Ditties about coronavirus, covid, about self -isolation from coronavirus - the best selection

Ditties about coronavirus, covid, about self -isolation from coronavirus - the best selection

A large selection of cheerful ditties about the quurning, which will probably be able to cheer up any person.

Ditties about coronavirus satirical

Ditties about coronavirus satirical
Ditties about coronavirus satirical

Dithes about coronavirus satirical:

Hello everyone, friends-girlfriends!
Dimych will sing ditties to you
About the covid infection,
What will kill us, but not immediately.


Who will listen to me
Will be cured in three days
The truth is after ill ...
Okay, it's all garbage!


I ate for breakfast,
I got a covidla.
It was necessary to eat pancakes -
To avoid the second wave!


Good Dr. Aibolit
Covid will cure you
Both Angin and a cold,
Syphilis and even AIDS!


Oh, complex and non -casist
Life of a simple activist:
I didn’t put a rag on my face -
Immediately taken to the department!


In the store is Merchendizer
Sanitizer offered me.
I sipped twice -
The sense of smell has returned!


Opa, yes oops, green fence!
Sanitizer rolled
And he charged ditties.

Opa, yes oops, green fence!
Sanitizer rolled
And he charged ditties.


They drove into quarantine, brothers,
Me with my wife Lily.
I will practice with her
Home violence.


If you came out without a mask,
The cops will take you!
And don't be indignant
And immediately obey ...


I don’t get up from the couch now,
I listen to Anna Popov:
She scares the virus,
Everything prohibits us in a row.


Says, they say, we can handle it -
Lies and is not shy!
Would show this Ana
I am my hole in my pocket!


Opa, yes op, in medicine ass!
No tablets, no doctors,
Neither saints nor scum!

Opa, yes op, in medicine ass!
No tablets, no doctors,
Neither saints nor scum!


I clean my hands glass
Right up to turn blue -
Soon I will smoke all the skin
From such zeal!

Ducks fly, ducks fly,
Yes, even two goose.
How to wear a respirator for me?
I won’t figure it out ...


I fell ill ... What kind of garbage?
Really viusna?
The doctor said hepatitis -
Okay, if only Covid!


I bought tests to my girlfriend -
Well, to be checked ...
It turned out “two strips” -
Now we are not up to the virus!


Opa, yes oops, Covid Europe!
Everyone sneezes, all sick
All around are infected!

Opa, yes oops, Covid Europe!
Everyone sneezes, all sick
All around are infected!


My Milenok is an example to everyone -
I handed over to the PCR tests.
And when he came to the house,
I remembered that I had forgotten the genome!


Vovochka called me
In the evening on the hay.
Says there is a procedure -
The virus does not pester.


My Milenok, here I dried,
I called and insulted:
Either frigid, then covid ...
You know what a shame!


Oh, girls, I fell in love -
Cried, but a fucking ...
It would be better to grab the virus -
The heart was not so clatter!


Eh, once again -
There are no healthy ones with us!
I continue ditties
I add antibodies to you.

Eh, once again -
There are no healthy ones with us!
I continue ditties
I add antibodies to you.


I go to the muzzle,
I am satisfied with everything, I do not buzz,
I obediently wait for robbery -
I love my government!


And with Claudia Petrovna
The rhythm of breathing is uneven,
The taste is gone, a dull Vidok -
Not otherwise Kovidok!


I love my Galina
And I will put her a vaccine,
I implant chip Bill Gaits -
And it will not go anywhere!


If you suddenly get sick
Do not rush to the Ivl,
There is little use in hospitals -
Eat paracetamop!


Opa yes op, in medicine ass!
I sing ditties to you
I give you health.

Opa yes op, in medicine ass!
I sing ditties to you
I give you health.


Well, in Sweden a mess -
Nobody wears masks.
Emigrate there -
There is a covid does not mow people there!


I am for a mask regime
I put a specific bolt!
Why do I need your masks?
I walk without fear!


I am a covid dissident,
I have a document
And now with me at a meeting
Each cop bow!


I took gloves and a mask
And I wanted to go into the tram.
They say to me: “We need a helmet.
Help, bitch, dress! "


OPA, yes op,
Let's clap your hands!
News beat us from the gun,
Well, I sing ditties.

OPA, yes op,
Let's clap your hands!
News beat us from the gun,
Well, I sing ditties.


I married Natasha,
She always walks in a mask.
On a wedding night, she took her a mask -
Oh, whom I got married!


Then the wind does not wrap the branch
Not a dubrivushka is noisy, -
Then our governor drives
He does not tell you to leave the house!


What an elderly nerd
Have you prescribed a quarantine?
So this is the mayor of Sobyanin -
Wow, I would ban it!


Like Anna at Popova
The view is not very healthy.
He loves to broadcast about
How we went to the plateau.


Opa yes op, green fence!
The virus goes home
I sing ditties to you

Opa yes op, green fence!
The virus goes home
And I sang ditties to you


We sang ditties to you,
Is it good, is it bad ...
Sorry for the little,
But you clapped!

Return from quarantine,
Do not be surprised at anything.
I am healthy - at least henna to me -
But we are waiting for the third wave!

Funny ditties about coronavirus

Funny ditties about coronavirus
Funny ditties about coronavirus

Funny ditties about coronavirus:

We will sing ditties
In order not to sour.
We are for a bunch, as always,
Just worth a whistle!


They put us home,
Only forgot to give money.
Well, we will not be lost
We’ll live on potatoes!


The virus was put on the crown,
People hold defense!
We are stronger - your mother,
Virus, do not scare us!


Once upon a time, they did not push
They did not know viruses
What they had - did not value
And now - hit!


We don't go to shopping
And in beauty salons,
Soon, husbands will leave us,
They will not recognize us.


We are sitting on quarantine
Until the end of April.
Our money is flowing down
Like in the spring of a drop.


We are at the table today,
We drink vodka under the salad.
Quarantine so quarantine,
We’ll sit for a month.


We were forbidden to work,
It didn't happen!
Now everyone has their career
Start over again!


Take the pandemic
We are all sitting locked up.
Only we can’t keep us,
All the same we will walk!


The virus put on the crown
And scares people,
To correct her exactly
There is not enough shovel!


Eh, Covid, Covid, Covid,
People have a dull look.
Everyone is sitting in apartments
Only the teliks look.


