First sex: Preparation, how to take place, poses, orgasm, sensations, changes, menstruation. When should there be the first sex, at what age, how many years?

First sex: Preparation, how to take place, poses, orgasm, sensations, changes, menstruation. When should there be the first sex, at what age, how many years?

The first sex is an important event that should be carefully prepared for both a man and a woman. To avoid unpleasant consequences deprivation of virginity, there are a number of useful recommendations and tips.

When should there be the first sex, at what age?

The older the young man or girl becomes older, the more often he is interested in the issue of sexual relations.

If earlier, due to traditions and beliefs, parents independently decided at what age their child marry, then modern youth is quite liberated and has an impressive sexual education from an early age.

Modern living conditions every day hint at children and young people that sex is an important part of their existence. Advertising through television and posters shouts about this, obscene abuse, which has become part of normal communication, outright clothing and people's behavior.

We can say with confidence that since the age of 13 the child has the concept of what sex isAnd how to deal with them. It is at this age that girls begin to enter into an intimate connection with older men. The boys are liberating a little longer and the first attempts for contact are already looking for at the age of 15.

How should the first sexual intercourse occur?

But it is worth noting that neither 13 and 15 years are not the best age to start living a full -fledged sex life. There are several quite justified explanations for this:

The female body is ready for conception and bearing a child, As soon as the girl starts the first menstruation. But this does not mean at all that she is ready for sexual life. Her hormonal background has not yet been formed and therefore, the best solution for her will wait for the body's full maturation. This happens on average at the age of 18 (plus minus one year).

Nevertheless, medical opinion is held by that point of viewthat too late lose virginity Not worth it. The age of 25 is considered too late. The fact is that by that age, the virgin isatable from the thin partition will turn into a fairly dense fabric, which, firstly, will painfully break through, and, secondly, this process will be quite painful.

The next question concerns the psychological maturation of both partners. Each of the two lovers should feel the desire to have sex. Only in this case can unpleasant consequences be avoided: aversion to the opposite floor, unpleasant pain and sensations from sexual intercourse, humiliation, shame.

It is worth noting that in order for the first sexual intercourse to be in the best way, one of the partners must have experience in sexual relations. It is best of course, if it is a man. He will be able to direct the “action” in the right direction and will not be nervous.

Relations of partners in the first sexual intercourse

What should be the preparation of girls for the first sex?

Preparing for the first sex is an important event for every young man and girl. But if you take into account the fact that during the first sexual intercourse is the woman deprives his innocence and virgin rods (which clearly does not have men), then this event is more important to her.

In order for sex to pass smoothly and leave the least amount of unpleasant sensations, you should know about all the features of preparation for a girl:

Nervous tensionin no case should the girl be present at the moment when she is sexual. If the girl will be too much nervous, she will be constrained and will not be able to relax. This will lead to the fact that sex will be traumatic and quite painful.

Excess thoughtsthey will become an obstacle to receiving pleasure from the process. No girl can know in advance about what sensations she will experience during penetration: whether blood will be, will it be painful or unpleasant - all this depends only on the physiological characteristics of her body. If the girl’s psychological unpreparedness is added to all factors, this can result in the most unpleasant emotions and experiences.

Relaxation -an important part of the girl’s preparation for the first sexual intercourse. Relaxation allows a woman to feel the pleasure of caresses. This leads to the fact that the vagina emits a sufficient amount of lubrication. This lubricant is simply necessary for the mild and soft penetration of the penis inward. If the lubricant is enough and the girl is relaxed, the penis does not leave any tears on the soft tissues, as a result of which there is no pain.

The ability to have fun isalso, preparation for the first sexual intercourse for the girl. If she does not know what "pleasure" is, she does not understand what it is excitation “It will be difficult for her to find out what is the pleasure of sex.” Before having the first sex, every girl should study what is her body ready for, to understand what caresses she likes and what can be worried during intercourse.

Preparing a girl for the first sexual intercourse

If a girl is experiencing and has no confidence that her sex will be perfect, she should prepare:

  • read a lot of special literature that will reveal sexual intercourse from different sides: psychological, biological, physiological
  • you should prepare yourself for the missionary position, find out about how it looks and what it requires, as well as how to diversify it. Missionary pose is the best option for depriving virginity
  • the first sex should be beautiful, so take care of epilation, beautiful appearance and correctly selected underwear It follows in advance
  • if the girl is very nervous before sex, she is not sure of her capabilities, does not know how to behave - she needs to drink a glass of wine, but no more. A relaxed state will help to gain confidence and “let go of the situation”. Do not try to "relax" too much and do not drink so much to lose the feeling of reality

Loss of innocence: blood after the first sex

Deprivation of virginity for a girl is often accompanied by blood discharge, which are quite explained in nature. The fact is that the first penetration of the penis into the vagina can break or stretch virgin Pleve. The virgin pole is a kind of partition on the mucous membrane.

