Cooney - how to do it right? How to do cunnilingus to a woman, girl, virgin?

Cooney - how to do it right? How to do cunnilingus to a woman, girl, virgin?

Once, sexologists conducted a hundred -caps to find out how many women love and want their partners to give them pleasure orally, that is, they make cunnilingus. It turned out about 70%. Experts say that the results of this study cannot be reliable, since there are such representatives of the fair sex who simply hesitated to voice their desire. In reality, a girl, who with passion and, very importantly, technically satisfied with the help of lips and tongue, is unlikely to refuse to repeat such experience. Kunnilingus, like a blowjob, is a great way to diversify a sexual life with which it is a sin to experiment.

How to do cunnilingus to a girl, woman?

Cunnilingus is a type of oral sex in which the female external genital organs are stimulated with the tongue and lips. The word has Latin origin and literally translates as “woman’s genitals” (cunnus) and “lingo” (lingo).

Cunnilingus is called female blowjob.
Cunnilingus is called "female blowjob."

Cooney technique is far from limited to “licking”, it also includes:

  • kisses on the labia, vulva, clitoris
  • stimulation of the clitoris with sucking
  • hand stimulation
  • bite
  • usage sexy toys

It would seem that in bed between partners everything should happen on a hunch. But the lack of elementary knowledge about the structure of the woman’s reproductive system and the technique of oral stimulation can lead a man into trouble. Cunnilingus will not give a partner the desired pleasure or, worse, will cause discomfort or seem comical.

Important: Before you start a cooney, a man needs to inquire in technical matters

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the undoubted advantages of this type of sex.

  1. The first and perhaps the most important is pleasure, delivered to the woman. It is known that female orgasm is vaginal and clitoral. To regret, not everyone is capable of the first. Correct oral stimulation will surely provide a woman with a mass of bright, incomparable sensations
  2. No less important that pleasuredelivered to the woman through cunnilingus, almost disinterested. With oral caresses, a man can express his desire to make her well and pleasant, not expecting actions from her in response. Well, practically not expecting
  3. It turns out that Cooney is a great way Unobtrusively to persuade the girl to provide oral affection in response, that is, make a blowjob. After a bright orgasm, she will definitely want something like that to feel her partner. He will not have to ask or even hint
  4. Cooney can always be continued by any other type of sex. It is an excellent element preludes
Cunnilingus is a proven way to persuade the girl to make a blowjob.
Cunnilingus is a proven way to persuade the girl to make a blowjob.

Important: if the partners have a mutual sexual desire, you can make a cunnilingus girl without any words. But sometimes it happens that a wonderful floor refuses such pleasure because feelings of shame. The girls admitted that they were concerned about natural discharge and smell, not a very neat intimate hairstyle. A joint trip to the shower will help get rid of such barriers

An obstacle to a good cooney is also the vegetation on the face of a man. In recent years, the beard has again become an attribute of masculinity and sexuality. But during the oral simulation of a woman, she, as it is not difficult to guess, can tickle. It is clear that no one will shave off the sleek beard, but a man needs to try to stick his tongue as far as possible. Things are even worse with bristles - women complain that she inhibits and even causes irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs. Before proceeding with the "work", a man needs to shave.

It is also important to understand a few important points:

  1. No need to rush with the Cooney! Despite the potential great pleasure, the girl is likely to protest if a man from a hoot-hoot climbs her panties. As before other types of sex, before the oral should be prelude. Kisses and caresses at least 5 minutes should be removed
  2. You can’t do cunnilingus for dry. The prelude mentioned above is precisely designed to stimulate lubrication. The man must constantly moisturize the tongue saliva
  3. Cooney should not be too intense. You can not pounce on the genitals of the girl, as with hunger. Tenderness, gradual, relaxed language, slow pace - these are the key components, thanks to which it will be possible to bring the partner to the brightest orgasm
  4. During oral stimulation, a woman can lie, sit, stand. If it lies, for convenience it is better to put a flat pillow under her buttocks. Enchanting sensations to both partners are delivered by mutual oral sex in the "69" pose

Important: since cunnilingus is a type of sex, you need to remember about sexual infectionswhich are transmitted through oral caresses. These are syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, other diseases

How to learn how to do cunnilingus?

Cooney will help to learn to do awareness in some of its techniques. Some of them boil down to the stimulation of the clitoris, others - vulva and labia, others are combined.

