Military ditties for children and adults - the best selection for a festive concert, wires in the army

Military ditties for children and adults - the best selection for a festive concert, wires in the army

The celebration of May 9, February 23, can be done a little more fun, if we include military ditties in the festive program, they will cheer up both children and adults.

Military ditties - the best selection

Military ditties - the best selection
Military ditties - the best selection

Military ditties - the best selection:


I see a lake in the fog,
There is a blue steamer.
My Milenok in overcoats
Goes on a campaign.
Meduced Germany
I started a war.
Took a sweet, good -
Left one!
Why don't
Walking with a tent?
Twenty -third of June
He left to fight.
They took Milka to the war,
I was left alone.
I broke up with a millennka
The orphan remained around.
My tent left,
He did not leave alone:
My zealous heart
Flew with him.
At the green carriage
She stood with an expensive one.
Not a military time -
I would leave with him.
Mil went to war
And he waved his glove -
Stay, dear,
Three years a soldier.
Ah, dear friend,
Where are our rabbits?
They have gray overcoats on them
Green caps.
Oh, dear friend,
Both of us orphans:
You and me
In the war, the races.
I don't blame the buttock
And his army,
I blame Hitler's filthy,
Damned war.
Oh, apple,
Grew behind the bastard.
At the enemy near Moscow
The case is sour.

Oh, apple,
Yes with a wormhole.
Take the Germans Leningrad
There are no MOLOKI.
Oh, apple,
Yes, it rolls with the Don.
From Rostov fascist
Backwards back.
Oh, I'm banging - rolls.
From Rostov fascist
Backwards back.
Oh, apple,
Yes from America.
You brought the enemy
To hysteria.
Oh, apple,
Yes from Britain,
Will remember you
All Germany.
Oh, apple,
Yes, it is poured.
Our Russia on the enemy
Oh, apple,
Grows, flaunts.
After all, the devil is not so terrible
How to wave.
Oh, apple,
Yes, it oozes.
The enemy will not leave alive
Do not turn back.
Oh, apple,
Yes Rosemarinovo.
Yes, we destroy all enemies
To the one.
You play, my accordion,
Yes, to a complete reversal,
Like Soviet guards
They took Fritz into circulation.
Snow fell, snow fell -
Pali, but melted.
Our Germans have patted -
Forced to retreat!
You, Podgorn, you, Podgorna,
Sovetskaya Street.
Will not walk on you
Gadin German.
Soon, soon the snow melts,
Water will roll from the mountains.
Our brothers fight tightly,
Occupy cities!
Birch is growing at the river,
Curls turn green.
The fascists have their teeth debts,
Only the paws are short.
Water is pouring from the well -
A real candy.
The army is fighting red,
Hitler is soon the end!
At sunset near the hut
A German walks with a pot:
“Come on a trigger, come on the eggs
And a cow with milk. "
Hitler sits on the road,
He shods in bast shoes
And it is written on them:
His life ends.
There are two ropes on aspen,
To watch anyway.
Hitler with Mussolini soon
They will hang nearby.
I wanted Fritz Sala:
"Uterus - eggs, uterus - bacon!"
And the grandmother succumbed like that
That from the Germans is only a zilch.
What are you, Fritz, are depressed?
What did the noses hang?
Apparently, hot slaggers
Ours were weeded to you.


Partisans, partisans,
Partisans-young people.
In the partisans our brothers,
In partisans and fathers.
Eh, girlfriend, girlfriend,
Let's sit down the Christmas trees,
To brave partisans
It was easier to beat the Fritz.
Partisan my mother,
And my father is partisan,
And I myself am a partisan,
On my side I wear a nagan.
The partisans are young,
Young and removal:
They go to fight on Bolshak,
Do not spare their heads.
To us for the glorious Bryansk forest
Not once Hitler climbed,
But he came across the threshold -
He could not defeat him.
They do not allow the Nazis to breathe
From Ukraine day and night
They drive fascist rabble away.
The dark night has come
There is fog on the fields.
Hitler lubricates the heels
From the Oryol partisans.
You, bird, bird, bird,
You fly like a hurricane.
Hitler is poorly living
From the raids of the partisans.
Partisans, partisans,
You fought for your homeland
Get partisans
From her on the order!
The forest is noisy, dense forest,
The forest is green border.
With partisans in the detachment
Beat fascists from the hut
I visited intelligence
Mined the bridge.
An armored train was driving from Bryansk -
I went right downhill.
She entered the partisans
I wear the ribbon with red.
Partisan fell in love
I get a partisan.
I will tear off lilacs-flowers,
I'll put it on the track,
Partisan detachment
I will indicate the path straight.
Play three button accordions
I, funny, will dance:
For Vanyusha-Partizan
I’m getting married tomorrow.

Military ditties for adults

Military ditties for adults
Military ditties for adults

Military ditties for adults:

Mil went to war
Meduced Germany
I started a war.
Took a sweet, good -
Left one!
Why don't
Walking with a tent?
Twenty -third of June
He left to fight.
I see a lake in the fog,
There is a blue steamer.
My Milenok in overcoats
Goes on a campaign.
They took Milka to the war,
I was left alone.
I broke up with a millennka
The orphan remained around.
I went to the military registration and enlistment office -
Lieutenant to meet me:
“They took the drills,
We were taken to Leningrad. "
My tent left,
He did not leave alone:
My zealous heart
Flew with him.
At the green carriage
She stood with an expensive one.
Not a military time -
I would leave with him.
Mil went to war
And he waved his glove -
Stay, dear,
Three years a soldier.
Ah, dear friend,
Where are our rabbits?
They have gray overcoats on them
Green caps.
Oh, dear friend,
Both of us orphans:
You and me
In the war, the races.
I don't blame the buttock
And his army,
I blame Hitler's filthy,
Damned war.


Hitler rode to Moscow
Hitler decided to treat himself -
Tula tea get drunk.
In vain, fool, pushed -
The boiling water scalded.
They tried to take Moscow-Gorod
The Germans-conservations-
Rokossovsky heroes
They backed them back!
A fascist canor climbed to Moscow
Through the lords and ditches -
Strong Russian slap
He received in return Moscow.
Hitler rode to Moscow
On the machines, items,
And from there, from Moscow -
On broken sledges.
At the Moscow gate
The people are surprised:
The Germans go in the offensive
Only backwards.


