How to choose the right watermelon, how to check the watermelon for nitrates, how to store, is it possible to freeze? Difference of a watermelon of a girl and a boy

How to choose the right watermelon, how to check the watermelon for nitrates, how to store, is it possible to freeze? Difference of a watermelon of a girl and a boy

In this article we will talk about how to choose the right watermelon. In order not to regret the purchase in the future, it is worth devoting a few minutes to read these recommendations.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the watermelon is one of the symbols of the summer for everyone from small to great. Juicy delicious berry, which, moreover, has a lot of beneficial properties - is not a worthy inclusion in the diet?

However, even here there is a risk of choosing a watery product or even poisoned. And in order to avoid this, it is recommended to listen to certain tips.

Which watermelons are the most delicious

In order to understand which watermelons are the most delicious, you need Learn to understand their varieties:

  • Astrakhan - He deservedly takes the palm of the championship thanks to an incredibly fragrant pulp, which is also very sweet. To get such a berry is completely easy - it was common in Soviet times, being a guarantee of quality, and widespread today. You can recognize the watermelon by rich color, clear stripes and oblong or round form

Important: normal weight for such a product is 7-10 kilograms.

You can recognize the Astrakhan watermelon by rich color
You can recognize the Astrakhan watermelon by rich color
  • Crimson Sweet - He is valued not only for sweetness, but also for the extraordinary airiness of the pulp. In addition, it matures faster than Astrakhan. You can find out this watermelon in a round form, smoothness and light gloss in the light. 4-5 kilograms are normal weight
Watermelon Crimson Sweet shines in the world
Watermelon Crimson Sweet shines in the world
  • Fight -It matures an average of 71-87 days, like the Astrakhan variety. But it is definitely worth it, because the pulp at the light is unusually tasty and delicate. It is very easy to recognize this watermelon in a round form, rich in dark green color, thin skin and almost complete absence of strips. Weight is generally insignificant - about 2 kilograms
The variety of watermelon does not have pronounced stripes
The variety of watermelon does not have pronounced stripes
  • Sugar baby - Just a find for lovers of sweets. You can recognize in a round form, the saturated color of the skin and a bright scarlet shade of the pulp. Average weight - 4 kilograms
Watermelon sugar baby is small in size
Watermelon sugar baby is small in size
  • Gift of the Sun - An unusually aromatic variety, which is also characterized by sweetness. He is oval, reaching a weight of 4 kilograms

Important: for a real grade, the gift of the Sun is characterized by similarity with melon in color. Do not scare the yellow shade of the peel, because this is a sign of a quality representative of the variety.

A yellow peel is characteristic of a watermelon of the sun
A yellow peel is characteristic of a watermelon of the sun
  • Chop - He matches the longest time, about 85-97 days. However, a rich sweet taste costs such a expectation. Outwardly recognizing this variety is very easy - in round shape and light spots on the skin
Watermelon chill differs spotting
Watermelon chill differs spotting
  • Skorik - As the name implies, it will not have to wait for a long time. Yes, and he weighs a little - about 3 kilograms - which will allow you to cope with carrying even women. The gourmets unanimously argue that the pulp of this variety is unusually aromatic and tasty. You can recognize Skorik by thick skin and a characteristic pattern of crooked lines
Watermelon Skorik can be recognized by a pattern of crooked lines
Watermelon Skorik can be recognized by a pattern of crooked lines

How to choose a ripe watermelon?

There are several rules that will help Determine how the watermelon has matured:

  • First of all, it is worth paying attention to the tail of the watermelon, Since it is through it that the fetus receives food. If the tail is completely dry, it means that the watermelon has already received all the substances necessary for it and, as a result, ripe. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins and is unusually tasty

Important: even a green tail suggests that the watermelon was removed prematurely, not allowing it to ripen.

