7 of the causes of toxicosis during pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first, in the second and third trimester. How to deal with toxicosis in women during pregnancy: tips. Why is there no toxicosis during pregnancy?

7 of the causes of toxicosis during pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first, in the second and third trimester. How to deal with toxicosis in women during pregnancy: tips. Why is there no toxicosis during pregnancy?

Do not know how to deal with toxicosis? In this article you will find advice and recommendations that will help you avoid toxicosis or weaken its symptoms. And you will also learn a lot of other useful information about this ailment and the reasons for its occurrence.

Toxicosis is manifested very individually and differently: someone has nausea and vomiting, and someone wakes up a real brutal appetite, someone is sad and crying, and someone goes off scale. So what is it - toxicosis? Where does he come from and how to deal with him?

Positive pregnancy test
Positive pregnancy test

Types of toxicosis

There are several types of toxicosis of pregnant women:

  1. Staphylococcal toxicosis. It is treated with medication under the supervision of doctors
  2. Evening toxicosis. After a hard day and with insufficient nutrition, a weakened body is easily lend itself to toxicosis symptoms. Take a walk in the evening before going to bed, this will help you fall asleep, and sour ceremony or fruit drink will cope with nausea
  3. Early toxicosis. It occurs and takes place in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the symptoms are tolerant, try to calmly survive them. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor, he will prescribe homeopathic or other drugs that will help stop the symptoms and not harm the baby. You can try to alleviate the symptoms with folk remedies, read about this below
  4. Late toxicosis. It occurs in the second and third trimesters, very dangerous is the severity of symptoms for life and health of both the mother and the child. Therefore, if you feel bad at this time, you need to seek medical help
  5. Toxicosis to delay of menstruation. If 7-10 days have not yet passed since the conception, you cannot experience toxicosis. Most likely you just ate something wrong

The first signs of toxicosis

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins to adjust her work to the needs of two lives: a woman and a child. At this time, the expectant mother begins to experience toxicosis.

Early toxicosis
Early toxicosis

Mostly pregnant women are tormented by the following signs of toxicosis:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • injurous well -being
  • dizziness
  • bad mood, irritability appears
  • increased salivation
  • bad appetite
  • i want to sleep all the time
  • weight loss is possible
  • exposited smell
  • changing taste receptors

Rarely, but still there are such symptoms as dermatitis, bronchial asthma, liver atrophy, osteomination and some others.

The presence or absence of toxicosis, as well as the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms, in no way depend on the gender of the child, whether it be a boy or a girl. These symptoms can also be present with a frozen pregnancy, it can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of an ultrasound of the examination.

Let's dwell on some signs of toxicosis in more detail.

Nausea and vomiting

This is perhaps the most common sign of toxicosis, which can manifest itself both in the first and later stages. Moreover, there is an opinion that the before this symptom began to appear, the harder it will proceed. Quite often, vomiting and nausea torment a woman half of pregnancy.

Nausea in the first trimester
Nausea in the first trimester

There are three severity of this symptom:

  1. A woman loses no more than 3 kg, her condition is normal. The pregnant woman feels a little nausea, sometimes, no more than 5 times a day, there is a slight vomiting, most often after eating
  2. In 2 weeks, a woman loses 3 kg or more, vomiting occurs up to 10 times a day and does not depend on the time of eating. The expectant mother feels weak, her pulse is affected, low blood pressure and her general condition worsens noticeably
  3. Strong and frequent vomiting, occurs up to 25 times a day, greatly dehydrates the body of a pregnant woman, it loses more than 10 kg of its weight. In a woman, the body temperature, a rapid pulse, low pressure, poor breath, a slow reaction increase. Sometimes the normal work of the kidneys is disturbed. If vomiting threatens life, doctors advise you to terminate pregnancy

Dermatitis during pregnancy

The rashes usually appear at the 13th week, they very itch, which cause great discomfort to the expectant mother. In addition, they can occur on the genitals. Because of them, a woman becomes irritable, she has a dream and a bad mood is observed.

