Ditties for housewarming - cool, funny, mischievous: the best selection for a fun company

Ditties for housewarming - cool, funny, mischievous: the best selection for a fun company

As a rule, a housewarming party is a noisy, cheerful holiday in the circle of relatives and friends. Therefore, it is very important to make it as bright and memorable as possible, so that he leaves only positive emotions. You can entertain guests at the table with ditties, look for examples in the article.

Ditties for housewarming - the best selection

Ditties for housewarming - the best selection
Ditties for housewarming - the best selection

Dithes for housewarming - the best selection:

Your cozy teremok
And spacious and tall!
We ask you, at least once
Give us a corner for the night!

After all, today is a housewarming
And the examination is not with our hands,
Well, tomorrow we are with a hangover
We climb the corners!

For repairs, yours in the style of "Euro"
Let us admire then
After all, we are a masterpiece
Never seen!

And what is your footage
You will report to us!
If there is a second floor
Show tomorrow!

And today we need,
Let's say frankly
Spend the bathrooms
Excursion certainly!

So as not to distract you
A small problem
And do not tear off
A sensitive topic!

We are solemnity of the moment
Looked a slag!
Punish us for this
Complete glass of Vincets!


Well, we will continue again
Congratulate the housewarming!
We will offer all guests now
Give you a gift!


Monthly Newsel
We came to you for a reason.
By tradition they wanted
Bring a cat to your house.

No cat, found only a cat,
But such a beauty,
That even the sun overstated.
How good a mustache!

Do not be alarmed in vain
Our cat is good:
She doesn’t eat fed.
And she does not need a tray.

Our cat can be in the wall
Strong for a very long time.
Sometimes do not forget
Only dust from her.


How good is "housewarming"
Easily rhymes with the "fun".
No need to fight over the rhyme,
And you can just have fun.

And let there be no black days
Let the house of friends be full.
And it is not for nothing that they believe
That the walls of the house help.

And let these walls do not know,
That swear words are.
And now in your life
This house has always been a complete bowl.

I raise a toast for happiness!
No, I'm not drunk, I know a measure.
After all, to regret, "housewarming"
Easily rhymes with the "hangover".


Let your home be filled with friends,
They will rejoice with you
All relatives, friends, neighbors,
And everyone will come to the housewarming!

Let the house be comfortable, warm,
So that everyone is good in him,
So that the music sounds and poems,
In the morning, roosters woke up!

Let the bird of happiness be nesting,
Heart and sings and fun
A new house will be a complete bowl,
Everyone lives together, peacefully in it!


Congratulations on the housewarming
And I wish you a lot of happiness,
To be fervent fun
Did not leave the threshold.


To multiply wealth,
And he always reigned comfort,
To joy and order
We were here for all years!


Congratulations on an important day -
You have a new house today.
The sun shines in your window
And the guests are met by a cat.


Congratulations on the housewarming,
We wish you richly to live
Live and sorrows do not know
And to call guests more often.


In new housing to you, Novosels,
Let our glorious congratulations fly,
The housewarming will be funny
Let every corner shine!


Let it be easy for you here, comfortable
So that you always hurry home,
Let it be crowded from the guests
Happiness for many years to you!


Great reason, no doubt
Your housing, dream from dreams,
Today is the holiday of the housewarming,
The issue and mountains from the shoulders have been resolved.


Let the fret only in the house triumph,
Peace, comfort and grace.
Luck kiss tightly.
And only the best to get from life.


Housewarming in your house,
Congratulations take
And in the monastery of the beautiful
You live in abundance.


Let only the laughter of radiant sounds,
The conversation is cheerful, kind,
Never come to you
Let sadness and anxiety.


Let you live well,
Together, peaceful and a spark
The sun shines lightly
Be sure to outside the window.


Congratulations on the housewarming.
Very cool new house!
We wish you happiness in the house
To live comfortably in it!


To help the walls
From disagreements and adversity,
To reliably protect,
If suddenly trouble comes!


So that the house is a full bowl,
Generously received guests
Life became more beautiful
There was all the warmth in the house!


Housewarming is a holiday of both souls and bodies,
This is the completion of the work begun,
You worked, tried to build a house,
For the sake of beauty, comfort is worth it!

Ditties for household households

Ditties for household households
Ditties for household households

Ditties for household households

Here has come our turn.
We came to the housewarming
View your possessions -
Take an honest people!


Here are mansions, so mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bath with a toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - wait, but you want - dance!


At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a bite -
Who can prohibit
Are you luxurious to live here?


So that the doors do not break
And the floors did not dry out
The bath was soap, cooked the stove,
So that there was warm in the apartment.


Well, good mistress,
Fill us glasses.
A bowl of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.


Forget life by shitty -
The gloomy world of the slumer-apartment:
We drove into the apartment of a new one -
To the new house, as in the new world!


Let the family, individual -
Yours will be this country
And prosperous, considerate,
And the happy is doubly!


And with borscht, schoms, pilafs
(I won't eat a portion per day!)
Let children grow healthy,
You love love and happiness to you!


So that the pigeons around fly,
Knocked on a new house in glass,
So that the walls are greeted with good,
Silver rang in the closet.


So that he is announced by a childish cry,
Your new home is more than once,
So that the angel comes down to the nursery,
He kept peace with his wing!


We want to congratulate you, friends
Happy long -awaited housewarming news.
We will overshadow the sun
And light the torch will light fun.


Let the house stand and everything else,
Let happiness pour over the edge.
Cosiness, refuge
Your home, friends, in short, paradise!


Let it caress in winter,
And in the summer the hot is cool.
Crystal fill and glass
Drinking grape juice.


And you can vodka, cognac ...
For you, you are our beloved,
For your beautiful drinking house,
So that it was only more beautiful over the years!


Novosels, Novosels,
You are now cheerful people
As a beautiful picture -
Your new apartment.


Congratulations on the housewarming,
We wish you a clean aura
So that there are always native walls
You were warmed with comfort.


