How to determine the erogenous zones of a man by the zodiac sign? The location of the erogenous zones according to the horoscope

How to determine the erogenous zones of a man by the zodiac sign? The location of the erogenous zones according to the horoscope

The erogenous zone is a body sensitive to caresses. Knowing male erogenous points, you can easily achieve vivid sexual sensations and win the attention of the opposite sex.

How to find out where the man has erogenous zones according to the horoscope?

The erogenous zone is a plot located on the skin. Lasks in this zone on the body cause sexual arousal and, in some cases, even an orgasm.

Knowing certain erogenous zones will help partners achieve sensuality in sexual relations, give each other a lot of pleasure and attract to themselves. Women need to know the location of erogenous zones in their men.

This will help to achieve vivid sensations during sex. In addition, every man will appreciate attention from such a party, since the strong half of humanity is not so stingy with romance and sensuality.

Men's erogenous zones
men's erogenous zones

It is generally accepted that, depending on the signs of the zodiac, the location of erogenous zones in men vary. Therefore, you need to know exactly where the sensory points that need to be caressed are.

It is safe to say that mostly the man has the same places as a woman. But all people are very individual, which means the zones too.

Video: “Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones "

Why do we need stimulation of male erogenous zones?

Stimulation of male erogenous zones gives special sensations and sometimes even delight. It is always necessary to pay attention to the main erogenous points, so to speak universal: ears, neck, nape, lower back, stomach. Knowing and special “towns” can be pleased with the partner with unforgettable experiences and diversify the usual sexual life.

Stimulating erogenous zones gives bright sexy feelings
stimulating erogenous zones gives bright sexy feelings

After you completely study the erogenous map of sensitive areas, you need to understand for yourself that there are different ways of stimulating them. This knowledge will help to distinguish ordinary tickling from real pleasure. If you caress a man correctly, you can bring him to the highest degree of bliss.

Ways to stimulate erogenous zones:

  • delicate touch of fingers, very soft, light and barely tangible
  • scratching with nails of sensitive areas, female manicure is able to cause the most delicate and sharp experiences
  • touching the lips can be completely different: dry kisses, stroking lips, wet kisses, smacking and even suction
  • language touches soft, hard, massage, circular movements and tickling with the tip
  • touching the erogenous zones of female breast causes unforgettable sensations in the opposite sex
  • touching female feet are completely indifferent, so incredibly exciting, it all depends on individual preferences
  • light blows are hot and cold to the erogenous zone cause excitement
  • additional tools: feather, massage oil, whipped cream, a piece of ice everything in order to completely explore the body of a loved one

Video: “Erogenous zones. Map of pleasure "

Where are the erogenous zones in men according to the zodiac sign?

The map of the arrangement of erogenous zones in men in accordance with the signs of the zodiac is completely diverse. The character and lifestyle of a man affect the location of sensitive points.

If compared with women, then, unlike them, men in men are not so globally and concentrated with “bunches” in different places.

Men's erogenous zones are not as global as female
men's erogenous zones are not as “global” as female

The most common sensitive areas are:

  • ears: lobes, shells, area behind the ear
  • eyes: eyelids, eyebrows, touching eyelashes
  • mouth: corners of the mouth, lips, nasolabial partition
  • neck: back of the back, back neck, collarbone
  • hands: sub -flax fold, fingers, fingertips
  • legs: Podged cup, feet, areas between the fingers
  • area of \u200b\u200bgenitals, buttocks, sacrum
  • chest, nipples, stomach, back

What are the most erogenous zones in men of Libra?

The most sensitive zones in men-wangers are the gluteal muscles and the sacrum area. The very first signs of attention can be given in any environment with gentle touches to the lower back. In more intimate meetings, try to rinse the naked buttocks of the partner with your palms in circular movements. This will give the strongest stimulation and excitement.

Since the sacrum of the scales is very sensitive, unusually bright feelings will be breast massage. Tender touches by nipples of the female breast to the lower back and back will arouse a partner and give affection. If you like a thrill, try to send a buttock partner during intercourse.

Erogenous zones in a man Libra
erogenous zones in a man Libra

Erogenous zones in men of twins, how to influence them?

Twin men are very sensitive to touching their upper limbs. The most susceptible are brushes, fingers and forearms. This zodiac sign likes to stroking and kissing the hands. Particular vivid impressions are given by the bite and suction of followers.

Kiss your partner in the opposite direction of the forearm, draw a thin moist line from the brush to the forearm with your tongue and continue the path to the axillary region. Such caresses cause a storm of delight.

Erogenous zones of twins
erogenous zones of twins

The most sensitive erogenous zones in men of lions

We can safely say that Lviv’s back is the most sensitive place. Incredibly pleasant and funny will be affection in the bathroom, where you can caress the lion with a washcloth from the neck to the very lower back. If you moved to more “cramped” caresses, then the lion will be relevant on the back or sometimes even the thrill of sharp nails into the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades and buttocks.

Try to play with a lion feather, ask the man to relax and tickle his body with a feather or brush. You can touch the skin of the lion with the ends of the eyelashes, it is very gentle and sensual. It is not rare to notice that the sensitive back blushes is a sign of excitement.

