Dithes for a wedding for harmonies - funny, cool, short: the best selection

Dithes for a wedding for harmonies - funny, cool, short: the best selection

A large selection of ditties for a wedding for guests and heroes of the occasion.

Ditties at the wedding about the bride and groom - the best selection

Ditties at the wedding about the bride and groom - the best selection

Dithes at the wedding about the groom and the groom - the best selection:

The groom fell in love with the bride -
And now married.
Will live from now on together -
There are no guilty!

How beautiful we have
Both the bride and the groom.
I will collect all the strength in myself
I will drink two liters for them.

Ah beauty-bride,
How good you are.
Everything is so good, everything is in place
And a wonderful soul.

Music plays with might and main
Let it not stop.
The groom will kiss the bride -
It becomes enviable!

There is no free place here
There is nowhere to fall.
Good, dear bride,
I want to steal!

Our groom is not just a macho!
A thin mind, a harsh look.
Just a prince, nothing else!
So everyone is talking about him!

The wedding drinks and fun,
And laughs, u-ha ha!
And let the bride be proud of
Looking at the groom!

Let the wedding sings and dances,
Blosses like a bouquet ...
Mother -in -law with a pen gently smears
And the mother -in -law will send hello!

Young, you obediently
Perform your husband's orders,
Husband, wife be faithful
Do not act on her nerves!

The bride is finally satisfied
And she can sleep calmly -
Her dream came true
After all, her wedding happened!

Let the groom smile -
Although he may be dumb.
Let the freedom lose -
But he became a worthy husband!

Let it be all just fine for you,
Unexpected, pleasant and unusual,
Wonderful, cool and just cool.
Isn't that what happiness lies?

Ditties at the wedding for harmonica: Text

Ditties at the wedding for harmonica: Text

Dithes at the wedding for the accordion - Text:

We are a young family
We celebrate the birth,
And the ditties are sherished
Everyone is surprising.

Unreliable girls
Fill the country.
You can only for a wife!

Guests whispered at the table,
I overheard the conversation.
They say the couple is more beautiful
Have not seen so far!

Passing a dozen piles,
Everyone will dance and sing!
Well, the son -in -law, easy and simple,
Mother -in -law will call mom!

I came to the father’s father-in-law,
And he asked quietly:
"Hide money from his wife
This is very bad?"

Our guests are dear
Do not skimp on gifts.
We will accept the money any:
Euro, dollars, rubles!

"Bitter" - everyone is screaming today,
And I'm only sweet!
I really like, for sure
This is your wedding!

We walked at the wedding,
Grinded, got drunk!
Only now they completely forgot
You give a gift to you!

It’s time for the young bed,
Well, to us - to worry
Yes, to suffer a question:
"Will they succeed?"

And now we will shout: "Bitter!"
And let's ask everyone to pour!
We sang a lot of ditties -
You need to wet your throat!

We wish the young family
Honestly divide in the house,
To whom garbage and dishes,
And who to beat the bucks.

Congratulations from the heart!
Let there be kids
House, car, cottage,
Love, fidelity and luck.

Do not swear, do not hurt,
And live up to a hundred years.
Keep and leleet
Your family bright light!

I was going to the wedding
I wound the curlers
And the neighbor was scared,
She screamed: "Lord!"

If the berry is ripe
It is necessary to tear the berry.
Tired of calling the bride -
Know, it's time to call the wife!

Not to cry about any grief,
Not about everything and bother.
Although married and bad
But it’s bad to live in girls.

I congratulate you on your wedding day,
I wish to live until old age.
Together you get gray, bald,
Go to the store, groan.
In general, live happily
And you love each other!

Dithes for a wedding funny: Text

Dithes for a wedding funny: Text

Minkers for a wedding funny - Text:

We will drink a friend today,
We must get used to the fact
But, as before, for each other
We will stand a mountain!

Do not take from the mother -in -law in the barrel
You are salty mushrooms
So that with a smile on the lips
Do not sit later in the bushes.

Do not rush, girlfriend, marry,
Walk along the street.
Still feather is not ready -
Fleets on the chicken.