Dermatitis during pregnancy
Dermatitis during pregnancy

Development of aunt and osteomination

In a pregnant woman, a violation of the metabolism of elements such as calcium and phosphorus is possible, which is why it develops. Due to osteomination, softening of bone tissues occurs, this in turn can lead to bone fractures. And due to the aunt, the pregnant woman is tormented by cramps of the muscles of the arms and legs, and in rare cases of the face.

Fortunately, toxicosis torments far from all pregnant women and many women do not even know when it begins and how it manifests itself.

What week does toxicosis begin during pregnancy?

Quite often, women listen to themselves and their body to determine them or not. To correctly determine this, you need to know when toxicosis begins and how its signs manifest.

Doctors say that toxicosis makes itself felt with the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy, but there are rare cases when it begins a little earlier, from the first days of menstruation delay.

In some cases, it is thanks to toxicosis that women understand that they are pregnant.

Most often, toxicosis ends by the 13-14th weeks of pregnancy, sometimes later, by the 16th week, but it happens earlier-everything is very individual. This is if we are talking about early toxicosis, the late one can occur in a longer period (read below this).

Healthy food during pregnancy
Healthy food during pregnancy

The causes of toxicosis in the early stages

Doctors explain the occurrence of toxicosis in that each organism is individual, in addition, each woman has its own chronic diseases, and because During pregnancy, hormonal restructuring of the body occurs, a woman experiences stress, and also various external factors occur. However, gynecologists have not come to a consensus, so the causes of toxicosis have not been fully studied and not detected.

But still, there are somewhat more or less likely reasons that cause toxicosis:

  1. Changing the hormonal background. After fertilization, the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus on the 7-10th day, after which the hormonal balance in the female body radically changes: the content of progesterone and estrogen in the blood increases sharply, the hCG is gradually growing (it is pregnancy in the blood and urine). Changes in the hormonal background very much affect the mood and well -being of a woman: she becomes more irritable, often cries, offends for no reason, nausea and exacerbation of the olfactory join this. The entire first trimester, most often, continues toxicosis and the struggle of the body with an alien body - an embryo. But by the end of these 3 months, the hormonal background stabilizes, the female body takes the fetus and the expectant mother no longer suffers from toxicosis
  2. Placenta development. By the 13-14th week of the placenta, the placenta has already been fully formed, and now it will perform many functions, one of them-not to pass toxic substances to the embryo. Usually at this time toxicosis ends. Until this moment, while the placenta is in the stage of development, the body of the future mother tries to cope with toxins and removes them through vomiting
  3. Defensive reaction. Pregnant’s unwillingness is some products and manifestation of toxicosis in the form of nausea, can be associated and are a protective reaction of the body to harmful and dangerous for the future mother and her baby. So, for example, in women, cigarette smoke most often causes nausea, they cannot eat meat, fish and eggs (this is due to the possible presence of harmful microorganisms in them), they do not drink coffee. In this case, toxicosis and its manifestation in the form of vomiting reflex are simply necessary, because It protects the pregnant woman and the fetus from pathologically dangerous substances for them. In addition to the toxic substances that are contained in food, insulin does not affect the development of the fetus. It is produced in the body of a woman after each meal
  4. Chronic diseases. The presence of infections during pregnancy or not treated diseases weakens the immunity of the female body, due to which toxicosis occurs. Therefore, it is very important that the expectant mother is planning to undergo a medical examination and drank a course of vitamins to strengthen immunity
  5. Age criterion. At the age of more than 30 years, pregnancy most often proceeds with complications, toxicosis can also be attributed to one of them. It may be even worse if this pregnancy was the first or there were abortion before. Doctors say that the younger the woman, the easier she will be toxicosis. But this is far from always the case, quite often and young girls have severe toxicosis and women in 30 are missing at all
  6. Genetic predisposition. Heredity significantly affects when toxicosis begins, and whether it will be at all. If the mother did not have toxicosis during pregnancy, then her daughter, most likely, will not be. Genetics spread their hands and cannot answer whether there is an unambiguous connection of the occurrence of toxicosis and a hereditary factor. But statistics gives its numbers, and this is about 70% of the probability
  7. Multiple pregnancy. The difficulty in gestation of twins or triplets is an order of magnitude greater than with a single pregnancy. Moreover, toxicosis is most often manifested more
Multiple pregnancy on ultrasound
Multiple pregnancy on ultrasound

