Ditties for children - funny, short, folk, funny ditties: the best selection

Ditties for children - funny, short, folk, funny ditties: the best selection

We bring to your attention a large selection of ditties for children. They are all short, so a child of any age easily remembers them.

Ditties for children - the best selection

Ditties for children - the best selection
Ditties for children - the best selection

Dithes for children - the best selection:

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can be confused!
Eh, once again,
We will bow now
We start dancing,
We will try for you!
We know a lot of ditties
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know any.
Eh, dear girlfriend,
The whole people know about us.
No one will dance without you
Without me, he will not pound.
Play, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sell, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.
What kind of piglet is
Where is a holey patch
Why is the screech not heard?
Well this, brother, zucchini!
Suddenly began to strangle the shirt.
I almost died of fear.
Then I realized: e-mine!
I grew out of it!
You listen to me
I will sing ditties:
The hare is sitting on the birch,
A bear is steamed in the bath!
Tea drank, saw, saw,
Self -breeding.
I interrupted all the dishes -
I was bitter.
Our ram is a rich master.
He coped his new thing.
Either a fur coat, or a caftan,
He will not understand now!
I cooked on the book
And she closed ...
How I guess now
What was welded there.
What is this mushroom
Cooked up all the stumps?
- Lucky you guys
These are friendly mushrooms!


A bird arrived, sat down
Right on the nose of a rooster.
The rooster became offensive,
He sang: ku-ka-re-ku!
My friend and I danced
Rubber boots.
The audience looked at us,
All the mouths opened.
And on the handles and on the legs
Very voiced palms.
I want - I patting
I want - sink!
I watered the flowers
On the balcony by leerochka.
For some reason it suddenly became wet
Uncle on a bench ...
That's how Petya is good
Water the bed!
There now all frogs
Do charging.
Like in the garden
Likes a goat for a walk.
After this campaign
Do not collect the crop!
Like my girlfriend
The ears pierced.
She is going earrings
Well, like a grandmother.
We laid the garden
The guys had fun.
It became hot, we shared,
And they fell.
Ah yes gray cat
I went to the river under the bridge,
I lowered the tail in the water,
I caught fish to cats!
I washed my hands under the tap
And I forgot to wash my face,
I saw me Trezor
He banged: "What a shame!"
If girls
Were fish
Behind them are boys
They jumped into the water.
Our ram is a rich master.
He coped his new thing.
Either a fur coat, or a caftan,
He will not understand now!
In the summer it is boring without ditties,
Without funny songs -
Without a groovy harmonica
The world is not interesting!
I found out that very soon
The teeth will fall
And decided to give them to his brother,
So as not to disappear good.
The grandfather taught the mouse, the grandfather taught
And they came out Karakuli.
The mouse received a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.
At the door on the chest
The ass is sitting in the cap.
How they put a cap -
He called himself "fool"!
We have singers, dancers,
There are musicians.
You will not be able to count
Rural talents.
From girlfriends, laughter
So much noise-ring
Like from hundreds of rattles,
Not! From a million!
I have on a sundress
Cockerels and cocks
In the whole world, there is no more beautiful
My sweet grandmother!
I went fishing
He threw a fishing rod.
A thick crocodile pecked -
I knocked the boat!

Oh, artist you, autumn,
Teach you to draw like that.
I'm in your work then
I will help you!
You need to keep your back like that
To stand even.
People look without breathing:
Oh, posture is good!
Ah yes gray cat
I went to the river under the bridge,
I lowered the tail in the water,
I caught fish to cats!
Vanya gossip will find out
And then it carries.
It gives everyone a gossip
Though he is not asked.
I am the poor goose
Like a copper penny.
I walk around the village of Bosai
I stockpile fluff for the winter.
Says a lazy person:
"Take your bed!",
And the lazy person: “Mom,
I'm still small. "
I baked the cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for this
I have a beetle in a glass.
I was too lazy in the morning of Vova
Comb the scallop,
A cow came to him,
Combed my tongue!



Dithes for Shrovetide for children:

In this oil season
I baked pancakes, I am a mountain
I baked, tired
I began to treat everyone!


Murka said a cat:
“Give me a little pancake
To them - sour creams in a bowl,
Best breakfast pussy! "


I have a plate
Damn the squirrels
They sat on a birch
Damn in two accounts ate!


The bear spoke to the people:
“There is nothing better than honey
Serve to honey pancake here -
Just a fairy tale, not food! "


The table was covered,
On pancakes, everyone convened:
“Hares, wolves, wild boars,
I'm waiting for you to visit pancakes! "


My mother is pancake
Fragrant and tasty!
I kiss my mother on the cheek:
"Feed the pancakes of your daughter!"


Grandma pancakes bake
And leads them an accurate account,
And Vanyusha, Babkin’s grandson,
I ate pancakes as much as 30 pieces!


Hands and pants in oil,
I ate pancakes with oil,
And where are these spots?
I ate pancakes carefully!


What, to what
Damn the sun looks like
I will swallow the pancake
I will light up to everyone, like the sun!


I eat pancakes, calls the call,
I open - there is a puppy,
How to grab the pants
And shouts: "Come on pancakes!"


From pancakes with me with a girlfriend
You will not drag it out for the ears,
We do not like porridge-manki
My girlfriend and I are gourmet!


Once Kostya Ivanov
I eaten 10 pieces of pancakes,
And then Kostya added
10 centimeters growth!


I'm damn in a sour cream
I will eat with appetite,
Let even heels in sour cream,
There is no tastier food, guys!


In cheeks, nose and lips in oil,
The waist does not own skirts,
After Masleni, you see
We will have to lose weight!


We are in sour cream - me and dad,
And cat Timoshka paw,
With sour cream pancakes
It's just superly tasty!


We are this week
Everyone envies the models
After all, pancakes are for us all, friends,
You can eat, but they can’t!


