Useful advice to summer residents and gardeners for seed sowing, planting seedlings in the ground, leaving planting, protection from pests, harvesting, preparing soil, drying and storing seeds, harvesting for the winter

Useful advice to summer residents and gardeners for seed sowing, planting seedlings in the ground, leaving planting, protection from pests, harvesting, preparing soil, drying and storing seeds, harvesting for the winter

The phased process of growing garden crops in the manor site, tips and recommendations for storage, collection of crop, care of soil and plants.

A person is so closely connected and depends on nature that his destructive and disrespectful attitude towards it is fraught with troubles for him, and respectful - the key to health and a rich harvest.

Surprisingly, our ancestors understood this connection with each cell of their body. They conveyed their knowledge to descendants. And then, for many reasons, we lost her awareness.

Residents of villages, small villages and small cities are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, berries, fruits, greens, grains on their land plots. In one joy, such classes, for the latter, is a vital necessity.

Let's look at the work of the gardener from the point of view of the stages of work:

  • spring seed sowing
  • summer soil processing with shoots, watering, elimination of pests
  • autumn harvest and preparation of soil for rest
  • drying of new crop seeds, organization of their proper storage
  • harvesting for the winter, conservation and freezing
  • storage of the gifts of land

Consider the advice of experienced gardeners for each of the above stages.

Tips for gardeners for seed sowing, planting seedlings

Young seedlings from seeds sown in a box in a house
young seedlings from seeds sown in a box in a house
  • Fertilizers before planting for many cultures are not needed. It is better to study the characteristics of the soil, its illumination by the sun, protection from the wind.
    Choose those cultures of garden or decorative plants that will best feel in each particular area. For example, peat soil loves blueberries, not cabbage.
  • Choose the crops in which you are sure. For example, under the virgin lands - potatoes, on a solar area with minimal watering - pumpkin and zucchini, for the garden - apple trees and bushes of red currant.
  • For the soul, plant grapes for the benefits of the eyes and the respiratory system - evergreen shrubs/trees, for example, thuja, juniper, pine.
  • Be sure to look at the lunar calendar of your area to determine favorable days for planting seeds in the ground. For example, herehere or here.
A man plants seeds in peat pots
a man plants seeds in peat pots

If you independently germinate the seeds before planting them in open soil, then the end of the end of January-March is the best for this activity. As a container, you will suit you:

  • wooden boxes
  • plastic and peat cups
  • trays for eggs
  • flower pots
  • peat tablets

Be sure to stock up on the right amount of land from the site and fertilizers. Mix them before the distribution in the container for seeds.

  • Carry out the seedlings of seedlings on the balcony during the period when the temperature does not drop below 10-12 ℃.
  • In open ground, transplant them in the evening or on cloudy days. Home seedlings are not used to bright sunlight.
  • The first to plant tomato seedlings, then pepper and eggplant, cucumbers last.
  • Seeds of cultures that require a lot of space for growth and ripening, run into the soil covered with a film. In it, perform punctures with wooden rods. Near them, break the film so that the seeds can be buried in the soil.
    This method is good for inhibiting the growth of weeds and collecting rain water directly into the holes with seeds.
  • In order for the shoots to appear earlier, soak the seeds of pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, squash in water in water. Go to the soil after the appearance of the embryo or the opening of the seeds.
  • Seeds of sweet pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, drive into the ground on the windowsill in the winter months. Place them closer to the batteries. Remove weak seedlings, pulling them out.

Supporters of natural agriculture recommend charging seeds before planting with their energy:

  • take a handful or one dry seed under the tongue for a few seconds
  • move them to your palm and cover the second for 7-9 seconds
  • open your palms and substitute seeds to the sun
  • dig the hole with your hands and lower it into it without watering
  • pour after 3 days
  • to plant cuttings, remember the earth in the hole with your fingers
  • do not remove weeds around fresh holes, it is better to cut their tops

Think about order the locations of cultures on your site. Enjoy the notes to optimally change the location of crops without losing their productivity next year.

  • Even in the midst of the summer season, it is appropriate to prepare a site for planting greens and vegetables that can mature to the first cold weather.
  • You need a flat cutter, a shovel, a rake to remove weeds, their racing, loosening the soil.
  • Form sides of the beds and spaces between them. These earthen embankments will help moisture on the site you need, and the guests do not trample your crop.