A healthy woman without bad habits, the likelihood of toxicosis is much less than a woman with chronic diseases and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Despite the fact that there are so many causes of toxicosis, it is not always bad. It is believed that if a woman had toxicosis in the early stages, then she has almost no chance of losing a child at a later date.

How to deal with toxicosis in the first trimester?

Each future mother must determine what will help her cope with toxicosis, because The reaction of the body and, accordingly, its treatment is very individual.

However, it is known that it is precisely due to the reduced level of blood glucose in the morning that toxicosis most often occurs. Perhaps the methods of combating toxicosis below will help you:

  • Before you get out of bed in the morning, eat a little cookies, crackers or dried fruits, drink it with mint tea with lemon and sugar. These measures will help normalize the level of glucose and the likelihood of toxicosis symptoms will greatly decrease
Breakfast in bed
Breakfast in bed
  • Put a slice of orange, lemon or other sour fruit in your mouth, most often they reduce the intensity of nausea. True, in isolated cases, they can cause a reverse reaction, see in your well -being whether this method is suitable for you or not
  • Drink those drinks that you like and fit. It can be herbal tea, ordinary water or vegetable broth
Water and sour fruits for toxicosis
Water and sour fruits for toxicosis
  • Instead of drinking tinted drinks, it is better to eat juicy melon, grapes or watermelon - they will satisfy their thirst well
  • Eat more dishes related to healthy and proper nutrition. Exclude sharp, fried and other heavy food from the diet, and turn the dishes instead of them. In addition, dairy products, as well as raw fruits and vegetables, most often do not overload the digestive system and more useful for the human body, primarily for the future mother
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition
  • Eat more often, but portions should be small. So that the stomach is not empty, take crackers, apple or banana as a snack
  • Do not go to bed, and even more so, do not sleep right after eating, wait at least a couple of hours
  • Try to eat one spoonful of honey when you feel the first signs of toxicosis - this ancient remedy can help you, but do not get carried away with honey, it is a strong allergen

Toxicosis in the second trimester: causes

In the second trimester, women usually do not have toxicosis, although sometimes there are single cases of nausea, or maybe even vomiting, but they are not dangerous. However, if 16 weeks of pregnancy have passed, and a woman is still suffering from regular symptoms of toxicosis or they have just begun to appear in this period - it is very dangerous, both for the expectant mother and her child, because Toxicosis in the second trimester of pregnancy threatens the health and even the life of a woman and fetus.

Toxicosis in the later stages has a different name - gestosis.

Gestosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • frequent abundant vomiting
  • swelling, mainly limbs
  • the presence of protein in the urine
  • high blood pressure
  • visual violation
  • dehydration
  • frequent and severe headache
  • dizziness

The stronger the symptoms appear, the more dangerous for the life of the mother and her child.

Toxicosis in the second trimester
Toxicosis in the second trimester

Toxicosis in the II trimester can occur in the following cases:

  • in women who suffer from chronic diseases, especially if they relate to organs such as heart, lungs or kidneys
  • in women suffering from obesity
  • if the future mother and fetus have Rh conflict
  • in pregnant women with anemia
  • if the fetus is not one, but a few
  • if the expectant mother has not been still 19 years old or already in 30 years
  • if a diagnosis of intrauterine hypotrophy of the fetus is made, and there is also a delay in the development of the child

Gestosis has 4 stages that differ in the severity of the course, so it is important to seek medical help in time so as not to harm yourself and your child.

