How to excite a guy quickly? How to excite a guy on SMS, kiss, words, video, correspondence?

How to excite a guy quickly? How to excite a guy on SMS, kiss, words, video, correspondence?

Seduction is an art that every woman owns. Such secrets as sexy linen, passionate kisses and gentle touches are able to excite a guy. The secrets of the most skillful seduction are described in this article.

What excites the guys most?

Of course, every girl has her own approaches to seduction of the guy. Some methods finally drive men crazy without the opportunity to come to their senses. However, how many men exist in the world, so many various approaches to them. They excite guys in various ways:

  • clothes
  • behavior
  • words
  • gestures
  • look
  • tender touches
a couple in bed

First of all, it is worthwhile to understand for themselves that women love with their ears, and men - with their eyes. Therefore, they receive all the main impressions precisely thanks to their vision. The guys are crazy for rounded female forms, sexual linen and femininity.

Important: how you look - solves everything! Therefore, each girl should take care of herself properly, have a neat wardrobe, properly selected accessories and makeup.

Visual sexual stimulation is that which is in the first place for men. Modern women's linen can do the consciousness of a strong half so much that it can bring excitement to an extreme stage.

By the way, flannel shapeless nights have long sunk into oblivion and stopped intriguing men. Therefore, if for your purposes to “get it”, leave the good old night shirt under the pillow.

modern women's linen

Only an attractive woman will be able to excite a man and the matter is not in parameters, your age or status. Beauty is a fairly stretched concept. An attractive woman looks with a tempting look, smiles seductively and flirts with all the parts of the body:

  • blinks eyelashes
  • wags hips
  • plays with curls
  • corrects stockings
  • smells delicious
  • wears lace
  • it has the perfect manicure

In addition, what others see you, the meaning has how you feel. She is confident in her beauty, a woman multiplies the chances of seduction ten times. Therefore, you must do everything in order to like yourself.

Video: "What excites a man in a woman?"

How to excite a guy? What attracts guys?

There are several main ways to excite a man. As practice shows, they are all effective, since men are similar in tastes among themselves. The secrets of the temptation are very simple and for this you absolutely do not need to be a seducer of the eighties level. Observing general recommendations, you will easily succeed in seducing any guy.

Most often, men are subject to such female subtleties as:

  • subtle sexual aroma of perfume with sweet notes
  • moderate, but seductive makeup with long eyelashes, smooth skin and bright lips
  • modest, but discovering all the advantages of clothes
  • female speech, gentle sweet words, and even the timbre of the voice
makeup attracts men
  • If it speaks from aromas, then of course, the most attractive is the aroma of a pure female body and hair. You can supplement it with a thin note of spirits. Try to choose well -known brands of perfume manufacturers
  • Moreover, it is not necessary to buy a huge bottle and spend a lot of money on it. A small jar of saturated toilet water will leave exactly that drop of a pleasant smell that will cause goosebumps and men
  • When choosing makeup, try to adhere to the rule -“do not fad”. No matter how funny it seemed, but modern girls have absolutely no sense of proportion and try to apply everything that is in the cosmetic bag on their face at the same time. The secret seduction of the guy is clean healthy skin, long eyelashes and moisturized lips
seductive makeup

Important: as for the style, it is best to choose modest costumes, dresses and everyday clothes.

How to excite a guy with video, seduction advice

  • In some cases, a man can be tried to excite with a video. It can be either a randomly left, or a filled clip with your own
  • The secret of the success of this video is that he involves the same way of visual seduction. Sending a man of an intimate nature to a man, you warm up the desire for sexual contact in him
  • By the way, men are ardent fans of such clips. If you regularly heat his imagination, you can achieve impressive results
  • Photos and videos on which your sexual shapes, lace of linen, heels and bright lips creep deep into his thoughts and accompany him throughout the day

Video: “Sexy linen. Seduction of a man "

How to excite a guy with a touch?

The skin is the largest organ of a person, it is sensitive to touches and touch. In addition, each person has his own erogenous zones, acting on which you can achieve strong excitement. Of course, male skin is not as sensitive as female, but nevertheless it is susceptible.

Important: touching the female hand should be very soft and light. How many seconds the touch will last and what his character will be will solve your situation.

seductive touch
  • It turns out that you can play male skin as a musical instrument and the effect of this can surpass all your expectations. The simplest touch is a regular kiss
  • It can be very sensual and passionate and can say a lot about your intentions. Try to kiss a man with a special desire, put a secret meaning on the lips and not say a word
  • Another case when you touch the male skin not only with your lips, but also with a tongue. This awakens the most secret desires in a man and fuels fantasy. If you know that your goal is a fairly passionate personality, you can afford to bit his skin slightly

Turning to the main question “Where to kiss?”, It can be noted that this is a purely individual matter, but the zones are most often effective:

  • ear and behind the ear
  • neck and collarbone
  • occipital part
  • chin
tapping to erogenous zones

And of course, touches with intimate parts of the body. What man can resist not a deliberate touch of breasts or hips? This is more than an eloquent gesture hinting at piquant circumstances.

If you have long crossed the boundaries of constraint, then you need to know that the most sensitive men's places are:

  • the lower part of the chest
  • stomach
  • the inner side of the hips
  • buttocks

Video: "How to excite a man with touch?"

