Iceberg salad cultivation in the country from seeds. Iceberg salad: benefits and harm to the body, glycemic index, calorie content, composition

Iceberg salad cultivation in the country from seeds. Iceberg salad: benefits and harm to the body, glycemic index, calorie content, composition

All about the Iceberg salad: useful properties and how to independently grow an iceberg salad of seeds.

Iceberg salad - mouth -watering small headers with a green crispy leaf plate. Useful, low -calorie salad leaves are recommended by nutritionists for healthy diet and weight loss. Why is this green vitamin so good? How to grow it in your garden?

What is an iceberg salad, what does it look like?

Iceberg salad is also known as the ice. The origin of this delicious garden vegetable we owe Americans from the state of California. In the 20s of the 20th century, local breeders brought out an unusually tasty and aromatic salad twisted in a head with delicate crisp leaves.

Iceberg salad looks like white cabbage
Iceberg salad looks like white cabbage

The salad quickly gained popularity among the population. For better transportation and storage of salad heads, the original method was invented: laying salad with pieces of ice. After that, the beautiful name of the vegetable arose - the Iceberg salad or the Ice Mountain.

Outwardly, the vegetable culture is similar to the elastic forks of white cabbage. Correct agricultural technology and care allow you to grow salads of salad weighing from 200-700 g or more. Light green juicy leaves have aroma and crunch when biting.

Ice salad is useful for the body
Ice salad is useful for the body

Iceberg salad: benefit and harm, composition

  • Iceberg salad leads among all types of vegetable heads of salads in the content of vitamins, minerals and fiber
  • The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid that supports our immunity and the elasticity of blood vessels
  • Vitamin K contained in the head of salad, participates in blood coagulation processes
  • Vitamin A positively affects vision, skin and hair condition
  • A large amount of potassium (141 mg per 100 g of salad) - useful for the work of the heart muscle
  • A huge amount of fiber contributes to the good operation of the gastrointestinal tract, adsorption of toxins and toxins, and increased metabolism
  • Salad leaves contain a lot of water. The vegetable does not contain cholesterol and is suitable for dietary nutrition for all types of obesity
  • Iceberg salad is rich in folic acid necessary for hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin, as well as to normalize the work of the nervous system
  • Laktucin is a useful component of milky salad juice, giving it a piquant bitterness. The substance is very necessary for the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. Lactucin normalizes sleep, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, reduces blood pressure, maintains the tone of blood vessels

Important: Ice salad is useful for pregnant and nursing women. Children can use "green vitamin" from 2 years old. The salad leaves are also useful for older people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and gastrointestinal problems.

In a small percentage of people, individual intolerance to salad ice is observed. This circumstance must be noted by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Carefully you need to enter the salad in the children's diet.

Useful properties of Iceberg salad, video

Green cocktail with ice salad
Green cocktail with ice salad

Iceberg salad: glycemic index

Ice salad is a product with a low glycemic index, which means useful for maintaining a slender figure. Low glycemic index does not provoke “jumping” glucose after eating.

We offer a green recipe health cocktail with leaves of salad icebergwhich can be replaced by cereals for breakfast. The products from which the drink consists have a low glycemic index, which means that glucose will be released more slowly, the body will receive a sufficient supply of energy for a long time in the absence of a feeling of hunger.

  1. Soon 3-4 fruits in the evening kuragsin warm water
  2. Place a salad sheet in a blender, a cleaned and cut fruit of a kiwi, pieces of an apple, a teaspoon of linen seed, a dried apricots with a liquid, a little purified water or milk
  3. Beat the products until a homogeneous state. Add water or milk if necessary. Beat again
Corps with a salad
Corps with a salad

