School ditties for holidays - the best selection for children

School ditties for holidays - the best selection for children

A selection of funny school ditties that can be used at any fun event.

School ditties for holidays - the best selection

School ditties for holidays - the best selection
School ditties for holidays - the best selection

School ditties for holidays - the best selection:

I am a teacher on the board
Wrote the task
Well, I'm sitting in longing
On the face of suffering.

I am not lazy in our school
Engage in every day.
For five on work
I'll come to Sunday!

The school year has begun
The watch was focused
And the question oppresses me:
Is the holidays soon?

Vova to the School of Late
Explains simply:
- And to study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

I ran to the break
Knead your body,
He attached his forehead against the wall,
What he taught - forgot again!

Write off mathematics
Allowed Lenka,
What will you have to kiss
With her on a break!

In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.

I'm not ready for the lesson
And I'm sitting quietly,
Full of brains in the head,
And in the notebook of two.

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
I have to learn.

Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one record!

Our ancestors painted
Dinosaurs on the rock,
And Antosha profile Katya
Cuts on the table.

They learned very quickly
Tanya with Olya is a new verse.
And the four received
Unfortunately, for two.

Our Anton next week
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her:
Clean, wash or wash?

If you are my friend,
They rescued from the misfortune.
Raise your hand soon
So that they don't call me!

We hasten teachers
Happy holiday to congratulate!
Maybe someone wants
“Five” put in the diary!

I couldn't live homemade
Perform a task,
And the teacher lost
Self -control.

Katya with Masha in the lesson
Tarathorni like forty.
To make them be silent -
We must call.

Andrei quickly runs
And he moves off the hill
And at the desk he trembles
Like a mouse in a mink!

On a computer in the game
Denis finished in the morning.
At school at the Denis board,
Like a computer, the "hung" itself.

Katya flew to school like that
I did not put a uniform in school.
The whole lesson considered Katya
I am peas on the dressing gown.

Dima Hearing developed good.
Maybe without fear
Listen, standing at the board,
From the distant desk of a clue.

Grief at Katya,
Everyone sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in the pocket of the dress
The cheat sheet fell.

In the lesson I am sitting
I look at the teachers
Than he loads more,
The more I slow down.

Valya tormented the comb,
I did a hairstyle for school.
I was tormented, tormented,
But it turned out a scarecrow!

Once with a friend on the day of laughter
Changed - that's fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “m” and “g”.

Who is pushing in the buffet?
Does it break forward? -
Pity Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.

Ditties on the school theme about teachers

Ditties on the school theme about teachers
Ditties on the school theme about teachers

Ditties on the school theme about teachers:

Thank you for science
Wise teachers.
Because, we understand,
You drove us for nothing.

Our teacher is very strict
We did not go to the lesson!
How rejoiced he
What is freed from us!

The school has been taught for many years,
The trace is reflected -
If the student is diligent,
It will show everyone his diary.

Yes, I was not a crook, I
I was ashamed for himself
And to calm the spiritual cry,
He threw his diary away.

I read between clumsy lines
- Your son tore off the lesson again
And a red print of pen
The teacher called the teacher to school.

We came to school with sparrows,
Now we get a swallow.
We love teachers very much
Thank you all.

I love my notebook.
At school I write in it again.
I am not lazy to work in it.
I work in it every day.

I am in order!
The prospects are good!
I am writing in my notebook
Brilliant poems

A Irina Nikolavna
Loves silence very much.
Why not like to make noise
Well, I don’t understand.

For the teacher’s teacher
I don't feel sorry for the words of good words
After all, she managed to understand
How to keep us at school.

I'm going to school in the morning
Teachers are waiting for me.
They will torment in the lessons -
I will torment them and I.

Being a teacher is not easy
Only read your subject.
The teacher should teach
How to do in our lives.

In the lesson I am sitting
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he does not swear.

I can sing a little
Blinding the nightingale.
We are talking about our teachers
Sprinkle ditties to you.

So the holiday has come,
We are happy with the ears.
Dear teachers
Now we will sing ditties.

Our director is very dexterous
Maybe he can make everything
Maybe it is to build a boat
And repair the ship.

And the director of our school
Issued such a decree:
Who will receive all the fives,
The prizes will be crushed.

Teachers inspired us
So that we listen to the lesson.
And we let the bunnies -
Learning did not go for the future.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes:
Mom will give me
Yogurts with additives.

The historian loves his subject
And, of course, loves us.
Puts "five" to the one who is a hardware
Well, deuces - every other time!

Ah, our historian, historian!
How he knows his subject!
Knows the dates of all events
And he has no equals here!

We have sport in high esteem too!
And what a physicalcar we have!
And a drawing teacher -
He is a world teacher!

We have a hard worker, a hard worker
Loves to dance very much
He lights up a lezginka -
You can’t resist him.

Here are the labors with us
We sculpt a hedgehog.
It turned out porcupine
Or is it a Christmas tree?

Our head teacher is so good,
For the answer, he puts "5".
And how he shouts so loudly,
I immediately want to escape.

We have geography
It begins badly:
All "4" yes "4" -
"5" does not work!

Mathematics is an object
Very entertaining,
And the teacher on it -
Just wonderful!

We teach mathematics
We consider everything together.
Only where is the question in the task, -
We still do not know.

Physical education, physical education
He takes the strength.
And the teacher, well done,
It cheers us up!

Jump, run and play
Physical education teaches.
Maybe one of us
And he will receive the medal.

Physical education, physical education,
How useful you are.
I'm from a frantic dog
He ran away in half aversion.

Our world musician,
He is the soul of the whole school:
Musical, combat,
As an artist, cheerful.

Well, music for us
Not an object, but just a class!
Open your mouth wider
And the neighbor sings for you.

