What can be planted with a garden in a garden, in a greenhouse?

What can be planted with a garden in a garden, in a greenhouse?

The future is behind joint landings, so it is important to know what can be planted with on one bed.

Plants are a little similar to people - next to one cultures, they feel great, develop well, and next to others they are stubborn, although the conditions are the same.

So if you want to get a good harvest annually, plan landings taking into account the effects of plants on each other.

What can you plant Bulgarian sweet pepper with?

Bulgarian sweet pepper is capricious culture. He does not get along with all cultures.
Bulgarian sweet pepper is capricious culture. He does not get along with all cultures.

To avoid diseases of fungal origin, it is necessary to remove from it the beds with kohlrabi and fenhel.
The bushes will grow strong and without signs of the disease, if onions are planted between the rows, and carrots are planted in rows.

It protects the pepper bushes from the scorching sun and the wind of the bamy. There will be no aphids on the bushes if they are planted next door to this culture:

  • marigold
  • coriander
  • tansy
  • nasturtium
  • kotovnik

Perfectly fruit pepper next door to straight herbs:

  • majoran planted between the bushes
  • loving, if you land it around the perimeter of the bed
  • basilica, perfectly decorating the beds and repel pests

But beans are a bad companion. She has a general disease with pepper - anthracnosis, which manifests itself with black soft spots on the fruits.

Bulgarian pepper loves the neighborhood of a basilica that protects it from pests
Bulgarian pepper loves the neighborhood of a basilica that protects it from pests

What can you plant tomatoes with and what can be planted nearby?

Marigolds planted next to tomatoes are a good neighborhood
Marigolds planted next to tomatoes are a good neighborhood

Together with tomatoes, he feels good:

  • green onion
  • basil
  • melisa

Favorablely act on tomatoes planted nearby:

  • spinach
  • carrot
  • shitt-Luk
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • calendula
  • celery
  • asparagus
  • teaVis
  • cucumber
  • levka
  • marigold

The neighborhood does not tolerate tomatoes at all:

  • dill
  • fenhel
  • potatoes

Potatoes pose a special threat to tomatoes - both crops are suffering from late blight, both of them loves the Colorado beetle, so these plants should be planted at different parts of the garden.

What can you plant cabbage with?

To get high -quality cabbage heads, you need to know what you can plant with it

To get delicious and sweet cabbage cabbage, put on her bed:

  • beets
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • any green salad
  • basket beans

It is impossible not to note the special friendship of cabbage with potatoes. After hilling the potatoes between its rows, plant the seedlings of late cabbage.

While the tops of the potatoes are developing intensively, the tenant in her shadow behaves modestly. After the flowering of the main culture is completed, put the tops on the ground.

The cabbage will begin to intensively gain strength and go into growth. It will overtake in the development of plants planted in a separate bed, and in the fall it will please an unusually generous harvest.

There are plants that are not just coexisting with cabbage, but protecting it from pests. They will not be allowed to be a bed with a culture of caterpillars of the cabbage:

  • garlic
  • dill
  • borago
  • onion
  • geranium
  • nasturtium
  • sage
  • nasturtium
  • tansy
  • peppermint
  • hyssop

Drive the cabbage fly planted in the neighborhood:

  • marigold
  • basil
  • celery
  • garlic
  • wormwood
  • sage
It is advisable to plant marigolds near cabbage
It is advisable to plant marigolds near cabbage

Dill will scare away the cabbage moth, where there are salads and celery nearby, an earthen flea will not appear. The formidable enemy of cabbage - the cruciferous flea is afraid:

  • tansy
  • mint
  • wormwood
  • sage
  • ruts
  • thyme
  • green onion
  • garlic
  • sage

A cabbage whitish is not visited if the bed is surrounded by tomatoes, celery, chamber, rosemary, dill, sage. True, tomatoes in such a neighborhood will not feel very good.
Never plant cabbage next to beans and garden strawberries, it will not grow. Herbs are also able to drown out cabbage, so it is better to sow them along the edge of the beds, and if between rows, then very rarely.

What can you plant bitter pepper with?

Gorky pepper can be planted with many cultures
Gorky pepper can be planted with many cultures

Gorky pepper is a peaceful culture, gets along with many plants perfectly. In the greenhouse, it can be planted with tomatoes, there is no garlic to them and there will be no pests.

In an open bed, he will be happy to let the basil into his territory, as well as any other crops, if only they would not shad it.

What can not be done either in the greenhouse or in open ground is to allow the proximity of Gorky pepper with Bulgarian - the whole will turn out to be bitter.

Tip: Do not plant pepper on the beds, where beets or potatoes grew before. Good predecessors for him are onions, cucumbers, melons, legumes.

What can I plant eggplant with?

You can plant pepper near the eggplant
You can plant pepper near the eggplant

There is always a lot of trouble with eggplant, whether it is a greenhouse or open ground. There is little one proper care, it is also important to choose a suitable place, and to choose neighbors successfully.

Firstly, such cultures as tomatoes, Gorky pepper, potatoes take the same nutrients from the soil as eggplant, so having planted this plant after them, you cannot provide it with normal life.