Advice from gardeners for the care of planting and eliminating pests

Well -groomed beds in a personal plot
well -groomed beds in a personal plot
  • Create a network of roads with a solid coating on a summer cottage. It will be convenient to walk, and care for plants.
  • Regularly visit your summer cottage and track the condition of the plants. With the first or obvious signs of diseases, prepare aqueous or dry solutions for processing stems or soil under them. Make healing measures in accordance with the recommendations of agronomists.

Weeding is not only a way of eliminating weeds, but also loosening the soil to enrich it with oxygen and preserve moisture after rain/artificial irrigation.

  • Leave at least one type of weeds between the rows of vegetables, cereals, greenery. They provide a shadow, and the preservation of moisture in the soil, and the scolding of insect pests.
  • If there is no way to often weed a garden plot, mow grass on it.
The equipment of the gardener while caring for plants in the personal plot
the equipment of the gardener while caring for plants in the personal plot

Save fallen leaves and use them as mulch under strawberries, raspberries and vegetable crops. Sprinkle last year's material with a thin film. It will drown out the growth of weeds tambourines and mokritsa.

  • In the dry period, water the beds at least once a day before the peak of solar activity, that is, either early in the morning or in the evening closer to sunset.
  • Install the system of drip irrigation of the soil or leakage of water through gutters. Consider the culture of the plant, for example, lush white cabbage is better to serve it under the root.
  • Ash, wood dust, soapy water help from many pests. These funds are suitable for those who for the environmental cultivation of plants on the site and have the opportunity to visit it daily.
  • Feed the cabbage with organic fertilizers, which has large lower leaves and begins to gain strength for the formation of heads.
  • Water and feed carrots, cucumbers and zucchini up to their collection.

Tips for gardeners for harvesting and preparing soil for rest

A collected basket with vegetables, herbs and berries from their site
a collected basket with vegetables, herbs and berries from their site
  • According to the lunar calendar, plan work on harvesting a particular culture.
  • Put the fresh gifts of the Earth on your table and eat them for as long as the period of their collection lasts.
  • Have baskets, stools, garden scissors, stairs, stairs in your arsenal. They will help collect fruits, vegetables, berries with minimal losses and your fatigue.
  • Treles and shrubs are shortened by young branches so that they gain juice and delayed to cold weather. Cut dry and sore branches.
  • After collecting fruits and berries, feed trees and shrubs with organic fertilizers. Remove weeds and basal processes.

Chopped strawberries.

Fragrant strawberries grown on its site
fragrant strawberries grown on its site

Prepare a site for the landing of its young processes. Bring peat and humus to it, mix them thoroughly with the ground, digest them. Plant so that the roots of strawberries do not bend.

Before collecting grapes berries, feed it with organic fertilizers and cut the tops, leaving 4-5 sheets above the upper bunch.

Juicy Bulgarian pepper on the beds
juicy Bulgarian pepper on the beds

In mid -August, remove the upper inflorescences in tomatoes, eggplant and pepper to cause those fruits that began.

  • When the fog is formed, cover tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant with polyethylene. To do this, organize special designs on their beds, resembling greenhouses.
  • Two weeks before gathering potatoes, creep up the tops. So its fruits will ripen better. Ignore this advice for early varieties.
  • Tomatoes, eggplant and pepper collect with the stalk slightly unripe. For tomatoes and pepper, organize a well -illuminated place for ripening.
  • Collect cucumbers early in the morning. Avoid turning the lashes. The frequency of the collection is once every 48-72 hours, with the exception of rainy and cloudy days.
Zucchini torn on a home bed, to parote in the honeycomb
zucchini torn on a home bed, to parote in the honeycomb

Ruckers depending on the purpose of further use collect as follows:

  • for eating - 1/3 long from the expected size
  • for the preparation of caviar and its conservation - 2/3 of the completely ripened
  • for storage in the cellar - completely ripened, but without cracks and traces of decay

Remove their pears and apples with a stick with a piece with a net at the end. Then they are suitable for long -term storage.

  • Malina, strawberries, sea buckthorn, gooseberries collect berries, and all types of currants and grapes - clusters.
  • When all the fruits collected all the fruits from the site, the propolit of the ground, collect dry branches and weeds, add humus and dig it with the ground.
  • After harvesting in the greenhouse, remove all the vegetation from it, plug the soil and disinfect.

Combine the harvesting time with the flower garden:

  • seal young processes
  • feed
  • cut the lower leaves to maintain plant health

Previously, we considered the features of growing decorative colors in the garden and in a personal plot. Look herehere and here.