There are a large number of cunnilingus techniques.
There are a large number of cunnilingus techniques.
  1. "Flinking moth." Obviously, the language of a man acts in the role of Motyl. It should be completely relaxed, but at the same time “flutter” - to carry out fast, light, vibrating movements. At first, the effect is on the labia labia of a woman, then on small ones, then on the clitoris. At some point, the “moth” again returns to the labia lips and repeats its “flight”
  2. "Language from jelly." This technique has two distinctive features. Firstly, it implies caresses of only the labia, but not the clitoris. Secondly, the language of a man should be completely relaxed, not twisted into a tube, but a flattened spatula. He moves along the genitals of a woman, as if teasing, then approaching the clitoris, then again moving away from him. This technique is performed at one slow pace
  3. "Latin." The language of a man, as it were, dances in the rhythm of Latin American dance. In order not to stray, you can turn on the appropriate music. Everything will happen quickly and easily, especially if a man in the past took dancing lessons
  4. "Pendulum". With this technique, you should start a man who first tries to satisfy the partner with the tongue and lips. All he needs is to make progressive movements back and forth and right-and-right. With the pace of the pendulum, you can experiment, but not when a woman is close to orgasm. Also, starting with the "pendulum", it is good to continue Cooney by other techniques
  5. "Women's blowjob." A great way to hint to the woman about what it would be nice to get from her response oral affection. The technique consists in sucking the clitoris. It seems that nothing complicated. But! No need to overdo it so that the voluptuous sensations are not transformed into pain

VIDEO: The best cunnilingus technique

Learning video how to make cunnilingus

No need to think that you can learn how to make cunnilingus by porn films. It is better to look at YouTube thematic videos, for example, like this:

How to do cunnilingus: instructions in pictures

Pictures with the postures and techniques of cunnilingus.

Poses for cunnilingus.
Poses for cunnilingus.
Oral sex techniques.
Oral sex techniques. Guiding movements.

Some of them are comic, for example, such:

Comics about the correct cunnilingus.
Cunnilingus instructions.
To make Cooney correctly, you need to study the theory.
And get acquainted with the structure of the female genital organs.
And for Cooney you need a prelude.
The main tool of cunnilingus is a language.
Various Kuni techniques.
In oral sex, gradualness and tenderness are important.
And a little more about the technique.
Hands should also work.

How to make cunnilingus a virgin?

Initially, virginity had two components - physical and psychological. Today, the psychological part is partially lost. By virginity is increasingly mean integrity virgin rods, and not the feeling of a girl who has never been to a man.
Accordingly, only traditional vaginal sex is excluded, while the girl does not deny herself the pleasure of petting and oral sex.


  1. If we mean spiritual purity by virginity, then there can be no talk of any cunniling
  2. If we mean by virginity the presence of an untouched virgin rods, cunnilingus can be done as accurately as a woman living sexual life. Only a few caresses should be excluded with the tongue and hands that can damage the pleura

VIDEO: Kuni at the virgin

How to make cunnilingus wife: tips

The answer to this question seems simple, because the wife is the same woman as everyone else. Cooney described above should act on it. But! Unfortunately, life, clarification of relations, other life problems often adversely affect sexual relations between spouses.

The formula is simple: More problems - less sex, including oral. The wife burdened with chores can perceive her husband’s desire to make her cunnilingus.

To discharge the situation will help the following:

  1. So that Zhenya wants oral sex, you need to configure it morally. At least unload from part of household chores, arrange romantic dinner, give a gift
  2. You need to start with a prelude - Kiss, hugs, chest caresses, other. You can gently kiss your wife’s stomach and hips, tease it, and then smoothly move to the most intimate zone. Installed, she is unlikely to refuse to continue
  3. During cunnilingus, hands should not be inactive. They can caress the chest, stomach, inner surface of the wife's hips
  4. You can combine cunnilingus With manual stimulation of point g
  5. If the wife does not mind, you can diversify the oral sex toys -simulators of kuni from a sex shop
Cunnilingus is a way to diversify the sexual relations of a married couple.
Cunnilingus is a way to diversify the sexual relations of a married couple.

How often do cunnilingus do?

There are no norms here. You can practice oral sex as often as both partners would like this.

How to make a husband make cunnilingus? How to make a guy, a man to make cunnilingus?

