Where are the erogenous zones of a woman according to the zodiac sign? How to find erogenous areas in a woman?

Where are the erogenous zones of a woman according to the zodiac sign? How to find erogenous areas in a woman?

The article talks about the most interesting points on the body of a woman, depending on the sign of the zodiac - her erogenous zones.

In the affairs of intimate, situations often arise when women, guided by the principles of ethics and morality, cannot afford to liberate, relax and plunge into the world of passion and love with their heads. Sometimes the shyness of women makes men go to the tricks and look for hot spots on the woman’s body - her erogenous zones. It’s good when a man knows where to look for such points.

The man does not know what to do
The man does not know what to do

Where are the erogenous zones in women according to the zodiac sign?

The long -known fact that the woman’s body is very sensitive, willingly responds to all male touches - this is one continuous erogenous zone. However, this fact is not always satisfied with men, they want to find sites on the body of a woman who react most strongly.

Important: erogenous zones on the human body throughout his life can change their location.

A man who is well versed in amorous affairs will confidently say that the temperament of women depends on the zodiac sign. This rule can be used in bed.

Women born under different signs of the zodiac will react differently to male tenderness. Sometimes, resorting only to caresses of special points on a woman’s sensual body, a man without sex can make his partner reach the climax of love.

Where are these magic points on the woman’s body depending on the zodiac sign we will consider in more detail in the sections below.

Erogenous zones according to the signs of the zodiac
Erogenous zones according to the signs of the zodiac

Erogenous zones in women Aries

  • Aries women can plunge into the bottomless ocean of love only from touching her face and extraordinary hair - these are the most vivid erogenous zones of Aries
  • Nervous endings on the lips, eyes, ears make the representatives of this sign from any stimulations go crazy. Sometimes it will be enough just whispering something pleasant in the ear, or gently run with your fingertips on his juicy lips-Aries woman will not make you wait long, she will dissolve with you in passionate sex
  • There is another trick that will make your partner vividly respond to your touch - head massage and stroking her hair. With massive movements, pass through the entire head with massaging movements
  • As for the hair, they can be combed with a comb, stroke with your hand, flush them - all these manipulations will make your partner achieve ecstasy

Important: representatives of this sign are crazy for unshaven men - when their bristles touches the body of Aries, women have no chance of avoiding the highest point of pleasure.

A man touches his lips
A man touches his lips

Erogenous zones in women of Taurus

The zone, which will make the woman of the body of the Taurus, is the neck. The neck is a zone on the body of the Taurus of the strongest sensitivity.

For caresses, you can use:

  • Cold and hot lip ovens
  • Tender kisses
  • Touching the fingertips
  • Soft improvised means, for example, a pen or a brush

Stimulating the erogenous zone of the representatives of this sign, you should not rush - the Taurus do not tolerate rush.

Important: the beneficial location of the main erogenous zone in women of the Taurus sign makes it possible to force it to burn from passion at any time and anywhere.

A man kisses the neck
A man kisses the neck

Erogenous zones in women of twins

  • In order to make the powerful partner of the sign, the twins should begin to cover her delicate handles with kisses - starting with her sensual fingers, go through the hands of hands, then you should give her hands with hot kisses and pay special attention to her shoulders
  • Not a single woman of the twins after such caresses, because her hands are the brightest erogenous zone of the representatives of this sign
  • Be sensual, tender with the partner of the zodiac sign of the twins. Such women do not tolerate rudeness, because They are most excited by the idea that it is protected by a strong man who is designed to protect her, but not how to hurt her lady
  • Women Gemini will not be able to resist tender kisses in the neck - this is another erogenous zone of representatives of this sign, which is most pronounced at a young age. At a more mature age, a woman of this sign will go crazy by reaching the highest point of pleasure from caresses, which will be in the palms and wrists of her hands
  • In addition to kisses, caressing the partner, you can use the touch of fingertips, tongue. It should be remembered that women of this sign do not like a rush exactly as much as they do not like and monotony

Important: the representatives of the zodiac sign do not tolerate lies. The most important thing in various, passionate sexual acts with representatives of this sign is to be sincere, be real, to be yourself!

