How to store fruits and berries in the refrigerator? How much can a watermelon and melon in the refrigerator be cut?

How to store fruits and berries in the refrigerator? How much can a watermelon and melon in the refrigerator be cut?

Secrets of storage of fruits and berries in the refrigerator.

In the old days, the housewives had to be sophisticated to extend the shelf life of berries and fruits, so they either dried them or lowered them into running water. To the great happiness of modern women, technology does not stand still and they no longer need to store tasty fruits with such difficulties. For these purposes, each house has a refrigerator.

With it, you can store not only hard fruits, but also delicate and very juicy berries for a long time. True, in this case, you need to know the little tricks that will help you enjoy pears, apples, bananas and strawberries for the long time.

How much can a watermelon in the refrigerator be cut?

Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days
  • Most often, we buy watermelons that we subsequently cannot eat and we have to put them in storage in the refrigerator. Surely everyone who did this noticed that low temperature indicators negatively affect this large berry. It becomes less tasty and fragrant and that the most untidy begins to flow very hard.
  • Therefore, it will be better if you still buy watermelons that your family will be able to master at a time. But still, if it so happened that you had to put a cut watermelon in the refrigerator, then be sure to cover its cut with a baking film and try to eat it for 48 hours.
  • After this time, he will begin to lose not only taste properties, but also the beneficial substances that are in it. The watermelon, which lay in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, is generally better not to eat. By this time, fermentation processes will begin in his pulp, which can negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How much can you store a cut melon in the refrigerator?

Melon storage rules in the refrigerator

A cut melon, as well as a watermelon, cannot lie in the refrigerator. You can store it there no more than one and a half days. If it sets in it for a longer period, then pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply on its pulp, causing fermentation and decay of berries and fruits.

Such processes can begin even earlier if you store the melon at a temperature above +5. If you see that you cannot eat the fetus within one day, then it is better to cut it into portioned pieces and freeze it. In this form, it will remain tasty and useful for almost six months.

What fruits cannot be stored in the refrigerator?

Tropical fruits cannot be kept in the refrigerator
  • Do not think that the refrigerator can extend the shelf life of absolutely all fruits. Some of them tolerate the low temperature very poorly and it is from its effect that they begin to deteriorate and rot. Categorically, you can not put in the refrigerator absolutely all tropical fruits and persimmon. For them, room temperature is more acceptable.
  • If you wrap these fruits in several layers of paper and put on a shelf in a pantry, then they will be able to remain delicious and useful for at least 7 days. Of course, this does not mean that all these fruits, in general, you can not put a refrigerator. If you lay them there exclusively only to cool (literally for an hour two), then this will not affect their taste or their appearance.
  • Yes, and, if you still decide to store tropical fruits in the refrigerator, then lay unripe values \u200b\u200bin it. They will stand out a little less than ethylene, which means they can remain normal from 5 to 8 days.

Is it possible to store bananas in the refrigerator and where is it better to store them so as not to blacken?

Banans are undesirable to store the refrigerator
  • The optimum temperature for storing bananas is considered + 12, so if you put them in the refrigerator, then they definitely will not like it. Even on a shelf for storing vegetables, temperature indicators will be lower than they need, which means that the fruits will be very fast and they will begin to lose all their taste.
  • But most of all, the low temperature affects the appearance of the banana. Its peel is first covered with black dots, and then, in general, completely blackens. In view of this, if you want these fruits to have a beautiful appearance and a great taste, then find them a place in a kitchen cabinet or in a pantry.
  • Just put them on a large dish, wrap them with cling film and put in a place where the minimum of light gets. If you store bananas in this way, then they will be suitable for consumption from 10 to 14 days.

Is it possible and how to store peaches in the refrigerator?

Recommendations for storage of peaches
  • The most ideal temperature for storing peaches is considered zero degrees, so you can quite calmly renew the terms of their fitness using the refrigerator. But if you want them to remain tasty and fragrant as long as possible, then be sure to consider the features of this fruit. Since it has a sufficiently delicate peel and juicy pulp, it cannot be put in a heap.
  • So you can crush the lower fruits, and they will very quickly infect pathogenic microflora and entire peaches. If possible, put them in one, maximum two rows and be sure to shift each layer with paper or cotton cloth. It also takes into account the fact that this fruit is overripe very quickly, so it categorically cannot be lying with fruits, which in large quantities release ethylene (these are apples and pears).
  • If you put them very close to each other, then the peaches will overlap literally in a day and then even the low temperature will not help you save them even the minimum time.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator and how much?