We wish you together
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and love!
Without hesitation, if necessary,
You call us to help us!

Hugged, finished off
Girls, dancing!
Without a girlfriend of the best
We have left now!

All the cuties are like cuties
And mine is a fashion model.
If the key is at home,
It will climb under the door!

My dear beauty
Everyone envies friends.
Okay, they don't see
What in the morning I see.

Twisted Kolya by the lace
On my skirt ...
Soon a year to celebrate
Our daughter Lyubochka.

I'll go for a walk on the field
And Naru there is burdock,
Maybe at night in the midst
I will meet the groom.

The wind does not blow stable:
When it blows when not.
So my Milenok Vanya
Once it comes, another time not.

Dear does not kiss me,
Says: "Gubal!"
How do I kiss him -
Filina Glagstoy.

My cheeks, that the leaflets,
Eyes that currants.
Come on, dear, take a walk,
While we are the young.

Cool ditties Fools: Text

Fun wedding end (2)
Cool ditties Fools: Text

Cool chastes for a wedding - Text:

I will put on the dress white,
I will light up, get it.
I give a friend to marry
The most beloved.

Mom took off the icon
And lets me kiss.
I cried, said:
"Give me a year to take a walk."

My son came to me - "I get married!"
I sat down and sit.
Tomorrow is a first-first daughter
Will say: "I am getting married!"

Love the diver,
There is only one torment with him!
Invites to a date
Now ashore, then to the bottom.

There was time - had fun
I am until the very morning!
And now I'm walking a little
The husband shouts: "It's time to go home!"

Like a mother-in-law pancake
All with a ruddy crust.
My dear one wants
Coat with a chic hole.

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble,
In the garden of a swan,
The bird cherry is white,
Oh, what love has done.

My light has changed,
In the forest, as before, does not call,
Kisses do not tear off
“Orbits” chews to no avail.

Why, mother, you scold,
What do I love well done?
Remember, dear mother,
How you loved your father.

Do not scold me for the dear
Material Mother,
Only the summer is walking
In winter there will be a son -in -law.

Do not marry girls
Dear good,
Do not divide your braids
On two halves.

Do not marry girls -
Only boredom and sadness.
Small children will start -
Just oh, and download.

Not to cry about any grief,
Not about everything and bother
Although married and bad
But it’s bad to live in girls.

Do not marry cute early
It's not time for me to go out:
The parents just started
Take out the outfits.

Wait, sweet, marry
Wait a thin one to take,
Give me a young girl
Take a year to a walk.

Wait ahead of the tears to drip
On my white chest.
Wait, my dear, wooing -
Fore first first.

Oh, my dear, my good,
Wait for me,
My dad is now formidable -
Delay until Saturday.

Gather, mom, dinner,
Bring the pies.
Come on, mom, we'll count
All good briefings.

Everyone was chewed
Everything was translated,
Only we and the Milena
There were left until the fall.

Full, dear, get angry,
Full lips to inflate.
The time came to marry
It's time to play the wedding.

Come, cute, wooing,
We will give the dowry:
We will cut off the canvas jacket,
We will drink tea for nothing.

Do not look, dear, at this,
That I'm brisk now.
I will be humble, steppe
In the seed with us.

Really really
The year is a change?
The gold will put on the gold,
They will say: "You are not a girl"

Do not scold, mom, Lesha,
Lesha will soon be a son -in -law
There will be such a time -
You will call Lesha to visit.

Tyatnka and mother,
Give it for Alyoshenka.
For nothing, for nothing, far away -
I will get used to her frown.

If the berry is ripe
It is necessary to tear the berry.
Tired of calling the bride -
Know, it's time to call the wife.

Play more fun
The most gloomy.
They sit at home without salt,
And I think to marry.

Roads are my parents
I have a rose.
I'll go, look
For me for the last time.

Dear girls,
I am not your girlfriend.
I am a girl today,
Tomorrow is young.
The white dress was worn,
She got down the aisle.
Light, native mother,
My beauty is the end.

