Songs for songs, dances, games, scenes, concert numbers for children's competitions

Songs for songs, dances, games, scenes, concert numbers for children's competitions

A collection of carts in verses for children.

Orders for children in roles

Incolines for children in roles:

  • "Supermama"

1 child:
As soon as I meet my mother's look,
I plunge into the warmth-
Sadness and sadness run away for a long time,
I call the superflower mom!

2 child:
When I do not know how to do something,
And from annoyance I will wet tears,
Mom will cut me and quickly glue me.
"Superbota" Mommy calls!

3 child:
And in the evening he runs to fitness training.
For a delicious lunch - your own dexterity.
I will say a new word for a new one
"Super -improvement" Mom will call.

How many new words we want to say.
And we will begin to call you “supermams”.


We are brothers, they will come
We went from a fairy tale for a long time, but came to congratulate you!
1. I- Naf-Naf, the elder brother,
I have been to your kindergarten,
And today is very happy
See all the guys again!
2. I-nif-nif, second brother,
All girls and boys
On the holiday of joyful giving
Your sonorous `dick-oh!`
3. Well, I'm nuf-nuf, baby,
The smallest brother
Congratulations, children, you,
I’ll grunt once once!


Who will watch the Christmas trees?
Who stands with panicles?


1. We are forest guards -
A lively, daring!
Do not see what from the snow -
The guards are experienced!

2. To everyone who offends the Christmas tree,
Who brought an ax with him,
We warn right away -
Snowmen will repulse!

3. To everyone with good soul
It will come to our Christmas trees
We promise (honestly, honestly!)-
He will not be lost in the forest!

4. We will arrange a holiday for you,
We will start round dances
We will play together with you
And we dance and sing!

  • "Dance of Stars"

Everywhere on the festival of vanity,
In the sky is quiet and beauty
Sleepy stars shine,
They blink joyful light.

1st star.
We are shining - there is no dispute ...
Let not a bright light light,
In the dance we love to spin,
And he is no more beautiful!

2nd. How are you doing?
3rd. Wonderful!
2nd. And what about it in the sky?
3rd. Today it is clear!
2nd. Are you all shining?
3rd. Shining!
2nd. Soon a holiday!
3rd. I know!
4th. To make it lighter on the ground,
We start our beautiful dance!

Stars flicker in the sky,
Outside the window alone they miss
The Christmas tree waves a branch with them,
He calls us -
Let them dance here
Hear? Fly, ringing ...
A real starfall!
Stars (5-6 girls).
-We for you from afar!
-We looked down ...
-I loved, admired,
But they did not dare to go down ...
-How we are happy to invite
To a Christmas tree for a birthday!

  • "GIN"

Let me be a little wizard
And while I study everything,
On a marvelous holiday New Year
I will take a miracle!
So I will do it with my hands ...
I will conjure, whisper ...
From a wonderful vessel
I want to call Gina!
Clap! - And here he is in front of you!
I do not rush in words!

Hello, wise glorious genie,
Lord, sir!
Invite here soon
Those who are the sun miles
Who is with beauty,
A wonderful dance is surprising!

  • Entaque in the dance of sailors.

The seagull has fun above the sea,
Dolphins jump, rush away,
Water splashes and sparkles,
Music flies over it!

Albatrosses are soaring over the sea!
Sailors are dancing cheerfully!
And the captain-Moryak is experienced
He looks at the dancing at the dance!

1st sailor.
We are young sailors
The sea calls us in the distance,
We fly like albatrosses,
On the sails forward.
2nd sailor.
Not terrible storm and squalls,
We were in the seas.
Mothers are waiting on the shore
Our sailor detachment.
3rd sailor.
Today on a women's holiday
We sailed to congratulate.
We want you before swimming
"Apple" dance.

The 2nd girls come out
(maiden.) - And our boys are such romantics,
They like our braids and bows.
Let the waves splash in the Big Ocean,
They want to become courageous to become sailors ..
(maiden.) - On the deck, the sailor dance is dull,
To show their courage to the girls.
They are not afraid of a storm or a pitching,

Songs for children's competitions

Songs for songs for children's competitions:

  • To any fun song

The sun is mixed and teasing the sun
We all laugh: me and you.
Spring gives us a sonorous holiday
And the main guest on him smiles by the kids.

  • To the song "Clouds of plasticine"

I love animals and birds.
I am sculpting animals and birds.
I blinded the parrot -
He looks like a crow.
Why I myself do not know-
Instead of a cat, a hedgehog came out.
I worked a lot
So that the fox becomes a fox.
And the whale was sculpted yesterday -
Plastein was not enough!

  • To the song "Seven Notes"

Exactly seven colors at the rainbow,
And the music has seven notes.
On earth for our joy
Forever the music lives!

