Modern ditties for a cheerful corporate party - a large selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties for a cheerful corporate party - a large selection for a noisy company

A selection of modern ditties for a fun holiday with friends and colleagues.

Modern ditties for a cheerful corporate

Modern ditties for a cheerful corporate

Modern ditties for a cheerful corporate party:

Eh, work you work
Best friend
We are inseparable all day
Like a horse and a subplag!

Polostenny boys
Publish magazines,
Thin girls
They write only statues.

Life friends, you are not toys
To dance and sing all your life
We need to work as a wake
And sniff in two holes!

Dear do not be sad
From work and from business
You and I will buy
The worker is not the limit!

I work like a wave
To the fullest
The boss loaded me
Like a nightingale cuckoo!

Oh work, you work
How tortured me
I stick out the computer
Like a stuffed garden in the garden!

I work for five minutes
Hour at a smoke break.
I burst for two hours a cake,
Three for manicure.
Here is such a day I have
I am the head of the wife!

I'm not afraid of work
If with a sober face.
I am lucky and I am not sung -
I’ll beat the records!

We are not afraid of work,
We don't run from work.
There is work - we go to bed,
There is no work - we also sleep.

I'll ask the chief,
And I would take myself.
I take a walk all day
After all, I am so lazy to work.

If you love hard work,
A chair, the bed is not held in high esteem
Then understand, the advice is not stupid, -
Rest at least at work.

I came to work
I reluctantly work!
Let me sleep slightly ...
And I’ll give everyone a kick.

I'm not afraid of work -
I say specifically!
But I am not in a hurry to plow -
I am harmful with a hangover!

Houses with the field will be removed -
And they sit like gentlemen.
And we are factory work
We will never end.

I work, work,
I'm not afraid of work.
If the right side is getting tired
I'll turn on my left.

I compose ditties
This was an innovator.
So a year old three
I will become the governor.

In the early morning - to work,
In the late evening - home.
I don't see a family all day,
There would be a day off!

Texts of modern ditties for adult company

Texts of modern ditties for adult company

Texts of modern ditties for adult company:

Put the ears on the top of the head
And read carefully.
Lighty ditties -
As a joke, perceive!

The guy swore in love
What dreamed of being together.
But in fact was seduced
The posts of the father -in -law.

We are walking around Moscow,
It is full of people here.
A lot of stinks from cars,
Little oxygen!

In our squares and courtyards
There are reddish heaps everywhere.
Know, dog owners -
People are all shameless.

In our park youth
It is expressed by obscenities
And in the heat around the ponds -
Drunk are lying.

Three maidens by the window
Fun with a strong sleep.
And they woke up - in the neglect,
And not girls already.

Girls walk until night
They glue in the parks of grooms.
And then they sob very much -
"There are no reliable men!"

The wind walks around the yard
The skirts of the girls lifts up.
The legs of girls are good,
We laugh heartily.

Past the mother -in -law of the house
I go with respect
Then I'll throw her a hundred bucks,
That respect I will portray.

Everyone is baking about the people
How, they say, overcome the crisis.
So we do not produce anything,
Just selling day and night.

We will damage all the collective farms,
We will sell all cities,
And stay with manure
“He will be enough forever.”

Lakes went from the hammer,
Rivers, lands and ponds.
Without water, we will be soon
No "tud" and "soda."

I don't know how you are
And in our capital,
All women and men
Evil faces became.

Other donkeys were conducted
On shawarma and barbecue,
And even young
I defeated excess weight.

People in the city park
You will pass through the alley -
The ears bend.

Funny ladies, and drunken men -
Sharking barbecue in the parks.
Could only dispose of the enemy
So mocking the capital!

Talk about NATO plans
Unacceptable without a mat.
To pacify,
He needs to be matorn!

NATO dreamed stupid
That Russia has become weak.
It was dreamed, it played,
Yes, and the fig remains.

Only an empty head,
He will lead to house-2.
For this, for masturbation,
It is necessary to put 200 enemas!

Anti -crisis modern ditties for corporate

Anti -crisis modern ditties for corporate

Anti -crisis modern ditties for corporate

Dima and Vova were told to us,
So that we start for the crisis -
Were worse than times
Standed, damn it, country!

The Russian crisis does not care
Goodbai "Bush legs"!
We will be with Russian Kalach
Eat our pockmarked!

Yankees - howl, Germans - cry,
Prices are jumping on currency.
The Russians shout: “Pour!
Defolt has an anniversary! ”

These crises are defaults
They are unlikely to calm down.
The muzzles were filled twice,
And God loves the Trinity!