Erogenous zones in Lviv
erogenous zones in Lviv

The most common erogenous zones in men of Aries

  • Strong, purposeful and sometimes stubborn Aries have many erogenous zones. Basically, all the sensual points of this sign are in the head area. Erogenous points capture the face from Aries. Therefore, women need to know that regular stroking, touching, kisses and tickling of the head will give the partner affection and pleasure
  • Try not to touch the face with strong massage movements: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. As often as possible, stroke Aries on the head, start your fingers in his hair or just comb. Try to massage the most energy areas: crown, back of the head and whiskey. If you just spend your fingers on the cheek to the temples, any Aries will regard this as sexual sympathy
  • With Aries, you can not be shy of biting, so practice not strong snacking of earlobes, lips. Just do not overdo it with pressure from your teeth, since any affection can develop into pain. Kisses with Aries should be very sensual. Pass your fingers along the lip line: from the corner to the corner and see how much Aries will like it. Kissing Aries on the lips, take his fingertips by his chin with his fingertips
Erogenous zones of Aries
erogenous zones of Aries

Erogenous zones in men of virgins, how to influence them?

Male virgins are extremely susceptible to caresses on the stomach and chest. Therefore, take a lot of time to have time to heal every centimeter of his body. In addition to the chest and abdomen, the groin area is incredibly sensitive. Therefore, touching the fingers and lips of the bottom of the abdomen, the inside of the hips and genitals - the highest degree of pleasure.

In addition, Virgo adore cleanliness. Erotic games with a man-girl in the shower will be incredibly pleasant. Try to influence sensitive places with a stream of water from the shower, rub your stomach, chest, hips, groin with a sponge. Huge excitement will give Virgo a massage of the abdomen with a tongue in circular movements.

Erogenous zones at the girl
erogenous zones at the girl

Erogenous zones in men of Taurus, stimulation of sensitive areas

Taurus have a sensitive neck. This part of the body is almost always open, which means it can be acted almost always. Effective will be:

  • delicate strokeing the pillows of the back of the head
  • tickling of the occipital part and hair movements
  • kisses in the back and side of the neck
  • caressing the region behind the ear

Try to help a man Taurus tie a tie and, as if not deliberately caress his neck and throat. The adolescence and blowing in the same area will be tender and sensual.

Erogenous zones in Taurus
erogenous zones in Taurus

Erogenous zones in men of crayfish, ways to stimulate them

  • The most sensitive place of crayfish is the mouth. Crayfish men are incredibly fond of passionate long kiss, in which they participate not only about the lips. Such kisses must have contacts and penetration of languages \u200b\u200band not rarely even teeth
  • But they are no less susceptible to caresses on their chests. Therefore, you should not forget to caress the nipples, the upper abdomen and clavicle
  • Women are recommended to caress the breasts of cancer during intercourse, you can stroke with your fingers, touch the nipples and tips of the hair. Such stimulation will not leave him indifferent and show him a confident good lover
Erogenic cancer zones
erogenic cancer zones

How to caress erogenous zones in men of scorpions?

Scorpio is a strong and confident zodiac sign. The most sensitive place of Scorpio is genitals. You can touch them anything: with your hands, feather, clothes, sex toys-in any case, the effect of such caresses will be exciting.

This sensitivity does not disappear even if you touch the body through clothes. The most striking experiences give affection for the genitalian language. If a man to give Scorpio to give such an affection regularly, then we can say with confidence that he will be completely in your hands.

The erogenous zones of Scorpio
the erogenous zones of Scorpio

How to caress the erogenous zone in men of Aquarius?

No matter how surprising, the erogenous zones of Aquarius are legs. You can caress them everywhere! Try to give your man sensual massage in which he will touch the fingers and caviar to your intimate parts of the body - the effect of this will be strong and exciting.

Aquarians are sensitive only to delicate and pleasant caresses, so caressing caviar, hips and ankles do not forget that your touches should be barely tangible. Try to play with Aquarius in the game "Erotic bones". Such cubes can be bought at any sex store. Allow yourself and your partner to touch any parts of the skin with absolutely any parts of the body.

Erogenous zones of Aquarius
erogenous zones of Aquarius

Erogenous zones in men of fish and their stimulation

Fish have sensitive feet. Give your man a massage after a relaxing bath or play with him right there. Let his feet touch the most intimate parts of your body. After the bath, you can caress the feet and toes of the feet of the male fish with a feather or a brush.

Sperisling the legs in the bathroom makes the feet more sensitive. If you do not disdain, lick the areas between the fingers of the tongue and tickle the rise of the foot. Touching the feet to the genitals can give not only excitement to a man, but also an orgasm.

Erogenous zones of fish
erogenous zones of fish

What are the erogenous zones in men of Capricorns?

Capricorn men love lush female breasts very much. It is incredibly pleased when a woman touches with excited nipples of the face, neck, abdomen, back and genitals. A delicate kiss in the navel and caresses under the knee and elbow cups also gives strong stimulation.

Capricorn’s man will arouse a massage of the back, especially if you do it in a naked state. Stroke your back and touch the tongue of the shoulder zone. In circular movements, massage the inner and outer side of the thigh.

Erogenous zones of Capricorn
erogenous zones of Capricorn

Erogenous zones of archers and their stimulation

Sagittarius is sensitive to touches in the hips and buttocks. Regular stroking all sides of the hips will allow the Sagittarius to the male to experience strong excitement. In addition, you can strongly excite a man of Sagittarius by holding his genitals with his hips.

Sagittarius are quite relaxed and therefore do not hesitate to show their sexual fantasies. Great pleasure will give rubbing the whole body of Sagittarius and subsequent sexual intercourse. Treat the palms of Sagittarius's shoulders, hug him with your feet - this will allow him to start and show himself “from the best side”.

Erogenous zones of archers
erogenous zones of archers

Video: “Secrets of sex. Erogenous zones on the body of a man "

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