How to establish relations with a guy, a man after a quarrel, cooling, treason?

How to establish relations with a guy, a man after a quarrel, cooling, treason?

The article will help you strengthen your relationship, simply avoiding stupid mistakes/

Do you think that your relationship with your loved one is on the verge of gap? Do not panic. Disassemble the situation in detail and find the reason for the problems in the relationship.

How to do it? How to analyze the situation objectively and find a way out of the situation? Read a lot of useful tips in the article.

Causes of problems in relations with a guy, man

There are many reasons for such problems. But by combining them by some signs, one can highlight 4 main:

  • Misunderstanding that psychology of men and women are two different concepts. You will think that since he does this, then he does not love or respect you. But in reality, this can simply mean that he is a man and he tends to behave like that. Not wanting to understand this, you can drive yourself into a corner and decide that your relationship should end. But it turns out that your man does not see that your relationship has undergone any changes
  • Egoism. This is a real problem that destroys more than one family. Entering a relationship and wishing their logical continuation, both of you should be prepared for life for two. Sometimes you will have to sacrifice your desire for your loved one. If everyone lives for himself in a relationship, then the end comes in such a relationship very quickly
Egoism in a relationship
Egoism in a relationship
  • Failure a man or a woman of his responsibilities. Sooner or later, the constant lack of dinner will lead your man to the splash of all the accumulated negativity to you. And sooner or later you will break into your husband if he does not fulfill his male duties. In order to prevent misunderstanding, you should first discuss who will fulfill and what duties in the family will fulfill. After all, you have grown in different families and your views can simply diverge based on parental experience
  • Unwillingness to work on oneself. You must understand that relations sometimes require your joint efforts. You are used to living alone. And when you start living together, you just have to change your habits. If you want to live under the same conditions as before, then your relationship will periodically accumulate claims to each other
Causes of problems in relations with a guy, man
Causes of problems in relations with a guy, man

Important: there are many more reasons directly or indirectly in subsequent sections

How to establish relationships: Psychologist's advice

When your relationship does not seem to you as they were before, you involuntarily begin to look for reasons.

Important: in order to establish relationships, you need to understand that your man is dear to you. Only then can you work on your relationship

Psychologists advise:

  • Laugh together. No matter how strange it sounds, but a joint laugh at something is very close. You can walk sullenly glancing at each other. But when something makes you both laugh, you will notice how for a minute you forgave each other resentment and laughed heartily. Smell into your life together laughter
  • Spend time together. If you feel the vague of the relationship, then you just need to do something together. If during this period a man goes for a computer, and you will watch TV all your free time - your relationship will not recover. Common affairs unite. It can be repairs in the apartment, affairs in the country, joint cycling. Any joint pastime will only benefit you
Psychology of relations between a man and a woman
Psychology of relations between a man and a woman
  • Remember, why did you love him. Often everyday difficulties and routine lead to the fact that spouses begin to see only negative in each other. You can annoy you every step. How to get rid of this feeling? Just imagine what will happen if he leaves. You will immediately understand how you love him. Think about him as about who you fell in love with his positive qualities. After such thoughts, you look at him a little differently: not so harsh
  • Tell me pleasant. This item follows from the previous one. Tell him a compliment: what strong hands he has, what a sense of humor he has, how strong you have, how confident you are in him. If you do it perfect, your man will definitely appreciate. Men love themselves even more women, so every flattering word will only cause him positive emotions
  • Crase to him. Tactile sensations carry a greater emotional load. There will never be superfluous an embrace or just a touch. And without these little things, relationships can cool
How to improve relations
How to improve relations
  • Smile. It may seem to you that sometimes there is even no time for a smile. But this is not so. You can always smile. It's nothing. But it will smooth out your possibly harsh appearance or recently arising household skirmish
  • Family tradition. Invent for your family what you will do from day to day or from year to year: this can be a mandatory wishes before the working day or, conversely, a brief presentation of the news over the past day. This may be a tradition of spending holidays in a certain way. Or the tradition of inviting every last Saturday to visit best friends or parents. Traditions unite you. And even when the relationship seems somewhat inflated, you should not depart from traditions
  • Fulfill the desire your man. If your man has long asked you for something directly or hints, it's time to fulfill the request. This also applies to sexual fantasies
How to improve relations
How to improve relations

Important: if you really want to establish your relationship, you sometimes have to step over your own pride. This is fine. This does not mean that you will completely become subject to him. This means that you have enough wisdom to remain powerful, but at the same time the best wife in the world

How to establish a relationship with a guy after a quarrel?

