How to store vegetables and fruits in the cellar? How to store carrots, beets, apples, potatoes, watermelons, turnips, cabbage, garlic, grapes in the cellar in winter?

How to store vegetables and fruits in the cellar? How to store carrots, beets, apples, potatoes, watermelons, turnips, cabbage, garlic, grapes in the cellar in winter?

Simple ways of storing vegetables and fruits in a home cellar.

Each gardener knows that vegetables and fruits must be able to not only properly grow, but also store. After all, if you want your crop to maintain your beneficial properties until the next season, it is extremely important to be able to properly place it in the basement.

If you do not adhere to at least the general rules of storage, then it is likely that your vegetables and fruits will lose all their beneficial properties by the beginning, and over time will disappear.

How to store carrots in the cellar in winter?

It is best to store the carrots, falling asleep it with dry sand

Despite all its hardness, carrots are a very tender vegetable. Since it does not have a thick skin, it reacts quite negatively to the most minimal temperature fluctuations. The best option for storing this root crop is the temperature of +1 and almost 90% air humidity into the room.

It is clear that it is almost impossible to create such conditions in the basement where, in addition to carrots, other vegetables will be stored, so it will be better if you try to make a semblance of a protective shell for it.

Carrots can be stored in:

  • SPILS. They will create a layer that will restrain the flow of air to the root crop, and also protect it from the cold and temperature fluctuations.
  • Sand. In this case, sand is also used as a layer, but vegetables are laid in a completely different way. Carrots are placed in rows, forming a pyramid. Each separate row is covered with sand (the layer should be at least 1 cm) and sprayed a little with water. With this storage method, it is extremely important to watch so that the vegetables do not contact each other.
  • Clay. It is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and then the root crop is lowered into the resulting gruel for a couple of seconds, they give the protective shell to dry and the whole basket or wooden box is folded.

How to store beets in the cellar for the winter?

Conditions for beets for the winter

Sex categorically does not tolerate heat, so it must be stored at a temperature of not more than +2. If your +5 temperature in the cellar will rise, then the vegetable will begin to quickly lose moisture and rot. In view of this, beets are also best stored in the protective shell.

Storage methods:

  • Leaves of mountain ash, fern and wormwood. Fold the beets in a wooden box and shift it with prepared leaves. With this method of storage, your root crops will be protected not only from temperature fluctuations, but also from microflora, which provokes rotting of vegetables. The leaves of these plants all winter will be distinguished by phytoncides that will kill pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Salt. This product creates a protective shell that fights not only with temperature indicators, but also with moisture. If you do not want to bother, then just pour the beets with salt. But if you want it to lay until the next harvest, then prepare a concentrated salt solution, dip it in it with beets when it is completely dry, and only then put in the box.

How to store apples in the winter in the cellar?

Apples in paper
  • Most often, we lower the apples into the basement with still greenish, and already there they ripen and gain taste. And since in the process of ripening they begin to secrete a substance, ethylene, which contributes to the fact that all vegetables that are in close proximity begin to germinate, then it is better to store them away from the rest of the crop. If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for apples, then use our tips.
  • First, make sure that there is good ventilation in the room. So almost all ethylene will pump out from the room, and the small part that will remain in it will no longer be able to cause great damage to your harvest.
  • Secondly, try to create sealed packaging for each apple separately. To do this, take the paper (this can even be a newspaper) and carefully wrap each fruit with it. The apples prepared in this way can be folded in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes.

How to store zucchini for the winter in the cellar?

Zucchini on the rack

Although the zucchini is a very delicate product, you can still store it in the cellar for some time. For storage, it is best to choose winter varieties having a thick and hard peel.

Also consider that in order to remain delicious and juicy in the zucchini for the long time, it must have a stalk. Therefore, taking the vegetable from the stem, be sure to leave the spine of at least 4 centimeters in a long one.

You can store zucchini in:

  • Grids. Take any small stack, put the zucchini in it and hang it to the ceiling. In this position, the vegetable will remain fresh at least 4 months.
  • Hay. Make a wooden rack in the cellar and linen it with hay. On top of it, lay out zucchini in neat rows, leaving a short distance between them.

How to store a pumpkin for the winter in the cellar?

Pumpkin storage in the cellar
  • Many believe that pumpkin does not require any special storage conditions, so they simply lay it out on the floor of the cellar. But this vegetable, as well as zucchini requires a more tender attitude. If you leave her to lie on the floor, then literally a month later you can see that she began to deteriorate.
  • If you want to cook useful pumpkin dishes almost until the next summer, then make sure that she has her own separate place in the cellar. The best option for storing pumpkin will be a wooden rack more than a meter high, covered with paper.
  • The pumpkin must be arranged in such a way that its stalks are looked up, and the sides do not come into contact with each other. If you know that the temperature in the winter in your cellar may drop below zero, then additionally lay all the gaps between the pumpkin or hay pumpkin.

How to store potatoes in the cellar in winter?

Potato storage box

Potatoes, as well as any other vegetable, reacts quite strongly to the most minimal changes in temperature and humidity in the room, so it is important to make sure that the cellar in which it will be stored, at least well ventilated. It is best to store this root crop at a temperature of +2 to +4 and at 70% humidity.

