Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and ditties

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and ditties

Words of songs for the New Year's table. New Year ditties for children and adults.

New Year is a holiday for the whole family, so you need to try not to get bored at the festive table and eat delicious dishes, but spend time with benefit.

The holiday should be fun, respectively, after several glasses, you can arrange karaoke. To do this, you will have to learn or repeat the words of the most popular New Year's songs.

Table New Year's songs: Words

Often the songs that we sing at the table on New Year's Eve are in no way connected with the holiday and winter. These are loved works, authors of words and music already few. Here are a few of them:

And in our yard

Words: L. Oshanin, Music: A. Ostrovsky

And in our yard there is one girl alone,
Between the noisy friends it is inconspicuous.
She is inconspicuous to any of the guys.
I look after her -
There is nothing in it
And I'm looking at everything
I don't take the eye ...
I have a friend, I know with him since childhood
But I am silent about her even with the best friend,
For some reason, I am silent even with the best friend.
I'm not afraid, guys, no night, no day,
No steep fists, no water, no fire ...
And with her, as if suddenly replace me.
Here again I stand at the gate in the evening.
She goes past from the bakery with a bag ...
I stand and silent, and takes offense! ..
Or in the morning - she knocks heels, -
I'm forgetting everything, I follow the window
And I don't know why I need it so much ...

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and dittiesAnd I love married

Words: N. Dorizo, Music: K. Molchanov

There are so many golden lights
On the streets of Saratov,
There are so many idle guys
And I love married.
Eh, early he started his family
Sad story.
I melt from my love,
And even more so from him.
I want to run from him
Only he will seem - -
What if everything that I am silent about,
It will affect itself.
I should not see him
I'm afraid to like him.
I can handle love alone,
And together we can’t cope.

Birch juice

Words: M. Matusovsky, Music: V. Basner

As soon as the snowdrop will blossom on time,
Only the first thunderstorms will come close,
Juice appears on white trunks -
Either birches cry, then birches cry.

How often, drunk in the middle of a clear day,
I wailed at random in the spring ducts,
And the homeland generously watered me
Birch juice, birch juice.

Treasured memory, keeping everything about everything,
We remember the hills and lanes relatives,
We are carrying difficult service today
Far from Russia, far from Russia.

Where are these fogs of the native side
And the branches of birches that are bending over the bud,
You and I must certainly
Once come back, once return.

Open us, my fatherland, your open spaces,
Open the cherished thickets inadvertently -
And the same as before, drink me
Birch juice, birch juice!

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and dittiesSongs for the New Year with words

Many families celebrate the holiday with their children, respectively, you can not do without funny New Year's songs. The most popular are works from your favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" Yu. Entin

- Tell me, Snegurochka,
Where was it?
Tell me, dear,
How are you?

- I ran after you
Father Frost.
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears!

-Come on, let's dance out!
- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

- You, my dear,
And your love for me

- How not to love you
Dear grandfather?!
How many winters are spent,
How many years!

-Come on, let's dance out!
- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

- Waiting for my gifts
And you will get it
From me!

- Finally, come true
All dreams.
My best present -
It's you!

-Come on, let's dance out!
- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

The author of the text (words): Kudasheva R.
Composer (music): Bekman L.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
In winter and summer, slender, green was.

A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!"
Frost wrapped with a snowball:
"Look, don't freeze!"
Frost wrapped with a snowball
"Look, don't freeze!"

The coward of the bunny is gray
I jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, ran through a trot.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, ran through a trot.

Chu! Snow in the forest frequent
Creaks under the Poloz;
The hazelnogy horse is in a hurry, runs.
The hazelnogy horse is in a hurry, runs.

Lucky a horse of wood,
And in the firewood, a peasant,
He cut off our Christmas tree under the roots.
He cut off our Christmas tree under the roots.

And here it is, elegant,
I came to us for the holiday,
And many, many joy brought the kids.
And many, many joy brought the kids.

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and dittiesDitties for the New Year are funny, comic, funny: words

On New Year's Eve, nowhere without funny songs and ditties. Such musical creations cheer up. By the way, with these words you can go to your friends and neighbors to sow.
Author: Natalia Timashevskaya

Sani rolled out of the farm
Katya Sani in full spirit
Santa Claus - a coachman with a mustache,
From under the sled snow fluff.

I hear the snow in a whisper
Santa Claus Ropotok,
He freezes in the forest,
Two hundred grams I carry!

I didn't tell you everything
And now I will not say.
Santa Claus kissed,
And I will refuse you!