As for the neighbors, place the eggplant beds with those where peas, thyme or beans growing nearby, driving away from them the Colorado beetle.

Eggplants have nothing against the neighborhood with pumpkin, watermelons, melons, sweet Bulgarian pepper. Petunia, marigolds, basil and nasturtium on the contour of the garden will scare away many pests.

Healthy eggplants grow next to a small amount of shilling. And in a rather extensive space between the bushes, a salad is successfully grown.

Attention: even with the correct selection of the neighborhood, observe the distance between cultures. They should not infringe on each other.

What can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with?

Other crops are planted near cucumbers in a greenhouse
Other crops are planted near cucumbers in a greenhouse

Cucumbers love high humidity and stable temperature at a long light bottom. Such conditions can be created only in a greenhouse or greenhouse. At the same time, other crops can be planted next to them, having selected them correctly.

In one greenhouse, only those plants that belong to one family or, in extreme cases, satisfying the same requirements for content.
For planting vegetables in one greenhouse, both types and varieties are important. If you want, get the crop of both cucumbers and eggplant, then take the seeds of hybrids. On a small area, the neighbors of cucumbers can become:

  1. The peppers are sweet, they also need high humidity
  2. Eggplant, as well as cucumbers who love heat and moisture
  3. White cabbage, preferring moisture and an abundance of light
  4. Radishes planted along the contour of the bed
  5. Zucchini. They have the same requirements with cucumbers, but the zucchini needs a lot more to ventilate, therefore they are grown only with hybrids more loyal to the jumps in temperature and humidity
  6. Melons. Growing together with cucumbers, they give many fruits.

If the greenhouse is spacious, then at the same time you can grow tomatoes, only the beds should be divided by light screens, and between them the zucchini, peppers or greens should be planted. A place for tomatoes is allocated closer to the door there cooler.

What can you plant dill with?

Dill can be planted far from all cultures

Many believe that dill is a friend to all cultures. Often it is not even sown intentionally, he himself dwells and wanders around the beds. Meanwhile, the seemingly harmless, dill depresses growth, reduces the yield of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, basil, and crust surge.
He also has friends: cabbage, from which he scares off pests and improves its taste, cucumbers, growing well in the shadow of his umbrellas, bush beans, onions, sunflower, fennel.

What can you plant strawberries with and what can be planted nearby?

Strawberry is growing well next to garlic
Strawberry is growing well next to garlic

Little plants with which are beneficial for strawberries:

  • parsley
  • spinach
  • beans

This vitamin berry has nothing against the neighborhood with cucumber grass, radish, garlic, beets, onions, salads, cabbage, sage.
The beds for strawberries should be chosen after radishes, spinach, parsley, legumes, dill, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, corn, carrots.

What can be planted with garlic?

Many cultures like the place next to the Checkie

Garlic is a natural fungicide successfully used in the fight against fungal infections. Most Garlic neighbors like this quality:

  1. Surrounded by garlic, it is easier to cope with late blight
  2. From strawberries, he drives away harmful insects
  3. Carrots will relieve leaf blocks and carrot flies

A good satellite is garlic for greens and vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. He is an excellent partner for raspberries, roses, tulips, currants, gladioli.
Despite many useful properties, not all cultures love garlic. These include all legumes. It suppresses them so much that they stop growing.

As its predecessor, garlic is universal, after it everything grows, it itself gives a good harvest after pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage. Bad predecessors for him:

  • onion
  • carrot
  • radish
  • mint
  • coriander
  • celery
  • basil

What can you plant beets with?

Great beets grow if you plant it next to potatoes
Great beets grow if you plant it next to potatoes

Favorite neighbor beets-potatoes, they mutually stimulate the development of each other. The neighborhood with beans, tomatoes, spinach, radish, radish, salad, and onions also has a beneficial effect on the yields of beetroot.
The beets to cucumbers, celery, and garlic are positive. No need to wait for a good crop of beets if it is planted next to corn.

There is an assumption that beets distinguish substances close to antibiotics, so it acts healing for some crops, in particular, carrots.

Beetroes grow well after potatoes, cabbage, legumes, cucumbers. Beetroot has a powerful tops, so planting it together with other crops, follow the distance.

What can you plant carrots with?

It is best to plant carrots with onions
It is best to plant carrots with onions

The ensemble of carrots and onions is simply perfect. The main pest of carrots is a carrot fly does not tolerate onions, and a fly onion is afraid to approach carrots.

To stimulate the growth of carrots, the beds are planted with chamomile, thyme, tobacco, rosemary. Gives a good result a joint landing with tomatoes, garlic, radish, manhold, salads.
The culture of parsley, dill negatively refers.
The predecessors desirable for her are potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, legumes, greens.

What can you plant watermelons and melons with?

Good watermelons planted next to greens

Experienced gardeners do not advise planting these 2 crops on one bed due to mutual overpower. But if the harvesting of seeds is not an important point, then their joint landing is acceptable, especially since they are equally related to the neighborhood with other crops.

You can plant them next to spinach, radish, other greenery except parsley, corn. They need a lot of sun, so you can not place them next to shrubs and trees. The close presence of related crops is not suitable for them: zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers.
The worst predecessors for them are themselves.

