly more fun!
What do we not believe in
What are we on the gylyanochka.

We came to the holiday
Sing and have fun,
To cheer you up
And forget a little bit.

Christmas trees, pine trees,
Funny needles.
Hey Hey,
Europe also walks!

You can walk for three days
Rest in glory!
There is only one trouble -
To work in the morning.

You are so different:
Serious and cool,
Here is a class goulyanka
Arranged shocking!

Christmas trees, pine trees,
Funny needles.
Hey Hey,
Europe also walks.

Different toasts sound
And the glasses are beating
And we sing songs,
Everyone is laughing!

The whole people gathered miraculous.
Everyone ran after me!
Celebrate and congratulate
And fill the glasses!

Here is the unclean demon
In the full moon of me -
I fell out of love with the programmer,
I fell in love with the ghoul.

To us with a girlfriend from a thicket
The goblin came at night.
Sorry, even the husband and suitable
Yes, there are two of us, and he is alone.

With a night with a dark mermaid
Danced by the river,
And then they played in Salki
Damn them to dawn.

I met a man
I did not expect a trick in it,
And as soon as they got married -
It turned out to be a ghoul.

I was tipsy
And flying on a broomstick,
At least I do not believe
In these superstitions.

Gognya flew above the ground
Unknown metal.
A lot of today
Unidentified garbage!

I say to a friend: “Lucy,
I'm so afraid of vampires! "
She laughs: “Here are the times!
Why be afraid of us? "

I caress any blood,
And my husband is a terrible snob:
Asks only blue
And the fourth group to.

He groans at night theatrically
Under my window is a dead man.
He decomposed morally
And physically completely.

Brownie from the office
The key is stubborn, infection!
How I go to work -
On the Internet rummages!

How rains have passed -
Everything was from the ground:
Tomatoes cucumbers,
Ghouls, dead ...

The storm of a halt skies the sky,
Someone in the door Bryak and Bryak-
Either the bustle humanoid,
Either the local ghoul.

Bed bugs sat on the wall,
And in the sun squinted.
The Tolkienists saw -
Immediately stopped!

The brownie sits, hiccups,
The tooth does not get into the tooth.
Rightly! It will not continue
For the night "News" watch!

Martians arrived
In our Moscow planetarium.
In the meantime, they walked
Their plate was robbed.

Sat in a stupa, flew,
I did not have time to rise,
I understood, a nuclear mother
I forgot how to fly ...

And the broom does not understand,
Slows down and gets stuck ...
Tlug will plow the earth,
Crumbles, licks ...

My friend, goblin, helps
From below raises a stup
But she yells to him:
“It will not work out a flight!

You tuck me with gasoline
Or better kerosene
And the grandmother is a grandmother
Give a snowman ...

Lubricate my sides with antifreeze
And do not stand his friend with a stake
The grandmother wants to fly ... "
Goblin rushed to look ...

He is looking for a day and the second
Went around the whole forest native
About Tosol and kerosene,
Not a single one heard here ...

How to cope with a stupa
Let him scratch with turnips
Thoughts in the Repe is a swarm,
About flight - not a single one ...

What to do? Help,
Tell me, teach
You fly on what?
The ball is airy or Chelny?

Can build wings
Then they wear them all their lives,
The mind is stupid, does not answer ...
Ask the soul? Flutters ...

Fabulous ditties of women Hedgehog for adults

Fabulous ditties of women Hedgehog for adults
Fabulous ditties of women Hedgehog for adults

Fabulous ditties of women hedgehogs for adults:

I walked by the forest past the bumps
There I found a bell!
He started such a trill
And he brought me here!

I am a grannya jack
I love to scare everyone!
But don't be afraid of me, children,
I will not offend you! Wow!

I - grandma Hedgehog Forest,
The first beauty,
Mischievous, groovy,
Everyone wants to please!

I Grandma Hedgehog Forest,
I am a mischievous girl!
I love to joke, laugh
Everyone is to get fun!

I'm unharmed, bumping,
I am a girl - just a treasure!
And I am smart, and beautiful,
Everyone is talking about it!

I dressed up today
I came to your holiday!
I dance and laugh,
I want to be a queen!

How beautiful I am -
The hair is green,
Even faithful husbands
Everyone in love with me.

I put the network in the district
For the capture of the suitors,
Once Yeti got caught
He winked and was like that.

And yesterday love koshchei
In a moment I rejected generally!
There are no lights in feelings,
He, with the old man.

Everything with Gorynych is different
At least hot as an ardent macho,
Saw here (there are no words!)
By the number of heads.

Life in the swamp is boring.
The power of the goblin is low.
I would increase kilowatts,
The forest boy.

Oh, I will play on the nerves,
And I will reduce sadness to zero.
I, at least cute, but bitch,
Who does not like it - I drown.

Give me a balalaika
I'll sing a song to you
How Grandfather Babaika enlisted
Grandma is old yagu.

Oh, and fairy tales, noisy
What is just not going on there!
Devils break "gopak"
In honor of Ivan Durak!

All kinds of greenery for dinner
The dwarf nap was eager.
After dinner
He grabbed his diarrhea!

Grandma Yaga climbs
On your bald broom.
She is on a new broom
Not enough money!