  • "If everyone around is friends":

If it bloomed in the field
Only white flowers
Enough to admire
I and you and you and me.
If it bloomed in the field
Only yellow flowers
You and I would miss you
From such beauty.
It's good that there are daisies
Roses, asters, cornflowers.
Dandelions and porridge,
Stepproof and frying.
It's good that they don't look like
People with the color of the eyes and skin.
How beautiful the world is color,
Multi -colored ball of the globe.
Multi -colored children live in the world.
Live on one multi -colored planet.
And these planets for all times
All colorful have only one!

  • To the song "The world singing is beautiful"

We know that twice two,
As always - four ...
Only without magic
It will be boring in the world.
Mountains, field, river, forest
Miracles are full to the edges.
Hear - the stream sings!
And the grasshopper too.
Dragonfly for a helicopter
Very similar.
The wind is circling a round dance
Leaves at the threshold.
The nightingale leads the melody
A little sad ...
The music is always bright
Her light does not melt ...
In a flower microphone bee
Something sings.
Listen - the whole world sings:
Rustle, whistle and brush ...
Music lives in everything -
Her world is magical!

  • To the "Song - Miraculous"

Magic with a smile is friends
The magic of the smile serves.
Without a bow, the violin cannot
Like a smile without music!
Everyone is having fun today, we all love you.
The song is a kind of we will sing for you

  • To the song "Bouquet" or any

We are the mothers of our good smiles
We will collect into a huge bouquet.
For you, dear, beloved,
We will sing a song today

  • A multi -colored day

Every day there are different:
Blue, green, red.
Gentle, light and fluffy,
Right, hot and fragrant.
And loved and desired ...
And elegant, long -awaited ...
And it can be funny
Swallow the mixer.
It all depends on
How many colors he has:
Musical and color
Or just no!


Music is fun!
Music is sadness!
Rays of clear candle
Or a foggy distance.
Music, like a impulse of a breeze,
Music will touch you slightly.
The music will be a mystery
Or will reveal a secret.
It will become a random question
Or find you an answer.
Music is caressing us,
Or rumble like thunder.
Gently snowy flies,
Or shed rain!

Music is a magical country.
She gives us so much happiness.
The whole world is full of music -
There is no secret at all.

We always need music,
After all, she decorates life.
We are smarter with her, we are kinder with her
And to live with her more fun!

  • To the song about the sun

A small chick on a branch sat,
He sang a song about the sun joyfully.
The Sunny song was heard by that
It shone brighter than rays!

And it winked with a sparrow:
Listen to I like your song,
Hey sparrow, fluffy lump,
Give me, I will kiss you on the barrel!

We all sang a song about the sun,
The sun will like the sun!
We will ask him very much today:
Smoke us, the sun,
in cheeks and nose!

  • To the song about the family

Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet cake
And he will give me a little yarn
So that I can run with a cat!

And my grandfather will give me a rubbish,
Will bring nails, hammer,
And the instrument will be ready
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take fishing
He will tell about forest herbs ...
We are nearby, a little aim
Let's go past the mushrooms.

We take mushrooms on the edge of the edge,
We find an intricate root
In a forgotten forester hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
Singing a calm song
On tiptoe will come out furtively
And good dreams will call!

And the wind bursts into the windows,
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, what should I answer to this?
I just love them very much

We are your good smiles
We will collect into a huge bouquet.
For you,
dear Mamuli,
We are a song Today we will sing.

  • To The song "Dad, mom and me."

What is coziness
So filling the house? -
This is when they sing
Song before bedtime.

What is coziness? -
This is a pie, milk,
This is when they get up
Joyful and easy.
What is coziness? -
This is a multiple light,
This is when they get tired.
If anyone is not.

What is coziness? -
This is when the family
This is when they live
Father, mother and me.

  • To the song "If everyone around is friends"

If it bloomed in the field
Only white flowers
Enough to admire
I and you and you and me.
If it bloomed in the field
Only yellow flowers
You and I would miss you
From such beauty.
It's good that there are daisies
Roses, asters, cornflowers.
Dandelions and porridge,
Stepproof and frying.
It's good that they don't look like
People with the color of the eyes and skin.
How beautiful the world is color,
Multi -colored ball of the globe.
Multi -colored children live in the world.
Live on one multi -colored planet.
And these planets for all times
All colorful have only one!

End to dancing, round dances, dancing

Ends to dancing, round dances, dancing:

  • To anyone

And from sadness and boredom
Can cure us all
Mischievous melodies sounds,
Songs, dances. jokes, laughter.
Golden magic fish
Maybe the music shine,
And in a friendly smile
Suddenly we look into the eyes.
Maybe a song - a half -stroke
We are joking to cheer.
And suddenly crumble a dance,
Twist in a round dance.

  • To anyone

Everything blooms in the spring
And dancing and playing.
Here the stream is dancing
The first petal is dancing,
The dance is spinning,
Having managed to barely.
How do children resist?
You also have to dance!

  • To any dance

How many dances, that you can’t count.
And there is fashion for dancing.
What attracted everyone yesterday,
Now it is time to hand over to the museum!
Dance that is new,
The whole world is ready to dance.
They wave his hand at him
Only another will appear.
In our young years
We are always happy with dance.
Even after many years
We will not forget them. NO!