It blocks the uterine cavity from any external factors. This partition consists of muscle fibers, nerve endings and blood vessels and is completely natural that when it breaks, a small amount of blood is released. It is for this reason that you should know about some rules of deprivation of virginity:

To deprive the girl of virginity, you should choose a horizontal The situation is a missionary pose. Such a pose, firstly, is able to relax a woman and make this process more or less pleasant for her. Secondly, this pose allows the member to penetrate the vagina most conveniently and cause minimum damage to soft tissues. Thirdly, this position allows the amount of blood that stands out when rupture of the rifle is to remain in the female genital organs and not cause unpleasant impressions.

During deprivation of virginity, those positions should be avoided when The girl is on top. Firstly, it will be inconvenient for her, secondly, it will cause unpleasant sensations, thirdly, inexperience will not allow the partner pleasant experiences, fourthly, blood can easily enter the partner and spoil the impressions.

After sexual intercourse with imprisonment, it should be immediatelygo to the bathroom in order to lose all possible consequences. If a deprivation of virginity It was painful enough, then at least a week should be abandoned from sexual relations and monitor the sensations of your body.

It is possible that during sex for the first time, the girl may not have pain and bloody discharge at all. It depends, only on the characteristics of her body and the way of life. Often to the rupture of the rifle is indispensable, they lead to active sports and gymnastics. In other cases, the spit can be so thin that it is not capable of leaving traces after its gap.

How should you prepare yourself for the first sex?

In any case, any of the partners should be afraid of any discharge and pain. Everyone should prove themselves as a confident and adult person who is ready to face difficulties. How you behave during the first sex, your directly decides attitude to the opposite sex And lays a peculiar “foundation” in your sexual education.

Does it hurt to have sex for the first time?

Perhaps this issue remains the most exciting and relevant for each pair, which first enters into sexual life. The fact is that a clear answer to this question still does not exist, and this, only because everything does not depend on the human factor and “case”.

About how painful and painless sex will be, the three most important circumstances will solve:

  • physiological characteristics of the body - the thickness of the virgin rod, the fullness of its blood vessels and nerve endings, the pain threshold of the woman, the amount of lubricant secreted, and her readiness for sex
  • psychological mood of partners - How every partner knows how to tune in sexual relations and wants to give pleasure to his partner. If a young man or the girl is not able to relax, they are unlikely to make the maximum benefit and pleasant sensations from this process
  • sexual education of partners - Allows you to "survive" the first sex literally. If one of the partners has experience in sexual relations, then this gives a guarantee of more or less successful sexual intercourse. If we imagine the situation that both partners are not formed, then this can lead to the fact that at least sex will not happen, but at a maximum - give injuries and pain to both
Relations between young people in bed

In 80% of cases, the first sexual intercourse gives unpleasant and painful sensations for the girl, and this is only due to the fact that the virgin pool and soft tissues of the vagina are injured.

To get a minimum of unpleasant sensations during sex should be:

  • Choose the right place for sexwhich will have a disposable and relaxing environment
  • Relax and give yourself emotional discharge, not think that this process can bring pain
  • Accept sedatives or relaxing products that can place a person for sex or just drink a glass of wine (no more)
  • The girl needs to try not to strain the muscles into the groin, this will contribute to the fact that the partner without effort will be able to penetrate inside the vagina and will not leave unpleasant sensations

Pain sensations are directly related to the emotional state of partners, and therefore, how you are configured for sex solves a lot. In addition, deprivation of virginity is not a “surgical operation” and such a contact involves a huge number of caresses, gentle touches and oral sex partners.

First sex: what to do? Rules for organizing the first sexual intercourse

The organization of the first sexual intercourse is an important event for both partners. Only thorough preparation It is able to create all the conditions for the first sex to pass successfully and leave a pleasant impression, like a man, so in a woman.

It is necessary to deal with this issue to both a woman and a man. Only the readiness of both partner can become the key to the most successful sex.

Preparation for the first sex suggests:

Organization of a place.One of the partners or both should think over location This process is very carefully. Comfortable conditions are necessary in order for everyone to relax as much as possible and spend time with pleasure. The best option is a room with a bed and everything necessary. It will not be superfluous to have access to the bathroom and kitchen. If you are allowed to housing, organize the first sex in the bedroom, if not, remove the hotel room. So you will be sure that at an important moment no one can bother you.

Prepare everything you need -to have the whole “set” of the necessary things should be required. This is the only way to be absolutely confident that the first sexual intercourse will be successful. Of the necessary things, you should have: clean bedding, towel, water, protective equipment. It is possible that the first sexual intercourse will be delayed for a long time, and therefore it is worth limiting itself from haste, and spending time only enjoying each other.

