Planting and growing potatoes under straw or hay, in bags, in soil, in barrels: technology and methods

Planting and growing potatoes under straw or hay, in bags, in soil, in barrels: technology and methods

The article will give tips and methods for growing potatoes.

Potatoes are the main agricultural culture in many countries of the world. It is grown in personal plots by many summer residents. However, the yield of potatoes is not always as high as we would like.

  • For greater productivity, you need to choose the right varieties of potatoes that are resistant to diseases and pests
  • It is necessary to experiment with landing methods, because in each region the method may differ. It depends on the climate, soil state, humidity
  • Correct fertilizers will be able to provide your potatoes with health and a full -fledged grew, increase effectiveness
  • Protection against pests and diseases is an important stage in the cultivation of potatoes. Colorado beetles, phytopher are the most common problems in all regions
  • Preparation of land, hilling and weeding of bushes also affect the amount of crop and its quality

Potatoes for planting: photo, description

Early varieties of potatoes:

  • Potato varieties can be dug up after 45 - 60 days after planting
  • “Ariel” is potatoes with medium -sized tubers, has yellow pulp and peel. Explored by late blight. The pulp is resistant to blackening. The variety quickly increases tubers, but with diseases this process slows down
  • "Riviera" - potatoes with oval yellow tubers. It is rarely subject to blackening. Not resistant to diseases, which is why it needs additional treatment
  • “Isora” - potatoes with a white peel and light pulp. It has a medium -sized bush, ready to collect 50-65 days after planting. It has good taste. Not resistant to disease
  • “Impala” - this variety has high productivity, large tubers. However, it is better to grow it in regions with a warm climate
Riviera variety
Riviera variety

Middle -worn potato varieties:

  • Dubrava is a variety of Belarusian selection. It has medium rounded fruits with a dense brownish peel. He loves mineral fertilizers, resistant to drought. Resistant to nematode and cancer. Average resistant to late blight
  • “Scarb”-a variety of potatoes of an oblong shape, has a yellow soft peel and light yellow pulp. It is recommended to pre -practice germination, since the seedlings germinate quite slowly. It takes root well on all types of soils, resistant to disease
  • “Universal” - potatoes with brownish tubers, rough skin. The pulp is white. The variety is well stored and resistant to damage, pests and diseases
Variety of the Impala
Variety "Impala"

Late -ripening varieties of potatoes:

  • "Cellular"-has oval yellow fruits with light yellow pulp. It can be grown on almost all types of soils. It is resistant to pests and some diseases (nematode, wet rot, black leg, late blight of leaves)
  • "Vesnyanka" - the variety is not demanding on the type of soil and fertilizers. It has poor germination, so it requires pre -germination. The fruits are stored for a long time and good
  • “Zarnitsa” - root crops have a red peel and white pulp. Often have a deformed shape and deep eyes. Resistant to droughts, susceptible to fertilizers. Has good taste
Variety Zarnitsa
Variety "Zarnitsa"

The technology of planting and growing potatoes under straw or hay

  • Growing potatoes under a layer of hay or straw is much easier than in the ground. It does not require laborious dug and extraction of root crops from the ground
  • Make a small trench with a depth of 5 - 10 cm. Place the potatoes in it and cover it a little
  • If the soil is raw, it needs to be watered
  • Then lay the straw. The thickness of the layer should be 10 - 20 cm
  • When potato sprouts appear, you need to carefully place a little more straw. Make sure that it does not completely cover the sprouts
  • Hay protects potatoes from the sun and drought, captures sprouts with useful substances and creates a special microclimate that provides good productivity
  • The disadvantage of this method is that straw attracts mice and insects. They need to be additionally eliminated so that they do not eat potato tubers

Planting and growing potato planting technology in bags

  • The advantage of this method is that the potato tubers are protected from pests and diseases. Potatoes do not need to be opened often
  • The fitting method in bags is convenient in that it does not take up much space and potatoes can be grown even in small summer cottages
  • For this method, it is best to use early varieties of potatoes
  • Take bags of sugar or cereals. Pour a special mixture in it for planting crops, deliver humus
  • Put potatoes for planting and pour the soil again
  • As necessary, the potatoes need to be watered, and the edges of the bag are tucked
  • Put the bags in a lighted place. So get the crop much faster