Limones storage rules
Limones storage rules
  • I immediately want to say that it is undesirable to keep lemon in the refrigerator. Low temperature has a pernicious effect on them, and they very quickly begin to deteriorate and rot. But still, in this case, there are small tricks that will help you store this fruit in the refrigerator from 4 to 8 weeks.
  • So, if you suspend the effects of oxygen on the lemon peel, you can minimize the effect of cold on the lemon. Try just treating its surface with vegetable oil, and then wrapped in ordinary paper. So you will not only limit the effects of oxygen, but also protect the fetus from condensate, which inevitably appears on all products in the refrigerator.
  • Another proven option is to store lemons in a jar of water. But keep in mind that they remain fresh, the water in the container must be changed at least 2 times a day and be sure to keep it in the green zone of the refrigerator.

How to store cranberries in the refrigerator and how much

Fresh cranberry storage
  • Cranberry is a rather delicate berry, so you need to store it at low temperature indicators. If you live in an apartment, then a refrigerator is an ideal storage site. You can keep it here both fresh and frozen. If you like to eat these berries without additional processing, then just clean them of plant debris, put them into small containers with hermetic lids and put them on a shelf for storing vegetables.
  • Here the berries will remain edible from 1 to 2 months. If you want to extend their shelf life for another month and a half, then put them into glass jars, pour in advance boiled water (completely cooled) and place them in the zero zone of the refrigerator. Well, those who want to cook cranberry dishes up to a new crop can freeze berries.
  • They also need to freeze them in small portions, otherwise you will have to periodically defrost all the berries at once, and this will greatly reduce their shelf life.

How to store apples in the refrigerator and how much?

Storage of apples in the refrigerator
  • Apples belong to those fruits that, even after breaking, continue to intensively secrete ethylene, which promotes the rapid ripening of absolutely all fruits. Therefore, if you want to lay fruits for long -term storage, then they must be prepared for this correctly. For this, the apple must be kept for 2 days at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees.
  • Under the influence of high temperature, almost all ethylene will be released from them and this will suspend the ripening process. After this, the apple will need to be cooled, and then put them into food bags with holes for ventilation. In this form, they will remain tasty and juicy from 1 to 2 months.
  • And remember that it is undesirable to store apples of different varieties together. Since some varieties ripen faster than others, this can lead to the fact that some apples will begin to lose their taste, while others will still remain greenish.

How to store raspberries in the refrigerator and how much?

Malina storage recommendations

You can store raspberries in the refrigerator from 7 to 10 days. But it will only remain fresh and tasty if you lay out of the storage, and most importantly, intact berries. They are best laid out in small hermetically sealed containers and put in the zero zone.

If you want to enjoy the taste of these berries for a longer period, then freeze them or grind them with sugar. But keep in mind that in this case it is extremely important to use only the highest quality berries. If you do not look and at least one spoiled, then in the process of long -term storage, the taste of all other fruits will be quite spoiled.

How to store blueberries in the refrigerator and how much?

Blueberry storage in banks

Fresh blueberries without any additional processing can quite calmly stand in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. However, it will not lose either her excellent taste or useful properties. If you want this berry to lay in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks, then put it in a specially processed container. Take bottles with a wide neck or half-liter jars and coat them well in the oven.

When they stand up, carefully lay blueberries in them (you do not need to tamp it), close the container with sterile lids and put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. If you want blueberries to be stored for 5-7 months, then just freeze it. To do this, first pour it with a thin layer on the tray, and then put it in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, put them in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and place it near the rest of the frozen fruits.

Is it possible to store grapes in the refrigerator and how much?

Grape storage rules

Grapes like almost all berries and fruits do not tolerate high temperature quite poorly, so you need to lay it in the refrigerator immediately after you go into the house. If you plan to eat it for one or two days, you can simply put it in a clean bowl and put it in the green area of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator.

If you store it for a month or two, then select a place for him on a shelf for vegetables. Lay it there in one layer, and cover it with a paper towel on top. If possible, then place it as close as possible to the rear wall of the refrigerator. Since there is a temperature more suitable for grapes, then it can remain tasty and fresh up to 4 months.

Is it possible to store mangoes in the refrigerator and how much?

Mango storage methods at home

Since the optimum mango storage temperature is +10, it is undesirable to store it in the refrigerator. The cold will quickly make it less tasty and sour. Therefore, it will be better if you store this fruit at room temperature.

But if you still want to blame mango for the future, then cut it with a small cube and freeze it as well as the rest of the berries and fruits. This storage method will extend the shelf life of the fruit by almost six months.

How to store cherries in the refrigerator and how much?

Cherry is freshly frozen

A fresh cherry is stored in the refrigerator without prejudice to its taste for no more than a day. After that, processes inevitably begin to occur in it, which lead to the fact that the process of fermentation begins in the pulp. In order for it all this time to remain delicious and it must be carefully, literally in one layer, put it on a tray or on a large bowl and put in a green refrigerator area.

