Pickled and canned beets for the winter are the best recipes. How to marry the beets for vinaigrette, borsch, raw, boiled, stewed, without sterilization for the winter in banks?

Pickled and canned beets for the winter are the best recipes. How to marry the beets for vinaigrette, borsch, raw, boiled, stewed, without sterilization for the winter in banks?

Conservation of beets is not only healthy, but also tasty. This article opens the secrets of cooking delicious pickled beets, piquant brine and brewing of root crops.


Beetroot for vinaigrette for the winter in banks: Recipe

Advantage canned beets The fact that she is always it turns out tasty. This root crime differs in that even with heat treatment does not lose his useful qualities. Such beets can be eaten in its finished form, prepare salads and borschs from it.

Harming the beets in banks for vinaigrette (for the winter) is very convenient. Such conservation does not require much effort and time. Besides, sterilization is not needed obligatoryoh, because banks will wait well in the cold season in a cool place (cellar, pantry, refrigerator).

The beets closed for vinaigrette during storage will not spoil its elasticity. But along with this it is saturated with marinade and will become even tastier. The taste of beets will become brighter, more spicy and even more acute at will. A blessed beets in vinaigrette will save your time and effort to prepare ingredients in this salad at any time of the year.

Canned beets for vinaigrette

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Water - 2 liters (for brine)
  • Salt - 2 large spoons (without a slide, it is advisable to use sea salt).
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons (no hill)
  • Black pepper - 5 peas (pepper peas, sharp)
  • Allspice - 5 peas
  • Mustard - 5 peas (mustard in grains)
  • Carnation - 5 pieces (buds, seasoning)
  • Vinegar - 1 large spoon (table, apple or wine).


  • Beetroot carefully it is washed out of dirt And boils to a soft state. Before preparing the beets, it is necessary cool.
  • Cooled beets are cut So, as you would like to see her in a finished vinaigrette: large or small cubes, cubes.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bbeets follows lay out in clean jars washed with soda.
  • Prepare the marinade: First you should boil water. Sugar and salt are dissolved in boiling water, after which spices are poured.
  • Cook the brine Ten another ten minutes should be on heavy heat so that a small amount of water evaporates, and the brine becomes saturated.
  • Beets in jars are poured with hot brine. In each jar should be poured along a spoonful of vinegar (based on two liter cans) and quickly roll up in the usual way. Leave to cool and remove for storage.

Video: “Harvesting from beets for the winter. Cubes for vinaigrette "

Beetroot for the winter in banks: recipe without sterilization

Close beets for the winter can be completely without sterilization of cans. This method involves a thorough leaching cans with hot water with ordinary baking soda. The food soda contains an alkali that neutralizes bacteria and does not allow conservation to swell, as well as deteriorate.

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Water - 1 liter of clean boiled water for brine
  • Vinegar - 2 small spoons (one on one can)
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons (no hill)
  • Salt - 2 large spoons (no hill)
  • Pepper - 10 pcs (black, peas, sharp)
  • Lavka sheet - 2 pcs (large) or 4 pcs (small)
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon (in each jar)
Harvesting for the winter


  • Choose for this prescription prescription non -large beetsSmall. It must be washed, boiled until cooked and carefully cleaned. Leave root crops until complete cooling.
  • The cooled root crops follows cut in a preferred way: cubes, cubes, halves, rings. Cut beets fold in cans purified with soda.
  • Prepare the brine: Boil water and dissolve sugar with salt in it. Add spices to boiling water and cook the brine for another ten minutes. Turn off the brine, add cinnamon, the required amount of bay leaves, cover the dishes with a lid and let him brew another five minutes.
  • After that, bring the brine to a boil and boiling marinade pour the chopped vegetable. Cover each jar with a lid and let it brew beets for twenty minutes.
  • Inside marinade It should be drained and boiled again. With a boiling brine, re -pour beets and roll up banks in the usual way.

Video: "Salad from beets for the winter without sterilization"

Grated pickled beets for cold borsch in banks: recipe without sterilization

Such a workpiece will become a real “find” for every housewife. It is convenient use for the preparation of cold beets and hot borscht. The beet workpiece saves your time to prepare gas stations, and its saturated and saturated with marinade will decorate any dish.