My raspberry at the front
I have millennok,
Only he is not here:
In the war is located -
There is no need to see.
My tent at the front,
My tent in battle.
He left me as a keepsake
Only your card.
Girlfriend, sing, do not sing -
Will not hear the road:
He is at the front, he is in battle
It sheds his blood.
Purga-Voyuga, Purga-Voyuga,
Purga-Voyuga and a blizzard!
Smies the snowstorm
On the cue house, an overcoat.
My raspberry at the front
In the Guards in the regiment.
On the shoulders of the epaulets wears
And Naganchik on the side
On the border under Lithuania
The third day is raging a fight,
There in a green tunic is
My dear is fighting.
Oh-ho-ho, trenches dig
Long, predatory.
Our guys went there,
The most beloved.
Maple green, curly maple
Under the window it makes noise with us.
My Milenok, a brave guy,
He beat the invaders more than once.
On the German border
She conducted a little bit.
Drill writes that he digs
Hitler is a grave.


I'm a fighting here in the rear
Brother in the army was called up -
I am full of care:
Instead of a brother at the factory
I work as a locksmith.
She escorted Mila friend
To the war with the Nazis.
I'll go for the plow myself
I will become a tractor driver.
My combat flight -
He went to the front.
I am in the rear here combat -
I work for three.
Writes dear to me in a letter,
What wears the order on the braid.
And I write in response to him
That I wear two orders.
My Milenok at the front,
True face
Leaning over the rifle,
He writes a letter.
Nothing fun
Lovely goods,
Only field mail,
Blue strokes.
Farly sweet,
His drill awaits - cuckoo.
The news will come from the front -
The heart of the girl will freeze.

Military ditties for children

Military ditties for children
Military ditties for children

Military ditties for children:

They say: “To whom the war, -
Who is mother's mother. "
Who has such a mother
I don't know those to know.


The situation is at the front
Neither forward and no back
Fascists ahead of you
Behind - the barrier.


How heartily feeds in the trenches
Foreman, it is easy to understand:
I received a ration for two hundred,
And there are five survivors.


Hitler thought in reality:
"In ten days I will take Moscow!"
And we became across:
"You would take care of Berlin"


Wagons behind wagons.
They go, go to war
Boys with epaulets.


I would sing everything, I would sing everything
And I would be glad ...
Only the war ended -
Do not need anything!


My dear, my dear,
Take me to the front with you.
You will fight there.
I am to serve cartridges.


My dear fascists are beating
And I also want.
Give me a machine gun -
I will be a machine gunner!


The buttock was killed
Under Voronezh in battle.
They got it from the pocket
My photo.


I will never forget
This city is Stalingrad.
In this city died
Berry and brother!


Water is pouring from the well,
Water is a pure lollip.
Merry, girls,
Hitler is soon the end!


From Moscow to Berlin
- The road is narrow!
How much, Hitler, no execution,
And the victory is Russian!


Meduced war
Hitler is Badean.
My Milena
The knife is lost.


So the war ended,
And I was left alone:
I am and a horse, I am a bull,
I am a woman, and a man!


We beat the fascists more and more
Soon they will receive a kaput!
Our guys beat them in Poland,
Fritz is already running to Spree.


Put the ears on the top of the head
Listen carefully!
About the victory for you ditties
We will sing diligently!


I'll sit down to grandfather on my knees,
I whisper quietly to him:
- Tell me, dear grandfather
About victory, about the war!


I want to listen to the war,
How you fought with us
About your military friends
I will listen to your story.


He smiled at his grandfather's grandson
And he pressed him to his chest.
Talked about Victory Day,
And nothing about the battles.


Our boys play
Often with "pistols".
They read about the war
And they are proud of the grandfathers.


Well, why war to the peoples?
The enemy will always be broken.
The world is needed throughout the planet,
Let our world calmly sleep!


Our grandmothers and grandfathers
Veterans here and here,
Celebrate your Victory Day,
All flowers bloom for you!


Our grandmothers and grandfathers!
Gray hair to your face!
Your favorite Victory Day
He adjusted the war to an end!


Ah, what are well done,
Still our pilots!
They set such pepper
Enemy raiders.


Oh, girls, oh girlfriends,
I love the military.
But while I am a pilot Masha,
Fritzov from the sky I get some way.


Hitler decided in reality:
"I'll take Moscow by winter!"
He received a fist in a tooth,
Fuck this way and so!


Nurse! Nurse!
Do not see what is small.
Under fire on the battlefield
Ten wounded saved!


As the Nazis heard
Our loud "Hurray!"
Only the heels flashed
Nemchura ran!

Festive military ditties children's

Festive military ditties children's
Festive military ditties children's

Festive military ditties for children:

May, ninth. Hooray!
We are not up to sleep today.
Today we will congratulate the grandfathers,
With a glorious holiday, with a victory.


Our grandfathers won
And the enemy was driven away.
In gratitude for the victory
We created Victory Park.


Victory Day to celebrate
You can go for a walk in the park.
In the dash we beat the enemy fiercely.
And finish the day with a salute.


Here we meet veterans
We give them gifts
And we are listening to the mouth
Front stories.


We sing front -line songs,
Singing to grandfathers
Field kitchen here
He feeds everyone lunch.


If there is a tank in the park,
We’ll climb into the tower.
If you need to beat the enemy
We don’t give up without a fight.


Let the insidious enemy tremble
Hides in the trench.
I'll catch up with him on the tank
I put on the pope.


Went ashore "Katyusha"
They started songs as they could.
They beat the soul so that the souls flew out
The invaders have someone else's land.


But perhaps not weaker "Katyusha"
In a deadly, woeful war
Russian folk ditties
They beat on the fascist side.


Soloveiko behind the river
Loudly sang songs.
How the fascist came, filthy,
Soloveiko fell silent.


There is no homeland more beautiful!
There are no stronger heroes!
The name of the homeland is Russia.
We will protect her soon.

The sun rolled
They ate high.
Girls love now
Soldiers in overcoat.


Hitler boasted that Moscow
By the fall, he will capture.
I would know the Fuhrer that he
Silushki is not enough.


Fierce cold near Moscow -
These are not toys.
Fritz in the trench stared
Near the frozen gun.


In our army in fashion
They dress all the soldiers.
Comrade Borya writes to me:
"Every day they give an outfit."


Konopaty newbin,
He beat the German with a shovel.
Come to us in construction battalion,
Enough here on all shovels!


I'll go, go out in a pure field,
I will sit under the aspen.
Although I will come to the wounded
I will love a darling.


My friend and I in battle
They sang about Germany.
Fritz from such panic
I put it in the subscesses.


Ah, war, war, war,
What have you done!
How many girls, how many children
I made orphans!


Hitler writes a telegram:
"I will take Moscow soon"
Stalin answers him:
"Roll your lip."