  • To the dance of flowers

This rain is really ..
Where he went - everything came to life around!
And the beds at the same moment were green
And the green meadow creeps the carpet.
And here in the clearing, just in a fairy tale,
The flowers have already opened their eyes!
Let the flowers take hands
And they will converge in a round dance.
Let the planet, the colors of the rainbow
Never bore.

  • Dance with umbrellas

There are many dances in the world
And children always dance.
With a balalaika, with flowers,
With bells and flags.
Two, two. three four five -
We will dance with an umbrella!

  • Drive dance

Joy ran along the path.
Joy opened all the windows!
Children rejoice that they went
To school, because they have grown up.
The sun rejoices for the kids.
And droplets laugh
In the rainbow!

  • To the Polish

Polka! We spray as soon as possible!
There is no dance more fun.
Everyone will go briskly
And the Polish will spin us!

  • Dance "Kakadurchik"

We are not sitting on the spot,
We have a lot of fun with us.
"Kakadurchik" a glorious dance,
We spray for guests now!

  • To any dance

I love to dance:
Tango, twist, lambada, waltz.
If there is a worthy partner,
I can dance for you!

  • To t antsa "Box with pencils"

We are friendly brothers,
The men are necessary
We are pencils!
Similar to them,
Only diverse,
We are all good!
We are friendly brothers,
With sharp noses,
The men are necessary
Make sure for yourself!

  • To dance with books

Here is my first book -
I know everyone, probably.
Pictures - multi -colored,
Words are simple, bright.
She will start teaching me
Read, write, work, live.
Will open all roads into the distance
The first book is to me - “Primer”!

  • To dance with ribbons

Together with ribbons we take off
We, like birds in height.
Physical education in us inspires
Strength, dexterity, beauty!

  • To sports dance

Hoops, balls, ropes,
The tapes are long, rope.
We will be friends with physical education
We will be a slender figure.
And, of course, healthier
Smart, stronger and stronger!

  • Dance song "All children of the Earth are friends with music"

Let's take hands
Let's merge with music.
The hearts are clogged in unison.
Let our souls illuminate
Let it never fall silent
Beautiful sounds slim choir.

  • To the dance "Prechichki"

CHILD: Your questions all day

Sets the people of snub -nosed
“Why a green leaf?
Why does the artist sing?
Where do the bears live in winter?
Why is the car driving?
What are injections for?
And where does the summer go?
I'll go to school one day
And I will find out all the answers!

Leading. Our children are more likely.
They are so bored without question!
They are without them until the evening
There is nothing to do.
And so now they will sing about it for you!

forty thousand "Why" ... ..
Honestly, I don't understand
Why is grass growing?
How are words born?
Why is the cat purring?
Why does a starling sing?
Why do children laugh?
Who is more beautiful than everyone in the world?

why not be easy
How to find out the answers?
Who, tell me guys,
Can I tell us everything?
I really want to ask
How to feed the brownie?
Why striped bumblebee?
Who invented watercolor?

Why scream frogs?
Who draws hemp?
Why the perfume smells?
Why read poetry?

For some reason I don't understand
A lot of `why?`
It is necessary to set them adults,
And about everything, to find out about everything!

We are looking for questions for questions
In a song about why!
Where do the bears live in winter?
Who pulled a piece of the moon?
Why is the car driving?
Why do elephants are trumpeted?
How to write lines in a notebook?
How to read a word from a sheet?
Why do flowers bloom?
What does the owl eat?
What are injections for?
And where does the summer go?
I'll go to school one day
And I find out all the answers.

  • End to the dance "Tango"

We say goodbye today
We leave the kindergarten
We give you "tango" as a gift
Favorite dance of all guys

We loved in the garden to sing
And, of course, we can distinguish music:
Polonaise, Mazurka, Polka, Delicate Waltz
And today Tango will dance for you.

  • to the dance of the Papuans.

-You will show a master class
Dancing `Papuas`!
We are from distant islands
From the African shores!
- Not life, but just paradise,
Our leader-Sumba-Popuy!
He sent us to speak,
He promised us coral!
- Yes, the traditions are harsh,
We do not mind! We are ready!
Here we came here,
Start, gentlemen!
- The growler, apparently, is good here!
Looks like hands!
Hey, get there!
Tumba yumba! Start!

  • to the dance of stars.

In the sky we live for a cloud,
For fluffy and mighty,
During the day we sleep there,
We fly at night in the sky.
We scatter peas,
We look at the children in the windows,
We throw dreams for the curtains to everyone,
We protect from trouble!
We sing gentle songs,
Either a duet, then three
People look at the sky
They see a starfall from the sky.
Whisper to us their desire,
We take everything in attention ...
Who called us to the kindergarten?
Did you dream of meeting us?
We will dance for you
Real Star Waltz,
Turn our music
And look carefully!

