Ditties for children for their mother’s day, about family, heroes, village, summer, bread, gingerbread, on June 1, about grandparents, on March 8, space, about winter, army, traffic rules with names for kindergarten, school and school The smallest: text and words

Ditties for children for their mother’s day, about family, heroes, village, summer, bread, gingerbread, on June 1, about grandparents, on March 8, space, about winter, army, traffic rules with names for kindergarten, school and school The smallest: text and words

Funny children's ditties for any holiday.

Children's ditties about mom for mother's day: words, text

I'm talking about my mommy
I'll sing this song
I give her this song
I love her very much.

We are with you, my girlfriend,
Sprinkle about mothers of ditties,
I'll start, you sing along
What did you go? - Let's!

Mom will buy chocolate,
Kissing at night sweet
Let the thunder rumble outside the window
But with my mother, we are warm together.

Children's ditties about mom
Children's ditties about mom

My mother is more beautiful for everyone,
So it turns out
All beauties around
They are equal to it!

After the shift, my mother
I was resting at home,
I washed the soup, washed the floor,
And I collected us to school.

Our mothers create
Each room has coziness,
There are pictures, there are flowers,
They put in different corners.

When mothers get tired
When mothers get tired

In the lesson very boring,
I look out the window, sad.
I remember my mother with dad
I want to go home and I want borsch.

My mother on the Internet
I pumped up books for children.
Without advertising, and without spam,
Just a hacker my mother.

Ditties about mom
Ditties about mom

My mom is in the store
I bought oranges
Although we walked for potatoes,
Balms me a little.

Barsik walks on the heels
He is behind his mother here and there.
As if the tail wanders straight
Everyone needs such a mother.

Dad, mom, cat and I am a very friendly family
Dad, mom, cat and I am a very friendly family

Children's ditties about grandparents

Mom goes to work
Dad left for business
But not bored with my brother
We are good with grannies.

We cooked soup with my grandmother,
And the dumplings were sculpted,
We worked for an hour
Mom praised us.

Ditties about grandmother for children
Ditties about grandmother for children

We are competing with my grandfather
On their bicycles,
Who is faster and who is stronger
Sweeps the pedals along the alley.

Grandfather has a car
Driving and I'm sitting
I will grow up, I'll go myself
Where I was telling you.

And granny and grandfather
They drove me to the park,
I rode along the paths
On a steep car.

Ditties for children
Ditties for children

Children's ditties for March 8

I congratulate mom loudly
Spring is knocking on the window
I give her gifts
I made them myself.

On this glorious day spring
I dance and sing
Because your mother
I love very much.

Song for mom
Song for mom

Believe in the miracle of the baby:
Spring will come to us faster
If in puddles with boots,
Break the last ice.

They bore in the living room with dad,
And they washed all the dishes.
We are instead of mom today
We will do all the work.

Mom's assistants for March 8
Mom's assistants for March 8

Snowmen grew up.
All the little animals woke up,
Appeared from under the hats
People have a crown.

Tired of the boots
Tired of jackets
Finally I'm running
In shoes and skirt.

Children's ditties about spring
Children's ditties about spring

Children's ditties about winter

Oh, you winter-winter
How much snow I have hung out
I'm not afraid of frost
I'm racing from a slide on a sled.

Children's ditties about winter
Children's ditties about winter

We put on the mittens
Close the face with a scarf
To play deftly in the snow
We need equipment.

Children's ditties about the army

Let me be small in tall
But eat bread with kefir
I'll go to the army soon
I will become the commander.

Guard and outfits,
How to survive all this?
You need to be very strong
To serve in the army.

Children's ditties about the army
Children's ditties about the army

My brother went to the army
They gave him a machine gun.
And for a week he
The parade ground with a broom.

The recruits are silent,
Birds fall asleep
If he walks on a parade ground
General Sinitsin.

Cooler in the army is not the same
Who is better dressed
And the one who runs faster
And more squeezes.

Preparing for the army since childhood
Preparing for the army since childhood

Children's ditties on traffic rules

To cross the road
Mom ordered me:
First, look to the left
And then to the right.

To cross the road,
You need to find the sign first:
With a man on the track
Now we can cross.

