Caresses before sex. How to set up a woman or a man for sex?

Caresses before sex. How to set up a woman or a man for sex?

The article talks about how to set up a man and a woman for sex and what sex caresses are.

We are not always ready for sex, especially if we have been married for several years - a house, children, work, etc. Just absorb us. Sometimes our second halves have to make a lot of efforts so that we plunge with them into the ocean of love.

Preliminary affection
Preliminary affection

How to set up a woman for sex?

It is extremely difficult for a woman to achieve orgasm without preliminary caresses - this is due to the fact that a woman is much slower than a man. In order for the man to get excited, he is enough for 30 seconds, but on the excitation of a woman you can spend much more time.

Preliminary caresses are simply necessary for high -quality and long -term sex. Many sexologists compare caresses before sex with warming before sports.

These caresses help to “get” a woman, bring her to a certain degree of excitement, after which she can easily reach orgasm, while preliminary caresses act restraining, slightly “slowing down” his excitement.

Important: young girls and men in forty need preliminary caresses.

The prelude includes stimulation of erogenous zones through:

  • Kisses
  • Erotic massage
  • Delicate stroking
  • Licking
  • Sucking

The prelude can be “rough”. Rough "caresses" include:

  • Plugs with a palm
  • Slap with a whip, strap
  • Bite

It is extremely pleasant to alternate "rude" and gentle caresses. Sex will definitely turn out unpredictable. During the preludes, you can use oral and other caresses.

Where the erogenous zones in women can be found in detail in the following articles:

Important: according to sexologists, caresses of erogenous zones that are above the waist should be given 70% of the entire preludes period, but with erogenous zones that are located below the waist will be enough and 30% of the preliminary caress period.

Search for erogenous zones of women
Search for erogenous zones of women

How to set up a man for sex?

Men, like matches - so that a man tuned in for sex for a few seconds enough. However, there are times when a man is not quite tuning to have sex.

Important: both a woman and a man for good and high -quality sex should relax more, eat right, lead a measured and in a hurry lifestyle, play sports, take care of himself.

In men, there is no desire most often for the following reasons:

  • Poor blood circulation
  • Lack of hormone testosterone

In order to configure your man for sex, you can use all the products described above - you can’t do without preliminary caresses.

Where erogenous areas in men are located in detail in the articles:

The excitement of a man
The excitement of a man

During caressing before sex, both for men and women will not be superfluous:

  • Whipped cream

Whipped cream can be covered with any points on the body of the second half, especially erogenous zones, and then slowly start licking them from a partner’s flaming body.

  • Ice

The ice is useful in order to create contrast on a heated body, to cool it. An ice cube can be drawn over the body, without depriving the erogenous zones.

As well as ice, along with a hot drink, to take, tea, you can use a blowjob in one of the techniques - when a woman alternately takes a sip of a hot drink, then caresses a man, and then takes a cube of ice in her mouth and, after his extraction, begins to caress her man .

This kind of temperature changes will have a positive effect on the excitement of a woman.

  • Slightly melted chocolate

Soft chocolate can be applied to the body of a partner, and then lick it.

Touching the pen to the body
Touching the pen to the body
  • Feather, silk scarf

These attributes are useful for stroking. Touching the body and sliding along it, these objects will make anyone tremble with pleasure.

  • Scarf, tie, or specialized blindfolds for eye blindfolds

During preliminary caresses, one of the partners can be a bandage, a scarf, a tie or other improvised things to blindfold, and the other partner will caress him - only after that a person with tied eyes can reach the highest point of pleasure.

Sex with tied eyes
Sex with tied eyes
  • Handcuffs

Soft, intended exclusively for love pleasures, handcuffs are useful for binding of the arms and legs, for fastening to the bed during "rude" and delicate caresses. Also, the improvised attributes - a scarf, a tie, etc. will also fit the above.

  • Vklets, straps

You can not do without these items during the “gross” preliminary caresses.

  • Wax of the candle

The melted drops of wax, which fuel up on the body to some partners can cause a storm of positive emotions. However, you should first stipulate the use of these items with a partner.

Using a whip during sex
Using a whip during sex

Lasks without sex

Sometimes it can happen that sex with penetration is not possible, and sometimes it is possible to specially avoid penetration for a variety, stopping only on caresses.

With caresses without sex, you can call Petering. Petering is the stimulation of erogenous zones without direct contact of the genitals.