We are in love with the whole class
In super-tasty pancakes,
They chew them in full mouth
And we sing ditties!


Hey boys and girls,
Pull the bombs,
Forces now everyone needs,
So that there are pancakes for a week!


I bake pancakes I am a slide
I will put a caviar on them,
I will invite Kolya to dinner,
Eat pancakes, Kolya, plenty!


I will come to visit Nastya
On pancakes - what a blessing!
Bring the treats!
For pancakes - Gran Mersi!


Under the spring ringing of a drop
They sang songs to me,
I listened to their songs
Damn with jam ate!


The younger brother is my Ilyushka
All stained like a pig.
What happened, I know -
Damn with jam Ilya Ilya!


I wish we, lessons instead,
Start the pancakes of the dough
And bake pancakes at a time
For the whole school, for the whole class!


We met the spring with a crowd
“Come, spring! - shouted. -
Sit down at the table next to us,
Let's treat you with pancakes! "


No, believe me, in fact
Better oil week
All week from the heart
Eat pancakes, walk, dance!


We are by the ears, what to hide,
Do not tear off pancakes,
Let all the things wait
Shrovetide came to us!


I am envy for everyone
Damn with caviar EM-EM
No tastier, I will not hide
Pancake with caviar!


Invite to a date
Masha, Luda, Anya,
Well, I, in return for the dates,
I eat pancakes with sour cream!


I follow the figure
I will cherish the appearance
“Damn is useful for the figure,” -
I'll tell you exactly!


I ate pancakes all week,
Stopped getting into his pants,
Let not get in the pants, do not sit down,
I will continue to eat pancakes!


We ate pancakes for a week
We have a barefoot in the dresses,
Let the talked outfits, what?
All the same, pancakes are more expensive!


We ditties, as we managed,
They sang about pancakes to you today,
Our bow to you, gentlemen,
And to eat pancakes!

Ditties for March 8 for children

Ditties for March 8 for children
Ditties for March 8 for children

Ditties for March 8 for children:

Our dear mother,
Congratulations on women's day!
We will sing ditties to you
And let's bring gifts!


Today for mom all songs
All dances, smiles and laughter
You are kinder and more wonderful,
Native, dear person!


I go to my hand with my mother,
I keep my mother tight
So that my mother is not afraid
Yes, nowhere was lost.


To work to work
The evil alarm clock did not wake up
I am for him today for the night
Three details unscrewed.


We will not quarrel with the brother
For a very long time - all day
After all, our mom has a holiday -
The long -awaited female day!


Mom's anger, like the first snow,
Quickly and quickly melts,
We are for pranks
Forgises a hundred times a day.


I'm training with a barbell
I started my muscles, I download
But Mamchkina's bag
I can't raise it in any way.


What kind of noise, what kind of din?
Mom is surprised
This is on the day of March 8
Dad is cleaned.


Dad Paul Shtter to a shine,
I prepared a vinaigrette.
Looking for mom, what to do?
There is no work!


I love my mother dear,
I will give her candy,
I will bring her home
- Mom, will you share with me?


So that my mother smiles
And she was satisfied
I will draw her in the passport
The claw is cool.


Mom is a master of all hands
They say that both Schovets and Reaper,
She and the cook and the cook,
In a word - mom well done!


Mom is a super man
For me, like a charm!
Although I'm not a hero at all
For me she is a mountain.


Our mother loves very much
For a "trifle" to worry,
So that then her pressure
Again began to jump.


The fast river is running
Clean to the Donets,
Our mothers are a smile
Smoke brighter than the sun!


After the shift, our mother
At home rested:
I washed the soup, washed the floor,
I collected us to school.


Our mothers create
Each room has comfort:
There are paintings, there are flowers
They put in different corners.


We thank you
Mom will not get tired
And in all matters of the home
We will help her.


We wish our mother
Never lose heart!
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less!


We cleaned Palace
And the floors werehed.
Our mother was surprised
- "Children, is it you?"


We are a picture of our mother
They painted with his brother,
And for brightness lipstick
Mascara and shadows took.


My mom is very tasty
Cooks borsch, bakes a pie,
And for little kids
At school, a lesson leads in the afternoon.


I trust my mother everything
I am a mommy shore.
Without her, I always miss
I can’t live without mom!


No hands are more tender in the world
And there is no warm soul,
Mom knows how to understand everything
And in everything is in a hurry to help.


Mom is my dear,
I love you very much.
You shine like the sun,
I warm me a heart!
Without you, without expensive -
There is no life for me.
Go around all the white light -
There is no better than my mother!


I love mom very much
I say directly
A new star in the sky
I will call "mom".


If mom smiles,
Then we will be more fun
We wish our mothers
A lot of good, bright days!


We are tired of singing ditties
But let's give such advice:
Help mothers more
To live them, at least a hundred years!


We wish our mothers
Be healthy always
And to be young,
Never aged!
Let the hardships and sorrows
They will bypass you
So that every day of the week
Was for you like a day off!


We are finishing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Always listen to them in everything -
In the morning, in the evening and day,
We will grow kind,
To behave.


The girl's holiday is soon
We need to sing ditties -
Oh guys, in my ear
As a child, a bear came.


You are dear girls,
Congratulations on women's day!
And funny ditties
We are all in chorus.


We are groovy guys
Unprecedented steepness,
Congratulations, you are girls,
With the women's holiday of spring!


From the bottom of my heart we congratulate
On this day, our princesses,
We choose gifts
Oh, not a light process!


Despite the cold
Fierce frosts,
The boys brought to school
Tender mimosa,
Miracles! But on this day
Even a stump blooms!


Oh, spring, spring, spring
Be honest with the girls:
Give everyone your freckles,
Well, we will sing ditties!


Oh trouble, oh trouble
In our class - the Czechard,
Behind the gifts of the boys
Who scattered where.


In the class class, we have -
Clever, beauties!
And, I admit, we boys
I like it very much!