Pedestrian sign
The sign "pedestrian path"

Traffic lights are rocked different on pillars
There are three colors for cars - this is how it turns out
And for pedestrians there are two: red and green.
Remember this on the tooth if you are smart.

An uncle got out of the car
And we are facing a finger.
Do not play on the road
Transport quickly flies there.

Ditties about traffic rules
Ditties about traffic rules

Children's ditties for the smallest

Little children who still do not know how to talk also really like ditties and sore songs. Try to please the baby with such simple songs:

We stomp our legs,
We clap with pens,
We are crackers rod
We sing this song

The bunny ran small,
Put on a bunny of felt boots,
Put on the bunny of the mitten,
The bunny is afraid of the cold.

Ditties for the smallest
Ditties for the smallest

And to perform the next song, you can use soft toys as actors.

Little cat fled.
Southed the song quietly.
Moore and Moore, Moore and Moore,
This song sang.

Bunny, bunny, dance,
Dance, dance
Your ears are good
Good, good.

Bear, Bear, dance,
Dance, dance
Your legs are good
Good, good.

Ditties about the bunny for small
Ditties about the bunny for small

Children's ditties Space about aliens

From a toy rocket,
I wave my hand with my hand.
When I grow big,
I’ll definitely fly into space.

Oh rocket, you are a rocket
You mise around me there
On a distant planet,
Where there are mountains and water.

We are on Mars plowing the field
And we plant rye there.
There will be a nylon to spit,
There will be a good bread!

Ditties about space
Ditties about space

A plate suddenly flew
And in the trees I hid.
I wiped my eyes:
Maybe I dreamed?

We approached the aliens,
Thought to meet you
They squeak on the lunar
And they shun from us.

We offered an alien
Soup and pork,
But he did not become it
But he drank gasoline.

The aliens showed us
Your planet photo:
And instead of butterflies they have
Hippos fly.

Flying hippos
Flying hippos

Blue men
The competition was done at the river,
Choose blue
The queen of beauty.

Children's ditties for June 1 - Children's Day

The world is bored without kids -
Children are the main ones in the world
Let ditty about children
They will thunder throughout the planet.

Children are different,
They are all pretty
With curls on the head,
With bows, pigtails.

Ditties for children's Day
Ditties for children's Day

Children's ditties about family family

Who will wake me in the morning
Who will give a sandwich with a seagull?
This is mom, this is mom
I will feed me breakfast.

I'm playing football with dad,
I'm standing on the gate
And I scratch my knees
Mom will remove my pain.

Children's ditties about family
Children's ditties about family

Children's ditties about the village

We are very lucky all of us -
We are going to my grandmother in the village
Interesting animals there
In the courtyard is full.

Our dog sits in the yard,
The cat purrs the stove,
Milk gives a cow
Beaming the lavs in the stable.

Ditties about the village
Ditties about the village

We will go to the garden
Cucumbers Narvet with a radish,
We will break the onion, find the carrots
And we will collect strawberries bowl.

There is a pond and a river in the village,
And on the outskirts of the forest,
And behind the village of fields are spaces
A bread spikelet ripens there.

Children's ditties about bread

On the counter in the store
Blood bread lay,
And I asked my mother
How he got into the store.

Tractor of the earth will plow exactly
He will sow grain on time,
By autumn on our field
The spikelet will be resolved.

They will collect these combine
Golden spikelets,
Wrap and from grains
They will do a lot of flour.

On the bakery that flour
They will take the car in the bags,
The bakers will knead the dough
And they will bake the ruddy bread.

Children's ditties about bread
Children's ditties about bread

Children's ditties about gingerbread

My mother bought me a gingerbread,
I was very happy
Walk with this gingerbread
I went outside.

I love Tula gingerbread,
It is tastier than pies
Mom will buy a gingerbread for tea
For boring evenings.

Ditties about gingerbread
Ditties about gingerbread

Children's ditties for children about heroes

Bogatyr ditties
We will sing you to have fun.
So that you are not bored
We will dance with a song.

Lived and there was a hero
Oh, Ilya yes with Murom,
He did not go for thirty years
Then he accomplished a feat.

Selyaninovich Mikula
Everything worked on Earth
There was a mighty peasant
He is the land of the dear son.

Drukes about heroes
Drukes about heroes

Video: ditties Grandma Hedgehog

Video: kids perform ditties on February 23

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