Anatomy of the female genital organs: structure, functions and location of internal and external female genital organs, scheme in the context of

Anatomy of the female genital organs: structure, functions and location of internal and external female genital organs, scheme in the context of

The article describes the basic functions of the female genital organs, and their classification is also given, depending on the size, type and physiological characteristics.

The location of the female genitalia remains unchanged throughout life, but their structure and functionality are associated with age -related changes in the body.

The location of the female genital organs

The female genitals are located in the middle of the pelvic wasteland - the large space between the bones of the pelvis. This space, unlike male, in women is more wide and low, which allows the uterus to increase during pregnancy, when the fetus grows.

The location of the female genital organs
The location of the female genital organs

External female genital organs

In a scientific external female genitals are called vulvaconsisting of the vestibule of the vagina, pubic (hill of Venus), labia, output of the channel of urination, virgin rods and the holes of the vagina itself.

Pubis - A very important part of female genitals, although most authors of thick tolmuts in gynecology give him only a few lines.

Bugor of Venus or Aphrodite can be called as you like, it all depends on which mythology of which country is preferred: Greece or Rome. One thing is important - both of them were considered in the ancient states the goddesses, the patronesses of love and fertility.

Lobok - laying of fat on the pubic bone, performing in tandem with it the protective function of the internal genital organs and, when a woman expects a child, a fetus at an early stage of development.

During puberty, the female representatives on the pubis begin to grow hair indicating an increase in male hormone in their body.

Important: the older the woman, the hairline on the pubis is thicker, so experts offer beautiful ladies not to shave their hair and do not carry out painful depilation procedures, but to do intimacy, which is a safe, fashionable and sexy option for solving the problem.

Large labia - 2 skin folds located below the pubic zone and having a thick fat layer. In most women, they are painted in pink-raspberry color, but there are dark options.

Small labia - 2 folds between large lips. Very sensitive due to the location of the nerve endings on them.

Clitoris, In its structure, reminiscent of male dignity in miniature is located behind the front connection of the labia label. It is an accumulation of nerve endings, therefore it is very sensitive during sexual intimacy. The size of the clitoris does not depend on sexual experience or orientation - what nature awarded, this will be: neither more nor less.

The location of external and internal female genital organs
The location of external and internal female genital organs

UrethraLocated down from the clitoris, differs from the male: it is much shorter and wider, therefore it is more accessible to the spread of various infections and bacteria, which thus can move up the woman's genitourinary system.

Between the external and internal genital organs is hymen - The mucous membrane of the thickness of half a million to two. It is not solid, but contains small holes so that menstrual blood and mucus can freely flow out.

The vaginal - It is located in the interval from the labia and to the entrance directly to the vagina itself. Its constant humidity is due to the characteristics of the secretion of the glands.

External female genital organs
External female genital organs

Internal female genital organs

Consist of:

  • vagina, 12 cm long, which has the shape of a pipe or cylinder. The structure of the vagina is elastic, muscle. The vagina has a connection with the neck on top. The result of this connection is 4 sets: one of which is located in front, the second from behind and two remaining on the sides. The thickness of the walls is 0.4 cm, and they themselves consist of three layers: internal, external and medium, located between them
  • lung uterus, in size close to the size of a fist, consisting of a neck, isthmus and body. A cervical canal passes through the neck, in which there is a so -called cork. It consists of mucus with bactericidal properties. This is a very important point, because it is this mucus that protects the uterus from the penetration of infection. The walls of the uterus also have three layers: interiorconsisting of basal and functional layers, medium and outer
  • phallopium pipes
  • ovary - paired organs, sizes 3*2*1 cm
  • ligament of the uterus
  • ovary
Internal female genital organs
Internal female genital organs

Feminths of the female ovarian

The ovaries serve as producers of progesterone and estrogen necessary for the operation of the reproductive system, and also allow eggs to grow and develop.

Ovaries are necessary for the maturation of eggs
Ovaries are necessary for the maturation of eggs

Eggs ripen in follicles, which each ovary contains from 200 to 400 thousand.

Functions of the female genital organ of the phallopium pipes

Fall pipes serve to pass the egg into the uterus. Their length is about 10 cm. The movement of the eggs occurs due to the constant contractions of the pipes and the movements of the cilia inside them.

Functions of the female genital body of the uterus

The function of the uterus is the bearing of the fetus.

Menstrual blood comes out through the cervix. It also serves the "entrance gate" for sperm.

The inner mucous layer of the uterus is the endometrium, promotes the attachment of the egg to the wall after successful fertilization.

The function of the female genital organ of the uterus - bearing a child
The function of the female genital organ of the uterus - bearing a child

Functions of the female genital body of the vagina

The main functions of the vagina:

  • participation in fertilization (is an intermediate “reservoir” for spermatozoa heading for the uterus)
  • the formation of the path along which the child will move during childbirth
  • excretion from the uterus of various discharge

When the female body is ready to bear the child, the inner layer of the vaginal wall forms many transverse folds that disappear after childbirth.

The layer located in the middle is characterized by good extensibility. This function allows the female body to respond painlessly to the growth of the fetus.

The inner layer has a pink shade in the usual state and turns blue when pregnancy occurs.

The outer layer has a connection with other nearby organs.

Functions of the female genital organ of clitoris

The clitoris has only one function and it consists in the concentration and accumulation of organistic sensations and their release at a certain moment.

In many women, this organ is the main, most sensitive, erogenous zone. The excitation of the clitoris is accompanied by the release of lubrication, which facilitates movements and delivers even more pleasant sensations to partners during intercourse.

Functions of the female genital organ of virgin rods

The virgin playing is evidence of the girl’s innocence. However, its main purpose is the fencing of the internal environment of the genitals from infections and harmful microorganisms that may penetrate from the outside.

By the time when defloration occurs, there is no need for virgin plea - the girl’s body matures and learns to protect herself on its own.


Functions of the female penis of small and large labia

Large and small labia belong to the external genitals of a woman and have several important functions:

  • provide sexual sensitivity
  • participate in the formation of organist sensations
  • are the last obstacle, a kind of gate through which a child should go through during childbirth

Large labia, like pubis, is covered with hair. Girls in all ways during their lives try to get rid of this rudiment. However, they do it in vain, since nature has not just placed them there and endowed them with certain powers:

  • protect the delicate skin of the pubic from small injuries, abrasions
  • block the path to small foreign bodies into the vagina
  • perform the function of attracting representatives of the opposite sex, concentrating and enhancing the smell of a special secret that causes sexual attraction
  • do not let the discharge from the vagina spread beyond the body
  • enhance women's libido during sexual contact

Scheme in the context of a healthy female genital organ

Scheme of the female genital organ in the context
Scheme of the female genital organ in the context

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