Reading, reading,
You are torment for us
We would have fairy tales to read
And there are no poems at all.

I am a poor girl
I'll get to New York.
Olga Alexandrovna will sing:
"Very-Very I Love You".

She was engaged in plasticine
With Olga I am Gennadievna,
And then we painted
Glued and embroidered.

We improved the figure
In fun physical education.
I'm very healthy now
I do not need doctors.
There is no better doctor in the world
Leonid Alekseevich.

We love music and laughter
And Marya Vasilievna.
After all, without music, friends,
We can’t live at all.

We studied OBZh
So that we do not get into trouble.
I will cure all the dolls.
Thanks to Evgeny Matveevich.

We are talking about our teachers
They told you a little.
In the summer you really don't miss
Remember us more often.

We will rest over the summer,
We will take up strength
And in early September
Get together again.

We sang ditties to you,
We really tried
Just ask for us
You were not offended.

Ditties in literature on a school theme

Ditties in literature on a school theme
Ditties in literature on a school theme

Ditties in literature on the school theme:

I love literature
I love poetry
Assess the teacher,
You are my efforts!

Started to read Tolstova,
Anna I am Karenina
But there was enough for a short while
My patience!

I read Dostoevsky,
Days and nights long
I love most of all
His book "Idiot".

I read the drama yesterday,
And now I will roar all day
Well, why did they give me a book
Called "mu-mu"?

I told me all the colors
How I read the war and the world,
And from my story,
The teacher even dozed off!

I can't read poetry
As they ask: with an expression,
Well, I have no hearing
To such works!

The list gave books for the summer,
I got it like Gogol,
I wanted to burn it with me
Like the second volume of "dead souls."

The book is our best teacher,
She must be respected
But, of course, it will be better
If you read the book!

Here is the subject of literature,
To understand the meaning of it,
We need in the library
Each day to take the book!

Oh, believe me friends,
I love literature.
Five kilograms every year
I hand over to waste paper.

There are books for creation,
You can read them all day.
Literature is knowledge!
Read, if not laziness.

School ditties funny about books

School ditties funny about books
School ditties funny about books

School ditties funny about books:

We are talking about books
Clinking songs.
It’s more fun to sing together -
Light your ears.

I read books from childhood,
Their father always gave them,
I often remember him
In the word kind: "Well done!"

The book has long come,
But not everyone reads;
If you were competent,
It was hardly living without them.

The first book was glad:
Light and joy brought.
Ivan Fedorov awards
Accepts from the ambassador.

The benefits of books have long been known,
They were read by both old and young,
It is useful to heart and soul,
Every day they are glad to read them.

People made friends with the book
Each book has its own secret.
Read - in the heart will be
Kindness and life light.

They say that Alexander
I was in friendship with books.
I am glad to fairy tales Pushkin:
Two hundred years in the service.

Saves from ignorance, -
Chernyshevsky said.
Books from childhood who reads
And he was brought up, and Mil.

The benefits of books have long been known
Already from the Cartesian times.
Traveling lovely
Together with the book - he is flattered.

Everyone recognized the benefits of books
Our people were educated,
After all, we learned from the books
What and how the country lives.

In the world - I did not know
We are fighting for;
Tsvetkov wrote a book,
I will read it tomorrow.

In a revolution without books
They neither stepped through.
Mayakovsky predicted
Light and joy gave.

The revolution was
There were many opinions.
“Anna Snegina” read,
There is no doubt about the benefits.

White with red fought:
Death and hardships;
"Quiet Don" I read
About the dashing years.

About civil about war
Babel read,
Meet the pilnyak,
He wrote a lot.

To fight with the fascist,
We took books into battle.
Vasya Terkin was nearby -
We lived without sadness.

The ditties himself did not like:
Simplicity confused.
He won Hitler -
This is a lot.

About flights to the moon
You will read in books.
And about the Moon War
There is a ticket in the standings.

About flights to the moon
We learned from the books:
Lunaticians live there.
Believe? Hardly.

I haven't been to Mars,
I know the books:
You need to put apple trees,
Let them bloom wonderful!

Books lived and live,
The century is not discouraged.
They are read here and here,
Bunin knows everyone.

In electronic form of a book
It became fashionable to read this
But believe me - it smells of paint!
It’s better not to flip it out.

I compose ditties
The twenty -fifth day in a row,
I read them in breaks,
Each new is very happy.

Books will be alive forever
It will not replace the Internet.
He acts carelessly
Who is not looking for advice in them.

We sang ditties
Trying to convince you:
Nothing more useful is the book
No in the world - the book is to live.

Ditties about school life funny

Ditties about school life funny
Ditties about school life funny

Oblings about school life are funny:

There are many books in my portfolio,
But the diary was lost in him
The diary is always lost
How a deuce appears.

In our school, everything is artists,
They love to sing and dance.
Well, of course, in the lessons
We answer the Five.

Everyone is equal in our school
All girls, boys.
If you get a deuce in the class,
Take off your pants under the belt.

I am not lazy in our school
Engage in every day.
For five on work
I'll come to Sunday!

In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.

In the schedule of lessons
The words are encrypted:
Um ha-ka, physical, liter ...
Head is spinning!

I'm going to school in the morning
Teachers are waiting for me.
They will torment in the lessons -
I will torment them and I.

I went to school on the way
Moving his legs a little.
Here are the steps. Here is the threshold.
Then the lesson ended!

Vanya teaches theorems,
He tries very much.
Already like two weeks
Dad does not swear.

All in the affairs of our director,
It’s not easy to manage the school,
This is not ditty for you
Perform at the concert!

Vitya does not like our poems,
Vitya did not finish the verse,
And for that today at school
I received half a fame.