What am I, what am I,
How sad I am.
The crown is on the head,
In the hand of the candle is a wedding.

The girl did stupidly -
I was in a hurry:
I saw Babu life -
I wept soon.

I came from work to the wife,
Look-at the door of someone's bots.
The size is about forty -seven.
Maybe I can leave at all?

Tired of the girl's will,
The married share is good
I will help my husband -
Buy perfumes and dresses.
Ah, believe me, the heart is sick,
The heart of the poor hurts:
It is easy to love forever
Heavier without love.

Leshenka told me:
"Grow, my good!"
I grew up, I was trying
And Lesha did not get!

You do not know what you are losing -
You can't marry me,
I will pay one day alone
You will disappear forever.

And the dear changed me
I went to the Crimea on a goat,
And I did not give a swing
I caught up with the cow.

We go out, start
Nice songs to sing.
Shut up, people, ears,
So as not to fly off the chairs!

We wish you a variety of blessings!
Live for a long time only like that -
Not knowing the quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
So that from a relationship never.

Beauty would not have gone.
It still remains to wish
Good children to educate -
Girls friendly and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten

We all the mountains proceeded
And steep shores.
We wish you the young happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Misha Olya is very fond of
For her for everything is ready.
Will carry it in hand,
Give her diamonds.

Olya Mishe promises
Every year to give birth to children.
Misha will help
Plant children on pots.

Olya, you are early in the morning
Eat a banana and orange.
So that we will put it on the face
There were no wrinkles at all.

Ditties for the wedding short: text

Ditties for the wedding short: text

Denisers for the wedding are short - Text:

We wish the bride to become an affectionate wife,
Faithful, understanding, dear.
So that I do not forget to feed,
I always loved, appealed!

And the groom wore a salary in the house,
And purred a silk cat,
So that gifts would give a wife,
And he defended all his misfortunes.

Do not swear at an hour of bad weather,
Store the house from treason!
And forever a bird of happiness
Its nest in it!

All cabbage in the garden
Poiled the chicken.
Why brides go
Past our street.

Wedding - the best reward,
Even an evil tongue fell silent.
And the bride is very happy
And the groom is worried ...

Do not rude to each other,
Be always polite.
Speak even in a quarrel
You are tender words.

Look! Feast with a mountain!
This is a wedding under the moon!
If you catch an asterisk,
You can make happiness!

We are briskly dancing at the wedding,
We drink wine and vodka,
We wave each other with a pen,
We sing voiced songs ...

Here the wine is pouring as a river,
Screams "bitterly" are heard to everyone,
Everyone is cheerful and laughs
Sadness, sadness is not scary here!

This is a wedding for the whole world!
Come to the landed feast!
We are going to relax
And make friends forever.

Groom I am a long time
From bad from all kinds.
Well, you look, the bride,
So that my friend does not lose weight!

And the groom is a glorious guy!
Of the two, he is the most important!
Strength, straightening and become!
We must give tribute!

Heat the earth hotly summer,
The wedding goes cheerfully,
And let the event
Joy in the heart carries everyone!

Be faithful to each other
Do not look at others.
Both mistakes and good luck
Divide into two!

We wish you happiness, health,
Meet a big anniversary together,
Well, so that it was not bored in everyday life -
We wish you the most beautiful children.

We do not have enough space
There is nowhere to fall an apple!
Good, fresh bride,
I want to steal!

There is no summer without July,
And July without flowers;
There is no love without a kiss -
All love is in a kiss!

Get part, guys,
Give me a moment to sing
At such a cheerful wedding
I can't sit!

The daughter -in -law has a good
Wonderful spouse!
And she is beautiful too -
Overshadows everyone around!

Vivat, newlyweds!
Let the tons be happiness,
Income - millionth,
And you are always in love.

Things are always successful,
All problems are inconspicuous,
Success - indecent,
And happiness is enchanting.

Let the feelings grow up
Health is surprising
And joy blooms
And the ancestors do not interfere!

We wish the newlywed
For your marriage to be successful,
So that you would have money
And there was always richly lived

We wish you soon
So that you give birth to children
Tenderness, love and passion,
We wish you young people!

