How to dry apricots for dried apricots and dried fruits at home? At what temperature to dry apricots?

How to dry apricots for dried apricots and dried fruits at home? At what temperature to dry apricots?

Methods of drying apricots. Obtaining dried apricots at home.

Properly dried apricots represent a huge nutritional value for the body. We will talk about the drying options for the "solar" fruits of the house.

How to dry apricots for the winter for kuraga at home?

  • The benefits of apricots are undeniable. How I would like to enjoy these fruits all year round! Vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, organic acids, macro- and trace elements are an invaluable contribution for healing the body and impeccable work of all organs
  • Apricots in heart diseases are especially useful. Potassium contained in fruits is an important element for the normal functioning of the myocardium of the heart muscle
  • How to stock up on apricots for a whole year? There are many options for harvesting and storing delicious fruits. One of them is the drying of apricots
  • Drying is a natural or artificial evaporation of fluid by concentration and preservation of nutrients contained in the fruits. This method reduces to “no” the risk of microorganisms with the subsequent proper storage of products
Apricots on a branch
Apricots on a branch

Video: How to prepare dried apricots at home?

The benefits of dried apricots to restore energy

Dry fruits of apricots - a useful treat, both for adults and for kids

  • Kuraga is a high -cost product containing organic sugar: fructose, glucose and other low molecular weight carbohydrates
  • Several fruits of dried apricots contribute to the suppression of hunger and restore the energy costs of the body in the campaign and long trips
  • Dry apricots can be used as snacks between the main meals in many diets to reduce weight
Properly dried apricots
Properly dried apricots

Some tricks of apricots drying

  • For drying, they choose completely ripened and intact apricots
  • If the fruits are just torn off the tree and clean, then it is better not to wash for the harvesting of dried apricots, apricots are better
  • To avoid darkening of the fruits during drying, you should withstand halves of apricots in a colander above hot ferry for some time and lower them into a solution with lemon juice or citric acid in a proportion: 8 teaspoons per liter of water. Then dry the fruits on the fabric or grille

At what temperature to dry apricots?

The temperature factor when drying fruits is the most important component of the correct drying technology.

They begin and end the process of drying the fruits at a lower temperature: 40-50 degrees. The main drying is made at an optimum temperature of 60-70 degrees.

Apricots in an electric dryer
Apricots in an electric dryer

How to dry apricots for the winter in an electric dryer?

  • A variety of electric dryers from different manufacturers significantly facilitate and accelerate the process of drying the fruits. They have different configuration, equipped with sets of plastic trays and equipped with a fan and a powerful heating element
  • Half of the fruit is laid out on plastic trays freely so that the fruits lay at some distance from each other and cannot stick together. The first and last two hours dry the mode of 50 degrees. In the middle of the process, a temperature of 60 degrees is maintained. On average, apricots are dried in an electric dryer for 10 hours, depending on the density of the fruit

Video: Kuraga in an electric dryer

How to dry apricots in the oven?

Apricots can be dried in the oven with careful control of the temperature regime.

  • At first, the halves of apricot are drowned at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Then laid out on gratings covered with parchment and dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees
  • Since there is no ventilation in the oven, apricots should be dried with a slightly open oven. For uniform drying, it is recommended to turn apricot slices over time
  • At the end of the drying, lower the temperature to 50 degrees and carefully monitor that the fruits do not dry. With uneven drying of individual fruits, dried fruits should be held for some time in the air at room temperature until full
For drying apricot, natural and hot weather is required by the natural method
For drying apricot, natural and hot weather is required by the natural method

How to dry apricots on dried fruits in the sun?

  • In areas with long hot and sunny days without rains - drying apricots in the open air in the sun is considered the best way to harvest fruits
  • Before drying on the open sun, apricots should be gathered in a shadow place, well blown by the wind, for 3-4 hours
  • The fruits are placed on fabric or wooden lattices in a place, the most lit by the sun for a long time with good air circulation. At night, it is better to store fruits in a dry place in order to avoid their dumping
  • Apricotes can also be strung on twine and dried in a limbo. For uniform drying of the fruits, they should be periodically turned over. After 2-3 weeks, you can get dried high-quality apricots with a full set of useful components. In this case, the fruits have a long shelf life
  • 5-6 days-the optimal period of drying apricot in the sun
Apricots treated with sulfur gas and fruits dried naturally
Apricots treated with sulfur gas and fruits dried naturally

Important: so that the fruits have an attractive presentation and deteriorate less, they are fumigated with sulfur gas or sulfur. Such fruits are not recommended for children and people prone to allergic manifestations.

How to dry apricots in the microwave?

Apricots are not recommended to dry in the microwave. This household appliances do not have a fan for drying moisture, but there is a risk of cooking fruits in microwaves.

How to dry apricots in the air group?

To prepare dried fruits, you can use an air grill, which may well replace an electric dryer and oven.

Aerogril is a household electrical appliance working on the principle of a convection stove. The heating system with hot air and the presence of a powerful fan allows you to dry fruits and vegetables.

  1. Washed and dry apricots cut into halves
  2. Laid the fruits on the airborne bars so that they do not touch each other
  3. Drying is produced at high fan speed at a temperature of 60-70 degrees
  4. If the apricots are not dry enough in one cycle of the work of the Aerogril, the drying process can be resumed again
Useful nuclei of apricot seeds
Useful nuclei of apricot seeds

How to dry apricot bones?

According to the latest scientific data, the nucleus of apricot seeds have a valuable healing effect and are of interest to the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

  • The bones of the fruit of apricots contain a rare natural vitamin B17 that kills cancer cells. Daily intake of a small number of nuclei of apricot seeds (approximately 10 pieces) - good prevention of malignant diseases
  • The nuclei of apricot seeds effectively heal the cough with bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough
  • Raw nuclei of apricot bones have antiparasitic and anthelmintic properties
  • Apricot bones have a good effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys
  • Apricot oil of the fruit bones is well absorbed and useful for the body. Many athletes use bone apricot oil in their diet
Drying of apricot seeds
Drying of apricot seeds

Important: the use of a small number of nuclei of apricot seeds is useful and does not cause intoxication of the body. You should only use the sweet cores of bones in an amount of not more than 50 g per day. The dose for children is 25 g, depending on age.

For drying, use varieties apricotIn which a bone of fruits is well separated. The bones are laid out with a thin layer on trays or baking sheets and dried in ventilated rooms or outdoors, you can in the sun. Periodically, the bones are mixed for uniform drying.

Video: On the benefits of apricot seeds

Video: How to dry apricots?

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