Growing potatoes in a barrel

  • For this method, we need an old barrel in which the bottom should be removed. Also, on the sides you need to make several small holes so that the air penetrates into the soil
  • The tubers need to be germinated in advance so that the shoots appear faster
  • Pour the soil with humus to the bottom, lay the tubers and wake up again with the ground
  • When they finally go into a barrel, you can add a few more tubers. Make sure that there is a space between the shootings
  • Когда вся картошка взойдет нужно еще добавить грунта, тем самым окучивая всходы
  • As necessary, potatoes need to be watered
  • Pests and diseases are not terrible for such potatoes, which makes the method of landing very convenient
Growing potatoes in a bag or barrel
Growing potatoes in a bag or barrel

Growing potatoes in open ground in manual holes

  • Potatoes are usually planted in open ground at the end of April or early May, when the soil on the depths had already warmed up to 10 degrees
  • Potato tubers need to be prepared in advance. For planting, choose medium -sized tubers, without rot and damage
  • A month before planting, the tubers need to be germinated. To do this, put them in a bright place under a layer of sawdust or peat. Air temperature should not exceed 15 degrees
  • Before planting tubers, you can treat with special products for pests and diseases
  • Plant potatoes in wet soil. It is better to plant in holes or furrows
  • The distance between the holes should be 30 - 40 cm
  • Digging the hole, throw a handful of wood ash there, several tubers of potatoes and pour in the ground. The depth of the hole is 5 - 10 cm, depending on the density of the soil
  • Planting places must often loosen and weed
  • Когда взойдут ростки, их нужно окучивать и продолжать пропалывать
  • Also, you need to process potatoes from pests and diseases
  • It is often not necessary to water potatoes. Watering is required only when the soil is 8 cm in depth

Growing potatoes in rows for motoblock

  • Today, progress has stepped forward and you can no longer bother yourself with duging holes and grooves for potatoes. There is a special motoring apparatus that will help to cope much faster with landing
  • He makes beds and furrows, falls asleep with earth, and a special nozzle will even automate the room of potatoes into the hole
  • You set the depth and just go behind the walk -behind tractor, making furrows. The first furrow must be made as smooth as possible, because the rest will be made relative to it
  • You can fill the furrows with earth manually, or you can use a motor -cultivator
  • There is a special nozzle that digs potatoes. Therefore, motoblock is an indispensable assistant in the garden
  • The advantages of this method of planting and harvesting are speed, small labor costs. Also, experts argue that the earth is loosening better in a mechanical way
  • Of the minuses, the significant cost of such a device and all the necessary nozzles can be noted. For an ordinary summer resident who grows potatoes for himself, a walk -behind tractor is unlikely to pay off
Motoblock for growing potatoes
Motoblock for growing potatoes

Growing Dutch potatoes

  • Planting potatoes according to Dutch technology is based on a shallow planting of potato tubers - up to 10 cm in depth. Thus, the potatoes are nourished by the heat of the Earth and receives all the necessary trace elements
  • First you need to prepare potatoes. It should be large enough - the size of a chicken egg. Potatoes need to be germinated
  • You need to start landing when the earth is wet and warm enough, because the potatoes are heat -loving
  • We make holes and plant in them sprouted potato tubers
  • After about two weeks, shoots need to be spent - completely cover the sprouts with loose earth
  • After another two to three weeks, you need to repeat the hill. This will allow potatoes to develop faster, protect it from diseases and parasites
  • If necessary, it is necessary to water and plunder the beds of potatoes, process from the Colorado beetles

The deadlines for planting potatoes in Russia, in the Urals, Siberia, in the south of Ukraine: on what days, at what temperature, what is the term of potato planting?