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Onion - 0.5 kg (on or white)
  • Tomato - 700 g
  • Pepper - 250 g (sweet or Bulgarian)
  • Garlic - 3 pcs (you can adjust the amount of garlic yourself, depending on its acuteness).
  • Oil - 6 large spoons (any vegetable, preferably sunflower).
  • Salt - 2 large spoons (without a slide).
Cooking for borsch for the winter


  • Prepare vegetables for canning: onions should be chopped in half rings, pepper is chopped into strips. Vegetables with vegetable oil are fried to a soft state.
  • The fried vegetables should add crushed garlicMix the mass thoroughly.
  • Tomatoes are folded into dishes with a high side. They follow Pour boiling water And leave in this state for several minutes. After that, rinse with cold water. Blancing It will help to easily clean the tomatoes from the skin.
  • Cleaned tomatoes are necessary pass through the meat grinders or beat with a blender.
  • Beets should be washed and cleaned from the skin. After that it follows grate on any preferred grater.
  • Beets fold in dishes for stewing (pan, saucepan) and poured with tomatoes. Stew the beets It follows low heat for about half an hour. Vegetables with garlic and spices are added to the stewed mass. After that, the extinguishing lasts another twenty minutes.
  • The beetroot mass is laid out in small glass jars, carefully washed with food soda. Rolls up in the usual way.

Video: "Suppulation for borsch for the winter"

Beets, caviar for the winter: a very tasty recipe without vinegar

Beetroot caviar - Favorite dish of many. It goes well with potatoes, meat and other vegetables. Beetroot caviar can be eaten in a spoon, used in layered salads, add to soups, borscht and even spread on bread.

Such conservation has a lot of advantages, because in addition to the fact that it is tasty, it is also very useful! In the beetroot caviar the entire stock of useful trace elements of the root crop is preserved. Beetroot caviar improves digestion, as well as clean the intestines.

Beetroot caviar

You will need:

  • Beet - 1.5 kg of root crops.
  • Onion - 3 pcs (large bulbs).
  • Carrot - 2 pcs (medium size, not very large)
  • Tomato paste - 2 large spoons (one small packaging).
  • Garlic - 2 small heads (the amount of garlic can be adjusted independently, depending on the severity of garlic and personal preferences).
  • Salt - 1 small spoon (can also be adjusted to taste).
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon
  • Pepper - 0.5 teaspoon (black, ground, sharp)
  • Vinegar - half a glass (about 100 milliliters)
  • Vegetable oil - A glass (about 200 milliliters).

There are two main ways to prepare caviar that depend on what consistency you want to get. In the first case, the beets are rubbed on an ordinary kitchen grater (large or small), and in the second it is passed through a meat grinder (this method is preferable).


  • Vegetables are thoroughly washed
  • The onion is cleaned and finely chopped. It must be frying in oil until golden crust.
  • We clean beets and carrots and chop the preferred way. Grated vegetables must be added to fried onions and let them in oil. Salt your beets to your taste.
  • Tomato paste and crushed garlic are added to the beetroot mass.
  • Add the necessary spices
  • Squeeze the beets on fire for about half an hour. All this time, the mass should interfere and cover the pan with a lid.
  • Banks are sterilized or thoroughly washed out with baking soda, and then poured with boiling water. In each jar is laid out beetroot mass. It is watered on top with several tablespoons of vegetable oil and rolls up in the usual way.

Video: "Beetroot caviar"

Coaled beets for the winter: recipes

Conserving beets with vinegar is more familiar to modern people than pouring it with a marinade. Vinegar produces peculiar sterilization, eliminating all living bacteria. Cgging is another way to cook vegetables for the winter.

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Water - 1.5 liters of boiled water for brine
  • Salt - 1 large spoon without a slide
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces (small)
  • Spices to taste: fragrant pepper, peas, white, coriander, nutmeg.
Cooking sauer beets


  • Beets are washed out, peeled and cut into a convenient way. The cut should be large: slices, rings or half rings.
  • Beetroot is folded into glass, ceramic or enameled quenching dishes.
  • Cooking brine: Salt dissolves in warm water and spices are added.
  • Beets are poured with brine and put under the bay. In this state, it should be reduced at room temperature for a week. During this time, the process of starter will occur.
  • Glass jars are sterilized or washed with baking soda. Sauer beets are thoroughly mixed and laid out in jarscloses. Store jars in a dark and cool place. If you store beets in other conditions, it will quickly lose its taste.

Video: "Coaled beets for the winter: step -by -step recipe for cooking"

How to ferment beets at home?

The process of fermentation beets at home is much easier than other vegetables. During the processing process occurs sour fermentation Due to the activity of bacteria. The difference between beets is that it retains its entire supply of trace elements after any processing. In this case, a rich supply of sugars affects quick fermentation.

Important: when fermenting beets, it is important DO NOT USE iodized salt. It can give beets an unpleasant odor and taste bitterness. For such a workpiece, table, stone salt should be used.