Hitler walks on the ravine,
Walks and swear.
He wanted to take Russia,
And she bites.


We are not afraid to fight
For the native side.
Fritz will not stop hitting
At least unbearable.


About the victory, go an accordion,
About the victory dear
Bombings will end soon,
And the war is shameful.


And soldiers and officers -
Everyone in the country is waiting for their beloved.
Return with victory,
Thunders in the air salute!


Victory Day is an important holiday,
The warrior is very our brave!
He defeated everyone's enemies
And he defended Russia!


We are still guys still
We will become soldiers in the future.
We will protect the homeland,
Zorko from enemies to guard!


The guys and I dream
What a little grown up
We grow up, mature,
Let's go to the army.


I respect the sea very much
And confidently say:
Now I know for sure
That I will serve in morphlot.


My brother became a scout,
I am very happy for him.
After all, now there are guys around
My brother is playing in mine.


When you guys grow up,
I am glad to jump with a parachute.
I want to be a paratrooper
I’ll fly over the earth!


I will serve in the army
I will invest a lot in the service.
Let my mom be proud of me,
I value the homeland!


I want to get into special forces
The service there is just a class!
After all, in the special forces of the strong man
Broken bricks!


Difficulties are not afraid of me
Not afraid of sadness.
I will serve great
I will get a medal!


Brush and vest,
There is a big buckle on the belt.
I'm not just a dude
A first -class sailor!


Don't see that I'm fragile
Fruitful, but small.
I have great benefits from me
I will hide even in a felt boots!


Yaroslav loves to talk
Here are grace to the enemies!
He is a find for a spy,
Leave it at home!


I will put on boots
I'll throw it proud of the felt boots.
Goodbye, mom and dad,
I grew up, not small.


You girls do not worry
You can sleep peacefully.
We grow up a little more
We will guard you!


I will become in the army, friends,
The commander what you need!
And someday I will
Manage a parade!


Let the evil enemy tremble,
I am not in any way.
But when I go to serve,
I will put orders there!


The night came dashing
The country is sleeping, all people are sleeping.
And the guys are on the border
They stand without closing their eyes.


Army life is not sugar,
They will not let them rest there.
From lifting to end
We will march.


Our army is worthy
We live in the country calmly.
Let the external enemy be afraid of
Can't cope with us in any way.


Boots will also give shape,
I will put them on - this is the norm.
We will be taught to get up in service
And manage a rifle!


I'm well done my mother
Glorious, kind strangler.
And I am not a coward, and not a chill,
Young and full of strength!


To every man
Derived respect,
It is important, just by all means
In the army to serve a year!

Military ditties for May 9 for a festive concert

Military ditties for May 9 for a festive concert
Military ditties for May 9 for a festive concert

Military ditties on May 9 for a festive concert:

We will drive Hitler quickly,
Although he is not believed.
I feel sorry for the cartridges,
Let it shoot yourself.


Cute in the flight squadron,
On board is twelve stars.
This is the only way to blunt enemies
But in childhood there was a scheme.


Two radio operators in our part,
Just do not let the drool.
Shuram-Moram is now out of place,
You insert Piston to the enemy.


Stepka spars the accordion,
Fighting to raise the spirit.
So, be afraid of Fritz's bastards.
Let's go into battle - do not calm us down.


And my overcoat is all in holes,
The enemy without a miss beats. "
I will put the enemies of the thousands
I will only master the machine gun.


We will drive Hitler quickly,
And run to the family, home.
We will put the armored train
As always - on the reserve.


Cute in the flight squadron,
I know cute in the sky of AS.
And let the German in Messerschmitt,
Takes a diaper in reserve.


Two radio operators in our part,
All fighters are in love with them.
At least they wear flowers in the wheelhouse,
There is no access to the body-no, no.


On the accordion sprisens Lech,
So that the Nazis are bad.
And Katyusha will sing
So Kayuk will come to the enemy.


And my overcoat is all in holes,
So that the moth is choked.
In me in overcoats in this Milka,
In the forty -second fell in love


Fritz posed in his pants from fear,
And stands, stinks.
Maybe this is the case,
It fertilizes his own.


Bullet in the ass, Fritz fell,
Apparently, he is tick from us.
Or went back to Russia forward?
Fritz will understand these fritts.


Drove the frits, right up to Berlin,
In the tail and in the mane, in the tail and in the mane.
Machine gun, automatic,
Who is a broom and who is a shovel.


Fritz pray for mercy,
E-mine, woke up .......
All in the consumption, put to the wall
And let the knees shake.


In the dugout we lie with the sister,
And we dream of one thing.
Well, about sex, of course,
But first, Hitler will be raised.


Won, all of you figs,
Oh, a man on Fritsev.
For the country, which is all in devastation,
And for the house where the mother of the old woman.


We are walking with joy,
Who we will meet - pour.
Victory Day is our holiday,
They took the Reichstag for boarding.


On Victory Day I got drunk so
I found myself under the table.
What to do today,
I drink without a bite for three days.


And Jamshut was at the Reichstag.
He took the Reichstag heroically.
If the Germans saw nearby,
He sent them to FIG ...


A vile Hitler with an impudent mug,
The world dreamed of winning
But the union of the republics of glorious,
He drove that dream into anal.


A vile Hitler with an impudent mug,
He is not like a bang.
Who thinks the plan,
Puts the saber of the trap.


A vile Hitler with an impudent mug,
He disgraced his people.
About the war, as you watch films,
Every German is a freak in them.


A vile Hitler with an impudent mug,
Did he dream of that?
Bullet in the crown, dark bunker,
The fortunate ending.


Vasya sprisens on the accordion,
I hear, so in ecstasy.
And I wish Hitler that
By May he prepared the coffin.


On the harmonony sprisens Sanya,
Between the battles, after the bath.
In a clean body, the spirit is like
Put the Fritz off off the crowd.


On the harmonony sprisens Klim,
We are the whole company next to him.
Who beat the tapeworm, who sang
Hitler would have seen - stunned.


On the harmonony sprisrates Stas,
Everyone is ready to dance.
How to beat Adolf - biases.
So beg the dance in a whirlwind.


A vile Hitler with an impudent mug,
On the night of the USSR attacked.
Without ads, vile sapa,
I thought to the memorandum.

The enemies sparkled heels,
After all, ticked without looking back.
So they hurried to Germany,
That they had already put it in the pants.


We had a soldier Serg,
There was a heroic man in a man.
Languages \u200b\u200bin two-three,
He cited the special assignment.


Goebbels sits in the meadow,
And the mole in the ass bites.
“Get down from Russia soon!”-
Thinly hints.


