Ditties for a wedding anniversary of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60: the best selection

Ditties for a wedding anniversary of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60: the best selection

A large selection of cheerful congratulatory ditties for the anniversary of the wedding.

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 10 years - a pink anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 10 years - a pink anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 10 years - a pink anniversary:

The matchmaker dressed up for the wedding -
Dress in a pink bouquet.
I confused it with a cake
Strongly drunk neighbor!

Have fun, honest people!
We have a wedding!
Everyone should shout: "Bitter!",
If he is not an idiot.

Dear guests!
We sing and dance together together,
We drink and eat,
And not just sitting!

Do not stand under the arrow
And at the wedding do not stand!
Take part in games
And sing ditties with us!

A dozen good years next
And in the eyes all the same delicate light,
And the hearts are filled with warmth.
As if they had not touched their years.

There were no stupid quarrels ...
There were, but not dangled from them a fire
Dear, native hearth -
And the family is still strong.
We give you a pink bouquet
In honor of the glorious years lived together.

The freshness of your feelings is like a freshness of roses,
Let him worry to happy tears.
You lived together for ten years.
Always in harmony and love.

Let them sing songs up to a hundred years
Small nightingales in the spring!
And on this day, warm friends warm,
We wish you earthly all the best.
And, of course, many summer
Let your family flag proudly cut!

Ten years - not a lot and not a few,
They swept rapidly, like a moment.
It seems that we raised yesterday
Toasts for the health of young people.

You have become wise during this time
Patiently, learned to concede.
We believe that the years will not change the feelings,
And love cannot be exhausted!

Everything has the opposite side,
There are no roses without spikes,
Let it be more pleasant around
Let him not know the coast of happiness.

Fresh wind is not in vain
Today the news brought me
What is your holiday today
It is called "Day of Rose!".

And today we are going
From the bottom of your heart to wish you
To admire you
And they were afraid to cut!

So that everything blooms and sang,
To be new every day.
And the spikes ... a big thing!
What kind of roses without spikes?

So let's drink, or something,
So that, to the joy of the whole earth,
You didn't prick each other
And they bloomed, bloomed, bloomed ...

Congratulations on a pink wedding,
We want all our hearts to wish
Another half a century or even more
In life, walking fun nearby.

Go with a confident gait,
The path ahead is still big.
Losses will also be finds,
And you are always the same family.

There were rainbows, of course,
Stars, thunderstorms and frost,
And today is a heart day,
The holiday of young red roses.

Ten years have passed as in the song,
Congratulations with all your heart
And we only wish you together
Live in the joy of a big one.

With the calculation, or at random
Love to find, create a family -
What an important task!
I will praise you today!

After all, you decided it for a long time
Ten years have passed today.
Since then, have not forgotten at all,
What a vow was made!

We were invited to the wedding,
We bought a gift
We, the groom, rather, pour in
We will amuse guests!
What's in the gift, guess,
Or pour it into the stack!

If you guess like that,
We will sleep in the salad!
Think, think, don't be lazy,
Or vodka is not skimping,
You will never guess for anything
Only time is in vain.

The groom - Balble, where did you climb?
Okay, we just give it just like that
This is our big fist.
So that he does not offend his wife,
And he loved and adored.
And the fist does not bother you,
Only reminds us!

You, bride, don't sit,
To us, dear, come out,
Like ditties to scream
We’ll drive all around!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 15 years - a glass, crystal anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 15 years - a glass, crystal anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 15 years - a glass, crystal anniversary:

I am a ditty for your wedding
Instead of a toast, I'll give it.
Let the soul live in the soul,
They sing hearts in unison!

Musicians, more fun!
Our wedding is at least where!
Pour the glass more fully!
Tamada conjures here!
The smoke flies in a rocker!
The spirit of fun reigns here!
Our wedding is just a miracle!

Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you happiness in life!
A lot of money and friends,
And the apartment is like a museum!

Music, play, play!
The holiday continues!
If here we do not have paradise,
How does is called?!

We will go by car
We ride a bit
We need to wet our throat -
All champagne sip!

If your husband helped you
He washed the dishes.
Do not believe, look for a catch
Something needs, rogue!