How to excite a guy with a kiss? The secrets of a passionate kiss

  • The lips and tongue are extremely sensitive, so in order to achieve seduction, the tips on mastering the art of passionate and hot kiss will not be superfluous. Male ear shells are not indifferent to female lips
  • You can achieve excitement with only a touch of hot lips and a thin whisper. A tender word can enhance the effect of a kiss and lead to decisive action
  • Your movements will be able to show your passion and power during a kiss. Try to take the guy’s head in the palm of your hand, grab him by the back of the head or put your fingers into your hair. Similar gestures can start passionate men from the half -turn. Feel free to show imagination. There will also be pleasant touches of the chin and tender stroking the neck
a passionate kiss

It is not rare to make men's tender stroking their breasts during a kiss. Do not carry out a complete “feeling”, just run warm palms under the T -shirt and touch the men's torso.

If you continue the path of your palms and lower them into the abdomen - multiply the chances of complete seduction, this is the most sensitive erogenous zone of the man. In a more intimate environment, do not hesitate to iron a man on the lower back and buttocks during a kiss.

Video: “How to seduce a guy with a kiss? Video lesson "

How to excite a guy in bed? Secrets of seduction

If your seduction has reached the “bed scenes”, then tips will not be superfluous to make the temptation correct and pleasant:

  • Intimate massage -the surest way to get the desired guy. You can start it with a completely innocent stroking of the shoulders, and end with touches of bare chest and other intimate places. None of the men are able to resist such affection
  • Hard games -Invite the guy to play the game in which he will have to guess the parts of the body with which you touch him. This game should take place in complete darkness, or a man needs to blindfold
  • Striptease -old as the world, a way to tempt a guy in bed, near bed and even under the bed. You can start with a simple stroking of the body dressed in sexy linen, and finish with intimate dance on the knees
seduction in bed

How to excite a guy by phone, SMS?

  • Even a couple of words in a telephone conversation or SMS can warm up the stormy imagination of the guys and “charge” them with the desire to spend their desire to spend a stormy long night with you. Men always think about sex. Is always
  • Every day they represent a certain amount of time or recall scenes of an intimate nature. Therefore, your message will be able to direct his thoughts in the “right direction” and make him dream of you
  • You can start with a simple but effective phrase "I want you"It is simple, but it means a lot for men. First of all, if a woman tells a man about her desire, this means that she crosses a certain threshold of her own bashfulness. If she was able to do this in verbal form, then it is quite possible that when the time of sex comes, she will not be shy
seduction by phone

Try to throw the phrase "Do you mind having sex?"as if it is something ordinary that can be done at any moment. A woman’s calm attitude to intimate relationships excites and warms men. The phrase will be even stronger: “I love sex. Can you help me?".

Of course, the man "can." If you talk on the phone, notice by phone, by the phone that you are without linen or that you have a minimum amount of clothes. Men are still those dreamers and will be able to represent you every minute, counting the time before meeting.

Video: "How to excite a guy with SMS?"

Phrases exciting guys. How to arouse the guy with words?

Words have special power if they are pronounced sincerely and with a spark in the eyes. Try to be frank with a man and speak with him openly on intimate topics. Moreover, passionate lovers are terribly starting that they listen to the sexual fantasies of their women.

Any guy, as a current, is the words in which you describe the desires of your body. Not a single man can stand in front of the phrases “excited breasts”, “nipples swell” or “I'm already wet”. Try to change the timbre to a little childish and innocent voice and then any guy will be at your feet.

sexual desires manage men

Secrets of seduction. How to excite a guy by correspondence?

  • The right way to start a man by correspondence is to arrange virtual sex. He can begin with an innocent question "What is on you now?"
  • Every guy will smile a little and with a great desire to enter into a passionate game. Starting a sex correspondence, do not forget to describe the smallest details so that the situation seems to be the most believable and natural
  • Do not forget to warm the man with the words “I want you” or “I want only you”, “I want to feel you.” These words will allow him to lose reality and make sure that he really means a lot to you
virtual seduction

How to understand that the guy is excited?

  • Men are simple like children and they are very easy to read. If he likes a girl, he will never hide his sympathy and regularly look for contact with her. If he is cold, then the woman is not interesting to him
  • You can understand about the initiation of a guy by the words that he addresses you, namely: baby, pussy, mouse, my girl, sexy, baby
  • If a man is interested in your appearance in the conversation by phone and in correspondence, he clearly wants to visualize your image and fantasize about you sexually. Heat his dreams and “add” the heat to the maximum. This will bring you success in relationships and high -quality sexual life

Ways to excite a guy, what do men “start” from?

Men are easily amenable to female manipulations. If a woman tries to excite a guy, then most likely she will succeed. The fact is that doing this is not at all difficult - men always want sex. Correctly selected words, gestures and knowledge erogenous zones Improves the quality of your signs of attention and makes seduction professional.

Do not be too lazy to create a beautiful style of your image, look after yourself: makeup, hairstyle, sexual linen and lack of extra hairs on the body. These are simple secrets of skillful seduction, which have been checked for years and are still effective.

seduction of a man

How to excite a guy: tips and reviews

In the struggle for the desired man, remember that the success of your seduction depends only on your self -confidence and the desire to get the “main prize”. Look and feel like a beautiful woman with superiority among others. The dominant women have always attracted men because, unlike the modest, they are liberated in sex and always worry about the sensory side of the relationship.

Do not lose your femininity: change sneakers to shoes, jeans to stockings, and a everyday T -shirt on the dress. Draw a sufficient amount of your beauty and rest.

Video: “How to excite a guy? Secrets of sophisticated women "

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