Survived perestroika,
Shootout, communism.
You will not intimidate us -
We keep optimism.

Deputies are excited
They scare the crisis,
They themselves eat in four throats
Fat stocked?

I have an emergency in the house:
The genuine crisis climbed into the door!
I can't master it myself,
I will invite me to Shoigu!

Zhirinovsky on a diet
Sat down very dangerous:
The caviar does not eat black -
Eats only red!

A crisis crawls along the planet,
And we dance and sing,
We were reduced from work -
Well, okay: we’ll rest!

Our company ruined
Everything is on the contrary:
Even Irka-secretary
The chef does not give anymore!

My socks were stolen, -
This is how the crisis beats the people!
The crisis itself will pass when - then
And who will return my socks?!

The family sat on a diet
It is fashionable to starve today.
Only with a cat-portunist
It is impossible to cope!

I called me a broker in the bathhouse,
I will not say that I promised ...
I did not steam with him,
I like the banker more!

Baby son came to his father,
And the baby asked:
"Is the crisis good?"
Russian - everything on the shoulder!

Dofolt do not scare us,
Crisis, dirt and puddles.
Who is always unlucky
It will not be worse!

The crisis left no chance
Fauna shuddered:
Today and goats are getting!
Here is such a plot ...

The price of bread and meat burns,
The carousel spun.
No caviar and pineapple -
I’ll run to the jelly!

I put on a mini-skirt-
And the lock converges.
This crisis of the world
It does not do without advantages!

That we are snow, what is the heat,
That we have a crisis of the world
When in mother-Russia
All January - a day off!

Today everything is in fashion glamor,
Yes, an unknown Amur.
And when life will press us,
Suddenly the people will come to their senses.

Crisis, brothers, not cholera,
He does not threaten us with death.
He is rather like Venus:
Spirochet will reward!

I will advise everyone
Do not panic friends.
We will survive the crisis,
We will also dance and sing.

The crisis does not threaten me
I would live like that, I will live so
If they do not leave me,
We must cherish it!

Banks burst already
Construction sites are frozen
But with a sweet paradise and in a hut,
We got there with him.

The crisis in the world has come,
But he strengthened our marriage.
I don't go to the casino
I'm sitting with my wife at home.

Let the crisis not scare you,
He checks for strength -
Who has nothing to lose
He can calmly sleep.

Funny modern ditties for corporate

Funny modern ditties for corporate

Funny modern ditties for a corporate party:

There is fog above the ground,
Zero visibility.
At the stall, the man lies -
Russian real estate.

They say about this at school,
And the Ministry of Health repeats again,
Only harm from alcohol
I will personally check!

Once - a bottle, two - a bottle:
I often drink!
Everything is yearning for my Milka,
Alcoholic Brand!

Taster - I am excellent:
I like to tast!
The alcoholic was born
I will die an alcoholic!

The beer has a stall
Two guys met,
Quickly "agreed"
And they turned into pigs.

There is a bottle on the table,
Under the table lies the sage.
This is Kolya's lamented
Local specials on bottles!

The day after tomorrow, they say
Friday comes ...
Again, they will drink -
Everyone who likes it so much!

Business time, booze hour.
We are waiting and do not wait.
Tomorrow Friday is with us
Finally, get drunk!

I haven't drank one yet,
A friend is a complete psycho, -
Can stop
Looking at me?!

Boss issued a boss to me
For my achievements.
On the glider, clarity has introduced -
For the radar.

The boss called me today,
It seems to be on the glider ...
And he brought me to tears
Holds for six!

They called me from the psychiatric hospital ...
Invited to visit
They turned into a skeleton there -
I am Koshchei bones!

Hello, dear girlfriends,
To curse, I'm not crazy,
Better together on a pillow -
I scratch the two.

I got a bit of wheels -
The roof is going, the house remains!
He suffered a nonsense
And in a psychiatric hospital I ended up!

Cognac splashes gently,
Waiting for beer
If you are a psychomaniac
True spill.

The ears are withering, the tongue is white,
The teeth are like a waffle ...
I became too brave-
Write the droplets!

Ditties funny modern for corporate

Ditties funny modern for corporate

Dithes funny modern for corporate parties:

To save medicines,
The deficiency of them to eliminate them,
This is what we offer you
Than, whom and how to treat:

If it became dry in the throat -
We need to drink a glass of vodka,

And when the sneezer with a whistle -
Drink alcohol, but only clean.