What can you plant zucchini and pumpkin with?

All varieties must be planted on different beds
All varieties must be planted on different beds

Pumpkin - cross -pollinated plant. Consequently, its different varieties can be poured and lose their characteristic features. Therefore, in order to save the variety, everyone is planted away from each other. The same rule applies to zucchini.

The pumpkin grows late and until the onset of this moment will grow peas, spinach, curling beans, onions. But next to potatoes, tomatoes, radish, parsley, its presence is extremely undesirable - and it itself will not grow normally, and it will crush the neighbors.

Pumpkin and zucchini with corn grow well. The radishes planted around the hole or nasturtium are scaring away from them. As the predecessors, different herbs, corn, winter and vegetables are the best as the predecessors.

What can you plant peas, beans with?

The beans get along well with carrots
The beans get along well with carrots

Peas can be planted between rows of cucumbers, carrots, turnips. It is not bad combined with parsley, radishes, and a head of salad. Onion garlic and tomatoes for placement on one bed are not suitable.

The beans get along with the celery in small quantities. It’s good for her with corn and on a bed with carrots.
It is best to plant these crops after onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes.

What can I plant basil with?

Plant the basil next to pepper is a good idea

The basil is interesting both from aesthetic and culinary point of view. He gets along well with tomatoes and corn, scaring away from them a common pest - a horned worm. In the place where the basil grows, ants will not be started. A successful duet is basil and sweet pepper.

From spicy herbs, basil does not tolerate root.

What can I plant potatoes with?

Potatoes in mixed plantings gives excellent crops
Potatoes in mixed plantings gives excellent crops

Potatoes develop well in mixed plantings, almost does not get sick and grows on one area for a long time, without reducing yield.
Useful company for potatoes:

  • basket beans
  • cabbage
  • radish
  • coriander
  • nasturtium
  • beet
  • linen
  • marigold

The sunflower and weeds are oppressed by the potato as swan and wormwood. I like this culture by the neighborhood of grapes. Increases productivity close proximity to corn.
Under no circumstances, potatoes with celery, sunflower, pumpkin will not get along.

An excellent crop will give potatoes after legumes, cabbage, especially kohlrabi and colored, oily radish. After the last culture, all pathogens of the disease will leave from the garden.

What can be planted next to onions?

Onions and carrots on one bed - a great duet
Onions and carrots on one bed - a great duet

Luke loves the company cabbage, as well as tomatoes, strawberries, salad, petunia. A long -standing bow, planted in a circle, has a good effect on rose bushes.

Like neighbors, onions are pretty carrots, cucumber, potatoes. It does not tolerate gladioli, legumes.
Suitable predecessors are cucumbers, zucchini, greens, tomatoes, legumes.

What can Parsley be planted with?

Parsley, planted next to onions, carrots, radish, feels good
Parsley, planted next to onions, carrots, radish, feels good

Parsley improves the taste of tomatoes. A good company for her is onions. To the disposition of her neighborhood with a calendula, carrot, radishes.

She does not budge with a croach, nasturtium, coriander. As the predecessors are good early potatoes and cabbage, cucumbers.

What can you plant celery with?

Celery planted near Kaputa
Celery planted near Kaputa

The joint plantings of celery and white cabbage are mutual. He scares away from a neighbor of white butterflies, and she stimulates his growth. Good results are given by celery in combination:

  • with cucumbers
  • beetroot
  • spinach
  • beetroot
  • bush beans

Unsuccessful neighbors:

  • carrot
  • potato
  • parsley
  • corn

Acceptable predecessors - cucumbers, onions, cabbage, potatoes.

What can I plant tobacco with?

Tobacco defender plant is planted near many crops for scaring pests
Tobacco defender plant is planted near many crops for scaring pests

Tobacco, whose leaves are released a lot of volatile substances, is a good companion for many plants. This is a defender plant.
It is planted on the beds together with eggplant, tomatoes. He dares from the beds with radishes and kolrabi earthen fleas. If it is planted with carrots, then the last carrot fly is not terrible.

What can be planted with grapes?

It is good to plant strawberries with grapes
It is good to plant strawberries with grapes

Between the rows of vine, strawberries feels perfectly. Rost, beans, corn, radishes, soy, improve its taste. The neighborhood with an oil radish is good at his condition. Cabbage, onions, barley act negatively.

Sometimes weeds, such as mokrin, shepherd’s bag, but in small quantities. And it would seem healthy medicinal plants: tansy, yarrow, nightshade, on the contrary, inhibit growth.

What can be planted next to currants?

It is good to plant onion next to currants
It is good to plant onion next to currants

A real protector for blackcurrant is onions, it destroys the kidney tick. Surprosin also gets along with honeysuckle, but with his relative - the currant is not friends. A bad neighbor and raspberries, like a gooseberry, in one area with which she does not look healthy.

Issop and Fennel do not like almost all plants. Therefore, plant them separately and in the farthest corner.

Plant companies can be interesting and very diverse, the main thing is that the result is pleased.

Video: About mixed landings

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