If you bought a lot of cherries, then you have one way out - freezing. It is better to freeze it portionedly, having previously drowned and dried. A frozen cherry will be able to lie quite calmly for at least 6 months.

How to store blackberries in the refrigerator and how much?

Recommendations for storage of blackberry

Blackberry is a very delicate berry, so even with a great desire to keep it for a long time you cannot. In the refrigerator, an unfinished blackberry can lie for no more than 4 days, in view of this if you want to eat this product throughout the winter, then you will have to freeze it.

In this case, the berries will first need to be sorted, rinse, dry, and only after that it is portioned. If there is no place in the freezer, then just grind the blackberry with sugar, put it in sterile jars and store them on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

How to store red and blackcurrant in the refrigerator and how much?

Red and black currants can freeze

Freshly combined and, most importantly, unwashed currant berries, can be stored in the refrigerator from 10 to 14 days. And if you put them in a glass container, and cover it with a paper towel on top, you can store fragrant berries for almost a month. True, for this you will have to remove the napkin from the can once a day and give the fruits a little breathe.

For longer storage, only frost is suitable. If you first freeze the currant into one layer and only then put it in a plastic wrapper or a plastic container, then you will get intact berries that are not sticking together, which can be used to make sauces, compotes, jams and delicious filling for pies.

Is it possible to store kiwi in the refrigerator and how much?

Blind the greenish fruit in the refrigerator
  • A fruit like kiwi in our country does not grow. As a rule, he goes to us from Asian countries, so most often he will get to the shelves of stores greenish. If you plan to store kiwi for some time, then choose the elastic unripe fruits for this. Having brought them home, carefully wrap them in the food film (preferably separately) and put in a box for storing vegetables.
  • If you want to accelerate the maturation process of kiwi, then take a hermetically closing bag and put an apple or banana in it with kiwi. In a closed space, gas ethylene gas is quickly accumulated and kiwi will reach the desired condition, literally in one day.
  • But keep in mind what kind of storage you choose, it is undesirable to keep Kiwi in the refrigerator for more than 14 days. After this time, the cold temperature will still take its own and the fruits will become very watery, and then begin to rot.

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator and how much?

Storing strawberries in the refrigerator

Strawberries have one not very good property, without a refrigerator, it spoils very quickly and begins to rot. Therefore, if you want to extend the shelf life of this berry, then keep it on a shelf for storing vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to lay it there not washed and possibilities in one layer, if you see that you will turn out 2 silt 3 layers of strawberries, then shift each row with paper towels.

They will protect strawberries from moisture and ethylene, which is released from other fruits. In this form, strawberries can lie from 3 to 7 days. For longer storage of aromatic fruits, only frost is suitable. Before you freeze the berries, they should be washed, dried a little, and then put it in one row in the freezer. After that, you just have to wait for the cold to do its job and put strawberries in plastic containers.

How to store plums in the refrigerator and how much?

Plum storage rules

Plums, provided that they are untrained and intact can be stored in the refrigerator from 10 to 15 days. All that you will need to do for this, just put them in neat rows. You can place them on any dish convenient for you or use the tray from under the chicken eggs to store fruits. Just take the plums and put one at one in special recesses.

Since plums do not really like low temperature indicators, they must be stored in the green zone of the refrigerator. Also, if desired, you can freeze plum fruits. In this case, you can eat them for not two weeks, but six months. After defrosting, plums practically do not change their taste and, most interestingly, perfectly keep their original shape.

How to store pears in the refrigerator and how much?

Storage of pears in the refrigerator

Pear, especially winter varieties, are well stored in the refrigerator. But to keep them in it is best on the shelf exclusively with fruits and berries. If onions, garlic or beets are located very close to them, then they will be quickly nourished by extraneous smells and their taste will not become very pleasant.

If you want these fruits to lay in the refrigerator for more than 2 months, then wrap each pear individually in paper, and then literally fare them into plastic bags. Make ventilation holes in them and put in the green area of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator.

How to store gooseberries in the refrigerator and how much?

Storage of gooseberries

Gooseberries, like the rest of the berries, are very difficult to store. If you want him to retain all your excellent taste for at least two weeks, then you will have to sort it out carefully as possible, and then carefully put it in a cardboard box.

If you do not have it, then feel free to use a plastic container, just after laying gooseberries in it, be sure to show a paper cloth on it on top of it, which will absorb excess moisture.

In addition, this berry can be safely frozen. In this case, you can afford to immediately pack gooseberries on portions and freeze it in this form. Since these berries have a rather thick peel, they will not stick together even under the influence of low temperatures.

Video: how to freeze cherries, blueberries and other berries. Cunning from marmalade foxes

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