Congratulations on the housewarming
And I wish you a lot of happiness,
To be fervent fun
Did not leave the threshold.

To multiply wealth,
And he always reigned comfort,
To joy and order
We were here for all years!

Let your home be filled with friends,
They will rejoice with you
All relatives, friends, neighbors,
And everyone will come to the housewarming!


Let the house be comfortable, warm,
So that everyone is good in him,
So that the music sounds and poems,
In the morning, roosters woke up!


Let the bird of happiness be nesting,
Heart and sings and fun
A new house will be a complete bowl,
Everyone lives together, peacefully in it!


Housewarming is a joyful date,
The best is the best is rich in
New House - and happiness on the threshold,
Here is your shelter after all the roads!


Let your house be filled like a bowl
There will be your love and joy in it,
And smiles in the house bloom,
Let your house not know tears, insults!


There will be comfort and grace,
Talk about something, dream,
And to love each other, and to protect,
From a bad house to guard your home!

Ditties for housewarming under the harmonic

Ditties for housewarming under the harmonic
Ditties for housewarming under the harmonic

Ditties for housewarming to the accordion:

With the housewarming you, friends!
The apartment is now its own!
We must note this,
So that the bins are full!


So that you always live in abundance,
Home affairs are in order
Relatives were to be healthy,
They called us to visit again!


Let the cat into a new house,
And if it will be shy,
Then help her kick
And immediately stops.


And he will drive away all the spirits at once,
Having placed the corners.
Let the house start for you
Will give on glorious days!


Turn away now glorious
Tomorrow there will be a hangover.
There is a reason very important - after all -


I wish these
Live happily and richly
Let them bring only joy to you
These bright chambers.


Let this monastery attract
You are always warm by bed,
Hearty dinner, love.
Congratulations on the housewarming!


With the housewarming you, friends,
We are glad, say, without hiding.
Happiness to you is our motto!
We give the service sincerely.


We treated the coffee,
To visit you to call more often!
Call again -
Let's give glasses in reserve!


Something is hot in the new apartment,
Our gift to you is a slow cooker,
She is without heat and effort
Cooks tasty and beautiful!


Use a gift more often
And it will live easier for you, sweeter,
Congratulations to you with the housewarming!
We wish to live in the fret and in the world!


This is not a service, but a miracle!
For home comfort.
And for the new "nest",
With the housewarming, gentlemen!


"Washing" a new house
Fresh coffee or a seagull!
So that the apartment is saturated
Fragrant smell.


Let me congratulate you
Give cups, saucers.
To put such a service,
You also need to buy a cabinet.


Just don't worry
You will have time later.
In the meantime, invite
Laughter and happiness in a new house!


I give you a set of glasses
To drink in your house,
Let it always be bright,
Let him be a complete bowl.


Let the ringing of glasses be heard
For love in a new place,
We are from brand new vessels
Let's drink with joy and honor.


I raise a glass to warm
Happiness, light, advice,
Love, good
Would always be full
Dear heart, your home!


How much joy, fun
On this glorious clear day.
You will not die of idleness
And laziness does not hit the door.


Here everything needs to be done urgently:
We need a chair, buy a sofa,
To establish the toilet urgently,
So as not to go to neighbors.


You need to glorify the shelves in the niche,
Dubel to stick
Put the chiffonier in the corner,
Lengthen the battery.


Nothing, all gradually
You will bring to mind
In the meantime, at the same time
Let's drink a glass of wine.


Congratulations on the housewarming (y)
From the heart, guys, you.
I want to wish (want) wealth
And you are comfortable now.

The brownie is watching vigilantly
For order, purity.
Let your house be filled
Happiness, light, beauty.


Let the money be plenty
For repair and decor.
Let it sound in your mansions
Good, peaceful conversation.


House of house now in the house,
We praise the owners.
Days of cheerful, carefree
We wish them together.


In a new house, let always
Happiness lives.
Let your walls go
Troubles and bad weather.


Let the money flow into your house
Quick river.
In the new mountains we wish
Peace and peace.


Congratulations on the housewarming.
Let the house be reliable.
I wish to live in it peacefully,
Not bored, with a spark.


Let them come to visit more often
Your faithful friends.
Meet them properly
This is the rear, it is impossible without them.


Let love, hope, faith
They will enter a bright house with you.
Close to everyone, open the doors,
Seal at the table.

Ditties for housewear cool

Ditties for housewear cool
Ditties for housewear cool

Cool ditties are funny:

Sit the ears for wiretaps,
Pull the belts:
We will perform ditties to you,
But without a mat and rudder.


I will try ditties
Spore to sing to you.
Better shut your ears
So as not to fly off the chair!


Once I came home from work,
And the whole spouse trembles:
In the bedroom on our bed
The unwritten lies!


Here I go and sing
The song is sullen:
No potatoes and no bread,
And I think to marry!


Our village is strange -
Stands backward!
And the guys are all bad -
No one takes married!


I have two miles,
Both people with disabilities.
One was stuck in lice
And the other is nits.


Mother's dress sewed me
And she said: "Do not smash!"
And the guys that evening
They dragged them to the barn.


Dear me tormenting me
From the queries at least Zavia:
A fur coat is dripping
Instead of sexual life.


I visited the binding
There was also Tamoki.
Aunts beat for his nieces,
And for the daughters - mothers.


Do not take from the mother -in -law in the barrel
You are salty mushrooms
So that with a smile on the lips
Do not sit later in the bushes.


I came home from work
Look-at the door of someone's bots.
The size is about forty -seven ...
Maybe I can leave at all?


I swore and gave a tooth
That he did not cheat on him.
But since then there are five times
I go to insert my teeth!


I watered the flowers
On the balcony by leerochka.
For some reason it suddenly became wet
Uncle on a bench ...


The flu, infection, became attached.
He took Purgen from his wife.
The whole ailment flew out right away
But on the back.


I'm on a boat with a key
I already swim for three hours
But I can’t moor -
Husband with a gun on the shore.


Two confuses in a restaurant
Gave a presentation.
The whole year then treated
The whole administration.