It is stupid to hide the stitch in a shirt,
In books, boxes, in the tank of the toilet.
Hide in the wife’s bag - in any of the pockets.
Avaral has never been made there.

Man - boor, bore, despot,
Tormentor, miser and dumbass;
So that we know this,
We just should marry.

In family life never, my friend,
Accounting will not hurt.
Do you go home - to pass a marital debt,
Or to the left - take a married loan.

Love to store is completely difficult,
The family is even more difficult to save.
And there are no answers to questions
How to make a marriage even stronger.

We need both wisdom and patience,
To live together for many years,
To appreciate the wonderful moments
And cherish this happiness.

Your wedding with a crystal -
You are fifteen years old.
There were joy and grief
But there was a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness!
We wish to live long
To cherish your marriage

And to love each other stronger,
To go to you easier!
To understand each other,
Never offended!
Congratulations with a poister
And, of course, with a late

Fifteen years - what a date!
So your faces glow with love
How glad we are for you guys,
Let your happiness endlessly last!

Hand in your hand you walk in life,
Not noticing petty grievances.
Live joyfully and disinterestedly,
And fate will fully give you you.

Fifteen years have passed
And you have not changed at all -
You were covered with love
You shine like that, sparkle.

I wish you your feeling
Carry through years,
Loving, enduring and respecting,
To be together forever!

Today a crystal anniversary,
Fifteen -year date!
We wish that in our life,
They did not know losses and loss.

Let the head circle more often
From happiness, love and fun!
Let the fate of the lace go
From the feelings and passions of genuine!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 20 years - a porcelain anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 20 years - a porcelain anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 20 years - a porcelain anniversary:

Porcelain wedding - elegant anniversary,
And the ruddy commands the Tamada - pour!
Wife - like a queen, her husband’s eye burns,
And the table, covered generously, says a lot -
Porcelain is served, fun - over the edge!
What are we pouring? Today - only tea!

That's two decades
On the road is general
You passed without knowing troubles
Light and with a burden.

I have not old
Young strength
The look is deep, the voice is fresh
And fate is beautiful.

Let love always keep
You, from now on, relatives.
And a happy star
Shines as for the first time!

Twenty years is a decent period.
And a son has long grown up,
But love is for the joy of a quick.
From granted porcelain

Let the parks of a living miracle
Rises now.
Your miracle is a wonderful house,
The gaze is smiling and clear,
Yes, the hope is that always
Will be good years.

Beautiful porcelain service!
And behind is a big life.
But ahead - roads, meetings,
Friends and a bright fate.

Grease, happiness is not a peremn
And if the load falls on the shoulders,
May he be human
It is quite affordable, as always.

Let the wind noise in birches,
Let Solovushka sings!
From the anniversary hangover
The head does not hurt!

Do not swear and don't get off
On our anniversary
We will pour you a moonshine -
It will become more fun.

Top models are always arguing
Which of them is more beautiful.
More beautiful than all in the world of miss
Our anniversary!

Divide the Oscar, as always,
Let the Americans
And we have one star
Even without questions!

Aksakals in the Caucasus
They get measured, who is older.
Let the records beat everything
Our young!

In childhood, mom teaches us
Eat more porridge.
Harder every year,
Our young!

Let the men all year round
Pashut at work -
Like a princess, let him live
Our young!

Phrases “aching” and “hurt” -
We wave a pen.
All ailments will heal
Our young.

How good is the table today,
Decorated with dishes.
Let it always be your house
The most complete bowl!

Be beautiful, be healthy
Eat pasta.
Be fearless and cool
Like Sylvester Stallone!

We all came down the mountains
And steep shores.
We wish you all happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Each day in the morning early
Eat a banana and orange,
So that we will put it on the face
There were no wrinkles at all.

We are all for you today
Let's drink sweet vodka,
So that there is no hole
In a family boat!

We sang ditties here
Surprisingly, everyone
Now it's time to get
We are for the treat.

Ditties for the wedding anniversary for 25 years - silver anniversary

Ditties for the wedding anniversary for 25 years - silver anniversary

Ditties for the anniversary of the wedding for 25 years - silver anniversary:

Eh, young,
We congratulate you friends
Twenty -five to you, you cheers!