Hey, snow, frost,
And I'm a box girl,
The snowmaker gave birth to
And I myself can’t believe it.

New Year - continuous toasts
And cracked gimp,
Eight days everyone goes to visit,
And the spruce grows in the apartment!

Winter holiday - New Year,
Near the Christmas tree is a round dance!
That will not wish
Let it always come true!

Author: Igor Subbotin Grodno in collaboration with Peter Seminsky

Adults and children know
What is always under the New Year
All garlands shine brightly,
He had fun so the people.

Santa Claus came to visit us.
I drank, walked about two hours.
And now the bones hurt us
And the head is spinning.

How we sang and danced
They recall everything with difficulty.
After all, in our living room
The real was a madhouse.

Dad returned with a goat
From the guests, and so was glad
That accidentally slipped
And he fell his face in the salad.

Uncle Kolya from the waves
Suddenly became a sweet tooth -
He threw jam into the ceiling,
The walls were rubbed with cream.

Only mom did not lose
Your reasonable, sober look -
She washed the floor with champagne
Eighteen times in a row ...

In the morning everyone will wake up
And twist a round dance.
We will not forget for a long, long time
A wonderful holiday New Year!

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and dittiesWords of New Year's ditties for adults

Initially, ditties are folk songs created to make fun of their friends or relatives. The purpose of such a work is not to offend a person, but to cheer him up and gently point out errors. This is a kind of criticism.

New Year ditties
We’ll let you go!
And of course we’ll bite
And of course we pour it!

Trawl trails
New Year is not beyond the mountain
Pour one one at a time!

I have a snow woman
Sex fantasy came out.
And passers -by shout:
"What kind of outrage?!"

New Year in the cold
Celebrates Europe.
The head split,
It is a pity that the priest is freezing.

Last New Year we ate
Wood alcohol,
We had twins born -
Both pins.

The clock is already twelve,
I stand and cry.
I have the floor of the sixth
And not how otherwise.

Like under a Christmas tree in the New Year
The action took place.
There he had a Snow Maiden,
A member of a fraction.

My brother and I scored
New Year's jamb,
Look, and they thump in the mirror -
Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

New Year was celebrated in the bathhouse
Thirty -three comrades.
Thirty -three "TT" found
In the morning to the conflagration.

Like grandfather's frost
Settled in the throat of a fly.
Grandfather was sewn up and does not drink
So the fly is not lucky!

Santa Claus and Santa Claus
We went to the hugs.
All gifts were exchanged
One bottle!

Children in kindergarten
They lit a Christmas tree
But for twenty corpses
Planted a leader.

The Snow Maiden came to us,
But he cannot leave.
The general lies on it,
And the colonel too!

It's already eleven
There is a holiday
But it doesn't come in me
Festive orgasm.

I am for the last New Year
Gave his wife a notebook,
And my mistresses,
All now deceased.

I have a wife in bed
Like a freezer.
I lowered her into the bath
Powerful boiling water!

In the New Year, the salute was allowed
Drunk missiles.
No, they don't answer in the Kremlin
On the answering machine.

Words of New Year ditties for children

Drukes, performed by kids, will delight adults and cheer up all those sitting at the table. Typically, songs are related to sledges, frost and Christmas tree.
Author: T. Melnikova

I'm sitting on sledges,
Feel free to swing from a hill
Let it be white from snow
But what a bold one!

Near the house, at the rink
I sculpted the snowman
From carrots made his nose,
Santer Santa Claus.

Dad put me a suit
Man is a spider.
Did not have time to look back-
I'm hanging from the ceiling.

They dressed up the Christmas tree with my mother,
And the flashlights turned on.
There will be a Christmas tree
The most beautiful!

In my kindergarten
We will go to the matinee,
And for Grandfather Frost
Sing the song together.

I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the Christmas tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts brought me!

Grandmother sewed my suit
White bunny,
I forgot to give carrots
Little boy.

Happy New Year,
New Year's whore!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!

Santa Claus slept in bed,
I got up, with icicles ringing:
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I will play with you in the zmurki,
But I'm afraid to get drunk with tea-
I melt from the hot.

Let any of your dreams
They will come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
It lights up brightly.

Sculpt all the snowman,
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.

Frost with a white beard,
With a lush mustache,
Like a young guy,
Dance with us.

Look, Santa Claus,
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts
Gingerbread, sweets.

In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.

Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

Outside the window of snowflakes, a flock
The round dance also leads.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year.