Our money is running out
Only jokes - to the hell,
Can pay them them
For April for housing and communal services?


Coronavirus from China
What kind of rubbish is still like that?
Get out of Russia,
We did not ask to come!


Tired of us friends,
Only this does not matter
Inflation is still waiting.


I put on a mask to my husband
So as not to breathe on me.
No is not sick, and not a virus,
It's just a fragment!


There are no masks in the pharmacy now,
But ingenuity to hell.
We are from diapers, gaskets
We can sew masks then!


They say buckwheat will disappear
I urgently need to be purchased,
Only we already purchased
There is nowhere else to lie!


Husband came home from work
Disinfection immediately.
Brought him on a dish
Drink vodka with pepper I.


We ditties sang-slats,
The neck dried up
You need to urgently uro
So as not to die!


I put on the crown, picked up the coronary
There is no vaccine from it, help immunity

Everyone is afraid of quarantine, people, birds and cattle
Beware of infection, make disinfection

All concerts were canceled and broke off artists
There is no money now, really, help financially!

In Amsterdam, Underwheel to Entertainment Services
That confused instead of affection, give out masks to customers

Pandemia occurs, all the boundaries are closed
Capital does not lose heart, flows abroad

We will help Italy, we will have a profit of depositors
You forget about gasoline, quarantine occurs

There is no paper in the store and in the dressing room
I bought your mother, I will wipe it with a finger

Pork flu and bird flu pandemia speaks
You surpassed us, will not save a gas mask

The water in the river is cloudy, the fish is sick with the virus
Do not get the crayfish at the bottom of the crayfish, do not catch cancer

The coronary creatures of the Guslyar hesitated
The crowned gusser is now releasing steam today

So that everyone does not need to be protected by everyone
I'm not afraid of illness, I kiss and move intensively ....

Ditties about coronavirus - a text of a good mood

Ditties about coronavirus - a text of a good mood
Ditties about coronavirus - a text of a good mood

Dithes about coronavirus - the text of a good mood:

Tests make a banker.
You live as you want, live.
For elites - coronavirus.
For the people - SARS!


She rushed for products
Baba, sitting on the pomelo.
I sneezed so much in the store
Everything is bold from the shelves at once!

I will bring from the prodmag
Toilet paper.
I have a full mouth.
Here is such a people!


Five kilo I buy buckwheat,
Large, whole, not cuts.
I will eat two weeks
And then - climb onto the roof!


There are decrees for the elite:
Make tests from infection.
And other health for
Give a mask for three rubles!


I bought a lot of salt
And put on the mezzanine.
Head sharpens the pain:
The mezzanine will collapse soon!


I brought on the Kolymag
One hundred paper rolls.
And I keep my nose in the wind
I'm waiting for both snot and diarrhea.


We will poison the virus ourselves.
We will send to help for the EU
Disinfection of the car -
Strong Russian moonshine!


I am the other day from Pecheneg
Carried away felt boots -
He has a crown - mega,
True, the virus is small.


Konstantin offered me
Conduct a quarantine with him.
I'm at Constantine now
I do not get off the quarantine.


The people walked in a crowd of inconspicuous
Behind the paper toilet.
I accidentally sneezed -
The whole crowd was blown away by the wind!


For intercourse and affection
I came to my beloved in a mask
And until the sunset itself
Kissed her a respirator.


Play the goat with yourself
I began to get tired.
What did it come to


Spring is in the yard,
So it is worth the mother is honest
Fuck on the poultry farm has grown -
What have you done, virus!


Grandmos lived geese,
In the membranes of the knife.
The producer fell in love with the singer -
The goose is also pretty.


Met Milka between Christmas trees
Good doctor virusologist
He took off her crown from the back of her head -
Milka will not star anymore!


Oh, echo-permanhyd,
Just a removal brain:
It is better to pick a tripper,
Than coronavirus!


I play the guitar
The coolest in the galaxy,
But I put on gloves
For the sake of prevention!


This crisis will not strangle
Our Russian show-bisis:
He is in spite of any shed
Will sing in a gas mask!


I sang ditties sweet
And she to sing to me, but to sing,
You better boil
What to sing such songs!

Ditties about coronavirus mischievous

Ditties about coronavirus mischievous
Ditties about coronavirus mischievous

Oblings about coronavirus mischievous:

With kum we drive moonshine
From sheets of papyrus.
Only he helps
From coronavirus.


In quarantine maniac Luke
Rudely climbed behind caresses
Well, and the women of the maniac?
They threw masks.


The virus strains are everywhere
Only the environment perishes in wet.
The husband is shoved in himself,
The month does not dry out.


Wait for me, friend Tomka.
Films are not afraid of me, Shmon.
I’ll sneeze loudly a couple of times
OMON scans scattered.


On the nudist beach Bel
Knocked down with the virus migraine.
Access to the Belen body
It lasted all day.


I'm not sitting in quarantine.
I am the battles at the forefront.
I walk with a club
And I am called Rosgvard.


I picked up the virus somehow
From the father Procopius.
The son was born later, raised.
Pop Prokopiy is a copy.


There is all longing in quarantine.
A hand reaches for a glass.
Vodka in the throat must be poured,
To reset the virus.


In the bathhouse for women for the fifth time
Grandfather Panas climbed shamelessly.
And now he, a parasite
Heals Tripper and Covid.


We lie drunk with kum
Quiet at the acacia.
Our regime has come
Self -isolation.


On the mountain is a tall house,
Under Mount Osin.
We are driving ditties
You are from quarantine.


I don’t give a damn about the cap
We are now keeping the regime


The money is over, but
The virus went to the plateau
At least a plateau, at least a payment -
By zero salary!


Every day more than a muzzle is more and more.
Apparently, a mutation.
That's what he brings to


Took a ticket to Bali,
And they could not return.
There are pros and cons of
In the end of horseradish.


I am sitting for five weeks
Mnu is sad Titi.
Oh, I don't know soon
The sacrament of intercourse.


You were sick with Covid
And I'm bird flu.
How suddenly we have
Turned out to be a tripper?


We can’t make a noise online
Do not collect Haip from the crown.
I entered you through the zoom
And you finished Skype.