Tender kiss in the hand
Tender kiss in the hand

Erogenous zones in women in crayfish

  • Breasts are the strongest erogenous zone on the body of a woman cancer
  • They will be crazy kisses and light bite of the chest. Particular attention should be paid to the stimulation of the nipples. Nipples - buttons to achieve the highest point of pleasure
  • Hot kisses with the language can force representatives of this sign without thinking about plunging into the world of passion and love. Such kisses can make her experience an orgasm
  • Also, the bright erogenous zones include the ears and the neck area. Whisper, gentle kisses, light stroking and biting will disarm your mistress, make her powerless in front of you
  • During preliminary caresses, one should not forget about the hips and buttocks of cancer. A bright zone on the body of representatives of this sign is also its lower leg

Important: Women of the sign of cancer always strive to keep everything under control, even sex. Try to start a journey through the sea of \u200b\u200bpassion and love with the stimulations of the erogenous zones of cancer - this will help her relax and will be completely given to you.

Breasts - erogenous zone
Breasts - erogenous zone

Erogenous zones in women of lions

Speaking of preliminary caresses with the representatives of the zodiac lam, it should be remembered that the brightest zones on the body of these women are:

  • Neck
  • Ears
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe temples
  • Back, especially the lower back
  • Stomach

In order to light a passion, it is enough to kiss the lion’s woman gently in the neck, then going along the spine to the lower back, covering them with kisses, not depriving her buttocks with the attention of her buttocks.

The lioness can crumble like a cat, if the partner with her tender fingers will do a relaxing massage of the head, while not forgetting to strok her hair.

For preliminary caresses, you may come in handy, for example, a light veil and a brush with a hard bristle.

Important: sometimes the lioness can not make love in the mood, so try to find out your partner as close as possible so as not to break firewood. However, when you learn to crush your beast, then you can experience an unforgettable sensations, enjoy an unforgettable sight.

Kiss in the neck
Kiss in the neck

Erogenous zones in women girls

  • The most unusual zone on the body of a woman of the Virgin is considered a stomach. The representative of this sign will be disarmed from the slightest touch to this zone
  • For stimulation, you can use lips, fingertips, hair, silk, brushes, ice, etc. - All this will make the girl plunge into the world of pleasure. Due to the fact that the Virgo simply love to take a bath with their partner, a man can use a soft washcloth and foam to massage the abdomen
  • It is worth paying special attention to her navel. Stimulate the area around it, move away and get close to it
  • Also extremely susceptible to caresses is the Virgin crotch zone. Hot kisses, wet tongue will make your partner plunge into the world of passion and love

Important: women of the Virgin are monogamous. They openly go to experiments with their men, but do not tolerate rudeness. Be tender with such women and not too persistent.

Belly - erogenous zone
Belly - erogenous zone

Erogenous zones in women of weights

  • The woman Libra simply goes crazy from stroking, patting, shaking her erogenous zones. A feather and a piece of ice can come to your aid
  • Women of the sign of Libra can reach the highest point of pleasure if the partner caress the lower part of the woman’s back and her buttocks - these are the most pronounced erogenous zones of women of this zodiac sign
  • Exciting movements can be started with light, slow touches, which will then develop into more assertive movements, in some places rough. The whip may also come in handy
  • Knowing the erogenous zones of a woman of this sign, a man can make his partner experience a crazy desire to surrender to him, for example, during a walk in the park or during the dance. The location of the most interesting points in the scales enables the partner to resort to their caresses without causing suspicions of others

Important: representatives of this sign, both in life and in sex, love balance. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a balance in sex between rudeness and affection - between kisses, stroking and patting, tingling.

Erogenous zones of women zodiac sign Libra
Erogenous zones of women zodiac sign Libra

Erogenous zones in women of scorpions

  • The most powerful erogenous zone of the representatives of the Scorpio sign - its genitals
  • Women born under this sign go crazy from touching her crotch, touching her anus
  • The Scorpio woman is able to experience an orgasm from talking about sex, as well as from the thought of him. They are very passionate natures, starting from the half -turn
  • For a brighter orgasm, a lot of time should be devoted to preliminary caresses. Moreover, scorpions do not tolerate rush, they themselves are ready to look for the erogenous zones of their partners for hours
  • For crazy excitement, you should begin to caress your partner from kisses on the lips, then slowly sink lower and lower. The very thought of approaching the vagina will make Scorpio glowing from passion

Important: representatives of this sign simply adore both sex itself and its anticipation. Do not deprive your partner of preliminary caresses - having received what you want, she will give you unforgettable sex.