Everything seemed like yesterday,
You got married then.
Now look at
A quarter of a century behind!

Your anniversary is your friends
You have lived all in vain.
We congratulate you cordially,
We wish you a golden wedding!

Oh, the accordion plays,
The legs themselves are dancing.
And the young anneal
Just super, higher class!

We have fun, rest.
We congratulate the young.
A quarter of a century behind,
But everything is the best in front

We have fun, sing,
And ditties to you Orem!
We have more than enough strength
Pour another glass!

The toast for you was said
The glasses raised full.
Once, two, three and drank,
And we immediately bite!

Hey husband, take a wife,
Show us to us.
We will sing, and you spell
It is not for nothing that we came to you.

Bitter, bitter, scream you,
And we look at you with might and main.
That the groom are you confused?
For a quarter of a century, was not trained?

Long years we wish you
We promise from ourselves.
At your wedding gold,
To sing ditties on the hunger!

You decided to get married
And tell each other yes.
I managed to fall in love
So let it always be so!

Wash the kalach with vodka,
Generous table, snacks darkness.
Either potatoes, then herring,
We will swim everything with a bang.

We sit at the table eat,
We follow the bride.
It will be again, bhe will drop a wedding to throw.

With a golden border, dishes,
Golden confetti.
Golden anniversaries,
For many years you are ahead.

Reluctance to disperse
It’s good to sit.
Shout "bitterly!" We will not get tired
And to sing the nibblers.

We part for a short while
And five years in five,
We are at an emerald wedding,
We will be "bitterly!" You scream.

Oh, love, one disorder!
There is one bad property:
Love big spending,
I don't have enough salary

My love is big,
I have to find another
More modest, smarter -
The wallet will be more dark.

Endless Love
I appeared in the heart
I wandered into a light,
Later - settled!
And she stayed with me
Forever, forever,
So that feelings do not fade away
They lasted endlessly!

To have kisses
Sweeter than chocolate,
Relations to be
Strong, as it should!

To next to me
There were your hands
To take care of feelings
From great separation!
Kiss me, Bunny,
I wish you caresses ...

Like a prince and princess
In a good old fairy tale!
Hug me stronger
Read the rhyme
To become both of us
Very well!

Give me chocolate
Or the cake is delicious,
And then it will not be bored
Drive and sad!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 30 years - a pearl anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 30 years - a pearl anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 30 years - a pearl anniversary:

And we have a wedding today,
And we have a cool banquet.
All friends, relatives, neighbors,
They came a joyful crowd.

Together 30 years in life,
You go staunchly.
We will sing ditties to you
We’ll only throw it.

And at the wedding at the pearl,
We will sing and dance.
Who will not have fun
We will punish those ruble

How many friends can you eat?
I have a glorious toast.
Let's raise the glass for love
It's time to shout to us-"Bitter!" again.

30 years to your family,
The term is not at all frail.
How do you drown love?
What is dusting with renewed vigor.

Today the wedding, drink, walk,
Pour the complete glasses.
Here we will only give gifts
And shout to you- "Bitter!"

We give pearls today,
Oh, where did you get it?
Yes, we are 30 years after them
They dived across the seas.

With a mother -of -pearl tint,
Today is a festive banquet.
And the bride is more beautiful,
There is no more pearl.

We all know how in a shell,
Pearls appear.
Around a small sandstone
The pearl is born.

And your family is not right away
She grew for 30 years.
So let's drink for the anniversaries,
Scream - "Bitter!" We drink to the bottom!

Good at your wedding,
We have fun and sing.
For a coral wedding,
We’ll come for sure - we give a tooth.

Let them jump right into the mouth
Fat pancakes.
Let the inheritance get
From the French grandmother.

We wish, without impudence,
Have a good bosses,
Have a salary all year round,
Stretch children, raise your stomach!

So be healthy!
Live richly
So will allow
Your salary!
And if the salary
You will not allow you to live ...
Well, don't live,
Nobody is non -enhanced!

Let the house become a palace from a fairy tale,
Sable Shuboy - coat,
And your kitchen is a throne room,
In the corner - a hikoka with a ball!
Let the queen enter with a knock,
And the servants bow to you,
There were drinks to be a shaft
Text on the mustache would be sweet honey!