Gestosis is treated in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. The treatment consists in eliminating the symptoms and maintaining the normal condition of the pregnant woman.

If a woman does not consult doctors and does not start treatment on time, she may have serious problems in the work of organs and systems, hemorrhage can occur in the brain and, worst, pregnant and fruit may die. Therefore, you need to monitor your health, do not hesitate and not be lazy to contact specialists at the first signs of gestosis.

The causes of late toxicosis during pregnancy

Late toxicosis usually overtakes a woman after the 30th week of pregnancy.

With late toxicosis, the work of such important body systems as cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine is impaired. In this case, coma, edema of the lungs, detachment of the placenta, acute heart failure and fetal hypoxia are possible.

In the later stages, the only way out is an emergency cesarean section that may save the life of a pregnant woman and fetus.

Pregnant woman at the appointment with a gynecologist in a female consultation
Pregnant woman at the appointment with a gynecologist in a female consultation

Gestosis in the later stages often develops in the following cases:

  • if a woman is not another 18 years old or more than 35
  • the pregnant woman has already suffered from gestosis earlier
  • the expectant mother has chronic diseases
  • the pregnant woman has a heart disease
  • with multiple pregnancy

Eclampsia, the most severe stage of gestosis, is not taken sharply and nowhere, it develops gradually, for weeks, and the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her health and not miss alarming symptoms, because Eclampsia is a very dangerous condition that can lead to death and mother and child.

Why is there no toxicosis during pregnancy

Some women are afraid if they do not have toxicosis, such a reaction is associated with the existence of a stereotype that pregnancy and toxicosis are inseparable, but this is not so. A pregnant woman should not worry, the lack of toxicosis is completely not dangerous and not harmful, this is quite normal.

If there is no toxicosis, this means that a woman is healthy and her body was able to adapt to a new life and work for two without such consequences as nausea, dizziness and other appearance of toxicosis.

When there is no toxicosis
When there is no toxicosis

Of course, the lack of toxicosis is good, because:

  • he cannot harm the fetus and cause a miscarriage
  • a woman can eat anything, including the products rich in vitamins and useful trace elements that the child receives and develops normally
  • the good health of the expectant mother brings only the benefit of her and the child, and she can enjoy this wonderful period of bearing the baby

Toxicosis tablets during pregnancy

Important: no tablets and medicines are harmless. Each medication has its side effects. Take medications only if the benefits for the child are several times more harmful from the disease of the pregnant woman.

Until 12 weeks of pregnancy, all the main systems and organs of the fetus are laid, therefore, in this period, and just at this time, it is mainly toxicosis, it is better not to take any medicines, especially if they can affect the development of the embryo and cause defects. Therefore, a woman does not need to engage in self -medication, but consult her gynecologist.

Medication for toxicosis
Medication for toxicosis

Traditional medicine for toxicosis

With toxicosis, they usually prescribe:

  • Means excreting toxins from the body: maalox, smecta
  • Homeopathic preparations reducing toxicosis symptoms: Ignatius, Sepia, Symphoricarpus
  • Vitamins, due to the lack of which nausea and vomiting are possible: B6, pyridoxine.
  • Medicines that stop signs of toxicosis: Primper, Motilium
  • Medicines that protect the liver from toxins: Essential, methionine
  • Determining solutions that prevent dehydration: Ringer's solution, amino acid solution

All drugs are used only as prescribed by a specialist, because The dosage and duration of the reception depend on the results of your tests and the severity of the symptoms.