With illness, say, ear
A mutter will help you,

If blood went through the nose
Overturning a glass of wine,

He turned the head awkwardly -
Peppering will help you here,

Well, a weak tone in the heart -
Feel free to drink moonshine.

To remove dandruff -
Vermouth needs to drink in the morning,

In case of hemorrhoids
Drink everything, but only standing,

And with an ulcer, God save
Drink meads, but lying down

And for a better exchange -
The tincture of horseradish is good.

So that the urine pours wild,
We have to drink beer at night!

Drink champagne from pain and I advise you like this:
On a bottle - a spoonful of salt, drink only on an empty stomach!
And then for a century, a difficult time sinks,
And the people to scream will get tired of our doctors cheers!

The world is horrified to happen
People began to drink more,
So try to get drunk
As if the day remains to live.

Grandfather Egor in the hop fucker
He promised a neighbor Daria,
If it gives you to dug,
Then he will offer to get married.

For twenty years I drank vodka,
But the bottles saved everything.
I haven't been drinking ten years,
And I hand over the bottles.

Grishka with Kolka - two neighbor
Already drunk until lunch.
Lone the fans of the Credo -
We lost our Swedes!

There are a lot of drinks on the ground,
There are tequila, whiskey, rum,
But I do not need another
All our relatives are our moonshine.

With a friend Kolka for fishing
We went again.
They grabbed a liter of vodka,
Fines forgot to take.

Vodka spilled widely,
We drown in it here and there.
From the west to the east
And on all continents.

Suddenly they will introduce a dry law,
They will say everything: -"tie",
A moan will be heard across the country
Helpers with experience!

He is a beaver and I am a beaver,
We have a good hung.
We do not drink much with a neighbor,
On a glass at dinner.

Oh friend dear,
I drank tea with you.
It is possible and stronger,
The conversation will be easier.

I do not reproach anyone,
Drink for health,
But from my heart I suggest
Milk cow!

Ditties cool modern for corporate

Ditties cool modern for corporate

Cool ditties modern for corporate parties:

Because of the crisis, artists,
They began to receive less.
They are not enough for Bentley,
They go to BMW x again.

I bought girls from the highway
Put them on mattresses
Sleep girls, Bai-Bai
That's how I grate.

I recently traveled to Gagra
With Viagra packaging
He pulled there with a soul
It is a pity that the city is small

In the ass I touched the cooler
The gender of the male with happiness died ...
Sowed the priest juicy
Somewhere before dinner for sure.

Got a terrible mask,
To scare the barefoot.
It would be better if I got a helmet
Breeding again.

Tired of being a kid
Sterosa club.
Nowadays, modest
He is a baseball bit.

There was a man of a person,
So the status is low.
Today is the twenty -first century
And now he is a pixel.

Grandma hedgehog Botox bothers!
I corrected my nose, Karga ...
Epilation, hairstyle -
And from the gold leg!

I called the plumbing.
My beloved shower broke.
I waited for a month
Drunk appeared and fell.

My wife spent my baldness,
Hinting thinly
The neighbor has a cottage,
And we have a hut!

Guys, you men-
Tuziki and balls!
Grew up the stomachs
Steel, like Smeshariki!

Rushing around me
Six hundredth "Mercedes".
My asphalt rink
More careful, brother.

I'm now forlosing weight
I will accept Fariy,
Because only "fairies"
Fat is able to break down.

Photo in the toilet,
Photo of food,
On Instagram, I applied
I'm from an iPhone pipe.

I was released on vacation,
Vacation has been dumped!
I was spent on vacation,
The vacation pay was drank!

The train is traveling from Bobruisk,
All wheels knock.
Come to me, Maroussia
We’ll have a chat on the stove!

At the neighbor, at Natalia
Somehow we rolled balls.
I apologize, there was a drunk -
Kiye climbed into her pudding ...

Like ours, with Mishka,
Two intrigues happened,
Michael is now a tramp,
He smears the bruises of a body!

I am a laundry soap
I bought a man to wash.
The husband shouted to the whole quarter
But he did not become economic.

Autumn is good
Cut the mountain of fruits and eat!
Bad if there are no wakes
Where necessary. The bald pathetic is habitable.

The Internet is grace:
How much it will fit.
You can even send everyone-
They will not give in the face!

The old grandfather read "playboy"
And the old woman asked the old woman
Well, you, old, hid
Beauty under the veil.

Traces are visible in the snow
Cats put down again,
Zadolbali, your mother,
They like husband B, walk all!

Roading car,
Enchanted number,
I do not turn on the turn signal
Because I get a lot of money.