We wish you success, great wealth,
So that money is glued to the hands ... and to the heels!
And most importantly - there are more friends in life,
And many sunny, joyful days!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 35 years - a coral, linen anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 35 years - a coral, linen anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 35 years - coral, linen anniversary:

For a coral wedding,
Guests drive up.
Waiters are waiting for guests
The vodka is cooled.

Congratulations to the anniversaries
The experience is serious - thirty -five.
How to throw and bites,
We will "bitterly!" You scream.

We are glad that the family is all assembly,
We are glad to see all friends.
And that the love of the anniversaries
Every year everything is stronger.

Children, grandchildren and daughter -in -law,
Let who will dance, who will sing.
And then a family holiday
It will pass wonderful.

The family gathered today,
Everyone who is dear and love.
We congratulate you on the anniversary,
“Bitter!”- We will shout plenty.

35 today a wedding,
Well this must be able to be able to
We will be praises for you
To sing all day today.

We fill the glasses
And add the snack.
What toasts to say
We have to drink.

Your family was infused
Like the elite cognac.
There were quarrels and strife,
But without it.

Cognac, what we drink today,
There are also thirty -five today.
Oh, and it is delicious, infection,
Tomorrow we will come again.

35 Family of the years married,
Know strong as a canvas.
How corals grew,
And the big one has become a long time ago.

At the coral at the wedding,
I'd like to eat.
Today for seafood,
We will come together.

Gifts of the sea and corals,
They cannot be poured with water.
And the guests of the vigor of vodka,
It is supposed to pour.

We will drink and bite,
Well, honestly, let's say.
How we love, respect
Our anniversaries.

They say family cake,
The wife has baked today.
We will eat everything in a piece
Scream »Bitter!”, Drink to the bottom!

Let my wife give it to your wife,
From corals beads and bracelet.
So that the wife does not doubt
That she is not more loved.

And let his wife hand her husband,
Natural coral.
And panties, with a sea landscape,
So that in the country, he flaunted.

Oh, a wonderful holiday today,
The anniversaries are good.
We have fun gloriously,
Congratulated from the heart.

Oh, and gloriously walked
We will remember for a long time.
For a ruby \u200b\u200bwedding,
Wait, we will come again.

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 40 years - ruby \u200b\u200banniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 40 years - ruby \u200b\u200banniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 40 years - ruby \u200b\u200banniversary:

For a ruby \u200b\u200bwedding,
Guests and relatives are traveling.
40 years in legal marriage,
Today the family celebrates.

Very complicated science,
But you managed to five.
All daughter -in -law and sister -in -law,
You can call yours.

You call it without hesitation
Who is the matchmaker here and who is Kuma.
And we, as the guests are expensive,
We will drink for you to the bottom.

Your anniversary is serious,
Your anniversary is big.
Congratulations on the anniversary
We are with our hearts and souls.

The house is decorated with red,
We drink cherry wine.
And cognac color of the ruby,
We can drink at least a bucket.

We will give red roses,
We will light the red candles.
We will congratulate you, we will give everything,
Nice "Bitter!" Proper.

There is a good sign
Pill the wine now.
Yes, in fault, if you want,
We can atone you.

By tradition, we give you
Bottles of red wine.
And we will help you all 40,
Today we drink to the bottom.

We give you rings with a ruby,
And we wish you to live in happiness.
So that the rubies do not dim,
It is urgent to wash them.

Sing and dance guests,
Have fun be healthy.
Who will not have fun
To that, we will click the doctors.

We sit well, eat,
We have fun, do not be sad.
But, friends, it's time again
Bitterly! - Young to scream.

We drink for happiness and health,
We drink for children and grandchildren.
For the master's dog,
We also pour a glass.

Pulled over, rested,
Merring, not to calm down.
For a sapphumry wedding,
Wait for us again.

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 45 years - a sapphire anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 45 years - a sapphire anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 45 years - a sapphire anniversary:

Wonderful sapphires shine in the sun,
They are beautiful and divinely beautiful,
They again indicate to shine from the sky,
After all, your wedding is exactly 45.