Homemade sauer beets


  • Kvat the beets it is possible without salt
  • Wash and clean the required amount of beets
  • It is advisable to choose small fruitsthat should not be cut.
  • Vegetables are folded in Not iron dishes: glass, plastic, enameled, ceramic, clay.
  • Prepare kvass in advance: Several pieces of bread with a glass of sugar are quit in two days. A bag of yeast is added.
  • Ready kvass follows strain. Strained kvass pour beets and put under a bay.
  • In this state, beets are worth two weeks at room warm temperature.
  • After that, sauer beets before winter should be removed in the cold.

Video: "pickled home beets"

Beetroot with horseradish and garlic for the winter: Recipe

Beetroot with horseradish - One of the simplest recipes for conservation for the winter. Prepare such a twist in the power of any housewife. To do this, you can use a set of the simplest and most affordable ingredients.

Preparation of beets with horseradish for the winter

You will need:

  • Beet - 300 g
  • Horseradish - 200 g (root)
  • Water - half a glass (clean or boiled)
  • Vinegar - 1 large spoon (table or apple)
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon (without a slide)
  • Salt - 1 small spoon (without a slide)


  • Horseradish and beets are cleaned of the peel
  • The root crime follows grind Or in the bowl of the blender. In some cases, horseradish will have to grind in two approaches.
  • Mix thoroughly, adding sugar and salt. Beetroot juice will paint the whole mass.
  • With the last mixing add vinegar to the mass And remove the beet mass with a horseradish for storage in a cool place.

Video: "Beets with horseradish"

Boiled beets for the winter in banks: a recipe with citric acid

You can close for the winter Fresh and boiled beets. In the first case, the beets will turn out to be very crispy and juicy, in the second - soft, with a pleasant sweet taste. You can emphasize the taste of beets spicy marinade.

Boiled beets for the winter

You will need:

  • Beet - 1 kg of root crops
  • Vegetable oil - Half a glass
  • Lemon acid - a pinch (can be replaced with a spoon of lemon juice).
  • A mixture of peppers or pepper to taste (black, red, white).
  • Garlic - 5 cloves (the amount of garlic can be adjusted independently, depending on its acuteness).
  • Coriander, nutmeg (optional)
  • Salt - taste


  • Beet boil to a soft state. After that, it should be completely cooled.
  • Cold root crop cut into cubes Or bar.
  • Cut beets lates in a jar
  • Vegetable oil is heated to a warm state, in it crushed garlic and spices, salt, citric acid or juice.
  • Beet it is poured with oil, the jar is covered with a lid and shakes well.
  • It follows store in cool place until winter

Video: "Beets for the winter"

Beetroot with beans for the winter for borscht: recipe

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Onion - 0.5 kg of on -hand
  • Tomato paste - 2 large spoons (can be replaced with juice or tomatoes).
  • Garlic - 3 pcs (you can adjust the amount of garlic yourself, depending on its acuteness).
  • Beans - Boiled, 200 g (red or white)
  • Oil - 6 large spoons (any vegetable, preferably sunflower).
  • Salt - 2 large spoons (no hill)
Counseling with beets for the winter


  • The onion follows fry
  • In a fried onion follows add crushed garlic And tomato paste, mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Beets should be washed and cleaned from the skin. After that it follows grate and add to the onion.
  • Madets should be stewing on low heat approximately half an hour. In stewed mass the beans are added. After that, the extinguishing lasts another twenty minutes.
  • The beetroot mass is laid out in small glass jars, carefully washed with food soda. Rolls up in the usual way.

Video: "Suppulation for borsch with beans"

Beetroot with zucchini for the winter: blanks, recipe

This salad differs not only in its color, but also with an original taste combination. The taste of salad has sourness and sweetness at the same time.

You will need:

  • Zucchini - 2 kg (you can replace tsukkini)
  • Onion - 1 kg (white, prank or on -hand)
  • Beet - 1 kg
  • Vinegar - half a glass (100 ml) of any: apple, table, wine.
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass (100 ml)
  • Salt - taste
  • Pepper to taste


  • Zucchini should be washed and grate
  • Beets should also be cleaned and grate on the same grater.
  • The onion is cleaned and cracked finely
  • Vegetables are folded into large dishes, they should be salt, pepper And mix, add oil.
  • Turn on a small fire and stew vegetables for about half an hour.
  • The mass turns off and Poured with vinegar
  • After that it follows sterile jars And roll up.
Beets with zucchini for the winter

Video: "Zucchini with beets"

Pickled beets for the winter entirely without sterilization: recipe

Pickled beets, closed entirely, will be a complement by many dishes for the winter. Such beets can be eaten whole, add salads and borscht.