In pioneers grandfather groin
Collected scrap metal.
And in retirement - from a landfill
He gives out beer banks.

The clearing was good
In the early summer at dawn!
But not bad and with a citizen
On the couch in October!

Like our Petrusha,
The wife of the “pears” was pumped up.
He goes to her in love,
(Or rather in silicone!)

I usually get drunk
I fight against the wall.
Either alcohol acts
Whether it is age.

Meladze has three rivers -
The whole trinity is good!
Under Via breast men
Everyone is being built in a row.

On the Internet with the head
My husband is negligent.
I forgot what it is
(Eh!) Contraceptives!

In the elevator I am one teenager,
He suggested touching the pager.
The elevator shook for three minutes ...
Pager - class! But, a small font.

Men all die -
From the fact that they drink a lot!
So there would be so many
And in the country, there was coziness!

Modern ditties for women's company

Modern ditties for women's company

Modern ditties for a women's company:

I brushed my teeth at night
New paste "Blend-A-Med".
In the morning I began to wash,
And there are no teeth in the mouth!

My dear girlfriend
Love the Internet.
With him, she is always “in contact”,
And with me - there is no contact!

To marry somehow in a burning
I went out for the Muscovite:
Three only nights Shork and Shork,
And then he fled to New York.

Nastya Like was put by Alexei,
Nastya Like put mutually.
And now they have four children,
House outside the city, a dog and a car.

Oh, bananas bloom in the field by the stream.
I fell in love with a young black man.
Negro fell in love with her misfortune.
I am scared during the day, I won’t find it at night!

My Milenok is a programmer,
We are not meeting for a year:
He hung on the Internet
And does not return!

On a diet for a whole year
The girl stayed.
The doctor will not get in any way
A syringe in the buttock.

For health in the morning in the park
Runned with a millennka -
Ran away, scoundrel, toTamara
In brand new sneakers!

After a mask with blue clay
I will be a beauty -
The cat hid under the curtains
Hisses and breaks out!

I beat my husband with a frying pan,
The handle fell off.
You, Tefal, are a bad company,
And also boasted.

I go out to dance to the circle,
Move back a dear friend.
Now it's too late to admire
If released from the hands.

I'll go dance,
My head is swinging.
Grace's eyes herself
I will start to eliminate.

Dance, have fun,
Until the legs are compiled.
Since such boyfriends
They started in the village.

They say I'm fighting
The combat is not quite.
The combat dries ten
And for me seven.

Eh, my shoes,
The socks are rebuilt.
I didn't want to go out
We themselves jumped out!

Modern ditties for a male company

Modern ditties for a male company

Modern ditties for a male company:

Do not sit, friend, on the Internet,
If today is a day off.
Sit a bit in Closet
And sleep another!

Tired of work and sport,
With eternal care.
I'll collect bottles -
I will hand over and earn.

If you work lazy,
Compose ditties.
Yes, so that we have
They did not have ears!

I help to lift
The country's economy:
I put my teeth for myself yesterday-
He took off the last pants!

I'll go to the ATM
I will take my salary.
There is little money - well, let.
At least once a pig will get drunk.

I'll get up early in the morning
I'll look at the face ...
I will not drink anymore!
But less too!

I'm running to the cutie
And I kiss - already suck!
She is: “Walk more often.
You will replace the vacuum cleaner! ”

Little boy in his career bathed
Suddenly the wire fell off the high -voltage,
It was evident in that wire the current was cool,
The boy fled the water like a saint.

I tied with vodka, brothers!
I am ready to howl with happiness.
How can I not get drunk! -
Sobriety must be washed!

I'm flying to Mars the other day,
I will capture a box of vodka.
Martians will meet me,
Eh, there will be no end to the end.

In the near future, in the programs
It will be so started:
Half an hour, "total" - advertising,
"Whole" five minutes - cinema ...

My wife is cooking
Cook soup from a cube.
From such a cube
I would not give a club.

Eh, we danced in the fountain,
All shared as if in a bathhouse.
All paid a fine
And then the fine was washed.

Sit girls, sit on the sidelines,
Smartphones in the hands of the teeth.
Because these girls
There is an account, but there are no guys ...

The company gathered us,
Rainty fellows!
Who has no shirts
Who does not have boots!

Our street is wide
Wider than the Beijing port!
We are daring guys
Right word, first variety!

We are hedgehogs guys
We have knives in our pockets.
Who will touch the hedgehogs
He will receive a knife!

We are hedgehogs guys
We have knives in our pockets.
Knives are not accurate
The guys are not chopped!

