How to dry plum and prunes at home? How to dry plum in an electric dryer, oven, in the sun?

How to dry plum and prunes at home? How to dry plum in an electric dryer, oven, in the sun?

Such a useful treat as prunes can be prepared at home. Although this process is long and time -consuming, all the efforts spent will pay off with more than.

From this article you will learn about how to cook delicious prunes from domestic plum. Thanks to these methods, the resulting dried fruit will be no worse than a store analogue.

How to dry plum in an electric dryer: with bones and without bones

The prunes can be either with a bone or without a bone, it all depends on what was originally plum size. If the fruit is large, then it is advisable to cut it in half and remove the bone - so you accelerate the drying process and exclude the decay option of fruits.

For drying, select whole, not rotten plums
For drying, select whole, not rotten plums

The drying process for yellow and black plums is the same and consists of such stages:

  • Wash and remove the stalk in the plum, take away rotten or damaged fruits
  • For better storage, it is necessary to blanch entire fruits, for this add to hot water 1 tbsp soda and bring to a boil
  • Lower the plums into the soda solution on 5 second And immediately wash in cold water
In the electric dryer you can perfectly dry the plum and get delicious prunes
  • For convenience, lay out plums without bones and with bones into different pallets or even divide these fruits into different visits
  • Put plums without a bone with a cut up
  • Drying the drain passes in three stages, at first the temperature in the electric dryer should be no more than 40 s, Dry plums for 6 hours, then leave them to cool for 6 hours
  • In the next stage, the temperature should be raised to 60 s, time is the same as in the previous stage
  • Finally set the temperature 80 p, time is unchanged

Whole fruits should be formed, because thanks to this, cracks appear in the skin of the plums, through which moisture leaves, cut plums and so give the liquid through the cuts.

Ready the prunes will be elastic, elastic and evenly dried. Be sure to check that the juice does not flow out of it. Bunny is a unique dried fruit that can pleasantly complement the meat, fish dish, porridge or dessert.

Video: Drying drain

How to dry the plum in the oven?

When on the calendar is mid -August, and on the tree are the branches full of drain, it's time to cook prunes. One of the simplest ways is drying plums in the oven:

  • Wash and remove the stalk from the plum, take away the spoiled fruits
  • Blanch fruits in a mixture of water with soda 30 seconds
  • Spread the parchment on a baking sheet and put the plums on it, lay the fruits cut up
For perfect drying, it is necessary to alternate the time in the oven and the cooling time
For perfect drying, it is necessary to alternate the time in the oven and the cooling time
  • First dry the plum 3-4 hours, take twice as much time for cooling
  • At the next stage, increase the temperature to 80 ° C.set the cooking time 6 hours, you need to cool the drunk plum 3 hours
  • Finally 30 minutes dry almost ready prunes at temperatures 100 ° C, After that you will see that the skin of the fruit will begin to shine
  • Keep the finished prunes in a container with a tightly closing lid

Do not regret the time to make prunes, because the resulting taste of the product will definitely delight you, and the dishes prepared with dried fruits will remain in the memory of all guests

How to dry yellow plum in the sun?

The most natural way to get prunes is drying in the sun, in the private sector, this is a great option to get a quality product without applying special efforts and costs. You can get delicious prunes from both yellow and black plum.

Bunas are also made from yellow honey plums
Bunas are also made from yellow honey plums

Yellow plum It is called honey, which clearly speaks of her sweet and tender taste.

For drying yellow plum, you need a wooden pallet or cardboard sheet, as well as following the specified tips:

  • Wash the plum, remove the stalk, take the crumpled and rotten fruits
  • Divide the plums in half and remove the bone, it is better not to use for drying in the sun whole plums, since the fruits may not dry well enough, which will adversely affect the storage of the product
  • Lay out fruits on cardboard or pallet slices up and take it to a sunny place
  • At night or if it is foreseen to rain, bring the plums into the room so that the fruits do not
For drying in the sun, it is better to pray plums in half
For drying in the sun, it is better to pray plums in half
  • Periodically turn the fruitso that the drying process passes comprehensively and evenly
  • In the sun, the plums will dry about a week to understand that the prunes are ready, squeeze one of the fruits, it must be elastic, not sticky, not to secrete juice when pressed

Keep dried fruits in tissue bags or wooden boxes. This method, although quite long, but does not require any financial costs from you, good weather and the lack of persistent insects are needed. So that dried fruits do not overcome flies and bees cover them with gauze.