You with a wedding, young,
Bitterly, your relatives shout to you,
Let everything be smooth in the family,
Cute, joyful and sweet!

So that the wife does not drink
I adored and loved
The husband and friends did not walk,
Kissed and helped!

To quarrels and cares
They have not been troublesome for you
So that the alliance has fun
And he was hot with love!

Ditties about wedding: Text

Ditties about wedding: Text

Ditties about the wedding: Text:

FROM its day of the wedding
The richest people -
Rables from the arms,
And bucks from friends,
Mill of gold
A lot of tender kisses,
A hundred diamonds,
Robbed into a large,
Wonderful and transcious,
The only love

Such that will stand
Absolutely any
Unforeseen history,
And get stronger a hundred times.
There is truth - today everyone
Our newlyweds are glad!

Mendeldensa is a marvelous march
Let it sound so sweet now!
And then - pots, minced meat,
Garden, with a parsley of the bed,
Curlers, socks, panties,
A bunch of trash under the bed,
Cellulite, spleen, mustache
And closed pajamas.

Be happy, friends,
Very tender spouses!
You are now one family
Take everything in your hands!

Well, what to wish the bride and groom?
So that they are always and in everything they are together.
They slept together, ate, drank,
Children would be taken to kindergarten.

So that the quarrel is not even a reason!
The first to always give in to a man.
Love take care of trustingly, vigilantly.
And only at the wedding, let it be “bitterly!” To you.

We will say right to the groom:
You took a difficult lady as a wife.
After all, she, for which she will not undertake -
She always succeeds in everything!

Well, you, the beauty-bride,
With her husband - from one dough.
After all, he is also one of those very -
Beautiful, smart, not very stubborn.

So let you lucky in life,
Let the life not be capricious.
Let love fill the house
And forever will be in him!

Tili-Tili dough,
You were a groom and a bride.
Tili-Tili, Tilina
You and the wife and wife are.

On this day the newlyweds
All friends congratulate
Godparents, relatives, neighbors,
I congratulate you and I.

Let your path not overshadow
The darkness of an ominous veil,
Let you expect you everywhere
Fairy tales eternal time.

Let the stork bring children
Santa Claus in the winter of sweets.
Mother -in -law, father -in -law of wine.
Bitterly! Let's drink, friends.

Be healthy, live richly,
How much your salary will allow you.
But know, there are always not enough salaries -
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.

You have twice as many parents,
Love them stronger, visit longer.
Do not be afraid of the pipel, do not be afraid of the diaper.
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.

But the children are annoying parents.
Throw them their grandmothers, they will bring up.
But most of all I wish, however:
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.

We want music to sound
So that it was not boring together.
Let there be twins to begin with -
We will bring you a stroller.

We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And that’s what we wish the main thing -
Advice to you, happiness and love.

Tatar ditties for a wedding

Tatar ditties for a wedding

Tatar ditties for a wedding:

Uy Gervarey Bigrek Matur
Aide Kyunel Ashchabez
Aide Kyunel Ashchabez
Egjar is looking for Bulsagez
Bergyalyashop Zherlybez

Sipyrater, sipruter
Sarater Kazan
Sarater Kazanen
Turn the Dus Eshchlyar
Bargezda Tazama.

Olai Mide Uget
Mide of Wecte
Mide of Wecte
Kodaglar, Kydachelar
Kitly Bulsen Tueghez

Ah Ikegiz, Ikeghez
Ikegegezen Bategiez
Ikegegezen Bategiez
Ikeghez is Kipsez
Bergya Homer Itegiez

Ikeghez is Kipsez
Kuzlyar Genya Timasen
Kuzlyar Genya Timasen
Ayrylunen, Sagyshlare
Sizgya Yaken Kilmysen

Chachtam Bydai, Birsen Hydai
Ber Bydayga, Men Bydai
Ber Bydayga, Men Bydai
Tahir, zekhrya meakyabyatyat
Sizgya Dy Birsen Khydai

