Comic puzzles with answers for children and adults - the best selection

Comic puzzles with answers for children and adults - the best selection

A collection of comic riddles that will help you have fun to spend time in the circle of family and friends.

Comic puzzles - the best selection

Comic puzzles - the best selection
Comic puzzles - the best selection
Comic puzzles - the best selection
Comic puzzles - the best selection

Comic puzzles are the best selection:

Cunning are born
To raise the price.


(Tribute or racketeering)
Mandatory fee,
So that the strong becomes rich.


We have long been in abundance
We are born into the light,
But some have a lot of us,
And others do not have us.


As servants are true;
As the owners are harmful.


They themselves are not suitable, but everyone needs.


To have enough of them
And there are few two hands.


From prison
They are carried in their hands.


For them in return, at least take it
In addition to honor and love.


Without arms, without legs
Everything is done on time.


(Homemade money (fake))
Who made me does not tell me;
Who knows me -
He does not let him into the yard.
And who does not know
He accepts.


(Cash debt)
Who gives
Who returns -
Both know him.


Both theft and robbery,
But not a biblical crime.


(Piggy bank)
Clay cat:
In the head - the window.


(Piggy bank)
Fat pig:
The hole on the back.


(Piggy bank)
Greedy hole:
Someone has a cat
Someone has a pig.


(Wallet (wallet))
Razdviga book:
Two sheets,
The middle peel
Or empty.


The shelves occupied the floor.
Dad, buy? Mom, will you give?

I'll tell you. I will not deceive.
It was in the old days:
Girls and gentlemen
They went to meet there.


Coat of arms and dials in the rows
They stand on different sides.


Everyone is cute.


For state labor
What do they take from everyone?


At the picture, at the hut,
And from money it can be.


(Brought a pension)
Grandfather and grandmother were surprised:
Their children appeared.
Appeared - Ah, trouble!
When did you appear?


She has a desire -
Steal attention,
Bite all eyes
And say about the addresses.


What is the time? At least run.
Enemies hang on the ears.


What kind of money for money
Are they striking all day?


He was chopped for a long time;
They almost forgot about that.


The merchant gives money -
What does it take?


(Goods. Or money)
On a mockery of the merchant,
At hand at the seller.


(Packaging. Or containers)
I read and bought
A book of six pages.
No matter how the book was praised,
But more expensive, inside.


It is given and offered
More precisely, they know on the market.


For that production controller
The dispute is always ready.

The queue will approach me
But no one will buy me.


It is green, like cabbage
No one will be sad with him
And on it for many years
The president is drawn!


We are the most welcome and necessary for you,
You can't live a day without us,
We visit and paper, we are just a class, we are just a class
They put us on the map, keeping us all,
Without us, nothing will be sold to you in the store,
And regularly people expect more from us.


Put it in a shoe -
There will be five for the exam:
There is such a sign
She's about ...


Of course, you can live without them,
But everything will be possible with them:
Buy and relax,
Wave it to the sea warm,
A car, buy a house for yourself
And in general it is very cool to live.


She is given once a month,
And they can even every day,
But they will not give anything
If you work laziness!


I want a cottage and an apartment
I want a ring, brooch and earrings,
I would also like the car
If only everything was enough ...
of money


We call their bills,
For any nature they are,
Very very everyone needs them
In our life they are so important.
We will buy food for them,
Clothes, shoes, water.


They are bright, rustling
We are ordered to spend ourselves.
They pay them at work,
And they wish more and more.
They will quench any whim
You will buy a cruise on them.


A very nice town
The city-port of Vladivostok,
It is drawn from nature
On the two thousandth ...

She is paid to our card
The gaze burns with her more fun,
How to increase, you will be glad -
But don't take it in an envelope!


In fact - paper,
But a symbol of prosperity.
When not enough
It happens not sweet.

Their name is caustic, cabbage,
And pennies and treasury,
From their fermented crunch
In the heart is a festive mood!


The height will submit
Flattery sounds like an overture
You can buy goodness
If in your pocket there is ...

Iron, ringing,
Round, shiny,
Paper, rustling,
Wealth is present.


To work, as for a holiday,
The reasons for this are many different.
But, perhaps, everyone is more important,
What will they pay for her ...
of money

Each bank keeps them holy
From fires, robberies,
So that each of his deposits
I could take it back soon.


On color bills of these
Types of different cities,
Krasnoyarsk can be found there,
Yaroslavl, Far East.


They release them a lot
From paper, made of metal,
But there are no many of them,
All of them are always missing.


Multi -colored pieces of paper
They live in their house
And you want a chocolate -
They will be here, as here!

Comic puzzles with answers

Comic puzzles with answers
Comic puzzles with answers
Comic puzzles with answers
Comic puzzles with answers

Comic puzzles with answers:

Paints, brushes, desired tone
And, the shadows there are a million.
Makeup is applied ...
What word is asking for?


Than apply: makeup,
Supermodic tattooing?
What always with us
In the cosmetic bag dear?


Powder, mascara, eyeliner, cream -
They mask without problems ...
To go and buy everything
Is it worth asking them?
What to call everything in a word
In a merchant supermarket?


In each area - ethics is needed,
Even where there is ...


I gathered for a concert,
Look, but there are no cosmetic bags.
After, I looked into the bag -
Something immediately flashed there,
Near cute bracelet
It seemed suddenly ...


Lipstick, mascara, powder and shadow
They will make the face fresh.
But, about the measure, you need to remember
Otherwise, you can ruin everything.
A woman has any
Her stock is at least small.


There is something in the cosmetic bag
Yes, so much that you can’t count.
To count everything there,
You need to know the numbers on "5".
"Help us out, arithmetic",
He will say loud to us ...


For what and why
Will I take the shadows in my hands?
Plus more: lipstick, cream,
Who will tell me why?
Everything is true to make ...
In a word, how to call one?


Makeup is applied to her,
Many significant people.
What theorist?
This is indeed …


This is a whole complex of funds
With and without vitamins,
For skin, eyes, hair, face,
There is no end to the assortment.


Tubes, brushes, shadows, lipstick -
Everything that the beauty is necessary for the exit,
To return with a bouquet,
Take advantage of bright ...


Designed for makeup,
For tanning, for massage ...
In this word - four syllables,
Nine letters are a lot ...