Happy couple
Happy couple

Erogenous zones in women of Sagittarius

  • In women of Sagittarius, you can cause a hurricane of passions only by making a light massage of her back. The area from the neck to the buttocks is so sensitive that sometimes a few touch and kisses are enough so that your partner demands a quick transition to the very intercourse
  • A very sensual and bright area for caresses is the inner surface of her hips. With light, sliding movements of the tongue, a partner can run from one knee to another on the inside of the hips, slightly touching the crotch, which will bring the woman to a state of ecstasy
  • Another bright erogenous zone of Sagittarius is her hair. Stroking by combing them you can bring a woman to insanity
  • When paying attention to the hair, do not forget to touch delicate skin on the neck of the archers - many representatives of this sign are also a very bright erogenous zone

Important: the skin of women born under the sign Sagittarius is extremely tender - she cannot tolerate the stiffness and sobbiness of the male bristles. For unforgettable sex, the smooth shaved skin of a partner will be of no small importance.

Back - erogenous zone
Back - erogenous zone

Erogenous zones in women in Capricorn

  • A crazy desire will reach a woman Capricorn if you caress the navel area on her body. With your language you can make her experience a frantic desire
  • Significant erogenous zones on the body of the Capricorn woman are her knees and popliteal cavities, back
  • The light touch of the fingertips to the treasured zones on the body of your partner can bring her into a state of euphoria. Fingers touches can be alternated with light, delicate kisses
  • Representatives of this sign can be driving crazy only with erotic massage. Covering the whole body with delicate massaging movements, you should not deprive the hips and buttocks of Capricorn with attention

Important: women born under the sign of Capricorn often do not share love and sex. Be careful with your partner, do not offend her - they either have sex with a loved one, or fall in love with the one with whom they have sex.

The navel of the girl
The navel of the girl

Erogenous zones in women of Aquarius

  • Woman Aquarius is excited very slowly. Her erogenous zones are scattered all over her body, sometimes she herself does not know where they are located
  • However, experienced experts distinguish some zones, the stimulation of which gives Aquarius a lot of pleasure - these are shin and ankles, the upper back, the elbow bend, where the skin is the most thin and delicate
  • The desire of Aquarius will strengthen the sliding movements of the fingertips, tender kisses. You can use silk, veil, etc. for caresses. - all that will be gentle, soft, unobtrusive

Important: representatives of this sign adore tenderness. They do not tolerate animal passion.

Beautiful legs of the girl
Beautiful legs of the girl

Erogenous zones in women of fish

  • Representatives of this sign do not particularly need long preliminary caresses, because These are already sensual nature. However, if you still decide to stimulate erogenous zones, then you run the risk of being in the center of the strongest hurricane of passion
  • The most sensual places on the body of a woman of a fish sign are her feet. It so happens that if a woman of this sign does not have the opportunity to obtain affection aimed at her feet, she herself may well let them in - start to touch her partner with her feet
  • Such actions will delight her, and she will no longer be able to stop, more and more revealing her potential. This is also explained by the fact that women of fish love to masturbate men with their feet
  • The most sensitive places of the representatives of this sign include the inner thighs, lower back, head and neck. For preliminary caresses in these areas, use delicate touch, stroking, kisses

Do not forget to kiss the women of this sign on the lips.

Important: preludes with fish should be long. Do not rush events, do not force fish - this is very important for representatives of this sign.

Foot massage
Foot massage

More details about erogenous zones on the woman’s body, regardless of the zodiac sign, as well as where to find them and how to handle them in the article Erogenous zones, points and places in women. The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women. The most erogenous zones and points in women

Find erogenous zones on your partner’s body, pay attention to them and then you will definitely be rewarded.

VIDEO: Sexual horoscope, erogenous zones according to the zodiac sign

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