Is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted sexual intercourse? What is the probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act?

Is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted sexual intercourse? What is the probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act?

The probability of getting pregnant with PPA. The chances of getting an infection with HIV during an interrupted act.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is a common method of contraception among couples, which are long together. Having learned each other closer, partners are not afraid to become infected with some kind of illness and trust each other.

In addition, men and women do not really like sensations during sex with a condom.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an interrupted act?

Yes, you can even get pregnant with “pulling out” the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This is due to incorrectly selected days and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

The most interesting thing is that most marriages are committed precisely because of the protection of interrupted sexual intercourse. Most women who have been protected throughout their lives at least once pregnant.

Why is pregnancy occur after PPA:

  • The man did the penis at the wrong time. A strong half of humanity can be difficult to control itself. You can be late for a split second and a drop of sperm will fall into the vagina. The problem is aggravated by premature ejaculation
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules. As practice shows, pregnancy occurs after repeated sexual intercourse. This happens because the man after the first ejaculation is bad, or did not wash the penis at all. The fact is that after the ejaculation in the folds of the penis and in the urethra there remains a small amount of seed fluid, which, when re -contact, along with the mucus enters the vagina. After each act, it is necessary to wash the penis after each act and goes to the toilet on a small
  • During ovulation, there is enough sperm drops to get pregnant, so this method of contraception on dangerous days is not suitable
Get pregnant with an interrupted act
get pregnant with an interrupted act

The probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Doctors do not consider PPA at all by contraception. According to research in pairs under 30, who regularly live sex life, but do not plan pregnancy, with PPA pregnancy occurs during the first year of relations. Accordingly, the same figure is considered normal for partners planning children.

According to some studies, the probability of conception at PPA is 1:25. Analyze the numbers, with normal sexual intercourse, the probability of conceiving a child is 1:10 in healthy partners. The difference is significant, but 4 out of 100 women are pregnant with PPA.

The probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act
The probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Interrupted act during ovulation

The probability of getting pregnant is very high. This applies not only to the day of ovulation, but also a few days before its onset. Accordingly, 4 days before ovulation and 1 day after it, it is better not to protect the PPA method.

Indeed, in 1 ml of seminal fluid there are billions of sperm, and one is enough for fertilization. In addition, during ovulation, the vaginal medium accompanies pregnancy. The mucus is very viscous and viscous, it perfectly conducts sperm.

The pre -seed fluid also contains sperm that enters the vagina. The chances of becoming a mother are very high, especially after repeated sexual intercourse, when part of the seed remains in the urethra and in the folds of the penis.

Interrupted act during ovulation
Interrupted act during ovulation

Is it possible to become infected with HIV with an interrupted act?

  • HIV can be infected with any sexual contact. This is possible during anal, oral and vaginal sex. At the same time, it is not necessary to “finish” in a partner
  • Not only sperm is a carrier of infections, it is mucus, pre - -seeded liquid and even flora, which is located on the head of the penis
  • If you do not plan a pregnancy, and have sex with a random partner, in no case do not use the PPA method
  • Perhaps he will save from pregnancy, but you can get infected very quickly

The mucus and pre -seed fluids may contain such microorganisms:

  • Trichomonas
  • Gardnerella
  • Drogozhzhi and mushrooms
  • Triponemes
  • Virus cells

This is only a small list of infections that it is fashionable to pick up, protecting the PPA method with a stranger or a random partner.

Infect HIV with an interrupted act
infect HIV with an interrupted act

Video: What is the danger of PPA

Is the interrupted act for a man harmful?

Increasingly, you can hear the word "harmful" relative to PPA from doctors. This is due to the incompleteness of sensations, a man has to think all the time to extract the penis in time.

Harm PPA:

  • Psychological discomfort. Partners cannot completely indulge in passion. They are not liberated to the end
  • The possibility of prostatitis. During PPA, the prostate iron is not completely reduced, part of the sperm remains inside. This leads to stagnant phenomena and reproduction of bacteria. 50% of men who suffer from prostatitis for a long time had sexual contact with the use of PPA
  • 50% of women do not receive an orgasm when using an interrupted act. Accordingly, the woman is irritable, overwork all the time
  • Violation of potency and infertility
Interrupted act for a man
interrupted act for a man

Is it possible to get pregnant with an interrupted act: reviews

Reviews about PPA are different. Who was lucky, but someone is not very good. Tentatively, 20 pairs of 100, PPA practicing PPA occurred within 12 months after the start of the relationship.

Women note that the probability of conception increases in the birth, since the cervical canal is open stronger due to previous births. Accordingly, sperm easily enters the uterus. According to doctors, the probability of getting pregnant is 15-50%.

Accordingly, if you do not plan children, choose another method of contraception. It can be a spermicidal gel or hormonal tablets.

Get pregnant with an interrupted act: reviews
get pregnant with an interrupted act: reviews

In no case do not enter into unprotected sexual contact with strangers. The risk of infection is very high.

Video: Pregnancy and interrupted act

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