Sounds are also nine in it,
Come on, let's go the other way:
This analysis is studying phonetics,
And the word is simple, it is ...


In the morning I am like a monkey
Like a pale executive,
But I will use her -
I will become brighter and dark
Eyebrows - tar, and lips Ala,
Even mom did not recognize!


Well, let's say, the young lady is not very,
And we want to see her beautifully,
I don’t want, but we want, more accurately,
And how can we realize it?
Tint her cilia, eyebrows, lips -
And immediately look expensive and love.
But to do it all,
What should we buy in the store?


To lengthen the eyelashes,
It must be applied,
I dye the fluffy brush,
I'm becoming more beautiful at once.


There is a magical tube
Each woman has
Wave the lips to them
And there is no more beautiful.


Like a butterfly, flutters
The new image creates
And the eyelashes lengthens
And the volume gives them.


How eyelashes I will paint -
Magic comes:
And longer, and even thicker
Or they will become easy with her!


I paint my lips with bright red,
And look even more beautiful
I don't need another at all,
I love my…


My face pulled all my
The wind was puffed up on him
The code does not dry out
The white light is no longer sweet,
I quickly apply it,
And I walk the whole day happy.


Lips are scarlet, she
It will make up for you for one or two,
You quickly remove the cap,
You easily put it on
In the female handbag, always
So important and so necessary.

Comic puzzles about weapons

Comic puzzles
Comic puzzles
Comic puzzles
Comic puzzles

Comic puzzles about weapons:

Thunderstorm is a warrior, dressed in the reservation.
He brings so many troubles.
And the language of weapons, and speech,
This is a double -edged ...
Answer: Sword.


Cut the slot in a series.
With her alone, and in the detachment.
Fought for the floor of the world,
Very acute ...
Answer: Octo.


The steel shines at the Janissaries,
All without magic and spell.
And inflicts a lot of wounds
With a crooked blade ...
Answer: Yatagan.


She is very formidable.
Heavy, and not fast.
There is rumor about her.
Gives power ...
Answer: Bulava.


Long shaft in the hand,
Like a snake on a leash ...
And steel tip,
But not a sting, but ...
Answer: Spear.


The type of weapon is simple,
And not at all expensive.
They picked her out of Dryna.
Oh, and fat ...
Answer: Dubina.


In everyday life it is important
And in wars, they will also say.
For bandits and brutal birth,
Very sharp and strong ...
Answer: Knife.


Ground strong, daring.
Cutting the wind, rush ...
And it flashes like a bird
Oh my dashing ...
Answer: Saber.

From a deadly blow,
Like God's punishment ...
Samurai inflicts a wound
Putting on ...
Answer: Katana. Katana.


What a miracle, like an ax?
The guard goes to the patrol with him.
Even the mouse will not slip
Sagittarius has in his hands ...
Answer: Berdysh.


In the castle by the gate, it stands
The path is guarding the law.
The insignia of the cockade,
And weapons ...
Answer: Alabard.


Put the dragon on her,
Expelled evil from home.
With her, he does not look wild.
The warrior jumps, in his hands ...
Answer: Peak.


Pauline, Pauline,
I'll put it in old place.

Forest, beast, gun
I'll go to Ukhta
I will find Valuhta;
if not Cubykhta -
So it would not be living.


The lid is closed,
buried in the ground,
Waiting, waiting


It doesn't look like a gun
And it is fading - God forbid.


Bullet (charge)
Behind the bones
I will send the guest;
Do not know -
Kostya will come
Don't know - no
And the ambassador will disappear.

The grouse flew
In the evening - not now,
Falled in a quinoa -
And now I will not find.

Raven flies,
The whole constant
Who will peck
That death.

The bird is small
It rolls around the field
Not afraid of anyone.

Sits - silent,
flies - buzzing
Who will sit on -
That will burn.

Bullet (shooting)
Bird a noil bird,
It rolls around the field -
Not afraid of anyone.

The black grouse fell into a quinoa,
And I won’t find him up to a century.


On the grief
The old women groan
The enemy will turn up -
One dust remains.

There are three old women:
They will sigh and subside,
Nearby, all people stall.


It was in winter, or in the summer,
But a bullet with ...
Answer: Pistol


In weapons dreams twisted,
He is gaining strength.
To shoot every time
He struck all the goals.
Answer: Pistol


PIF-PAF for many years
My favorite ……
Answer: Pistol


Favorite machine - convertible,
Favorite toy - …….
Answer: Pistol


Maybe he dreams of bullets
And the targets are full of shooting range,
Or a holster in a chair
Portup and uniform.
Answer: Pistol


The sun has risen now early
The gun takes ... ..
Answer: Security


How reckless and sad it is!
Geniuses stood under the barrel ...
Answer: Pistol


- What would you like to have
On a birthday, answer?
We will do everything, there is no dispute!
You cannot doubt it!
- I would be a horse, …….
And do not wash for three days!
Answer: Pistol


Press the trigger
Beat the capsule,
Gunpowder is a bang, and there is no bullet,
Shoots at the target - …… ..
Answer: Pistol


You will tell me a secret -
In my hand is my new ....
Answer: Pistol


He is not a machine gun
Automat is not guns.
People are a soldier with you
And not toys at all ...
Answer: Pistol


Matvey is small, but it spits far.
Answer: A gun


I fell into a quinoa and now I won’t find it.
Answer: A bullet

Comic puzzles for children

Comic puzzles for children
Comic puzzles for children
Comic puzzles for children
Comic puzzles for children
Comic puzzles for children
Comic puzzles for children

Comic puzzles for children:

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
He returned to his house,
And the bear woke up in the forest,
In the sky, the lark is trill.
Who came to us? ... (April)


So that I will take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me with gasoline,
Give rubber to the hooves,
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ... (car)


He is big as a football ball,
If ripe, everyone is happy
It tastes so pleasant
And his name is ... (watermelon)


He is kind in all in the world
He treats sick animals,
And once a hippo
He pulled out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)


Letters-digits, like fighters for a parade,
In strict order are built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And all are called ... (alphabet)


What is my name, tell me.
I often hide in rye,
A modest field flower,
Blue -eyed ... (cornflower)


Coloring - grayish,
The habits - thieving,
Screaming hoarse -
Famous person.
This ... (Raven)


I catch bugs all day
I rush the worms.
I'm not flying to the warm land,
Here, under the roof, I live.
Chick-Chirik! Do not timid!
I am experienced ... (Sparrow).