Sits cute on the porch
With an expression on the face.
Expresses that face
Than sit on the porch.


Did not specifically closed Fedya
Both cranes are in the bathroom,
To remind all neighbors
About the fate of the Titanic.


I wake up after a booze, -
Beer on the table is two banks.
Thoughts confused: “The stitch
Or a white fever? "


We asked Ivan
To sing ditties to us without a mat.
Of all the words we dismantled
Only one thing is clear - a shovel!


I'm walking on a feast
The neighbor on the weekend.
Sorry without a mat, I'm ditties,
Damn, I don't know a single one!


Harmonist, let's wider
You stretch the furs.
We composed ditties -
They themselves are torn from the language.


About health, worrying
I will call the harmonist.
I scare all microbes,
Only ditties of binge.


You are my good harmonist,
I'm your girlfriend.
Play the accordion -
I will sing my ditties.


I didn't want to sing ditties
Sat and shy.
The harmonist only played,
I could not restrain myself!


We are fighting girls,
We vote for the decree:
Harmonists do not marry
Up to seventy years.


The harmonist fell in love
Mini's skirt,
He is a dashing musician
Sorry, a lover is no.


I fell in love with the harmonist
And then she repented -
All three years with a harmonist
She did not live, but flashed.


Harmonist I love
Petya, by the way, too.
I sing fun with Vasya,
I go to sleep to Seryozha!


Do not smoke cigarettes,
They are very bitter.
Do not like harmonists,
They are too proud.


Do not wear blue -
It will burn quickly!
Do not like the harmonist -
All the heart is busted!


Loved the harmonist
Black, it seems.
And he, a red dog,
Gutalin smears.


Not an accordion lures,
Not her cheerful tone.
Licks who plays -
How good he is!


You play, harmonist,
To be hot.
You are not from our village -
We don't feel sorry for you.


The harmonist plays okay
Only handles are hard.
If I knew how to play -
I would replace it.


Oh, and plays loudly
Our harmonist is a drenad -
The third night is not sleeping villages
For the wide behind the river.


I fell in love with the harmonist
But my mother scolds me.
Do not scold me, mother, -
The cheerful will be a son -in -law!


We have no harmonists,
But we are not lost.
If you need to sing songs,
We can cope without them!


Love the tractor driver -
She began to drive a tractor.
Is it a harmonist
I am not able to replace?


"Lonely accordion"
Suddened suddenly behind the bath.
It can be seen Vasya, harmonist,
I went to wash with Tanya.


Well done, harmonist,
You play loudly!
It's a pity only out of place
Press the buttons ...


What are you, guests, sad,
Hanged heads?
Read these texts -
It will immediately have fun!


The country is my dear country,
There are many fields in it, seas and rivers.
I don't know another country ...
Because I have not been anywhere!


I am a laundry soap
I bought a man to wash.
The husband shouted to the whole quarter
But he did not become economic.


There is a rumor walking around the village
That my dear loves two.
Love, dear, love them,
I myself love three.


At the entrance under the balcony
It smells firmly by moonshine.
This is a husband to his hut
Returns from fishing.


Do not judge me strictly
I don't have fun anyway.
Because I am left
Two months before retirement!

Ditties for housewear mischievous

Ditties for housewear mischievous
Ditties for housewear mischievous

Dithes for housewarming nurse:

On a diet for a whole year
The girl stayed ...
The doctor will not get in any way
A syringe in the buttock.


Behind the hill, by the stream,
The girl is a draw.
Well, let him lie for yourself
He does not value himself!


I am appointing a date
On a cliff near the edge ...
Will pester cute -
I will teach him to fly!


You’ll run, dear, drowning -
Look to me to say goodbye.
I spend to the river -
I'll tell you the place deeper!


In the evening to your husband
She showed a sex score.
He could not figure it out,
Good - the neighbor helped!


If you want to go to me -
Go to the station.
Give your wife into luggage
And throw out the receipt!


Once on the beach a diver
Savior drowning
And when he married her,
He went and drowned.


If she knew, if she knew,
Who am I married to,
I would tell my mother -in -law
Do not plant cabbage at all!


I bought liquid soap -
A hundred rubles were trampled.
A friend thought jam
She took everything and broke.


Everything in a ditty will affect:
New day and last century.
As if in a mirror, it looks
The Russian man in it.


Cherry blooms in the garden,
Next to her is a bird cherry.
Ah, why did I get married
For such an Olukh!


Oh, advertising - I will not save,
They twist in the morning and at lunch.
Wip out in the evening and at night,
So you can go crazy - for sure!


Hello, my dear,
Russian potatoes!
I dug you for three days -
The back is like an accordion!


I compose ditties
For fun, I sing them.
If you like them,
Then pay the ruble!


We sang ditties
Ninety -nine times!
Really today
Nobody will give us vodka?

In anticipation of the feast,
I didn’t eat at home for three days.
And at a party he ate a heap, a jelly,
And from the cakes are a bald.


I love to go to visit
I immediately drink for the mistress.
And about the husband of the hostess,
I will say: "Very cute bunny."


Was visiting Fedot yesterday,
Today, Fedot has become not the same.
I got drunk from yesterday,
Now I have registered in the toilet.


I hug a toilet
There is no better place now.
It was necessary to rush
So as not to be fenced away.


In the morning, Semyon with Ignat,
They crawled from guests to the hut.
I got Semyon on the face,
And Ignat seems to be too.


To the payroll to survive,
You have to walk around the guests.
Since there are not even sausages at home
We’ll get around the list on the list.


The guest came to me yesterday,
I treated it from the heart,
Eats for a day, soon bursts,
Everything screams - dragging Harchi.


He invited Kuma to visit
What Lyada - I do not understand.
Instantly gobbled up all supplies
And the third hour is already sharpening the Lisas.


We will smear icores,
A thick layer for a sandwich.
Didn't you get into my mouth? Away, Vanyatka,
Open your mouth wider.


