Reviewed New Year ditties for a corporate party - funny, funny, cool, for colleagues, for a female, male, noisy company, about a Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, about Santa Claus: words, text

Reviewed New Year ditties for a corporate party - funny, funny, cool, for colleagues, for a female, male, noisy company, about a Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, about Santa Claus: words, text

In our article you will find the best selection of converted New Year ditties for a corporate party.

It so happened, but for the inhabitants of the post -Soviet space, the New Year is one of the favorite and long -awaited holidays. Most people strive to celebrate this celebration as fun as possible. The celebration of the New Year with corporate parties at work begins.

As a rule, most modern managers hire a specialist to organize a holiday, who is professionally engaged in planning and conducting a celebration. He plans everything with high quality, taking into account all the wishes, but his services are not very cheap. Therefore, you can try to organize a corporate celebration yourself, complementing the contests and entertainment with converted New Year ditties.

New Year ditties for a corporate party for a noisy company: words

New Year ditties for corporate

New Year is a fun holiday, and therefore the musical program should be as easy and relaxed as possible. Accordingly, the New Year ditties should be funny and neutral so that no one should offend anyone. Derenches based on the song "Grandma Hedgehog" will be the perfect choice for the start of the celebration.

New Year ditties for a corporate party for a noisy company - "Grandmas Hedgehog":

1. Stretch the accordion fur,
And play, don't ask.
New Year ditties
Color the stars!

2. Filled for the New Year
The moonshine is fresh ...
And now I will not hide
Day and night from the goblin.

3. Grandma-lee is fun-
Lost a pomelo
And now it goes on foot -
Hello, Hedgehog, New Year!

4. Filin pissing a consumption
To the beat of my ditty.
I dreamed to celebrate the New Year
I'm in the company of friends.

5. Santa Klaus cold
He fluttered, heal.
Because in a light jacket
In the cold, the whole shit.

6. Santa Claus rolled us
On magic sledges,
We sang for this grandfather
Song for Talianochka.

7. And winter will come again -
So we are spinning all year.
We are waiting for Koshchei to visit
New Year's winter day.

8. Fun, honest people,
We escort the old year!
They became drunk grandmas
From the wine rosy.

9. celebrating the New Year,
The whole people drink without measure.
There is fun until the morning
And then - a hangover will come.

New Year ditties for corporate parties for colleagues Funny: Text


IMPORTANT: If a large number of people are present at the New Year celebration, it will be better to pay for the work of a professional presenter who can ensure that all those present are involved in the entertainment program. If the corporate party is not enough to pay for services, choose the most funny and sociable colleague, and invite him to spend a holiday.

New Year ditties for corporate parties for colleagues - Bremen musicians:

1. We once, we are two workers, worked all year,
And Eshkin cats are tired!
We have to relax all,
We have fun until the morning!

2. Santa Claus we do not need,
And do not chocolate!
Come on, let's get it,
And increase the salary!

3. They say that in the New Year
The whole people only drink.
And we have a corporate party -
Drunk and positive.
People gathered at the table,
Everyone eats and drink something.
We will not sing ditties,
Until they also pour it!

4. Let them perish very soon
SES services and przhnadzor,
And a tax inspector ...
Happy New Year, our director!

5. Happy New Year Congratulations
And we wish everyone health,
So that you can go to work
Go out on Saturdays.
We sang ditties
Basically decent
We are waiting for the gifts of the New Year
It would be better to cash!

6. New Year corporate
Will be very positive
After all, the director will voice us
Who will receive the prize.

Cool New Year ditties for corporate

New Year ditties for corporate

Drukes are always fun. But so that they are thematically connected with the triumph conducted, you can give out people singing them, cool clothes or accessories. For women, it can be light fatin skirts, crows in the form of snowflakes, various kinds of New Year's tinsel. Men can prepare ties, decorated in the New Year's style, or caps of Santa Claus. Such little things will help to create an appropriate atmosphere at the holiday.

