Delicious and simple chocolate cake “One time, two, three”: recipes, reviews

Delicious and simple chocolate cake “One time, two, three”: recipes, reviews

In this article you will find many recipes of the cake "at a time, two, three."

What could be tastier than a delicate, soft and lush chocolate cake. Many housewives think that it is difficult to prepare such a dessert, but this is not so. In this article you will find recipes for delicious cakes, which you can cook for 20-30 minutes-quickly and simple. Read further.

Delicious chocolate cake “Two, Three” from Andychef, Andrei Chef: recipe from Andy Chef

Delicious chocolate cake
Delicious chocolate cake "One at a time, two, three"

Andy Chef or Andrey Chef is a well -known culinary culinary on the Internet. He has already published thousands of dessert recipes and other dishes. He came up with many of them on his own. Tasty chocolate cake "At a time, two, three" From Andychef is easily baked in an oven or multicooker. It is made of simple products available to every housewife. First, a chocolate biscuit is prepared. Here is the prescription:


  • Wheat flour - 260 grams
  • Sugar - 300 grams
  • Milk - 280 ml
  • Butter - 60 grams
  • Vegetable oil (preferably corn, if this is not, then sunflower) - 60 grams
  • Cocoa-powder quality-55 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Food soda - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Vanilla extract - 2 teaspoon
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vine vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Cook in this way:

  • Turn on the oven for warming up on 175 degreesas this dough will prepare quickly.
  • At this time, mix flour, cocoa powder, food soda, salt, granulated sugar. Mix well for uniform distribution of all ingredients. After all, carefully mixed soda will provide a quick raising of dough in shape.
  • Sange the resulting dry mixture.
  • Add a heated butter and break two eggs here.
  • Pour vegetable oil and vanilla extract.
  • Add warm milk and mix the dough thoroughly.
  • After the lumps disappeared, pour in wine vinegar.
  • In a form, the bottom of which is greased with oil, pour the dough. It should be up to half the volume of the container, because in the process of baking it will rise. If the shape is small, take another. Send cake to bake for 1 hour.
  • After checking full readiness, take out the biscuit from the form and give it the opportunity to cool. Then wrap the biscuit cake in the food film.
  • After two hours, cut the pie on the cakes that need to be impregnated with cream.

You can use any cream:

  • Custard
  • Ganash
  • Curd
  • Cream with cheese of mascarpone and so on

How to cook these types of creams read in the article on our website on this link. You can just mix 1 bank of condensed milk With a pack of butter ( 200 g) - It will turn out very tasty. On top, the cake needs to be watered with cocoa glaze. How to cook it, read in this article on this link. Instead of cocoa, chocolate can be added to the glaze.

Delicious cake “Two three”, baked in a slow cooker and oven - secrets: step -by -step recipe from Olga Matvey, video

Delicious chocolate cake
Delicious chocolate cake "One at a time, two, three"

Olga Matvey is an experience with experience, albeit very young. Her culinary masterpieces are popular and many housewives want to repeat the preparation of dishes according to her recipes. All because the dessert will necessarily work out, since the recipe is described in detail, and the preparation process takes place right in front of the viewers of the video. A delicious cake at a time, baked in a slow cooker, prepare according to the following step -by -step recipe.


  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Soda - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Cocoa - 55 grams
  • Sugar - 300 grams
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 60 grams
  • Olive oil - 60 grams
  • Vanilla extract - 2 teaspoons
  • Milk - 280 grams
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking process:

  • In the container where all the ingredients will be mixed, put the sieve and place all the bulk products except sugar in it. See you, remove the lumps that remain. Take the sieve aside.
  • Add sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, butter and olive to the resulting dry mixture and mix with a mixer.
  • Add wine vinegar and mix for a few seconds.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the slow cooker with oil and transfer the dough into it.
  • Turn on the slow cooker for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, a lipstick is being prepared for a cake of this composition:

  • Cocoa - 100 grams
  • Milk - from 100 ml (maybe more, depending on the cocoa variety)
  • Sugar - 35 grams
  • Plum oil. - 1 dessert spoon

How to cook a lipstick:

  • Put cocoa, sugar, a pinch of salt and gradually, when stirring, pour milk in dishes. All this is done on the stove on.
  • The mixture is constantly mixed so as not to burn.
  • When the lipstick acquires a glossy shade, put the butter (gives more gloss), add a tablespoon of cognac (alcohol is added at will) and mix well.
  • After dissolving the oil in the lipstick, the furnace can be turned off.

After an hour of baking, a cake is extracted from the multicooker and formed arbitrarily. You can put berries on top, as in a picture or nuts. Secrets of preparing such a dessert in the oven:

  • If you prepare such a cake in the oven, then the baking time will depend on the type of oven.
  • Sometimes required and 1 hour for preparation at temperatures 175 degrees According to the same recipe and technology.
  • There are times that you need to bake and 2 hours.
  • Check readiness with a wooden stick. If you pierced the bacillus of dry, then the cake is ready. If raw, then bake a few more minutes.

After extracting the cake from the mold, it is wrapped in cling film for several hours to acquire greater softness and looseness. All - a delicious dessert is ready. Here is a video on the preparation of this cake:

Video: Very simple chocolate cake at a time, two, three

Simple cake “Two, three”: two recipes of cream

Delicious chocolate cake
Delicious chocolate cake "One at a time, two, three"

A simple cake “at a time, two, three” itself is porous, gentle and wet. It can be served with tea in the form of a cake. But with a cream, this will already be a real ease. Below you will find two recipes of creams that are often used by confectioners for such cakes. The easiest to prepare and does not require special products for its composition is a sour cream.

It will require the following ingredients:

  • Sugar-sand-130 g
  • Fatty sour cream - 500 ml
  • Chocolate to taste - 200 g
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.