To the question "What to live for?"
Who answers what.
I must say that I frowned:
"Live on healthy!"


We sang ditties to you,
Make rid of the nation.
Now it's time to go back
In self -isolation.

Ditties about coronavirus for adults

Ditties about coronavirus for adults
Ditties about coronavirus for adults

Ditties about coronavirus for adults:

Surprised everyone the other day
Putin Relation
Now with my husband I have


Do not let us out of the house
They catch us on the street.
Kandom ended at home
And the remnants of the chicken!


I loved officials
And churchmen
And in response I received
Two muzzles on the nose!


The husband said today - give
I sent him!
You follow two meters
I told him!


We no longer have a people
All on the observation,
We lost freedom
Like in occupation!


The Pechenegs rolled
But the guys are on the alert!
They bought it in stores
On the nose of masks a little bit!


If you are angry with me
Then I sneeze at you!
You will live in quarantine,
Until the fifteenth day!


And here what, brothers, business,
The ailment from China flew in.
Here is such an attack
He can get into your mouth.


And in Russia, grace,
My friends called us for a walk.
I can't leave the house
And cherish health.


On the alleys the color of the chestnut
The novelty inspires ...
Only a virus from Ujan
Poster local dumps.


We sat with Kitais,
Harcho soup erupted:
He tried to eat through the mask,
He even dislocated his shoulder.


Our guide fell ill
I bought an ointment from the virus -
All acne disappeared immediately
Even the one was needed.


I have been a hangover in the morning
They beat the kangaroo's face.
Only in the evening they dismantled -
They all took us to quarantine.


How they got in the garden
Black crows.
Previously, Tripper was afraid
And now - crows.


All wagons in green,
And the last is blue.
Are we really forever
In imprisonment for slaughter?


Harmonist for the game
The bottle of moonshine,
And pile pills
Virus clone!


I write a virus at night
In creative ecstasy.
How else to answer me
Ugan shed?


Blizzard is angry behind the window
And the snowflakes of Kuter.
It's good when you are at home
If this is not a prison.


Coronavirus suddenly flashed,
People have a lot of ideas.
Travel around the world
There are no queues yet.

In the Louvre without the Chinese, quiet
In the Hermitage - grace!
It does not happen that
Could not give something.


With Milka we are on quarantine
Day-Day is sitting together,
Kissed and cursed,
And now we are already singing.


Above the ground coronavirus
Grinning, flew,
Milena and I on the couch
So that the virus does not get us.


- Milka, what?
- Yes, I'm not what!
- I put on a mask?
Yes, I'm sweet, not what
We do not care!


Balalaya plays
Ringeous, poor
Why is life so
Became non -battered?


My little one is like a calf -
For any cow was going
And now the cowavirus
He did not find anyone!


Mother is blushing me
Tyatka saves more -
If I go without a mask,
He will guard a log with a log!


Dear does not kiss me,
Says - it will become infected!
He walks in a mask all day,
Just disgrace!

Cool ditty about coronavirus for adults

Cool ditty about coronavirus for adults
Cool ditty about coronavirus for adults

Cool ditty about coronavirus for adults:

Like at Kiev station
33 cops sneezed.
And the people are not ready
Wait for the infection from the cops!


The ax floats along the river
From the village of Kovidovo.
It would be nice if he sailed
To Medvedev in Zavidovo.


We and I have been from Ugun
We beat, lying on the couch.
That would be like that and
Win inflation.


Putin in the bunker sits,
From the annoyance, frowning:
“I dreamed about the crown
But I don’t want such a thing. ”


I charged a machine gun
I prepared a club.
Waiting for when it starts
The zombie apocalypse?


Checked for Covid,
But they found just AIDS
Cancer with tuberculosis,
I am fresh, like a rose!


We are sitting in prostration
In self -isolation.
Uncle WWII, you are sick
Turn to the nation!


I don't know what's with me.
Became the long evening.
Boring so that I am with my wife
Talking yesterday.


There is a camel on the mountain,
He wants to have fun.
It is a pity that the authorities do not give
Group gather.


We probably will die.
It would be nice to become a king.
The kings have enough money
To be treated with ginger.


Tolik died from Covid,
And in the report - from corns.
What kind of mysticism are you
Russian statistics?


I have a child to swear.
"He does not like school."
He is a bore through zoom
I walked in YouTube!


Outside the window, the sky is blue,
We are sitting without a pass.
And all days on quarantine
They will deduct us from vacation.


Crown - Virus Nature -
Threat to all people
Fear, passions are raging in the world,
Borders close the authorities


Walked in earnest
From China, he took a bastard,
So all infection to us
He strives to get away right away!


Kurin flu, flu pork,
Unknown different,
The wall should be built,
To save Russia from misfortunes!


Maybe it will, but for now
We do not go to the fool:
March, together, like one -
Houses to quarantine!


We keep the defense tightly
We purchase pasta,
Buckwheat full pantries -
No hunger strikes are afraid of us!


And many well done
Nice cucumber cans,
Both mushrooms and marinade,
Well, what else do we need?


Our main antibiotic
Adored "drug",
They haven't found better yet
Than the head of garlic!


Ailors saves from anyone,
No one even argues,
The smell, however, tear your eyes off
I need a gas mask here!


Antiseptics in return
Better vodka - there is no one!
You can drink and wash your hands
Because it’s healthy to be!


Ah, there is no mask in pharmacies!
Spit on these tales,
From the panties of simple family,
There will be a couple for ideological!


There is no crowd in stores
There is no smell of gasoline,
No work and worries
Everyone eats, and someone drinks!


On TV in the morning
Doctors act
The main thing is to wash your hands,
And about the street - forget!


And waking up in the morning,
I give the will to my feet
In an apartment at forty meters,
I “cut” kilometers!


The neighbor has interesting
Business at home "wonderful" -
Time does not lose it in vain -
Walking dogs "trust"!


There is no vaccine from the Virus -
Panicia of medicine,
But the "crown" will not pass,
And in Russia it will die!


After all, we have for hundreds of years,
Your native immunity!
There is no other country in the world
To boast of this!


It is necessary to rush into panic,
To escape from the virus,
After all, we have no matter what,
There is a saving maybe!


The province made a smart look
He knows everything about Covid
Two hours in shorts rustled
But Covid did not find.