I like to go to visit
There is a jelly and drink vodka.
I love to eat salad,
Yes, I'm even sleeping in the salad.


The table was bursting with an abundance
And by the morning of the ball of Katya.
Oh, I love to eat away,
Do not take away from the table.


We sang with guests
All the neighbors cried
They say they are tired of listening
Frog croaking!


Pine grows on the mountain
With long needles
Guests come to me
Whole villages!


Oh, you are dear guests
You haven't sat down,
After all, the owners are on you
Caught plenty!


Help yourself dear
Cute hospitals,
From my chic dishes
Your brushes will burst!


We are healthy and rich
But this is not the main thing
Give us the emirates
And the seas for swimming!


Goodbye, goodbye,
Well, goodbye,
Come to visit again
Then we will fall over!


Come to visit me,
It will be very fun
My rooster will perform for you
Dawn song!

I will open the door wide
I sweep the path into the house,
So that the guests do not forget
Where do they go later!

My guests are expensive
Generally cheerful
That the owners are with happiness
The cellar failed!

Ditties on the house cheerful

Ditties on the house cheerful
Ditties on the house cheerful

Ogusters on the household cheerful:

I lay down on the hay of
Hay hollows the ass
All the same in Russia it is better
I don't want to go to Europe.


We looked on the telic
How gymnasium students frolic,
And we have on the hay of
More, porn artists.


Milka sewed my underpants
Yes, the size of something is small
To take it more precisely, the measurement
I will drag it to the hay.


We kissed you
Late night under the pine.
And then on the hayloft
Sex shock was implemented.


In the summer we are on the hayloft,
What just did not do.
Tried the same on the stove,
Bricks got out.


My neighbor and I faded hay
The shock moved already.
If my husband tried so hard,
At night it would not be up to sleep.


I kissed Milenk,
And he raised his skirt,
I didn't mind
She led to the hayloft.


I'm in a stack with one man
I’m smoking for five days.
Sex, of course, is cool,
But the hunt is already eating.


I played out with Serge
And it was - inexpensive.
The hanoval was trembling for three days
I did not get off my dear from me.
I am swinging to Milena again,
I want to become happy with him.


Stepan's day of the hay,
I celebrated Milenk.
Sex has saved this
They equalized the hay of a stack with the ground.


One girl in a stack
Sitting quietly, not gu-gu.
Past Seryoga will pass by.
He will drag him in a stack.


Dear travels on the combine
Hay knit on baots.
On such a bale, perhaps,
I'll give Mileyna now.


One girl on the field
The hay is in the stack of a big row.
I was lying in the stack to the dark
Apparently, I was waiting for a sweetheart.


The girl went across the field
I found a pretty stack.
That stack on the field is good for everyone,
It is a pity that two are already breathing in it.


Last time on the hayloft,
We did not do the current.
If the guys have not come today
We did not leave.


And my friend is Nata,
Always Senu is very happy.
In hay dives a fish
The peasants seduces there.


They made a bed from hay
The mattress was filled with hay.
And how sex - the bed creaks,
The neighbors beat into the wall.


Milka climbs on a shock
Then on this, then to that.
How it climbs, here are those on,
The shock walks.


And the girlfriend Nadia,
With a peasant lies in a stack.
Do not go to the sanatorium,
Kohl sex in the hay is getting younger.


Archaeologists today,
Someone found an organ in the hay.
Women already rushed from three villages,
Husbands who were not found at home ...


One in the village of Babenki,
The halarbone is cool, already horror.
With a bar and with a jacuzzi,
To relax after sex.


And someone's wife with a rake,
He goes to the cinema between the rows.
Looking for a husband, a bastard, ran away,
He did not come to the hayloft.


My girlfriend Svetlana,
The hay mows is very zealously.
He loves a stack to five to five,
With Mileynok, lying there.


The heels of the hay are visible,
And the size of forty -five.
Whose husband is there, women guess,
Did you come to wave?


Dragged into the shed of the hay
This is a type of hay.
I sent a master class to YouTube,
How the girls entertained there.


The chart of the dances is set,
Clearly time, who is for whom.
Who wants to turn out
Brazenly climbs under the wove.


The moonshine stocked up
And they climbed onto the hay.
Yes, with such a sugrev we, we,
We can drink here until spring.


How gets dark - come out,
And grab the snack.
A liter of vodka with glasses,
They are already waiting in the hayloft.


We will sing ditties to you
How different we live:
Then in the garden in the garden,
And then just in nature.

Vanka met Manka.
He invited her to visit.
They drank tea for so long
They talked about the neighbors.

Bear is such an eccentric.
Everything does not marry in any way
Will lead a girlfriend
She will suddenly run away to his friend.


There is Svetlana in the courtyard.
You don't go to her at all,
So she will send you
You are confused then.

And Volodya is a friend,
He is also that groom
Donjuan is he at least where
He always loves women.

We hear a scream from the window
This is not nonsense for you
Husband and wife are swearing,
The walls are ripped off.

And the neighbor is our Dimon,
After all, he has a ragon
Every day a glass,
New Natasha!

And Tatyana is silent,
Doesn't sit on the bench,
Does not communicate with anyone,
Cats are engaged.

From apartment number five,
Barking again
This is Den Den misses
And he barks loudly out the window.

Let's sit, we’ll shout,
We will pat together together
We will pick up the topic again
And again about everyone will sing

Ditties for housewear original

Ditties for housewear original
Ditties for housewear original

Oblast ditties are original:

Putting on masks and gloves,
My Milenoye is together.
Quarantine without violating
Sprinkle ditties to you.


Everything is in masks, everything is in masks,
Not clear a damn thing
It is not clear where there is a stump,
And where, damn my wife.


These are brothers, what is it
What kind of Kotovasia.
The whole country is sitting at home,
Then - self -isolation.


Sit at home for ten days
There is a New Year's experience,
Do you want to eat, and you want to drink
You are free.


We are sitting at home for two weeks
Everyone was pushed, everyone was boring.
I go to the store, but
Instead of theater and cinema.