You are always beautiful:
"Tails", pigtails,
We, sometimes, pull for them,
Only out of habit!


Frankly I say
That I love Mashenka.
And she sits, is silent
And he looks at Vanya.


We sang ditties to you,
You don't be offended.
Clap your hands louder
Smile wider!


We sang ditties
But we want to say more:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
We will safely protect!

Ditties about children for children

Ditties about children for children
Ditties about children for children

Ditties about children for children:

Cute kids
They live in our city.
They do not offend anyone
And they do not lie to parents!


Our cute kids
Do not read any more books.
Everything is looking at smartphones
And the bars eat!


Children walked through the forest
And they were looking for bunnies.
No, they didn’t find bunnies,
But they found mushrooms!


Wow, and long "noses"
Today the kids!
They don't know, and where
Push your "pepper"!


Our young kids
Only cones went to the forest.
There they saw the bear
And they gave him a “bump”!


The children of the balls drove:
Bowling comprehended together.
The ball rushes quickly into the distance -
Crystal is scattered!


Baby finger put in his nose put
And he put him deeper.
Grandma cries, Grandfather cries:
Not coming from the nose "Turnip"!


Made the children onions,
And passers -by “took” the fright ...
Even a coquette will not pass:
Children, wow, shoot aptly!


Our children are erudites,
They are waiting for Sofita today.
Documents spilled
And the synonyms entered!


The children of the brush grabbed
And they created a masterpiece!
On the wallpaper - Mona Lisa,
And the parents are “waiting” by the schiz ...


Children ask questions
About everything in this world.
Why is the package rustling?
Well, where to look for the answer?


Children with the ball played:
Everyone threw it, everyone threw it ...
Which of them missed?
I have chuckled sniffing!


The kids are having fun:
Bubbles let go!
This is the best time -
Our heart "melts"!


Children at night by the fire
They sat friendly.
Sang a song about a goat
And they ate cherries!


Eh, kids, kids,
You are such strong people!
You got the tape from the table,
The dad was wound to the chair ...


Children with uncles joked:
The cigarette was offered.
He clamped her in his teeth,
And then sobbed for three days!


So that the children love you
You will “reveal” the soul wider!
Without love and without miracles
Your friend in old age is only a demon!


All the kids are huts:
Constantly tearing pants.
If they find a puddle,
Be sure to dive!


Children look at heaven,
Stars count.
Mom, dad "never"
They do not offend!


The children
And they rolled off the mountain!
You, passerby, don't be angry
Better they smile at them!
The children set fire to the matches
And they were chewed.
Only a pity - overdid it:
We were left without an apartment!


The children of plasticine took.
We will create a "masterpiece"!
They sculpted all day,
Tseretelia was overshadowed!


There were children at the airfield
They jumped into the helicopter.
Our Ivan sat down for the helm.
Flapped in Magadan!


Children today - smarter than adults:
They know that-where to stick.
They even know how a computer
Collect from the details!


Baby balls were blowing everything,
The whole heap was pouting.
I tied them to the shop -
Grandmas soared into the sky!


The children are chewing chewing gum
And they scurry back and forth.
Whistle, yes screams - who is stronger?
Like a herd of savages.

Ditties for children funny

Ditties for children funny
Ditties for children funny

Dithes for children are funny:

Our pumpkin was watered
In the morning, in the evening and day!
The pumpkin has grown big,
And now we live in it!
I sat on the stove
She guarded the kalachi.
And behind the mouse stove
The chips were guarded.
Squirrel sang and danced,
Like a clockwork.
All the boots pulled out
I walked home barefoot.
Ladushki, owls,
With my soap!
Clean palms,
Here you have bread and spoons!
Oh, ladles, ladies,
Back pancakes!
Put on the window
We will force to cool.
And cool - eat
And we will give the sparrows.
The stupid cloud did not know
What has come here.
Fire forest outfit
Livne extinguishing an hour in a row.
Masha ate laughing
Buckwheat porridge.
They laundered for an hour
Buckwheat Masha!
My chicken lives
Yellow and fluffy.
But try it to touch it -
He is so ruffled.
There was a sweetie on a date,
The cat crossed the road
And Milenok was scared -
I did not come to the date.
We played hide and seek in the forest
And they lost Marusya.
She climbed into the hollow - she -
I overslept there to dark!
I'm ready to suffer all day
Without yours without pies.
Before that I suffered
One nose remained big.
Sculpt all the snowman,
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled in a snowball
Yegor's two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I am for this language for them
I will stick out of the window.
I caught a mouse in a cage
And there he locked it tightly
After all, you can’t collect without a mouse
In the garden, a turnip.
In the yard on the meadow
Ducklings run.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought: guys!
Everything that Petya picked up
He shoves in his pocket.
If Petya walked
The janitor is resting.
There are red girlfriends
Clones are called.
You hurry to them, Irinka,
Invite to your basket.
Sloped pan
Manya cleaned her sand.
Three hours in the shower mania
The grandmother was soap later.
Cockerel, cockerel,
Swim ditties.
You will be well -haired
They will go to the layers.
Why, like a little man,
All in goosebumps cucumber?
He lies in the sun,
Why is he trembling?
I'll go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new boots,
All the guys say
That I am like a picture!
Here you have a water
Here you have crumbs
On my palm.
Walk, hut, go, hut,
Walk, chicken, Khokhlata,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.
Wet broom of Egor
So Vanya whips -
Turned into a bathhouse!
I walked with the Milenoye
Near our pond
We scared us frogs
Let's not go there anymore!
Eh, stuck leg,
Smiling the right,
I'll go dancing
Though small.
And my grandmother
The most intricate.
If it laughs
- The sun glows brighter.
If, if if
Mushrooms grew on the nose,
They themselves would cook
Yes, and we rolled into the mouth.
Trin - Branus - rubbish!
I would have performed all day!
I am reluctant to learn
And ditties to sing is not too lazy!
Olya beads from mountain ash
I strung five meters.
To wear them on the neck,
I have to become a giraffe!
I'll go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new boots,
All the guys say
That I am like a picture!
“Ha-ha-ha,” the goose sang.
I'm not afraid of the chanterelles.
All chanterelles on weight
I'll take it to the basket!
Boiled milk
She went nearby.
I go up to him again:
You can’t see milk.
I went to my grandmother,
Cheerful and removal:
I am my snub -haired nose
Two dozen was based!
In the summer, every clearing,
Like a cloth-samobrack.
A delicious forest berry
I will feed me at once.
I look like a grandmother
I am restless.
And my grandmother
The most funny!
Mom allowed her mother to her daughter
In the morning to run away at the mushroom.
The daughter brought it soon
Two baskets of fly agaric.
In green in the meadow,
I will guard the calf
The sun is frying, I can't
Eh! Swimming to run!
I am a cow at least where!
Like my crown.
Who leads me
Milk tastes!
The ditty has a beginning
The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Frankly, well done!