Folk remedies for toxicosis

There are many folk remedies that help women cope with unwanted symptoms of toxicosis, and here are the most popular of them:

  • Lemon. Eat a piece of lemon, or throw a slope into a glass of water, it will reduce nausea. But lemon should not be taken by women with high acidity in the stomach
  • Honey. It contains useful vitamins and other substances, take 1 tablespoon in the morning before meals, but no more
Honey for toxicosis
Honey for toxicosis
  • Mint. It helps very well, and our grandmothers were also saved by this tool. Not only mint leaves help, but also mint sweets
  • Ginger. Quite an effective tool. It can be eaten both seconds and brew ginger tea
  • Herbs. Herbal infusions can help you get rid of nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis. Make a decoction, for example, from a mixture of hawthorn, linden color, blueberry shoots and calendula. Take herbal collections half a glass several times a day in hot form
Decoctions of herbs during pregnancy
Decoctions of herbs during pregnancy

Toxicosis during the second pregnancy

Toxicosis is not very predictable. It may not be at all in a single pregnancy of a woman, it can be very strong both in the first and second pregnancy. Such an option is still possible that during the first pregnancy it was not, and at the next woman, the woman found out what kind of beast it was, or vice versa.

But in fairness, we note that for the second time the chances of testing toxicosis are slightly less, especially if you are pregnant as a boy, because there is an opinion that if a male fruit, toxicosis will not be or it will be easy to transfer.

How to deal with toxicosis: tips

Below we have collected some tips that may help you cope with the symptoms of toxicosis and you can enjoy your magical position:

  • Eat not three times a day on a plate of food, but a little by a little. So you will not overload the stomach and can maintain blood sugar. You can’t overeat, but also starve too. It is better to eat food in the form of mashed potatoes, it is easily absorbed and does not cause unwanted reactions
  • Drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day, for example, juices, rosehip decoction, tea or simple water. But follow your body, do not drink through force if you do not want it
You need to drink enough fluids throughout the day
You need to drink enough fluids throughout the day
  • Do not rush to cook, clean, wash, etc. in the morning. Lie a little, have a bite in bed with a banana or cracker, gradually stand up. For a while of poor condition during pregnancy, shift household chores on loved ones
  • The brewed mint will help you get rid of nausea, and if you still add honey and lemon, you get a very tasty and healthy drink
Mint tea with honey and lemon with toxicosis
Mint tea with honey and lemon with toxicosis
  • Kuraga increases the amount of potassium in the blood, the lack of which can cause nausea
  • Remove from the house all perfumes, sprays, flavors, candles and other items with a bright artificial smell. Planted smells during toxicosis cause nausea and irritate. Better use natural odors, but again, be careful, perhaps you and they are poorly tolerate
  • Walk regularly in the fresh air and daily several times for at least 20 minutes ventilate the rooms
Walks in the open air
Walks in the open air
  • It is believed that playing sports before pregnancy help women easier to endure toxicosis, because the body accustomed to loads can quickly rebuild and more easily tolerates hormonal changes. During pregnancy, of course, you should not do active sports, but you can and even need calm. Go to swimming, take yoga or go for long distances. Also, a contrast shower will not hurt in the morning
Yoga during pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy
  • Do not get hung up on your condition, get distracted, go where you wanted for a long time, but there was no time - please yourself
  • Sometimes toxicosis occurs due to the fact that the body does not reach vitamins. Drink a multivitamin complex, there are special vitamins for pregnant women, but to decide which one to choose, discuss this with a doctor
Alphabet Mamino Health
Alphabet Mamino Health
Bayer Elevit Pronatal
  • If you are tormented by strong vomiting and you lose weight, do not try to stop it with dried apricots or mint - rather run to the doctor
  • If you have the opportunity, relax in the afternoon, and rather sleep a couple of hours after dinner

We hope that our tips and recommendations will help you alleviate your condition, get rid of signs of toxicosis, and wait for the long -awaited meeting with your baby with good health and mood.

Video: Histosis (toxicosis) of pregnant women. How is it easier to transfer or get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

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