How to excite a girl? 10 ways to excite a girl

How to excite a girl? 10 ways to excite a girl

Our article will teach you how to excite a girl with kisses, caresses, words and touch. You will also find out what ways I will help to speed up this process.

  • Although a lot of men are written about how to excite the girl is written and said, a huge number of men are generally not represented, how to do it correctly. And when the most crucial moment comes in bewilderment, they understand that the second half does not have the same strong desire as they do
  • Most often, the cause of such problems is a slightly overstated self -esteem of the stronger sex. Some of them believe that girls for excitement only need to look at a beautiful male body
  • Of course, aesthetic beauty also contributes to an ideal intimate relationship, but unlike men, women are very important for women that precedes sexual intercourse. Therefore, let's figure out how the beloved should behave so that his second half wants intimacy as he does

How to excite a girl with a video?

Watch together a beautiful erotic movie

Absolutely all men are familiar with the phrase that a woman loves ears. Of course, pleasant compliments can melt the coldest heart. But you ate you want to become your lover closer emotionally, then try to excite it with the help of the video. Many men at that moment thought about +18 films and presented what pleasure they would receive from watching such a video.

Unfortunately, most women do not like to watch a movie of this plan. Therefore, if you really want to achieve response feelings, then look at whatever erotic Love Story. Such a film will help the girl relax and set her up in a romantic way.

Tips that will help to behave correctly while watching the film:
• Take care of an intimate environment
• Do not joke too much
• Follow that all your expressions are appropriate
• Do not forget to touch the body of a lover regularly
• periodically kiss her in the neck

How to excite a girl in correspondence?

Write only pleasant words

The easiest way to attract the girl in correspondence is to write any harmless joke below the belt. This will help to direct your conversation in the right direction. You can write, for example, that you are very frozen and dream that one hot little thing comes to warm you.

Just do not use stereotypical phrases in the correspondence, which every day can be read on dating forums. It is better to try to come up with something of your own and it is desirable that it be a romantic humor that can charm the object of your adoration.

• Make the girl a few compliments
• In no case do not talk about sex
• Write about your innermost thoughts
• Ask a question with an erotic slope
• send the girl an erotic photo

How to excite a girl on the phone, SMS?

Follow that SMS is not too vulgar

Quite a fairly fast life of our life sometimes does not allow us to often see our soulmate and this leads to the fact that people begin to move away from each other. If you want your love relationship even at a distance to remain passionate, then try to excite your soul mate by phone.

Such a trick can be done before a very important romantic date. When your girlfriend comes to you to meet you, she will already be morally and physically ready to continue the evening.

Basic rules for the excitation of a girl by phone:
• Call your beloved in the afternoon
• unobtrusively ask what she does and whether she is one at home
• Find out whether she is ready for your meeting
• Hint that you really want to see her in sexy linen
• Tell us about how you missed it
• In the case of a positive reaction, try to describe your prelude to sex
• At the end of the conversation sexually say goodbye and hint so that she does not be late for a meeting
• While you dress and wait for your beloved, write her romantic SMS

An example of exciting SMS:
• I can imagine how you lie next to me, and I stroke your soft and velvety skin, kiss your juicy lips and hear the smell of your hair
• I can’t wait until I hear your delicate voice and touch your sweet mouth. Come to me soon my sweet candy
• The evening would come as soon as possible! And I can hug you and kiss you, not afraid that someone will see us

How to excite the girl with a kiss?

Exciting kiss

The most sure way to excite the girl to kiss her correctly. Many men make one and tighter mistake. They kiss a woman hastily, trying to go as soon as possible to intimacy. Usually this behavior does not excite, but, on the contrary, even repels in some ways.

Subconsciously, a woman begins to understand that her chosen one wants only sex and the continuation of the relationship is not expected. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but put all your feelings into the kiss, only in this way your second half will be able to feel your warmth and desire and remember this moment for a long time.

Where to kiss:
• in earlobe
• Lips
• Fingers
• palms
• neck
• The neckline zone

How to kiss:
• Start with light kisses
• Do everything smoothly, without fuss and sudden movements
• Follow that the kiss of the kiss intensifies through the growing
• Do not forget at this moment to pay attention to the rest of the body of the chosen one
• Place compliment in your ear
• Take the girl in your arms

How to excite a girl with her hands?

Hug the girl gently

In the fair sex, the tactile perception channel prevails over other feelings. Therefore, tender stroking and light touch of hands are so important for them. This feature of the female body often helps men to maximize the object of their adoration as much as possible.

Therefore, try to do everything with tenderness and love. After all, this is the only way your beloved will be able to feel the desired, beautiful and protected. And if you really want your caresses to end with intimacy, then be sure to take care of your hands hygiene. It is very important that they are clean, well -groomed and, if possible, smelled.