The choice of potato planting time is an important factor in obtaining a good harvest. There are several rules that will clearly help choose the time for planting potatoes in any region:

  • The temperature of the soil and air is a very important factor. In cold soil, the potatoes simply will not germinate, and with sharp lowering the air temperature, the sprouts will simply freeze
  • The soil should have a temperature above 6 degrees at a depth of 10 cm
  • The air temperature should not decrease below -1 degrees, there should not be night strong frosts
  • Another important nuance is soil moisture. After abundant melting of snow, you cannot immediately proceed to planting. The soil should be wet, but loose

The main factor is the temperature of the soil. For some time, potatoes will be in the ground and will not be influenced by external temperatures. Tighten with landing, waiting for warmth, is also not worth

The approximate time for planting potatoes in various regions:

  • In the Urals and Moscow Region, it is better to start landing in the first half of May, after the May holidays
  • In Siberia, the temperature is lower, so the landing begins in late May - early June
  • In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine - at the end of April - first of May
  • In the south of Ukraine - in mid -April

Also, you can checked with the lunar calendar for planting potatoes. However, one should not fully rely on it. After all, it does not take into account regional features, but only the influence of the forces of the moon on plants

The deadlines for planting potatoes
The deadlines for planting potatoes

Potato processing before planting: seed germination

  • Seed processing before planting any crops makes it possible to protect the future crop from damage to diseases and parasites, and will naturally increase the endurance of culture
  • For potatoes, seed material is tubers. They are usually used when landing
  • Preparation begins with sorting tubers in size. For planting, medium -sized tubers are suitable
  • The material for planting should be completely healthy, obtained from healthy and strong plants. There should not be rotten or blacks on the tubers
  • A month before planting, the tubers need to be germinated. To do this, they are laid in 1 - 2 rows in boxes and put in a warm place (approximately 15 degrees). There should be light access to the boxes
  • If there is no way to leave the tubers under the light, they can be warmed up. For this, a higher temperature (20 degrees) is used, and tubers begin to germinate 2 weeks before planting
  • Also, potatoes can be treated with a special stimulating agent that increases productivity. Of the most famous drugs - “Mikom”, “Pottein”. There are instructions on the package
  • Another stage is the etching of tubers from pests and diseases. There are many drugs on the market with a different spectrum of action, for example, prestige, maxim, actar and others
Potato germination
Potato germination

The best fertilizers when planting potatoes in the hole: mineral, ash

  • The preparation of the soil needs to start in the spring. During this period, you can add potassium fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium sulfate). This is especially true for soils with pests and diseases
  • At the site of the future planting of potatoes in the fall, after harvesting the tops, you can plant white mustard. This culture will become a natural fertilizer for potatoes in the spring
  • The combination of organic and mineral fertilizers in the spring brings the best result. There are several schemes for applying fertilizers for potatoes
  • For example, a meter of square soil can be used: a bucket of humus, 3 tbsp. spoons of nitrofoski and a glass of ash
  • When planting potatoes, you can also apply fertilizers. A ash or humus is thrown into the hole. From chemical fertilizers - nitrofosk
  • Fertilizers are also applied before hilling. Among them, the most effective are: bird droppings, herbal infusions, mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphates and potassium fertilizers)

Then, what crops, is it better to plant potatoes?

The best predecessors for potatoes:

  • Cabbage
  • Beet
  • Salad
  • Cucumbers
  • Peas, beans
  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini

Do not plant potatoes after:

  • Tomatoes
  • Pepper
  • Eggplant

Do I need watering potatoes when landing?

  • When planting, the potatoes should not be watered. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the soil during planting should already be wet. Secondly, the tuber for planting already contains a certain amount of moisture, which it will transmit to the future sprout
  • Watering for potatoes is needed, well, in another period. When buds appear and drought begins. Watering should be done under the root so that moisture does not fall on the leaves
Do you need watering potatoes?
Do you need watering potatoes?

Potato processing when landing from the Colorado beetle

  • Culture processing from the Colorado beetle begins even before planting potatoes. When processing, use special chemicals that are sold in garden stores
  • Then the potatoes are processed after the sprouts have grown by 15 cm. For this, a special solution is used: 10 l of water 150 grams of copper sulfate. This procedure needs to be done in two stages. The second stage - 12 days after the first
  • The famous Prestige drug fights well with Colorado beetles, but has a toxic composition. It can only be used if harvesting is planned for August
  • The safest way is to collect pests and their larvae manually. This procedure must be done as necessary
  • The folk remedy is the use of a decoction of wormwood, which scares away bugs. They can regularly spray the bushes
  • Also, between the bushes you can lay out mint, sage, Matiol, calendula. These plants scare away Colorado beetles