The ripened watermelon has a tail dried
The ripened watermelon has a tail dried
  • Knock on the watermelon - This is not a topic for jokes, but a real way to learn about ripeness. Listen carefully to the echo - it should be deaf
  • It is recommended to give preference to medium -sized berries - So more likely that they managed to ripen. And, on the contrary, the largest and beautiful watermelon in appearance may turn out to be green. Of course, there are varieties that provide for impressive weight, but this is rather an exception to the rules
  • Try to pierce the skin of the fetus with a fingernail. If this turned out, then, unfortunately, the watermelon has not yet ripened. With a ripened berry, such a trick will not work
  • Often watermelons are stained. Take a closer look at their color: so, White says that this watermelon would still ripen and ripen, but the yellow one is that he has matured
In a mature watermelon, the stain on the peel will be yellowish
In a mature watermelon, the stain on the peel will be yellowish

How to choose a sweet watermelon?

In principle, the same tips that are given regarding the determination of the ripeness of the watermelon are also suitable for determining its sweets. We advise you to listen to several more recommendations:

  • The peel of a good sweet watermelon should not be matte. The strips are distinguished by clarity and contrast

Important: the exception should be made for special varieties, which are characterized by the absence of stripes or light spots.

  • Practice has been tested more than once that really sweet watermelons are available to customers no earlier than mid-August and early September. Even in the south, they ripen and become sweet in the second half of summer. You also need to add the time for which the berry is brought from the south
  • Often sellers cut a watermelon so that buyers are convinced of the maturity of the fetus. Often there is advice that the pulp should be granular. This is so, however, excessive granularity is not welcomed, since it testifies not to sweetness, but about overripe and fiber
Sweet watermelon should be granular in the midst
Sweet watermelon should be granular in the midst

Watermelon and Arbuzikha: Differences

Fans of watermelons have long noticed that these fruits are divided into “boys” and “girls”. The latter are more sweet and contain fewer bones. How to determine the "floor" of a watermelon?

  • "Girls" The bottom opposite to the end where the tail is located is flat. There should also be a large circle on the flat side
  • At the "boys" The opposite is the contrary - the “ass” is convex. A circle on it is small and seemed to

Important: Keep in mind that you can meet on the counter most often it is precisely “boys”. Therefore, to search for "girls" you will need to stock up on decent patience.

Chebus check for nitrates

Nitrate extremely negatively affect health, especially for children. The point is not only that they kill all the beneficial substances in the fetus. You can easily get severe poisoning. How to recognize nitrates in a watermelon?

  • The stripes should be cramped. If the watermelon strip is smeared or disappears in some places, this means that nitrates are present in the berry. The exception can be, unless, certain varieties without stripes
  • Make a cut of the core in the form of a triangle. This core will determine the presence of nitrates - so, the dark middle and a light crust indicate the entry into harmful components
Watermelon without nitrates should be evenly painted inside
Watermelon without nitrates should be evenly painted inside
  • A delicious watermelon is not in vain called "sugar" - Characteristic grains in it are required to be. There should not be many, but the complete absence of granularity should alert. Just like the presence of thick white veins in the pulp
  • Look at the knife after the cut. No red divorces, otherwise guaranteed in the watermelon there are nitrates. Juice certainly flows out evenly
  • Remember school experiments in physics lessons, after conducting a small experiment. Take water into a glass, throw a small piece of watermelon into it. Mix this impromptu cocktail. Watermelon without nitrates will give the water a clouding like from milk. A harmful piece will make water pink
  • However, it is not necessary to experiment already at home - you can try to determine the presence of nitrates and when buying. Especially beware of large fruits. Ask sellers to make a cut. Ideally the pulp should have a pink shade

Important: scarlet pulp, and even in a large watermelon, is a clear sign of the presence of nitrates.

Watermelon should have a pink shade, not a bright scarlet
Watermelon should have a pink shade, not a bright scarlet

Storage of watermelons

  • Often dust settles on watermelons - especially if they were sold near the road. Generally it is advisable to purchase such goods in places removed from the track from special counters. But be that as it may, it still stands well before cutting rinse watermelon with soap - cleaned of dust, it will be better stored
  • Remember that an inconsistent watermelon retains all its properties for 3 months. The already cut fruit should not be kept for more than 3 days
  • A dark and cool place is what you need For watermelon! Even if you plan to eat it in a couple of days, still take care of the suitable place of placement of the fetus
  • You did not get the watermelon and decided to put it in the refrigerator? Then preliminary put the berry on the plate with a pulp down, and on top, make a packaging with a baking film. All this will lead to the fact that freshness will not disappear
  • Keep in mind that with a solid surface, it is better to contact watermelons as little as possible
  • Try to maintain the following indicators at the storage site: Air temperature - from +1 to +3 degrees, and air humidity - from 80% to 85%
Watermelon should be stored in the refrigerator
Watermelon should be stored in the refrigerator

How to store watermelons in the cellar?