We are wearing guys
We have bricks in our pockets.
Who will touch the pier
He will receive brick!

From the prison window
I will water the rose.
Let the warders go
A walk!

They shot from the nagan,
Bullets touchy!
All the guys ran away
We were the two!

I flew out of the Nagan
Black currant.
I have a bully
The homeland in the Urals.

I was born in the Urals
My mother in the Urals.
I learned in the Urals
Firmly kiss the girls.

Ninety -nine times
We will go through the village.
Really for the hundredth time
No one will give us in the face!

Walked the village - the girls were sleeping,
Getting into an accordion - stood up,
Got up, awakened
The windows dissolved.

Oh, stomp, leg,
Do not regret the boot
Tyatka will sew new ones
Or this will be added.

You will play us this
To take the legs to jerk,
To all sorts of Soplinos
They did not jump before us.

We wanted to ban us
Walk on this street.
Oh, you, prohibitors,
Do you want in the face?!

You, you, brackets,
What are you scumbaging!
They wanted to beat me for a long time -
Yes, he is afraid to start.

Kinzhal has a scarlet handle,
The handle curls like a snake -
I'll start a big fight -
Help, dagger, me.

Modern ditties about politics

Modern ditties about politics

Modern ditties about politics:

Every year very deft
Increase us insurance,
Today is the one who is not a ram
He climbs into our pocket!

They burn in Courvel,
Very large loot,
Calculate for salaries,
For some reason, it is sunk ...

Our large reserves,
All the dead load is lying
For the development of Russia,
They are in no hurry to direct them ...

Us Russian deputies,
It's time to cut it “under the full zero”,
Compared to "aces",
"We are a groove" ...

Their voters,
The president does not complain
Close only to their own,
It indulges in money ...

Although we live not richly,
The rent increases,
If it goes further,
All our people will change!

Every winter in Russia,
National trouble,
Heating system tears,
Water freezes in them!

Us the government and the Duma
They forced to live differently
Live in a smaller pension,
But then a little richer ...

Who haped in the dashing years,
Not at all worried,
He has a capitalist
In the foreign bank it is multiplying ...

The deputies are rich in
30 thousand (a day!) Patches!
And ordinary people happen
Only on the minimum wage and survives!

Who was once a bandit
He became a famous banker
He spits on laws,
Raking your income ...

The magnificent Yeltsin Borya,
We brought us a lot of grief
Who will tell me why
The "temple" built him?

The people live in poverty
Hams flourish
And when they leave us,
We build them temples!

Our people in our country
He does not live and collapse
Look into the hinterland
Unemployment everywhere!

Our "grandmothers-olders",
To give out orders,
On beets and potatoes,
Learned to survive!

Call around you around
Slipes are lying around,
And the cops are roofing "business",
They go smiling ...

Billions for tablets,
Abroad, which is a year,
Could we be a thing of the people
Will we build your own pharmaceutical factory?

Every boss is not a fool,
Bathes in luxury,
And about those who feed him,
It doesn't try to think ...

With villains in Russia,
Ceremony for a long time
While the investigation is going on
That criminal will wash off!

We walk around the world, in the light,
We are with an outstretched hand
And we have our own currency,
Abroad flows the river ...

What kind of people are those bankers?
You hit them, and you want to dir
All the same, they are assets
The herd is driven abroad!

And take a closer look at travel agencies
What nonsense do they do?
They will collect money from tourists,
And they will bankrupt in a row!

And in the courts of our Russian,
Interesting things,
We are the story with Tanyushka,
Bone to Karelia!

Crossed in the country
Our accounting department
It's a pity here are cute friends
There is no trust in her!

Our common people feeds,
Army of officials,
But in fact among them,
A lot of criminals!

Does not want to know ours
Honestly live, do not steal,
What to do? Direction,
Again, to call us Varangian?

They say that there is in Russia,
Left and right,
It is more important for us that thoughts
They were healthy!

Nature gave us
And with reason and mind,
Sorry for politicians with brains
You will find difficulty ...

All Russian problems
Not allowed in an instant,
Well, those that are overripe,
You need to hurry with them!

We have freedom of speech,
Democracy foundation
Sorry "People's Princes",
Our friends do not hear a cry!

Modern ditties about the Internet

Modern ditties about the Internet

Modern ditties about the Internet:

What is the Internet?
Can I believe or not?
They say something about the networks
Who, why chewed them?

Where is that fisherman sitting
What caught us on the hook?
And the spider is so esteemed -
Pushed us a web?