Hitler in the bunker was sitting,
I watched the film about Russia.
There, the bear took the ear to the ear,
And he sent him to FIG.


Our company is on a halt
Songs sang and danced.
Under the accordion by the river,
The men took their souls.


Bormann was left without pants,
Knowed to know - I wanted to wash.
Kohl our army in Berlin,
Without pants, I had to tick.


Fritz asked the grandmother's eggs,
He wants to eat a vile bastard.
"Turn the shafts"-
Hens tell him.


We noted the victory,
Pouring a pile for dinner.
Sweet in a glass in dinner,
And a good snack is needed.


I ran to the bushes once
And while he was doing the need.
I neutralized two fascists,
And he handed over to the command.


And a brave soldier
I had a dream about the house and hut.
What had seen his wife, kids,
And he beat enemies without respite.


The shrapnel was served for lunch,
Fritz to make the bitches know
What for dinner, reptiles too,
Not a steak, we’ll put a shrapnel.


Even an enemy fly,
Make a muck strives.
In a pot with a soldier's porridge,
Sitting a bitch and sits.

Ditties for military topics on February 23

Ditties for military topics on February 23
Ditties for military topics on February 23

Military ditties for military topics on February 23:

Vanya was drafted into the army,
He became bald like a watermelon,
If only the service would not repel,
He has a taste for intimacy.


I served for two years
And I still stayed
Yes, I loved the tank so
Directed in it


Serves in the tank troops,
My friend Lech,
How the tank parks at the porch,
So all neighbors are bad.


Our nurse is in Sanbat,
It treats better doctors
Only open the robe,
And the patient is already healthy.


I run away to the self -wolf
After all, I am a young man,
Will not keep the fast
I myself am not my own.


As we have at the training ground
Tanks, shooting and lights,
Something girls are not suitable?
Maybe critical days?


Girls, soon men's day,
Think, decide,
Here are those who served in the army,
Just give up.


Twenty third of February,
Red day of the calendar,
Let's not go to work
Let's drink and still pour it.


Gave the honor to the soldiers,
Leska on Saturdays,
On Wednesday only sailors,
On Tuesdays, pilots.


Mil returned from the army
He became serious - to confuse.
But there was a sucker of suckers,
And clubfoot, like a bear.


Grandfather instructs the grandson,
Learn Ivan to cook dinner.
You will be in high esteem in the army
And on a civilian at work.


Gave my mother -in -law a son -in -law
A cunning bracelet on the leg.
So that they even know in the cop,
Her son -in -law or there is no at home.


Vanya gave a hat,
Petya ring for beauty,
Her husband Fede, as usual,
Only family cowards


Vanya was drafted into the army,
He has a regime now.
From stew with hearty porridge, it turned out,
Will it enter the door.


And we are in the barracks with the ampole,
We learn to dress.
It is necessary in forty -five seconds
It is unlikely that it will turn out on time.


In our district military enlistment office,
The medical examination took place.
There are such nurses,
Every day I went there.


In our part every day,
We walk with the song.
With the song, the service is more fun,
And the rest is more interesting.


And the ass of a mustache,
Just like a chapai.
His women wait,
In chorus, they invite.


In Plastun, I'm crawling
I don't lose time.
I put mushrooms for the bosom,
I throw the berries in the mouth.


Oh, the overcoat was on Mol,
I don't know what to do.
Let him eat something,
Or maybe I will.


The husband cleaned the boots,
He remembers the service.
“There is!”, “So for sure,” “sing”.
He shouts all day.


You will lose the machine
The ensign will be very happy.
For scream your company,
You will be three hundred consecutive days.


In Plastun, I'm crawling
Like in the pose of kamasuters.
It's a pity the ensign will not give coffee,
I like a cutie in the morning.


There was Seryoga in the Achovka,
Passed around five villages around.
But Divchina for intimacy,
This time he did not find.


We have a defender's day
So the booze is the upper class.
We are building the apartment,
Some in the kitchen, some in the sorter.


I bought it for a sweet
As always, panties, socks.
And his love to Milena,
I will give on the stove at night.


We have a defender's day
I put on a gas mask.
From the fright of the mother -in -law in the bath,
Already sitting what time is.


Petya was drafted into the army,
He, of course, was stunned
He used to puff on girls,
On the march-breeze now it was driving.


I gave Milena
The socks are multi -colored.
And I hope to hear
The words of love are cherished.


Andryukha run into the self -wolf,
Know without girls a piercing.
How is he running from a submarine?
I can’t only take a sense.


The cake of the spectus to the tank is similar,
The husband sits with a satisfied mug.
The pelvis of the salad was chopped,
And I did not forget about vodka.


Shout in the morning - climb
I will press the cute.
Protect, I'll tell me,
Oh, and fall in love.


Like a cow with a language,
There are no panties on sale.
How to congratulate your husband?
I do not know even.

Military ditties - Text

Military ditties - Text
Military ditties - Text

Military ditties - Text:

The sweet wounded lies
I'm walking, but to meet me
The gray horse runs.
Really my fly
Is the wounded in the field?
White scarf
I will not tie
I will send her to the front -
Turn the wounds.
Ah, my friend Zhenya,
I carry news:
Your sweet, good
Naughty in the forest.
And my friend Nyura,
I myself was in the forest.
His wound is small,
He said: "Transfer."
He, he ran, he ran
Rises in the hill
His white shirt
Blood is poured.
At Kalininsky at the front
Blood runs with a stream.
Under a green bush
The sweet wounded lies.
You are flying, bluish dove,
Where is the fight with the fascist.
Turn the wound to Milena
My ribbon is blue.
The sweet wounded was lying
My scarf pressed to my chest
Not a handkerchief neutered blood -
My hot love.
Honey came to me -
The hand is bandaged.
I loved and love
And I must love.
And who cares?
I love on crutches:
He, the boy, is not guilty -
He was injured in battles.
If there was no winter
Buran did not drill.
If there was no war,
Milena was not injured.
If you are my mother -
Do not let my tent
From the wound to die.
Be a native to my sister -
Turn the wound flying
And cover with an overcoat.
I used to sing
And now I sing again.
If you need to be wounded,
Take my blood.
My fly was injured
At the front, at war.
Meduced fascists
We would have burnt in the fire!


Where the sun comes in
Buttock at the front,
Black bullets fly.
Really gray -eyed
Will they poke into the land?
My black comb
I burned on fire.
My little one
They killed in the war.
Leningrad was defended -
It was clear in the battle.
There he folded his head
For his homeland.
Where the sun comes in,
The blue stream runs.
And my buttock
The murdered lies.
All military and prisoners
Are home.
My buttock
Frowned by the earth.
I'll look from the hill down -
All the guys gathered.
Only you and I are a girlfriend
They did not wait for their own.