Vovka was very risked:
He painted on the desk.
But I will tell you honestly: Vovka
Far to the Tretyakovka!

Here is the subject of literature,
To understand the meaning of it,
We need in the library
Each day to take the book!

These are in our school
Lovely students:
In the summer they jump into elastic bands,
Snowmen sculpt in the snow!

We all love to walk
We love to have fun
Only now on physical education
We can’t get equipped.

Everyone is singing on music,
Dimochka is shy
But at the time at the break
The mouth does not close.

All ditties are already sags
You can start clapping.
You can even flow
Throw me with a girlfriend!

The cabinet is rumbling
The stairs are staggering.
This is a quiet fifth "b"
He descends into the wardrobe.

Yes! Today you can definitely
We’ll joke a little
And funny ditties
Give you as a gift!

Twice two is four,
Three plus two, of course, five.
Loves Vanya-Vosmi-grader
Mathematics decide!

Two girls say
In English clean,
Whatever the word is “okay”,
Apparently, good!

Teacher's day has come
For a long time I waited for this day
You need to start soon
Holiday for teachers!

For avid brawls
Our advice, maybe new
Those who are smaller and weaker,
Do not twitch and do not hit!
Do not advertise fists
And solve issues in the world!

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
I have to learn.

The world around is so interesting
And in many ways unknown.
There is no limit to the world of knowledge
So soon, friends, for business!

All roads are open to me,
How much I expect my fate.
But I remember from the school threshold:
All I sow, I will do the same!

School ditties are short

School ditties are short
School ditties are short

School ditties are short:

Ant Sortone
I met the path.
And while he is a pity,
I was late for the lessons ...

Mom woke me up:
"Get up quickly, son."
And I turned to side
And I overslept one lesson!

Late reason
Roma will quickly compose:
Then saved from the wolf Jan,
I found a meteorite.

Kostya walks after Ilona
Every day he tries
Waiting for him Ilona
Suddenly admits love!

At school I fell in love with Zhenya
For beautiful eyes.
But then I fell in love with Sasha,
Here is such a dragonfly.

Petya Katya pounded
- Even healed:
Maybe he fell in love?

In a love lesson
I read prose.
Suddenly the earring came up
I gave me a rose.

Masha looked at me
I shone with happiness,
And when I winked at me
I stumbled and fell.

Toangryday as it goes into battle
My friend Kolya.
But studying does not go
That reason - Olya!

Our school is dear
Releases from his desk
Mendeleev, Kulonov ...
The world will be very happy with them!

Past ten school
Well, I will not go:
Or I will wash the windows
Or the courtyard is sweeping.

We certainly love the school
Our school is sweet!
Although they drag it to this school
Some by force.

We live very amicably,
We sing songs cheerfully.
Better good school of our
We will not find all over the world!

Our school is the best
And everyone is fed in the dining room
And we have a gym here,
And we can’t count the guys.

There is silence in the lesson,
Only Maxim always shouts:
“Wait, do not rush!
I haven't finished yet!
Where to read, tell me!
I am behind you again! "

By heart, ask mom,
I know all the words of advertising.
And the table, how is it
I will not remember in any way!

We love geography
Strictly studying
Where to fly on vacation
Choose for a long time.

In the 5th grade appeared
We have geography.
We saw as a globe,
They broke at the same hour.

I learned a lot of new things
At school from the teacher!
"You became too competent!"
- Parents say!

Our Olenka is a strong man
A heavy load on her shoulder:
One hundred kilos of her chains,
Buckles, studs, different beads

Lenechka went to the gym.
Lenya rocked the muscles.
Lenya, strong and healthy,
The mosquitoes are poking.

I drag a backpack behind my back
And so the day of the day passes!
Teaching - light, but cuts the eye,
When you come to class in the morning!

Grief at Tanya,
Everyone is sorry for Tanya -
From a hole in her pocket
The cheat sheet fell.

I'm going with a big bouquet,
In the satchel pen and notebook.
If the truth is a holiday,
What to count the tragedy?

I gave it to the control
All tasks of the ring,
And now in our notebooks,
Both have two!

Vasya, you suddenly why
In the "parachute" he slapped two yu?
- Arithmetic is simple -
If a couple, then two!

I am my portfolio.
It will come in handy to me.
Good in winter on it
Slide off the tip!

My girlfriend,
Aren `t you ashamed?
I ate a roll in the lesson,
Do you think it's not visible?

My girlfriend,
I did not eat her:
Fifteen times bite off
I didn't want to!

My girlfriend,
Aren `t you ashamed?
You are fighting with the boys
Do you think it's not visible?

My girlfriend,
I do not fight.
I pressed two on my neck,
I am the third fight!

I'm walking with a big bouquet,
In the satchel pen and notebook.
I forgot well over the summer
How to suffer for knowledge.

Oh, I'm tired, tired -
The roots dug all day.
Not in the forest and not in the garden,
And in words in his notebook!

If every word
Will become a grape
We will come across, of course,
Nadina chatter.

So that the ability to learn
To educate in your brain -
You need to eat right
And rest culturally.

I don't want to go to school,
I better sign up for a doctor!
I will have fun
Look from the window to the class!

I'll call the phone
I'll tell you how cool at home!
Let friends envy
How I can cunning!

All the guys know in the world
Twice two - always four!
And who does not agree with this,
He is dangerous for society!

I love to play football,
I score a cool goal!
Cuts a mathematician
I have a great stake in the diary!

For the tops I am to school
He went to the 1st grade!
But I found out - better the dining room
We have no premises!

On your shoulders is not a turnip
This, brother, head!
And therefore ridiculous
Get an “two” rating!
One has only to push -
And you will get "five" in the diary

By September, by September
I give flowers to friends.
Since a bouquet, two bouquets -
There are gifts, flower beds - no!