Before establishing relationships after a quarrel, you need to make peace. How to do this described in the article How to make peace with your husband: after a strong quarrel, divorce, betrayal, scandal, fights? Reconciliation with her husband

If the quarrel was quite strong, then the reconciliation itself will not establish your relationship. Perhaps you will communicate, but some coldness will remain in your relationship.

How to establish Relations after reconciliation:

  • The most important.If you have forgiven, then you have forgiven. Do not start again a day after reconciliation to raise your previous problems. So you will never leave them. Perhaps the first time you will be uneasy. You can assume that you have forgiven in vain, that you have lost and now your beloved will bend the stick. Drive this feeling in yourself. Work on yourself to become the same. Otherwise, your loved one will no longer see the point of apologizing to you
  • If you were a quarrel, then do not behave too courteous. You do not need to fulfill all the desire of a man only because you recently made a mistake. Otherwise, a man will like your reptile and he will begin to use it. Behave naturally good -naturedly. Of course, you should not find a reason for the next conflict
  • So that the relationship after the quarrel ceases to be tense, conduct time together: Prepare dinner together, watch the movie together, take a walk together in the park or go to visit your friends
How to establish a relationship with a guy after a quarrel
How to establish a relationship with a guy after a quarrel

Important: the main thing - do not scatter in the corners, the only way you can establish together, albeit for a while, contact

Important: accept the fact that quarrels happen to everyone. Therefore, learn to put up and behave wisely after reconciliation

How to establish a relationship with a guy after treason?

Cheating is a serious matter. Not always after it manages to establish a relationship.

Important: it is possible to establish relationships after treason only when the guilty side is really forgiven. As long as the party victim from betrayal will doubt the ability to forgive, relations will be on the verge

  • If the guy changed you, It will be wrong to try to establish relationships with him on your part. Let him try to correct his mistakes. Of course, this does not mean that you should resist in every way. But if, after his betrayal, you try to establish more than him, he can decide that his forgiveness was quite simply given to you
  • If you have changed, then cards in your hands. Men are very difficult to experience betrayal. Be prepared that even after forgiveness, your beloved will keep you at a distance. Do not press on him. He needs time. Fuck yourself as before, but do not be offended by his rudeness sometimes or a bad mood. You will have to wait until the man accepts what happened and will be ready to return everything back. When this moment has come, try to find a little joint business. Gradually, you will begin to feel that your connection is returning. Be more malleable than usual. But do not bend, otherwise such behavior can only angry your young man and remind you of what happened
How to establish relations with a guy after treason
How to establish relations with a guy after treason

Important: your goal is to convince your boyfriend that this will no longer happen again. No need to repeat this 10 times a day. Just behave so that he understands that you are terribly sorry and never allow this again

Important: be prepared for the fact that the relationship will return soon, or they may not return to their former place at all

How to return relations with a guy after parting?

Important: Before trying to return the guy, make sure you need it.

Girls' mistakes, or how can you try to return guy:

  • Immediately after parting, throw it a bunch of calls and messages. Never do that. Yes, your hands are going on to the phone, but endure. Leave the phone at home, and go for a walk yourself so as not to succumb to emotions. In 99% of cases, such emotional calls and SMS do not solve the problem
  • Never say phrases It seems: “I ask you to return, I will do everything you want”, “I will do something with me”, “I am no one without you.” Never say anything like that. Emotions say now in you. Let them calm down and you will understand that these phrases sound stupid. And if you say something like that, then your boyfriend will only stop respecting you and will consider himself a lord over you
  • Bother. Let you not say loud words about suicide, but constantly trying to meet and talk somewhere with him. This is also a mistake
How to return a guy: errors
how to return a guy: errors

How you need to try to return guy:

  • Instead of lying on the couch day with a dirty head, take care of yourself. Go shopping, make a manicure, sign up for a gym. All these actions will begin to cheer you up and help you look better
  • When the emotions settle down, and you will look good, you can think about the action plan
  • Find out where and when your boyfriend will appear. It is better if it is a common party in the company of friends
  • You must look amazing
  • You must be in a great mood
  • Having met with the ex, smile and say hello. With all your appearance, you should show how you feel great
  • Men love to seek
  • Make him your behavior again want a relationship with you. Let him come to you with attempts to return you
How to return the guy
how to return the guy

Important: only self -confidence will give you a chance to return the former, but no pity.

