Drying blackcurrant in an electric dryer, oven, microwave, in the sun, in the air group? When to collect and how to dry the leaves of black currant for tea?

Drying blackcurrant in an electric dryer, oven, microwave, in the sun, in the air group? When to collect and how to dry the leaves of black currant for tea?

A fragrant sweet and sour currant in the dried form retains the largest number of vitamins. To independently prepare currant drying for the winter, use the methods proposed in the article.

Black currants are one of the most delicious and healthy berries, which is used in raw form and in the form of jam as a treat for tea, and as a medicine, and as a preventive from many diseases.

Its fragrant berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances, the leaves also have healing properties.

The berries and leaves of black currants contain a huge amount of nutrients
The berries and leaves of black currants contain a huge amount of nutrients

Important: with any type of processing (cooking or freezing) in the berries and currant leaves, many beneficial substances are preserved. Therefore, it is simply necessary to make a stock of this berry for the winter for the future.

Many housewives, in addition to the cloths of jam, compotes and jams, simply dry currants to preserve the maximum number of vitamins in the berries. There is nothing complicated in this process, you only need to adhere to certain recommendations.

At what temperature to dry black currants and how much at home?

The choice of temperature and determining the drying time depends on the method and equipment that will be used to prepare dried fruits.

In any case, the berries first need to be prepared.

Currant is in mid -July. It was at this time that she appears on sale in large quantities. When choosing berries for drying, pay attention to their appearance: they should be dry, do not have damage and severe pollution.

For drying, ripe dry berries of currants are taken away that are not damaged
For drying, ripe dry berries of currants are taken away that are not damaged

If you collect berries right from the bush, do it in the morning or evening in dry sunny weather. The harvest must be sorted out, leaving ripe whole medium -sized berries for drying, and the rest is used to make compote or jam.

Important: the berries selected for drying must be carefully, but carefully, wash and dry.

Further actions depend on the chosen drying method:

  • in an electric dryer dry currants for more than 50 hours at temperatures 50 - 55 ° C.
  • in the oven - 3 hours at 65-70 ° C.
  • in the microwave - a few minutes on power 200 watts

How to dry currant for the winter in an electric dryer?

Experienced housewives assure that drying of currants without electric drying is impossible, since this process will take a lot of time, but still it will not be possible to finish the matter.

You can dry currants for the winter in an electric dryer
You can dry currants for the winter in an electric dryer

Therefore, to accelerate the process and get the result, it is best to use electric dryer:

  1. Pre -prepared put the berries in pallets In one - two layers. During drying from the berries, moisture will evaporate and free space will increase
  2. Place the pallets in the included 10 minutes before cooking dryer on temperature 50 - 55 ° C.
  3. Stell your patience and watch the process drying:
  • a few hours later (7-8) Currant changes its color, turning from black to burgundy-brown, but the size still remains the same
  • after 16 hours All berries become dark red, but the shell of currants is still whole and not deformed
  • further, the process will move faster: after 26 hours From the beginning of the drying of the berry currant begins to wrinkle
  • after approximately 50 hours From the date of loading electric dryers, the berries are ready to go to wintering

How to dry currant for the winter in the oven?

Before drying in the oven, it is advisable to dry the currant berries for a couple of days outdoors, avoiding direct rays.

If this is not possible, the prepared berries are immediately covered with a thin layer on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment for baking or trapping, and placed in a preheated preheated up to 45 ° C. oven.

When the berries are a little dry, the temperature regime should be changed to 65-70 ° C.

Dry currants for the winter in the oven at a temperature of 450 to 750 ° C
Dry currants for the winter in the oven at a temperature of 45 to 75 ° C

The total time of drying currants in the oven is about three hours.

Important: quality and readiness are checked by squeezing the berry in the palm of your hand: if it does not stick and the juice does not stand out, then everything is done correctly and currant drying is ready for storage for the winter.

How to dry currants in the sun?

Drying black currant berries only in the sun is not recommended, since almost all beneficial substances are destroyed during this long process.

Therefore, use a combined approach to drying currants: a couple of days in the air, and then in the oven.

  1. Cover the tray (Better wooden, since the metal leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on berries) with parchment paper or tracing paper and put on it a thin layer prepared currants
  2. Capacity with berries place in the open air (attic, balcony), but not under direct sunlight, since vitamin C is destroyed, and the berries can be bustled and rotate
  3. Necessarily cover the berries with gauze, since flies, bees and other insects can ruin drying
  4. Periodically turn the currant

Important: the percentage of water in currant varies from 85%to 90%, and by the end of the drying should be no more than 15%. To achieve such a result, after two days of sluggish in the sun, dry currants in the oven.

Dried currants
Dried currants

How to dry currants in the microwave?

The microwave is able to greatly simplify life and save time. Drying of currant berries can also be entrusted to her.

  1. Prepare the berries: Sort out, leaving ripe whole medium sizes without stalks, rinse and dry
  2. Lay the berries A thin layer on a dish between two cuts of any cotton fabric. Synthetics cannot be used, since the microwave will deteriorate (maybe even burn)
  3. Set the capacity of 200 watts and dry About 5 minutes
  4. If the berries have not reached readiness, increase timebut every 25-30 seconds check your readiness and mix the berriesso that the drying process is uniform
For drying in the microwave, choose ripe whole currant berries
For drying in the microwave, choose ripe whole currant berries

Important: no matter how much currant berries are dried, store them in a glass or tin jar, while tightly closing the lid. Dry black currant is well stored in bags of any dense natural fabric. It is necessary to store in a dark but ventilated room, since the berries will spoil the berry and dampness.

When to collect and how to dry the leaves of black currant for tea?

The delightful taste and aroma of teas from currant leaves will not leave anyone indifferent.

In addition, this drink in the autumn-winter period fights colds, is used for their prevention, and also perfectly supports the supply of vitamins necessary for the body.

Important: those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (increased acidity or ulcer) should be abandoned.

In order for tea from currant leaves to be as saturated with useful substances, they need to be collected on the new moon, preferably July.

Collect and dry black currant leaves preferably in July
Collect and dry black currant leaves preferably in July

Leaves, like berries, are better to collect in the morning or evening in dry clear weather, giving preference to those that are in the middle of the branch.

Then you need to put them in one layer in a dry ventilated place on white paper or cotton fabric and wait for complete drying.

Important: do not forget to periodically view the leaves so that they do not rot or mold on them. Remove the spoiled leaves right away so that the fungus does not switch to good ones.

Readiness can be checked with brittle: if the sheet crumbles well, then the workpiece is ready for use in winter.

For drying currant leaves, you can also use an electric dryer.

There is another way to dry blackcurrant leaves - fermentation. This process is performed as follows:

  1. Collected leaves place for a day in a dark roomat the same time do not forget to periodically turn them over
  2. Twist the leaflets into the tubesuntil the juice stands out
  3. Self -Coarse received put in a glass dish and place in a warm place, previously covered with a damp cloth
  4. If the fabric is dried up, it is again Moisten her
  5. When, after another check, you will feel a fruit aroma, you will only have dry the leaves - They reached the desired condition
  6. For drying cut them, put them on a baking sheet and place in one hour in the ovenpreheated to 70 ° C.

You need to store the finished product in a dark dry place in a glass or ceramic bowl with a tightly fitted lid.

Tea from leaves and fruits of blackcurrant
Tea from leaves and fruits of blackcurrant

Those who will prepare dried fruits and currant leaves in the summer, healthy and aromatic tea drinking into inclement cold autumn and winter evenings will be provided.

Video: dry currant leaves

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