Ak Koshlar Kilgyan Bezgia
Kityarlar Mikeyan Kishegia,
Kityarlar Mikeyan Kishegia,
Ak Kylarnen Myakhabyatyat
Without veal, Idec Sizgya

Aryaktan Birua Kile
Arbashanalar Belyan
Arbashanalar Belyan
Balashchagalar Belen

Bakshchmdag Almalarne
Beryam Baryam Ylyashchi
Beryam Baryam Ylyashchi
Barda Sizgia Telke Teli
Minde Tajak Tedschem

Sin Usterden Caes-no
Min Ustern Uleamne
Min Ustern Uleamne
Bergy Box, Tartu Box
Bir Kydagi Ule-no

Aida Duslar Urik
Estal, Esten Tuterryk
Estal, Esten Tuterryk
Oshap, okep Bernie Tyugel
Bers Zherlashep Uterk

Sandugach Balasen Birmi
Tartep Suzep Almas
Tartep Suzep Almas
Baselm Yanggan Eryaklar
Kochkorep Zarlamasan

Alma Bakhshcasen Tsabigez
Slar Mother Ereakne Ezyar
Bergya Bulgan Chagubez

Save the b diackens
Siprophic dingzhezn
Siprophic dingzhezn
Seza Onytmasagez Ben
Without Onytmabyz is a simple

Seza Onytmasagez Ben
Without Onytmabyz is a simple

Divey songs to the wedding - funny

Divey songs to the wedding - funny

Divey songs to the wedding - funny:

Today is a guest at the wedding, I
Friends are married today.
I'm not a lover of "red phrases",
My order will be specific.

The bridegroom, take care of the bride.
Buy boots for the winter,
For the summer - a bright sundress ...
Well, in general, you know the list yourself.

Do not object to your wife -
Everything will just worsen doubly.
Her grounds are Tryn-grass.
Wife - she is always right.

You need to promise less,
And then you have to perform.
Do not forget about compliments
And about "special" moments.

Now I will tell you, the bride.
You are not crowded with your beloved.
Swear to endure him always
At least it will be difficult sometimes.

Get a delicious dinner with love,
I will come to eat to you!
Kidding! Of course, for the husband.
He is a well -fed more obedient.

And stell up, mother, mother
To collect socks around the house,
And if it drinks more than the norm,
Do not send to addresses.

Such as he will be, my advice,
Although there are no advice in love.
And if you quarrel, put up.
Only having made peace, go to bed.

And let the years fly ahead.
Have you married? So forever.
The words turned out a lot!
What is missing? Bitterly!

All guys, you got
After all, the wife and husband became.
And for her husband: there are no guels,
Rare, but cheerful booze,

Start saving the stash
Forgive a cool car.
What did you want for yourself for many years -
All, I'm sorry, there is no money for this.

For his wife: borscht and meat,
In summer - reserves for the winter.
And all year - socks, socks ...
So as not to die with longing.

What? Are you not afraid?
And still close up?
So you have found each other
The best spouse with his wife.

There will be a bright house family,
Between you is an excellent way,
Your main success will be -
Loud, sonorous children's laughter.

Listen to two minutes,
Wedding is not a joke for you
Congratulations accept
And then wait for the gifts.

All guests, of course, are clear
Gathered here not in vain,
Everyone wants to see
How will they drink and sing here

How will they kiss here
And smile at each other -
And acquaintances and relatives.
And, of course, young.

I give you potatoes -
Wait a year later Antoshka.
I kiss a couple on the cheeks,
So that daughters are still born.

So that the groom is well done -
Here is a big cucumber to you
And so that it was hot in bed,
From me you are a slow cooker.

Happiness and love without measure
And hopes to you and faith.
Live together for a century
And cherish each other.

Ditties happy wedding - congratulations from guests

Ditties happy wedding - congratulations from guests

Dithes on the wedding day - congratulations from guests:

The bridegroom of advice is a couple
I wish to give
So that native without "viagra"
Up to a hundred years with the bride to live!

So that life is - as if from a salon,
To see millions in your wallet,
Let the husband fly home like a holiday!
Let me please with gifts, prankster,

The husband must be protected
From everyone was stolen.
Put it on the stove,
So as not to be stolen!