There men are modern,
Like one - all supermen.
Women bold and brave
Because the queen.

I will help the ladies with advice:
Be careful with the Internet.
Lovelasov a dime a dozen,
But there is no friend.

A friend advised me
Buy better than a beech.
I bought and at the same time
Connected to the Internet!

Just came out - at this moment
A compliment is ready.
How nice, but insulting:
Who sent is not visible.

I got into the Internet,
You came, said - Hello!
I didn’t even name the name
He clicked his mouse and disappeared.

I hung on the Internet ...
Maybe you noticed me?
We and I along the way
But where to find you?

I came - you are not there ...
How angry I am on the Internet!
You came, and I left ...
These are, brother, things!

They say you run into the chat:
There your friends stick out.
I hastened to listen
They even flashed their ears.

Oh, this Internet!
The whole world had erased.
This is happiness or trouble:
Without an Internet - nowhere!

Sitting well on the internet,
With a mobile together, in the toilet.
Outside the door, I collected the line
While the ditty wrote to you.

I don't miss the Internet
With whom I want VKontakt I come,
And at night a classmate
He was visiting, prankster.

Internet, Internet,
He's for breakfast and lunch
Instead of dinner and sleep,
Such a life has gone.

I rummage on the Internet in the morning
A terrible web,
Do not find love of the response,
No to this day.

The mouse jumps on the screen,
Everything you want will click
Dear, late or early
Let me know, respond.

All commands are performing
Quickly, for sure, subtly,
The whole computer can do
Handing a child.

I am you, the computer, for sure
I will throw it under the shop,
If you don't change urgently
Stupid screensaver.

Hugged with a computer,
Can not hear anything,
I burned down, then forgot
The roof is going quietly.

Modern ditties about a corporate party for a noisy company

Modern ditties about a corporate party for a noisy company

Modern ditties about corporate For a noisy company:

We had to at work for a year
And today we do not mind
Slightly wake up!

We mix whiskey with rum -
To walk beautifully!
Command spirit is raised
All corporate parties!

Like a turkey, drunk proudly
Do not hit a neighbor in the face.
Let him also be drunk in smoke -
Tomorrow to work with him again!

Oh, sit, colleague, quietly -
You will behave famously -
They will remove what kind of bastard you
All videos for gadgets.

For health, everyone is more useful
Pouring water.
But do not water
All to the ground!

We know that they will appreciate exactly
Girls and boys -
Let them dream of a boss at night,
All in a bunny costume!

The willow is growing on the road,
And on it - forty ...
So that the guard is strict
In this karaoke!

Snucker, Rafting and Pantbol,
Races ...
Let! But there would only be a table
With a container of caviar!

I went around in the relay
Svetka, oh, my gross!
It will not be good for me -
Sveta f from the accounting department!

To see the salary stupid,
I need a big magnifier
And binoculars strong eyes,
To notice your advance.

I don't go for lunch
For food - there is no minutes.
And I don’t smoke in the smoking room ...
Only the solitaire I am burning!

We recall the native department -
Everything in the department is out of work.
Even spitting by chance,
You will get a neighbor in tea!

The charm-secretary
Nadenka il Lyubochka.
Than she is wise and older
The longer the skirt.

Ear, ear, I am eating -
I'm walking with Pavlukha.
And the boss will fire -
Ilyukha is nothing too.

If they gave it to the nose, it’s a shame.
It was a gang-gad.
If the bonuses are not visible -
This crisis is to blame!

Every day we have verification.
We hang on your ears for a long time.
You can see the law of the serf
Did not change in Russia.

A holiday is not everyday life to you!
Together in protest we
We will collectively forget
About reports with tests!

To thunder like rocks evening -
This applies to everyone.
Let competitors shake -
They throw it off!

The entire department of ITSHNIKOV -
Not kind of traffic cops.
Do not pour them piles -
Do not show buttons.

Previously, they fought heroic
On swords and clubs,
And now everything is in mobile phones
In the keys digging!

Marketers here
They will steam hard.
Everyone is sitting and just drinking
And they - PR!

In the sales of sales department
Similar to a groove
They will sell in addition to affairs
Even a mother’s mother!

The personnel department is very cool -
I want to bow.
New pro will gain -
Save from loneliness!

Remember, a friend about very valuable
Russian correct joke:
Do not forget the future for a day
Take a brine with you.

Let the sheep shine in the morning
And they sing the sucks,
But we will not get sick
Smart heads!

Modern ditties without a mat

Modern ditties without a mat

Modern ditties without a mat:

Gave us five minutes
What should be counted for a week.
They just poked a finger at the sky,
Five minutes, and everyone shoved.

