How and how much to cook mushrooms before frying, freezing, for pickling, soup? How and how much to cook fresh, frozen and dried mushrooms?

How and how much to cook mushrooms before frying, freezing, for pickling, soup? How and how much to cook fresh, frozen and dried mushrooms?

Cook mushrooms: for soup, for frying, for blanks. Cooking mushrooms delicious.


Mushrooms, what could be tastier? Only not those bought in supermarkets. Their cooking process is not clear, but their taste and aroma are barely perceptible. We have collected the best home blanks with simple step -by -step recipes. But that's not all. We will talk about what to do with mushrooms after assembly, how to store, how to apply to seasonal dishes.

They brought mushrooms home, what's next?
They brought mushrooms home, what's next?

They brought mushrooms home, what's next?

Pour on a flat surface, with home good light it will be better visible and worm. Throw leaves, needles, peat with them. Pour water, optimally small portions on a colander, and pour shower, then wash each mushroom separately under a stream of water separately.

A thorough procedure is mandatory for all mushrooms, since it does not really seduce to prepare food or workpiece with earth or foliage.

Thorough preparation of mushrooms for food preparation
Thorough preparation of mushrooms for food preparation

The next step is to clean the mushroom and rinse again under running water. Next, you can cook according to the recipe.

How much to cook mushrooms for soup?

Depending on what concentration you plan to have soup. Cook soup with mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes (cook for 15 minutes mushrooms, add potatoes and cook until cooked).

Cook soup with mushrooms for about an hour and beats with a blender.

Mushroom soup with dry mushrooms is optimal to cook an hour and a half.

Do you want the soup to be rich and fragrant? So that a delicious aroma was vanished throughout the surroundings? There is a few secrets:

  • Put dry garlic in the soup, fresh celery, spine of parsley, stage or hop-sunels to taste
  • Replace sunflower oil with butter, especially in soups-puree
  • If this is allowed in the recipe, add cheese, hard or melt
  • For velvety, add low -fat cream (if oily, then do not put oil)
  • Love soups, but you know that potatoes are harmful. In mushroom soup, it is optimal to put a turnip, the taste will surprise you and please you

Video: mushroom soup of oyster mushrooms

How much do you need to cook mushrooms before frying?

In order to not be blackened in the process of frying, but be fried and juicy it must be boiled. Also during cooking, mushrooms give toxins to water.

We recommend filling mushrooms with cold water and cook after boiling over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Next, drain the water, pour it again with cold water and repeat the procedure. If you are sure of your mushrooms completely and completely cook mushrooms in one water but 10 minutes.

Cut the mushrooms before cooking, because after cooking it will not work out carefully.

Want to make aroma and taste brighter? Slue the pad and add a couple of peas of fragrant pepper. Are you planning to stew? Put the dill umbrella in cooking.

Video: How much to cook fresh mushrooms?

How much to cook mushrooms before freezing?

Fasting mushrooms has become more rational than rolling up. No, pickled and salty mushrooms were and will be welcome, but for winter frying, soups and puree to prepare delicious mushrooms will not hurt.

We clean and cut as we will continue to cook. I recommend to think through in advance and cut in this way:

  • For four parts
  • Slices, while separately putting down the legs and shift only the hats
  • Chop into cubes for soup (legs will go here)
  • If you plan to stuff the hats in winter, separate from the legs, gently boil, cool, put it on a leaf and put in the freezer, after freezing you can pour it together, but so that each hat is frozen separately

We throw the mushrooms in boiling water from the calculation so that the mushrooms are covered with water, cook on a soft fire for 10 minutes after boiling and drop it into a colander. We spread on a paper towel, dry and then send it to the freezer.

Video: Boil for freezing mushrooms

How much to cook dried mushrooms after soaking?

At the time when our mothers did not have free -free frost chambers to freeze goodies for the whole family, our mothers and grandmothers dried mushrooms. Currently, it is less common, but it is still worth a try. After all, the taste of frozen and dried are completely different!

How much to cook dried mushrooms after soaking
How much to cook dried mushrooms after soaking

So, we took dried mushrooms, flooded with cold water with a drop of salt and allowed us to recover. Another option for restoration of mushrooms is soaking in milk. We insist 30 minutes, but if we see that they are not enough (they did not acquire the original shape) let us brew up to an hour.

Cook from 20 to 30 minutes. If hard mushrooms can be cooked up to an hour. In a slow cooker, cook mushrooms in the "extinguishing" mode for 1.5 hours.

Video: How to soak dry mushrooms for mushroom soup?

How much to cook mushrooms for pickling?

Pickled mushrooms - what could be tastier on the festive table? Please note that not all mushrooms are marinated, as some of them lose or change taste.

Do you want everyone to surprise everyone with pickled delicacies? Prepare the boletus, oils, white mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, rawers. For those who love pickled delicacy, but do not trust forest fees due to a mass of poisoning regularly announced by news, we can recommend stockings from farms, especially common champignons and oyster mushrooms.

It takes 45 minutes to cook for pickling, this time is enough for the mushrooms to fully prepare and only enjoy it in the winter!

Video: pickled mushrooms - easy to prepare recipe

How much to cook mushrooms of champignons?

Champignons are probably the most popular mushrooms in our area. They are both tender and soft and fragrant. Young housewives often have a question, how much to cook them? Really also for a long time as their forest counterparts. No. For a soup, fresh mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, but only for a hearty, rich broth. In general, they are preparing much faster.