How to establish a relationship with a guy at a distance?

Important: learn to trust even at a distance

It is much more difficult to establish relationships at a distance, because you cannot apply all sorts of tricks that are available only in meetings. Therefore, be prepared that the process will be longer and painstaking:

  • Reduce attempts to find out the relationship by phone. On the phone, the offended side can drop the phone and not to wish to quarrel. Then there will be a one -way phone and the lack of the opportunity to talk. If something upset you and you want to talk about it, then if possible, wait for a meeting
  • Do not begin to sort things out immediately at the meeting. Spend time together, only then in a calm and trusting atmosphere tell your partner what bothers you
  • Remember that now your meetings are rare. Do not waste them on small showdowns that can be avoided completely
Relations at a distance
relations at a distance
  • Trust. If you do not trust, then you will not avoid periodically arising doubts. Relations at a distance are usually morally exhausted, so even the most common situations may seem strange and suspicious to you.
  • Learn to control yourself. The item partially comes out of the previous one. Do not allow a difficult moral state to prevail over your mind
  • Be sure to share with your favorite what is happening to you. In response, listen to the events of his past day. After all, relationships at a distance lead to the fact that your joint classes disappear, and each of you has things that are not related to each other. If you do not talk about how the day has passed, then the moment will come when you have nothing to talk about at all
  • Be sure to say pleasant words. Slide SMS. This will only maintain your relationship. Examples of words and SMS can be found in articles Words to a beloved man. Poems to a beloved man. Pleasant words to a beloved man, husband in verses, prose, in his own words and SMS to a beloved man. SMS to a beloved man, the husband is short, cool, to raise the mood, for the wishes of good morning and good night
  • Communicate on Skype. But remember that you should look perfectly. Even if you spend days at home in anticipation of a meeting and forgot about makeup. Take yourself in order and only then get in touch. Sometimes you can put on something seductive to make your young man
How to establish relationships with a guy at a distance
How to establish relationships with a guy at a distance
  • Always get ready to meet your loved one. Let him know that you were waiting for him. Prepare your favorite dish, bake the pie. Your boyfriend will undoubtedly appreciate your training

Important: if the quarrel has already occurred, then you can only try to fulfill all of the above. After the apology, of course.

The main mistakes in men's relationships

The psychology of men and women is completely different. And both sides in relations with each other make obvious mistakes.

Basic men's mistakes in relationship:

  • Lack of romance. Most women are subject to emotions, they want romance, they want to hear compliments. For women, relations without romance become gray and cold, although a man often does not see any need in romance
  • Compliments. Women love compliments. Although men, although they do not admit, they also like to hear flattering words addressed to them. However, they themselves, especially after a long relationship, forget to say compliments or simply do not consider it necessary to do this. They can believe that these are extra words that are not necessary, because everything is already clear. And a woman can try in every possible way to look good, cook exclusive dishes. In response, she wants to hear a compliment addressed to her. And when he does not hear him, silent resentment begins
Compliments in relationships
Compliments in relationships
  • Comparison With mom or someone else's wife. Even if your wife cooks a little worse than your mother, never tell her about it. Better take the same recipe without its knowledge and offer to cook dinner together. So the wife will be satisfied with joint cooking, and the next time you will receive a new dish
  • Lack of attention To her problems. Even if a woman smiles, meeting you at home, this does not mean that she is always fine. Sometimes ask her about her problems and worries, offer your help. It is you who should be its support in any situation
  • Lie. Men often lie, believing that a woman is not necessary to know the truth. The woman has a different opinion on this. She believes that you, being her man, should tell her about everything, even if she does not like it. If the lie becomes your permanent companion, then the moment will come when your wife will convict you in lies even when trying to go buy bread
The husband is lying
The husband is lying
  • Uncertainty in itself. Women love confident men. Such men inspire trust. The woman is not afraid to build a family with such a person. Not to mention men who are afraid to solve even when it is better to take a vacation. Such men are attractive only to those women who want to arrange a matriarchy in the family
  • Solve everything with money. Undoubtedly, women love good gifts. But you do not need to give her with expensive things for every resentment or for each desire. So you yourself are digging a hole for yourself. You can run into a woman who will not be interested in your inner world at all, your problems. As soon as you begin to refuse such a woman in gifts or unnecessary, in your opinion, expenses, such a woman will run away from you in search of a new wallet
Men's mistakes in relationships
Men's mistakes in relationships