I have a birthday -
They gave me a horse.


You need to ride carefully
You can hold on to the horns.
It’s a pity that there’s no mane ...
What kind of horse? ... (bicycle)


-I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birds? Fishermen?
What kind of net in the yard?


- You would not interfere with the game
You would better go away
We play ... (volleyball)


I want to become a strong man.
I come to the strong man:
- Tell us about what -
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I raise ... (dumbbells)


All migratory birds black,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
Rid all day a arable land,
And the bird is called ... (Rook)


Mikhail played football
And scored into the gate ... (goal)


I am very good at
That I'm not a duck, but ... (goose)


Dried out on a hot sun
And breaks of pods ... (peas)


On Verb, the kidneys are torn with a bang.
On the river, the ice bursts in the night.
And the nests are curled without a wire
The first on the branches ... (Ruki)


The boats are floating on the sea,
People with oars ... (rowing)


I'm in any bad thing
I respect very much water.
I am shore from the mud -
Clean gray ... (goose)


Hedgehog grew ten times,
It turned out ... (porcupine).


I have never seen so many splinters,
No, I do not envy ... (porcupine).


I have familiar darkness
I can't consider them myself
Because who will pass
He will put me a pen.
I am glad for people, believe me,
I am friendly ... (door).


The taste of the berry is good
But hand her go:
Bush in thorns, like a hedgehog,
Here is named ... (Blackberry)


Unwashed in the mouth
He will never take.
And you be like that
Like clean ... (raccoon)


Good -natured, business
All needles are covered.
Do you hear the stomp of nimble legs?
This is our friend ... (Hedgehog)


They grew up behind the river
They were brought to the holiday.
On the twigs - needles.
What is it? ... (Christmas trees)


Mom is knitting a long scarf,
Because the son ... (giraffe).


Lesoboka red cat
Lay down for himself ... (stomach).


Leisya, rain, more fun,
You and I are friends.
We have fun to run
Barefoot on ... (puddles).


Rushes without looking back
Only sparkle the heels.
Rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess vividly,
Who is this? (Bunny)


The roof in the header of the fur,
White smoke above the head.
The courtyard in the snow. Bely at home.
At night came to us ... (winter).


Clear nights
Walks with her daughters.
She does not repeat her daughters:
- Go to bed, late. -
Because the mother is the moon
And daughter ... (stars).


I wake up early in the morning
Together with the sun is rosy,
I fill the crib itself
I do quickly ... (charging).


I'm sitting, almost crying
Very difficult ... (task).


In the corridor, the clatter of the legs,
Then calls everyone to class ... (call).


How boring it is -
One hundred years without motion
Look into the water
On your reflection.
Hung branches from a cliff
So sad ... (willow).


Not thorny,
Light blue,
It is hung on the bushes ... (hoarfrost).


Out of stubbornness
Do not advance ... (Ishak).

A thin thread is put in a narrow eye
And swam for a boat agent.
Sews, sews up and pricks Kolko.
And they call a boat ... (needle).


What kind of creak, what a crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch
If I ... (cabbage).


Round, crumbly, Bela,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt her a little.
After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)!


At night in me Vanyatka
It is so sweet to do it,
That you do not want to get up.
What a thing I am? (Bed).


"I got into the green!" -
Crying bitterly ... (crocodile).


I rush like a bullet, I'm forward
Only creaks ice,
Yes, the lights flash!
Who carries me? ... (skates).


Who will paint ours?
Well, of course ... (pencil).


I didn't want to wash the kitten
He ran away from ... (trough).


Singing a dandy all day
In the cage on the window.
The third year he went to him
And he is afraid ... (cats).

Comic puzzles for adults

Comic puzzles for adults
Comic puzzles for adults

Comic puzzles for adults:

1. Year, quarter, half a year
Both profit and subsidies
We'll have to make public
All this in ……

2. The requisite of the accountant,
And have been familiar from childhood,
Yes, and instead of barter

3. We are familiar with money deposits,
Making a visit to the bank,
There is money where we are doing,
We will open the score ………

4. This is both income and profit
And the promised percentage
I would only buy a promotion
And get …………

5. This is a bill record
And percentage and discount,
And sometimes without a loss
Receiving …………

6. Resolution on forms
Each operation,
That's why the sea is storm
Without …………

7. From movement to the archive,
The same and vice versa
In accounting will be alive

8. A lot of money, what to do,
Immediately proposals,
A lot of money means doing
Even ………

9. Basic principles
He drank from the law
Basis: ………

10. Revenues (expenses) of our disclosure income
With the wording of conclusions
So in the Balance we find

11. Not all that is with us is ours,
Sometimes the goods are advanced,
Counts of three -digit tribes
From the Buchie - ……

12. Some money,
We must and take ...
As if rich
Having received ...

13. To take - leave first,
This is the prologue to you
So that the accountant runs a ball,
Leave years .......

14. You are doing business
Showing a steel character,
Without you, as without a wing, we
Patient friend - ………

15. MPZ, which is for repair,
And we need them often
To the account 10-5 subconto,
Beside ………

16. This is the import of goods into countries
Those that were abroad
After all, all his own, having squandered
…… immediately come in handy!

17. Warehouse checks
From the documentation,
And it appears in sparkling

18. A unit of work or services,
What precedes the implementation,
And costs and brainchild -
This is our article ………

19. The value of assets
Introduced and counted
On the line of the liability
See ……

20. admission, issuance to the cashier, from the cash desk,
The document printed: in Excel and Word,
Know, the popular masses recognize his
For cash at once .......

