Erogenous zones, points and places in women. The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women. The most erogenous zones and points in women

Erogenous zones, points and places in women. The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women. The most erogenous zones and points in women

A woman has many nerve endings scattered throughout the body. The stimulation of erogenous zones gives the beautiful half of humanity not only vivid sensations, but also a prolonged orgasm during intercourse.

The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women

The woman’s body is incredibly sensitive. While the nerve endings are located in a man in a particular part of the body, the female body is covered with literally 100%. That is why doctors believe that a woman is experiencing pain, pleasure, temperature effects stronger than men.

Touches of erogenous zones causes excitement
touches of erogenous zones causes excitement

Erogenous zones are areas incredibly sensitive to caresses and influences. By stimulating certain points on the female body, one can be offended by severe excitement and sometimes even orgasm.

Conditionally erogenous zones can be safely divided into three main groups:

  • low sensitivity
  • average sensitivity
  • strong sensitivity

Braks should start growing, that is, from weak to strong. This is because irritation of a strong area of \u200b\u200bsensitivity provokes the absence of sensations in the middle and weak zones. If a man will regularly caress the erogenous zones of a woman, he will strengthen their susceptibility at times during the practice.

Video: “Sexy psychology. Erogenous zones"

How to find erogenous zones, points and places in women?

Nature endowed the woman with an incredibly sensitive body with many erogenous points. Depending on how susceptible your body is, how often you stimulate erogenous zones and how much you are liberated, you can own both a complete set of “secret places” and some of them.

Women's skin - continuous sensitive
women's leather - a continuous sensitive organ

Absolutely all erogenous zones, regardless of where they are placed, respond to delicate sensual kisses. Stimulating erogenous zones prolongs sexual intercourse, enhances sensations and gives positive emotions.

Female skin is very sensitive and a very diligent stimulation of a partner of erogenous points can bring a woman to a strong orgasm even without sexual intercourse itself. In addition, there are various techniques for influencing the body: stroking, pinching, tickling, caressing, massage and swing.

Speaking from slaps, clamps and pinching, then they should not be strong. Excessive attachment of force will be able to scare and leave discomfort.

Women are very sensitive and susceptible to caresses
women are very sensitive and susceptible to caresses

Such factors as::

  • aromatherapy - the impact on the consciousness and body with various smells and aromas that have a relaxing and relaxic effect
  • romantic environment and music -it is able to liberate a woman, strengthen her sensuality and get rid of complexes. As a result of this experience, become brighter
  • sexy clothing -sexual underwear, which opens erogenous zones or hiding deficiencies, stimulates sexual desire and increases sensitivity

Video: “Erogenous zone. How to find erogenous on a female body? "

The most erogenous zones in women

The most erogenous zones of a woman are both on the areas of the body opened by universal review, and on hidden clothes.

Erogenous zones of weak sensitivity

Such areas of the female body include:

  • Hair.Easy sexual arousal can lead to manipulations such as stroking, wrapping on the finger, fingering and combing hair in different parts of the head: on the number, in the occipital part, on the temples and foreheads
  • Eyes.Every woman could notice that she likes a kiss in the eyes, that is, in the eyelid and the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows. Most often, pleasant emotions arise if the kiss gives the desired person
  • Arms.The erogenous zones of weak sensitivity include fingers, pillows, front and back of the palms, forearms and the back of the elbow (fold)
Women's erogenous zones of different sensitivity
women's erogenous zones of different sensitivity

Erogenous zones of medium sensitivity

The average erogenous zones can react in different ways in different ways:

  • Lips.These include the area around the mouth, nasolabial fold, corners and oral cavity. The language is more sensitive. They can excite a woman long, passionate and delicate kisses
  • Back.The most sensitive woman is the lower back and the place between the shoulder blades. Intimate massage, kisses and caresses with your fingertips can excite a woman
  • Breast.The sensitivity of the chest depends on its size, so small chest is more sensitive than lush. The reason for this is the fat layer. Daily massage will help to resume sensitivity.
Erogenous zones of strong sensitivity
erogenous zones of strong sensitivity

Erogenous zones of strong sensitivity

The caressing of such zones can greatly excite a woman and give her bright sexual experiences:

  • Hips.Stroking the outer part of the thighs can liberate the woman and excite in her sexual desire. But if you caress the inside, it is much more effective and sensitive
  • Crotch.Extremely strong sexual excitement gives a caressing “fifth point”, the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks and pubis
  • Vagina -this is the strongest erogenous zone, the caressing of which leads to strong orgasms

Video: "Point G and other erogenous zones"

How to stimulate erogenous zones in women?