Iceberg salad: growing from seeds in the country

  • In the summer cottage, the Ice salad can be grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground and seedlings. The subzyrient sowing of salad seeds has proven itself well
  • In the fall, the beds are dug up on the bayonet of shovels and add organic. For beds, they choose sunny places. The salad grows well on high beds, where the earth warms up faster in the spring and there is a friendly track of seeds
  • For sowing, the soils are neutral or alkaline. The acidicity of the earth cover is neutralized by introducing dolomite flour, limestone, bastard lime, chalk, peat or ash into the soil
  • To plant an iceberg in the winter, it is necessary to fertilize the dedicated area in the ratio: a bucket of compost per 1 kg of wood ash and three tablespoons of full mineral integrated fertilizer per 1 square meter of beds. In the winter, the salad should be sown more densely, given that not all of them can rise. The bed should be covered with fallen foliage or peat
Growing salad in a greenhouse
Growing salad in a greenhouse

Technology for growing osberg salad in greenhouses

  • Growing Ice salad in greenhouses is a method that allows fresh vitamin products uninterruptedly. Maintaining the correct technology of seed planting, optimal temperature and watering conditions provide timely collection of high -quality salad
  • For sowing, it is better to use seeds with a drain shell. Such a coating protects seeds from various diseases, they are easier to plant due to their size, they have good germination
  • It is best to grow seeds in stopped peat cubes. To do this, one salad is laid out on a moistened peat surface. In this case, they are not sprinkled with an earthen mixture
Containers for sowing seeds for seedlings
Containers for sowing seeds for seedlings
  • You can sow the seeds in special containers with cells, small pots or boxes with a fertile light earthen mixture. With the help of a stick or ruler, shallow recesses are made in the form of straight lines and spread seeds in them. Water slightly
  • For seed germination, the temperature in the greenhouse is not higher than 18 degrees. Typically, two days later, salad seedlings appear. Further cultivation of seedlings should be carried out at a temperature of 15-25 degrees until the first 3-4 of these leaves appear

When to plant an iceberg salad for seedlings?

The cultivation of cabbage varieties of salads for seedlings, followed by landing in open ground, is a reliable way to produce high -quality products. Iceberg salad is a cold -resistant plant, so it can be sown on seedlings in early spring, but when the threat of strong frosts passes. By the time of planting, the air temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 4 degrees.

How to plant an iceberg salad for seedlings, video

Growing Iceberg salad in open ground

Growing salad does not represent any particular difficulties even in a novice gardener. The main techniques of agricultural techniques for growing iceberg heads are:

  • loosening
  • sufficient watering
  • mulching the soil after watering
  • planting density

You can grow an iceberg salad in open ground using seeds or planting seedlings grown in advance.

Open -ground salad
Open -ground salad
  • You can sow seeds in open ground in early spring, when snow comes down and the earth begins to warm up with sunlight. On a ridge prepared from winter, rows are made for sowing seeds according to the scheme: 30x20 or 30x30 with good quality of seeds for sowing. Seeds are closed to a depth of no more than 1 cm
  • You can sow the seeds thicker with the subsequent alignment of the density of crops by planting individual specimens of plants
  • For better soil heating and faster seedlings, the sown bed is covered with a film. It must be periodically removed for ventilation. When a temperature of 15-17 degrees is set, the film can be removed

Correct agricultural technology cultivation of cabbage salads, video

The grown up of the salad
The grown up of the salad

How to plant seedlings of the Iceberg salad in the ground?

  • Iceberg salad loves light fertile kidney with good aeration. The planting of seedlings in open ground can be done in early spring, when frosts pass and a plus temperature is set 3-5 degrees
  • Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm in the line of the beds and at a distance of 30-40 cm between the landing stripes. The plant grows strongly and it needs enough space to form a rosette of leaves and tie the heads
  • A cube with seedlings is planted in a permanent place in loose earth, deepening the plant by a maximum of 2 \\ 3 plants. Seedlings should not be buried hard into the soil, falling asleep of growth. The plant is squeezed from all sides and watered with water. Then mulch dry grass to maintain a humid state of a coma for a long time
  • To obtain elastic heads of salad, the temperature regime must be observed. The daily temperature is above 30 degrees and the night, exceeding the mark of 18 degrees, make it difficult to tie the head
  • At the early stages of planting seedlings in the ground, young plants should be covered with agrofibre for 3-4 weeks until favorable and stable weather conditions are established. You can water seedlings on agriculture
  • To ventilate seedlings, loosening the soil and removal of weeds, the film should be periodically removed for a while
Salad landscape of the site
Salad landscape of the site