Millet ditties - words

Millet ditties - words
Millet ditties - words

Military ditties of the war - words:

My Milenok at the front,
He is fighting day and night.
He is fighting day and night
I have to help him.


My Milenok left
Beat the fascists to the front.
I will be his girl,
Love without treason.


My dear in the infantry,
I don't know in which company;
I just know my dear
In the battle company itself.


Hitler rushes from Russia,
Evil swores for everyone.
He wanted to see Moscow,
And Moscow bites.


We are in any battle in any battle
We reflect the enemy,
Not the top of the land of the Soviet
We will not give anyone to anyone

We will make you, Hitler,
To answer for all the troubles.
You will not find a way-road
You will not find where to run.


We go one campaign
With the Red Army forward.
Our army is with the people,
With our army - the people.


We tear out from captivity
Native land,
And the Nazis retreat
Seventh week.


My Milenoye and I together
A pair of combat.
He beats enemies at the front,
And I'm link.


We beat a lot of fascists
Under Donbass and Moscow.
But not the fact of Fritz will receive
How to minute them to the border.


There are strips on the birch
And in the German side.
Only Russian birches
A hundred times more expensive to me.


In the war we have heroes
And the heroes at the machine.
We will triple our strength,
To quickly finish off the enemy.


In the east, the sun rises,
Sits in the West.
Our warriors came
You can have fun.


On the German border
She conducted a little bit.
Drill writes that he digs
Hitler is a grave.


There is a birch on the mountain,
Under the birch tanks.
My Milenok Partisans,
And I'm a partisan.


You, Milenok, to the war,
My dear, and I will go.
Will fight dear
And I serve cartridges.


My Milenok at the front,
His white face
I fell on a rifle,
Reads a letter.


I received letters
War letters.
And from the front triangles
The closest people.


Oh, war you, war,
You offended me.
The war made me love
Who I hated.


I spent a sweet one
And I will capture with a handkerchief.
You are fighting, dear, calmly
I'm on the tractor Pasha.


Oh, German-ragged man,
When will you quit fighting?
Let the guys get married
Girls have nowhere to put it.


Tired, dear, you -
Either a rifle, then a naga.
But we are tired too
Earn a hundred grams.


Tired of you, dear
In the war of the Nazis beat.
But we are tired too
Harrowing on cows.


If there was no winter
There would be no cold.
If there was no war,
There would be no hunger.


Dear writes that he misses
But I do not have fun either.
I cry with tears every day,
Once a week - I’ll laugh.


I, girlfriends, do not forget
That road is Thorn.
I fell in love with Milena
For military uniforms.


My Milenok wounded
Lies in a stone hospital.
With a bandaged hand
Girls will come home.


My Milenok wounded
He lies under the rakita.
I will go to the bandage
The head is broken.


I entered, raised
They told me: "General."
I looked at the next morning -
General of cows drove.


I loved the lieutenant
And then the political officer.
And then higher, higher
And she reached the shepherd.


Oh my girlfriend,
What a house!
Love the lieutenant
And in the belts got confused.


We asked the military commissar
We send us the Nazis to beat.
The military commissar answers us:
"We need to wind bread."


Shuhara you Shuhara,
Shuhara is pharmacy,
The cards were asked for memory
Only food.


My Milenok is killed
In distant Poland.
His gray eyes
I will not see anymore.


Oh, I, oh, I,
How unlucky:
The first mother died
Then they killed the cute.


Oh, my girlfriends,
What is my fault?
Movo sweet was killed
And four brothers.


They say to me -
I will lick this
With a revolver on the side.


Love the lieutenant,
And the major says to me:
“I have a wider belt
The star is burning brighter. "


Oh, life, my life
It will change soon.
The war will end soon,
And Milenok gets married.


The war will end soon,
The guys will go to companies.
I am my dear
Meeting the gate.


Everyone came, everyone came
Everyone came and sat down.
And my dear
The devils with kvass ate.


Everyone came, everyone came
Everyone came, settled.
And my dear
The devils at home Prooped.


Ditties on a military theme

Ditties on a military theme
Ditties on a military theme

Ditties on a military theme:

Give me a horse
Berry buttock in Germany,
In Germany, in battle.
If the homeland requires
And I'll go there.
My Milenok at the front,
At the very fire.
If you are so nice,
I'll lead the car.
I am a fighting girl,
I will help the front:
I will bandage the wounds,
Serve cartridges.
I will, I will be from under the oak
Drink oak water.
I will, I will be with my dear
Beat the Germans at the front.
Give me a horse
Which I master,
And I'll sit down and go
To end the war.
Widely stretched
The strips are front -line.
The buttocks will be killed -
We are replaced.


The war will end soon
The war will end soon,
Hitler is soon kaput,
Our black -eyed soon
They will come with victory.
My dear will return soon,
He will call me a wife
Therefore - four years
I was waiting for him home.
Oh, road, buzz,
And, a car, dudi,
Bring our heroes
With orders on the chest.
Asterisk fell from the sky
On a straight line.
In the awarded I read
A sweet surname.


I am stolen in captivity
Frosya walks around the village
Home - says goodbye:
“I am stolen in captivity,
My life ends. "
Meduced Germany
I started a war.
Rucked sisters and brothers
On a foreign side.
There are strips on the birch
And in the German side,
Only Russian birches
A hundred times more expensive to me.
Do not look at me -
The dress is not German.
Albeit thin, Sittsevo, -
Own, Soviet!
You are dear mother,
Take me home.
I have a German work
It turned out to be a prison.
Blowing, blowing, blowing
On the path of cold.
They will mind my girlfriend
The Germans have hunger.
Reds will come soon -
We will be Soviet.
And where will they go
German Kholui?


So the war ended
So the war ended,
Great battles passed.
Very sorry for those guys
Who are killed.
I will go out into the field, go to the field,
I'll see the steep mountain,
Is the army is red
From the German side.
There was a car from Berlin
With red cars.
Our glorious heroes
They go with echelons.
Sincere friend,
What shines there ahead?
This is a star of victory
The sweetheart is on his chest.
Then not the wind of dust.
That fighter goes home.
The form is new on it -
Orders burn with fire.
Red Army Heroes
The homeland was glorified -
In the middle of Germany
The red flag was set.
Fun, girlfriends, -
A fierce enemy is destroyed;
Proudly cut over Berlin
Our Soviet red flag.
The enemy walked around Ukraine
And he dreamed to go to Siberia.
As a result, from Berlin
Again, he gave us the keys.
Oh, blue fogs,
Silver water!
The occupiers of the Soviet bayonet
They will never forget!
Songs again sings
And the native land blooms.
We will never forget
How the ninth May came.