Cool New Year ditties for corporate parties-“La-la-la (let's go)”:

1. And on the street is winter, winter, winter, la-la-la
And with joy, the head dizzy -
This New Year is coming, coming.
Gray days were left behind
Do not be sad, come for a holiday
We will all celebrate the New Year together.
U-oo-e. Everyone has fun. La-la-la.
Let's celebrate the New Year.
May the joy with him enter our house,
Let there be sunny days
Let dreams come true.
Let everyone be accompanied by success,
A sonorous laughter sounds everywhere.
We wish you happiness and good
May the life of love be full.
And on this New Year. La-la-la.

2. The Snow Maiden-beautiful will wish everyone happiness,
And Santa Claus will take out gifts from the bag.
On faces, this evening smiles, it lights up
And the sky pushes a crispy snowball.
Let everything be easy and unusual today
The muzon of cheerful and kind words sounds,
Hits joy like a fountain, everyone looks great
And tomorrow it doesn’t hurt to be a hangover from a hangover.

Year, year, year, new year
And we dance! La-la-la.
Year, year, year, new year
We light up! La-la-la.
Year, year, year, new year
We rest cool! La-la-la.

3. In the New Year, such a life -
Not Pasha, not Mayas. La-la-la
Two weekend weeks -
Sleep and hug!
New Year go bolder
What kind of path you want
And you at any home
They treat them with a pile! La-la-la

4. In our hall noise and laughter,
Singing does not silent.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.
Everyone ate, everything drank,
And they forgot to go home! La-la-la
Everyone is snoring, opening your mouth ...
Here he is - New Year!

5. New Year, New Year!
The whole people are having fun!
There is fun until the morning
And then a hangover will come.
Will be grandfather Frost
Uncle Dima again
Because with a red nose
He walks without makeup.

Funny New Year's ditties for a corporate party: Text

Congratulations for colleagues

If you have a clearly thought out program, then this selection of New Year ditties can be used at the very beginning of the celebration. It can be used to represent Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Funny New Year ditties for a corporate party - “Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked”:

1. Happiness, suddenly in silence,
Shook at the door.
Really, you are to me
I believe and do not believe.
Miracles in the New Year
There are all sorts
New Year, New Year
It comes soon!

2. If I was young,
If I was frozen -
I would dance on the table
And I would have climbed onto the Christmas tree!
I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I will play with you in the zmurki,
But I'm afraid to get drunk tea -
I melt from the hot.

3. Hello, grandfather Frost,
You brought gifts to us!
Here are albums, paints,
And we want sausages!
If you are going to drink
We need to know your measure.
Because in the turmoil
You can sort out!

4. Frost with a white beard,
With a lush mustache,
Like a young guy,
Dance with us.
Santa Claus I'm in a bag
I will make an audit.
He was going to give
I kiss a division!

5. Santa Claus, don't yawn,
And get the gifts.
If you want to quarrel
Let's fight, come on!
Go bolder on the New Year
What kind of path you want
And you at any home
They treat them with a pile!

New Year ditties for a corporate party for a women's company: words

Corporative ditties for women's company

It is necessary to have fun correctly, which means that even New Year's ditties can be made with the highlight of the celebration. You can offer those who will sing them, accompany their singing with movements, which will simulate an action reproduced by a ditty. Believe me, it will be very fun.

New Year's ditties for a corporate party for a women's company - "If you are a little over 30":

1. Filled, circled
New Year's snowstorm.
Babier summer has come
Or even a thaw!
Pour men,
Champagne's butterfly.
Will be drunk and open
The army of the Ataman!

2. I was struggling at all
Burning fun.
I would have a heating pad to her full height
With a soft bed!
The needle stuck on the chest
From the Christmas tree of the New Year.
It became much easier for me
From love free!

3. New Year on the nose!
We must prepare.
I'll sing ditties to you
I'll tell you proverbs!
I met Santa Claus
He had a red nose.
Hugged with a snow woman
Something he is for example!