Important: areas on the body of a woman and men who have a minimum hairline are considered the most sensitive.

Superficial and deep petting will be highlighted:

  • In the first case, this is the impact on those erogenous zones that are as accessible as possible in everyday life. These include ears, neck, face, hands
  • In the second case, these are the zones that we are trying to cover with clothes in everyday life

Deep petting can be considered as a kind of mutual masturbation. You can also find the opinion that oral sex also refers to deep petting.


Important: if you combine oral caresses and masturbation, then you can very quickly achieve the maximum point of pleasure.

It is worth mentioning that it is very similar to the petting of parasex - sex without direct penetration. Parasex can be both part of the prelude and a separate type of sex.

The fact is that the parasex involves the introduction of the male genital organ between the breasts of a woman, her buttocks, compressed hips. It can also be friction about the stomach, feet, hips of the second half of the man.

Important: Petting and Parasex can be used to make a variety in intimate life.


Facial caresses, neck

Both a woman and a man’s skin and neck are very sensitive, so during preliminary caresses, these places should be paid special attention.

Important: it is worth remembering that a person who is afraid of tickling is likely not to appreciate if you touch the side of the neck. The highest pleasure is delivered to the neck of the neck behind.

The neck and face can be caressed with your tongue with your lips, your fingertips. For example, your neck can even bite slightly, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Important: the skin on the face and neck is very thin and delicate, so it is worth remembering that it is very easy to leave bruises on it.

It is very pleasant for men and women to feel the hot, unusually exciting breath of a partner on their neck.

Kisses in the neck
Kisses in the neck

Ear's caresses

Representatives of both sexes drive crazy caresses - 87% of men and 94% of women get the most unusual pleasure from caressing ears. They can be licked, bite, kissing the earlobe, suck the earlobe, pull with your lips, you can examine the auricle with a tongue.

Also, representatives of both sexes are crazy for whispering on the ear during preliminary caresses of various phrases. It can be either pleasant, delicate words, or the most unusual indecency - it all depends directly on the partners themselves.

It will help to excite your soulmate and passionate, exciting breathing in the ear.

Important: in some representatives of both sexes, ears are very sensitive areas, so their excessive caresses can sometimes even annoy, rather than bring pleasure.

Ear's caresses
Ear's caresses

The affection of the buttocks

Lasks of the buttocks who are coming to the area can deliver the same extraordinary emotions as caresses in the chest area. In some signs of the zodiac, the buttocks are the most pronounced erogenous zones.

Important: in the medical literature there are often opinions that more excitement is caused not by kisses, stroking, licking the buttocks, namely compression, slap, which can even cause slight pain.

It should be remembered that not all representatives of both sexes are ready to endure rudeness in bed - experimenting with slaps and compression must be very careful.

Do not pay too much attention to the buttocks of men. Although a man will experience pleasant sensations, he will definitely not receive maximum pleasure - this is not the most active erogenous zone of men.

A man spanks a girl in a pope
A man spanks a girl in a pope

Sex caresses of the chest

  • The chest is one of the important erogenous zones in both women and men. Nipples and areola around the nipples are the most vivid erogenous zones among many women
  • The nipples can be kneaded and pulled with your fingertips, suck with your mouth and lick your tongue, you can touch a woman’s nipples with a member
  • It is worth noting that not all men have a breast of such a pronounced erogenous zone, some representatives of this gender, on the contrary, do not accept such caresses. However, to find out, it is worth trying
A woman kisses a man in the chest
A woman kisses a man in the chest

Women's and Men's legs caresses

  • During preliminary caresses, you should not deprive the legs of the legs, both women and men
  • Representatives of both sexes are crazy about touching their footsteps - this is due to the fact that the points are concentrated on the feet that are responsible for sexual excitement
  • It is also worth noting that the feet of some representatives of the zodiac signs are the brightest erogenous zones
  • By doing feet massage using oils, many men and women can be brought to maximum excitation. Also, many are excited if their partner bites and sucks the fingers of their legs
  • You should not not pay attention to the Ikram, the cavities under the knees with very thin and delicate skin, because Exploring them, you can find that your partner is crazy about touching them, and this can mean only one thing - you have found his next erogenous zone
  • The touch of the tongue or fingers to the inside of the hips will help you to tremble from the close approximation of the climax
Foot massage
Foot massage

Sex caresses kiss

A kiss at all times was considered a sign of sexual communications. During preliminary caresses, the kiss plays the most important role.