We are young spouse
We want to wish you:
You from your spouse demand a tribute
Affection, money - everything for yourself!

Well, you, spouse, be strict
You don't raise your voice.
And his wife reproaches
Drill a kiss!

We all the mountains proceeded
All the steep shores.
We wish you the young happiness
And delicious two bags

(Name of the bride), you are early in the morning,
Eat a banana and orange,
To be beautiful on the face
There were no wrinkles at all

Here is a sheepskin coat from Canada
From Algeria - fish oil.
We wish you spouses
To trace the whole world.

Allow any scandal,
To make life look like
On the Brazilian series!

We wish you prosperity
Money, happiness and good.
So that they stand on the table
Fruits, whiskey and caviar.

Young, you obediently
Perform your husband's orders,
Husband, wife always be true
And don't act on her nerves!

So that only euro, dollar, pounds
They handed you every time!
To an account with six zeros
You had it in every bank!

I wish - I don't know
I'm not afraid not to please
Five sons and daughters
I wish you to live!

We will bring bread and salt
A couple of our marriage.
Shut your mouth wider!
Life is successful for you!

We congratulate you on the wedding,
We pour it on a glass,
We will be a couple of toasts cheerfully
And we're driving ditties!

We give you this bow.
And carrots, even 2,
So that they call us to you.
And also a head of cabbage,
So that you are not sad,

Here are 2 more drying,
So that you love each other,
And so that fate was good -
Here you have red beets
And also, perhaps, bread -
To live for many years!

I lived to the final
And in dessert fell face,
But I drank so much to the cake
What is not sweet to me, but ... bitter!

That's all: goodbye, freedom!
Right now
Common income now,
The ceiling and the table, and the door.

I wish you, spouses:
Be happy always
So that they miss each other,
Well, together - never.

So that love prevails,
Life was a continuous syrup,
Everything was decided without a scandal
Without receiving with a “rocking rock in the forehead”!

Ditties for a wedding about mother -in -law - the most funny

Ditties for a wedding about mother -in -law - the most funny

Oblings for a wedding about mother -in -law are the most funny:

Mother -in -law is still a young man!
In life, everything will arrange deftly!
And smart and good!
Brave soul!

I have become my mother -in -law today -
She married her daughter.
And your beloved liller
She gave her a dowry.

Mother -in -law, hug your son -in -law -
There will be a photo of the upper class!
Prove everyone in the world:
Anecdotes are not about you!

He put the Greek hand into the river,
What he grabbed and drags.
It turned out to have felt a mother -in -law
Yes, it looks like Greek is stuck.

Bobik bite the mother -in -law ...
That's why Zlyuk, I have not forgotten.
That the meat did not give him.
And she cheated in the kitchen ...

Suddenly the mother -in -law says
Like she became crowded in the hut.
He gave her a booklet,
"Losing weight - one hundred diets."

They did not have time to pour.
I drank for my wife exactly, I remember
But he missed the mother -in -law.

My mother -in -law is just a miracle
My mother -in -law is just a treasure.
The farther I will leave her,
That is more than life I am glad.

Mother -in -law and favorite son -in -law
They love to eat vodka together.
For the soul, Malenechko,
Throw it well.

Here are those on, these are those on,
The mother -in -law of the son -in -law sent to ...
Dig a garden in the country,
Have you thought differently?

And in the mother -in -law in the country,
The third day is already Ishachu,
But she called around the fire,
Eat for vodka barbecue.

The mother -in -law invited to visit
A healthy dream promised.
Not a fig, a healthy sleep
I am in a dream KOSH IS LAVEN.

We are in the mother -in -law in the country,
We will stir, not otherwise.
We sow, plow before sunset.
We only eat porridge, like chickens

I will throw everything to the pheny nuclear
I will stand in pose number five.
The mother -in -law will not put a liter,
I will lie in the hammock.

We sang songs in the country,
Three sips ate, ate,
The mother -in -law digging out
So as not to see her for a year.