And if the temperature indicators can still fluctuate in one direction or another, then you must follow the humidity very carefully. If its indicators rise to at least 80%, then your crop will begin to be covered with rot.

It is best to store potatoes in:

  • Grids. If you do not have special boxes for storing potatoes, then the mesh is just what you need. It will allow air to circulate all the time around the tubers, contributing to the fact that they do not wet and do not rot.
  • Bags. If you choose this particular way of storage, then give preference to bags made of natural burlap. Unlike paper and polyethylene, they will be able to protect your crop from damp and cold.

How to store cabbage in the cellar in winter?

Cabbage hangs on ropes

If you want to eat your cabbage for the whole winter, then the first thing you should do is grow the right crop. Extremely late and mid -season varieties are suitable for laying in the cellar. But early cabbage is best marinated and stored in banks.

The most pleasant thing is that, unlike other vegetables, cabbage is not afraid of maximum humidity and very low temperatures. But still, this vegetable must be stored taking into account its features. It will be better if you fold it in the basement so that it does not lie in one heap.


  • If you want the cabbage to not lose its juiciness for a long time, then tear it out right with the root, dry the upper leaves a little, and then hang it to the ceiling or beam on the hook with the head down. Just follow your crop is placed at least 30 centimeters from the wall. If you hang the cabbage closer, then there is the likelihood that it will freeze all the time.
  • You can try to store cabbage in the food film. For this storage method, it is best to take the same head of the head of the head. They must be cleaned of the upper leaves completely cut off the stump, and then wrap it with a film in several layers. The crop prepared in this way, put in a basket or box and put on a rack.

How to store eggplant for the winter in the cellar?

Eggplant storage in the cellar

To keep the eggplant for the whole winter, fresh must be taken into account that this vegetable needs high humidity and lack of light. Even in the basement, it is recommended to cover them with a burlap so that as few sun rays as possible to fall on them. If possible, build a separate rack in the cellar, linen it with paper and put blue on one row on one row. Cover them with a burlap on top and sprinkle with straw.

If there is not enough space in your cellar, then pack them several pieces in plastic ticks and fold them in a box with holes. Place the box at a height of 1 meter above the ground and closer to the wall. Periodically check if there are no fruits, damaged or rotten. If you notice at least a small speck, immediately take the eggplant from the box. If you do not, then the vegetable will begin to rot and take moisture from still normal fruits.

How to store watermelons in the cellar?

Storage of watermelons in the cellar
  • I immediately want to say that for the winter it is best to lay watermelons in your garden in a cellar. So you can independently control the degree of maturity and cut them off the lashes at the right time. In order for the watermelon to lie down as long as possible, it must be taken from the garden about five days before complete maturity.
  • If you put purchased watermelons for storage, then try to choose intolerable fruits. The best option for storing watermelon is a grid. In this case, you will not have to make anything. You will only need to clean the watermelon from the soil, rinse it, wait until it dries, lay it in the net and carefully hang it to the ceiling.
  • Another proven option is clay. It will need to be mixed with water, and then applied with a thin layer to the watermelon. When the clay layer is completely dry, transfer the watermelons to the rack, and all the gaps that are between them lay paper or straw.

How to store a turnip in the winter in the cellar?

Methods of storage of turnips in the cellar

Turnip is unique in its nourished properties of a vegetable that can very well diversify the winter menu. Turnip should be stored as well as carrots and beets. Therefore, you can quite calmly place this root crop on the same rack with them or in the immediate vicinity of them.

For storage, you need to choose juicy, completely ripened fruits that do not have damage and rot. Yes, and if possible, lay a small turnip in the basement. Since in a cut form it will disappear very quickly, it will be better if you store the fruits that you can eat immediately.

Ways to store turnips in the cellar:

  • Dry the turnip and lay it in a plastic heap. Tie it, and then, using any sharp object, make several holes for ventilation in it.
  • Put the turnips in wooden boxes in rows and pour them with sand or ash. Follow the layer of sand to be the most thick and dense as possible. After all, if it is very thin, then the vegetables during the storage will touch each other and will certainly begin to deteriorate.
  • If desired, you can make glaze from clay, wax or paraffin and coat each turnip separately. This storage method will prevent moisture and protect against putrefactive microflora.

How to store pears for the winter in the cellar?

Pear storage at home
  • Many gardeners, laying a pear in the basement for storage, make one mistake. They simply fall asleep in a box, put it on a rack and forget about it until a certain time. As a rule, such fruits begin to be very quickly covered with rot. Why is this happening?
  • Firstly, in no case should you fall asleep pears. If you do this quickly, then for sure some fruit will be damaged, and you are invisible to this, sake it with normal pears. After some time, he will begin to deteriorate and infect the rotten fruits that come into contact with him. Therefore, it will be better if you lay the fruits in the box carefully, literally one thing.
  • Secondly, pears really do not like high humidity, in view of this, everything must be done so that it has the most minimal effect on them. To do this, you need to cover the bottom of the box with a few broken newspapers and only then start laying the rows of pears in it. Yes, and do not forget that there can not be more than three rows of fruits in the box and that each of them should be shifted by 2-3 layers of paper.