If it should be for a loan
Covid will not save you
The prosecutor will not save
He is also a sick thief.

You went to the date
I found a woman with forms
The mask removed from it - section
From Covid fucked up ...


Frodo will run to the Mordor,
To stop the Covid
On the way, the country will sell
Frodo, he's for everything.


Even in the sea blue whale
Already knows about Covid
And with Covid fishermen
They are tastier than Paltus.


Here they will give us a vaccine
How cattle will be instilled everyone
We will remove masks we are friends
After all, the sick are all cheers!

I fell in love with a man.
Well, then, to the quarantine.
And now he is a hippo!
How to love this!


Everything will pass, it will pass.
It will be replaced by half a might.
And who did not take Covid,
Will be vaccinated by Covid.


So you die from Covid,
And everyone will say: "From Covid."
And the doctor will say that Covid,
Because it is not vaccinated.


For flies to get stuck,
The cockroaches did not run away
Masks need to be worn
And breathe through the holes.


Tamara and I walk a couple,
We wear a mask for two.
And finally we have Tamara
From the Kovidla hyperpsich.


I go without a mask everywhere,
The face is strictly brick.
And at the checkout without fear:
“What kind of mask? What are you about?"


I walked without a muzzle,
I infected all Covidla.
Here I have a covid
The most fashionable variety.


I walked without a muzzle,
I infected all Covidla.
Here I have a covid
Asymptomatic varieties.


The test passed! No, on IQ.
The doctor is so diligent!
The result, I just sing,
Strictly negative!


I applied a mask to the face,
I forgot to wash off in a hurry.
Young, just like in a fairy tale
So I walked all day.


I applied my mask on the face,
I forgot to wash off in a hurry.
The princes stared, as in a fairy tale!
In, rejuvenated!


I applied a mask to the face,
In a hurry, I forgot to wash off.
The chef is satisfied. The plan is like in a fairy tale.
So, so be it!


But in the Czech Republic they decided:
Little mask alone!
Better at once four -
Different strains of your cut.


My dear cheated on me
He beat me and insulted me.
He punished him Covid,
He became humble like a whale!


Oh, we don’t need a crown,
Yes, complete with the virus,
This is life for millions,
With a very long minus!

Ditties about coronavirus - corsuriybies

Ditties about coronavirus - corsuriybies
Ditties about coronavirus - corsuriybies

Danishness about coronavirus - Coon -Russian batches:

Stay at home and accept hello,
Swallow the dose of viral verses!
And whoever likes, will be our bikes,
Do not forget to put like below us!


Pandemia somehow announced in the world
Who needs it, they never asked
Where the infection came and from where it grew,
Previously, an unknown, evil coronavirus?


We will sing a little to you now,
They say that the virus is from a bat,
The Chinese were eaten in an infectious creature,
And then the virus was sent around the world!


The cunning Chinese studied the virus
And the distribution was suspended.
They say that they are secret monks,
They made a healing turtle soup.


Only here the virus is very fast,
Stupid tourists relied at a discount.
Stopped flights, trains do not go,
The travel sphere is completely erased.


The countries refused globalization,
They declared self -isolation measures.
Alliances collapsed, not to hear about NATO
Apparently, this friendship is false, guys.


The weak virus mows, the strong virus mows,
And in rumors, it mows strongly non -partisans.
And now there are many requests in Russia,
How to replenish the rows from United Russia?


I decided to pat the president today,
He ordered the month not to work!
Sit at home, you need to health
It is a pity that I do not have enough naked salary.


We now do not need to be afraid of anything
It is important not to overdo it with quarantine.
The time will come, they will say - "To work!"
And the people will answer-"Something is not hunting!"


Doctors asked - "Wearing all masks!"
To live in quarantine without fear,
The grandmother did not listen, did not listen to the grandfather,
And now in the hospital they drink only pills.


Anxiety is everywhere, quarantines everywhere,
And the wise people moved to shops.
Boiled buckwheat, sold out with semolina,
They even bought an oatmeal with mold.


We live today in the world of epidemics,
But with a crust, even without bonuses,
Our wish is familiar to everyone,
To live longer - stay at home

Ditties about pandemia and coronavirus

Ditties about pandemia and coronavirus
Ditties about pandemia and coronavirus

Dithes about pandemia and coronavirus:

People are spent in quarantine.
The case moves to the avalanche.
I want to become free,
Go out and sneeze for everyone.


I'm sitting in my kitchen
I jam quarantine.
To lose weight, first chubby.
Motor and to gray hair.


Is there a virus, guess!
If there are doubts,
There will be infection!


I look around powerlessly:
Let terrible, but end.
Something dragged on hard
The endless kapets.


I left the house in the evening
From the Sobyaninsky crown.
Without a reason. Breathe.
Quiet, warmth and grace.


I put on gloves,
Then I touch my hand.
I do not infect anyone -
Here is a conscious!


I don't go to the cinema now,
I am with friends, in particular,
So now it is started
For security!


He walked around Europe
Coronovir spirit,
Even the songs of the carnival
The current one has been canceled!


All diseases from China
They melt in our society,
Do not panic
Neither big nor small!


All sciences are reasonable for us
To know remotely,
So that in the classes-lectures
Do not catch infections!


If it climbed uncomfortable
The body is temperature,
Go to the hospital faster
And the tragedies will not happen!


Respect quarantines
Two weeks, the term is not long,
And don't be a source
The vicious virus!


Coronavirus symptom
Our doctors are familiar
Do not get into self -medication,
It is like a crime!


How sick - think,
And do not infect anyone,
Do not be a source of trouble
For the environment!


Without despondency among the people
Insulation passes,
Take the scrupulous
To the relapses of the ailments are formidable!


We defeat the coronavirus
We are in the world
Wash your hands, everyone who has grown,
And, of course, children!


Today even a nation
In self -isolation,
Quarantine is indispensable,
We will deal with him the disease!


Passion with coronavirus,
Distant, by God's mercy,
Become a nightmare of your past
And not a strong monster!


Coronavirus from tourists,
Will fly very quickly,
Look around how you arrived right away
Don't take the infection home!


All microbes, like midges,
And flutter with a retinue!
With soap, my palms are more often,
Cleanliness - protection!


How doctors ask us,
Self -isolated;
Vodka in the morning
I will disinfect.