Funny ditties for children

Ditties for children funny
Ditties for children funny

Dithes for children are funny:

We joked a little
Laughed at themselves
If something was added -
So the misconduct is small!
Masha threw away
For the window porridge!
Apparently at Masha
Allergy to porridge!
Borya Vasya duned
I took a bun with poppy ...
Before that I was dodged -
I got Fingal under the eye!
In heroic Lena with laziness
Fought all day
But, to the big sadness,
Lenus defeated Lenus.
Leshka sits at the table
It picks it in the nose
And Kozhaka answers:
I won't get out anyway!
Bad live in the world
Pioneer Petya -
Hits him on the face
Pioneer Seryozha!
Like little kids love
All kinds of sweets.
Who bites and who swallows,
Who rides for the cheek.
Even on a birthday day
Yura out of habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Jitted by the pigtails!
Petya deftly catches fish
Can make a raft
Just "hello" and "thank you"
He does not know how to speak!
The slut has a confusion
Everything is not like that, everything is wrong
And plowing shirt
And without buttons, a jacket.


Boiled milk
She went nearby.
I go up to him again:
You can’t see milk.


I went to my grandmother,
Cheerful and removal:
I am my snub -haired nose
Two dozen was based!


In the summer, every clearing,
Like a cloth-samobrack.
A delicious forest berry
I will feed me at once.


In green in the meadow,
I will guard the calf
The sun is frying, I can't
Eh! Swimming to run!


I am a cow at least where!
Like my crown.
Who leads me
Milk tastes!


Everything that Petya picked up
He shoves in his pocket.
If Petya walked
The janitor is resting.


The ditty has a beginning
The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Frankly, well done!


We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can be confused!


Eh, once again,
We will bow now
We start dancing,
We will try for you!


We know a lot of ditties
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know any.


Eh, dear girlfriend,
The whole people know about us.
No one will dance without you
Without me, he will not pound.


Play, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sell, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.


- What is the piglet
Where is a holey patch
Why is the screech not heard?
- Well, brother, zucchini!

Ditties for children short

Ditties for children short
Ditties for children short

Denisers for children are short:

You listen to me
I will sing ditties:
The hare is sitting on the birch,
A bear is steamed in the bath!


Our ram is a rich master.
He coped his new thing.
Either a fur coat, or a caftan,
He will not understand now!


What is this mushroom
Cooked up all the stumps?
- Lucky you guys
These are friendly mushrooms!


In the yard on the meadow
Ducklings run.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought: guys!

A bird arrived, sat down
Right on the nose of a rooster.
The rooster became offensive,
He sang: ku-ka-re-ku!


My friend and I danced
Rubber boots.
The audience looked at us,
All the mouths opened.


And on the handles and on the legs
Very voiced palms.
I want - I patting
I want - sink!


I watered the flowers
On the balcony by leerochka.
For some reason it suddenly became wet
Uncle on a bench ...


There are red girlfriends
Clones are called.
You hurry to them, Irinka,
Invite to your basket.


Sloped pan
Manya cleaned her sand.
Three hours in the shower mania
The grandmother was soap later.


Cockerel, cockerel,
Swim ditties.
You will be well -haired
They will go to the layers.


Why, like a little man,
All in goosebumps cucumber?
He lies in the sun,
Why is he trembling?


I'll go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new boots,
All the guys say
That I am like a picture!


Here you have a water
Here you have crumbs
On my palm.


That's how Petya is good
Water the bed!
There now all frogs
Do charging.


Like in the garden
Likes a goat for a walk.
After this campaign
Do not collect the crop!


Friendship is called friendship,
When there are no arcs in that friendship.
Friendship is called friendship,
When you are a good friend!


We collect all friends:
Our friendship is strong!
We will help each other, -
Our friendship for centuries!


So that friendship does not run away
The tongue needs to be bitten.
Do not balabil around the corner
And to appreciate their friends!


Friendship is not a service
Friendship is happiness!
If friendship for centuries -
Bad will not come!


Our friendship is fraternal
Again everyone gathered us.
Eh, I helped out in life,
After all, she is not for show!


Eh, once again,
Friendship begins!
She grows stronger all year round
Steel is tempered!


Oh, and once again,
Wind and blizzard!
If friendship is among us,
Then a snowstorm will leave!


Where is the Belyanka, brother, pours,
There you will not find friendship.
Friendship that other is called ...
And that friendship price is a penny!


The wind blows, the sea splashes, -
The boat is swinging!
From every new-new meeting
Friendship begins!


Who has some kind of friendship
And we have everyday.
Well, and the most beloved -
This is a children's friendship!


Friendship is friendly,
When you are honest with a friend.
Friendship is friendly,
When you are true to a friend!

Folk ditties for children

Folk ditties for children
Folk ditties for children

Folk ditties for children:

Do not spare your boots in the dance!
Offer tea to friends,
If there are seagots in the cup,
So, letters write to us!


