Hurders from zucchini for the winter: gold recipes. Canning of zucchini in liter banks in tomato, in Korean, like cucumbers, like pineapples

Hurders from zucchini for the winter: gold recipes. Canning of zucchini in liter banks in tomato, in Korean, like cucumbers, like pineapples

The best way to prepare zucchini for the winter is to marry them correctly. Our article will introduce you to simple recipes for the conservation of this vegetable, and also tell you how to properly prepare Tsukkini for rolling up.

The zucchini was brought to our country from Europe at the end of the 16th century. At first, people were quite careful about this vegetable and used it only for decorative purposes.

But over time, they still decided to try to cook this product and were very surprised by its excellent taste.

  • But even greater discovery was the beneficial properties of zucchini. As soon as people realized that this inconspicuous vegetable is able to help the body fight for various diseases, they began to eat it in cheese, fried, and in stew
  • And so in order to enjoy this delicious dish in winter, the housewives began to pickle this vegetable in various ways. Modern women also do not lag behind their predecessors and, in the midst of summer, try to roll up as many tasty and delicate zucchini as possible to banks

How to properly prepare zucchini for canning?

Preparation of zucchini for rolling up
  • The first zucchini appear on store shelves approximately in mid -May. And although these fruits have excellent taste for the harvesting for the winter they are not suitable. Typically, early tsukkini are grown in greenhouses and this contributes to the fact that in their delicate pulp accumulate substances that are not quite useful for the human body. Therefore, it will be better if you use the fruits for winter blanks that have ripened in June and July
  • But even in this case, it is extremely important to be able to choose the perfect zucchini, because if you choose an old overripe fruit, then for the most part it will consist of seeds that are little suitable for canning. For pickling, zucchini no more than 20 centimeters with a smooth and non -suffered skin are ideal for pickling. The peel of the vegetable you have chosen should be as thin as possible and easily pierced with a fingernail. This will be evidence that you have chosen an unlit vegetable
  • After the zucchini is brought home, they must be laid out of a plastic bag and immediately put in cold clean water. This vegetable just like a cucumber loves moisture very much, so it will be better if it spends at least a couple of hours to the basin of water. Such a little trick will make it even more crispy, and you can not worry that after heat treatment it will become very soft. After the zucchini is fed with the right amount of moisture, they can be grinded into pieces, you need to size, lay out in sterile jars and roll up with tin lids

Zucchini canned with green dill and garlic: recipe

Kabaki canned with dill and garlic
  • It so happened that our women do not represent conservation without summer garlic and aromatic green dill. These two components add piquant notes to pickled vegetables that make them truly tasty and fragrant
  • The main thing in this case is not to overdo it with the number of these two spicy products. Since the zucchini, especially young, has a rather neutral taste, dill and garlic can almost completely kill its naturalness and make it not very pleasant to taste. For this reason, if you really want that your conservation turned out to be perfect, then add to a 1 liter jar with zucchini no more than one average clove of garlic and literally a couple of twigs of green dill
  • If you want to achieve an even more interesting taste, add horseradish root to the marinade. This component will make pickled zucchini more sharp and give them a rather interesting aroma

Recipe for zucchini pickled with garlic and dill:

  • Wash the young zucchini thoroughly and slightly get them with a napkin
  • Cut clean vegetables into pieces that you like
  • Cutting vegetables, be sure to consider which jar in, you will add them
  • The smaller the containers, the more the zucchini should be crushed
  • We transfer the crushed vegetables into enameled dishes and set aside aside
  • At the next stage, clean the garlic and chop it on a garlic cod
  • Rinse dill under running water, slightly dry it and also grind it
  • From water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil, we prepare a concentrated marinade
  • Add greens, garlic and marinade to zucchini, mix everything thoroughly and leave the vegetables to let the juice for 2-3 hours
  • At this time, we begin to engage in the container in which the zucchini will take shape
  • Banks and covers and sterilize over the steam
  • We lay vegetables in clean jars and pour them with liquid, which was formed in the process of pickling them
  • Sterilize cans with zucchini, roll them with lids and put it to cool in a cool place

Zucchini canned without sterilization: recipe for the winter

We canned zucchini without sterilization
  • If you do not really like to mess with sterilization, you can try to moth the zucchini by triple filling. Such vegetables are even more crispy than in the previous recipe, as a fairly small period of time lends itself to heat treatment. In order for Tsukkini, preserved in this way, to get as fragrant as possible in the marinade in addition to garlic, pepper and umbrellas of dill, it is necessary to add currant leaves, cherries and Tarhun
  • And finally, a few more words about sterilization. Although the zucchini itself will not be sterilized during cooking, you still have to hold banks and lids over the steam. It is such a manipulation that will help to achieve maximum sterility and reduce the likelihood of reproduction in the finished product of mold and other pathogenic microflora