The susceptibility and sensitivity of erogenous zones in different women is completely in the same way. So, one woman can cause strong excitement to the usual stroking of the auricle, and the other will give discomfort. In order to affect the body qualitatively, a man needs to know the “secret places” of his partner.

Stimulation of erogenous zones
stimulation of erogenous zones

On the Internet you can find an alleged map of erogenous zones, both female and men. It will be useful to devote one evening to a detailed study of all points.

Before stimulating the zones, try to create the most favorable environment: romantic music, aromatic sticks, oils and massage lotions, light alcoholic drinks, muffled light - are able to liberate the woman and relax her body to take caresses.

You try to subject each point:

  • touching the pillows of the fingers
  • hot and cold lip ovens
  • dry and wet kisses
  • tickling with a brush, pen or ribbon
  • light slap

Video: “How to excite a girl? Erogenous zones"

How to do massage of erogenous zones to women?

Massage of some sensitive areas such as the back, shoulders or buttocks must be done correctly:

  • let the woman take a relaxing bath with aromomasls
  • after the bath, make a favorable environment: candles, music
  • apply massage oil on a naked body
  • rub the oil from the shoulders and along the body with circular motions
  • apply the movements not intense: soft and delicate, weak pressure
  • press on separate areas with your fingertips
  • with your fingers, try to draw patterns on the back and buttocks of a woman
  • massage of erogenous zones must be carried out both from behind and front: stomach, chest, hips, arms and collarbone
Intimate massage
intimate massage

The relationship of orgasms and erogenous zones in women

Erogenous zones are peculiar “sensual volcanoes” on a female body. These volcanoes can “doze”, but can give bright and strong experiences during intercourse. All nerve endings in the body are interconnected with each other. Stimulating erogenous points, the impulse is transmitted to the main nodes, that is, the genitals of a woman.

During the stimulation of erogenous zones, blood circulation improves, which increases sensitivity during sex. It is best to start with weak points and end the strong caresses. The female orgasm depends on how qualitatively the excitement has passed. If all “secret places” with due attention were raised, the achievement of orgasm is guaranteed.

Women's erogenous zone
women's erogenous zone

Is it true that the back is an erogenous zone of a woman?

Women's back is a really strong erogenous zone. All because the back is exactly the part of the body that is infringed on with attention and touches. The most sensitive areas on the back are:

  • small of the back
  • "Cat's place"

The lower back is very close to the female genitals and therefore is very susceptible to caresses, tickling and stroking. “Catfield” is the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, or rather the place between the shoulder blades. In many cases, stroking or scratching the “cat's place” can quickly cause a response.

Female back cat
women's back "cat place"

Erogenous zones on the palms of a woman

Hands are an important part of the female body, moreover, they are sensual and susceptible to caresses. Strokes are able to give a beautiful half not only pleasure, but also care. How reverently a man relates to female hands speaks of the attitude to his chosen one in general.

The inner side of the palm is the intimate place of each person and the erogenous zone of a woman. It can be stroked, caressed and gently kissed. It may seem to someone that the sensations from such caresses are very interesting: funny and delicate, but at the same time-they are pleasant and similar.

Women's palms - erogenous zone
women's palms - an erogenous zone

How to do massage of erogenous zones to a woman: tips and reviews

Massage of erogenous zones - preparation for sexual intercourse. In some articles and dictionaries, he can find the designation "Petering". It is successfully used in relations, both women and men. Women's erogenous places are literally scattered throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe body, so in petting it needs more. If a partner wants to bring a woman to orgasm, you need to try to give a partner for some time of massage.

It is noted that if the massage is careful and positive, the sensations of sex are brighter, and the act itself is more voluptuous. Of course, the largest number of nerve endings hides in female nipples and crotch. That is why these zones should be paid more attention.

The best massage is the one that uses not only both hands, but also the tongue, lips, as well as the intimate places of the “masseur”.

There is an interesting opinion that erogenous zones for the entire period of life are constantly “traveling”. So, over the years of sexual caresses, one can make sure that it becomes pleasant in different parts of the body.

Video: “Women's erogenous zones. Incredible orgasm "

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  1. Thank you for such information!
    (I, though a woman, but I .. - Bisexual. It will come in handy)

    P.S. I wanted to sign up for your link. But where?

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