Ditties about the military original

Ditties about the military original
Ditties about the military original

Dithes about the original military:

To us yesterday in the division
The audit arrived.
I found violations.
Well, your division!

I dismantled the machine gun
In one moment.
I took the barrel - herak on the pillar
That's all the ability!


In the supermarket major
Sausage stick st.
All shines straight with happiness,
Says: "For the needs of the part!"


We have a good lieutenant -
The commander what you need!
Very soon he will be
Command the parade


I fell in love with the light -
Refused light.
I will launch her in the house
Winged rocket!


The enemy has cold sweat
And goosebumps run.
Ah yes sewed a uniform for us
Vyacheslav Yudashkin!


A very lustful ensign
Girls of everyone in the district pawed.
The grooms found out -
The ensign walks without a hand


In our part, the deficit -
We do not have enough cartridges.
If the enemy suddenly flies -
We throw with boots.


We are crowded with Antoshka
They cleaned the carriage of potatoes.
Divide five minutes
Right now, carrots will be brought.


The newborn is heated
Grandfather beat a shovel.
Come to us in construction battalion,
Enough here on all shovels!


I served in the army
And spent a lot of effort.
A lot of strength is needed
To clean the parade ground from dust!

We are guys from Stroybat,
Honestly, we are waiting for the demobilization.
We weapons are a shovel,
We are a trench - a training ground.


Love the lieutenant,
We married the other day.
And how they began to undress,
I am confused in belts.


The fatherland of the native
There are defenders of their own
We are an aggressor of anyone
We exterminate the extermination.

Military ditties for harmony

Military ditties for harmony
Military ditties for harmony

Military ditties for harmonies:

We are ditties about victory
We’ll sought it for you now,
About battles and about the battle
We will tell you immediately.


Ah, what are well done,
Still our pilots!
They set such pepper
Enemy raiders.


About the victory, go an accordion,
About the victory dear
All! The bombing ended,
And the war is shameful.


Officers and soldiers -
All wars are participants.
We will defend our native country,
From the damned swastika.


Oh, girls, oh girlfriends,
I love the military.
But while I am a pilot Masha,
Fritzov from the sky I get some way.


There is no homeland more beautiful!
There are no stronger heroes!
The name of the homeland is Russia.
We will protect her soon.


We will defend our Russia,
Precious edges,
Better to your beloved homeland,
No in the world! Yes friends!


Both soldiers and officers -
Everyone in the country is waiting for their beloved.
Return with victory,
Thunders in the air salute!

Military ditties are funny

Military ditties are funny
Military ditties are funny

Military ditties are funny:

At - two, at - two, ats - bats.
We are walking the march.
There are soldiers in these jokes,
We will sing about them now.


Soldiers gathered at once.
As if to war.
Build a bathhouse by order
His general.


Private abducted paints,
He drew the stars.
His life is now, as in a fairy tale,
He is in honor of the general.


- who will go to potatoes -
He asked the ensign about that.
Two came out, having waited a little.
- The rest are all on foot.


The officer found a grenade.
This may be trifles.
But maybe not,
Now he walks without a hand.


Mulyage instead of ordinary
On the bed lies again.
And he is cunning, again, again
The night, night runs.


The drums pounded
Guns, all the guns scorch.
We will end, oddly enough,
All ditties about soldiers.


Our soldier was dressed up
He fled to the self -customer.
He returned to the unit in the morning
And I changed the outfits!


A young soldier writes
Letter to the brother:
"Bye then! Brought the sergeant
Coffee and screams! "


I'm a soldier in military service,
Private Air Defense.
My homeland is needed:
I am knocking for a UFO.


Long legs girl
I got into the part of the evening,
She ran away from the soldiers,
I drove the whole company.


Under Moscow Fritz von Bock
He says to all the soldiers
That Moscow is in a short time
He will conquer with a splash.


Soldiers walked, soldiers walked -
Two funny boys.
Behind the back only on the rifle,
And around - the enemies of the "river"!


I fell in love with a soldier.
I dreamed of a general
He did not reach the general
I went to work in the wipers!


It's good that at least girls
They do not take to our soldiers,
Let them write letters better
And let the guys wait better.


In the sea, in the air, on land
We beat, we will beat enemies!
Protect your homeland
Our soldier is always ready!


All are filled with chambers,
With inflammation, soldiers.
They were dressed from couture
Here is such a pun.


I will say not without reproach
That the soldier is in the service, soon
With politics, damn it, ours,
They will feed semolina!


Ah mom, mom, dear!
The soldier fell out of love ...
Already a whole week
I did not go to dismissal!


I am an ordinary soldier -
Ural district.
There is a gun in unloading
For the enemy of February!


I am already a little soldier -
I know a lot of glorious affairs.
Here the other day a training spoon
Vinaigrette academic fucker.


My dear soldier
Come on soon!
I can't light the stove,
And with you - warmer!


I wish you, soldiers,
No matter how it was served
Everything that you used to make,
Be sure to come true!


I threw a grenade yesterday,
Forgetting to pull out the ring.
She is an enemy-soldier
I got into a brazen face.


Oh, you do not sleep, soldiers,
If you put it on the clock!
The enemy’s hand is Likhay:
Turns sleeping to dust!


The soldier's share is not sweet,
But it also has its own bouquet.
We are by will and not free
For the enemy, not the sky color!

Ditties on the military theme of comic

Ditties on the military theme of comic
Ditties on the military theme of comic

Dithes on the military theme are comic:

They go quickly on Tachananka
Boys are poor
Send fascists on the heads
Lead candies.


On the fascist viper
The cute sab was sharpened,
And in battles he is for Voronezh
The Red Order received.


The sky is clear over Moscow
You can see the fascist far away.
Fascist crow
The anti -aircraft gun is great.


I was tired of Balanda
Tired of me water
I am also tired
In German: "Com-forth."


Enemy birds flew
On the Soviet borders.
We are from ours from the gate
They showed a turn.


The Nazis told us:
"Red Army Kaput."
All the same, our heroes
A month later they will come to us.


Wrote me my dear
Field mail number.
I serve a telegram;
"I'm standing at your machine."


I will write a letter to the Sons
Golden lines:
Drive you the enemy
Lovely sons.