Words of New Year ditties for school

Dervases are small quatrains, which are created to raise the mood and warm up guests. Such funny songs will delight teachers and are suitable for the school New Year's holiday or matinee. The main characters of such funny ditties are schoolchildren and classmates.

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.

There is a Christmas tree in the hall
And on it toys.
We will sing for you now
School ditties.

You and I love the winter,
We love skis and skates.
Well, and Sidorov Ivan
Loves only his sofa.

Three pieces were exhausted by soap.
To wash the ink from the face.
And he came to the carnival -
No one recognized me.

It was fun on the hill
Tanya, Petya and Yegorka.
Only Masha did not ride
She was afraid to lose the portfolio!

Fifth grader Nikolai
Sit at home, don't walk.
If you go for a walk
The kids is not concerned.

Words of New Year's ditties of grandmas

Often, on New Year's Eve, funny companies arrange real performances or put children's fairy tales. To do this, you will need ditties of Baba Yaga.

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-none,
Go ditties, grandmother Horser
Sing, don't talk.
I was tipsy
And flying on a broomstick,
At least I do not believe
In these superstitions.
Went to the forest
The devil was attached to me
The man thought
What the hell is this.
I turned home
The hell is behind me again,
Spat on a baldness to him
And sent to the goblin.
The most harmful of people
This is a storyteller-prisoner
That's a losing artificial,
It is a pity that it is not tasty.
Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-none,
Go ditties, grandmother Horser
Do not talk.

Cool New Year ditties for a party and corporate party: words

New Year at work is a grandiose and funny action. Often, all productions and performances start with ditties. Usually the heroes of such comic songs are the boss or employees. You can independently come up with the text of the songs depending on the sphere of activity.

People gathered at the table,
Everyone eats and drink something.
We will not sing ditties,
Until they also pour it!

Our boss, in Santa Claus,
He dressed up for a reason.
So that there are no questions
That the Snow Maiden is Tolsta!

And, as it would be cool,
If he became a snowball.
By order of the people,
Rumba danced with us!

Deputy, after the third,
Grusted, look.
Near the Christmas tree of the New Year,
He reads poetry!

All employees are snowflakes,
Someone scattered where.
So that there is no hitch
We will quickly drink, gentlemen!

Dressed up with a snow woman,
Either the deputy, or the head.
Only audible: “Hey! Do not paw!
I will not drive around the brain!

This is who hisses on the Christmas tree
What is she prickly?
These are last year's snakes
The machinations are expelled ...

All departments are familiar to us,
We are all a friendly family!
The year of the horse comes,
With new happiness, you, friends!

Songs about the New Year and ditties. Words and text of New Year's songs and ditties
New Year's ditties about animals according to the signs of the horoscope: words

If you believe in horoscopes and think that the stars determine your life, you can sing ditties about the zodiac signs.
Author: Alexander September

Botex lips pouted -
At least sew the ties.
Language through these bonds
Water is the Aquarius.

Our Aquarius is friends,
That water does not spill.
And, as usual with them,
Friendship pours into three.

The back of thought is strong cancer ...
Borrow money, dude?
Give a loan, of course he is glad
But from the request hesitating backwards.

Like a real champion
The sting is sharpening Scorpio.
Is it a joke, for the new year
How to tease the people?

Very affection was Taurus,
Like a wolf among sheep.
From the dish sucked to the eye
Two dairy piglets.

Like the first young man
Do not drink water from the face.
The second fellow
Water can be drunk from the face.
So similar twins
Only ... different fathers.

Boss I! - Lev's Lisica barked,
Pinching at the buttocks.
There is a king than to become proud -
Life under the heel of the lioness.

The cheeks at the scales are burning,
The scales have a frightened look:
Kohl Milenok got into the soul,
Then where does the underweight come from?

Gloriously wool wagged his tail
Before Christmas post.
Like a fish in the water -
In oil ... in a pan.

Vanya, don't caress you swallow!
You sleep in a puddle ... It's enough for you!
Over there, rested on the shores
Kozierogovs horns.

Thirty knights all night
The royal was awakened by a daughter.
The sleeping princess thinks:
Virgo I am or not a virgin?

Sagittarius jinxed something-
He did not knock down the eggs from his head.
Apparently, the hand trembled -
Eggs are whole for now.

From crazy applause
The cheeks are burning with a glow.
Thank God, in these verses
You did not learn yourself.

As you can see, there are a lot of New Year's ditties, but they are all created to give a festive mood on New Year's Eve children and adults.

Video: New Year ditties

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