The process of exciting a girl with her hands:
• First you can just touch your hand
• Then do not obsessively move on to the light stroking of the palm and fingers
• If a girl likes everything, you can try to hug her
• During your arms, keep your soul mate behind the waist or gently stroke its back
• Then you can proceed to stroking the cheeks, neck and lips
• accompany all your movements with light and delicate kisses

How to excite a girl in bed?

You can excite a girl with kisses and caresses

It has long been proven that a woman’s desire to have sex directly depends on her emotional state. Therefore, if it came to bed, try to do everything so that she doesn’t think about anything else except you. Only after you see that the woman is passionate about your actions can you begin to go directly to caresses.

Show patience and do everything without fuss and haste, because, unlike men, the fair sex is excited quite slowly. Therefore, only a truly gentle man can achieve reciprocity.

Recommendations that will help to excite the girl:
• Start with light strokes
• Dilute them with delicate kisses
• Raise your hair and kiss her ear and neck
• Stick your stomach and knees
• gently hug behind the waist
• Turn to the inside of the thigh

How to make an exciting massage to a girl?

Erotic massage

Before you proceed directly to the massage, take care of the romantic and pleasant environment. Turn on quiet music in the room, light aromatic candles, arrange vases with flowers everywhere. Also, do not forget to make sure that your lover is convenient to lie. Any place with a soft mattress is suitable for massage.

Be sure to prepare clean towels in advance (one of them will have to be twisted with a roller) and special oils. If it so happened that in the room in which you plan to carry out massage a little cool, then prepare a thin bedspread. You will cover the parts of the body that you will not massage.

Massage rules:
• Start massage with stroking the stop
• Gradually rise to the caviar, and then to the hips
• Spread your hands along the spine
• Lightly stain the girls hands
• At the end, be sure to pay attention to the neck

How to gently excite a girl?

Make a conversation on an intimate topic

Not every man manages to quickly arouse a girl and most often the matter here is not visual data, but in how he does it. For some reason, male representatives are afraid to show tenderness and do everything in a hurry, trying to go as soon as possible to intimacy. But for girls, it is much more important how a man shows his feelings and, perhaps, at the least, she thinks about the process itself.

• Tell her how you feel
• Whisper a couple of pleasant compliments
• Bite lightly by the earlobe
• Cover the whole body with kisses
• Make a light massage
• pay special attention to erogenous zones
• periodically press your beloved to yourself

Ways to excite a girl

Touch her body

There are quite a lot of different ways that allow men to excite girls. But unfortunately, the same method acts equally well on the fair sex.

Some girls love kisses, others like tender arms, and some, in general, love assertiveness and passion. Therefore, give an unambiguous answer how attract attention opposite sexno one will give you. Only having met closer, you can find out what your object of adoration is liked.

Excitation methods:
• Erotic massage
• pleasant compliments
• touching the hair and body
• Delicate arms
• Light and passionate kisses
• Erotic films
• Reception of aphrodisiacs

How to find out that the girl is excited?

Swollen nipples the main sign of excitement

If your chosen one is quite shy and cannot directly tell you about your desire, you can well understand how ready she is to continue the evening. The whole truth about her feelings will tell you her body.

Signs of excitement:
• makes attempts to deviate, and then presses again to your body
• constantly straightens hair
• licks the lips
• Breathes deeply
• The girl has a lot of nipples

How to excite girls: tips and reviews

As you already, probably, understood the main thing in relation to two people is love, tenderness and trust. Therefore, if you want your chosen one to always feel the same as you, then do not be afraid to show her your warm feelings. If you are completely open, you will always be able to stay on the same wave with your beloved.

Simple recommendations:
• Show restraint
• Do not force the girl to sex if she doesn't want him
• Try to surround her with attention and care
• Periodically make pleasant gifts
• Arrange romantic meetings as often as possible

Alexander: My girlfriend excites massage quite strongly. She especially loves light stroking her back, therefore, when I see that on a little tense I just start to kiss it, and then I put it comfortably and start acting. About ten minutes later, she is completely ready to continue.

Dmitry: And I was led, I came across an liberated girl. We very quickly found a common language and already somewhere on the fourth date we had the first sex. And, although we both wanted to, no one received full pleasure. Therefore, by the next time we decided to prepare. They just sat down and frankly talked about what they like. Now I know for sure that its most erogenous zone is the chest and earlobes.

Video: How to excite and seduce a girl - 5 ways?

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Comments K. article

  1. Great article, thanks to the author.

  2. Thank you very much for the article, the girl was delighted. Especially from SMS, after SMS thoughts only about me

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