  • to the dance is a red hat. "

It smells of pies from the kitchen,
We thank you to my mother.
Pirozhkov baked us,
I collected in Tueshek.
And she explained to the kids
Your grandmother caught a cold
Get ready as soon as possible
To his sweet grandmother.
Hurry up, hurry
Take her medicine!
Capture pies
So that the breakfast is ready!
Of course, we tried
And quickly gathered
We carry a pan in Tueyska,
Get well, granny!
We see, the cap is coming,
And carries the basket
We go to our grandmother
With pies from mommy!
Grandmothers love us very much
Cross, can they be sore!
They pour tea with mint,
They will read the fairy tale quietly.

  • to the dance of the crackers.

Take care of your ears!
Chubes came to kindergarten!
We love a bright loud sound
And clapping cheerful hands!
Very ask, don't be scared,
Clap louder, try!
We will infect you with claps,
Clap today with us!
How to start shooting now,
Then we can’t keep us!
We throw confetti,
Do not go, do not go!
You are a cracker! I am a cracker!
You are a toy! I am a toy!
We declare our dance
Lightless, mischievous!

  • to dance for nesting dolls.

We are difficult girls,
Sarafans painted!
The eyes burn with a light,
We, nesting dolls, everyone is glad!
We drove round dances
Our people have fun!
They performed abroad
And they glorified Russia!
Our main nesting doll
The oldest she is a little
Well, and the youngest nesting doll
Very little baby!
How to dance to dance
It's just hard to keep!
All the nesting dolls do not care
Get part, we are going!
(Or ... and we will stir and sing!

  • to the dance of the oriental beauties.

Eastern beauties
All viewers will like
After all, the matter is thin-east,
Our dance will cause delight.
Plastic movements,
The girls are artistic.
Of course, the belly dance,
There is still a dream for us.
To dance this dance,
We need to grow up a little.
And you do not judge us strictly,
Just look at the dance!
We want our grandfather to surprise
The eastern dance is offered.
You, Santa Claus, sit on a chair

  • The eyeliner to the dance "Drop of dew" at a festival dedicated to Victory Day.

How many lives have taken the war,
Ignorant, severe loss.
Moaned, the darling land cried
From the dirty boys of a German soldier.
Dead in that bloody war
Think about how many ... millions.
We went to the sky, walked to where the clouds,
Huge human battalions.
There, in the middle of the dead were the guys,
The war - the villain did not spare children.
She is sure that she hid children
I buried them in a deep grave.
They come, return to Earth
In the flower, in Rosinka, in a drop of rain,
In the rays of the dawn and in the murmur of the river,
And turn green fresh grass ...

  • To the dance of gentlemen

Everyone dressed up today. Evening evening!
And the girls, like princesses, decorate the hall of the native.
Boys, as businessmen - it’s hard to recognize them now!
Our gentlemen will dance in hats.
Or: they will dance with chic.

Sitting to the dance of gentlemen.
Kirillova Lyudmila Vasilievna.
We are guys gentlemen
Threats, the cane are indispensable.
What we will not be tired of proud:
We are a little British
And gallant and modest,
And reliable and smart
As if from London now.
And we will dance for you.

  • To the dance "Girlfriends"

We got rid of the morning
Combed, inflated.
We are girls - laughter,
We are funny girlfriends.

  • To the dance of the hula - hup

To successfully develop
You need to play sports.
Who is the savvy and shallow
Dexterously twisting a hula-hup.
From physical education
There will be a slender figure!
Hoops, balls, and sticks,
The tapes are long, rope.
We will be friends with physical education
We will be a slender figure.
And, of course, healthier
Slearry, stronger and stronger!

We will play sports
The muscles will be strengthened.
We will immediately become stronger,
We will grow faster.

They made friends with the hoops -
They circled with them cheerfully.
We are now slimmer
We twist the hoops soon.

On the cheeks we have a blush.
We will dance a dance for you.
Incendiary, sports -
Very positive!

Ends to games in poetic form

Inrollings to games in poetic form:

  • Lotto

Someone loves dominoes
We like the lotto!
We copy the trifle, collect
And we play money!

The bets are at least not great,
But in excitement players,
Jokes, jokes, laughter,
Everyone believes in their success.

Line - ruble, card - three,

How many you want cards, take
We know the measure of excitement
We do not recruit many cards.

Carry is heard of coins,
Stations are made on Kon!

Who sits with a bag in his hands,
He carefully "screams"
A handful of barrels takes out ...
Each is waiting for his own figure.

"Geese - swans", "nesting dolls",
"Axes" or "Nomads",
Finally came across "grandfather"!
Well, how old is the "grandfather" years?

Like only twenty -five?
How did he manage to become a grandfather?

"One by one!" - shouts a neighbor:
"Grandfather brought me an apartment!"

“Are you already with the order?!
On which floor? "

“I am waiting for the“ apartment ”on the bottom,
You shout to me today "in the vein"!
Okay, continue
And don't knock fortune! "

"Unit" or "Kol",
Who needs? Not? - On the table!