There is no report ahead
You can go on vacation.
The chef said - wait for the report,
Vacation will also be a job.

Only one concern we have:
Day - work, night - work.
Life is different is not needed
Only I didn’t go crazy!

Six hours, it's time to go
We specifically be home.
Sentence - go home
It’s not correct here here.

I managed the meat perfectly,
You make barbecue decently.
There is a desire for surgery,
You will be a factory.

“What do you have? Avaral again? " -
The chief from the tube shouted to us.
“Okay, you, while I'm in Sochi,
Do not relax there! "

"We are familiar with the computer!"
The colleague was assured by a new one.
The champion is not laziness.
"Lines" rolls all day.

Accounting Balance
I handed us like a solitaire.
Like, hold on, economists!
Our alliance will not develop!

They called the chief "on the carpet»,
We will accept the fact without a complaint.
But burrow into the monitor
It would not hurt us.

I need to fight at work,
I try, I climb into battle.
You can work hard silently
But then I am not a hero.

So that there is coziness in the work,
Suborders need a whip.
They bought gingerbread.
Why don't they give me?

Manager and marketer,
The best of all people -
Happy horse will congratulate
Both people and horses.

And they will congratulate and give
And they will burst into every time
In every house and team
Their introduction of positive.

Modern ditties for March 8th a selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties for March 8th a selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties for March 8th a selection for a noisy company:

March. The eighth comes
The sun pours rays from heaven.
And men congratulate
Unmarried and brides.

In our company, all Tatyana
Good: neither give nor take.
Although I'm sober, even if I'm drunk
I want to kiss them.

Two bosses of Marina
White and black.
Sponges red as raspberries,
Smart, agile.

Alla Yuryevna - Accountant
He teaches the money to count everyone.
Not empty for the card
They do not need to be subtracted.

And Evgenia Orlov
Will put everyone in places.
Who cares her to the word
He manages here and there.

From computers of students
It is impossible to drag it out.
This is Julia and Olga
They could instill love.

Gerls - English girls
"Speaking Inglish Vei Hood."
Well, at work all the guys
In this, they take an example from them.

At the Natalia Nikolaevna
Everything on the shelves lies.
Who in which family has the main
She will identify instantly.

And Vladimirovna Rimma
With the boys Day Day.
They did not close the eye all winter,
Lost all peace.

Nina and Anastasia
In work in the morning, a little light.
Girls give strength
But there is no refund.

Alexandrovna Oksana
Forever pleases people.
The hall was opened by the instrumental
Puts small swans.

Arkadyevna Galina
All employees are at a dead end.
We held a dozen lines -
The pencil trembles in the hand.

Elena Aleksevna has
Life with keys is violently hits,
For workers daily
He takes out all the tasks.

There is no technician of life,
Though twist, at least do not twist.
They will get up early until dawn
Everyone will have time to accommodate.

And Olesya is business
At the computer all day,
At least three jackets put on her,
Like a cane, like a shadow.

Our cook Alla
It always gives us to eat.
He will be able to have a lot
Who will find another approach.

To undress in the wardrobe,
Lyuba and Galya are right there.
If the case is frosty,
Then they do not take clothes.

What happens to Gorshkova?
We ask you.
Everything goes to the main building,
She de cold is with us.

Zhuravlev - what is the matter?
I wanted to spit on a hydrant.
The fire extinguisher does not take
It won't get away with her.

We sang ditties
And they wanted to leave,
But you looked at your table
We remain to drink water.

Modern ditties on February 23, a selection for a noisy company

Banks-corporate parties
Modern ditties on February 23, a selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties on February 23, a selection for a noisy company:

We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can fasten!

We sing for you today,
And we have one motive,
On the twenty -third to congratulate you
Very, very we want!

All products are just a class!
I have been to the bazaar in the morning ...
I bought it for the table.
Here is a cocktail from wine ...
I brought you myself ...
Everything for cute for men.
After all, there is no reason for sadness!

That's already a barbecue ...
Pour cognac ...
Congratulations to everyone ...
We hug strongly very well ...

Tomatoes, cucumbers ...
You are relatives ...
Well, rather at the table!
Oh and strong male floor!

Here are the girls and for us
Orange juice - class!
To drink vodka ...
Give white dance.

The berries are from the girls ...
Everything for ours for the guys ...
You are all well done with us!
Our Motherland are sons!

I am vodka and cognac!
You will not notice you like!
It is necessary together at once!
And go all of us in dance!