Most men adore a blowjob, but at the same time they consider cunnilingus something shameful, humiliating their dignity. They include the girls to satisfy them orally, and they themselves do not give anything in return.

Important: you can not make a partner do cunnilingus. Yes, and no need, because any sex should be pleased to bring pleasure to both. It is better to make it unobtrusively so that he himself wants to "work with his tongue"

Here are several ways:

  1. The genital hygiene is required. Take a shower and put on pure linen, it is necessary to so that “there” does not smell later and discharge. It is important to make sure that there is no menstruation
  2. Before the alleged kuni you need to go to epilation. You can shave to zero or do intimate haircut With a hint. For example, cut a cake or ice cream on the pubis. But you need to remember that short -cut hairs will be injected
  3. It is best to hint that you want cunnilingus, after the man himself was orally satisfied
    What if a man does not know that a woman wants Cooney? Because she never talked about it and did not even hint. It is worth trying during preludes Carefully direct the man's head down with his hands. Or directly say about your desire. To many men, such directness in sex seems exciting
  4. Again, you can go to sex shop And buy there edible linen. Having enjoyed panties, perhaps a man will not want to stop
  5. Make the husband read this article(send a link by mail, leave an open tab, show something interesting in this article and other methods, depending on the situation)

Important: Having received what is desired, a woman should not lie like a log. It is important to show the man what he does is very good for her. You can express emotions with moans, sobs, hips, so on

Video: How to make her husband love cunnilingus?

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Comments K. article

  1. An interesting article, but I do not completely agree with this
    Here are several ways:

    The genitals are required. Take a shower and put on pure linen, it is necessary to so that “there” does not smell later and discharge. It is important to make sure that there is no menstruation
    Before the alleged kuni you need to go to hair removal. You can shave to zero or make an intimate haircut with a hint. For example, cut a cake or ice cream on the pubis. But you need to remember that short -cut hairs will be injected
    It is best to hint at the fact that you want cunnilingus, after the man himself was satisfied orally
    What if a man does not know that a woman wants Cooney? Because she never talked about it and did not even hint. It is worth trying to gently direct the man's head down during the prelude. Or directly say about your desire. To many men, such directness in sex seems exciting
    Again, you can go to sex shop and buy edible linen there. Having enjoyed the panties, perhaps a man will not want to stop.
    According to the points! 1. Gygiene of the genitals is certainly important, but I personally really like it when my partner has a smell there, the pussy should smell of pussy) I just drives me crazy her smell there! Pure linen is of course necessary, but if it is still quite tolerable Better than she put on a pure one, which will be possible with the smells of washing powders and a rinsertor, it will push me away than attracts me!
    2. Epilation should be in moderation, and preferably just a small haircut of hairs, because the hairs there are a girl who have visited under the presump of panties and, with Lisa, this gives even more exciting excitement, desire to breathe more often and deeper in order to absorb even more The aromas of her pussy, while breathing with his nose gives the girl not a little pleasure!
    3. If I am the first to satisfy me orally or in a standard way, then the penalty disappears with the release of my liquid, I don’t know one or not, but this is not important, I personally write my opinion. Of course, after orgasm, pretend that you are you. Wildly, you want to make your partner well in the same way, but my girlfriend will figure it out at a time and it will look like my duty, that in turn she will ruin everything and even if the girl finishes it is not the orgasm that she would get from me if would satisfy her first, with passion, with wild excitement, making gently, but at the same time involuntarily she sees that I seem to be a wild beast who wants to smash all in her pussy and caress her in this way endlessly! I have noticed that after an orgasm under the means Kuni, my girlfriend does not lose the ardor like me, but preferably I need a five -minute break, for example, during this time you can go to kisses, hugs and will simply write to each other's “fuels”! When my partner reaches that ardor again Oh, she herself began to take steps to my cock and satisfy his blowjob! At the same time, you can use the pose of the jack, but you should not touch her clitoris with his tongue and lips, it is very sensitive after her orgasm and this does not pass soon, you can do it, you can Gently kiss its area or suck its labia, or you can do its anus!
    4. Personally, I am categorically against any edible underwear and other things, I can smell for hours and lick my girlfriend when they are on her, it wildly excites her and me! Natural smells can not be replaced by anything, I apologize for expression but this is " Nonsense ”, but again this is my opinion emanating from my life experience!
    Based on the above, I would say that your advice on the one hand can be effective, but I apologize as it sounds cantotral! If a man does not like a woman’s smells, and a woman smells of a man, then they will never have real sex and a full reciprocity In life, sex is not in the first place in life, but the smells of MMM ... Her hair, arms, legs, lips, the whole body in general should smell divine for a man and precisely her smells without chemistry! The woman should also have for a man! The smell of bodies is the first step to real sex!
    In sex, the main thing is not to try to give pleasure to the partner, but to do what you want to personally have, I’m not talking about perversions and all sorts of sadistic inclinations, although there is no comrade for the taste and color of the comrade, we have this, but in moderation and without injuries, most importantly The very type of your desire, and not the pain in BDSM-swimming, but this is again so with us! If you understand your partner (shu), as you see and feel completely, then first of all you will enjoy all the actions, but At the same time, not forgetting that the partner (Sha) enjoys your actions, it is a “reciprocity” of desires, while a wild amount of energy and pleasure is developed! Maybe my words show wildness, but if you do everything according to animal instincts, then you You will feel your souls at the moment of sexual intercourse and body will no longer be important, and at the time of the orgasm of your partner (shi), its (its) energy bursts into your body and you get the feeling that you simply cannot describe in words! In other words, you get two. orgasm at the time of sex, MNT Scarlet and bodily! I didn’t try to affirm or point out the true nature of things, I will only say that we are together for 13 years, while my age is 27, and my girlfriend 26, we had not a single betrayal to each other, never and no and no secret desires and no misunderstandings in sex! All this time we emphasized to improve our relations and achieved a lot for each other! But I would also like to focus on the fact that all people are different and desires and opportunities for all people do not coincide and do not coincide and That is why you need to look for your person so that your desires are similar in something, and the rest is finalized further! Perhaps I am young and something is not an understanding, maybe everything should be easier, but we are happy and this is very happy, which I wish everyone!
    PS: I want to say lastly that the main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding, and the rest comes with time and labor!
    Peace to you, love, good and happiness !!!