We are sitting at home for two weeks
They ate ten buckwheat,
All blanks ate too.
The faces became noticeably wider.


It is impossible in the forest, and you can’t in the park,
And fishing too.
Or maybe I am arrested?
That is very similar.


Eh, why did the fool get married
He hastened to send matchmakers.
It would be better if I started a dog
Only with her can you fuck.


My hands, my nose,
We are diligent all day.
Straight, like in a kindergarten,
Wash hands must be washed.


He plays hide and seek with us,
This virus, he is.
And not visible, and not heard
And bites-oh-oh-oh.


The virus attacked us,
Because how he dried.
Yes, I had a fucking one,
With a crowned head.


To exterminate the virus,
It is necessary to rinse everything with alcohol.
Both dishes and products,
Well, pour it into the glass.


We are sitting at home, sitting at home,
No tudus, and not soda.
They walk late,
Only April cats.


On the balcony is directly the cellar,
And what is not here.
There is ginger, lemon and buckwheat,
My immunity is attached.


Kohl shops are closed,
What about the clothes to interpret.
On YouTube, how to sew a mask,
I can give a master class.


I saw a lot of masks
Sewing day and night is ready.
I don't know to beat the virus,
Can a mask help me?


We are toilet paper
Collected for ten years.
Two -layer is for sure
Strengthen immunity.


This virus, he is
He hunts me.
But I don't give up without a fight,
I am self -calling.


I'm sitting on quarantine
I isolated in the feather bed.
And no longer in the ocean,
Today I swim in the bath.


Quarantine, quarantine,
I am a lord myself.
I'm not walking at home,
I caress my wife all day.


At home, my wife and I steam
How pancake she took out.
But the matchmaker, he is a guy deft
He dumped a business trip for a year.


Tired of at least quarantine
But I am safe and unharmed.
I stare at the show, in the series,
And I am not alone.


Oh, thanks to the quarantine
Learned to draw.
Pulled the English son,
He began to play the guitar.


Like a shepherd, I'm from a balcony,
I control the whole yard.
So that the virus does not get out,
For he is a thief.


To the trash to walk
It is necessary to accumulate garbage.
I went through the trash in the pantry,
Now I'm walking in the morning.


All granny in their entrance,
We rewrote.
They are all of their garbage to us,
They gave joyfully.


And on our floor,
Only one dog.
For a chance with a bug to take a walk,
For the day, a fight three times.


This bastard is such a bastard
Suddenly it will relax you and me.
Toilet paper,
We stocked over the whole country.


Ginger tea, tea with lemon.
Buckwheat in breakfast and lunch.
How pancake she took out.
And what is not on sale of vodka?


What is the quarantine?
I am together all day with my wife.
The first time in twenty years,
There are no five minutes without it.


Caranty what a nastiness,
Spring is spoiled by them.
Tired of the worse radish,
I have a beautiful wife.


I can't pour a hundred grams,
Wife here, wife and there.
By night, I'm sober than my grandson,
Here is such a boredom today.


This virus is just horror
All failed the planet.
Birthdays, even weddings,
Only on the Internet.


We were sitting at the wedding,
The computer was drunk.
I don’t know to beat the face to someone.
We go to tea.


I was not abroad
Somehow I was not wanted.
I didn’t seem to be hungry.
And the virus entered.


The virus attacked us,
I changed the habits.
Know now beyond the borders
Only birds will fly.


Oh steep thing is a thing -
Each parent is a teacher.
Straight color of the Russian nation.


The whole family we are two weeks,
They sat in the lessons.
Given by the teacher the answer,
That grandfather studied best of all.


Son in the lesson, eighth grader,
The whole family is tense.
I'm on the closet so as not to be in the frame,
And a wife sits under the table.


There was a line earlier,
In a communal apartment, to the toilet.
Now the line is in the family,
On a laptop and the Internet.


In the morning, a daughter in the lesson,
The wife works during the day.
Then Domchkina Domashka,
And at night I play the tank.


Yes, it looks like I'm this
What is not ready for the remote.
Children are funny,
From the kitchen, smells are beckoning.


I'm sitting on the remote
And the computer before me.
I play with my daughter in Loto,
And with the son to the sea battle.


Remanding, this is horror
Remanding, this is tin.
I will only sit down to work,
The whole family is hunting.


Remanding, remotes,
There is a minus in it, he is like that.
What prevents me from working
The household is the whole crowd.


I work on the remote
The door closed the door to the lock.
Husband and children, all in the pantry,
Do not bother me now.


The country does not work,
I'm standing at the stove in the morning.
First breakfast, snacks,
I cook lunch and go off my feet,
I will cook dinner and believe me, be sure to get drunk.


Quarantine, quarantine,
I'm sitting at home alone.
Let him call - a fluttered bastard,
I am even glad to see the mother -in -law.


I love my mother -in -law
Especially in the epidemic.
I will help plant potatoes,
Potatoes will be a bonus.


I went to the store yesterday,
There the girl ordered.
I spent the night with her, just like in a fairy tale,
To remove everything, calling the masks.


The Kamasutra was studied,
The poses in sex were chosen.
So as not to breathe on each other,
There are two hundred and twenty -five.


Put on a mask and gloves,
Dived to Milka under the barrel.
She held out her hand
Where is the elastic band on the pod?


Fifth day on quarantine,
Oh, without sex.
Virtual girl,
Seduce at least for an hour.


Twenty days in porn stare,
There is no life at the direction.
Who is together, and who is a crowd,
What is important, everything is without a mask.


We sang ditties to you,
And they could sing until the morning.
Only we have to eat buckwheat
And it is time to bite lemons.

Ditties for housewife to raise mood

Ditties for housewife to raise mood
Ditties for housewife to raise mood

Ditties on a housewarming house to raise the mood:

We will sing ditties
In order not to sour.
We are for a bunch, as always,
Just worth a whistle!


I am appointing a date
On a cliff near the edge ...
Will pester cute -
I will teach him to fly!