Finally cursed
“Drum sticks” came!
Look more closely
Do not miss your number!

"Somehow bad you" shout "
And you won’t take a bag!
I can't see the apartments
We must take from the corner! "

Well, I will get from the corner,
So that the game goes in the way.

  • Mosaic

We played in Mosaic:
Collected, collected
Ksyusha - house, car - Vanya.
Everything was decorated with flowers ...
Good picture, brothers!

  • Winter fun

The fortress was built for two days,
Snow and strong.
All relatives helped
And granny with a grandfather.

Now we will arrange a battle!
Prepare "balls"!
How I commanded: "Fire!"
Aim: in the back, in felt boots.

Oh, a fun game !!!
We fought until the evening.
Only, it's time to have dinner
Well, there is nothing to do.

You need to reinforce the strength
Become stronger rivals!
Tomorrow we can win
We are all of them, probably ...

  • Battle

We built the fortress, sculpt snowballs.
But enemies surrounded us in ambush.
I threw the snowball, flew back,
It hit me on the forehead, not very pleasant.

But we are not timid, went in the offensive,
Hooray! They won a difficult battle.

  • Let's play

We went on the horse,
We reached the corner.
We got on the car,
Pour gasoline.
We were driving a car,
We reached the river.
TRR! Stop! U -turn.
On the river - a steamer.
They drove a ship
We reached the mountain.
The steamer is not lucky
We must sit on the plane.
The plane is flying,
In it, the motor is buzzing:

  • Figure game. "OCEAN IS SHAKING"

    The branches are worried, the wind is worried,
    Every sprout in the world is worried.
    They worry - in the feathers of fire - clouds.
    The bridge, spring and river are worried.
    Swallows are worried in a warm nest ...
    As if everyone is worried and everywhere!

    Ocean is shaking:
    Once - the quench is chicken,
    Claps wings,
    Trys grains.

    Two is a pig
    I hung my ears
    Snorts, stomping,
    Corn wants.

    Three - for mothers
    They go with a goose
    Croatian chicks,
    Yellow legs.

    The sea is worried ...
    A rooster on the fence.
    Worried angrily ...
    Turkeys at the trough.

    The motor rumbles
    The mouse is squealing
    The worm crawls
    The spider weaves
    The bike rushes ...

    Smile on the faces.
    We tried very hard
    They played in the "figures".

  • Playing in a brook

    The stream bends.
    Whose are you, whose whose are you, whose?
    Do you choose? Choose!
    Grab right by the hand
    And run-bugs-bugs
    A stream from the river!

  • Game "geese and wolf"

    Geese-gushi! -Ha-ha-ha!

  • Get up, shores!
    If you want, geese? - Yes ... so please here! - We cannot. Oh-oh,
    Does not let us go home
    Gray wolf under the mountain!
    He is hungry, scary, evil! So who fly where!
    And he will catch - it does not matter.
    He is not a terrible wolf at all:
    In chocolate knows a lot.
  • Playing in colors

    - Guess what color? - apricot? Violet?
    Sea wave?
    Amber pine?
    Ash, gray?
    Snowy, white?
    Clay colors? Tina's colors?
    Fresh wood colors?
    Turquoise? Herbal?
    Yellow? Ginger? Smolenaya?
    Complicated, motley?

    - God is with you!
    It's just blue.

    - That's the trouble, I didn’t guess!
    Well, make a guess first.

    - All is ready! So what?
    - Red? Blue? Blue?
    Golden chips?

    ... girlfriends play.
    Saturate in color
    Yards and planet
    To - bright and patterned.
    Magic colored grains.

  • Aibolit

    I play Aibolit.
    The fluid in the bottles is spilled.
    Powders, tablets, ointments
    It will come out of the pockets. -

  • Come on, hedgehog, "ah" tell me
    And hold your breath.
    I will have a listening to you
    Black tube outside,
    And swallow the mixture inside
    And go to physical education.

    It’s fun to play hide and seek:
    Behind the sofa to freeze
    in the corner to be silent outside the door
    Or under a fur coat in a chiffoner,
    get into the box from the device
    Or in the pantry of the corridor,
    get lost behind the curtain
    under the hanging curtain long,
    In a sliding cabinet and in the bath.
    Go to the goal in advance
    And, the victory is in a hurry,
    shout: "A knock-a-foot for yourself!"

  • Game to the store

Laid out all the products -
Come to buy!
Here is kefir, not yet old,
And napkins - as many as five!

How do you like the suit?
There will be a bunny just!
Try my soup with a spoon.
Ten grams to you? Now!

This is a button to the jacket.
She suits you completely.
Prepare the money right away -
Today, buttons are in price.

Come up, get
Higher variety and to order!
Pay on a penny -
And get it now.

No, not expensive, not true.
... Everything, I am not friends with you!
Since I don't like it - don't
I’d better offer mom.