If we wave the pile -
This is not drunkenness:
We are drinking alcohol now
Only as a medicine!


We do not care about illness.
We are sitting in Pivnushka
And we sing about the virus
A lively ditties.


We are not at all scary
Quarantine measures, -
If only they were equipped
Wine shops!

Ditties about self -isolation from coronavirus

Ditties about self -isolation from coronavirus
Ditties about self -isolation from coronavirus

Ditties about self -isolation from coronavirus:

Eh, Covid, Covid, Covid,
People have a sad look.
We are all sitting home,
We cook and eat.


The wallet is empty quickly
The business burst forever
In housing and communal services we will not be able to pay.
What to do, gentlemen?


Coronavirus was brought
Wanderers to Russia?
Who asked you to relax
Go to the periphery?


I quickly sewed the mask to my husband,
So that he does not breathe on us.
He drank a little yesterday!
Pulled on the vocal.


They say ginger will disappear
I urgently need to be purchased,
Oranges and lemons,
There is nowhere to lie!


Husband came home from work
We carry out disinfection.
Here I carry him on a dish
Drink tincture with pepper I.


I advise you at home
Stay, friends,
The enemy with the crown is very strict,
He is one judge for us!


I can't swear
But I really want to bend
Do not go from home
How else to scare you?


Without the Handra, we are among the people
Insulation passes,
Beer, vodka, sausage,
And ditties until the morning!


The market collapsed, oil slept,
The virus is strengthened,
An optimist must be
After all, life continues.


For intercourse and affection
I came to my beloved in a mask
And until the sunset itself
Kissed her a respirator.
I really understood only at the end
That he was not on his face ...


Dear does not kiss me,
Says - then, then!
He is in a mask of the house all day,
Trains with the cat!


I'm afraid to sneeze and cough
I scare the whole people
I am pleased with quarantine
And my cat, on the contrary.


We defeat the coronavirus
We are in the world
Wash your hands all who grew up
And, of course, children!


He walked around Europe
Coronavirus spirit,
Pour a glass as soon as possible
We are antiviral.


Observing quarantine,
I'm sitting alone at home
And imagine what, what,
If no one is at home?


I don't go to the cinema now,
And I don’t bathe in the sea.
Coronavirus punished -
I repent the day and night.


We are sitting on quarantine
Until the end of April.
Put things in order at home -
Hands were numb.


I fell in love with Milena
Yes, I forgot who he is.
Black mask on the face -
All my cursed sclerosis.


Take the pandemic
We are all sitting locked up.
Only we can’t keep us,
All the same we will walk!


The virus was put on the crown,
People hold defense!
We are stronger - your mother,
Virus! Do not scare us!


I haven't met anyone
Worse than these British -
It is not clear that they say
Make a muck.


Old grandmother on the throne
Sitting all day in the crown -
It turned out that e-mine
This is her virus.


Day and night I read
News about the virus,
I go to bed and wake up
Around the coronavirus.


Once upon a time, they did not push
They did not know viruses
What they had - did not value
And now - hit!


We are at the table today,
We drink vodka under the salad.
Quarantine so quarantine,
We’ll sit for a month.


All diseases from China
They melt in our society,
Do not panic
Neither big nor small!


The temperature has risen,
The ambulance arrived
The doctor goes to the new spacesuit,
Either the roof moved.


We defeat the coronavirus
On this planet,
If the mask does not help
Let's kill him with a rocket!

Modern ditties about coronavirus

Modern ditties about coronavirus
Modern ditties about coronavirus

Modern ditties about coronavirus:

Viruses in a huge pack
Averse in China,
And they scattered around the world
That all countries tensed!


The virus flew to Verona,
Correct your crown.
Don't finish us anymore
Beware of the Russians!


The archaeologist opened the papyrus,
Coronavirus sat there,
For a long, long time we laughed:
- And why were he afraid of?


To open coronavirus,
We began to wash the entrances!
Kohl will think with your head
Garbage will be taken out with more than!


The grandmother of the brain went out to the minus:
- I want coronavirus!
He is a young guy,
And not that Grandfather is gray -haired!


Grandfather, feeling the hole,
Announced about the young:
- What are you, grandmother, mom Mia,
I like a pandemic!


Such a shake in the country -
Became a deficiency of the mask!
If it goes further,
Disassembled iodine in pharmacies!


The people dared at all -
Ginger costs seven thousand!
Who will answer without difficulty:
How much is the patho then?


Our neighbor did not eat, did not sleep
And in Europe I visited!
That's how innovations
Lud - in intensive care ...


How to feed the waist
Scan to Italy!
Seek, infection,
Venice calls us!


Boris Johnson said
He himself did not know what he did:
- Without loss - no success,
Death gives immunity!


Trump without any threats
He said: - No money, WHO!
We must hold out
To refrain from payments!


Dear, Taya, spoke,
- There is a girlfriend from China!
And I - stupid - in response:
- Where is your immunity?


We went through China
They found many viruses,
And we stand the dead -
They are all washed!


It's good in the country now,
To work - no, no, no!
Where is the salary? For what?!
After all, the horse worked in a coat!


Not kissed for seven days,
The crowned virus ...
I touch my lips,
They dry out without love!


We are not fun for us,
We will defend two meters -
We are afraid of the virus
We don't touch each other!


Love has “inflation”:
This is a bad thing,
I will come in to, probably, me!


Honey, your saliva
The virus is like a mother's mother!
She, in the words, is twisted
Very poisonous!


White light has not been sweet for a long time -
This virus tired:
Worn with a crown,
As with white Vorona!


And worse - nothing
There is no life because of him
I will suffer another seven days,
And I’ll spit on him at all!

Ditties about coronavirus to children

Ditties about coronavirus to children
Ditties about coronavirus to children

Ditties about coronavirus to children:

Masha does not scare the virus.
He does not let the bear into the hut.
Before open the door
Makes the paws to wash.


Mother found out about the virus
She said a red cap.
I ate a granny. Know the cunning
The mask is a gray volunteer.


Walk a clear night
With the Snow Maiden Beautiful
The virus came out in the cold.
Five minutes later, froze.


Not a princess, not a frog,
And an unknown animal.
The prince fell
Next to the virus arrow.