Recipe for zucchini canned without sterilization:

  • Pour water into a large pan, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil
  • While the water boils, my and cuts with circles of zucchini
  • Thoroughly wash and dry the greens, spicy herbs and garlic
  • First, we lay currant leaves and cherries, garlic, black and fragrant pepper in glass containers and only then we begin to carefully lay the tsukki
  • We try to fill the banks as tightly as possible, because in the process of blanching with boiling water, vegetables will decrease in size
  • Pour the vegetables with boiling water, cover them with lids and leave them in this position for 15 minutes
  • After this time, we drain the water back into the pan and again bring it to a boil
  • When the water boils, we repeat all the manipulations again
  • After the water is merged a second time, we put it on the fire again, add sugar and salt to it and bring to a boil
  • Add vinegar to the banks with tsukkini, pour with marinade and roll up with lids
  • Let the conservation cool at room temperature and move it to the basement

Canned zucchini with ketchup, with tomato: recipe for the winter

Zucchini in tomato for the winter
  • If you like a tomato taste in dishes, then you can try to put a tsukkini with tomato paste or a sharp ketchup. If desired, you can even cook tomato mashed potatoes yourself. With such a component, the marinade will turn out even more interesting, because it will have a natural sour tomato and their natural aroma in it
  • But if you add homemade puree from tomato to banks with zucchini, then put a little more sugar in the marinade. So you can balance acid and sweetness and achieve a perfectly balanced taste


  • Cut the zucchini on circles or stripes and fold them in a clean bowl
  • In a separate bowl, mix the tomato base with salt, pepper, sugar and spicy spices and add all this to zucchini
  • Leave vegetables to infuse for 1-2 hours
  • I thoroughly wash the cans, let them dry slightly and begin to lay vegetables in them
  • First we put garlic cloves in a jar, parsley root, and lay out zucchini on top of them
  • Pour all tomato juice and put sterilized
  • If the tomato sauce is not enough, then add to containers with vegetables a little salted boiled water
  • Depending on the size of the can, sterilization should last from 10 to 20 minutes
  • We roll up the finished tsukkini with tin lids and turn the bottom up the bottom

Canned zucchini delicious recipes

Pickled zucchini with mustard grains

Recipe for zucchini marinated with mustard grains:

  • Cut the zucchini with small cubes and set aside for a while
  • At the next stage, we clean, mine and cut the garlic with slides and send it to a bowl from Tsukkini
  • Grind parsley and tarhun and also shift them to zucchini
  • Mix vegetables and greens and begin to lay them in sterile jars
  • In each filled jar, add 1 teaspoon of mustard grains
  • From water, salt, sugar and citric acid, we cook the marinade and fill it with vegetables
  • Cover the jars with lids and send them for sterilization
  • At the last stage, we roll jars with tsukkini lids, wrap it in a warm blanket and let them completely cool

Recipe for zucchini pickled with horseradish and tomatoes:

  • Take small tsukkini and cut them into 2-3 parts
  • Put pieces of horseradish root, sharp pepper, dill umbrellas and garlic cloves on the bottom of the cans
  • Next, lay a layer of zucchini and a layer of tomato on top of it
  • Alternate vegetables until the bank is filled
  • Pour everything with a sweet and sour marinade, sterilize and close the lids

Kabakki canned crispy

Kabakki canned crispy

I think it's hard to find a person who would not like delicate crispy zucchini. This is a simple dish at first glance, it goes perfectly with meat and fish products, as well as with cereals and potatoes.

Below we present to your attention a recipe that conquered a lot of hearts. Thanks to one interesting component, pickled tsukkini is so fragrant that it is impossible to tear themselves away from them until the bank is empty.


  • My zucchini under running water and their mode on rather thick circles
  • Thoroughly and sterilize glass containers
  • On the bottom of the cans we put garlic, bay leaf, horseradish leaves and fragrant pepper
  • We remove the zest from lemons and squeeze the juice from them
  • We begin to lay in the banks of Tsukkini, periodically sprinkling them with lemon zest
  • Put water on fire, add sugar, salt, spicy spices and lemon juice to it
  • We bring everything to a boil and fill in the fragmented marinade filled jars
  • Sterilize vegetables over low heat and thoroughly close the lids

Canned zucchini in Korean

We canned zucchini in Korean

If you want to please your relatives with more exotic conservation, then prepare the zucchini in Korean for the winter. This is a sharp dish to love those who do not represent their lives without burning pepper. But do not be afraid of the presence of this sharp ingredient in the marinade.

If you wish, you can independently adjust the severity of the finished product by adding exactly the amount of chili pepper that will make the marinade accepted for your taste.