  • The game in the dining room

Here is the salad - a piece of carrot,
And with a sand embodiment.
The soup turned out deftly -
Come, I pour it.

No, not yet with the turtle -
Clot in it from the shell.
Gently - not a slut! -
I'll cover the table with blue ...

I am the mistress that I need.
Did you like the stew?
From sawdust - mushrooms,
From the ground-Rahat-Lukum.

The table is perfectly served:
Mom's festive service!
Do not add burning aboutgo?

  • End to the game "jump over a puddle"The legs walked along the raw track.
    If the puddle is great, we are visible from afar,
    We will go around the puddle, choose where the land.
    You do not need to go around a small puddle. Stand, children in a row, jump over everything - jump!
  • To any game

And now we will play
And, of course, we will find out
Who is the most brave here
Clever and skillful.
We sing at the holiday
And we read poetry,
And so that it is more fun
Let's play together.

Who will be the most dexterous
We want to know soon!
Stand in two teams.
And let's start playing now
Our guests sat down
And they looked at the children
I propose to get up together
To play together with us.

  • End to the game "Musical Hat"

    Now let's rest a little - let's start the game of fun.
    Only what should we play with? You can take this hat. (takes a hat)
    This hat is not easy - it reads different thoughts.
    First we learn about children and read their thoughts. (children's hat)
    Now we’ll come to adults and we can read them easily. (adult)

  • Entryment to the game with moms "Get together in the bouquet"

I brought flowers to the guys
And we need to play with them.
We will ask three mothers to us,
I will distribute flowers to everyone now!

  • Enjoying to the game with mothers "Learn the child by hand"

I brought a flower glade for you.
We will play with a clearing spring now.
We call our beloved mothers to play,
And the mothers of the baby will be recognized by the handle.

Incolor scenes are funny

Incolor scenes are funny:

  • By the beginning of the fairy tale

Who is knocking on us there?
A fairy tale tends to visit us.
miracles happen…..
The fairy tale begins ... ..

Prepare the ears,
Prepare your eyes.
You will see now
A fairy tale.
Miracles will come here,
It will be interesting here.

I - Autumn Golden came to you not alone.
And she brought a fan with me.
You are sitting softly.
See a fairy tale about piglets!
Hear the foliage rustles
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

  • "Sports"

To successfully develop
You need to play sports
From physical education
There will be a slender figure
It is good for us without doubt
Everything related to movement.
That's why guys
We will do charging.
We will play together
Run, jump and jump.
In our hands we will pick up a jump rope
Hoop, cube or stick.
We will learn all the movements
We will become stronger and better.
To jump to learn
The rope is useful to us
We will jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.
Hoop, cubes will help
We will develop a little flexibility
We will lean more often
Squat and bend down.
Here is a great picture
We are like a flexible spring
Let everything not immediately give
We will have to work!
To become a native athlet
We will spend the baton.
We will run quickly, together
We really need to win!

  • Eyeliner to the `choir of hands`

If you cut the flowers
And give them to everyone around,
Then on a fabulous puddle
The choir of magic hands will stand.

And you did not know, probably
Never to this time,
What is at least approximately
This choir is unusual.

After all, the sounds reign in it,
And not a voice at all.
And only their hands sing -
These are miracles!
Musical gratitude

  • Loading to the performance of Petushkov

    Lightless cockerel,
    In festive clothes!
    Bright red scallop,
    Boots on my feet! I am a joker and mischievous,
    Smart head!
    In colorful feathers collar,
    The beak is strong, dexterous! I have a brother,
    Glorious guys,
    Song a loud song
    We are happy today! Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
    We sing loudly
    The holiday is fun to meet
    We help people!
  • Let this day go down in history forever ...

Let this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let it be careless,
Nobody, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all glasses.

  • Today, all nature has come to life ...

Today, all nature has come to life,
As if only this day was waiting.
Where you can’t throw a look - one fun,
Everyone has a festive mood today.
I see that the valley is all in the flowers,
And now over these flowers
The swarm of colorful butterflies is circling,
Each wings of their wings
It surrounds us like petals.
And bowing before one flower,
Everyone is waiting with a west when it begins
The holiday about which all the rumor
The valley will spread very quickly.

  • To the graduation is the introductory words for the presenters:

Time flew by like a bird ... Years unnoticed by years ...
Look at the photo and compare - our children have matured.

We remember all children's questions, remember the tears and funny mixers ...
Remember how the pictures were drawn and caught the first snowflakes in winter ...

The children matured, matured ...
There were inconsidens -
First -graders became.

Although it is sad to part, we will not be sad.
We know that we believe that we will never forget each other.

And now - applause - we meet graduates!
We are all our cute children to school!

  • There is one:

Vedas 1: And in an instant farewell, but beautiful, again the surprise is ready in addition:
Take your ball happy as a sign of accomplishments and good luck.

Vedas 2: And let all the troubles take your ball lightly.
You start your flight, let it be happy

Let the balls take off, let the children dream.
Bright lights of fabulous flowers.
Well, today, having become graduates, we let go to the sky fireworks of balls.