For so many years, love has not been lost,
Problems, troubles you did not notice
The eyes of love are still shiny,
And you are happy as you before.

Myths have already developed about your marriage,
Do not believe in the truth of love now,
And beautiful sapphires shine for you,
She settled in the way.

You have proved a lot by example,
How to protect your feelings,
Settled under his love sphere,
And the family cannot be taken away from the family.

We have no friends, doubt,
That ditties need to sing!
Once we came to the holiday -
Silently there is nothing to sit!

Eh, what are our years -
We are alive by nature!
What to look at the passport -
Better we will sing songs!

We did not eat ten days, and They didn’t drink eight
We will eat everything at the table,
We will ask for additional additives!

There is a mare on the mountain,
Under the town of harrow.
Congratulations on the holiday!
Pour wine to everyone!

A picture hangs on the wall,
In the picture is a sailboat.
Let you need more
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.

Kaloshi swim along the river
Four pieces in a row.
Let all horoscopes
Only joy promises.

So that the heart does not hurt,
The head was not spinning
Rest today boldly
And throw your business!

What is an anniversary?
This is a very cool day!
You can eat and can be drunk,
You can talk a lot!
Your anniversary is so good
I brought a lot of joy!
We wish you health
And hug you oh dream!

45 came
You can safely congratulate!
Because now we are singing
We’ll drink the health!
Let luck enter the house,
Money is pouring rain!
In your excellent anniversary
Pour us soon!

There are many anniversaries today,
Anniversaries too
But we will congratulate that
Who is more expensive for us all.

The sun shines behind the window,
And the birds fly.
For those present ladies
Let's drink a glass!

Now let me
To sing about the refrigerator
Let it always wait for us
Lard in the freezer

Smoke goes with rings
Smoke from a cigarette
Let them always lie in
Pocket voiced coins

In the field wind, lights
Far roads
Let you not hurt you
Different alarms.

Everything happens in life
Suddenly a crisis happens, damn it
So always keep you in stock
Matches, salt and kerosene.

Everyone would have sang, everyone was dancing
All would have drunk
Million wishes
If only they would come true

Ditties for a golden wedding for 50 years - the best selection

Ditties for a golden wedding for 50 years - the best selection

Ditties for a golden wedding for 50 years - the best selection:

Today the wedding is gold,
We congratulate the anniversaries.
That in love years rushed,
And they never got a fight.

We note today,
50 family years.
And they came to have fun
On your holiday banquet.

Mom with dad anniversary,
And for the whole family an example.
50 in a legal marriage,
So not everyone would have managed.

Okay, the family is big,
There is someone to drive a round dance with.
With whom to remember the young years,
And with whom to drink - to bite.

Eighteen thousand two hundred,
Glorious days attached marriage.
Golden happy chain,
Do not destroy so as not to.

For so many years they rushed in love,
Teach us too.
How so many years love to cherish,
So that the fire of love is not dangled?

We know life did not spoil
Anyone-stringed happened.
Golden Kohl today,
We put the candles gold.

We will open champagne,
And we will give a festive volley.
Jubileans »Bitter! »Scream,
And we will hand the gifts.

If the wedding is gold,
We shower you generously.
Petal, grain, candy,
The gold is still a coin.

You raised your children,
This is a very hard work,
So let it be young today,
You will dance and sing.

Your anniversary is big
We congratulate us with the soul.
To the wedding dance, come on
Invite your husband to the young.

Scream »Bitter!" We will not get tired
We will not get tired of congratulating.
Pour in a higher glass,
I really want to give.

Congratulations, congratulations,
Toasts, toasts, do not calm down.
To tell me a word
We need to take a queue.

Let's say a toast, and shout -"Bitter!"
Life to spouses sweeten.
Let them kiss longer
While we eat.

Today a glorious anniversary,
One hundred friends came to visit.
Ringeous laughter of glasses ringing,
The grandchildren pamper under the table.

Dear anniversaries,
We beat for happiness we are glasses.
So that children, grandchildren are healthy,
So that you do not know boredom with them.

Give us more advice
How to live together for so many years.
Well this is how to fall in love
So as not to strive to the left?

I offer brothers, here
We will drink for each year.
So as not to fall into the sediment,
We will pour into thimbles.