How much potatoes rush after planting

  • If the soil temperature during planting was below 10 degrees, then the shoots will appear on the 20th - 25th day
  • If higher, then after 15 - 20 days
  • Disturled tubers move much faster (on average, for a week)
  • To make the tubers go faster, it is better not to bury them to a greater depth. Especially if frosts are not planned
  • In order for the shoots to be uniform, you need to choose tubers of the same size and varieties. You need to germinate them the same time

Distance when planting potatoes between rows, holes

  • The potato variety determines the best distance between the rows
  • Early varieties are best planted at a distance of 60 - 70 cm
  • Late varieties - at least 70 cm, well, better - about 80 - 85 cm
  • When calculating the distance between the holes, also consider the variety. Early varieties are better to plant at a distance of 20 - 25 cm, late and medium - more than 30 cm
Distance for planting potatoes
Distance for planting potatoes

Potato planting depth

  • For the northern and central latitudes, the depth should be 10 - 12 cm, for the southern 14 - 16 cm
  • Also, the depth of landing depends on the type of soil
  • Light soils - about 12 cm
  • Heavy soils - up to 10 cm
  • Peat soils - up to 7 cm

How to grow a second potato harvest?

There are several mandatory conditions that will allow to grow two crops of potatoes in temperate and southern latitudes:

  • Enough fertile and fertile soil. To implement this condition, it is necessary to fertilize it since autumn. Next, make fertilizers with each landing and during growth
  • Choosing a variety of potatoes. In order for him to grow and ripen, the early varieties are needed
  • Full thawing of snow and warming up the soil. We are not always weather conditions, especially in the central regions delight with early warmth. But there are several tricks that will help warm the soil faster
  • As soon as the snow comes down and frosts end, the soil is watered with hot water (up to 65 degrees). And then planting early varieties are planted
  • It is necessary to germinate potatoes before each landing

The technology of growing young, early potatoes

  • The tubers must be germinated. This is done in a light and sufficiently warm room (up to 15 degrees) a month before planting potatoes in the ground. Potato tubers must be periodically turned over so that they sprout evenly
  • To obtain young potatoes, in the shortest possible time, early varieties are planted in prepared furrows. It is necessary to adhere to the distance (50-60 cm between rows, 20 -25 cm between tubers)
  • If frosts suddenly come, potatoes need to be covered with film, hay or top
  • Sometimes you need to water potatoes, the soil should not be too wet. The perfect gap between watering week - 10 days
  • When the flowering ends young potatoes, you can dig up. It is better to dig tubers gradually as they are used
How to grow young potatoes?
How to grow young potatoes?

Method planting and growing potatoes with sprouts

  • This technology is known for a long time. Its essence is the cultivation of potatoes without the use of tubers. To grow new bushes, we need sprouts that are obtained when germinating
  • These sprouts are seated like seedlings in a fortified soil
  • There are two types of sprouts - light and shadow. Shadow appear when germinating in a warm, but dark place. Light - in light and moderate temperatures. Light sprouts are more tenacious and do not break
  • First, the tubers need to be planted in peat cups, fertilize and wait for germination. Then, these sprouts are separated and transplanted into separate peat pots with soil
  • When the sprouts take root, they can be transplanted into the soil to a permanent place
  • For this method, only mid -season and late varieties of potatoes are suitable
  • Plus this method is a significant saving of sowing material. Minus - labor and time. The difference in the crop was not found

How to plant and grow potatoes without digging the earth?

  • In the classical method of planting soil, the stage is an important stage when growing any crops. It gives the soil to be saturated with oxygen, raise fertile layers
  • However, as practice shows, crops do not always differ
  • This is especially true for landing methods, when planting is carried out at a non -great depth. In this case, loosening is enough with a rake
  • True, there are also disadvantages. The first is the difficulty in harvesting. The second is smaller root crops than with dug soil

Why does the hilling helps to increase potatoes?

  • When hilling, the tubers increase up the stem. Thanks to this, the crop is better and more, and the bush itself is stronger
  • Hilling allows you to saturate the soil with oxygen and nutrients, which will affect productivity
  • It protects the plant from frosts, strong winds and other bad weather
  • Highing improves moisture intake to the root system of the plant
  • This procedure reduces the number of weeds, and therefore labor costs for weeding
  • It is much easier to process and collect potatoes with fucked beds

Video: method of growing potatoes without hilling and weeding

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