21. In the documents the fruit of error
Eliminated appeared in the root
In the document, diving with a fish,
You use the method ……

22. Long -term rental
Fixed assets: in it,
But are the documents ready? -
There is no ....... the main thing

23. Part of the property is unlikely,
You have already taken the museum
Tool, shovels, rakes,
All that is similar - ……

24. We will transfer to the budget
That tax has weight
And there are no serious problems
In the total amount ……

25. Labor objects in processing,
You will find a similarity with others
Attention to new wiring

26. Therefore, you will not find the forms,
That these are products of the mind,
And sometimes money
For property ……

27. There was a lot of capital,
Lost somewhere an ingot
During the period, calculated
What worked in ... ..

28. The result is impressive,
This profit is oh.
Without taxes and salaries

29. This is the net weight of the goods,
Tara was lost somewhere,
Without advertising PR
Pure product weight ……

30. Spare parts, bearings, pipes whether
Get old during the delivery process,
There is ……
Accountants are for reference.

31. The amount for the period
In the topic of bochuing,
Amount or conclusion

32. Calculations, finvations
Sometimes homogeneous,
From year to year

33. Woman will be
On time, not once,
We will call
Term ……

34. There is property in the balance sheet,
So live beautifully
But, of course, there is little chance
To the mountains without ……

35. For household phenomena
There is an evaluative exam,
Let ... ... not instant
But she is always with "eyes."

36. You must for something
……… - Do not forget,
Did the contract see?

37. These funds in production
More than a year, like relatives,
There will be superiority with them
Ours ……

38. Let the accounts live in apartments,
The skyscraper is ready for them,
Every accountant in the world will say
Where ………

39. They will receive money for the report,
Their will is free,
From hotel possessions

40. I forgot about the rules -
Write on the forehead,
It was not without reason
With thought .......

41. At least they are not ready for sale,
Yes, they are rusted,
The redistribution is a new one
Ours ………

42. Yurlito il physical
Now look for them, fistulas,
But goods in our OCO
Sends ……

43. We have it year -round,
There is, and breathes freely,
From rabdoks and primary
After a while .......

44. The debit with a loan was brought down,
A good chance for success,
With him, as if kings
Like a staff .......

45. We appeared debtors,
That's because of sometimes trouble
It is unlikely to be on the pedestal
Increasing .......

46. \u200b\u200bSuppliers owed us,
Find them only where
Plus a balance line -
This is what is with the amount ………

47. There are tools in the warehouse,
How to send them? -
Must, having checked the documents,
Just fulfill ... ...

48. Jump them from a workshop to the workshop,
Highburn from year to year,
The warehouse of all
There are parishes ……

49. Striped board,
From Europe, taking a step
It remains for centuries
A friend of the accountant - ...

50. Prepayment for work,
What is similar to loans,
And ... on a certain account -
Performers, work.

51. Changes in the calculations,
Legalized by a visa,
On the planets of Buchi
Called ...

52. We entrusted the banks,
The score is special, opening,
Non -cash binding
Provider - …

53. Our property is any,
What appeared in the balancing
There are no them - we walk around the edge,
There are ... - there are also chances.

54. Well, how to draw up a deal? -
And listen to the recipe
"Cut" the points finely
Contracts, giving ...

55. What kind of securities
At the working nation,
Society for the hard worker
Released ...

56. All cars are outdated,
During operation,
They don't know how to work
Without …

57. We took the property
Percentage of the document
When there is little finance,
Property - …

58. Each document is alive,
We store the document in it,
Elderly and dusty mime
Our accounting .......

59. Checking the reporting of our
We believe that it will not harm
Check and wave the pen
Our friend, having spent ……

60. This is an indirect tax,
He is in the price of goods,
Let ... ..- Not a UFO,
But not a gift.

1 - declaration
2 - cash
3 - deposit
4 - dividend
5 - discount
6 - documentation
7 - document management
8 - financial power
9 - assumptions
10 - income / expenses of future periods
11 - Off -balance
12 - loan
13 - pledge
14 - accountant
15 - spare parts
16 - import
17 - inventory
18 - calculation
19 - capital
20 - cash register order
21 - Storn
22 - leasing
23 - MPZ
24 - VAT
25 - incomplete production
26 - NMA
27 - loss
28 - retained earnings
29 - Net
30 - the norm of natural loss
31 - account turnover
32 - current assets
33 - reporting date
34 - passives
35 - assessment
36 - obligations
37 - fixed assets
38 - Work plan of accounts
39 - Accounts
40 - PBU
41 - semi -finished products
42 - supplier
43 - boots
44 - Accounting
45 - loan
46 - Debit
47 - parish
48 - consumption
49 - Abak
50 - advance
51 - Aviso
52 - letter of credit
53 - assets
54 - acceptance
55 - shares
56 - depreciation
57 - rent
58 - Archive
59 - audit
60 - excise tax

Comic puzzles with a catch

Comic puzzles with a catch
Comic puzzles with a catch
Comic puzzles with a catch
Comic puzzles with a catch


Comic puzzles with a catch:

On a saucer. Not a glass.
You pour Winz - a mistake, -
Winzo is drunk from a glass.
And this, with tea, - ... (cup).


He holds two hundred grams, -
Like a diamond, faceted ... (glass).


If suddenly a groan is in a pocket, -
There is mobile ... (phone).


Removes porn without a timer, -
This is ... (video camera).


Naked girls shoots in a row, -
This is ... (camera).


Bump, bump. Two hooks.
There is often a trouble with them.


Cover the hair,
And something else ... (cowards).


Their boys are hiding pieces
In two trousers, this is ... (trousers).


And the girls hide their little things
In tight -fitting ... (trousers).


Above jeans, below the back -
Everyone has a noticeable elastic band -
So the lady wears ... (thongs).

Always angry with augmentation,
If they tear them ... (tights).


Fingers move in your pocket -
So, uncle scratches ... (eggs).


Uncle makes a PIF-PAF.
Furniture, where is the lover, - ... (cabinet).


His legs bent crookedly,
Like a grandmother, this is ... (chair).


You from him a lifting crane
He will not raise, - he - ... (sofa).


When weeding a dill.
Everyone is visible to the neighbors ... (ass).


So that the divisions go smoothly,
Helps hard ... (bribe).


More money for show -offs
Take Moscow ... (cops).


The parazi is Kuterom, -
Everyone is sitting here. Here - (prison).


On the girls of the thong darkness, -
This is mother ... (winter)


Boys jerk off without sleep
So, came to us ... (Spring).


Girls walk the undresses, -
This is the time of the year - ... (summer).


The hairs are no longer mowing -
Girls grow over, - ... (autumn).


He quenches thirst lively.
Drink from a mug. This is ... (beer).


Burning his mouth and throat.
Drink from glasses. This is ... (vodka).


Delicate smell. Tasty, but
My head hurts. - ... (wine).