Says in Russian Yura:
"I have a temperature,
I will not tell the poem
Memory shocked something. ”

Ditties about school class

Ditties about school class
Ditties about school class

Ditties about the school class:

The classmate told me
So that I respect him.
How can I respect him?
The eye marched to me again!

I have a classmate
Heaked, brothers, three rubles!
He did not give him three rubles:
Only the figure showed ...

A classmate is for a show
I marched me, brothers, eyes.
How I do not like him ...
The time will come - I will avenge!

My classmate is useful
Yes, it’s good!
There is only one catch:
You will not find a "brain" there.

I am a classmate today
He showed his company to a sensory!
In vain, he "teeth" showed:
I did not count three teeth.

There is no dress code at school today,
And the fashion penetrated here:
It looks terribly strange
In the lessons, Mary Ivanna.

Whore me Svetka SMS
In the chemistry lesson:
Help solve the problem,
And I will not perish! "

In the exam at Galka
They found cheat sheets.
She scribbled them for three days,
And I did not teach questions!

How fun with Natasha,
Olya, Vika, Masha, Dasha.
Everyone is singing in school choir,
They go to the opera.

Our Katya is smart
Better not to find!
Lapochka, reasoning man,
We are with her along the way.

Our Oleg is a wonderful boy
A neat penny
And with dogs portfolio
He loves cleanliness now.

I'm sitting on the desk
And under her a mouse.
You girls are afraid of Vaska,
All of you will be a lid.

Zhenya is very nice small
And an excellent student,
He is hiding a diary from the doubles,
I got used to being an excellent student.

There are excellent students in the class,
As expected
If Lyuda does not understand
Vadik will guess!

Change, change,
The bell is torn
First Vova, our prankster,
Flies out by the threshold.

My girlfriend Masha and I
We will be first -graders
We go to school together
So, we will blow up the school.

Kostik with Lech was in such a hurry
A goal for a goal to score
The poor fellows have already forgotten
We must run to school.

They ran to school quickly,
Almost knocking down the technician.
It turned out that they had
There is such a habit.

We have a silent Artemka:
Good, affectionate, like a hooma,
But does not hide in the reserve,
All the last will give.

Our tanya in the lessons
Writes to everyone messages.
Who will receive a telegram,
Suffers punishment.

Lera walks alone.
There are no friends and there are no friends.
Isn't it time to put an end to
And love people around.

Svetik is our justice,
Revenge and a keen eye.
From untruth, the truth will knock out the truth.
She loves a whole class.

Our Vitalya is like a clown,
Building terrible faces.
Apparently looks a lot
The cartoons are terrible.

Shurik, Shurik - laughter -
Everything laughs out of place
Blinding with a laughing laugh,
In the lessons of everyone in a row.

Wider my children's horizons
In all sections of knowledge.
I love girls, football
And in the courtyard of the festivities.

Who started and rushed
Like a quick plane?
This is Petya in our class
Marathon run passes.

We forgot your face.
How do you look, Zhenya?
Appear at least in the tournament
In the class, you are one more time.

Don't see that I'm fragile
Skinny and small.
I am not in vain at the gate,
Delicious and attentive.

And more serious than all Andryusha.
He is a good gentleman
Both educated and modest.
We must take an example from him.

Our Lena is not quiet
Although it seems like that.
If necessary, smile boldly
It doesn't even blink an eye.

Dima Karpov is good for everyone,
Only beats someone.
Beats without aiming, right in the eye.
The whole class runs from him.

Katya is a kind soul -
Everyone is pleasant, good.
He loves school, loves work.
And everyone in the class is a faithful friend.

School ditties for the day of the teacher

School ditties for the day of the teacher
School ditties for the day of the teacher

School ditties for the day of the teacher:

You have a teacher's day
The wishes of the "rod" of us.
We will be not enough to be naughty
And give you flowers.

Happy Teacher's Day to congratulate
We came to you today.
Make great success,
To teach us better.

Our school is the best
And everyone is fed in the dining room
And we have a platform,
And we can’t count the guys.

Our teacher is very strict
We did not go to the lesson!
How rejoiced he
What is freed from us!

Togood to study -
It is not necessary to count the raven
And give a job to the brain,
Smart books read!

What a wonderful holiday - the day of the teacher!
Congratulations to the heart.
Everything is at your school - both children and parents -
Relate with great respect.

Health to you! Diligent students!
Let the desires come true easily,
Everything will be just great in life
And the plans are embodied in reality!

Us, teacher dear,
I like your character!
Except you, no one else
He will not manage with us!

You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us!
The best feelings impulses
Expresses to you our class!

We have teachers,
The best in Russia,
In the lessons we are sitting
If only they did not ask!

I am friends with mathematics,
I will decide anything for you
Only true, to be honest,
I sin the calculator ...

Pushkin falls from a chair
Tolstoy has a nervous tick,
Your approach to literature
I'm used to using it!

Biology - science,
I don't understand me
I will kiss Svetka - to kiss -
And she bites!

They know everything that physical education -
For desperate guys.
It is necessary to pump up
The body will be more beautiful.

Congratulations to the teachers!
This holiday is only yours!
Let the ditties of our school
They will make a stir!

Teacher's day has come
And our teacher slept.
I delayed, did not come
Well, and we are good!

With gilding October
A glorious day comes to us.
We are in a hurry, unanimously,
Congratulate teachers.

Have fun, don't lose
Joy of a moment.
Congratulations, accept
In your honor ditties.

You are very fashionable today
You are good today.
So don't be so modest,
Take off heart.

Sing songs, have fun,
Let the cheerful laughter ring.
In general, dear, drag yourself,
Be the best in the world.