We caught up the moonshine
A lot, liters two hundred.
All the neighbors ran up
Do not come, at least crack.
How were the first,
Already in a liter in a burn.
Did not calculate the strength
And they vomit all night.
And Jamshut got drunk in Zyuzu,
Hugs right now Marusya.
And told me -"You know paradise,
We have sex here, and you are walking. ”
The warriors came to us,
And they didn’t get drunk so.
Like power, but to Drybadan,
Shout -"still mold in a glass."
Sveta watered everyone
Without a snack, as a sin.
To look better
I eat grass from a compost heap.
Well, sivuha and stinks,
The beeter nostrils plugs.
I drank a liter, drank two,
And sent all the guests to ...
Moonshine is better than whiskey
And with a snack in two sausages.
This is right already a banquet,
I drank and no happier.
We drive ourselves, we drink ourselves,
Come in, we pour you.
We will drink and congratulate everyone,
And we will insert an enema to the enemies.
Pling, burst the coil,
I am not used to overloads.
Let it get used to the infection,
Well, I have never swallowed once.
The flask was brought to the helicopter,
Slostly devastated.
Well, at least we are a pilot
I did not pour a fool.
Grandfather's grandfather expected
Bake, cooked, fried,
Moonshines two buckets,
I put it under the table.
The grandfather announced the grandfather,
I went to Kuma for a conversation
Grandfather beasts from jealousy,
The moonshine warms the soul.
Brazhka rumbled violently,
I climb into the cellar - snack there.
Cute tractor parks his
Right now I pour it into a glass.
Seryoga is a guitarist,
The moonshine is three hundred liters.
And in the cellar of the barrel
Salt mushrooms.
The moonshine stocked up
And they climbed onto the hay.
Yes, with such a sugrev we, we,
We can drink here until spring.
I'm going to kuma on dumplings,
I take moonshine with me.
When sober - it is very sad,
And how to drink - groovy.
Divorced the mash to eat
So that the whole family is enough.
Guests are full, guests are drunk,
Only I did not have enough.
The neighbor has it, I know
Alcohol mashine.
He drives him at night ..
And instead of oil, he pours into the salad ...


The country is my dear country,
There are many fields in it, seas and rivers.
I don't know another country ...
Because I have not been anywhere!


Behind the hill, by the stream,
The girl is a draw.
Well, let him lie for yourself
He does not value himself!


I compose ditties
For fun, I sing them.
If you like them,
Then pay the ruble!


I am a laundry soap
I bought a man to wash.
The husband shouted to the whole quarter
But he did not become economic.


We ditties sang-slats,
The neck dried up
You need to urgently uro
So as not to die!


What are you, guests, sad,
Hanged heads?
Read these texts -
It will immediately have fun!


Then not a fashion, but a mockery,
Ugh you, Lord, forgive me.
Jeans hold on a girl
On the pubic on the bone.


Oh, girls-girlfriends,
I am bastard from Andryushka.
But I went to the Miss contest,
To appreciate Denis.


At the fashion school for us again
It's just that there is no time to miss.
I sew outfits myself
Everyone around will go crazy.


There is nothing to wear already
Fashion has changed.
I will blush naked
In front of the people.


Mascara, lipstick, varnish and gel,
I'm a fashion model now.
But, as before, all relatives
I am a friend-neighbor Andrey.


Embroider, Lyuba, I have a scarf,
A flower on the whole head.
Today is fashion for shawls,
Flowers in the whole head.


We sewed not at random
Our cheerful "school boom",
They put a lot of effort
Even Zaitsev appreciated.


I ascended the podium
And confidently went.
I know whatever you say
I will conquer the jury now.


The "bikini" is again fashion.
In the river, the sun shines.
I’ll run to the water soon
To hide cellulite.


I will inform everyone as soon as possible
I have many friends.
But I admit, gentlemen,
I am without fashion - nowhere.


Fashion dictates the path to us -
How to wrap ourselves,
We walk with a loop on the neck
And not scary to us!

Ditties for housewarming for a fun company

Ditties for housewarming for a fun company
Ditties for housewarming for a fun company

Ditties for housewarming for a fun company:

We sang with guests
All the neighbors cried
They say they are tired of listening
Frog croaking!


We are healthy and rich
But this is not the main thing
Give us the emirates
And the seas for swimming!


Pir! Walking! Dance!
And some are already singing
Today we do not plow the earth,
And just a gulbish goes ...


“Come on, guests, let's drink tea!”
She dared to offer
And the guests answer in chorus:
"What we drank, we will drink ..."


There is food on the table:
Cucumber with potatoes!
I'm not afraid of work
Especially with a spoon.


Eat, people, you are at night
Eat, people, you are on lunch!
Such a short life ...
One skeleton told us!


The dishes are beating, chairs bend,
And the floor walks with a shame
Our people are visible,
They know a lot about a party.


Goodbye, goodbye,
Well, goodbye,
Come to visit again
Then we will fall over!


Pine grows on the mountain
With long needles
Guests come to me
Whole villages!


My guests are expensive
Generally cheerful
That the owners are with happiness
The cellar failed!


The hostess rushes in sorrow,
Goussed everything! And everyone is sitting
And valuable spoons were stolen.
Eyes do not look at this.


Come to visit me
And write me friends.
Through the virtual bridge
Everyone calls today I.


There is no much food,
If you know how to eat.
The Swedish table happens
You just need to sit down.


I will open the door wide
I sweep the path into the house,
So that the guests do not forget
Where do they go later!


Oh, you are dear guests
You didn't stay closed
After all, the owners are on you
I looked in plenty!


For the fact that you came, the guest is dear,
Let's move the glasses in the first toast.
Let the day not come in life,
When guests will not knock on my house!


Oh, cucumbers from a can -
This is my dream ...
Cherries, garlic salty ...
Without pickles, life is empty!


Come to visit me,
It will be very fun
My rooster will perform for you
Dawn song!


Oh! What a beauty:
Bunks, sausage.
What is delicious - yes,
And, what is useful - a fairy tale.