Samovar shines, boiling,
Tea in it foams.
Look at yourself,
Well, reflected!


Give me a cup of tea.
After all, I love Russian tea.
In tea, I'm not tea,
Pour hot tea!


We will warm the samovarchik,
We brew tea with grass.
Who will get sick with a disease
Come, drink!


Put, mother samovar,
A cheese man is coming to me
Cheese is young,
Call him Volodenka!


I came to the cutie
He invited to the walk,
I put a samovar
The teas forced to drive!


Of the rich, I am brides
Do not worry, dear!
I have a dowan
The samovar is beautiful!


You, Cutie, don't grieve,
Samovar is ahovy!
Your hot kiss
Sweeter than tea with sugar


Sit for the samovar
All for sure.
Bright solar fire
His sides are burning!


The samovar sings, buzzes.
Only in appearance is he angry.
Steam lets the ceiling
Our handsome man!


The samovar puffs, sparkles
Generous, round, gold.
Illuminates our faces
He is his kindness!


Better a doctor of anyone
Treats boredom and longing
Cup delicious, cool
Self -headed seagull!


The steam is already flowing now
The samovar boils,
It's time to carry him on the table
Tea guests to present!


Oh, tea, strong tea,
Drink tea - teas,
To bring joy
Every day - cash

Russian ditties for children

Russian ditties for children
Russian ditties for children

Russian ditties for children:

We will sing ditties for you
About baby food,
And you will accept the information
Our comments.


To harmoniously develop,
You need to eat right.
There are useful products:
Cereals, vegetables and fruits.
If you want to be healthy
Eat cabbage and carrots.
Well, you will have chips,
You can't get into the dress.


Milk, kefir, bananas,
Cereals, butter and sour cream,
We need meat with fish,
So that we grew soon.


If you want to be elegant,
Eat the vegetable real.
And an omeletter from an egg
Improves complexion.


We declare to the whole class
There is such a product as meat.
It also needs to be eaten.
Vitamins cannot be counted in it.


Eat nuts for the mind
Honey for pleasure.
Well, berries are needed
We are for inspiration.


Be sure to be my friend,
My hands before meals.
And you will not wash your hands,
You will begin to feed the cones.


We sang ditties together.
They stomped to the beat.
And now we will ask you
So that you have patted us.

Dima and the Vive tried,
Cooked cookies.
The coals turned out - this is the sadness!


Why Sasha Sazha
On the ears and on the nose?
Because Sasha fried
In the Russian stove sausage!


Masha threw away
For the window porridge!
Apparently at Masha
Allergy to porridge!

Tanya did not like to eat,
Her strength disappeared.
The strong wind suddenly blew
And by chance Tanya blew off.


Better onions and carrots
There are no vegetables in the world.
We added them to buckwheat,
Eat rather and not pain.


You do not drink soda
Do not pamper with chips.
Juices, fruits, porridge, bread -
Here is a good lunch.


We live in school 32
Tasty cereals are chewing
We grow up every day.
Strengthening strength, gaining health!


Sonya walks like Koschey
Kash does not eat, does not eat and
It falls from weakness
Loves only sweets.


To be always healthy,
Vigorous, slender and cheerful,
We need to eat tomatoes,
Fruits, vegetables, lemons,
Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunch
And for dinner - vinaigrette.


Drink, children, milk,
Eat, children, porridge,
You will think easy
Look more beautiful!


Coca-Cola is harm,
Gleb told us about this.
And now our team
He drinks kefir and yogurt.


Tanya instead of soda
In the morning I drank compote.
And now our Tanya
The stomach does not hurt all day.

Ditties for children about school

Ditties for children about school
Ditties for children about school

Ditties for children about school:

I am a teacher on the board
Wrote the task
Well, I'm sitting in longing
On the face of suffering.
I am not lazy in our school
Engage in every day.
For five on work
I'll come to Sunday!


The school year has begun
The watch was focused
And the question oppresses me:
Is the holidays soon?


Vova to School Late
Explains simply:
- And to study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!


I ran to the break
Knead your body,
He attached his forehead against the wall,
What he taught - forgot again!


Write off mathematics
Allowed Lenka,
What will you have to kiss
With her on a break!
In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.


I'm not ready for the lesson
And I'm sitting quietly,
Full of brains in the head,
And in the notebook of two.


If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
I have to learn.


Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one record!


Our ancestors painted
Dinosaurs on the rock,
And Antosha profile Katya
Cuts on the table.


They learned very quickly
Tanya with Manya is a new verse.
And the four received
To regret, for two.


Our Anton next week
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her:
Clean, wash or wash?


If you are my friend,
They rescued from the misfortune.
Raise your hand soon
So that they don't call me!
We hasten teachers
Happy holiday to congratulate!
Maybe someone wants
“Five” put in the diary!


I couldn't live homemade
Perform a task,
And the teacher lost
Self -control.


Katya with Masha in the lesson
Tarathorni like forty.
To make them be silent -
We must call.


Andrei quickly runs
And he moves off the hill
And at the desk he trembles
Like a mouse in a mink!


On a computer in the game
Denis finished in the morning.
At school at the Denis board,
Like a computer, the "hung" itself.


Katya flew to school like that
I did not put a uniform in school.
The whole lesson considered Katya
I am peas on the dressing gown.


Dima Hearing developed good.
Maybe without fear
Listen, standing at the board,
From the distant desk of a clue.


Grief at Katya,
Everyone sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in the pocket of the dress
The cheat sheet fell.


In the lesson I am sitting
I look at the teachers
Than he loads more,
The more I slow down.


Valya tormented the comb,
I did a hairstyle for school.
I was tormented, tormented,
But it turned out a scarecrow!


Once with a friend on the day of laughter
Changed - that's fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “m” and “g”.


Who is pushing in the buffet?
Does it break forward? -
Pity Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!