Take care of the atmosphere.This is an important point that decides the outcome of your business. You need to do everything in order for this event to leave the best impressions and memories. Make the light muffled - this will avoid complexes and embarrassment, take care of musical accompaniment - which will remove awkwardness and set up psychologically, it will not be superfluous aromatherapy - She will fill the room with a pleasant aroma, and some essential oils They are even able to relax a person without effort.

How to have sex for the first time?

The first sex should have the character of special magic and something that happens once in life, leaving memories for many years. Try to do everything to give romance and pleasant impressions to your partner.

In what position is it better to have sex for the first time?

The first sex is important not only careful preparation, but also by the readiness of a person. Often the first sex happens spontaneously - and this is not very good. In order to leave a pleasant impressions, not to develop fear and aversion to the opposite sex and bring a minimum of pain - you should know about how and in what position it is best to lose virginity.

The poses that should be followed during the first intercourse:

Missionary position -it involves the horizontal position of both partners. In this position, a woman lies on her back, and the partner is inclined above her. This position is the most successful for deprivation of virginity. She helps a woman to relax as much as possible, accept a man and even enjoy. This is the most “natural” pose for sex and convenient for men. In this pose, the member easily penetrates the vagina and leaves a minimum of unpleasant sensations. In addition, a man always has the opportunity to caress female breasts, kiss a woman on the lips. A woman has the opportunity to observe the process, hug and caress her partner.

The position from the back -less favorable for deprivation of virginity and requires that the man is more experienced in sex. It involves a deeper penetration into the vagina. In order for the penis do not penetrate quite deeply, the woman should not tilt her body too low (on the elbows), but raise the body up. From the side of the man, only soft movements without sharp shocks should occur. In this position, he can completely take a “business in his leadership” and manage the female body. The woman feels more relaxed in this position, as he has the opportunity to distract herself to other objects and not be embarrassed in front of a partner.

Position lying on the side -it also implies the horizontal position of partners, where penetration occurs behind. This position helps both partners relax, but requires experience from a man. Only an experienced man will be able to place a woman so that the penis penetrated the vagina without any problems. A woman should constantly monitor the tension of her muscles in the groin and raise her leg up so that the penetration is not so “cramped”. This position is good in that penetration is not too deep.

The best posts for sex are the first time

What are the sensations with the first sex?

The sensations in the first sex can be completely diverse, and each time they depend only on how experienced and relaxed the partner himself was, as well as on how much he sought to enjoy sex. With confidence we can say that a man receives more pleasure from deprivation of virginitythan a woman. Nevertheless, one must strive to ensure that the first sexual intercourse gives as much pleasant sensations and memories as possible.

So that the first sex leaves pleasant sensations, it should be:

  • Repeatedly study features of your body Both independently and with the help of a partner. To do this, it will not be superfluous to caress your body periodically or allow you to do it to your loved one
  • The couple in love before penetration itself can be repeatedly given oral sex. Such sex will allow you to liberate each other, learn about the features of the structure of the genital organs of a man and women and facilitate the first sex itself
  • You should pay attention to the behavior of your partner. If sex does not bring him pleasure and gives pain, you should stop him in time and correct the situation: to transfer sex for another time or give affectionwho will relax the partner
Sensations in the first sexual intercourse

Changes in the body after the first sex in the body of men and women

With confidence, we can say that the first sex gives changes not only of a psychological, but also physiological nature:

  • The emotional state of a person who enters into sexual life becomes more calm and balanced. Such a person knows how to control his emotions, less nervous and becomes “stable”. A person is less pursued by a depressive mood and nervous disorders
  • It is proved that the psychological age of a person who has entered into sexual relations becomes much more. This is justified by his experience and a sense of peculiar superiority over other people, as well as the feeling that a person discovered something unidentified and new for himself
  • The body experiences changes in a physiological nature. The fact is that at the moment when a person begins to have sex, in his body, completely other hormones begin to occur in his body, which he had not enough before. Such hormones most often positively affect not only well -being, but also the appearance of young people. It is proved that they favorably affect the condition of the skin, eliminating a variety of rash and acne, which are characteristic of "transitional age"
What should you be afraid after the first sex?

Can I get an orgasm after the first sex?