You will need:

  • Beet - 1 kg (choose the smallest root crops)
  • Vinegar - half a glass (100 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon with a slide
  • Salt - 1 small spoon
  • Pepper: fragrant, peas, ground - to taste
  • Carnation - 3 things
  • Lavka sheet - 1 PC


  • Beets should be washed and boil to a soft state.
  • After that, beets cools and cleansed
  • Prepare the marinade: Boil a glass of water, dissolve sugar and salt in it. Oil, spices are added to the brine.
  • Boiled beets are folded into a jar. It should be poured with a brine, poured vinegar and roll up in the usual way.

Video: beetroot salad for the winter every day

Stewed beets for the winter: a delicious recipe

Stewed beets is already a finished dish that in a canned version provides an opportunity for a person to enjoy it all year round.

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg of root crops
  • Carrot - 2 pcs (large)
  • Onion - 2 pcs (large)
  • Tomato paste - One tablespoon
  • Garlic - 5 cloves (adjust the amount of garlic yourself, depending on the severity of garlic).
  • Vinegar - 1 large spoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander and ground pepper to taste


  • Beets and carrots It is washed out and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  • The onion is very smilely chopping and fried in vegetable oil until golden, after which in the pan beets and carrots are sent.
  • The mass is frying ten minutes, after that Tomato paste and garlic are added.
  • Stew the beets for half an hour over low heat with a closed lid.
  • Five minutes before the end of the extinguishing spices and vinegar are added to the mass.
  • The mass is mixed and laid out in jars, carefully washed baking soda. Close in the usual way.

Video: "Salad from beets for the winter"

Beets with tomatoes for borsch for the winter: recipe

Prepare a simple gas station for borsch from beets and tomatoes by the forces of any housewife. Such a gas station will make the cooking process faster and easier.

You will need:

  • Beet - 2 kg
  • Carrot - 2 pcs (large)
  • Onion - 2 pcs (large bulbs)
  • Tomatoes - 700 g (you can replace tomato paste: 2 tablespoons).
  • Garlic - A few cloves of garlic to taste
  • Salt and favorite spices to taste
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vinegar (any)


  • Beets are cleaned and rubs on a coarse grater
  • Carrots are also cleaned of the skin, rubs, the onion is finely chopped.
  • Vegetable oil is poured into the pan
  • Vegetables are sent to the panFry on moderate fire for ten minutes.
  • Tomatoes are blanched, they have a skin
  • Tomatoes are cut into cubes and they are reconciled in the beetroot mass.
  • The pan is covered with a lid and on low heat the mass stew for another half an hour. Her constantly should be mixed.
Counsellation to borsch from beets for the winter

Video: Current Lights Salad for the winter

Beetroot with pepper for the winter: delicious recipe

This salad is a delicious snack that will decorate a everyday and festive table. It is not difficult to cook it, but the result is a very tasty dish.

You will need:

  • Beet - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg (can be replaced by Bulgarian)
  • Onion - 1 pc (large)
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass (100 ml)
  • Vinegar - 2 large spoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon
  • A mixture of peppers to taste (seasoning)


  • The onion is cleaned, chopped finely, fry in vegetable oil.
  • Beets are washed out, cook twenty minutes (up to half -consumption), cleaned and cut into cubes.
  • Pepper is cut into strips And together with the beetroot is laid out in jars.
  • The marinade is being prepared: Salt and sugar are dissolved in a glass of boiling water and boils twenty minutes to evaporate. After that, spices and vegetable oil are added to it.
  • A vinegar is poured into the jar, the jar is shaken and the vegetables are poured with marinade.
  • In this state of jar they cost fifteen minutes. After that, the marinade is boiled again and again poured over the vegetables into the jars. Close the salad in the usual way.

Video: "Beetroot salad with bell pepper for the winter"

Beetroot for winter without vinegar: recipes with citric acid

Citric acid can replace vinegar by preventing bloating and riding the conservation of bacteria (possible).

You will need:

  • Beet - 1 kg
  • Garlic - several cloves to taste (depending on acute).
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon (no hill)
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (no hill)
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons (you can use any vegetable).
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon (any)
  • Coriander - 1 tablespoon
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc (large)


  • Beets are washed out, cleaned and it is cut in any convenient way.
  • Garlic is cut with rings And together with the beetroot goes to jars.
  • In boiling water (one glass) follows dissolve sugar and salt.
  • Spices are added to the water, oil, bay leaf.
  • The beets are poured with the marinade. Banks with marinade cost twenty minutes. Banks must be washed with a mixture of salt with soda.
  • After that, the marinade re -boilersi, vinegar is added to it.
  • Beetroot is re -poured with marinade and banks are rolled up.

Video: beets canned for the winter -a signed recipe "Alenka"

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