I really like to eat
I am varied!
Duma does not torment me
About the dangerous food.


Increased salary
Announced twice a year,
But the soul is in such an surcharge
Still does not sing songs.


There is a salary, there is money.
It is a pity that there is no health.
I gave my honor
Cute with love.


I received a salary
I bought a barrel of "sherry".
To my dear Ivan
He remained forever drunk.


I bought a salary
The shoes are very fashionable,
Husband - nails, cable and awl
And I'm sitting hungry.


Where can I get the money?
I rush with my grandfather.
He fell asleep, but what should I do?
I will wake up for dinner.


Soon we have a salary again,
Three hours at the ATM,
There is only one hour in the store -
Again we have no money!


I found a solution
Where to find money.
I gave everything to my neighbor.
Happy bearded.


So the holidays have passed
And empty pockets.
The third day we are without food
We are waiting for my mother’s salary ...


I received a salary.
I’ll go to the restaurant alone
Husband, like a judge, to soap,
I will find a groom for myself.


My salary leaves
Much better to desire
There is nothing to cry for, not that loudly.


I was added to my salary
As much as five rubles.
Let him not go to the deputies,
But in love I am all the best.


I received a salary.
I want to tear myself away.
Hang the authorities obscenities,
Struck by society.


If the work got you,
And the salaries are not enough again,
Do not be sad in vain
Just lie down, rest.


Where to find the money
Young girl?
Maybe get off my way
Under a thin birch?


I went for my salary
But I did not find it there.
They say - went on maternity leave
And from there he sends hello!


Ah, what a boredom!
There is little money in the bag.
I am a rich cattle
Today kissed.


Again salaries became higher,
We would be happy here
But prices are like icicles from the roof,
Still grow faster


And without money there is no life.
I do not trade in my body.
How to take a ticket to Paris,
I'm not stealing?


Stupid Western investor
Looking for, where to invest money.
Blow to Russia! Here is a salary
You can not pay at all!


On your salary
I will buy a gasket for myself.
The rest is nonsense,
I always want to be dry.


Who is it under the bush?
How does the log lie with a layer?
A look, like de would like a matchmaker -
After all, there was a salary yesterday!

Ditties about household housewarming

Ditties about household housewarming:

Congratulations on the housewarming
And we wish you all our hearts
So that in your new apartment

There were happiness and peace.
Jambs to be even,
And the stove has always baked,

So that the doors do not creak,
The windows would be made of glass.
That there were a lot of health,

There were joy and comfort
And sorrow and hardships
Let them pass.

So that in accordance with my husband live,
Children ran into the apartment,
To respect each other -

Never offended.
There is a lot of joy in the new house
To your deep old age!


Let your home be a full bowl
Constantly your pride!
Let nothing fades over the years -
Neither the apartment, nor the feeling, nor yourself!
Let your home be fed up by income
And joy and happiness. And further:
In your mouth, you always have sweet,
In the eyes - unearthly, in the heart - hot!


Let happiness go into your house,
May life be full of success,
Let it be easy for you from laughter
And from love is warm around!


You came, sat at the entrance,
Another mountain of things around
Oh, it's hard to this housewarming,
Let your spirit grow stronger from him!


For your modesty, honesty, nobility,
For the light of the soul from us from all - bow,
Let it be easier for you from year to year.
And your house is filled with happiness!


I'll tell you about security,
And I will congratulate the silence
Housewarming is joy
For stomach and soul!


Let life knock on the stairs,
We feel good in your apartment.
The path is closed here for others,
And open it wider to us!


I bless the housewarming,
Where is your home idol
You suffered - and with him the fun,
Free work and sweet world!


The dream of a whole life will come true now,
We get acquainted with the new home today,
We congratulate you on the housewarming,
May happiness be huge in it!


I wish you fun in the housewarming endlessly!
So that your house does not have a sad face.
So that your climate contributes to flowers flowering
So that love reigned over children and adults here.

Ditties with Novosel - comic congratulations

Ditties with Novosel - comic congratulations
Ditties with Novosel - comic congratulations

Dithes with Novosel - comic congratulations:

This is really a holiday
You got into a new house!
Congratulations on the housewarming!
Congratulations on triumph!


We wish you peace
And smiles all year round.
Let a new apartment
Only happiness will bring.


How beautiful your new home is!
Be happy you are in it,
Live very joyfully
And grow your children!


Let the sun look
In the morning in every window,
The house will fill with quiet happiness,
And drive away the bad weather!


Let love live between you,
The house smells of pies,
Let friends come to the house,
Congratulations are our warm helmet!


Congratulations on the housewarming
And I wish you a lot of happiness,
To be fervent fun
Did not leave the threshold.


To multiply wealth,
And he always reigned comfort,
To joy and order
We were here for all years!


Congratulations on an important day -
You have a new house today.
The sun shines in your window
And the guests are met by a cat.


Congratulations on the housewarming,
We wish you richly to live
Live and sorrows do not know
And to call guests more often.


In new housing to you, Novosels,
Let our glorious congratulations fly,
The housewarming will be funny
Let every corner shine!


Let it be easy for you here, comfortable
So that you always hurry home,
Let it be crowded from the guests
Happiness for many years to you!

Great reason, no doubt
Your housing, dream from dreams,
Today is the holiday of the housewarming,
The issue and mountains from the shoulders are resolved.

Let the fret only in the house triumph,
Peace, comfort and grace.
Luck kiss tightly.
And only the best to get from life.


Housewarming in your house,
Congratulations take
And in the monastery of the beautiful
You live in abundance.


Let only the laughter of radiant sounds,
The conversation is cheerful, kind,
Never come to you
Let sadness and anxiety.


Let you live well,
Together, peaceful and a spark
The sun shines lightly
Be sure to outside the window.


Congratulations on the housewarming.
Very cool new house!
We wish you happiness in the house
To live comfortably in it!


To help the walls
From disagreements and adversity,
To reliably protect,
If suddenly trouble comes!


