The first monthly girls: signs and symptoms. How do menstruation begin for the first time?

The first monthly girls: signs and symptoms. How do menstruation begin for the first time?

The beginning of the first menstruation in girls: harbingers and character. The norm of duration, color and volume of the first menstruation girls.

The first menstruation is a very important and rather exciting moment for the young lady. Some girls are waiting for this moment with interest, and some are madly afraid of it.

In this article, we will try to figure out how much we can expect the beginning of puberty girls, what are its symptoms and duration.

How many years do the first periods begin for girls? The first menstruation in girls 11, 12, 13 years is the norm?

  • Just a few decades ago, puberty of girls fell at the age of 17-19 years. Today, young people are developing much faster and faster. The same applies to the development of their genitals
  • Menstruation in modern girls, as a rule, begins already from the age of eleven to sixteen years
  • Later periods in 17-18 are considered a delay in puberty of a girl
  • There are times when the baby’s period begins at 8-9 years old. It is also considered an abnormal phenomenon and may be caused by malfunctions in the hormonal development of crumbs. Also, excessive physical activity can be the causes of early publishing a girl
Facts about menstruation
Facts about menstruation

The beginning of critical days in girls depends on several factors:

  • diseases transferred to early childhood (encephalitis, colds and viral diseases, meningitis, head injuries, chronic tonsilitis)
  • physical development (weight, height)
  • genetic predisposition
  • the mode of life
  • food quality
  • emotional background
  • place of residence
  • racial affiliation
  • If the girl in early childhood suffered serious illnesses, then in her youth this may affect the time of her puberty. Often, such girls begin menstruation much later than their peers
  • If the girl or grandmother of the girl began critical days at an early age, then there is a probability that they will go in her too early
  • The lack of vitamins, trace elements, as well as unbalanced and inferior nutrition can lead to a delay in the development of the child. This applies, among other things, its sexual maturation. The girl should get useful and nutrients in sufficient quantities from an early age for the full development of all her systems and organs
  • It is believed that southerners and eastern women begin to ripen in sexual terms much earlier than representatives of the northern and Western nationalities
  • Children's emotional injuries, constant experiences and stress can also postpone their mark on the girl's puberty. They can provoke, both too early and later on the beginning of menstruation
What is normal menstruation
What is normal menstruation

Symptoms and signs of the first menstruation in girls

The following external manifestations can signal the imminent beginning of the first menstruation:

  • changes of the figure (adopting more rounded forms with it)
  • breast enlargement
  • blood expansion
  • the appearance of the hairline on the pubis and under the armpits
  • acne on the face, back and chest
  • increase in the volume of external sexual organs
  • the darkening of the genitals
  • increased fatty of the head, the appearance of dandruff
  • the presence of whitish discharge from the vagina
Premenstrual symptoms
Premenstrual symptoms

In addition to external changes, a girl may feel some emotional changes:

  • frequent mood swings
  • bloodiness
  • fast fatiguability
  • weakness
  • apathy
  • aggression
  • headache
  • lack of appetite
  • nausea

Can there be pain in the first menstruation in girls?

  • The first menstruation may be accompanied by symptoms familiar to adult women. That is, the baby may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen, giving a little to the lower back. As a rule, such sensations last from one to two days
  • After this time, the pain should subside
  • In order for the girl not to be afraid of such sensations, a conversation should be held with her in advance. It must own complete information about all the processes taking place in her body.
How are the first menstruation in a teenager girl
How are the first menstruation in a teenager girl

The temperature before the first menstruation in girls

Not all representatives of the fair sex are characterized by an increased temperature on the eve of the first menstruation.

However, raising the body temperature up to 37.5 degrees before menstruation is not reckoned with deviations, and can be considered the norm.

What do the first periods look like in girls?

  • The first menstruation in girls can manifest itself in the presence of small drops of blood on linen. On average, with the first menstruation, blood loss can be from fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters of blood. These numbers are relative, the number of secretions will directly depend on the characteristics of the female body
  • The most plentiful will be the discharge on the second or third day of the cycle
  • The first blood discharge, as a rule, has a peculiar smell. This is due to the work of the secretions of Vulva
Prevention of infections
Prevention of infections

Is the first menstruation always brown girls?

The color of the first menstruation in girls can vary from bright red to dark brown. This is due to the fact that during the release, bloody discharge is mixed with the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), as well as discharge into the vagina.

Thus, both light brown, and dark brown, and cloudy red, and scarlet discharge are considered normal. Such periods of menstruation should not cause fears.

The causes of dark discharge
The causes of dark discharge

How many days do the first menstruation last?

How much do the first menstruation last for girls?
How much do the first menstruation last for girls?

As a rule, the first menstruation can last from three to ten days. Everything, as always, will depend on the individuality of the female body.

There are times when the first menstruation passes in the form of weak ointments for a couple of days. This also should not scare the girl. Most likely, next month it is already waiting for full discharge.

Can there be a delay after the first menstruation?

The monthly cycle at the first menstruation is quite unstable. Its formation occurs throughout the whole year.

The breaks between the first menstruation can be from two weeks to three months. This is considered the norm.

Abundant first menstruation in girls

Abundant discharge during the first menstruation is also indicators of the norm and directly depend on the heredity and features of the girl's organism.

The first menstruation in girls, how to determine the cycle?

  • The setting of the menstrual cycle in girls occurs during the first two years. Therefore, it is not worth expecting some constancy during this period
  • The first cycles can be from 28 to 34 days. In some babies, the breaks between menstruation sometimes last up to six months
  • It so happens that the first menstrual cycle is twenty -four days, and the next one is thirty, or vice versa. This is also considered in the norm of normal
Sexual development of the girl
Sexual development of the girl

The first year of menstruation in girls

  • In order to at least approximately predict the following periods, the girl needs to have a calendar. In a special calendar, it is necessary to note the date of the beginning and end of menstruation
  • Such notes will not give critical days the opportunity to find the girl by surprise. In addition, if the girl does not stabilize in the future, such a calendar will help the gynecologist trace the entire history of the beginning of menstruation
  • In any case, a week before the estimated date of menstruation, the girl should always have all the necessary hygiene products with her. This will protect her from complex, unforeseen circumstances and embarrassment
Menstruation in girls
Menstruation in girls

When will the first periods begin - a test for girls?

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of various tests for girls to help determine the approximate age at which the first menstruation can begin.

Such tests are based on a series of questions. Questions help to find out information related to factors directly affecting the beginning of the first menstruation. Here are approximate formulations of such questions:

  1. How old are you?
  2. When did your mother (grandmother) began?
  3. What is your height?
  4. What is your weight?
  5. Have you started to grow breasts?
  6. Did you have hair under my armpits and pubis?
  7. Have you had any discharge on your linen?

Having analyzed the answers of the girl, you can predict when the first menstruation will begin approximately in her.

The importance of the conversation of mom and daughter about the first menstruation
The importance of the conversation of mom and daughter about the first menstruation
  • In any case, when the girl’s first menstruation did not begin, she should be ready for them morally. In this she can contribute to her mother, grandmother or older sister
  • The girl needs to explain that menstruation is a natural process, and there is nothing shameful in it
  • Also, the baby should know about the rules of hygiene these days, and in her handbag, just in case, she should always be the means of female hygiene
  • In addition to the rules of conduct on critical days, the girl should be correctly informed about the opportunity to get pregnant after the start of menstruation and the need to use contraceptive means

Video: The first menstruation in girls

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  1. Why exactly get pregnant if there is an alternative to anal sex and you can do it when you are pleased at least menstruation at least that

  2. thank you very much

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