Vova to School Late
Explains simply:
- And to study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

On the grass are firewood,
And on the chair - a button.
I looked at the head
And the ass is suffering!


In our class all the guys
They like to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to learn.


Ant Sortone
I met the path.
And while he is a pity,
I was late for the lessons ...


Mom woke me up:
"Get up quickly, son."
And I turned to side
And I overslept one lesson!
Late reason
Roma will quickly compose:
Then saved from the wolf Jan,
I found a meteorite.


I went to school on the way
Moving his legs a little.
Here are the steps. Here is the threshold.
Then the lesson ended!


Very ask, explain,
Where is the north, where is the south,
And then we will leave to Africa -
There will be a kayuk there all of us there.
No matter how we confuse us,
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You will confuse a little
It can break the crocodile.
Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yogurts with additives.
Train our muscles,
Sulge them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and higher.
A Irina Nikolavna
Loves silence very much.
Why not like to make noise
Well, I don’t understand.

Ditties for children in kindergarten

Ditties for children in kindergarten
Ditties for children in kindergarten

Ditties for children in kindergarten:

We have good kindergarten,
They love us here, they are waiting for us here.
They meet us with a smile
And they don’t let us get bored.
We are in kindergarten today
They made crafts.
From acorns, there were mushrooms,
From plasticine proteins.
We are in kindergarten today,
Ostrich was sculpted.
In plasticine sand,
The head was buried.
I'm like Santa Claus
The bag of cones brought to the garden.
We will make crafts with cones,
There are enough children for everyone.
We painted the whores
And edible mushrooms.
And the fly agaric is the most beautiful,
Unprecedented beauty.
Cut out of paper,
We are flowers for two hours.
I'll give my mother today,
Let the eyes shine with happiness.
I did the application
In the gluing all, to the very heels.
I am making a gift to my grandfather,
That grandfather will be glad.
We sang a song today,
I sang louder all, tried.
They told me: "Small the sound."
But the sound was not reduced in any way.
The verse was taught all day
It is not remembered.
So that the memory is good,
The candy is supposed to.
I love a quiet hour very much
I could sleep to dinner.
But he woke up, because at half a day,
Waiting for a casserole, or cottage cheese.
Kindergarten, kindergarten,
Many little guys.
We get a little more
Let's go to school with briefcases.
We are already preparing for school,
So that we become smart.
For this, educators
It is necessary to give medals.
Our kindergarten is the best
Every day we hasten here.
We sculpt here, we sing, draw,
We have no time to be sad here.
Kindergarten is our best,
Here we are waiting with friends of the meeting.
Reluctance to leave
From here every evening.
The educators are with us
Just a miracle, the upper class.
As mom we love them,
We will not forget forever.
Reluctance to me to grow up,
Reluctance to grow old.
I would go to the garden to retirement,
I really like it here.
I'm running to the kindergarten,
The kindergarten is my second house.
And home, at least to the ends of the world,
I will fly like a rocket.
In our kindergarten wonderful
They love us guys very much
And they will feed and drink
And they will punish and forgive.
Our group, just super
All the guys are friendly
All the girls are beautiful
All boys are welcoming.
In our group completely
Children have no time to be sad
We sing, read poetry
We can even step aside
Kindergarten is our best,
We go here every day,
Here we sculpt and draw
And we will sing ditties to you.

We blinded from plasticine,
I kiss fruits.
And the full basket,
Green peas.
Cut out of paper,
Elephants and bunnies.
And in the album they painted
Girls and boys.
I took white paper,
The white mushroom painted.
At least he painted he worked
The mushroom seemed to evaporate.
I washed my hands before dinner
I wet the shirt, sneakers,
Socks, trousers and panama.
Oh, and gets away from mom.
There is a big sandbox,
We bake the Easter cakes in it.
The dolls are praised and eaten
And everyone wants supplements.
In the morning I hurry to the kindergarten,
I am in a hurry.
A delicious breakfast is waiting for me
I'm afraid to be late.

Free ditties for children

Free ditties for children
Free ditties for children

Free ditties for children:

We are sports ditties
Cooked for you.
They were composed on the go,
We perform for the first time.


We are physical education lessons
Just adore
Basic standards
Easily ahead.
Better than any kangaroo
I can jump in length.
I studied this for a long time,
I was not lazy in the lessons!


Our light is a swallow
Excellent gymnastics.
It flies over the bars,
This is doing!


Our classmate is Ivan
Sports is fond of:
For girls at school
It is chasing all day!


All physical education lessons
Anya misses.
How much health
Anechka loses!


“It hurts and it hurts there ...
The doctor does not tell you to strain ... "
There is always a pretext of Yura,
He is afraid of physical education!


Everyone who was running around -
I forgot about diseases.
"Running is a great medicine!" -
Hippocrates gave advice.


Like ours with Yura
Two stands in physical education.
He was allotted and all sweated,
But he could not squeeze!


In gym class
Petya distinguished himself:
Once climbed onto the bars,
Forty times fell!


Only once stared Stas,
He failed our friendly class.
I did not go to training
Lost his dexterity.


We are in any Spartakiad
Let's give a head start a hundred points!
Should not be in our class


All sports channels
Vlad is trying to watch.
Raming on the couch
Enters for sports!


Our classmate is Petrov
I scored many goals.
On the account of his heads,
How much is the stake in the diary!


I'm very proud today
I set a record for me:
Refused the habit
Irka pull the pigtails!


Max handed over a hundred -meter,
Barely reached:
He fell off at the finish -
I was very struggling!


We sang for you, tried
But they were a little confused.
All sung to the end
Ah yes we! Ay, well done!


To develop muscles,
Engage in physical education.
Train, jump,
Dry your feet more!


If you work,
You can achieve a lot.
Who is stubborn, loves sport,
He will not disappear anywhere!


Schoolboy, play sports
And stay healthy!
You will live without illness,
Time to spend the benefit!