How to store garlic in the cellar in winter?

Blows from garlic
  • The easiest way to store garlic is familiar to us since childhood. Probably, each of us remember the braids from this fragrant vegetable, which at the end of summer always appeared under the roof of the grandmother’s house. The most interesting thing is that this is how you can keep the garlic with juicy and fragrant almost until next summer.
  • If you do not want to knit a braid from garlic, then you can try to store it in glass jars. In this case, you will need to cut off the grassy stem almost at the very base of the head, and then lay the vegetable in a jar, on the bottom of which salt is poured. Pour this row of garlic with salt and put a new one on it. Continue to lay vegetables in this way until you fill the entire container.
  • Be sure to remember that the salt should be the last layer, so if you see that there is no place for it, then just do not fill the bank along the neck. When the garlic is laid, you remains to wrap the container in the dark canvas and move it to the rack in the cellar.

How to store Beijing cabbage in the cellar?

Beijing cabbage can be stored in a box
  • Beijing cabbage is a rather delicate vegetable, so you can store it in the cellar for no more than three months. If during this time you do not have time to eat your crop, then you will have to lay it in banks. It is best to store a beer on shelves with paper. Just keep in mind that in this case newspapers cannot be used categorically.
  • Beijing cabbage is so well absorbed by smells that literally in a couple of weeks it will begin to publish the aroma of typographic paint. The gardeners who have a large cellar can try to make a kind of beds right there and transplant cabbage into it.
  • This method can extend the life of Beijing not by three, but for four months. But no matter how you keep it always remember that she does not like light. Therefore, wherever she is on the rack or in the garden, always cover it with a dark cloth.

How to store pepper in the cellar?

Pepper storage in the cellar

Bulgarian pepper, unlike other vegetables, feels great in a simple wooden box. Therefore, you can quite calmly knock down the box of the desired size, cover its bottom with paper and fill the pepper into it. If you put vegetables to a height of one meter from the floor, you can store them in this way for at least 4 months. If you want pepper to delight you with your piquant taste in the spring, then dig it out of the soil with the root and hang it down to the ceiling.

You can also transplant it in an ordinary flower pot and put it in any convenient place in the cellar. This method is suitable for vegetables that did not have time to get on the street. Since they will still receive nutrients from the soil, they can already gain the missing juiciness in the basement and even grow a little.

How to store onions for the winter in the cellar?

Storage of onions in winter

With antiquity, we can say that onions are the most whimsical vegetable. At room temperature, it begins to grow quickly, and with very low indicators freezes and becomes inedible.

In view of this, if you decide to store this vegetable in the cellar, then make it so that the temperature in it does not fall below -1, and the humidity was not 75%. If these indicators are smaller, then the bow will deteriorate very quickly.

You can store onions in:

  • Wooden boxesx. Their height should not exceed 30 centimeters. If it is larger, then the bulbs will be transmitted and rotten.
  • Containers for eggs. This method is suitable for gardeners with a large cellar. In this case, the bulbs will need to be carefully put into indentations for eggs, and then place the containers on the racks.
  • Grids. The best option is the nets into which literally 3 kilograms of onions are imposed. But they also cannot be put on the floor. If you have no room left, then make additional stands and place nets with vegetables on them.

How to store celery for the winter in the cellar?

Ways to store celery

Celery, like any hard vegetable loves moisture, so you need to store it with almost 100% humidity. If in your cellar its indicators are lower than necessary, then you can try to periodically moisturize the vegetable itself. Of course, this does not mean that you should spray the celery itself. So that he would have enough moisture, you just need to sometimes spray the sand in the box in which he will be.

Just do not do this very often, if you overdo it with water, then the root crop will first begin to take root and grow, and then rot due to a lack of light. If you have an earthen floor in your cellar, then you can make a small trench in it, lay celery in it and cover everything with soil and straw on top.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the cellar?

Jerusalem artery winning at home

Jerusalem artichoke, although it is considered relative of potatoes, cannot be stored with him. Since he needs great humidity, it is best to lay it in a cellar along with carrots and beets. The most optimal option for storing Jerusalem artichoke is a soil box, only in this case the sand should be used not dry, but wet and, when laying separately, each layer is separately tamped.

It is best to place containers with Jerusalem artichoke as close as possible to the exit. Since this vegetable loves cold (it easily tolerates even -40), it is here that it will feel best.

How to store grapes in the cellar?

Ways to store grapes

If you do not want to bother, then just cut the grapes and place it on the racks on which sawdust from linden and poplar are laid out. If you wish, you can replace the rack with a box, but still lay in it no more than one row of grapes and be sure to close it with sawdust on both sides.

You can try to save your crop in a more interesting way. Cut the grapes with a small piece of the vine and literally immediately close the cut with molten paraffin or wax. When he froze, carefully hang it to the beam or ceiling, making sure that the vine does not contact the mountain.

Video: "6 acres" - how to save vegetables

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