I will write a letter
I'll put it on a Christmas tree
Partisan will come, take,
Submit to the Milena.


Our Orlovets, grandfather Ermil,
Partisan old -timer.
His grandson is Seryozha
In the partisans too.


Our gun is not a toy
This knows the whole world.
How our gun will hit,
So there are no fifty frits.


Our willows by the river
Looked by branches.
We will beat the Nazis
Milk bears well.


Our glorious heroes
The homeland was glorified
In the middle of Germany
The red flag was set.


Our tractors are like tanks
And the girls are like fighters:
All the meadows plowed out
All sowed the ends.


Do not fly, the vulture is angry,
Over the beloved Moscow.
Our Soviet plane
Anyway, you will be able to drive you.


Do not fly, fascist, over the field,
Do not threaten us with a bomb.
We will not allow us to trample
Our collective farm crop.


Do not scare us with fire
You will not score everything.
But how will we give you the heat




Do not be saved by you, bastards, fir
Already ours are on the border.
And let's cross the border, -
We will go through all Germany.


How many Christmas trees on the mountain
And a blade of grass in a stack,
So much flour, so much grief
I wished the enemy.


Soon Hitler is the grave,
Hitler is soon kaput.
Soon Russian cars
They will pass through Germany.


The war will end soon,
The guys will go to companies.
I am my dear
I'll wait for the gate.


Soon, soon the snow melts,
Water will roll from the mountains.
Our brothers fight tightly,
Occupy cities.


I do not pour tears on the wires
The place is sweet in battle,
At the factory near the machine
I'll replace the boy.


Forty Christmas trees at the swamp.
The branches down are lowered.
Hitler, your planes.
They are lowered to our swamp.


There, in the West, war,
Darry at the front.
Fly, bullets, to the fascists,
Don’t touch the sweet one.


You, Volga, mother, dear,
Hitler wants to desecrate.
But the fascist soldier
Do not drink water from you.


Do not trample the fascist scum
Steppes and lands.
Like one, our people got up
To protect the homeland.


Do not care, Seryozha,
There is no way to waste words.
My Milenok at the front,
I will survive.


Really I have disappeared
Really disappear
Am I really on the sleepers
I will not come from Berlin?


Never drive us out
In the army in German.
I will find a shelter for myself -
Partisan dugout.

Words of military ditties for a festive event

Words of military ditties for a festive event
Words of military ditties for a festive event

Words of military ditties for the festive event:

The Russian broom soars hard,
Sweeps the Germans between the eyes:
One - hit, two - scald,
Lower the skin for the third time.


The hairdresser was scared
Looks - in the mirror of a pig.
Hitler's voice came:
"Calm down, it's me!"


Hitler's toad gave birth -
All of Germany trembled:
Wait for grief, wait for troubles -
There was a cannibal.


Oh, on the street fog,
Full eclipse.
Hitler looked at Moscow
And lost vision.


Hitler sits at the table,
Burst potatoes,
Hitlerite under the table
Collect crumbs.


Hitler sits in the meadow,
Glasses a cat's leg.
- What kind of reptile is this?
- German beef!


Hitler sits on the fence,
And the Nazis on the sides
Divine a dead mare
And they shout: "On the eating!"


Hitler sits on the fence,
Weaves bast shoes with tongue,
To sew the team
I did not go barefoot.


Hitler cries squint,
A dirty tear pours.
Hitler cries, it means:
The partisan recalls.


Hitler sits on aspen,
God prays, the boob:
- Help, all saints,
To defeat the partisans!


Like in Germany recently
The pig was stared:
Hitler cried for three weeks -
She wanted pigs.


Two ropes on aspen -
Any-expensive watch:
Hitler with Mussolini soon
They will hang nearby!


They said: Hitler with one eye, -
Honey, dug the second!
Girlfriends will envy
They say: "Your dear hero!"


Eh, apples,
All poured!
Police dogs
Will be broken!

Potatoes bloom -
And how the Germans run -


Fritz sits on a barrel,
Barrel with gunpowder!
Soon the barrel will take off
Together with the vow!


Eh, apple
Yes tin!
Above the Nazis are crosses
Yes wooden!


Eh, apples
Hang ripe!
The bones of the Germans fall asleep
Snow is white!


Eh, apples
Roads are wide to us,
Narrow from us!


Do not revise, girls, women, -
The war will end soon:
Hitler was crushed in a loop -
The funeral came.


Hitler thought in reality:
"In ten days I will take Moscow!"
And we stood across:
"You would take care of Berlin!"


Water is pouring from the well,
Water is a pure candy.
Merry, girls,
Soon Hitler is the end.


From Moscow to Berlin
The road is narrow.
How much, Hitler, do not brake,
And the victory is Russian!


Hitler hangs on aspen,
Ribbentropopka - at a spruce -
Successful by cattle,
Not ending the war ...


Gori, Bor, Gori, raw,
Gori, Mount Gorinochka,
Gori, fascist land,
Returned, buttocks ...


What a bent:
He began to seem expensive
In a tunic, with a rifle
Sits in front of me.


Hitler sits at the table,
Writes a telegram:
I caught four lice
All a kilogram ...


What are you girls growl,
Are you looking for guys?
All the guys are in the war
Walk, girls, alone!


Like on a hill, on a mountain
At the very top
I wish Hitler to hang
On a bitter aspen.


Hitler went to the attic
With copper keys,
He bit his tongue
Two bricks.


Hitler Goebbels asked:
What have you distorted your mouth?
The monkey has tears by hail
He choked on Stalingrad ...


Blue blanket
All the bed is bluish
Do not love from afar
All the heart is painted.


Pity, girls, mothers,
Soldatov young
They spend their youth
In the trenches in raw.


Soon, soon from the pine
The bump will burst, fall,
Hitler from Berlin soon
It will come back backwards.


What are you, Fritz, are depressed
What did the noses hang?
Or hot slaggers
Ours of yours weeded ...


I'm falling, falling on a bed,
Pada and Zarere
Neither letter nor buttocks
I can't wait.


Soviet girls,
Do not be proud
Love the wounded soldiers
They are not guilty.


Two ropes on aspen
To watch anyway
Hitler with Mussolini soon
They will hang nearby.


Hitler, that Napoleon,
Longed for the territory
He will finish his campaign
In the Berlin crematorium.


The bot and the war ended,
Bot and reconciliation,
And my heart
There is no comfort.


And who cares?
I love on crutches.
He, the boy, is not guilty
He was injured in battles.


Waited for that time
We waited for that day
We announced to us on the radio
That the war is over!