  2. In my opinion, a very useful article, I myself learned the new one, and most importantly, regardless of age and practical experience, there is something to adapt in theory and in practical video. The main thing is that it is tactful and professionally, however, in the comic book 1 the word is still not pleasant, but otherwise !!! Thank you guys, I'm sure so many couples and !!!! Women will become happier, special thanks for saying that a psychological plan is important for women (wives) !!! When a woman trusts a man completely, and not just because he loves, but because he tries and works in a relationship, appreciates a partner, then excitement occurs easier and streams and waterfalls and groans and caresses and tenderness.
    !!!! I agree with the comments, Alexander is all 💯% coincidence, I recently felt the orgasm of my beloved man and mentally and emotionally and energetically - this is not forgotten .... More than 2 weeks passed, and as I recall, so again in this state!
    Friends, love each other, appreciate, speak with each other, remove fears, trust !!! This is the foundation of relations, quality relations, and in it and high-quality sex and orgasm and ... even if, for some reason, orgasm did not happen .... Do not rush a woman, but better remember that we do not have two erogenous areas, but much more!
    More than all the discoveries of pleasant and long life together. Nyam

  3. Is there the same article, about the blowjob? I really want to caress my beloved, not only according to the sensations and a hunch, and although he says that I am very good, I remember that there are special equipment for a variety !! I will be glad. Thanks

  4. Adore you

  5. A very interesting and useful article. I always make kuni my wife

  6. Thank you for the article! At first, I was very afraid to do Cooney to my girlfriend, worried that I would do something wrong. But there is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is desire and mutual feelings, so decide!

  7. I like to do this, but only one single one, with pleasure I make Kuni and Ani my beloved woman, because I love her very much and I want her to be good

  8. I love Cooney to do

  9. I like to do this, but only one one, with great pleasure I make her Kuni and Ani, because I love her and I want her to be good

  10. i used to do this, and the smell of a woman excites me. There are but if no one had penetrated her pussy besides me, if someone had already shook her disgust, what to do with such sensations and stoppers not to convince himself in the opposite.

  11. Than to lick a salty clitoris, it is better to drink vodka liter

  12. I really love Cooney but only for my beloved wife. I will make her Kuni every sex. But sometimes she does not want this. The only thing I do not like, I do Kuni with my desires, but she does not want a blowjob. What do you think is it right, or does my husband caress his wife, the wife should also caress her husband's trunk

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