Video: Drying plums in an electric dryer

How to dry prunes without bones?

As is already known, plums can be dried with or without bones. Now you will learn how to get delicious prunes from plums without bones:

  • Wash the plums and divide them in half, remove the bone
  • In the pan, prepare a mixture of water and citric acid in the proportion 1:50, cook the solution to a boil
  • Put the plums in a colander or a basket for deep fruit and lower it into a solution on 40 sec, this peculiar blanching - citric acid will give prunes additional softness and tenderness
Plums with a bone and without, whole and halves are suitable for producing prunes
Plums with a bone and without, whole and halves are suitable for producing prunes
  • Another option for drying the drain is a drying cabinet, put the fruits up on the drying cabinet pan and set the temperature 40 ° C.Dry 5 o'clock, after that, fruits must be cooled over the same time
  • Turn the plums with a cut down and dry again 5 o'clock, the temperature must be increased to 70 ° C.Cool again 5 o'clock
  • The third time prunes should be left for 8 hours at temperature 40 ° C., during this time, he must already dry out qualitatively
  • After cooling, place dried fruits in a sealed container and store in a cool place

Bunny without bones according to this method turns out to be elastic and moderately dried. From 1 kg You will get fresh drain 0.3 kg prunes.

How to dry the plum in the microwave?

One of the fastest ways to get prunes is Using the microwave. Due to the electromagnetic radiation, the drain is dried evenly, while the beneficial properties in prunes remain the same.

You can dry the prunes in the microwave
You can dry the prunes in the microwave

Prepare plums as follows:

  • Washed plums, dry on a towel and put on a microwave dish
  • Install the timer on 30 secand set power in 250 watts
  • Constantly check the readiness of prunes, you need no more 3-5 minutes
  • Do not increase the power too much, since in a matter of seconds of the drain it can turn into coals
  • Put dried fruits on paper and let cool

Plum can be packaged for storage or consumed daily. Dried fruits in the morning will establish the digestive tract And cleanse the body.

How to dry plums in the air group?

With the help of an aerogril You can also cook sweet and tasty prunes. Thanks to the functions of the device, you will receive a real dried fruit with a pleasant aroma of “smoked megal”. Unfortunately, at the output of the finished product there is very little - from 1 kg of drain you get 0.2 kg prunes.

In the Aerogril, prunes will acquire not only the desired shape and taste, but also a pleasant aroma
In the Aerogril, prunes will acquire not only the desired shape and taste, but also a pleasant aroma

Remember preparation of prunes in the Aerogrile:

  • Wash the plum, remove the stalk and crumpled fruits
  • You can use the fruits with a bone, even large fruits are well dried in the air group, but if you want to get a product without a bone, remove it
  • Set the temperature in the airbor 65 ° C. And dry the plums for 40 minutesleave to cool for an hour
  • Repeat the previous stage twice and leave the plums until the next day
  • The next day, dry the plums three times 40 minutes, the cooling time between the entries - 60 minutes
  • Lay the prunes on paper and leave until the next day
In the dry form of the drain, it remains much longer than in the form of jam
In the dry form, the drain will last much longer than in the form of jam
  • Put the cooled dried fruits into a bag or other container, prunes are stored up to 2 years

The prunes are very useful with problems with the intestines, it helps to delicately cleanse the body, as well as get rid of annoying extra pounds.

Prunes will give a piquant taste of meat, Pilaf and dessert, so if you have the opportunity to prepare dried plums for the winter, be sure to use this. Such a dried fruit will be many times tastier than a store product.

Video: How to dry prunes?

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