We wish you success,
Glory, honors, victories,
So that you do not know grief
So that the trace is cold from trouble.

Be happy, healthy
Let the dreams come true.
This day is so funny,
It will be remembered for life.

Let the country respect you
Very much appreciates
Adding to salary
It will not be weak.

So that you are fashionably dressed
Were incomparable
To wait for the bank
The amounts are fabulous.

So that you see the world:
Beaches, coasts,
To rest abruptly
In the far abroad.

To move to the house,
With lake and forest,
They got to work,
Come on ... "Mercedes."

We are joking a lot today
And we give the spaciousness to dreams
Because we love it very much
Because we believe you.

You are all kind, such
Rejoice, love
And flowers from us, relatives,
Accept with warmth.

We sang ditties to you
Dear teachers!
Do not judge us strictly
They performed the first time!

School ditties about friendship, relations between classmates

School ditties about friendship, relations between classmates
School ditties about friendship, relations between classmates

School ditties about friendship, relations between classmates:

At school is heard here and there
The cocks and din.
There are fighting
We have our own roosters.

On the panels in the corridor
We fought like musketeers.
As a result, sticks-Yelki,
There is glory, but there is no panicle.

The future boxer Ruslan
Does not lose time.
Work out a blow
Studies on girls.

Wet broom Cyril
So he whips Tanya.
General cleaning
Turns into a bathhouse.

Oh, dear girlfriend,
We will not be lost anywhere.
We’ll cross the blue sea
And let's go for a walk with you.

Ay, dear friend,
Dear, you are my departure.
No one will dance without you
Without me will not pound.

Dear friend,
Do not go dull.
Do not go sad
Be like me desperate.

Oh, you, Lucy dear,
So we met ...
My heart was ached, my chest hurt -
We have not seen for a long time.

Come out, friend Masha,
And pacing it soon.
Harmonist familiar to you -
You order the game.

After all, I appreciate our friendship,
This is all in life!
A friend will not let down in trouble
I am quite pleased with them!

Friendship is growing stronger every day,
Cool we, friends, live!
It is interesting to live in the world,
You can not bother at all!

For friends is always a mountain
Only you were with me!
You don't let me down
If necessary, help!

School ditties about ratings

School ditties about ratings
School ditties about ratings

School ditties about ratings:

We are not used to deuces,
Doubles are so easy to grab,
There is no need to teach anything -
That's the reward for this.

I'm not ready for the lesson
And I'm sitting quietly,
Full of brains in the head,
And in the notebook of two.

I didn't answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And she was placed in the diary
Masty duckling!

Vitya does not like our poems,
Vitya did not finish the verse,
And for that today at school
I received half the focus.

For the control Petrusha
I got a deuce again.
He was scared and lucked:
"At home I forgot the diary!"

- You have only deuces
Are you going to salt them?!
- I want in the Guinness Book,
I need to beat the record!

I received "four"
Mila boasts.
But in fact it is
There were two grades.

I came sad today
Again I got a deuce.
My mother scolded me
Well, dad forgave everything.

Became clear to Anton
The essence of the "binary" law:
You teach two minutes -
You will get a double!

Oh, save! Oh, save!
Slop, sinking Trushkin Vitya.
The last time I sighed ...
He drowned in deuces again.

Masha hid in the pantry
From parents a notebook.
The mice were indignant together:
- Again we have deuces to chew!

I gave me to write off on physics
All tasks Anechka,
And now in our notebooks,
Both have pegs!

“I know everything, I promise” -
Repeats our socks.
And how will it come out to answer-
Get a master of deuces.

Ruslan has no patience
He did not finish the rhyme.
And for half -style
I received half a fame.

My friend and I walked
They forgot about everything.
When the deuces were exhibited
Only the mouths opened.

I have a deuce in my notebook
Very pretty.
There will be a header for me
Decent for her.

Igor decided to joke
And do not teach lessons.
After this joke
There are only "ducks" in the diary!

Who has dogs, cats,
Who starts mice ...
In the diaries earrings with Leshka
Swans are bred!

In the diary - home tasks.
And the "five" stand nearby.
How good!
Well, mom, sign it!

We sang ditties for a long time,
And now we want to say:
“Take the handle as soon as possible
And put five in the diary !!!

These impudent five
How confused!
And where did the four go
Do not want to return?

What to do for me - Cola?
Can try -
I will come in handy for someone
Well, tell me, brothers!

Let the perirable tower
He will sit on the page
And correct his barrel
At the nickle, without looking!

I really like to study
And receive five,
Well, more - have fun,
Run, jump and scream!

Katka is a white crow!
According to the dictation again "five".
I could not make a mistake
To support us all

How to get fives,
Everyone is interested
I can only give advice
How to kiss in the cinema!

To look decent,
He began to study "excellent."
To two I plus three
And now, undoubtedly,
The diary is spacious!

Something was hard for me
All control work.
I wrote off (I could not otherwise!)
Marina has half the task.
Showed a little zeal -
He himself decided half of the equation.
Half of the example blew up at Zhorka ...
I earned half the four.

School ditties about mathematics

School ditties mathematics
School ditties about mathematics

School ditties about mathematics:

We love us very much
To teach mathematics.
We are advertising mathematics
We decided to devote.

We love to solve problems
Who is faster and, who is forward.
And what are the tasks!
The professor himself will not understand.

What's 2 2,
We will answer without difficulty
Because at school we teach
Mathematics, friends.

Multiplication table
Worthy of respect.
She is always right in everything,
And you can’t live without it.

To fold correctly,
We must correctly be friends.
If the quarrel or the battle,
It will not work to addition.

And scientist Lomonosov
Right, of course, as always,
That science is mathematics -
Charging for the mind.