4. I gathered on the Christmas tree
And she is prickly.
No, I will not go there,
I am better under the Christmas tree!
Santa Claus lured
She built his eyes.
And he gives me candy,
Called mu-mu!

New Year ditties for a corporate party for a male company: Text

Ditties for a corporate party for a male company

The male company will like “brutal” New Year ditties, closer and more understandable to the strong half of humanity. The ditties' selection below will surely help make the celebration of the New Year cheerful and interesting.

New Year's ditties for a corporate party for a male company - “walking fun together”:

1. Together shouting together: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Drink and seize with sandwich, sandwich, sandwich!
Drink with us, a stupid Snow Maiden,
From alcohol, a figurine is downloaded.
Stiring the legs themselves will throw off the stumps,
Once, a glass, two, a glass and you will become a smart girl!

Chorus: Shouting fun together: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Drink and seize with sandwich, sandwich, sandwich!

2. Christmas tree, Christmas tree Gori
Only, chur, at a time, two, three.
One - gasoline, two - lighter,
Three - firefighters, flashing light.
How do you spend this year
So the other will follow him,
I'm not joking, you know, this is -
New Year's sign.

The chorus can be repeated

3. Guests at the table gathered,
Drank, ate, had fun,
Celebrated the New Year
Ten days long.
New Year, New Year
Have fun, walk the people!
Where did you wake up later?
Really under the table?

The chorus can be repeated

4. We are tired of drinking vodka,
Minerals asks the body,
And then vice versa,
Here is such a people!
Olivier stands in Piala.
We will drink a hundred grams of vodka
And we will sing to you para-ro-rain.

The chorus can be repeated

New Year ditties for a corporate party about Santa Claus: Words

New Year ditties

Santa Claus is one of the symbols of the celebration of the New Year, so all participants in the celebration will certainly like ditties about it. You can sing them either alone and a large company.

New Year's ditties for a corporate party about Santa Claus - “Eh, snow, snowball white snowstorm”:

1. Santa Claus only once a year
The people are in sight
Because he is met
Like a Hollywood star!

Chorus: Oh snow-snow, white snowstorm!
Santa Claus today is with us,
Only we can’t believe it!

2. Santa Claus great amateur
New Year's adventures,
Maybe he go to the holiday
To us, friends, in the manto from the skins!

The chorus is repeated

3. Santa Claus at the Christmas tree
Tleshs needles.
He doesn't caress her like that
Just kneads your fingers!

The chorus is repeated

4. Santa Claus entered from the frost,
But it is not visible to tremble.
So, I was not driving on the top three
And the taxi driver rushed him!

The chorus is repeated

5. Today Santa Claus for the holiday
Friends, barely came to you.
He does not look like a patient
Apparently, with vodka too much!

The chorus is repeated

6. We as a gift Santa Claus
New prices brought.
Lestering more cheaper -
Only on the ears of the noodles.

The chorus is repeated

7. Outside the window the snow is swirling,
The snowstorm began.
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Stop getting drunk!

New Year ditties for a corporate part of a Christmas tree: Text

New Year ditties

And what a new year without a beautiful Christmas tree! It must be remembered in ditties. New Year ditties can be sung together, and at the same time drive a noisy and cheerful round dance around the green beauty. Such a pastime will help bring colleagues closer.

New Year's ditties for a corporate part of a Christmas tree - “a small Christmas tree is cold in winter”:

1. Sit down under a Christmas tree at a rich table,
Let's call that grandfather to us the frost come to us.
From the bag, he will give out a gift in full,
And the glass of champagne will drain to the bottom.
The chimes will be bought again twelve times.
There will be light, heat, water, gas, roads, communication.
All patients - health, thirsty - wine,
Women - for her husband, a man - a wife.
There will be plenty of bread, spectacles - how much you want,
Let's meet him well - it will be good for a year!