They drink cuties, drink and bitch,
Adding ice and juice, - ... (vermouth).


Replaces sleep and bromine.
It is drunk with the coal - this is ... (rum).


How much is drunk - the pool! -
So much shook: ... (port).


Accelerates hmar and linen,
If the tonic flows ... (Jin).


It smells of bugs - the most relish! -
French stroke ... (cognac).


Having adopted the lords of the lordly,
We drink cold ... (champagne).

Neither medicine nor bed
Will not heal ... (hangover).


Red-blue uncle Tolik,
Because ... (alcoholic).


If you were German, be you Russian
We need vodka ... (snack).


All snacks have a father - -
It is salty ... (cucumber).


The bank is placed on the floor,
To drink from a hangover - ... (brine).


Between the legs in the middle, -
It is called - ... (pi ... ka).


Like twins.
Rub. - ... (thighs).


Right and left, only timidly,
This is girls ... (ass).


Harder than stone, softer than cotton, -
This is Devyna ... (ass).


This hill is wider than the sky, -
This is Tetenkin ... (ass).


Everyone wants to pursue her,
But not a pussy, but ... (Pipis).


There is no tail of this rat, -
This is aunt ... (Pipis).


After standing, it will hang low, -
This is uncle ... (Pipis).


I was very beautiful with a mustache,
Strawberry groin, - ... (condom).


A friend with a friend rubs children,
But no more, this is ... (petting).

SNIP-Snap-Snurre, Crax Fax-Pax,
Ahalai-Mahalai is ... (sex).


Family relationships.
If there is no estrus for a long time,
Bought ... (rings).


You have to drink, but everyone would sleep ...
Until the morning he walks ... (wedding).


Kolka beats Borka in the face.
The guests shout at the wedding ... ("Bitter!").


The bride must cry a little.
There will definitely be at the wedding ... (fight).


It is much easier without it
Living at home is ... (mother -in -law).


He hits the daughter -in -law in the eye and in the eyebrow, -
This is evil ... (mother -in -law).


Revenge for his marriage:
The son -in -law gives his daughter ... (father -in -law).


He is with her daughter -in -law Mil and Kind
Even too much, it is ... (father -in -law).


Maybe only my daughter is crumbling -
Fuck is idle - this is ... (son -in -law).


He deliberately argues with relatives
Naughty ... (daughter -in -law).


The fact that the son is married is bad
For parents ... (daughter -in -law).


Often - a friend, but more often - a fool,
He goes to visit - this is ... (Shurin).


Yours will pay for the marriage
Behind a glass ... (Ilust).


Annoyingly looms
Attractive ... (sister -in -law).


Forever drawn to candy,
And then to the glass - ... (children).


Not without a mat,
If suddenly not all ... (salary).


About nephews in care,
If there is no husband, - .... (aunt).


You ask for money, - sends without looking
In places different ... (uncle).


Tobacco -smoking and nasty things.
Very harmful, but for this -
So nice - ... (cigarette).


Only a stupid fool
Cutting ... (jamb).


Smoke flies like a dove, -
So he puzzles ... (tube).


She is a cigarette - not a couple, -
It smokes for a long time, - ... (cigar).


Has not been in demand for a long time,
And in vain is forgotten, - ... (cigarette).


Drumes a drunken bassurman
Through the water, smoke, - ... (hookah).


Inhaling already forgot how:
… (snuff).


Flare of the dungeon of Luley,
If he smells ... (glue).


They turn into idiots
Using ... (drugs).


Doctors do not advise
Drink ... (energy).

Funny comic puzzles

Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles
Funny comic puzzles

Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary

Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary
Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary
Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary
Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary
Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary
Comic mysteries for birthday, anniversary

Comic ridges for birthday, anniversary:

To make it more fun
You need to wet your throat,
And so as not to succumb to hops -
Well ...


So that there is no hangover
Tomorrow, after birthday
Raise the degree smoothly
And drinks ...
Do not interfere


A lot of wishes
Sounded on the birthday,
Everyone wants money, happiness,
Both love and mood.
And they do not forget about him,
After all, it is the most important thing
Because very bad
If we do not have it.


He will become more with his birthday,
You do not become younger with him
And only more experienced, wiser.
As they call, guess soon.


You willingly wait for him
Your interest cannot be lost.
It may be very welcome
But it is very strange.
You open it soon,
Do not like it - close.


They are long,
There are laconic,
There are very wise
And even indecent.
For them for a birthday
The glasses are raised
And after, certainly,
Everyone drinks to the bottom.


It happens just a birthday
Well, it happens - more important.
When the date comes round,
Then he is called ...


Congratulations sound today,
The glasses ring again and again,
So that the birthday man is on the birthday
I felt to me ...


Who is so beautiful with us
Who is so happy with us?
All in gifts, all elegant,
He is the most important today,
But by no means, he is not a warrior,
Well this is only ...
birthday boy


This colorful envelope
On the birthday very handy
Well, what lies in the envelope
Guess as soon as possible.


They are not difficult to count
Only you need to know the age
Will not be lived in vain
Our glorious ...
of the year


Today is a special day with us,
Not like a traditional hour.
Day of fun, day of luck,
We celebrate your ...


Their women are given all the time,
Well, on occasion - men.
And even though they fade so fast,
Always appropriate for the birthday.


There will be a holiday without them,
There will be no fun
And you can drink with them,
They will come with gifts,
Or maybe with the treats,
They will come suddenly
And at the invitation.


Once I came for a birthday
Do not sit with a gloomy cloud.
Tell him soon
Ground atmosphere.


Gaziki play in the glass,
The drink is not bad,
Toasts are often pronounced with him,
He is sweet and sweet!


At first - festive, elegant,
Delights everyone with the serving
And at the head of it, of course,
The birthday man himself sits.


Then it becomes worse
And the spots shine in some places,
And at the end of the birthday
His scraps are decorated.


The holiday without it is not the same
And there is no delight.
There is nowhere to blow out candles,
There is nothing to wash the holiday.
There is no one to treat everyone,
What is the tea with now?
It’s sad without him at all,
What should we do now?


Everyone has them in the world,
But neither touch them nor eat,
You can’t see them with your eyes
You can’t hear them with your ears
You can’t put them in a box
Neither for yourself or for others ...
Your answer, state us,
What is it, tell me?
of the year


They order it, are looking for
But here it will not be needed a detective.
After all, they are looking for so that to please
And give a birthday.