Cook like this:

  • Beat sour cream with butter and chocolate with a mixer for one minute.
  • Add sugar and beat more 2-3 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice of half the lemon into the resulting mixture and beat the mixture one more time for a minute.

The sour cream is ready for application to the cake. A classic cream for a simple cake at a time, two, three is chocolate.

For its preparation, the following ingredients are used:

  • Gorky chocolate without additives - 210 grams
  • Milk 2.5% - 110 ml
  • High -quality butter - 210 grams

You need to cook like this:

  • In dishes with 110 ml Milk is covered with chocolate grated on the aoric board and put on the water bath until completely dissolved.
  • Then cool the mixture and add softened drain to it. oil.
  • Mix thoroughly with a mixer and put in a refrigerator.
  • Through 15 minutes Chocolate cream can be used to decorate the dessert.

Such types of creams can be used to impregnate different cakes. They are considered universal and are used by confectioners of the whole world.

Summer cake with gelatin: a simple recipe without baking at a time, two, three

Summer cake with gelatin
Summer cake with gelatin

In the summer, when it is hot not only in the kitchen, but also in the whole house, as well as on the street, but you want sweet, you can cook a summer cake without baking of gelatin and fresh berries. The recipe is simple, and you can make such a dessert during 20 minutes. Then it remains to wait until the jelly froze and you can enjoy the delicious coolness of your own cooked cake.

To prepare this dessert, you will need:

  • Biscuit cookies or biscuit cake-300-350 g
  • Sour cream - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Gelatin - 20 g
  • Fresh berries (any) - 400 g
  • Boiled water at room temperature - 0.5 cups

Now we start cooking a “summer cake with gelatin” according to a simple recipe without baking at a time, two three:

  • Take gelatin and soak it in cool water. We are waiting for him to swell.
  • Next, cut biscuit cookies or biscuit into small pieces.
  • Berries for your cake choose any, to your taste - blueberries, grapes, cherries, raspberries. If you take kiwi and strawberries, you get a bright combination of colors.
  • Cleam the kiwi and cut into small cubes, strawberries or raspberries should be rinsed and then cut. But do not grind these berries too small, otherwise all the juice will flow down the cake from them, it will turn out not entirely beautiful and appetizing.
  • This cake is best done in some kind of round form, such as a salad bowl. Cover the bowl with a grocery film in several layers.
  • When the gelatin swells, warm it up so that it would dissolve well.
  • Now pour gelatin into sour cream (sprinkle it in advance with sugar). Stir.
  • Beat the creamy mixture.
  • After that, put the entire salad bowl covered with a film with a small part of pre -prepared berries and pour the prepared gelatin mixture on top.
  • After that, carefully lay out the pieces of the biscuit over the entire salad bowl and again pour the creamy mixture with gelatin.
  • Do this procedure until all the ingredients end with you.
  • Then you need to put the cake in the refrigerator, approximately for 2 hours.
  • When you make sure that the dessert has completely froze, turn the bowl over something flat-a plate, a board and so on.
  • Remove the film. The cake is ready. If you want, you can decorate the dessert with berries from above.

Do not be afraid to experiment with this dessert. You can make it chocolate or pour white and dark layers alternately, first letting them harden. Put bright berries in the white layer, and in the dark - pieces of biscuit.

Cake 1 - 11: Very tasty and beautiful cake "One time, two, three"

Cake 5: Very tasty and beautiful cake
Cake 5: Very tasty and beautiful cake "One time, two, three"

Now the trend is baked cakes for a birthday in the form of numbers. To prepare such a dessert, first you need to bake a biscuit cake, and then cut a figure out of it. How to do this is described in detail in articles on our website. Here are links to recipes for cooking cakes 1 — 11:

To make a very tasty and beautiful cake at a time, two, three, soak it with a cream and decorate it with various sweets. Moreover, to do it is simple (in the recipes everything is described in detail). To do cake 8, bake two round cakes and cut two “holes” inside. Connect them and get a figure. To bake the figure 11Bake two "one".

Cake "at a time, two, three": reviews about baking the cake "One, two ..."

Cake "at a time, two, three"

If you have a celebration soon, and you choose a dessert recipe, and at the same time doubt whether you bake a cake at a time, two, three or make a dessert according to a more complex recipe, read reviews. These people have already tried such a cake and were delighted. The fact is that such pastries are not perceived as cheap and simple. It seems that this is an expensive cake, the creation of which the mistress worked for a lot of time. Here are reviews about baking the cake "One, two ...":

Arina, 28 years old

A friend invited me to tea and treated me to a wonderful cake from Andy. I was surprised: such a simple composition, and what a tasty! Moreover, the cake is prepared quickly and any housewife who does not even possess the skills of the confectioner can do it. We drank tea with chocolate cake at a time, two, three with glaze, and a friend says that there are many more varieties. Now I will definitely make such a wonderful cake at home.

Galina Vladimirovna, 65 years old

I like to engage in baking at home and pamper my loved ones with various yummy. Recently I learned a cake recipe at a time, two, three. He attracted me with his uncomplication in the manufacture and a simple set of products. I did everything as expected. I especially liked the chip with an endurance of a biscuit wrapped in a food film. I am satisfied with the result, the cake turned out to be lush, soft, with excellent chocolate taste.

Svetlana, 31 years old

On the Internet I found a way to cook a cake at a time, two, three. This is a recipe for a simple manufacturing and not requiring exquisite products of a culinary masterpiece. I’m not afraid, so to speak, because I really got a cool, very tasty and delicate cake. Baking and cooking the cream did not take much time. I made a classic sour creamy mass, and next time I will try on a chocolate cream. My guests liked everything.

Video: Super fast cake at a time, two, three. His taste drives everyone crazy!

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