Who has disappeared?
I have a comb.
Who has gone?
I have a cute.

Military ditties - Semenovna

Military ditties - Semenovna
Military ditties - Semenovna

Military ditties - Semenovna:

I am Semenovna
Forbidden to sing
And I'm a girl
Can `t stand!


On the table lies
Blue satin,
And I liked it
All alone.


On the table
Tea dishes ...
I am not pretty,
But desperate.


Oh, mountain, mountain,
Mountain - a steep rise ...
Cute left
And I am sad about him.


Red viburnum,
I will tear Kalina.
Milenok in the army,
I will wait for him.


On the mountain sand,
Under the mountain sand ...
Come on, dear,
We will stand an hour.


Mom is strict
Swings in full swing,
And I have to argue with her
Not supposed.


The plane flew
The wheels were erased.
We did not wait for you
And you have risen!


Changed me
Ring flying.
He suffered for me
And I'm at all.


Like Semenovna
I rolled from the mountain.
The skirt is narrow


Oh, Semenovna,
Let's go mow the grass?
- I am busy!
- I will not start asking!


Like Semenovna
Bathed in the pond -
Big fish
I got into my underpants.


Like Semenovna
I am so and so ...
And I am Semenovna
Does not give in any way.


Oh, Semenovna,
Comes from the Gulyanochka
Drunk in the insole!


I was waiting for Semenovna
Under the light.
She greeted
Metthela me!


Oh, Semyon, Semyon,
Fit me firewood.
And I, Semenovna,
I bake pancakes.


Oh, Semenovna,
The girl is folding!
Kiss Me,


I'm walking, I'm going
I go to our club.
My dear, beautiful
Yes, incredibly stupid!


I'm walking, I'm going
Before me is a ravine.
I fell in love,
And he is completely a fool!


I'm walking, I'm going
I have a pond in front of me.
Keep in mind, girls,
All the guys lie.


What are you, Semenovna,
Sleeping crazy?!
There were no husbands -
Children are five!


One is clean,
The other is dirty.
And you, Semenovna,
Non -flowing!


Oh Semenovna
I fought with me ...
The skirt is new


Oh, Semenovna, -
Sin Baba!
And I'm sorry for you
My hearty!


Like Semenovna
Sits on the ladder.
Yes about Semenovna
Songs are sung.


You, Semenovna,
Baba Russian:
The chest is high,
The jacket is narrow.


Oh, Semenovna,
The girl is fashionable:
I bought a watch
Herself is hungry.


I'm walking, I'm going
Two paths apart.
Love good
Throw me thin.


Here is Semenovna
Eats a cook.
So it fights
For acceleration.


The harmonist is sitting
That the field is color.
I love him,
And there is no date with him.


Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain - a stream.
He led me
I don't know whose myself.


If girls
Were fish
Behind them are boys
They jumped into the water.


Oh, Semenovna,
Leather skirt,
You, Semenovna,
Fightily folded.


For Semenovna
My mother saws me:
Do not sing, daughter,
My head hurts.


Oh, Semenovna,
Skirt in the strip.
Yes, Semenovna
There is no voice.


In Semenovna
The shoes are tight.
What are the guys here


Why are you blossomed
Vasilek, in rye?
Why did you come
My dear, tell me?


Eh, Semenovna,
Where are you hanging around
Yes at night home
You are not.


On the mountain stands
Large building.
There is no happiness in love -
One suffering.


Oh, Semyon, Semyon,
You, like a meadow, are green.
And I, Semenovna
The grass is green.


Eh, Semenovna,
You are my tiny
Yes, I came to you
Yes under the window.


So always hold
Your line,
And you will stay

Military ditties - text, ensemble "Kalina"

Military ditties - text, ensemble Kalina
Military ditties - text, ensemble "Kalina"

Military ditties - text, ensemble "Kalina":

The mother is a recess
The last week.
And in that week
We spread their greatheads.


The train started quietly
And drove us to the war
Instead of a nice rifle
I will cope tightly.


And we'll go with dear
Fight a couple
I'll go for the commander
She is for a nurse.


For your country a native
Stood up as one
Be sure a girlfriend
We will win the Nazis.


Eh, the path is front-line!
Any bombing is not terrible for us,
It’s too early for us to die -
We still have business at home.


Oh, you are an enemy army
Do not try to push
We can vouch
We will not remain in debt.


Hitler Goering asked
Why didn't Moscow bomb
Something you hurt the staple
Do you know how many anti -aircraft guns are there?


A fascist solid was climbing to Moscow
Through the lords and ditches
Strong Russian slap
I received in return Moscow!


Goebbels praised himself
That Moscow burned to the ground
He burned her two hundred times
And she stands still.


And the enemy will never achieve
Your head bowed
My dear capital, my golden Moscow
My dear capital, my golden Moscow.


We know - victory is close
Do not grieve girls
Soon we will come with a friend
We will bring sweets.


German went to Russia directly
From Russia - a jamb
He went to Russia, he was shod
From Russia - barefoot.


Our battalions beat
Napoleon himself
There is nothing cunning
That Hitler beat.


All the guys are having fun
What were conquered
And the girls are also happy
The grooms waited.


Hey, meet,
Congratulations on the victory,
White hands
Hug tight.

"Ovask" - military ditties

Ovask - military ditties
"Ovask" - military ditties

"Ovask" - military ditties:

We will sing ditties for you
Let the guns thunder
You defended freedom
The Germans famously driven everyone.
We are grateful to you, grandfathers,
What have you come to victory!
Like along the river-river
Hold the Fritts ports,
This Fritz was fleeing
To Mogilev is straight!
At the Dnieper, from fear, brothers,
The German began to disguise himself, -
Beautiful bast shoes and cartules - well, a typical Belarusian,
“Belarusian? - I called out, he answered me: “I! I!"
Like a river along the Dvina, the Germans sailed on a log,
As we gave from the mortar, only bots sailed!
The Germans sneaked quietly, in the middle of the night,
All the ports were already wet, they thought, slipped!


The partisans did not doze off - their teeth counted everyone
The Germans gave it like a forest, even the hares laughed!
I saw the Soviet army, and how I rushed to run!
He ran under Grodno into the forest, and climbed into the tree!
Hitler sits on a birch, and the birch bends,
Look, Comrade Stalin, how he will!
The husband disappeared from Frau Berta, Eznings and envelopes:
"Where are you, honey?" - "On the Dnieper!", "What are you doing?" - "Dry!"
Our grandfathers and grandfathers fought to victory,
So that we are on the air, sang about love and peace!

Video: ditties for Victory Day - ensemble "Evaluant"

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