So, cook champignons:

  • For salads, cook fresh mushrooms for 5 minutes after boiling water
  • Cook in the double boiler for 10 minutes
  • In a slow cooker, mushrooms are cooked without water (if it is not soup) in the “extinguishing” mode for 20 minutes
  • Frozen champignons must be defrosted (pour over with boiling water, long to be completely soft, and drain the water)
  • In the pressure cooker, the mushrooms to steal very quickly - only 5 minutes

How to cook champignons?

  • Usually they are much cleaner than forest mushrooms, therefore, not soaking so on the running water, scraping dirty places with a knife
  • Put in a pan, pour salt (1 teaspoon on kg. Mushrooms), pour boiling water and bring to a boil
  • Boil until cooked (if in a pan, then minutes)

Video: How to cook champignons? How much to cook champignons?

How much to cook mushrooms of rahs?

In order for the russula to be delicate and tasty in cooking, a different technology is used. Mushrooms are washed, cleaned, chopped and poured with cold water. After boiling, wait 15 minutes, add salt and spices, cook for another 15 minutes. Be sure to drain water, for broths it is not suitable.

If the soup is cooked, then after all the vegetables are almost ready, fill the russula (pre -boiled and cook for another 10 minutes).

For frying, the rahs are not crushed, they do not change the taste and color in a pan.

Video: Cooking mushrooms

How much to cook mushrooms of oyster mushrooms?

The oyster mushroom is gentle and light, she relate to dietary dishes. Her cleaning is minimal - cut off the spine, rinse. Cook up to 20 minutes after boiling. Pour boiling water.

For frying, boil the oyster mushroom is not required, it tolerates frying perfectly, becomes delicate inside and crispy outside.

Video: mushroom ointment recipes for cooking

How much time to cook mushrooms of the sub -sales facilities?

Fresh boletus - the aroma and taste will not leave indifferent even gourmets. They are cleaned, washed, poured with cold water so that they are completely covered and put on fire. After boiling, cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

In the new technique, they can also be welded, in a slow cooker in "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. In the pressure cooker - 15 minutes.

If you plan to fry, brew for 20 minutes.

Video: pickled mushrooms - sub -segments for the winter

How much to cook white mushrooms correctly?

White mushrooms are kings of the mushroom world. In any case, on our tables. We clean, mine and pour boiling water, be sure to a spoonful of salt on a pot of water.

After boiling, we cook for 30-40 minutes on a quiet heat constantly removing the white foam.

Dried white mushrooms must be soaked in milk or cream for 20 minutes before readiness.

Video: We fry the white mushroom correctly

How to cook pig mushrooms?

Pigs are insanely tasty, but they need to be prepared carefully and for a long time. We recommend cleaning, rinse and pour water for 5 hours, then drain the water and pour again for hours, only 3 soaking.

Boil: pour boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, drain, pour new boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. And once again we change the water, cook 35-40 minutes.

Important? The pig's mushroom is classified as poisonous, it is with this that many Varoks are connected! If you are not sure, it’s better not to add this mushroom to food, the most important thing is the health of you and your family!

Video: pickled pig mushrooms

Mushrooms honey mushrooms: how to cook how many minutes to cook?

We thoroughly rinse the honey mushroom, clean all the dirt carefully in bright light. Wash, pour boiling water, add salt and cook until the foam is formed. We drain, pour boiling water again and cook for 25-30 minutes.

For the slow cooker, the “welcome to steam” mode is provided for 25 minutes.

For frying, honey mushrooms are crushed in one water for 20 minutes.

Frozen honey mushrooms: thawed (you can in the microwave or pour boiling water and wait until they melt), rinse under running water and cook for minutes. If on salads, then you can cook without defrosting for 20 minutes.

Video: honey mushrooms tasty fry

How to cook oil mushrooms before frying?

Frying potato with oils - tasty. Often the question arises of how to cook them delicious, because with them there are a lot of difficulties.

We clean the hat, removing the upper layer, as well as the legs from the dirt. Wash, pour hot water and cook for 10 minutes. Rinse, dry and send it to the pan, preferably with onions.

Video: How to cook oil mushrooms. How to cook mushrooms in a pan?

How much to cook wood mushrooms?

An overseas treat or Chinese mushrooms to our kitchen come exclusively dried. They are soaked in large amounts of water for 1 hour, after which they are washed and boiled for 15 minutes.

Video: How to cook black Chinese wood mushroom?

How much to cook shiitak mushrooms?

Charity Shiitaka is probably the easiest to go. They are washed, chopped and boiled down into pre-boiled water for 3-4 minutes. For 1 kg of mushrooms, there is enough a glass of boiling water.

Video: How to cook Shiitaka? Shiyatia mushroom recipe

How to cook mushrooms Smors?

Smors in cooking are specific, it is important to withstand the recipe and get a masterpiece for real gourmets. We clean, the mode, if necessary, and pour ice water (you can even put ice cubes) and soak for an hour. Drain the water, pour boiling water and cook for 25 minutes.

For doubles and a slow cooker time up to 30 minutes. In the pressure cooker 10 minutes.

Video: Cooking Mushrooms Smorshka

How much to cook the mushrooms of the cinema before frying?

Cooking of mushrooms in front of the hot pursues two targets: to remove toxins, if any, and soften the structure of the mushroom. Sinenins are perfectly fried without cooking, but skeptics can be fed for 10 minutes to get rid of toxins and doubts about their existence in signals.

Video: How to pickle the cinenes mushrooms?

Video: How to cook mushrooms in a slow cooker?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    Autumn time is the time to collect mushrooms. In itself, this activity is healthy for health, breathe fresh. Forest air is just a pleasure above average

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