Teach you to think for sure
Explore everything to the bottom
To become very famous,
Mathematics is needed!

Mathematics is very accurate,
Equations and solutions are meticulous,
How to start teaching her,
So you will begin to go crazy.

The calculator will fail ...
And in the magazine it will not work.
We composed ditties
About an excellent country,
About an arithmetic amount,
What is now zero.

You think, decide
But do not rush to the answer.
And when you decide everything
Then get a "nickel" -
Just like that!

We sang ditties to you
About an excellent country.
Numbers, letters go there
In the mathematical system.

My diary is like a faithful friend
I tried for me.
I did not learn the algebra,
He stayed at home.

I, a good student,
I know the whole table.
Five -five to twenty -five ...
And I don't know anymore.

Mathematics, my light!
You are our favorite item.
Although you are difficult, you sometimes
You and I are interesting.

Algebra is tired of deciding
Just lost time
Everything is equally understood,
Better I would take a walk.

In mathematics, tasks
As if in life of failure
And I will tell you guys.
How to solve them is not clear.

Mathematics Science
All sciences - they tell us
But in life science is to us
Never damage.

The bisector is a rat,
Only I didn't understand
Why is this rat
Shares the corner in half.

Pythagorian pants
In all directions are equal,
Do not try to put them on
Legs are not where to put it.

I am an exemplary student
I know the whole table
6*6 - I don't know.

Mathematician Pythagoras
Super jeans invented
They say his pants
In all directions are equal.

I wrote off the rescue,
They thought everything was right
And they came to Algebra
They put us a deuce.

In the lesson I was
She taught algebra
On the control served
I got a couple.

They played on the computer
We are in computer science,
Only 2 received
We are in mathematics.

If there are problems with algebra
Call Denu right away
He will solve the algebra to you
And along the way will make fun of.

We love geometry
We always solve it,
But good grades
We get sometimes.

Theorems, theorems
What have you brought to
Xsas, Cons, Tasks
You drove me crazy.

Equations I love
In the classroom I answer
And when I come home
I immediately forget.

On the standings we are sitting
We think, we decide,
And when we pass it-
We get two deuces.

I love mathematics
I am friends with a calculator
I'm sitting on the control
I take the calculator.

In my task
Difficult tasks
I can always decide
With a hint.

It always seemed to me
The geometry is complex
I only got a couple
I studied the entire textbook.

I always knew how to count
From one to one hundred
I study algebra
I think to a million.

I never knew
The whole corner theorem
I teach geometry
I will draw any angle.

We solve the problems everything,
And we get five
But sometimes it happens
We get the number 2.

The equation is solved -
The matter is not easy.
Plus change by minus -
The rule is.

Vertical angles
They say that everyone is equal
Only I don't believe you
I measure it myself by the transport.

I'm sitting on algebra,
I listen carefully.
The task is its complex
I will solve it completely.

Equations, equations
What have you brought to
Xsas, minuses, division-
You drove me crazy.

I wrote a control
I got a deuce
I will solve today
I will get the five.

Day and night I don't sleep
I teach geometry
And how will I go to the board
It will become uneasy for me.

I know the equations
And I decide them at 5.
Only I don't understand
Where to add, where to take it.

We wrote the test yesterday,
We are very tired of
But Vadia is not tired
I took the test, and I wrote it off.

I teach geometry
I understand everything.
As a home I write
I immediately forget.

She taught geometry
And I got the five
And I came to physics,
Gream and left.

To calculate the speed-
We must reason quickly.
The path for a while
And adjust to the answer.

Sinus, cosine, square
How Semyon is glad today.
After all, he solved the problem
And I got the five.

We extracted a square
From the usual,
Only the result came out
Very indecent.

I know mathematics
I teach computer science.
I get five
I’ll probably get to the university.

School ditties about physical education and sports

School ditties about physical education and sports
School ditties about physical education and sports

School ditties about physical education and sports:

We are sports ditties
Cooked for you.
They were composed on the go,
We perform for the first time.

We are physical education lessons
Just adore
Basic standards
Easily ahead.

Better than any kangaroo
I can jump in length.
I studied this for a long time,
I was not lazy in the lessons!

Our light is a swallow
Excellent gymnastics.
It flies over the bars,
This is doing!

Our classmate is Ivan
Sports is fond of:
For girls at school
It is chasing all day!

All physical education lessons
Anya misses.
How much health
Anechka loses!

“It hurts and it hurts there ...
The doctor does not tell you to strain ... "
There is always a pretext of Yura,
He is afraid of physical education!

Everyone who was running around -
I forgot about diseases.
"Running is a great medicine!" -
Hippocrates gave advice.

Like ours with Yura
Two stands in physical education.
He was allotted and all sweated,
But he could not squeeze!

In gym class
Petya distinguished himself:
Once climbed onto the bars,
Forty times fell!

Only once stared Stas,
He failed our friendly class.
I did not go to training
Lost his dexterity.

We are in any Spartakiad
Let's give a head start a hundred points!
Should not be in our class

All sports channels
Vlad is trying to watch.
Raming on the couch
Enters for sports!

Our classmate is Petrov
I scored many goals.
On the account of his heads,
How much is the stake in the diary!

I'm very proud today
I set a record for me:
Refused the habit
Irka pull the pigtails!

Max handed over a hundred -meter,
Barely reached:
He fell off at the finish -
I was very struggling!

We sang for you, tried
But they were a little confused.
All sung to the end
Ah yes we! Ay, well done!

To develop muscles,
Engage in physical education.
Train, jump,
Dry your feet more!

If you work,
You can achieve a lot.
Who is stubborn, loves sport,
He will not disappear anywhere!