Let's drink standing for those who are not!
Who saved us with troubles!
On the gap always went to the enemy!
So that there are always free

I'll break my dear ones
Heels today.
Congratulations to you dear
Golden men!

I learned from Putin
That the birth rate has fallen.
Eh! We will blur like a groundhog-
So that there are men!

So the salary is not happy,
And the costs are great.
Eh! What for us to live richly
So that there are men!

Read on the Internet,
That the drills will dry.
On the shoulder of the problem, these
So that there are men!

Hearing went that soon
Mavrodi will go to the country.
The roofing felts are great
So that there are men!

Today they ate all the potatoes
Colorado beetles.
We need a little
So that there are men!

I would sing and danced everything
I repulsed the heels.
But as if tired
Sorry men!

The fatherland of the native
There are defenders of their own
We are an aggressor of anyone
We exterminate the extermination.

Destroy the decalpers,
We swallow any dregs
And clean the battlefield
From something else.

In smoke - tobacco poison
We sincerely incinerate
We are in battles for the state
We love the smoke of the fatherland!

Irrevocable losses
Enemy army,
Not believing in amazing,
Among us will go to count.

Just know, our homeland,
We, your defenders,
Having tried everything, fearlessly
We will accept new battles!

Modern ditties for the new year a selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties for the new year a selection for a noisy company

Modern ditties for the New Year A selection for a noisy company:

I will sing ditties for you
You tune your ears.
And don't yawn in the chorus
Sang you in chorus together.

Chorus: sitting, standing
You can lying
Just will not help.

Early in the morning two doctors
I poured a pervach.
They drank on an empty stomach
The ulcer was immediately healed.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Trawl, Vali,
Drank, poured.
Vodka is power
My legs were crushed.

Made a decision
Continue treatment.
And disappeared by evening
All problems with the liver.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Drank, sang
Windows constructors.
Together in chorus
Growing out a motor.

Has your head ached?
Drink a liter, drink two.
Yes, not vodka, fools,
You are a cabbage brine.

Chorus: (in chorus)
They sat down, ate
Eggs and dumplings.
Wow, you, ah, you
We are not astronauts.

If bad at heart
Drink vodka in the garage.
If a holiday is in the soul
Drink vodka in the garage.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Spoon, fork
Open the bottle.
Joke, toast
Everything is easy and simple.

If you are lying in a puddle
Nothing is worse.
Just this New Year
Instead of snow, rain is going on.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Where are the skis
I see nothing.
Here, in a puddle
Look better.

If you forgot your address
Restore the memory of the degree.
If the degree does not help
Then the wife will put a fist.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Hens, geese
Let's drink and eat.
Glasses, piles
Get traffic jams.

We sang ditties for ourselves
They drank ate, drank if.
Let's go dance now
But first, we will drink everything.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Walls and thresholds.
We dance together
We are our songs.

The second version of the New Year ditties

We will not drink anymore
We will forget the alcohol forever.
Feiho (yu) a and oranges
Male forces will be returned to us.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Instead of mash
Domino and checkers.
Juices, water
The years are prolonged.

Once I am early in the morning
Read Kamasutra.
Standed his legs in a knot
I was late for work.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Hatha, yoga
Develops legs.
Look at the book
And turn into the figure.

We now do not drink, do not smoke
Regularly physical education.
Forty -five will knock soon
Let's go to look for the young.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Together, we are building
We will arrange a round dance.
Cones, lids
We run skipping.

Fishing without a bottle
Like without a broom in a steam room.
I drank a whole liter of tea
I made a hole and miss.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Fish, again
I have everything cool.
Ears are freezing
I am a serious fisherman.

Used to be thin and slender
He drank, smoked and made plans.
And now a continuous chest
It blocks the way.

Chorus: (in chorus)
They drank, ate
They sat on a diet.
No sense, little
Do not fall asleep without fat.

We are currently repeating stubbornly
A sober image is the norm.
We will go on hikes
And write to loved ones.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Happy New Year!
All honest people.
Dancing, Shmans
We are not foreigners.

Life is beautiful without a hangover
Normally the heart andpressure.
Good without cigarettes
You live, but there is no friend.

Chorus: (in chorus)
Fresh air
Rest in nature.
We jump into the water
In any weather.

We sang ditties for ourselves
Absolutely sobered.
And now we want to say
We can’t pour it anymore!

Chorus: (in chorus)
Tree sticks
Chess, rope.
Pines, ate
We sang ditties!
All the people
Let's say: Happy New Year!

Video: Funny ditties for adults

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