Geese-Swans, where are you?
Wait a lot to fly!
Porcerate a little
I need to shoot you!

The Russian spirit tickles in the nose,
So the yagushka wants in the nose!
She does not drink vodka,
Only the nose is pushing in everything!

There is a bottle on the table,
And in the bottle, the genie will die.
From the fact that in that bottle
Vovka splashes kerosene!

Bear is thick, clubfoot
Teremok broke all.
And the mosquito-writers with anger
He filed a lawsuit against him.

An uncle was driving on a goat,
On a goat on a tree.
Yes, I could not sell a goat
For her shabby side!

Bobrick, Bobrenka-beber
Be so good-Dobere,
I'm not low, nor high
Make a hut-tank.

Sat down to dinner with the serpent
He ate his soup in one snout.
The second snout ate the second,
The third is Korzhik and Kisel.

Brother did not listen to the sister
And he drank from the puddle.
And for harmfulness and persistence
He twisted his diarrhea,
That it would be better to become a goat!

Grandfather Babay about the grandmother Hedgehog
He sang ditties in the bazaar.
The grandmother of the hedgehog was angry,
I gave it in a hare!

Grandfather Mazai on the ice Ice of the Hare
I caught very fat.
Yes, I thought and on the hat
He torn the skin from him.

In their red boots
Kotofei threw snot
Because from walking
The boots have leaked!

Goldfather is gold
I got into the net again.
Grandma in the evening I was driving
I enjoyed delicious.
I did not want to beg anything else from the fish!

And Emelya Fish-Shchuk
Cool salt drunk
And to the sivukha for the snack
I dried it on my stove!

From the rein on the Pirushka
Under the table, like a thunder, they snore
In scales, like heat,
Thirty -three heroes.
With them, the uncle of the blacker
A beard is sleeping in the device!

In the tower in the morning, a frog,
It was, tapped.
They answer her: - Go!
The place itself is not enough!

Rushes through the sky a rocket,
A stuper rides behind the rocket.
Bab-Yaga rushes in a mortar
Directly to hell on the horns.

The old hat with a hole
Sikos-hobby nabek.
Defile on the beds builds
Garden mannequin.

I sat on the pipe with a guitar
Trubadur and songs sang.
Day sang, the second, others,
All in the district is tired!

Suddenly wanted a cannibal
Whisper in the ear of the secret
Yes, it became no strength to endure
I took it and bit my ear!

One day in the morning
Suddenly I decided Koschey: - I will die!
The muline entered the needle,
I sat down to embroider the picture.

Grandmother yaga groans:
- Oh, my leg hurts!
Here is another wooden
Not a fig groans!

The ocean is suddenly a pirate
The laws began to trample.
Instead of rum tea with jam
He was addicted to drink.
The captain got angry,
He was thrown into the ocean!

Groans at night in the swamp
Kikimora in reeds.
Already tired of Tina
Pick up in the ears.

Behind the butt goat
The witch ran with a broom.
I wanted milk
I got under the sides!

There is a hut on the mountain,
There is a barn under the mountain.
Yaga lives on the mountain,
Under the city, Grandfather Babai.
They go to visit each other,
In the Ligs, everyone “wash the bones”!

The explosive snakes flew,
Got millet from the fields,
Everywhere I caused damage to everyone,
Even his tail was frying his tail!

The woodpecker was violently hollowed
On the pine on the trunk.
Squirrel choked on a bump,
And the ferret is deaf in the hollow!

Like our houses
Geese-Swans fly.
Well, after the jamb after them
Pingvins sparrows,
And also swallows-stouts.

Invites for lunch
I am a cannibal to visit:
- Come well,
Naked and washed!

Geese are flying for the sea,
Geese do not want to go to the soup.
Angry geese
From his grandmother!
One gray, the other white
These are the geese!

Damn at night dance, they dance
To them, woe, that trouble!
Pop cadilla waves in the morning -
Run on where!
Ladan smell
It became dangerous here !!!

I ate Liska Kolobok
And grabbed her side!
She was so twisted
There is no strength !!!
Today the bun was baked
From expired flour!

Under the accordion crocodile
He started his songs,
Sang with might and main, thug
With Cheburashka drunk!
Evil hippo came out
Pressed them on the ears!

The wolf pretended to be a goat
Even the voice changed.
An older goat came out
He pressed his face!
He put it in the teeth - be healthy!
The wolf was left without teeth!

Lies Dr. Aibolit,
He hurts everywhere!
So far he treated all the animals,
A runny nose picked up from them!
Groans: - There is no money
For immunity!

Jump and bracket, jump and bracket,
Grandma sowed peas.
Suddenly stamped a grandfather's grandmother
And ordered to sow the turnip!

The devil danced on his head,
Haded the horns to himself!
Cracked away, so angry
What crossed the cross!
How the cross put on himself
So somewhere at once it disappeared!

Grandma with a grandfather joked
With an old ram,
He, a fool, treated him
Wooden egg!
Grandfather was hollowed with an egg, hollowed,
In the house in the chips, I broke everything!

Grandfather released in the blue sea
And the old woman for requests
Give me a trough!

Here and fairy tales are the end
And who listened - well done!
Well, who did not listen to us,
He will listen to another time!

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