  • Inrollings to scenes

Ah, this summer will dull us
And he will certainly make everyone.
Under the noise of an evening surf
Love will give us with you.
Will give dews fragrant
White fluffy flowers,
Will give the sun, wind, passion
And he will bring happiness in his palms.

Oh circus!
The radiance of children's eyes,
Equilibrists, laughter and clowns.
And every time, as for the first time,
And old, as if new.
Oh circus! It becomes beckoning, surprise
And the heart is forever captivated.

More fun, faster and higher
The sun rolls on the roofs.
Little gymnasts clever
Sets an example of dexterity,
And these kids are cute
Sit an example of the luminary.

To the sounds of a waltz freeze
So sweet heart, and the soul
Somewhere in the height is inflated.
Dancers smoothly, slowly
Already step on parquet ...
And besides the waltz, there is nothing.

Crimea-column for a hundred peoples
Singing, kind and free,
Close and relatives to each other.
Listen to the voice of one of them.

East. He is thin and exquisite.
And in spicy sounds of being
So dazzling, so fast,
So gentle, hundreds of secrets Tai.
Melting bends of thin ones,
Melting music of bellies ringing,
And denying, and Manya, forever conquered me.

Eh, Russian dance - a sight for sore eyes!
In breadth will explode and in height,
He will show everyone without doubt
Souls of Russian breadth.

No one can resist the riot of colorful frills,
Before the game of colored patterns and the life of the gypsies.

The air is drunk from these sounds,
The scene sparkles with fun
Have you guessed? Undoubtedly -
On the stage of a whirlwind kan-kan.

The country is my dear country,
The Russian soul is wide.
And flows from the edge to the edge
Russian song powerful river.
Stars flickering in it in the water of the backwater,
Points and bells of ringing.

Spreading the wings into the sixth part of the planet
Lies the Russian land.
But the light is pouring on the entire planet
From the stars of the Moscow Kremlin.

Original concert numbers

Original concert numbers: Original numbers:

  • By the beginning of the holiday

Children, guests in our hall,
Smile at them, wave!
Let's say together: “Don't miss!
Sing and play with us! "

The holiday is now in our hall! We will have fun and dance,
Guests, don’t miss either - smile, sing along!
The holiday - it is for that and the holiday - will you arouse on the spot?
So everyone needs to remember: clap your hands together!
The kids - how is it right there! They lead a song with them ...

  • The jury at the competition

You can’t do without them at the competition
They will summarize the final
So that the contestants set the goal,
They went to victory! The jury will not be strict.
Have a keen eye and very sharp hearing
They evaluate the competition rightly
The decision of his jury will announce aloud,
The participant will be happy with the victory.

  • Jury at the KVN contest

Play, laugh, fight, sparks!
A jury sits in front of you.
Will evaluate humor, creativity,
Enthusiasm, activity, positive,
They are picky to the smallest detail,
But all judges are more fair.
Fucks like bullfinches,
But very kind inside.
We wish them good luck
Let the best choose the best!

  • "Miss Charm"

See what beauties,
Like stars, they shine!
Of course, we all like them,
They will be appreciated today by the jury.
Each competition will be appreciated with dignity
Wish victories for everyone,
Let the jury decide wisely and evenly,
Success is also useful to them.
Song for the jury

  • Greeting the jury (on the motive of the song Arthur Pirozhkov "hooked")

Good evening, glad to meet!
Let it last endlessly
It will have fun and good.
Hello glorious jury!
Look at us with kindness.
Put us a score, but only big.
We were preparing this way, did not sleep seven nights,
Please look at us likely,
We will jump, sing and dance dancing,
After all, we came here to win today.
As we try, you just look
You will reward us with victory today,
But only boring do not need, do not sit.


Screw us with a jury
And score
To be joy in the eyes
The whole hall was lit.
Dear jury,
You look at us
With kindness in the hearts
Proper the performance
Sweet us, jury!

  • Participants

To appear on stage in front of you
They prepared diligently for many days.
With fun, humor, smile and dreams,
We came to the competition to win soon!
They will show who is capable of what
Talents will conquer us
After all, each of the participants is special,
And they will be able to prove it!
We wish the participants good luck
Hopes, vitality, fun and success,
And we help them a lot
Applause and sonorous laughter!

  • For a beauty contest

Beautiful, unique,
Elegant, beloved by all,
Participants, like princesses -
How wonderful they look!
Shine with dresses and charm,
To be queens is their vocation!
They undoubtedly reach for victory,
Although they worry, they smile.
Let them accompany success,
A happy happy laugh rings!
Ah, we wait for them on stage,
We wish each of them the victory!