I love physical education,
I can walk in my arms!
But what's the trouble
Legs do not carry there!

I love the most at school
Physical education lessons!
There is a free fitness room-
Useful for the figure!

Train our muscles,
Sulge them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and higher.

In gym class
We run and jump
Only the teacher will turn away
We finish our feet.

Better Vanya is not at school
On shooting, throwing -
He is his brand new portfolio
Looked on the building.

In gym class
We are all sitting without shape,
And on the biceps of the teacher
We look enthusiastically.

In gym class
Five circles ran.
We fled, we fled
Oh, and how tired we are!

Tolya boasted to the guys
How he climbs the ropes.
- You didn't boast a rope
You will pull up in your studies!

Dirty Pasha looks proudly
The guys rightfully.
Just Pasha - master of sports
On jumping in a ditch.

The legs are long, large,
I train in the run.
Why then lame
My performance?

We all love to walk
We love to have fun
Only now on physical education
We can’t get equipped.

- For how much, Vova, you can
Run a hundred -meter?
- For my own, I will try
I am for forty -five rubles.

Our life is easy and smooth
Not worried, flows.
Every day with physical education
The people rise.

School ditties - a selection for the New Year

School ditties - a selection for the new year
School ditties - a selection for the New Year

School ditties - a selection for the New Year:

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.

There is a Christmas tree in the hall
And on it toys.
We will sing to you now
School ditties.

You and I love the winter,
We love skis and skates.
Well, and Sidorov Ivan
Loves only his sofa.

Three pieces were exhausted by soap.
To wash the ink from the face.
And he came to the carnival -
No one recognized me.

It was fun on the hill
Tanya, Petya and Yegorka.
Only Masha did not ride
She was afraid to lose the portfolio!

Fifth grader Nikolai
Sit at home, don't walk.
If you go for a walk
The baby is not to be not appreciated.

“My portfolio,” said Ivan
Breathing barely.
But I went on it
Only two weeks.

The snow fell from the birch -
On Vanyusha lump - clap.
It turned out from Vanyusha
A wonderful snowdrift.

The Christmas tree is freezing in the snow,
Crying: “I can’t.
To the children in the school hall
I ask for a carnival! "

Santa Claus said a lazy person
- New Year has come, get up!
- Do not bother, I rest.
The lazy person muttered in response.

Yes, don't suffer like that, dear,
That all the letters have forgotten!
I'm getting attached that there is strength
At least I forgot all the numbers.

The wind blows, the snow is strong
He promises a storm to be.
Proskin promises
Do not forget the composition.

I eat porridge and sour cream
I have a stronger.
I won't fight with you,
Only you do not go to me.

To our crybaby, it did not interfere with
Look to you, Santa Claus.
Give a bag for complaints
And a box for tears.

Two in our diaries
We will not let it get out
We promise Santa Claus
Try for a whole year.

I try on chemistry
Study reagents,
I will become adults - I'm going
To download gasoline from the river!

Every day the portfolio is heavy.
I barely trudge.
So while I graduate from school
I will turn off from study.

I will not believe in Santa Claus,
I'm no longer a fool!
I know that gifts to children
Snow Maiden gives out!

Santa Claus with a beard,
With a luxurious mustache,
Like a young guy,
At the Christmas tree rides with us.

Near the house at the rink
My friend of the snowman blinded,
I attached my nose from carrots,
Why, this is Santa Claus.

Bring us, Santa Claus,
And skiing and horrors!
Turn to us, Santa Claus,
All the "cola" in "Pyaterochka"!

For some reason, Santa Claus,
Does his chair check?
Is he really to the grandchildren
So does not trust?

Grandfather Frost loves
Children's ditties,
He will give all the guys
Sweets and crackers.

I have not seen how you have
In our school, then progress,
Instead of a letter to Santa Claus
We will send all SMS.

Mom doesn't allow me
Jump and scream at school.
Growth - at the disco
I will "go" to go!

We say thanks to Grandfather
For his gifts,
Kiss all of him
He will be hot!

At the Snow Maiden to the floor,
The braid has already grown.
While walking along the corridor,
Paulic shoe loud.

Ah, winter, winter, winter,
Russian beauty,
You all drove us crazy
We like the winter!

Soon, the very new year
On a sleigh will rush.
Already, probably, he
He knocks on our window.

Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How much snowdrifts did!
The people are not sad -
Celebrates the New Year!

Oh, and frost will be tweeped,
Old Zabiyaka.
Irishka on the cheeks
Two poppies flourished.

In the yard we have
Snowman with a panel,
Dark at night is watching
He is our house from the wolf.

Do not want to stand in winter
Without clothes on maple.
Instead of leaves on branches
Sparrows, crows.

Ah, you are my dear
Bullfinchi, Sinichi!
I made a feeder - I -
Take a treat, birds.

From the snowflakes of clean, new
I sculpt the Snow Maiden.
And in the spring I will not leave him -
To the freezer to the settlement!

The three rushes, the three jumps,
And on her gifts of WHO.
Bubin residents ring - and therefore,
Grandfather Frost is going!

Fluffy snow is silver
Santa Claus rushes on the top three,
Elegant spruce is noisy
And the salute in the forest is rattling.

Everywhere the Christmas trees flashed
In bright stars, the whole country.
For guys and in this room
The miracle is lit.

- Why does Uncle Dima have
Are cheeks very prone?
-This is to the role of grandfather Moroz
The beard is preparing!

We are all our own toys
Dressed a Christmas tree.
She has no free
Not a single needle!

Paws of Christmas trees
They hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them to us
On New Year's Eve!

Children drive a round dance
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year! You are so good!

Outside the window of snowflakes, a flock
The round dance also leads.
Saying goodbye to the year old
We celebrate the New Year.