Small tricks of growing koconny salad iceberg

  • Seeds for sowing should be of high quality. Do not buy seed material in spontaneous markets, or better - in specialized stores or centers for growing fruit and vegetable plants
  • It is not recommended to plant a salad in the same place for the next year in the greenhouse and on the beds, as well as places where crucifixions were grown: cabbage, radishes, radish, etc. You should withstand the crop rotation of this culture with an interval of at least 2 years
  • Good predecessors of salad Iceberg are considered: grain, onions, celery, legumes, potatoes
  • The density of the planting of seeds affects the commodity of the salad. With thickened planting, plants should be planted in the phase of the first sheet at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other
  • In the early spring and autumn, salad seeds should be sown on sunbring, and in summer crops - sown areas are recommended to shadow, in order to avoid the early appearance of a flower arrow
  • The Iceberg salad crop with proper agricultural technology can be harvested round season: from early spring to autumn, if seeds are planted with a frequency of one to two weeks. In summer on hot days, it is recommended to grow a salad under agricultural light
  • If you plant several types of salads with multi -colored leaves in the garden, then you can not only enrich your table with fresh vitamin products, but also decorate the landscape of the summer cottage
Correctly grown Iceberg salad
Correctly grown Iceberg salad

Important: so that the Iceberg salad forms dense heads, sufficient watering of plants is needed. The soil under the salad should not dry out. Wet earthen lump and air temperature no higher than 25 degrees contribute to the establishment of elastic and dense heads.

Secrets of Kochny salad planting, video

Salad at home
Salad at home

How to grow an iceberg salad on a windowsill?

On the windowsill in multi -storey buildings, it is difficult to grow full -fledged heads of salad iceberg. This culture requires special growing conditions: maintaining the correct temperature and light regime, which is difficult to withstand at home.

You can plant the seeds in boxes with fertile earth and grow a salad in the form of a socket of lush green leaves. Although in appearance, the salad will differ from the photo in the picture of a bag of seeds, beneficial substances will be present in delicate leaf plates. Your diet will be enriched with the first green vitamins.

Ice salad can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time
Ice salad can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time

How to store an iceberg salad?

  • Salad - rapid vegetable products, but under certain circumstances, you can save salad heads in the refrigerator for up to 7 days
  • The salad has good quality: it can be stored for a long time in a cool place. Salad heads of cabbage are not afraid of cold temperature and for a long time can maintain a fresh taste and crispy structure in the refrigerator
  • For storage, fresh and elastic heads are chosen without jerking leaves that do not have traces of spoilage and rot. The salad cabbages are laid in plastic containers and covered with a lid

Iceberg salad: 100 grams calorie content

  • Iceberg salad is an ideal vegetable for dietary nutrition. 100 g of salad leaves contain only 14 kcal. It is no wonder that nutritionists of all popular diets persistently offers this salad to power losing weight
  • Dishes with an ice salad and its crunchy leaves are perfect for unloading days, as well as for sandwiches with whole -grain bread for light snacks
Square with Ice salad
Square with Ice salad

What to make an iceberg from salad?

Iceberg salad is not subject to heat treatment due to loss of vitamin value. It should be consumed fresh, like a monosalat with vegetable oil and lemon juice or in a mix with other leaf salads and vegetables.

Ice salad can be garnished fish, meat, seafood. Elastic leaves with a beautiful winding edge allow you to use them as a bowl for salads that look beautiful and harmoniously combine with all salad dishes.

We offer a simple recipe for making an iceberg salad with a minimum time spent.

  1. Cut the leaves of the Ice salad in small pieces
  2. Tomato, cucumber, bell pepper chop into slices
  3. Put cut vegetables on salad leaves. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with olive oil and soy sauce
  4. Sprinkle salad with sesame seeds

More about the recipes of the most delicious snacks is described in the article on the preparation of dishes with iceberg salad.

A delicious iceberg leaves with avocado, video

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