Volleyball, hockey, football -
Cut, friend, goal!
Show your dexterity,
Take a training!


Early in the morning for charging
Stand in order!
To the right, turn to the left,
Bow your legs!


We drove football on the field,
The goal was scored in the gate!
And then the goals thought
The cup received together!


The ice shines in the courtyard,
Come to the rink!
Take a ride, play
And you collect friends!


In terms of boxing, engage in boxing
And fill up with health!
Once - a blow, another blow -
For health, a fee!


There is a rink on the street,
Come here, my friend!
Let the skates ring loudly,
Our glory lights!


Aerobics, guys, very important
Wonderful thing!
Bend right, left,
You will be the sport of the queen!


You need to swim!
Swim together!
Develop body muscles,
So that we do not know the pain!


Like arithmetic.
It multiplies records
The tone increases!


Here the runner runs like a doe,
Square and elegant become!
Have fast legs, have
Do not regret your health!


Sled, skis and skates -
All in winter they are dexterous!
For the guys are indispensable
Even adults are loved!


Even gray sparrow
Likes a quick game hockey
Feel free to ice
And win in hockey!


The game begins
Very glad of the kids.
Likes to play sports
And be filled with health!


The Olympics began!
It's great, guys!
We will compete here
And success!
Tennis is small and big
You take, baby, racket,
And run more to the grid!


Here is a bicycle
A symbol of future victories!
You are the pedal,
In the cycle won!


There is a trampoline in the yard,
The children are jumping here and here!
The legs are running out
They fly high!


We are mischievous guys
Such tempered.
We will play sports
And success!


Eh, I play football,
How I hit - immediately a goal!
In basketball, my friend,
I need a clever throw!


Simulators, massagers -
Championship sets.
They give us to train
Filling the spirit of sports!


Hoop, jump rope, racket,
For health - here is a tablet!
Accept, baby, they need
Solightly and all together!


Physical exercise - the path to order
Engage, temper!
Do not run from charging
You take care of your health!


Running in place, running in place
And two legs together!
Squat and stretch out
You hold on to your health!


Physical exercise, training -
Champion Oknovka.
Allows us to ride
Cut, jump and run!


I want to become a champion
And beat the records!
I will train
Never be distracted!


Relay, marathon -
There will be a new champion!
This is the same champion
The winner is not a dope!


The famous ball-Lovkach
The winner is not a trick!
He won a lot,
The road is big to the sport
Sports walk,
You are very active.
So groovy,


Start and finish
There is in sports.
And health here
Do not count!


On a sleigh, I'm boldly going
Clever I take up business!
I quickly rush from the mountain,
Sanny-sanoi vigor!


Beautiful and brave
Gymnastics is skilled.
You fascinated me
In the rhythm of sports I was circled!


The hippodrome is smooth
A frisky horse jumps.
She is lucky with Zhokey
To victory as soon as possible!


A bar's player stepped onto the platform,
His gaze is open and clean.
Will raise the bar
And beat the records!


We lifted dumbbells
The muscles of the hands were trained!
The hands of the Force gained
The team gathered in the box!


Karate, Kekusin-kai,
Aikido and Taekvan-Do.
The boys really like
Here even a coward will be corrected!


Sports are all important
We need health!
Choose what to do,
In sports you need to harden!


Ferge, boat and pawn -
No hurry here!
You think how to walk
To win in the tournament!


Sports speakers -
Native commentators!
Attract everyone with attention
To interesting competitions!


We will come to the stadium
It is filled to the edges!
Everyone needs sports
The game is very active!

Ditties for children about girls

Ditties for children about girls
Ditties for children about girls

Ditties for children about girls:

Oh! I study perfectly
And I can’t go from the account!
At my girlfriend
I will count all the freckles!
Katya flew to school like that
I did not put a uniform in school.
The whole lesson considered Katya
I am peas on the dressing gown.
Valya tormented the comb,
I did a hairstyle for school.
I was tormented, tormented,
But it turned out a scarecrow!
The school contest "Miss Spring".
Who is the spring? Who is she?
The title of that one went to Kolya,
Kolya was in Olya's clothes.
Our Lena is not quiet
Although it seems like that.
If necessary, smile boldly
It doesn't even blink an eye.
Svetik is our justice,
Revenge and a keen eye.
From untruth, the truth will knock out the truth.
She loves a whole class.
Katya is a kind soul -
Everyone is pleasant, good.
He loves school, loves work.
And everyone in the class is a faithful friend.
Our tanya in the lessons
Writes to everyone messages.
Who will receive a telegram,
Suffers punishment.
Alena protruded to us
Legs like a bulldozer.
Like ducks, we will swim
In flippers we are on the lake.
Irina has a keen eye,
He will notice everything from afar.
Who has a big fist
Who is stupid than a mediocrity.
Will report everything, betray everyone,
And she does not like the class.
Glushed a cricket behind a desk
And he reminded us of
How our Tanya plays
We are on the violin with a bow.
For what, tell me, children,
Are there books?
To beat our wife
All boys with them.
Who has a lot of five
And the mind of the chamber.
Yana knows everything in the world
Even about the shovel.
You, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give love and friendship,
What would they have not been up to sleep!
In the class class, we have -
Clever, beauties!
And admit, to us boys,
I like it very much!
You are always beautiful:
"Tails", pigtails.
We, sometimes, pull for them,
Only out of habit!
If you are my friend,
They rescued from the misfortune.
Raise your hand soon
So that they don't call me!
We respect the girls
We can safely tell you:
Very difficult tasks
We will decide for them.
- Soon the holidays of the girls,
We need to sing ditties -
Oh guys, in my ear
As a child, a bear came.
Our girls are offended
We will not give today,
Even no one else
Do not let them close to them.
We envy the girls,
They love to play
And for this, guys,
You need to buy dolls.
I didn't answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And she was placed in the diary
Masty duckling!
Like Verochka in our
Head is spinning,
He does not see anyone around
Wolf spins with might and main.
Once Olya received
Sasha’s note,
Lend me to the dictation
Summary pen.
Sveta is worn around the school,
It is amusing a cry ...
Maybe this is at Svetlana
Do your teeth cut out?
Olya hides the handle of the house,
At school and in the country.
Says: “I need to hide
Things for luck "
The whole day of the eighth of March
Lena Paul Mela with excitement.
And the ninth
The broom did not pick up.
Tanya with Lena, like magpies
On the forest edge,
Discuss who has
Freckle is more beautiful.