The cellar is a wonderful place for storing watermelon, but it is also necessary to create appropriate conditions there. We figured out the temperature and humidity, but it should be remembered about the soft surface for the fetus. The straw is ideal.

As for the sizes of the surface for storage, then a rack of 1x1 meter is perfect.

Important: If you want to place several watermelons in the cellar, avoid their contact with each other. Otherwise, spots and dents cannot be avoided.

Not yet cut watermelons check and turn over periodically. Such actions also serve as an excellent prevention of spots.

Remember that the cellar must have good ventilation. The room should not be completely closed in any case.

In the cellar in which the watermelon will be stored, there must certainly be ventilation
In the cellar in which the watermelon will be stored, there must certainly be ventilation

How to understand that the watermelon has deteriorated?

  • The first sign of a spoiled watermelon is his sour smell. Acidification is facilitated by the long lying of the fetus on one side, as well as constant staying on a watermelon or in a juice plate
  • To the touch damaged fruit soft and sluggish. Fresh fruit, on the contrary, crisp and hard
  • Take a closer look at the juice - at the fresh watermelon, he will not change the shade
Watermelons should not be loose
Watermelons should not be loose

Is it possible to freeze watermelon?

Of course, a frozen watermelon is far from fresh, but for the winter it is quite possible to prepare an ingredient for cocktails or dishes.

So, the first way - dry packaging:

  • Prepare a watermelon - Wash it well, remove the moisture with a cloth
  • Wash your hands thoroughly With soap
  • Now cut the fruit into pieces, clean it from the skin and seeds

Important: cutting can occur as you like - slices, cubes, slices, balls. As practice shows, balls and cubes are easier to freeze.

Watermelon chopped by cubes is easier to freeze
Watermelon chopped by cubes is easier to freeze
  • If desired, you can sprinkle watermelon sugar In the calculation of 450 grams of sugar for 2 kilograms of watermelon
  • Cubes are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer. At the same time, they should not come into contact, otherwise when freezing will occur
  • The baking sheet is located in the freezer. Wait a few hours and check the pieces to the touch - they should be solid
  • Now the pieces are transferred to the container - It can be a plastic container or a special plastic bag for freezing. But in no case do not take the glass, since it can break

Important: it is necessary to leave approximately 1.25 centimeters of free space on top, otherwise the capacity of the crack will crack in the process of freezing.

  • Keep the watermelon until you want to use. Keep in mind that at a temperature of -18 degrees it can be stored for 8-12 months. Before use, leave the pieces to thaw in the refrigerator. You can use such a watermelon after thawing about 4 days
Watermelon, frozen in the form of cubes, can be used for the manufacture of cocktails
Watermelon, frozen in the form of cubes, can be used for the manufacture of cocktails

The second method of freezing - with syrup:

  • First, boil sugar water over medium heat, for which a liter of water and 440 milliliters of sugar should be taken. Sugar should dissolve completely. If desired, you can use soft honey or corn syrup instead of sugar
  • It's time to give the syrup to cool. It is recommended to place it for half an hour or a hour in the refrigerator

Important: hot syrup will simply weld the watermelon, so you need to wait for it to be at least at room temperature.

  • Prepare a watermelon, namely, wash, dry, cut a crust, take out seeds
  • Cut the watermelon as it will be convenient
  • Fill half a glass with syrup. Then put pieces of watermelon in it, then filling them with the remaining amount of syrup
  • Place the container in the freezer, But before that, do not forget to stick a piece of paper indicating the date of freezing. Thus, you can store a container from 8 months to a year

Important: it is recommended to place waxed paper on top - so the pieces will be immersed in the syrup.

Watermelon syrup with pieces of pulp can be used for cocktails
Watermelon syrup with pieces of pulp can be used for cocktails

As you can see, it’s not enough to buy watermelon at random - there is a great risk of poisoning or buying a tasteless product. But it is not necessary to be a restaurateur in order to correctly choose and store this berry. It is enough to remember only some tips.

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