The main mistakes in women's relationships

Women, although they believe that a man does everything wrong, they themselves allow no less stupid errors:

  • You became his mother. Many women make such a fatal mistake. Why fatal? Because a man will cease to perceive you as a sexy woman. He will experience the most tender feelings for you, but he can embody his sexual desires on the side. Stop putting pressure on him with excessive care and care. Give him will. Let him choose what to wear. Let him choose what route you will go. Let it be independent
  • You hope to remake it. You will never redo an adult man! You may be able to achieve some changes in his behavior. But this will not happen because you have achieved this. And because he wanted so much. Only strong love and respect for you can make a man change
Is it possible to remake a husband
Is it possible to remake a husband
  • You respect and love more than yourself. Not every woman is strong in spirit, what to admit to herself in this. And you answer the question: “If only the tile of milk chocolate remains in the store (which you love, but your husband does not like) and tiles of bitter chocolate (which you do not love, but he loves). You have only one tile. Which one will you buy? ” Most women will buy chocolate for a man. And the point is not in chocolate. And the fact that a woman is used to turning a blind eye to her interests for the sake of the interests of a man. This state of affairs is better to correct, until you have ceased to feel significant in your relationship at all
  • You are too often it "saw". Of course, it may seem to you that all your moralizing are true. But sometimes you can gently hint, and not raise a scandal. The plate -unscrupulous plate may not cost your scandals
Women's mistakes in relationships
Women's mistakes in relationships
  • Do not be categorical In expressions. Instead of the phrase “how much it can continue”, “you don’t want to do anything”, “you are tired of me”, say “you know, I am very sad because you did not do it. After all, I said how important it is for me. I really hoped that you would understand me. " With these words you will make you guilt wake up in your man. So, he will think that you really did it bad for you. And the first phrases are likely to cause only indignation and answers such as "Leave me alone, what I want, I do." After all, with such words, you are trying to crush his male rod
  • You relaxed. Marry or prolonged accommodation with a man does not mean that you no longer need to paint, follow the figure or shave your legs. A man always wants to see a beautiful woman nearby
A woman is watching herself
A woman is watching herself
  • You fully absorbed in them. Never forget about your former friends and hobbies. Men most often do not change their leisure when the girl appears. He still meets with friends and goes to the bathhouse. So you do the same. Firstly, you will not bore each other. Secondly, you will not be offended that your man went for a walk, and you are sitting at home
  • You say what you think. Women are very emotional. A minute after a quarrel, you can say too much. Wait until the emotions will calm down
  • You do not want sex. Sex is a very important component of the relationship. If you notice that you have lost your desire, then try to return it. How to do this, read in the article All about libido in women. Libido decrease in women: causes. How to increase libido in women?. Periodically add variety to sexual life. Any man will appreciate it. If you do not know how to do this, then draw ideas in the article How to diversify an intimate life? How to stop being shy about sex?
Sex strengthens the relationship
Sex strengthens the relationship

Important: be wise woman. Sometimes it is better to keep silent, then to carefully put a man in the head what you want

How to establish relationships according to the signs of the zodiac?

If you believe that the signs of the zodiac leave their mark on the character of a person, then you can read how to establish relationships according to the signs of the zodiac in the article.

If your relationship is cracking, immediately proceed to their rehabilitation. Be wise and you will definitely achieve results.

Video: A simple way to establish relationships with men

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello!!! Can you help me? I can’t return my boyfriend😔 I will die without him !!! help me

    1. Hello. I think it’s worth it to calm down and read the article carefully again. Look for your situation in the article and try to use the advice. Good luck to you and good relationships with your young man!

  2. How to atone for a vein in front of a guy when I am to blame.

  3. Please help me .😔

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