Circle, circled in a round dance
Snow beauties.
Dance blizzard
We all really like it!

Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache,
But like a young guy,
Dance with us.

New Year comes -
I'll dress brightly!
Santa Claus will come to me -
With him a bag of gifts!

Santa Claus, take a bag
Drink the ropes.
And get it soon
Fashionable scenes!

Let any of your dreams
These days come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
It lights up brightly.

School ditties - a selection for March 8

School ditties - a selection for March 8
School ditties - a selection for March 8

School ditties - a selection for March 8:

We are great guys
And beautiful and smart.
Congratulations to you, girls,
With the women's holiday of spring!

You are dear girls,
Congratulations on women's day!
And now we are ditties to you
Sprinkle very loudly!

Oh, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give everyone your freckles,
Well, we will sing ditties!

We dressed up for a holiday
We will show you a master class.
Sing, dance without stopping
We can for you for an hour.

We are groovy guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations to you, girls,
With the women's holiday of spring!

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, not easy the process.

Brook in the forest murmur,
The holidays soon at the girls!
We will give them flowers,
Compliments speak.

I am a gentleman or who -
Vika helped to remove the coat,
She brought her briefcase to her desk,
Today is March 8!

Everything around is noisy, sings,
Female holiday is coming.
We must quickly solve
What to give girls.

Ah, why did I offend
Nastya is so hard?
She has a karate
There is a black belt.

I argued in vain with my neighbor Ira,
That all the more sealing.
Because of such neighbors
I ate most ... pills!

Vita is a kind soul -
Everyone is pleasant, good.
He loves school, loves work.
And everyone in the class is a faithful friend.

Varya treats all animals,
Walks with syringes.
The cat made a "mantu",
I tied the bandage to the tail.

Tanya from the fields like magpies
On the forest edge,
Discuss who has
Freckle is more beautiful.

Our Lisa is a laughter,
And she is not lazy to laugh.
Lisa finger show
Laughter will be all day.

Nastenka loves all dancing,
He circles in front of the mirror.
If they say: "Dancing at school" -
He will run to school quickly.

And Ulyana is so serious
With a book will not part
Eats with a book and sleeps with a book
He teaches everything, tries.

Soon the day of March 8,
The boys will have to be hot.
You need to restrain the word for them:
You can’t offend the girls!

March 8 - a glorious holiday,
Everyone has known about it for a long time.
And the boys are in our class
Flowers are handed to girls.

The magazine lies on the table,
Well, in it is five.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

Our girls, look,
Just a sight for sore eyes.
And they dance and sing,
Everyone is surprising.

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
In our class of the Czech,
Behind the gifts of the boys
Who scattered where!

Why are we all dancing here,
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Congratulations on women's day!

We will not hide from girls,
Let's say everything is straight to them:
Before your beauty
We melt, like a snowman!

How the change comes
We love to play with you:
We run away that there is strength
So that they can catch up with us!

You dance, sing,
Love books to read.
Do not forget in the lessons
We at least tell us something!

We sang ditties to you,
All who wanted.
Like, don't like
And it's time for us to leave!

We composed ditties
We tried very much.
Just ask you to
They were not offended by us.

We sang ditties to you,
You don't be offended
Clap your hands louder
Smile wider!

School ditties - a selection for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23

School ditties - a selection for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23
School ditties - a selection for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23

School ditties - a selection for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23:

In our class all the boys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Someone is having fun!

Congratulations on the day of the defender
We are all men today.
We love them all, respect
For their courage and rank.

To be strong and smart
And the girls like to
Every boy in our class
Is playing sports.

We wish today
From childhood to cherish friendship,
Protect our boundaries,
Honestly, serve the homeland!

We sing for you today,
And we have one motive,
On the twenty -third to congratulate you
Very, very we want!

Ships go to sea,
Aircraft in the clouds,
Let them know about it everywhere,
Our army is strong.

In our class every boy
Very dexterous and beautiful,
That's why I'm so happy, of course,
Our entire female team!

All the boys of our country
Should be courageous,
So that the boundaries are guarded,
So that the girls smile.

In the lessons all boys
They are even very good
And the change comes -
Do not look for mercy!

Do not yawn in the lessons,
Be careful,
And good grades
Will be sure!

Late All boys
They explain simply:
- And study in the lesson
It's never too late!

We are on the holiday, boys,
Congratulations from the heart.
We give you our smiles
How good we are now!

We wish you health
Never hurt.
Happiness, joy, good luck
You for many years.

And our boys are very
They love to run and play.
And they promise to study
Four and five!

Brush and vest,
And on the anchor tape,
Big buckle on the belt
The sailor is not given in vain.

In our class every boy
Very dexterous and beautiful,
That's why I'm so happy, of course,
Our entire female team!

All ditties quail
Yes, that's how we are good!
You patting more friendly
We tried from the heart!

The bell is golden
Turned over me.
I am flying - paratrooper I -
Above the native side!

Ships go to sea,
Aircraft in the clouds,
Let them know about it everywhere,
Our army is strong.

My father, like all dads,
Also served in the army
A button with a star
He sewed mine to the fur coat.

We are girls-laughter,
We live very cheerfully,
About boys we ditties
Be sure to sing.

We congratulate the boys
With the twenty -third of February,
We will say to all our guys
Only kind words.

We dream, we dream
That when we grow up,
Then we will become tankers
Let's go to the army!

We sing for you today,
And we have one motive,
On the twenty -third to congratulate you
Very, very we want!

In the lessons all boys
They are even very good
And the change comes -
Do not look for mercy!

Do not yawn in the lessons,
Be careful,
And good grades
Will be sure!

Video: Children's school ditties for parents and teachers

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