If the tradition is like that
So so be it.
The anniversaries need rings
Gold to give.

You are each other's finger,
Put on rings
We will be "bitterly!" We scream
And you pour us.

Golden scarf bride,
After all, half a century lived together.
Together in happiness and suffering,
Made all the tests.

A lot is said to each other
Warm words and formidable phrases.
And now our turn is to congratulate
And raise a glass for you.

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 55 years - an emerald anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 55 years - an emerald anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 55 years - an emerald anniversary:

With the anniversary of the emerald
We want to congratulate you!
The day today will be wonderful
We are not sad for the past!

We wish you health
And good news!
Live still with love
Accept guests in the house!

Your marriage is long and happy,
You live all on the marvel:
And in love and understanding,
And in each other attention!

You are already many years old
But the good light comes
From the hearts of your beautiful
And from the eyes, the same clear!

May you smile happiness,
In life, everything is easy to give,
Not touched upset,
It will be a cool mood!

As a certificate - your anniversary,
One five in it!
And we want you to quickly
Congratulate on this day!

Green emerald color -
Like herbs of spring ligature.
Spring in the shower is your secret
Families simple communication.

So that everything rejoices in the soul,
And the heart was knocking to the beat.
What thought it came true.
Everything was bought, sold.

To appreciate at home,
Instead of a chair, they bought a throne.
They respected at work
All ideas accepted.

To on vacation - to resorts,
Repairs themselves were made.
And stably texts on the expense
Large cash flow.

So that the boss is the serpent Gorynych
Suddenly he folded all his heads:
The increase appointed,
I gave extra vacation.

We wish Hennessy in the glass,
Roads with a tablecloth in the astral
Tour Free Baden-Baden
And, of course, Gelevagen!

Shoes, only from Gucci -
There is no cooler in the area.
Dolce bag and gabban
The size of the size of the set.

Put up money there -
Euro crazy thousands.
Franks, dollars, yuani -
Okay, let them lie in your pocket!

A lot of joy and happiness
We wish that day.
Let the hardships and bad weather
Forever go into the shadows.

So that health allows
So that the balance does not fail,
To inspire the opportunity.
And there was enough strength for everything.

To be bonuses from life
We came on time.
Unrealistic luck
And happy years Stream!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 60 years - a diamond anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 60 years - a diamond anniversary

Ditties for a wedding anniversary for 60 years - a diamond anniversary:

I drew the road to you
A whimsical fate,
Six decades - a lot,
Only the wedding is young.

Smile, dear
And love, as the first time.
Let the elements dominate
Above drooping grass.

But for you they are empty:
From everything - the love of the barrier.
Yes, noise and sing a feast,
Yes, play glasses ringing!

Isn't that talent -
Six dozen years of travel?
Isn't that talent -
Not to find happiness above?

Well, of course, talent!
Give a diamond
Affectionate, the only
The most faithful, sincere,

Let it be no young,
Reconciling and gray -haired,
But native forever
Sweet and cordial.

Call all your friends
On a wonderful anniversary,
Rejoice, create
Live up to 100 years!

A lot of joy and happiness
We wish that day.
Let the hardships and bad weather
Forever go into the shadows.

So that health allows
So that the balance does not fail,
To inspire the opportunity.
And there was enough strength for everything.

To be bonuses from life
We came on time.
Unrealistic luck
And happy years Stream!

More happiness, more money
Sweet life without tantrums,
In the winter jacket to the stitch -
Not one money, but a pack!

Rest only abroad,
In the Maldives or in Nice,
And reckless friends,
To squint more fun!

We wish you happiness and good
Well, also catch the beaver.
After all, they say that the beaver
Always with you is full of good.

I also wish a big house.
And to be placed in it:
Love, luck, warmth,
As well as laughter and beauty.

Let not let you down,
The misfortune will go forever
Huge joy tangle
And the performance of these lines!

So let's drink here
In the next world they will not give!
Well, if they give it there -
Let's drink there and drink here!

To stay sober today
I won't let anyone
And the first toast is probably brothers
I'll raise it for fun!

Let the smiles decorate
Lips and eyes
And relaxing, resting
From all sorts of problems the shower!