The guests raised the glasses
Everyone says something
And the owner is half -drunk
He sits at the head of the table.

What a day is such today,
Laughter is distributed everywhere?
We all know this holiday
What is the name?
Happy Brithday


This is the best reason
To visit,
Congratify you with him together
And drink everything, and eat everything,
Give congratulations
Happy holiday ...


Who is the program of the program today,
Generously gifted with gifts.
The toast will always raise with us.
We know this - ...
birthday boy


He is well known to us
He is kind, good and honest,
Although he: neither Gaft, nor Sklyar,
And our kind ...


The table is already full of dishes,
It’s time for guests to all have fun.
Everyone is in order of mood
After all, we note ...


He is the program of the program is the most important,
Gifts all carry him.
And the toasts pronounce glorious
And the praises are singing.
He is the birthday of his birthday
Everyone knows this ....
Birthday boy


Men give them to all ladies:
Daughters, wives, their mothers,
Friends, grandmothers and aunts,
Colleagues-dams for work ...
At the end of the name - the letter "s",
So what is it? ...

Comic ridges for the new year

Comic ridges for the new year
Comic ridges for the new year
Comic ridges for the new year
Comic ridges for the new year

Comic puzzles for the New Year:

1. Merring near the Christmas tree
And the people are waiting for surprises.
Everything shines, everything is sparkling
On a bright holiday -...
(New Year).


2. Santa Claus is a friend of children.
They are waiting for the Christmas tree ... ..


3. Near the Christmas tree Santa Claus.
He asked the children ...


4. Guys want to guess
New Year ....


5. The color is caused
Admiration for children.
Our Christmas tree is decorated
These round ....


6. Dry in the dance like springs.
They fly outside the window ....


7. Hares, foxes, wolves, tigers.
We play this ....


8. The spruce shines all! Take a look
We lit on it ....
(the lights)


9. He carries gifts to us
On a bright holiday New Year!
In a red fur coat, a red nose.
This is kind ...
(Father Frost)


10. Singed the song together.
Games a series!
At the top of the eaten
Bright ...


11. We give a concert, dashing.
Dancing, songs and ...


12. The song is pouring into the scope.
We sing as friendly ....


13. Girlands on needles,
We sang everything first
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
In it we remember everything ....
(the words)


14. All in the lights, sharp needles.
We have fun near ...
(Christmas trees)


15. Santa Claus, slim figure
Your granddaughter - ...


16. He is in the wrapper. Beckoning, bright!
Santa Claus brought ....


17. He is brown, my treasure.
Delicious sweet ...


18. Fantik Jacob. I rarely eat them.
Though delicious ...


19. Do you want to drink? Get it!
A little hot and sweet ...


20. For children there is no better Christmas tree,
Though her are sharp ...


21. Glass shares us.
The cold is there, but here - ...


22. Each here in the riddles are special!
So who are you? - ...
(well done!)


23. All houses are happy with snow.
The time of the year to call ...


24. New Year's weather.
At school we learn half- ....
(of the year)


Many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is ... birthday?
(New Year)


Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray,
He is better and kinder!
Have you guessed? - ... Barmaley?
(Father Frost)


Here she is, beauty,
All shimmers!
They brought her from the frost,
This tree is ... birch?
(Christmas tree)


Santa Claus came to us,
The young granddaughter brought.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is ... a mermaid?
(Snow Maiden)


Who is the assistant to Santa Claus?
Who is with carrots instead of nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Leshy?


Santa Claus harnesses
Three horses in a heavy cart.
What is the name of them, remember! -
... March, April and warm May?
(December, January and February)


Come to our ball!
So that no one will recognize you
Let your mothers sew you
Carnival ... pajamas?


Friend you are or not a friend,
Get in a circle soon!
Handing hands, kids
They drive together ... Behind the nose, Bear?
(round dance)


Forget about whims
Everyone - sweets, everyone - surprises!
There is no need to cry in the New Year,
There, under the Christmas tree, ... old bast shoe?


To make a bright night
You have to help grandfather.
All children say on holiday
In chorus: "Christmas tree, ... go out?"
(light up!)


What night it is recommended not to sleep,
So that the New Year does not miss?
In the New Year


Funny, sparkling,
Beautiful and golden,
And likes to slap with a traffic jam
And click on the glass.


“Five minutes, five minutes -
Is it a lot or a little? "
Here she is already here
And I did not turn on the oven.
The mother -in -law arrived for the New Year


The table is always filled for the New Year,
They cook a lot, sometimes and with an excess.
But if the taste of the taste did not suit you,
It's time to say: “What a nasty thing ...
Baying fish


We watered it with oil,
They served under a magnificent fur coat,
Really not a snack, but a find -
Ordinary ...


She is usually in winter
It suffers from the weight of excess.
Heat the sun, and quickly
All kilograms are just melting.
Snow woman


It works only a day a year,
This is a schedule, I understand
In the houses they will always pour him,
The poles are revered!
Father Frost


Red nose and mittens,
He is not sitting at home,
Red fur coat put on
I put a bag on my shoulder,
Walrenes to the feet,
Walks along the road
Persons to kind people,
Soon, soon the New Year!
- Who is this? - Here's a question!
Santa Claus


Pull me by the thread
Then look around you
Foil of pieces are lying everywhere,
But these are just flowers
I'm your nerves shore
After all, I can fall asleep the house,
I am a New Year's toy
And I am called ...


Bear, without a fur coat, then - darkness
A fox without a fur coat is a bit,
But I don’t understand in any way
Why do you need a fur coat ...


For a rather strange grandfather
She comes to the house after
He gives out gifts
She sings songs.
Snow Maiden


She walked home yesterday,
In the snow fell head,
Her dad shook off
In a manly man, he set up a chair.

And she stands on it,
It burns with all the colors
All prickly as a hedgehog,
Only she has no legs.
Christmas tree


The salary was left against the banquet,
But lies with a sling slide
A snack, which is not tastier,
It is called ...
black caviar

Not hanging on a Christmas tree
Festive from the forest.
She decorates her forehead
Lush hangs.


I asked the frost
To give me the house,
He put under the Christmas tree
For some reason only ...


