Who to pray for marriage and happiness in the personal life of a daughter in Orthodoxy: the name of icons, saints. What saint to pray to the girl, a woman divorced to find a good husband? Prayers to successfully marry a good person, find a family, children: words

Who to pray for marriage and happiness in the personal life of a daughter in Orthodoxy: the name of icons, saints. What saint to pray to the girl, a woman divorced to find a good husband? Prayers to successfully marry a good person, find a family, children: words

The article offers you articles about marriage and happiness in the family, and also talks about what saints should pray.

What saint helps to get married - saints by name: List

Happiness in personal life is the desire of every person. With your requests and dreams, you can always turn to the saints, share your joy or pain with them, pray for a good future. You can not seek special prayer, just find simple, but accurate words.

You can pray such saints and icons:

  • Lord God.You can turn to him with any prayer with the requests for a personal life and a person gains his happiness in love, marriage, children, and family.
  • Mother of God. You can choose any icon that you can find. The famous icon “Inexplicable color” is relevant, from which you can ask for help in choosing a life partner. In another, which is called "tenderness", you can ask for a meeting with a good person. There is another image - the “Surdeg icon of the Mother of God” is perfect for praying for happiness in family and personal life, to gain a loved one.
  • Image of Peter and Fevronia of Murmsk. These two saints are considered defenders, patrons and inspirers of people for a happy marriage, a strong family, great love.
  • The image of the martyr Adrian and Natalia. These images are ideal in order to offer prayers to gain a loved one and a strong happy marriage. It is also believed that Adrian and Natalia can be asked for fidelity to the spouse.
  • The image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint can be offered prayers in any complex life situations, including if a person suffers from loneliness and cannot form his true love. Without a doubt, offer your prayers to Nikolai the Wonderworker, asking for happiness in his life, the life of loved ones and children.
  • The image of the Matrona of Moscow. It is known that this image can be offered prayers for the fidelity of the spouses, fortress and happiness of the family and even the forgiveness of treason.
  • The image of the great martyr Barbara. This saint is customary to offer prayers to find a husband and ask for blessings for happiness in personal life.
  • The image of St. Daniel of Moscow. This saint is customary not only about a happy marriage, but also about a cozy house.
  • The image of the great martyr Catherine. Since ancient times of this holy, young girls have offered prayers that they would come across a good and faithful groom.
  • The image of Blessed Ksenia Petersburg. This saint has long been customary to pray that faithful love was granted to the request.
  • The image of the holy martyr Tryphon. It is good to pray to this image with requests for a happy marriage.
Tips for prayers and requests for saints
Tips for prayers and requests for saints

To whom and how to pray to the mother for marriage and happiness in the personal life of her daughter: the name of the icons, saints

Every mother can and should pray to the holy images that her daughter’s personal life develops. You can do this at home in front of the icon, but it is best to go to church for services. Calling for the saints, be sure to thank them for the grace and all the good that you have, and then name the name of the daughter and ask for happiness for her: gaining real feeling, faithful and devoted love, concluding a happy marriage with childbearing.

What icons are suitable for these purposes:

Saints Peter and Fevronia Murmansk
Saints Peter and Fevronia Murmansk
Nikolai Wonderworker
Nikolai Wonderworker
Unlucky color
"Inexplicable color"
Paraskaeva Friday
Paraskeeva Friday
The image of Andrei Perevazov
The image of Andrew the First -Called
Icon: Matrona Moscow
Icon: Matrona Moscow

What saint to pray to the girl for love, marriage to create a family and give birth to children: the name of icons, saints

Young girls should pray for happiness in personal life to the patrons of love (images, icons and names listed above). However, the Virgin is considered the strongest intercessor of women. Prayers for her are very strong and powerful, he gives young girls self -confidence and help to gain truly faithful love.

Interesting: God's Mother helps women and girls also find a strong marriage with a faithful husband, and also helps to successfully endure and give birth to a healthy child.

The icon of the Virgin
The icon of the Virgin

What saint to pray an adult unmarried woman with a late marriage in order to successfully get married: the name of the icons, saints

In cases where a woman finds her beloved person quite late and gets married after 30 (and maybe even at 40, as well as 50 years), the prayer for well -being and personal happiness does not place happiness. Women who want to meet their “second half” also need to pray. To do this, choose an icon with the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov. It is considered a patron for people who find a late marriage.

Seraphim Sarovsky
Seraphim Sarovsky

Who and how to pray correctly for a second marriage to find a good husband and get married a second time?

The image of St. Tryphon is customary to pray for a second marriage and gaining happiness in marriage. You need to do this with a pure heart and soul, thanks to the second chance to find love and family.

The image of St. Trifan
The image of St. Tryphon

Who to read the akathist about marriage? Who to order a prayer service for marriage?

Akathist is a kind of church singing, which is usually offered with laudatory words and thanks.

Akathist can be sung with prayers for a happy marriage, mentioning and asking for help from all saints, as well as the Virgin.

Prayer for the marriage of the Virgin Mother

Prayers of the Virgin will certainly bring harmony to your life and help to achieve happiness in your personal life, find love and family.

What the icon helps:

  • Make a blessing for a wedding
  • Get rid of temptations
  • Make a marriage happiness
  • Find peace of mind
  • Have a happy

What are the icon praying about:

  • Do not make a mistake in choosing a loved one
  • Find the right life
  • Be an example and inspire your children on true faith and love in the family.

How to ask the Guardian Angel for Marriage: Words of Prayer

The guardian angel, which is present in every believer, can not only protect against diseases and evil, but also attract grace.


How to ask Matron for marriage: Words of prayer

Prayer to Mother Matron Moscow will help anyone asking for happiness and achieve what is desired.


How to ask the Lord God, Jesus Christ for marriage: Words of prayer

The Lord God is the highest power that directs a person to good deeds and helps him to overcome different life difficulties. Turning to him with your requests for a happy marriage, you can find God's grace and blessing for marriage.

The icon of the Lord of the reflector of Jesus Christ
The icon of the Lord of the reflector of Jesus Christ

How to ask Ksenia Blessed Petersburg about marriage: Words of prayer

Ksenia prayers of Blessed will help you meet your “second soul mate” and find a happy, long and loyal marriage with her.

Prayer for marriage and good luck
Prayer for marriage and good luck

How to ask Peter and Fevronia for marriage: Words of prayer

These saints are considered the guardians of faithful marriage and true love, therefore, the petition for a family, a loved one and prayers to Peter and Fevronia will be very relevant.

Prayer for marriage
Prayer for marriage

How to ask Andrei the First -Called for Marriage: Words of Prayer

To St. Andrew the First -Called, those who seek forces and blessings on the path of gaining true love in marriage are not rarely appealed with prayers.

Prayer for marriage
Prayer for marriage

How to ask Nicholas the Miracle Worker for marriage: Words of prayer

Nikolai the Wonderworker will help to meet true, only and pure love at any age. Pray to this image with your requests and you can definitely gain family happiness.

Two prayers
Two prayers

How to ask the Kazan Mother of God for marriage: Words of prayer

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered strong enough and it helps lonely asking people to meet a person who can share happiness with you in marriage.


Video: "Prayers for happy marriage and family"

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