Kobachki recipe in Korean:

  • We cut young tsukkini into thin circles, salt and put under the press for two hours
  • We cut the onions in half rings, salt, pepper and put it to pickle
  • Carrots and pepper chili and cut with a neat strip
  • We drain the liquid from the zucchini, which they launched and mix them with all the prepared vegetables
  • Add salt, sugar, chopped garlic and citric acid to the zucchini juice and bring the marinade to a boil
  • We lay out all the vegetables in pre-prepared banks, pour them with spicy liquid and sterilize for 10-15 minutes
  • After this time, we roll the glass containers with tin lids and wrap it in a warm blanket
  • In this position, zucchini should stand until it cools down

Canned fried zucchini

We canned fried zucchini

People who prefer to eat only fried zucchini will like this recipe. Due to the fact that they do not need any marinade for their preparation, they retain the taste and type of vegetables of the frying pan that have just been removed. If desired, you can diversify their taste with pieces of tomatoes, peppers and carrots.

But keep in mind that so that fried tsukkini does not look like ordinary stewed vegetables tomatoes and peppers should be frying in a separate pan, and they are connected to zucchini at the very last stage of cooking.

Recipe for fried zucchini for the winter:

  • Wash under running water tsukkini, dry them and cut into small circles
  • Put a large pan on the fire and warm it well
  • Fry previously cooked zucchini until golden
  • Grind dill and garlic, salt, pepper and grind everything into a homogeneous mass
  • Start laying zucchini in jars, not forgetting to lubricate them with a fragrant mixture
  • When you reach up, shake the container slightly so that the zucchini tamp well
  • If the space appears from above, then fill it with fried vegetables
  • We put completely filled jars in a basin with water and conduct sterilization
  • We roll the conservation with tin lids and turn it over until it cools down the neck

Salty zucchini canned for the winter, like cucumbers in banks

Salty zucchini

Zucchini can be salted in the same way as cucumbers, but you need to choose the most small vegetables for this. Since the pickle does not involve the use of a bite or citric acid, it is extremely important that the purchased fruits have a very delicate peel.

If you still have not been able to find such tsukkini, then use what you are. Just in order for them to get the salt as well as possible to start thoroughly strip them with a wooden stick (this can even be a toothpick) and only then cut them for pieces.

Recipe for salty zucchini:

  • We thoroughly wash the banks and let them dry completely
  • On the bottom of the cans we lay the leaves of horseradish, dill umbrellas, garlic and currant leaves
  • If desired, you can add black, red and fragrant pepper to spicy greens
  • At the next stage, we begin to lay out in the bank of Tsukkini
  • When it is fully filled, fill the salt into it and pour chilled boiled water
  • Close containers with vegetables and poison in a dark place to pickle
  • Four days later we drain the brine, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil
  • Pour the zucchini with a hot brine and close the jars with dense lids

We canned zucchini like pineapple: compote from zucchini for the winter

Zucchini in pineapple juice
  • Tsukkini themselves have a neutral taste, so if desired, a rather unexpected dish can be obtained from them. And no matter how incredibly it sounds, you can make such a tropical fruit like pineapple from this vegetable. If you preserve zucchini with certain components, then during pickling they mix their tastes and aromas and, as a result, instead of a salad vegetable on your table will be a dessert
  • The most pleasant thing is that zucchini rolled up in this way can be used not only as a sweet dish, but also add it to salads. With it, you can replace the same overseas pineapple, which in winter, and especially on New Year's holidays, costs crazy money

Recipe for zucchini canned as pineapples:

  • Wash the zucchini and cut them with rings with a thickness of 7-10 mm
  • With the help of a knife or round shape of a suitable size, remove the core from them
  • We put the zucchini in vision with sterilized jars and slightly compact them
  • Do everything very carefully differently by Tsukkini's rings will lose their shape and cease to be like pineapple
  • Pour a couple of liters of pineapple juice into a large enameled container, add several sticks of cloves, sugar and citric acid to it
  • Bring the syrup to a boil, reduce the fire and flow it for 20-30 minutes
  • Pour vegetables with fragrant liquid and roll them in a standard way

Pickled zucchini quick -cooking for the winter

This recipe will appeal to those housewives who do not really like to engage in many hours of pickling products. In this case, you will not have to wait until the vegetables give their juices, because you can safely use a separate marinade to give the desired taste.


  • Thoroughly my tsukkini and cut them with the most thin and long slices
  • We lower them for a couple of seconds in boiling water and immediately transfer them to ice water
  • Grind garlic, dill and parsley and add them to zucchini
  • But the bottom of the cans we put black and fragrant pepper and horseradish root
  • Lay as tightly as possible into glass containers, vegetables mixed with herbs and garlic
  • From water, salt and citric acid, cook the concentrated marinade and fill it into banks
  • Watch it so that it rises above 0.5 mm above the vegetables
  • Sterilize the zucchini in boiling water and roll them up as tight as possible

Video: How to get a delicious zucchini - express method?

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