  • Greeting for "Miss Autumn"

So the summer flew, the leaves were spinning,
In the last week, everything has changed so much.
The new weather brought the wind,
This means - autumn has come to us!
Brought the crown, with a rustle of foliage,
The guest is golden, marvelous beauty.
I visited autumn, but not one,
She brought girls - beauties with him.
The title "Miss - Autumn" will be mined,
They will tell about themselves, they will dance.
Each with the participants - as if for a selection,
Marvelous, beautiful - a gaze rejoices!
It’s hard to choose one ... everyone is so good!
Good luck we wish them from the heart!

  • Boys

Brave guys, what good fellows!
Smart, skillful, glorious youths.
Today they perform on stage at a good hour,
They will show the mind, ingenuity and amuse us.
We wish victory, goodness and vigor of the spirit,
Well, friends of success - neither a pen, no fluff!

  • Enjoying to ditties

There is no song more fun for the visual ears
Which will cheer up and make fun of
Like a clockwork song - a ditty,
It will sound for you today!

Rings like a rattle
Merry ditties
It has jokes and enthusiasm
Fun words set!

Now stop sitting in a gloom
Let's sing funny songs
The harmonica plays and dancing the old woman
When ditties sing loudly.

Before you are
Our laughter,
They will dance cheerfully
And sing ditties!

Something became boring
On our Pirushka
To become "hot",
Bowing ditties.

It will sound now for you
Song - Rezvushka,
A lot of jokes, funny phrases
In a small ditty.
We allow to sing along
And laugh loudly
It is forbidden to miss
And yawn on the sidelines.

  • Slow composition in verses

No more beautiful and more tender
A beautiful song that pours like a fir.
She grows the load from her soul,
Hugs an invisible hand.
Her words relate to hearts,
Bring the cold, longing end.
So enjoy a sweet dunge,
Enchanting and inspired stumps.
Presenting a song in prose

  • To the orchestra

Children, guests in our hall,
Smile at them, wave!
Let's say together: “Don't miss!
Sing and play with us! "

The holiday is now in our hall! We will have fun and dance,
Guests, don’t miss either - smile, sing along!
The holiday - it is for that and the holiday - will you arouse on the spot?
So everyone needs to remember: clap your hands together!
The kids - how is it right there! They lead a song with them ...

  • Enjoying to the orchestra

Children - Orchestrandants!
The greatest talents
We and our tools
For a surprise moment.

They tried and hurried so
The new play was taught,
The conductor helped us
And then the selection passed.

Moms were all worried about
We were escorted to the casting,
We were terribly worried
But it passed perfectly!

After all, the repertoire is wide,
The level of the game is high.
Spectators! Are you glad to us?
Or do not perform?

Noisy and hazellak
We previously picked up in our hands
At least loudly, but not together
Knocked and squealed,
Now is another matter:
The orchestra is not fun,
More than once to us- musicians-
Shouted in the hall "Bravo!"
We are sure today
We will surprise you again ...
Attention! .. Start ...
Maestro, we are ready!

  • To the orchestra

The orchestra is preparing for the performance
A little more, one more moment,
And the sounds, like birds, will fly up ...
The orchestra of music will be able to tell us
About homeland, about peace, about spring,
Oh happiness, about you and about me!

  • To the delivery of diplomas

And so the solemn hour comes,
He is very serious and important for you!
The first reward in life is awarded,
Diploma of the end of the kindergarten!
Let you have a lot of rewards,
But the first in life is more expensive. than the treasure !!!

Entryment to the delivery of diplomas.
Kirillova Lyudmila Vasilievna.
A solemn moment has come:
I hand over the children a document,
It is called a diploma,
And for life. He is in memory.

Everything will be: school, institute,
Your first diploma is here!
You, our children, cranes,
The first step passed,

And the second, the third is waiting for you
Fly to the sun forward!
And try to study like that
To be proud of diplomas!

  • To launch balls

And now a surprise, a lot of balls, like a prize.
Each ball receives and will make a desire.
Golden balloon - a celebration of calling childhood,
In every heart, the coming light remains from him.
Slightly, the ball melts, he will disappear forever,
Everything that our memory holds is always a thread of childhood!

Balls of desires, fly away!
We let you go into the sky!
We’ll shout everything together: "Farewell!"
Your solemn hour has come!

Bouquets are bright, swim
Towards the sun and dream!
Tell other planets,
How beautiful the world is on Earth!

I hold a blue balloon for a thread,
I will let him go into the sky and "goodbye" I will tell him.
He rises above the ground, flying into the clouds,
And then hello the last one will send me from afar ...

The balloon of childhood, you can not catch up!
Do not even hope that we will meet again.
But I ask you very much, so that on the wings of spring
He certainly returned, flew at least in dreams!

  • "Once a palm, two palms"

Not artists we are still

And we worry slightly

To be honest, you tell you

We can’t calm the trembling.

Pugacheva said

That I forgot from fear

Song about Harlequin,

Closed like an ice floe!

And Bilan explained to everyone,

At first, how trembled

And then got used to it, swayed,

Slowly heated.

We are also with a bite, too,

We’ll get up yet, we will have time

Support us a little

Clap louder in your hands!

Disciplings for children - how to react?

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