What creature will not be offended
If you call it a "woman" at the sight?
Snow woman


All in furs, stones with a scythe,
He goes home with his grandfather,
In the expensive short fur coat,
Drawn by Madame!
Snow Maiden


In the yard stands, does not freeze,
At least the windows are frost,
Alcoholics scares,
He has a huge nose!

Comic puzzles in verses

Comic puzzles in verses
Comic puzzles in verses
Comic puzzles in verses
Comic puzzles in verses
Comic puzzles in verses
Comic puzzles in verses

Comic puzzles in verses:

Calls us to the kitchen
And whistles like a steam locomotive,
He will treat it with hot tea
Good old ... vacuum cleaner?


He kisses the sofa with the carpet
And swallows dirt and dust,
He travels around the apartment -
And buzzing ... car?
(A vacuum cleaner)


He will open his arms
And give a sweet dream
Inviting us to rest
With a lullaby ... a paveph?
(sofa bed)


Quickly, cook tasty
Meat, porridge on time
It helps our mother
This fabulous ... pot?


Again clean by a friend
Will become a dirty sundress
Back and forth on the centrifuge
The foam is circling ... the drum?
(washing machine)


It is cold even in summer
What a year lives,
Products, as if in a cellar,
I hide that ... chest of drawers?


Do not take it in a basket
Red mushroom in peas.
Gray howls
Does not wag the tail.
He stands in the forest
The whole cork is packed.
Who is capricious at night
He behaves badly,
For this, Babai will drag
Dusty and big ...
Bab-Yaga flies in a mortar.
And how does the trace notice?
(with a throat)
Do not hide in leaves
White mushrooms.
But if you cook them,
The family will poison everything!
If you do not go to bed
And you yell all night with a fool,
Will pog you out the window
Grandfather Babay ...
On the bushes that berry
The clusters of the poisonous.
Do not rush into the basket
Gather it for yourself!
Flies at night
Poving, screaming!
It sparkles with eyes
Fear picks up
Who can’t sleep -
That bird scares!
Lives in a hut
The won old woman.
How it starts to purr and sing,
Everyone will snore for a long time!
(cat Baiyun)
Lives on the mountain,
Who is waiting for something for a long time
It will come out to the mountain
Piercefully whistles!
It stands without a window
On one chicken leg.
Who will go there
Neither a penny will disappear!
(hut of Baba Yaga)
Who is capricious
Does not want to sleep
Will sit on the pipe -
They live in the forest on the lake,
Songs in a round dance sing.
The satellite will be lured
The pools are pulled into the pools.
What are the mountains
"Selling" tomatoes?
Gorbataya, toothless,
Evil, very rude.
If you come to her,
You will get into the stove on a shovel!
(Baba Yaga)
He lives in a swamp
Jackets are chewing
The nose is long mosquito,
Shaggy, raw,
(Kikimora marsh)
Lives on ravines in the forest
With a wart on the nose.
The beard is in shreds,
The shaggy itself is very.
Does not want to be friends with anyone,
You will get him, he will sniff it!
He has a girlfriend
Leeches and frogs.
All green and raw,
He dreams of flying ...
The further you climb
In the wilderness of the forest,
The more darkness
And Buraka.
In a long hole in the burdock,
Nettle and springs,
Damp and fogs
Lichen and weeds.
From the pipe of the hut
Smoke hopes to the tops
Christmas trees, pines, sticks.
What is the grandmother drowning there?
If the grandmother is Eshka
He will catch you in the forest
The stove is the bacon
And what will put on
You to fry?
This buttercup is not simple with a purple flower,
Put it under your breath, you will fall asleep tightly.
In fairy tales there is rumor about him - this buttercup ...
With an unpleasant odor in the flower beds, it does not grow.
On the wastelands and pastures, yellow blooms.
She is terribly poisonous, dangerous.
Do not tear her bouquet! It …
Cooks, Kashevarite
In a boiler with spiders,
With a pale pale
Your potion ...
All day, Baba Yaga cooked the decoction,
Harring, conjured, poisoned herself!
Getting down for a week! What did you cook?
Drezhamny forest grew in the pit,
Like a garbage bunch.
Then not a beam, not a ravine,
This pit ...
Loves Evil Bab Yaga
There are children naughty children.
And sends after them
Steal your ...
Where in the threshold more, he wanders all in the films, he, he,
And in shaggy hair cones, leaves and grass.
The humpbacked old man, bearded ...
They burst out with a hurricane
Lightning and thunder are in the forest.
And now instead of trees
The terrible ...
At the bear on the nose
Sheltered ...

Football players Yegor and Petro
They played our feet ... core?

I see quite often
How is the Seedgist pushing ... I am skiing?

The shooters have one care -
To hit your ... gate?

Tim shooter is excellent, well -aimed,
Struck everything ... rackets?

Boxers beat from any hand,
And in their hands they have ... skates?

Love my friend Frol very much
At the rink play ... football?

I could climb the mountain
Not a goalkeeper, but ... a shooter?

From the mountains on skiing rush quickly
Not arrows, but ... hockey players?

Two girlfriends play tennis -
In their hands flickered ... clubs?

Disks throw far
Not gymnasts, and. ... Seedgians?

I'm pretty clever with the sixth
Jumped up ... a hundred -meter?

Responsibility answers: hockey, ball, bar, rackets, climber, disco, gloves, targets, bar, skiers.

The kalachi baked us
Bread and buns ... doctors?

You are treating all diseases
And help you ... Teacher?

They sweep the courtyard cleanly
Early in the morning ... driver?

Who leads the electric locomotive?
Not a driver, but ... a sailor?

He controls the crane famously
Not a tailor. And ... weaver?

He protects the warehouse at night
Not a sailor, not a doctor, but ... a pilot?

In the store we are a product
Always sells ... painter?

By painting house special
Not a blacksmith, but ... a seller?

Iron dexterously he smokes
Not a kok, not a groom, but ... a pilot?

He has an ax in his hands,
Because he ... Shakhtar?

Responses: Knight, carpenter, painter, blacksmith, guard, wipers, driver, bakers, doctor, seller.

Comic puzzles for a fun company

Comic lotteries of riddles
Comic puzzles for a fun company
Comic puzzles for a fun company
Comic puzzles for a fun company

Comic puzzles for a fun company:

1. Two nails fell into the water.
We lay three weeks.
What is the name of Georgian?
After all, those nails .......

2. Everyone knows this word.
Guess joking.
Three g of its beginning
And in the end three whole me?

3. does not bark, does not bite
The dog is called.