I learned from the forty
How much the virus was ill.
Immediately doors to the lock.
Does not let in the tower.


The hungry wolf was smell.
The virus picked up on his paw.
They took him home.
Isolated. Eighth.


Geese-swans flew.
The children managed to hide.
The virus flew in vain with them
And gripped his teeth.


Turniped the virus picked up
Grandfather with a grandmother screamed:
- Anyway went all as one,
I announce quarantine!


For treating pandemia,
Pneumonia, hysteria
Elderly soldier in the morning
I ate porridge from the ax!


- Petya, look out the window!
The virus sang, the legs dangled.
Cat and Drozd carried the service,
The cockerel was saved.


And the princess is Nesmeyan
The soap hands are very zealously.
The virus was angry without pleasures.
And there was ... loud laughter.


Sivka-Burka obeyed.
Vanya turned into a prince.
The virus also climbed into the ear.
A Sivka rode with him into the forest.


Spring is already in the yard, plus it replaces the minus.
At night, many are not up to sleep - life has broken a virus for us.
In a microscope, we were shown a ball in small horns.
We did not recognize the crowns - a bun on our legs!


He caught up with fear on the world, the continents in a panic.
Either who played the game with a whip, and not with the gingerbread?
Emergency happened in the world incident?
They say - so far it is not that attack and invasion.


Sit, ordered, in self -isolation.
The bold fine was punished - we look at publications.
Dad eats with the phone and will admit colleagues.
It seems that there is a dad at home, but it seems like it is absent.


Mom loves the kitchen, constantly cooks something.
Children knock with spoon, they want to eat all day.
We took up a quiet business - we painted the chicken.
Tired of sitting at home, we want to go outside!

The virus is exactly doomed, we know this firmly:
No matter how strong he is, we will break him!


For educational success
Even the virus is not a hindrance.
We will be home without secrets
We do online!


We are tired of studying.
The head teacher at school passed the baldness.
Scream the virus "Hurray!"
For the holidays it's time!


Head teacher:
At home for long hours
You must learn yourself!
Say the virus we - no!
And not that - on the teacher's council!


Physics teacher:
The resonance cut magnetic
The virus is small -sized.
Pneumonia to treat,
We must teach physics!


Geography teacher:
The virus rushes around the countries
In the seas and oceans.
Sitting at home, chew ginger,
The flu is a splash of the Uthomir.


Literature teacher:
Classic writes, century from century
Turning to a person
Asks a question, friends,
Is the virus trembling?


Astronomy teacher:
The virus droits on the planet,
Scaring everyone on the Internet.
Fear, anxiety and spleen
Let's throw it into a black hole!


Biology teacher:
The virus runs to the kingdom.
Against invent the medicine.
Get vaccines code
And five for a year!


Chemistry teacher:
Antiseptic Afish.
The virus is disinfected.
My hands regularly,
Having removed the mask, go home.


A history teacher:
COVID-native virus
He gave the soil for fraud.
In the world this: to whom is war,
And to whom the mother is dear.


Mathematic teacher:
Not a simple axiom -
Do not walk, study at home,
Knowledge to multiply the reserve
And divide it into class.


Teacher of Russian language:
Virus - from Latin phrase,
And in Russian-poison, infection,
Mucus, soulless parasite
Naughty will amaze.


Follow the prescriptions
Get knowledge at home.
Be honest and wise
Know the rules of the game!


Parents (choir):
Let's say the school we thank you
All forces against the virus
We will collect and immediately into battle
With an enlightened head!


Reproached Vanya Manya,
What is on the couch.
Sorry or what? Let it lie!
Maybe he has a covid!


Disposable masks
They replace me with a coat.
I go naked without fear,
What they think is not right.


We got sick with a covidla
All symptoms are evident:
Before going to sleep, drowsiness or
- stood up - a rumpled face.


We were told that the coils
Conquered this world.
Only we missed everything
After all, we have another idol.


Right now they said the box
Do not die from the covidla
And barely aware of
The holiday enters each.


Pulled the "star of Covid"
And he went to breathe into the people.
Even mittens for a look,
What, like everyone else, I am an idiot.


I go to the mask from fear
Lose your penny.
They say that the mask is wearing -
The path to the immortality of the soul.


I go to the mask from fear
Ripe a large fine.
And in nature these masks
The giraffe will not wear it either.


Maine approached the box office. In the mask.
Presented his gun.
I received everything at the checkout.
The authorities have no complaints!


Everyone around will get sick:
Who is Covid, who is not Covid.
Well, who will not break out
It will be vaccinated there.


New Year is knocking on the door,
But I will not let him in.
And I don't believe in vaccines
And I don't want a muzzle!


Happy New Year! With a new mask!
With the new virus again!
So that so carrier
It is useless to catch up!


I walk everywhere without a mask.
No, I'm not weaving.
People look without fear
Since I'm beautiful!


I breathe quietly in the mask
I do not touch anyone.
In the mittens, on top of the helmet.
I am tormented by anxiety.


New Year is not far off.
What will be with us tomorrow?
Or from Covid we will die,
Or thunder in a madhouse.

Joking ditties about coronavirus

Joking ditties about coronavirus
Joking ditties about coronavirus

Coking ditties about coronavirus:

So that the infection does not get
Don't kiss me in your mouth
And do not touch my bread
For open places!


Bought - do nothing ...
They got drunk - and on the gases:
Breakfast - buckwheat, dinner - buckwheat,
For lunch - Espumisan ...


My Milenok loves affection
And for different things.
He kisses me on the mask
I am in a gas mask!


If medicine does not have
Antivirus vaccine,
Then we have a vaccine -
Pour more father -in -law!


Cursed, like Yeti,
Crowned in appearance,
The virus wanders around the planet -
Nineteenth Covid.


I am under the mask, stealthily,
How doctors from WHO are ordered,
I added another gasket
And he inserted the tampons into the nose.


We are happy with quarantine
And with a neighbor Konstantin
We consume quarantine
Alcohol and nicotine!


With Milka we are on quarantine
Day-Day is sitting together,
Kissed and cursed,
And now we are already singing.

Above the ground coronavirus,
Grinning, flew,
Milena and I on the couch
So that the virus does not get us.


Balalaya plays
Ringeous, poor
Why is life so
Became non -battered?