We must drink with you
For love and dreams,
So as not to hang out,
Never lose heart!

To shine with joy,
There was money so that in bags,
To cry only from onions,
So that they do not know the word "boredom"!

This is a wedding, and nothing more!
With thunder, let it sound bitter here!
To make a sweet life!
You and happiness and goodness!

Ditties for wedding anniversary comic

Ditties for wedding anniversary comic

Dithes for the wedding anniversary are comic:

Lumberjacks are chopping trees,
The chips are flying to the sides.
Once jealous, then - loves,
So the people say!

Your ring -
Golden test.
You look at the wife
For (name) in both!

Guests drink and have fun
There will be a holiday until the morning
The husband and wife are remembered
How they got married.

You under the roof of Paradise,
It is given to be given your nest
Your house has become full of a bowl
For all years one hundred percent!

There is no love without a kiss
All love is in a kiss
Remember how you kissed
Already before the first roosters.

Everything is (name) according to the mind,
He loves his wife!
And she answered him
After all, the budget controls!

We begin to sing ditties
We are talking about husband and wife.
Well, who wants to dance -
Come out one at a time!

Like at Kiev station
There was a disaster:
The husband fell under a dump truck
And the wife is under the driver.

Ah, my husband beat me,
My husband pounded me
Standed on the throat ...
She said: "It doesn't hurt!"

Tired of the girl's will,
The share is good!
I will help my husband -
Buy perfumes and dresses.

I found my husband's stash
And bought boots.
I don't need them anymore
He pulled me two legs.

Rash, pitch rash -
I'm not afraid of mom!
I'm afraid my husband-fool:
It will bring me sides!

And my husband is a watermelon,
And his melon.
He beat me yesterday,
And I am now.

Ah, my skirt -
High waist.
My husband is a democrat,
And I am a proletarian!

And I will fool my husband in a bed
She showed a sex score.
He could not figure it out,
Good - the neighbor helped.

Dandruff her husband lime
Now the thing is a shed.
But how to build up
Something sensible.

My hubby, drunkard,
Does not tell it to blush.
And I'm not afraid of him -
I get back, I’ll be lit up!

Do not drive me, wife,
From the hut for yesterday.
I am a cattle! And cattle -
Homemade creature!

And my husband is a watermelon,
And I am his melon.
I will get drunk, I will be falling on
He is lifting me.

My hubby is a democrat
Lysovat yes is liquid,
And he will take out his rating -
Not a man, but a hero.

The glory of the party is dear
And the president personally.
The sober husband came home -
And now everything is fine!

Tarakhota, thawed
You are talking about your husband
To what I wanted
I try it.

My dear, I'm not a shark
Not dangerous, here are the cross.
But you were blown away like a wind
Run dear, get tired!

Do not consider me impudent
If you want, even get.
Love not from under the stick,
Open the heart wide open.

I don’t understand what you are cowardly,
Do you slip away like a burbot?
The elbow is close, you will not bite,
I will be after another!

Five minutes to your fees
You can even without a coat.
We’ll close the curtains tight,
So that no one is jinxed!

Oh, you are a month of mischievous,
Well, why peep?!
We are our beloved happiness
We do not want to postpone!

I fell in love
I have fun with a fat woman.
He would carry her in his arms,
If it was less weighed.

Spring has come again,
Geese flew up!
Even grandfather wanted
Sex from the grandmother!

Grandfather Egor and Baba Manya
They live together a hundred years,
Only sometimes each other
They ask: "Who are you?"

How many nerves have eaten each other,
How much did they do the opposite ...
But today you are again at the goal:
Another year lasts together!

The anniversary of the wedding is cool!
I congratulate you today!
Let everyday institutes
Do not flood the family longboat!

The spouse is used to cutlets and borscht,
Wife - to a male strong shoulder.
For all the years lived
Your marriage has passed take -off and hardships.
We wish to swim, as before, in a common boat.
So that no macho and beauty
Did not violate your family paradise,
To maximize the family experience.

Anniversary, anniversary,
For fun there is a reason.
For some, marriage is work,
For some-only worries,
And in your family, as in a fairy tale,
A sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings, emotions, affection.
And adore each other!

Video: cool congratulations on the wedding anniversary

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