So that the house is a full bowl,
Generously received guests
Life became more beautiful
There was all the warmth in the house!


Housewarming is a holiday of both souls and bodies,
This is the completion of the work begun,
You worked, tried to build a house,
For the sake of beauty, comfort is worth it!


Let you live calmly, joyfully, happily,
So that it was pleasant in the house, clean and beautiful,
So that everyone loves each other, they understand with their hearts,
In addition to joy and happiness, they knew nothing!


Let your home be filled with friends,
They will rejoice with you
All relatives, friends, neighbors,
And everyone will come to the housewarming!


Let the house be comfortable, warm,
So that everyone is good in him,
So that the music sounds and poems,
In the morning, roosters woke up!


Let the bird of happiness be nesting,
Heart and sings and fun
A new house will be a complete bowl,
Everyone lives together, peacefully in it!

Ditties for a household funny

Dithes for housewarming are funny:

It is better not to find a place
Sit a clock three.
All the premieres and ministers,
Washed the bones cleanly clean.
In every house she has
You can sit in it with the company.
Here is a water tap, grub and gas,
We’ll slow down the snack now.
It doesn’t matter that there is little space
Won wife already knew the dough.
Tea is in full swing, the pie is suitable,
The matchmaker does not take the eye from the oven
We were sitting on the kitchen,
Swers drank, ate porridge.
Gossip everything, the whole area
The mother -in -law will tell everyone who is at home.
Oh, I like to go to my neighbor
For a kitchen conversation.
And we will drink it, so we will stand up,
If we do not get down to opinions.
We were sitting on the kitchen,
The sincere chatter led.
They ate a whole pelvis of dumplings,
And the port of the liter is three.
We were sitting on the kitchen,
About Gundeli's policy.
And Fedot said: "Guys,
Yes, we are smarter than deputies. "
They sat with a friend in the kitchen,
And under the vodka are the points.
Another hour under cognac,
And there and to the fats under the barrel.
We talked about everything
The wives were washed by the bones.
Burn another hour,
Yes, vodka ended with us.
We were sitting on the kitchen,
They drank vodka, if they ate.
It is important not to even eat,
And to talk heart to heart.


After the holidays with us,
Oh, the head hurts.
What can you do, since vodka,
We have a brutal appetite.
After the holidays with us,
The faces were swollen.
So the booze was a success
And the holiday was good.
After the holidays with us,
Opokhmelka is the upper class.
Cucumber brine,
To prove yourself here.
After the holidays with us,
The dishes are interrupted.
There are no grates, and there is no vodka,
And the mug is not shaved.
After the holidays with us,
The toilet broke.
Disabled gas and water
Chipat we go to nature.
We walked around the whole salary
What we have and what we drink.
Okay, at least a communal apartment
We managed to pay.


Ditties for housewife satirical

Ditties for housewife satirical
Ditties for housewife satirical

Satiric ditties for housewarming:


I am my neighbor Lucyu,
As hell I am fighting,
Does not give a drink in the house,
Immediately with a rolling pin in the face beats.
I won’t go to my neighbor anymore
He talks a lot.
About fishing, about football,
Well, it does not caress me.
I went out only for a moment
I ran to the toilet.
And a neighbor during this time
He drank vodka, gobbled up borsch.
I winked at my neighbor
He did not understand my hint,
After all, I hinted at sex
And he dragged into the film.
They say neighbor Ivan,
Rarely sober and often drunk,
And, as he drinks - a discharge,
Does not go to work.
I want to ask Klim
Why pursues forever.
Navigator, your mother,
It is necessary to tie the eggs.
The neighbors congratulated us,
They knocked on the wall with a fist.
And we are a stool for them,
"Hurray!"- screaming at the same time.
My neighbor is handsome
Only a pity he is not my husband.
It is not possible to seduce
He only wants to love his wife.
No problem to live life,
We must be friends with neighbors.
You will pour a neighbor in time
You will not find a rat in a pan.
And girls go to a neighbor,
At 22 - check the clock.
And the bed creaks, as glorious,
Bear at least buy.
I put the camera today,
Everyone is burning, here's the trouble.
E-mine, dumplings Tyrit,
My wife at night.
And behind the wall of a neighbor,
The girl is a beauty.
I go by, pulling my stomach,
She want to like it.
And a neighbor, Baba Glasha,
The sandwich is smears.
Maybe to the jar where is the digging?
I want the same sandwich.
Alkashi is full in the apartment,
And there are only four families.
I'm a drunk of course too,
But with an intelligent mug.
Like Montecki with Capuletti,
We fought with our neighbors.
And the children, as they married,
We live so amicably, bend.
Someone pissed again to the door
Take the analysis and check.
It turned out that this is ZhEK
So debtors rush everyone.
Admit who the infection
Nailed past the toilet.
At the time of removal of the port,
Adjust the whistle.
I am alone in longing
There is no one to quarrel with.
Damn, in the dachas all the neighbors,
And there is no one to surrender.
We did not know with our neighbors
They suspected each other.
It turned out to be someone's cat
To eat climbs to our window.
You don't have to go to the store,
I went out into the kitchen, eat what you want.
It is important to hit it in time,
And you will find a thief.
The manager said again
The rent will increase,
The neighbors are in shock, and now
To the manager of the door under the door.
The gas is on and the light burns,
The water is pouring from the tap.
There is no sober one in the apartment,
Snoring is only heard.
And in the kitchen communal,
There is always a scandalous neighbor.
Everyone writes complaints - a fool,
So he would have given him a nickname.
Five housewives in one kitchen,
I am the one here idle.
Whose borsch is tastier
I will stand up to that.
I don't quarrel with my neighbors
I praise everyone, I do not argue, here
Because from all gifts,
I get on the New Year.
The neighbor shoots his eyes,
Screaming to the butterfly: "Hello!"
I know from his greetings.
Baba already give birth to three villages ...
I molested my neighbor
I hinted at the intimate.
And he: "What? That's right right away?
Let's talk first first. "

Video: ditties for housewarming without a mat

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