And also deepened especially the receipt of a good crop potatoes, salad.

Tips for the collection and drying of seeds of a new crop, organizing their proper storage

Seeds are laid out on compartments in a wooden storage box
seeds are laid out on compartments in a wooden storage box

To collect seeds from your crop, leave the largest specimens of crops until completely ripened. For example:

  • last year's large carrots or onion, plant in the spring and wait for their flowering.
  • upon completion, its head color will change to brown.
  • cut it and open it over paper or polyethylene.
  • fold the seeds in cloth bags and store in a warm room.

Of the large specimens of pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper seeds are extracted in the pulp. Therefore, organize their drying under a canopy in a draft.

For storage of seeds, use:

  • cotton bags
  • paper bags
  • glass jars with lids

Each culture has its own duration of seed storage, during which the best qualities of the plant are preserved. For example, seeds:

  • tomatoes, cabbage, beets, radishes and turnips - 4 years
  • kabachka, cucumbers - 5 years
  • salad, carrots, Bulgarian pepper, eggplant - 3 years
  • corn, peas, beans, beans - 5 years
  • dill, rhubarb, parsley - 2 years.

Optimal conditions for storing seeds are 50% humidity and air temperature +14 - 15 ℃ without differences. Ideal places - lower boxes of wardrobes in living rooms, pantries in the apartment.

  • Wrap the bags or bags with seeds in polyethylene or foil. So the air flow to them will be limited and the germination will not begin ahead of time.
  • Do not freeze dry seeds, otherwise they will not germinate for a long time after sowing.
  • Prepare the seeds for sowing. Place them in a plastic bag in hot water for a third of an hour.

Tips for the harvesting for the winter, conservation and freezing of the crop

Collected vegetables of conservation for the winter
collected vegetables for conservation for the winter
  • Dry part of fruits and berries to drink fragrant compotes in winter and cook fragrant pastries. Tips for drought fruits and berries - cherriesapricots, black currant, plum, apples.
  • For salting and conservation in a jar, choose even fruits. Each housewife has its own recipes, but if you want to diversify them, look here, here, here, here, here, here. Look in calendar Favorable days for conservation.

Cook tomatoes tomato. It is well stored in glass for more than one year.

Tips for gardeners for storing vegetables and fruits and caring for a site

Beautiful shelves with canned goods from the gifts of a personal plot
beautiful shelves with canned goods from the gifts of a personal plot
  • Since January, follow the condition of fruits and root crops in the basement carefully. Those that begin to deteriorate, use in compotes, salads in the first place.
  • Sort the crop in the room where it is stored.
  • Tips for storing vegetables in the cellar in detail read the article here, in a refrigerator - read herefor storing fruits in the refrigerator read herehow to store greens in the refrigerator read here.
  • Varieties of apples Macintosh, Antonovka, Beseman by the middle of winter should disappear from your cellars, since their shelf life has ended.
  • Around the fruit trees, pile heaps of snow so that the field mice do not damage their bark.
  • Drink a plot with young seedlings with a moat up to 5 cm deep. Then the rodents will not reach their delicate trunks. From hares, put a fence-shooting up to 2 meters high.
Apple tree in winter with a frozen apple on a branch
apple tree in winter with a frozen apple on a branch

In severe frost, organize the maximum shelter of trees and shrubs with snow. During it, it will fall asleep onto the trees, remember that their branches in the cold are more fragile and prone to breaking from any pressure.

  • When snow is sticking on the branches and the expectation of a significant decrease in temperature, shake snow with a long stick with a wiped rag at the end.
  • Square the entrance to the cellar and outlets of a burlap if the temperature is lowered below -30 ℃.
  • Build a bird feeder in winter and regularly add seeds to them. So the birds will nest closer to your site and save you and the site from insect-pests in the summer.
  • Gather ash in plastic bags if you live in rural areas and drown the stove with wood. It will come in handy in the spring as fertilizer for the soil.
  • Organize a compost pile on the site. After a year or two, fertilize the land after harvesting.
  • If it is possible to import a overwhelming cow manure, use it only to fertilize the soil before resting.

Communication with the Earth and the cultivation of cultures on its site requires attentiveness and painstaking work. With your experience, you will have your secrets both in the care of plants and their blanks for the winter.

The main thing is to act and track the results. Let your site gives good crops and nourish you with strength!

Video: Useful tips for gardeners and gardeners

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