My little one is like a calf -
For any cow was going
And now the cowavirus
He did not find anyone!

The virus walks on the planet
We don't give a damn about the virus
We are about the virus for you guys
We will compose songs.

The TV scares us:
"Soon the virus will come to you"
Toilet paper
Squeezes into the departure!


There is a more complicated task:
Turn off the box.
That the Russian sore
They say death to the Chinese.


The quarantine was introduced around,
So as not to communicate.
And we will sing songs
We were not scared.


The panicer buys buckwheat,
And we sing songs.
We are Soviet guys,
And we will not be lost anywhere!


We are the Germans in the forty -fifth
They gave a competent answer
We will answer all aggressors:
You just have no chances!


They lie now that through the money
The virus multiplies, friends
Live, communicating through the figure,
You and I can’t.


Not only with bread
Alive in Russia man.
Wash your hands with soap more often
And live for many years!

We will forget about scandals,
Let's cross out resentment.
And like the Germans in the forty -fifth
We set Covidy.

To know that our
This enemy is not terrible!
Eh, grace in the capital!
The calls are the boys for a walk.

But I'm sitting at home again,
And get cherished by health!
Well, honor, too,
Thanks to the mayor Seryozha!


Fitness club on quarantine,
Home training training
Three approaches to the refrigerator,
We’ll rest on the fourth!
I feel in kind,
Sport is not for the figure!


I am in a seal in the store
Shouted - a bitch!
Because I took it
The last canned food.
Well, buckwheat too
We panic still!


The vaccine does not need Russian vaccine,
There is a proven recipe -
Attach the plantain,
Sip the "white".
In order not to be firing,
The mask is useful.


I sang ditties to you
To fight Covidom
Likes and reposts
Bend the infection ...

Ditties about coronavirus humorous

Ditties about coronavirus humorous
Ditties about coronavirus humorous

Oblings about coronavirus humorous:

One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
He passed the whole street.
I did not find anyone there.


One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
He did not run far.
The policeman detained.


One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
He showed his violent temper.
They immediately wrote out a fine.


One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
In vain, an eccentric went for a walk.
Barely disappeared from the dogs.


One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
He got a cuff.
She became a plane head.


One, two, three, four, five.
The virus came out for a walk.
And the Mishutinsky Cabinet of Ministers
He announced everyone quarantine.


At least in the crown, even in bast shoes,
The virus cheerfully goes on.
Do not take Makara
With amber fumes!
Oh, what happened now!
Coughing 3 times!
This is all coronovirus!
This is him, an infection!
Wrote some kind of person.
Apparently he wanted.
2 weeks quarantine -
Then we’ll talk.
I love my job
On weekdays, holidays, on Saturday,
But quarantine happened!
How to love something now, damn it?
I was in a hurry to work
Without a spacesuit on the subway.
I did not infect a little bit.
It's good that I'm in a coat!
Brutally wanted buckwheat,
And I went to the store.
Fortunately, vodka without misfire ...
And buckwheat has quarantine.
And we have some kind of virus
And a week quarantine.
If someone from the hut got out,
That traitor and nerd.
I tried to have breakfast.
Nothing succeeded.
My muzzle interfered with me,
Because in the world a virus!
Everything from the virus with the crown
It's been crazy for a month.
From hysteria from it
I will jump out of the window soon.
There are many years to the man
And in fact, the same shket.
He obediently observed
Social interval.
Mor attacked Pindos.
Who is the Messiah?
And ascended the pedestal
Putin and Russia!
Why did it happen?
Half a page got up with cancer!
And do not lie about the virus -
Where is that virus, and where are we!
I drink culturally
I do not infect anyone ...
Yes, coronocarantine
Ideal for men!
In plastuna, ahead
For 100 meters to the store.
Everything has their own costs,
But that’s the quarantine!

How I will paint my nails
I will cling to black eyes
I will stand on the balcony in the jacket -
That's what a goat I am!
Infected with psychosis
The country froze in fear.
Without listening to information
Outside the window, spring blooms.
I have been dreamed of not in vain:
Do not kiss me a suck.
Right now everyone has a coronyard
And from the buckwheat is overdose.
How I found out about the crown
(And that the virus is garbage),
I'm ready for damage,
If you fall in love with me!
You are alone and I am alone
Because quarantine.
Self-isolation -
This is a liquidation!
You are alone and I am alone
Because quarantine.
And in general, let you under the mask -
I look at the women cautiously!
Limited contacts,
Sexual including!
Evens all! Where are the facts?
Owls there in the Kremlin!
Like sneezn once to the right
And I’ll sneeze it left
Therefore - I have the right!
And do not MAKA MANU!

Funny ditties about coronavirus, Covid

Funny ditties about coronavirus, Covid
Funny ditties about coronavirus, Covid

Funny ditties about coronavirus, Covid:

Oh, "Covid, Covid, Covid"!
The mask spoils the appearance!
The mouth holds locked up
How to go on a date?

The girls put on the girls,
The men were all stunned:
Where is my tent?
Let me know, my soul!


But he does not know the tent
Where her sweeter suffers:
Also put on the mask,
And there is no strength to find out!


Masks, mittens, gloves-
Attributes are all right.
Avoids those "Covid",
Who will leave the "Covid"!


Masks-shows are tired:
They just didn’t eat with them!
We took them together
And they left their pockets.


We take it out of your pocket
And, without any deception,
We put on by ourselves:
This pass is at least where.


Mask-nasal scarf,
He is on his ear on the castle.
In winter it gets wet, dries in the summer,
And the "Covid" -sludes will not die!

Oh, advertising these days -
There are no forests, only stumps
But the poster hangs on the stump:
"The forest will burn - hell will come!"

And here is one more masterpiece:
“I invite you to an intimate
Gloves, do not forget the mask,
Intellectual, in general. Be! "


"Kovid has a strange look!" -
All of Russia speaks.
Everything is not like the neighbors,
So they have no bears!


I was looking for an elastic band in the morning,
To wrap your hair,
I did not find her, a cattle,
I had to tie a mask.


Pandemia - the enemy of the people,
The weather even spoils
If you cough in the crowd,
Oh, get, damn it, doubly.


And without money, what kind of happiness,
If the weather is bad?
There is nothing to quench the soul,
How to live in this way?