4. His knowledge is vast
Knows everything from rhymes to prices
Everyone is familiar with us ethero
And it's just called ....

5. What would we have to glorify with the subject,
Give the price proper.
Need to stroke in front,
But lick behind.

6. You can’t eat it for breakfast
The entire mode will be disturbed.
But important today, tomorrow
For us all ... and ....

7. What is so toxic in a person
And it is sad to evaluate
To grow so well,
So you need to plant hard?

1. Rust
2. Trigonometry
3. @
4. Fuck
5. Postal brand
6. Lunch, dinner
7. The liver

Her adults love everything
They will work for it,
It is fraught to live without it:
Everyone needs it now ...


Who in a special building runs money,
Gives us loans, does capital increase?
Who keeps records of money,
Deciding: “I will give a loan or will not give”?


You can speak silently
If you type water in the mouth.
To repeat the focus,
You need to know this clearly.
Language of gestures


On the table, in a narrow plate,
For guests is worth ...


This is a salary, our contribution to the work,
For what is appointed to all of us ...


If you take any loan in the bank
And in time the organization you will not return interest,
Then instantly the process will harm you all,
After all, this is not a joke, it is ...


The account of the calculation is waiting for the calculation,
After all, I do ...


Father Katya has only five children,
What is the name of the fifth child soon
If the first is called: Alena, Ruslan,
Elizabeth, still plus - Alan.


Has no hands and has no legs,
But, he knows how to climb the women on his shoulders.


Happiness fell to mom:
Gave the head of the Grozny
Time for the holidays,
The long -awaited ...


There are about politics,
Always on the anger of the day
There are indecent,
With children, they cannot be,
There are about the vovochka,
But here they are now
Almost about politics
They are considered with us.


This year, it was commissioned,
Beautiful, singing, excellent ...
the fountain


There is such a pump at home,
Long wire, long tail.
Everything sucks, what will come across
The tail is shaking with joy.
Didn't you turn on? We shout: "Stoos!"
Broke ...
a vacuum cleaner


He is always at the wedding:
In the past, in the present.
He is wavy for everyone
Even the newlyweds.
Everything is around them like a dream
When turned on ...

I'm waiting, I'm standing at the office
I need the goods ...


The negotiation table is set
The boss is sleeping in Olivier,
Next to him the whole team
Acomed ...


I'm going quietly on it,
And I hope you are lucky:
The day of the tin will not touch
Let the car in ...


The nerves are completely exhausted,
Valerian - per day by a pack.
All are hoarse and deaf,
But they did ...


How much will a fraudster and a thief sit,
The prosecution will put forward our ...

Stands on the table like an officer
The juice is poured into it, this is ...


It will become close, breathes in the back.
Waiting for money in his basket.


Yesterday I was driving to have fun
Yes, with friends, frolic.
A couple of times, on the road, barely
I didn’t “sow”, a little ...

Comic puzzles for guests

Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests
Comic puzzles for guests

Comic puzzles for guests:

Who will take off from the flower about?
Multi -colored ...
Moth (not a hippo)


The mouse counts holes in cheese:
Three plus two - in total ...
Five (and not four)


I catch mice in the house
I entertain the kids.
You say, children, aloud,
I am called ...
Cat (not a rooster)


Clulture curled up-well, touch it!
Thorny from all sides ...
Hedgehog (not a horse)


They say: “Mu-mu!
Pouring milk to someone? "
Did you understand the kids?
These animals - ...
Cows (not a bear. And not a mouse!)


Red tail here and there
In the middle of the foliage flickers.
Someone rides through the branches
Gathering cones.
And sometimes he lives in a hollow.
Who is this? ...
Squirrel (and not a hippo ... and not a cat)


The shoe disappeared, what to do?
There is only one, but it is necessary ...
Two (and not nine)


Look at a friend
How many eyes does a friend have? ...
Two (and not three)


Everything is dressed with white snow -
So it comes ...
Winter (and not summer)


Found five berries in the grass
And he ate one, remained ...
Four (and not two)


The faster of fear
Rushing ...
Hare (not a turtle)


I heard the whole street
How mumbled ...
Cow (not chicken)


In the swamp in full spirit
Croaks loudly ...
Frog (not a rooster)


From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again
Dexterously jumping ...
Monkey (not a cow)


The tail is huge and crown.
The bird is more beautiful - ...
Peacock (and not a crow)


Passed by the hive
Clubfoot ...
Bear (although there could have been a crocodile)


Who bites the bump on the branch?
Well, of course, this is ...
Squirrel (not a bear)


Who is not friends with bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
With his nose, he picked the whole slope.
It's just gray ...
Mole (not an elephant)


The bird pulled her neck -
Well hiss, pinch, get angry!
I rushed into the river from acceleration -
"Ha-ha-ha!" - shouts ...
Goose (and not a crow)


Right up the shore!
The toothy is floating ...
Crocodile (not a parrot)


Daughters and sons
He teaches to grunt ...
Pig (not a sparrow and not an ant)


Wild predator, king of animals,
He, like a cat, is squinting.
Look as soon as possible -
In the arena - ...
Lion (and not chicken)


Kvapat is good in the swamp.
There is comfortable, everywhere slush.
There is reeds there.
And Kvakushka lives - ...
Walks, lifting his head,
Two -humped young ...
Camel (not giraffe)


You will not find a longer neck.
Will tear any branch ...
Giraffe (and not hedgehog)


Who knows a lot about Malina?
Clotted, brown ...
Bear (not a wolf)


Everyone is afraid of me -
I can bite
I fly and food -
I'm looking for a victim,
I have no time for games at night
Guessed who I am? ...
Mosquito (not a tiger)


In the yard in the morning the game -
The kids played out.
Screams: “Work!”, “Past!”, “Goal!”
So there is a game ...
Hockey (not football)


Kukarika is a consumption
Dear, kind ...
Cockerel (and not a pig)


Tall, long -legged,
He is not lazy to fly -
On the roof of straw
Settled …
A stork (not a deer. And not a seal. And not a dumplings!)

Video: interesting riddles for children. Riddles about objects. Drawing lesson for children

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