Ditties for a wedding about son -in -law
I have a great son -in -law -
He knows everything, knows!
Both in the household and in the house
Help helps!

I recently became mother -in -law -
She married her daughters.
Guys of brave, hardworking
I found it to help!

Son -in -law, you got a mother -in -law,
Together with her a bunch of things ...
The mother -in -law will call for a visit -
Help is waiting for you!

Son -in -law, you got a mother -in -law,
Together with her a bunch of things ...
Where to score and support -
Will look at you!

My daughter has grown up -
The girl is useful!
I chose my husband
Good guy!

My son -in -law entered my life,
I took my daughter out of the house!
Well, what should I do?!
I will love both!

I only gave birth to daughters
And she could not.
My daughters got married -
I have found my sons!

Someone says the son-in-law-
He only knows how to take.
My sonkeep, although it takes
But he gives a hundredth!

They say that the son -in -law is just to take!
I do not agree with them.
I have my zyat
The relationship is cool!

Son -in -law in our affairs of our help,
Strong brave guy.
On your beloved son -in -law
We look touching!

Ditties for a mother -in -law wedding

Ditties for a mother -in -law wedding

Dithes for a mother -in -law wedding:

That's how the lady is a clumsy,
That mother -in -law is my dear!
And dance, and sing
And Blinov will bake us!

I am a grooved mother -in -law,
Now I will "start" you all!
I keep all you with affection,
And then I will come ...

Eh, the mother -in -law is good
She has a good soul!
Will collect us all together,
And the gilanochka will go!

Our sweet mother -in -law
The house does everything deftly.
And the brothens are socks
Wipe without longing!

The golden mother -in -law,
What loves in the family.
And respects the daughter -in -law,
Her whims is indulging!

My dear mother -in -law
She showed again "love."
I baked me kalachi
On Purgen and in the stove!

My dear mother -in -law
I told me that the rogue ...
And then she took the oar -
Smoking a craft!

Oh, girls, I can’t sleep:
All the mother -in -law dreams of at night!
There is worth it with a shovel
The mother -in -law "growls" on me!

My mother is my mother.
You gave my son to me!
Well, I am with my love
I'll build a single house with him!

Ditties for a wedding about daughter -in -law

Ditties for a wedding about daughter -in -law

Ditties for a wedding about the daughter -in -law:

Never, daughter -in -law, never hiss
And certainly do not hurt.
And to work, cook cabbage soup,
We sculpt dumplings.

We are dear to the daughter -in -law
Congratulations from the heart!
And of course we wish
2 apartments, 5 cars!

So as not to offend her husband,
On the face of a pan,
Even if he comes
Thrown home.

To beloved daughter -in -law
Everyone appreciated like a treasure!
Congratulations we will finish -
In general, there is a salad!

Daughter -in -law, my dear,
I'm not tea in you!
Everything is in you - good and affection,
You decorated our house with a fairy tale.

With all my heart I wish you
Health, peace, do not bother,
Let love in the heart burn,
Core family happiness!

My daughter -in -law is the best
I can't look at
You are always dressed with brilliance
At work and in everyday life!

Be always sweet, beautiful
And loved and bright
So that all the other on the marvel,
You bloomed like a rose!

My daughter -in -law is dear
I wish you a lot of joy
So that she never discouraged
And did not worry at all,

To always be lucky,
Was happy, in spite,
You smile more often
Stay the same!

My son gave me a daughter -
The daughter -in -law is gold.
How I want to see in it
My daughter is dear to me.

Blossom to the joy of the whole family.
May my son pamper you.
Give our grandchildren as soon as possible.
Let the years please you!

Ditties for a wedding for the bride

Ditties for a wedding for the bride

Dithes for a wedding for the bride:

Grandma taught me
How can I respect my husband ...
Fed, drunk -
And then - drag in the bed!

My grandmother taught me -
Do not give hope to everyone!
How will I get married now -
There is no experience at all!

My grandmother taught me
That for happiness there is a soul ...
If you love a guy -
With him, life is good!

My grandmother taught me
That I need to be proud -
So that before the wedding I do not think,
You talk about sex!