And Covid is a bastard.
Cooks all right to hell,
He does not spare anyone
Even Trump himself ...


To wait out this time
For ditties with you
Suddenly we hear the announcement:
"Covid disappeared, the war was hung!"


Three strangers at the computer,
From the apartment nowhere
The brain is dumb, and the nerve is angry,
Is it really here to sit until May?


You can go crazy with your mind
Kohl will decorate the house,
And it is pushed to the Christmas tree,
Sleeping until spring to sleep ...


Life is also so complicated, sometimes
If you were old, young.
That salary, pension -
We looked - you can see, sleep ...


On itself - a wave of a hand,
The best has seen
We are for the baby's soul
Oh, how they were exhausted.


There will be time, we will win,
We note in Russian,
We will devote the song of Russia:
Do not defeat us - puffs!

I will take a muzzle from my face
And I'll go for a walk in the night.
If the cop, I will say a resort.
But you sit, be silent!
Panic in some kind of Vienna
They infected just darkness!
Fenced to the nuclear of Feni ...
All! Now Tryndets everything!
Panic in some kind of Vienna
Smelled the infection!
Fenced to the nuclear of Feni ...
All! Now you will die!
Panic in some kind of Vienna
The virus changed the genome!
Everyone will die to the phenomenon of the hairdryer ...
All! Now we will die!
You are beautiful in the muzzle,
And in the spacesuit is good.
However, this is all not marvelous ...
But how is your soul?
I did not kiss you
So you must survive.
Or who else remained?
Or are you a wife?
Here spring is already in full swing
And you are locked up.
The media are tired of the nightmare ....
However, you can’t forbid a lie!
I'm sitting on the phone.
Talk only about love
Beauty and about the crown.
Oh, don't talk about her!

Everyone bought up Muscovites:
Buckwheat, salt and cakes!
All infection from Moscow!
Make a fence and ditches ...
Degrees of degrees grew,
Not everyone needs stress.
And the virus is not so terrible,
How terrible quarantine.
There is no money, but we held on.
Mood - bend!
How many more are we left?
It is necessary to do the census.
Everything was spinning and spinning.
I wanted to become rich.
But quarantine happened.
Getting played into a shashni, damn it!
The thief went to business in a mask,
So that no one objects.
Did the job without fear
I have not infected anyone!
I wanted to work.
And I'm not joking at all.
It was bored, it was closed ...
Yes, I even pay extra!
Everyone was sitting locked up
To save your life.
And saved from that ...
Fuck knows what.
Everyone was sitting locked up
To save your life.
And already almost saved,
But there was a census.
Received numbers:
It’s time for them in the cemetery.
I wanted to visit the apartment
Unknown angles,
But there are only four corners.
And where to go ...
I really want to fall in love
In self -isolation.
If the prince began to shave,
I would be in prostration!
How I will take a certificate in the hospital,
That I'm not a giraffe with Covid ...
QR code is still in addition-
And the whole world at the feet lies!
We sat under arrest.
We were told quarantine.
Who was thinking there?
Who is the thief and who is nerd?
People are spent in quarantine.
The case moves to the avalanche.
I want to become free,
Go out and sneeze for everyone.
I'm sitting in my kitchen
I jam quarantine.
To lose weight, first chubby.
Motor and to gray hair.
You have a coronisturus
I have a coronovir.
Nothing succeeded,
Just two are now minus.
We were foolishly as they wanted
As if everyone suddenly got sick.
And we are durens 100 times,
So as not to die from the same!
We were delivered an order:
Ton of buckwheat in reserve
And a large roll of paper,
If we do not find courage.

Everyone is sitting on quarantine.
They will sit like that in the future!
So as not to think, cattle,
From the "crown" to die!
Under the home, under arrest ...
Tired, no strength! Crap!
And they are very interesting
At our expense to save us so!
Under the home, under arrest ...
Soon there will be no one to eat!
But the bourgeois is interested
Hold us at our expense!
“I probably lost weight!”-
She examined her body.
And how I weighed: “Damn!
Sho, now don't eat now? "
“I probably lost weight!”-
She examined her body.
And how he weighed: “Damn!
All damned quarantine! "
The lady realized late.
In quarantine rounded.
And then summer is on the nose.
What do you show a fellow?
All the muzzles endowed
And we went for a walk in Real.
After a festive week
Few people recognized.
Here everyone has a mask on their faces,
To breathe without fear
In the vastness of the homeland.
Do it together “ku” and “s”!
I have coronovirus-
You have a coronistry.
Why did it happen?
Because you fell in love!
If you are already sick
Do not go to me like that.
Maybe I'm sick myself
To go to another.
I look around powerlessly:
Let terrible, but end.
Something dragged on hard
The endless kapets.
I left the house in the evening
From the Sobyaninsky crown.
Without a reason. Breathe.
Quiet, warmth and grace.
I tried to isolate
Himself in the prime of life.
I was self -curling in a mask.
If there are no brains - hello!
How I will put on my muzzle
And I will go to the station.
But not because Tuesday,
And so that he doesn’t bit anyone.
He was taken from him,
They checked something for a long time:
Either the crown, then Covid;
Either in the coffin, then, or he stays.
Disposable masks
They wear everything many times
Because there is a fear,
They will immediately finish us.
People got in masked masks
Live, work and love.
Glory to Putin, in flippers
Not forced to walk!
Here is the Sobyaninsky summer:
In the mask, like you, we're dressed.
It rains endlessly.
And sit, wait for the vaccine.
She retired to the remote
The remote is sitting.
I eat stocks and after
I judge from the distance.
I went out in the mask on the balcony,
To smell the moonshine.
I did not understand anything -
He does not smell of nifiga!
I went out in the mask on the balcony,
To smell the moonshine.
I'm going to understand something.
He shouldn't stink like that!
I went out in the mask on the balcony,
To smell the moonshine.
I'm going to understand something:
Could you stink alcohol?
* *****************
I will stretch the mask to the face,
I’ll run to the date.
You meet without fear:
I will not infect you!
There is no pessimism
So that it was too much.
The main thing is not to be discouraged,
Observing our entire sur.
I pulled a mask on my face,
Cloak, gross gloves.
And with an eye and cautious
Through the infection - to the store.

Video: Sings Valery Semin. Drukes about coronavirus

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