2. A Christmas tree was born in the forest ",
And we are in the fire.
What the hell are weeps for us,
Since the new year has passed? ..
They ate a coward to a bunny,
All alcohol was raised.
All the songs were baked,
But, thank God, they survived.
And how will we live later -
About this - only in a whisper.

3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest, but there was a strong frost,
I went for her in December and, poorly, frozen.
While chopping up, but I rubbed my hands,
The thought appeared glorious:
"Let's skip one hundred grams."
A Christmas tree froze in the forest - take her at the house immediately!
Let it stand elegant and pleases all of us!
It stands in the corner frozen and pulls the branches to us.
So that we all are warmed in vice
"Let's skip one hundred grams."

4. We gathered on a Christmas tree,
To celebrate the New Year.
Guessed on needles:
Well, who will come to us?
Here with a rat Lariska
The Shapoklyak came to us,
And many, many nasty things
Brought the kids.

5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest,
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
How lucky that Christmas tree was, barely born,
They put a song about it, and a song for a hundred years.

6. We sang about the Christmas tree
For every New Year.
And even though we got old
But the Christmas tree lives.
Thank you, baby
What were you with us
And many, many joys
I brought us in life.

New Year ditties for a corporate party about the Snow Maiden: Words

New Year ditties for corporate

Well, at the end of the article, we bring to your attention a selection of New Year ditties about the Snow Maiden-beautiful.

New Year ditties for a corporate party about the Snow Maiden - “Tell the Snow Maiden”:

1. Tell the Snow Maiden, where was it,
Tell me dear, how are you?
I ran around the shops, Santa Claus,
I spilled a lot of bitter tears.
I bought boots, pearls
Earrings, diamonds and fur!
The clothes got out of the couture,
In the beauty salon - massage and manicure.

Chorus:  Well, how is Santa Claus?
Well, how is Santa Claus?
Well, how Santa Claus is evaluated!

2. Hello, hello, grandfather, Santa Claus!
You live in the middle of Christmas trees and birch trees!
Please pass dearly
We will have fun with you now!
Songs to sing and dancing in a circle to dance.
Your lights, Christmas tree, light up,
In a circle, rather, grandfather, get up to us.

Chorus: Come on, let's show the new thing!
Here is Santa Claus
Here is Santa Claus
Here is Santa Claus - look!

3. Eh, it is no longer tolerated - the New Year,
That's quite a little and will come.
Oh, how chic we see the table
And a slightly drunk people came.
New Year is trampled by the windows
What will he say interesting?
You don't regret about the year old
Open champagne and pour!
Ah, let's give out gifts!
No, Santa Claus. No, Santa Claus. No, pour Santa Claus!

4. Tell me, Snegurochka, where was it?
Answer, Network, with whom did you drink?
Grandfather, please do not drive the blizzard,
I can’t listen to notations!
Grandfather, how much can you teach me?
I can live without you myself!
You, I'll see, insolent all,
Granddaughter, dear, because it is impossible!

Chorus: Come on, come on, Grandfather, step away!
Their proteins, hares to their
These words speak!
Santa Claus understood!
Santa Claus understood!
Santa Claus understood!

5. The Snow Maiden has a cheek white,
Just like her stockings.
Why are you so pale?
I drank a little wine!
The Snow Maiden has a cheek -
"Plastied" two nights.
Santa Claus was alarmed.
I was bought up with an attack.
Oh Santa Claus wait!

Chorus: Oh Santa Claus
Oh Santa Claus
Oh Santa Claus - don't let you down!

6. I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I will play with you in the zmurki,
But I'm afraid to get drunk tea -
I melt from the hot.
What are you standing, hands in trousers
Pour glasses.
Warm up at least your hands
The Snow Maiden has.

Chorus: Ah Santa Claus
Ah Santa Claus
Ah Santa Claus - Merry!

Video: cool New Year ditties

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