I was preparing for the wedding
Very suffered.
There were forty kilograms
Fifty remained!

I admire, everyone admires
On a flower lily.
The dear translated me
To your last name!

I won't get out of you
You can not be afraid.
I don't want girls
To stay at forty.

My groom is dear to me
Made an offer,
I decided, brought
Its in the first reading.

Tell me, say,
As much as you want about love!
I want the scheduled
Wealthy life!

If you love me,
You will forget everything in the world!
Forever with you together
We will be at night, we will be in the afternoon!

My mother told me
That love is a great power.
Like, he will find you herself
When the time comes!

I don't need a brick house -
Would be cute pretty.
Would be cute to your liking -
We will live in a hut.

You and I got married.
You, look, don't look at!
To not be stolen at night,
Put me for me!

Tired of the girl's will,
I have a sweet share for me
I will help my husband -
Buy perfumes and dresses.

Not to cry about any grief,
Not about everything and bother
Although married and bad
But it’s bad to live in girls.

Really really
Is this change?
The gold ring is wearing
I'm no longer a girl.

Oh, you are mine,
Golden test.
I will love dear
Until the coffin.

Look at me,
I'm married now
And my rival -
No one wants!

Look at us:
What pair was created.
The couple is lovely,
Congratulate my dear!

I will soon become the hostess
The sweetheart in the house.
They will have dinner
By my order.

My grandmother taught me
How tastier to cook cabbage soup ...
And Milenok wants sex -
Who can teach?

Lights the corridor
Small light bulb.
I have a good groom,
Not a groom, but a paw!

If the berry is ripe
It is necessary to tear the berry.
Tired of calling the bride -
Know, it's time to call the wife.

Ditties for a wedding for the groom

Ditties for a wedding for the groom

Dithes for a wedding for the groom:

I love my bride so much
What is sometimes dark in the eyes!
And one day, except for jokes,
Even the tailbone brought me!

Better than my sweet
I will tell you without deception -
Everything is fine with your beloved:
Breast, face and even mom!

Father -in -law as a tiger daughter cherishes,
But I found an approach to him -
After the third, he is kindly,
Like a good cute cat!

This rule is known -
Whatever the mother -in -law, the snake ...
But with a happy exception
The mother -in -law has become for me!

Chips, beer and ram
I let go forever.
Hello Borschik with sour cream
And home food!

And the bride’s friends,
Like angels of heaven!
I blindly trust them
And at any time of the day
I let go of the dear!

And my friends are not very ...
They can bring down from pantalyk.
I probably after the wedding
I will call them less ...

Ditties for a wedding from witnesses

Ditties for a wedding from witnesses

Ditties for a wedding from witnesses:

I'm sure Sasha Olya
Will carry it in your hands!
Do not forget us for the wedding
Invite the gold!

The harmonicon plays well,
Let it not stop.
Sasha Olya will kiss -
It becomes enviable!

It’s time for the young bed,
Well, we will worry
And to suffer a question:
Will they succeed?

There are two flowers on the window
Day and night flaunt.
They are not admired!

Be faithful to each other
Do not look at others.
Both mistakes and good luck
Divide into two!

The wife has so good
Wonderful spouse!
And the wife is beautiful too,
Overshadows everyone around!

The young husband has
Now there is a young woman!
She is beautiful on her face
Sails like a swan!

We will bring bread and salt
A couple of our marriage.
Shut your mouth wider!
Life is successful for you!

You, wife, be faithful to your husband
I will become upset in everything,
And you do not need to scold it,
Even if he drank.

There is his beauty on his wife,
Husband, don't be sore without need,
Be affectionate and meek with her,
So as not to be careful.

Let life be successful, bright,
Let it become a gift every day,
Let God forever protect you
More happy dear to you!

Love and live peacefully,
Keep in hand to support each other,
And every day to be beautiful -
Love you are Holt and Liel!

Live in abundance
Do not know sorrow
Love each other
Give birth to kids!

Dithes at the wedding - wedding harmonica: video

Dithes at the wedding - wedding harmonica:

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