This issue also has a completely individual character and depends only on how much a person is predisposed to get pleasure from the first intercourse:

  • If the nervous tension is large - the probability of obtaining an orgasm for a woman is very small. The woman's orgasm depends only on how much she will be excited and split
  • If a the male partner will be constrained and scarce for caresses, most likely he will not be able to place a woman to get pleasure. The nature of the female body is arranged so that it can get an orgasm not so much from penetration as from thorough and “right” lask during sex
  • To enjoy the penetration of the penis for the first time, the pair follows enough study your body. For this, it will not be superfluous to do two young people oral caresseswhere the man will relate repeatedly erogenous zones of the girl And penetrate deep into the vagina with your fingers. Such affectionthey will not be able to frighten a woman before the "most main penetration"
  • Getting an orgasm from the first sex is much easier for a man than a woman. Nevertheless, the success of this process depends on how each partners will make his efforts and put feelings in this “event”
Preparation for the first sex

Why does the chest hurt after the first sex?

  • The first sex often occurs between two inexperienced young people who do not always skillfully cope with their feelings and know how to control the body
  • Such situations are not rarely happening that a young man avoids protection During the first sexual intercourse, arguing that the deprivation of virginity “does not tolerate” condoms and makes it possible to feel sex in full
  • such situations are not rarely leading to fertilization of a woman from "first sex"And this is what causes chest pain. Breast pain is a clear sign of pregnancy in the early stages
  • Pay attention to how your chest hurts: whether this pain is mechanical (from bruises for example) or it goes "from the inside." Breast pain, which occurs due to fertilization, appears two to three weeks after the first sexual intercourse, especially if you notice a menstrual cycle delay
  • If you exclude the possibility of pregnancy, and also did pregnancy testwho gave you a negative result, chest pain can be hormonal. The fact is that from the moment you entered a sex life, your body begins to develop hormones absolutely unfamiliar to it - this changes the hormonal background of a person and, in a female case, responds with pain in the mammary glands
The consequences of the first sex

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first sex?

The first sex is far from an obstacle for a successful fertilization of a woman, because a girl can have children and is predisposed to conception immediately after she had the first menstruation. It should be concluded from this that the first sex must be “protected”.

The inexperience of partners and neglect of protection standards often leads to the fact that a woman is pregnant at an early age: at 16, 17, 18 years old (there are also cases of earlier fertilization).

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should know how effective all popular protection methods are:

Pregnancy after the first sex

What to do if the first menstruation is delayed after the first sex?

If, after the first intercourse, the girl notices the absence of menstruation, there are two understandable explanations for this:

Pregnancy has occurred - as a result of unprotected intercourse, and after fertilization, its body stops the menstrual cycle. General poor health is added to this symptom, nausea, chest pain, swelling, increased appetite and excessive nervousness.

The body suffers hormonal restructuring - due to the beginning of sexual activity. It so happens that the body begins to secrete sex hormones previously unknown to it. It is for this reason that all cycles in it tolerate perestroika and the menstrual cycle can linger. Such changes are also characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and mammary glands.

To exclude the possibility of pregnancy, it is necessary to do pregnancy test Or seek a gynecologist's advice.

How do the first days after the first sex flow?

With confidence, we can say that the sensations that will pursue a person after his first sexual intercourse depend only on how successful sex was. If a woman was enough in a nervous state, she was constantly afraid of penetration and squeezed the muscles into the groin-most likely, this overvoltage of the muscles will respond with soreness a day or two after sex and will accompany it for several days.

If the penetration was rude and strong, this can give painful sensations to both partners, which are obtained due to injury and rupture of the soft tissues of the genital organs. Also, if there was very little lubrication during sex, this can be fraught with the formation of microcracks in the vagina of a woman and the formation of peculiar “gratitude” in a man. That is why during the first intercourse it is recommended to use condoms and lubricants.

Proper preparation for sex, taking into account all small nuances and the reverent attitude of partners towards each other will allow sex to pass most favorably and painlessly. If the pain was severe, you should refrain from sex, at least for a week.

Video: “The first sex. Top 10 errors "

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  1. By typing the word "virginity" in the search, you will be offered the most popular requests: "How to deprive ...?"
    And this is the main catch.
    Because a person does not have unnecessary organs.
    The girl should not be deprived, but with love and affection (not with affection and passion of lust, namely with real sincere love) to prepare her to become her beloved and wife.
    “From love, the lotus itself will be revealed so that you can carefully look into the window. But we must try not to squeeze the window with your shoulders. ” With defloration, the feeling of love weakens or disappears completely. And if you stretch virginity with love, then there will be not only a deep orgasm, but will also increase the feeling of love to a level that everyone is looking for. Just seek through fornication. Therefore, they do not achieve ..
    More details are described in the formula of love and the author kindly advises those who wish in absentia and without payment. True, the majority, having read what can be stretched, begin to think that they will succeed the first time. From the first time (without experience and knowledge), you can only deprive or lose.

  2. misha, what is your head clogged. go study!

  3. My first sex was planned.

  4. Girls, if you doubt whether it is worth translating your relationship to a new level, it is better to wait and prepare morally.

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