I am a fervent girl
Braid braids
On the side is white keupchonka,
I light up matches.


Eh my cottage,
Butterflies and birds
We will braid Pauline
Beautiful braids!


African braids
A fashionista braided.
I burned like matches
Hot days insomnia.


I weaved pigtails
She led lips with a bow.
Look at the handsome man
Who brought to the house!


Grow, braid, to the waist,
Do not grow neither your hair.
Grow, Kosonka, to the heel -
All Volusonki in a row.
Grow, braid, do not get confused -
Mom, daughter, listen.

Ditties slow for children about boys

Ditties slow for children about boys
Ditties slow for children about boys

Dithes are slow for children about boys:

There is silence in the lesson,
He has his own game.
If the number does not hear -
Dima will say: "Repeat!"
We have a silent Artemka:
Good, affectionate, like a hooma,
But does not hide in the reserve,
All the last will give.
Like yula all day Danil,
As if someone had replaced.
He is so good at home,
At school, he is similar to the rocket.
The third quarter is in full swing
The clock was focused.
And the boys dream:
The holidays would be again
Our Vitalya is like a clown,
Building terrible faces.
Apparently, looks a lot
The beetles are terrible.
Who started and rushed
Like a quick plane?
This is Petya in our class
Marathon run passes.
Don't see that I'm fragile
Skinny and small.
I am not in vain at the gate,
Delicious and attentive.
Shurik, Shurik - laughter -
Everything laughs out of place
Blinding with a laughing laugh,
In the lessons of everyone in a row.
There is silence in the lesson,
Only Maxim always shouts:
“Wait, do not rush!
I haven't finished yet!
Where to read, tell me!
I am behind you again! "
And more serious than all Andryusha.
He is a good gentleman
Both educated and modest.
We must take an example from him.
Dima is good for everyone,
Only beats someone.
Beats without aiming, right in the eye.
The whole class runs from him.
Our Alyosha is a master of words
Compose stories,
Told how he took Kazan,
History teacher.
Well, you, Pasha - our grief,
Weak and frail?
Learn to karate,
You become the strongest.
Everyone laughs in change
And they press from laughter.
This is Vanya Jobs
Half without fatigue.
Maxim has everything on the shelves
The head is laid out.
He will tell everything with feeling, really
Even about ice cream.
The bell rang again -
The radio turns on.
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth does not close.
Fat Pasha on the couch
Leding the sides to the pit.
This is true. All day
He experiences laziness.
Likes Dima to play
Run and scream quickly.
Energy from Dima hits,
He does not give him peace.
Radik wants to become "cool",
Carefully prepared:
How it starts to wave your hands -
It will not stop!
They are ready to be friends with Igor,
He is a diligent student
Does not make noise at a break
He will not dissolve his tongue.
And Bear has clogs
The mouth is spread to the ears.
So that he doesn’t, everything with a smile,
At least sew the ties.
Our Vasily Karatist,
He is strong and bold,
Changes for him,
To run stunned!
A lot of cats were injured
From Valerkin's heel.
As they see, and in the basements
All cats run away.
Our Nikita is the most
He loves the area
But he will not turn
From this in the outline!
Who, tell me, loves deuces
Everything buzzes in the lessons,
Without giving a historian
Statter your material.
Petya, Petya aircraft,
The guy is what you need
What he is in our class,
We are madly happy!
Dima Karpov - a big man,
Like a bull on the field.
In the lessons, he is a Hilyak,
Like a slave in captivity.
Kolya studies five,
He knows mathematics
He will solve the problem at a time,
On any topic.
We still have Valera.
There is no more curious.
This is our boyfriend like a woman
The nose is pushes everywhere.
And our novel
There is a beloved friend.
That's for sure, tightly friends
Our romance with mobile!
Our vitalya all advertisements
He knows along and across.
"Viscos, lotus, ketchup Calve ..." -
Repeats the whole year.
Andrei answered the lesson
The teacher fainted.
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.
And Nikita is our calm,
Like in Africa, boaver.
Everyone is pushing, fighting,
And he is all up to the fig.
Our Vityunya, though modest,
But with a beautiful soul,
What are you so not brave?
Maybe we are to blame?
Our Alyosha is a master of words
Compose stories,
Even our ears will be chopped
In a cool audience.
Yarik shook for a long time,
To find notebooks,
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.
If Tima you later
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
A terrible incriminating evidence !!!
It's a pity, Sasha Petrov,
That you are not a giraffe.
I could write off then
You are from another row.
The school year has begun
The clock was injected.
Volodya has a question
- "Where are the holidays again?!"
We do not know Misha yet.
Will we test? We will test
Come on, Bear, do not break through,
Stop a goal to the opponent!
Dima, well, try,
Surprise comrades!
Do not grin in the lesson,
Become more serious, do!
Yura pulls the girls
For pigtails with ribbons.
I would treat us better
Box with sweets.
In our class, you sometimes
Sasha is the most plague.
Then you will jump, then you cry
How can we be friends with you?
There is in history with Dunno
Boy Znayka is a smart dandy.
And we have a cadet too,
Our Cyril knows everything himself.
We forgot your face.
How do you look, Zhenya?
Appear at least in the tournament
You are again.
Vitalik is in order
And the figure and notebooks.
The mood is just a class
He loves school and all of us.

Video: Children's ditties

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