The kissing techniques are very diverse:

  • With tongue
  • Without a tongue
  • With teeth
  • Without the participation of teeth
  • With breathing
  • Without breathing
  • On the lips
  • To the neck

With lips you can hug, suck, press, stroke, touch. Depending on the place of the kiss, the kissing technique should be selected.

Important: kisses can lead to unforgettable sex. This should be remembered by couples, which are in marriage, which very often withdraws kisses from their practice.

Kisses can be covered by the whole body of your stall. But, you should not avoid a kiss on the lips - they often forget about it.

Immediately before the kiss, run your finger on the lips of your second half, and then kiss - this is so exciting. But, do not do this too often, because It will just get into a habit.

A man kisses the back of a woman
A man kisses the back of a woman

Sex caresses with your hands

  • As a rule, it is from the hands in sex that everything begins. Usually, the gentle touches of the hands of our second half make us think about the extraordinary sensations to which they can lead us, and sometimes we give a signal to our beloved hands with the caresses
  • Hands are able to cause the pleasure of both partners to directly penetrate - they are quick, gentle, persistent. Hands can slide throughout the body and penetrate its most secluded corners
  • Hands can act during kisses, biting, languid breathing, etc. Do not do without hands during masturbation
  • On the Internet, you can find a huge number of techniques of mutual masturbation and self -melting
Caresses with your hands
Caresses with your hands

Oral sex caresses

Oral affection is the stimulation of female and male genital organs to achieve excitement, and sometimes orgasm with the help of language, lips, mouth, teeth. Oral caresses include:

    • Blowjob is oral sex in which the stalls, mouth, lips, throat, etc. Caresses his stalls
    • Kunnilingus is oral sex in which the ground has an exciting effect with the mouth, tongue, etc. to the genitals of a woman
    • Anilingus - oral sex, in which the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus is stimulated with the help of lips, tongue
    • Autofellation - self -satisfaction with the mouth, language


You can’t do without oral caresses in sex - this is a great way to diversify an intimate life. Often only oral caresses help a woman achieve orgasm.

There are a huge many blowjob techniques. There are also different cunnilingus techniques.

For a high -quality intimate life, partners should constantly surprise each other, study new techniques.

Oral affection
Oral affection

Caresses during sex

Virms during sex are needed no less than just in front of him.

  • As a rule, during sex, men do not really need caresses. Lasks will only speed up the arrival of the apogee of love, which is not at all beneficial for a woman, because female representatives are much more difficult to achieve orgasm
  • It will be enough to kiss, moan, if necessary, help introduce a member. It is important for a woman to show her presence and participation in the process
  • It is better if a woman sends all her strength to her beloved - this will help her achieve maximum pleasure in sex. And if this pleasure crept up, then only then it is worth caressing his partner - this will serve as a signal that he can also let go of the situation and get his well -deserved orgasm
  • A man who decided to give a woman the maximum pleasure and bring her to orgasm should pay attention to caresses during sex. Also, caresses during sex will help a man not concentrate on his pleasure, distract from his own excitement, which will serve as an extension of sexual intercourse
A man caresses a woman during sex
A man caresses a woman during sex

Caresses after sex

  • After sex, men are not needed at all, especially for young men. You can only slightly admire their natural data, as well as skills and skills and leave alone
  • If a woman wants to continue, and even if a man goes to this, then it should be borne in mind that high -quality sex will still not work. A man needs time to restore
  • After sex, a woman will never give up caresses. Moreover, she is simply necessary for her in order to feel her significance
  • Even if a man is not ready for new entertainment, he is better off gaining his woman, kiss
Happy couple after sex
Happy couple after sex

Lasks in front of sex is like delicious snacks in front of the main dish. Do not deprive yourself and your partners of pleasure.

Video: "Practice of sex"-the sexiest affection-aboard

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  1. This must necessarily happen otherwise sex will be ordinary and not interesting. Especially relevant after the good experience of family life and in cases where problems with an erection. In addition to massage, my husband drank the effect of tribulus, to restore erectile dysfunction.

  2. If a man needs to be forced to have sex, something is wrong with a man. In this case, you need to quickly "repair" its erection. I've been looking for mine with a urotrin.

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