Creams for aligning the cake: ganash, cottage cheese, creamy. How to align the cake with cream for mastic, icing?

Creams for aligning the cake: ganash, cottage cheese, creamy. How to align the cake with cream for mastic, icing?

Creams for aligning the cake.

Now geometry, strict lines, as well as a minimum of decor are in fashion. This trend is traced in fashionable images, clothes, makeup. At the peak of popularity, nude shades for nails, as well as make-ups. However, tendencies of severity are observed not only in the field of beauty and design, but also in confectionery. In this article we will tell you how to align the cake with cream. 

What cream to align the cake?

There are a lot of recipes that are designed fortogo, To soak the cakes, make them juicy. Of course, to get a delicious home cake, there is no need to adhere to strict recipes, or perfectly level the surface of the dessert.

What cream to align the cake:

  • Sometimes it is quite difficult to implement, especially if the street is not the most favorable climatic conditions. The fact is that a large number of sour cream creams, when exposed to high temperature, can flow, soften, respectively, the surface becomes not perfectly flat, and the appearance of the cake is spoiled.
  • Therefore, the ideal version of the cream for aligning the cake is Ganash, cottage cheese. That is, those that do not affect the change in ambient temperature. It so happens that the cream located in the refrigerator holds its shape well and looks very beautiful.
  • However, when transporting or moving to the table, to a warm room, he begins to swim. To prevent this from happening, use a persistent cream that minimally responds to temperature change. 
Without leveling
Without leveling

How to cook ganash cream for aligning the cake?

This option is mainly used in industrial conditions, when pastries are preparing cakes. It is not very tasty, and is not suitable for impregnating cakes. The base, soaked in such a cream, will be dry. Therefore, the taste of such a cake will not be the best. In general, ideally, you need to use two different creams: one for impregnation, and the second for decor.

They are different in their composition, taste characteristics, as well as recipes for cooking. The cream used for alignment is mainly created with a decorative goal to hide small flaws in cooking. The impregnation cream may not be very beautiful, absolutely not to keep the form, but at the same time it is distinguished by excellent taste qualities and the ability to impregnate even the most dense cakes, not contributing to their soaking. 

Ingredients for the preparation of Ganash cream: 

  • 1 kg of confectionery glaze 
  • 500 g of fat butter 

How to cook ganash cream for aligning the cake:

  • To prepare this decorative cream, it is necessary to melt the glaze in a water bath.It is necessary that the glaze becomes liquid. Leave it to cool to a temperature of 40 degrees. It is necessary to deal with the oil in advance, it is previously put on the table so that it becomes room temperature.
  • After that, it is necessary to whip the glaze with a mixer and in small portions of butter. Before decorating the cake, it is necessary to put the mixture in the refrigerator so that it hardens a little and becomes dense.
  • Only after that, a confectionery bag is refueling with a cream, and a decoration is carried out. Please note that in no case can you decorate the newly assembled cake. It is necessary that it stands at least 12 or 24 hours in the refrigerator, that is, soaked in cream.

How to cook a cream for aligning the cake in oil?

Thickeners, ingredients that add density are often introduced into creams for leveling. One of the best and most unusual options is cream with cookies and condensed milk. 

To prepare the cream, you need: 

  • 170 g of oil 
  • 400 ml of condensed milk 
  • 5 pieces of ordinary sugar cookies 

Cream for aligning the cake in oil:

  • preparations must first defrost the oil, hold it at room temperature so that it becomes soft and beat well. It must be loaded into a blender or into a container, beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.
  • After pour a condensed milk, and beat for another quarter of an hour. Next, you need to insert cookies into the blender, grind into small crumbs. These crumbs are poured into the prepared cream and beat with a mixer.
  • Before lubricating the cakes with the resulting cream, it is necessary to put it for 1 hour in the refrigerator. If necessary, you can introduce vanillin, liquor, coconut chips, or cinnamon. 
Cream in oil
Cream in oil

Crute cream for aligning the cake: Recipe

Very good creams for aligning the cake are prepared from cottage cheese or cheese. They keep their shape well, while do not settle and do not respond to fever. These creams can be used to impregnate biscuits, they are much cheaper than ganash. 

For preparation, you will need: 

  • 550 g of cottage cheese 
  • Approximately 1000 ml of fatty cream 
  • 200 g of sugar or powder 
  • 300 g of black chocolate 

Curd cream for aligning the cake, recipe:

  • It is necessary at the very beginning to beat half the cream until lush foam. When they become airy, it is necessary to introduce the powder and beat again. Using a grater or blender, it is necessary to grind chocolate tiles to the state of the crumb.
  • The remaining half of the cream must be put in a water bath and heat. When they begin to boil, it is necessary to pour into a container with chocolate so that it melts.
  • Do not forget to constantly mix so that the chocolate becomes liquid and connects well with the cream. Now it is necessary to combine two creamy masses, continuing to whisk. Before applying to the cakes, it is necessary to put in the refrigerator. Please note that in no case should the cream be whipped to the state of dense foam. 
Confectioner at work
Confectioner at work

Ganash cream on cream for aligning the cake: Recipe

The ideal option for leveling the cake is classic ganash. This is one of the simplest options that French culinary specialized invented. It is prepared very quickly and does not require long -term whipping with a mixer or blender. Such chocolate creams are created. This is the ideal option if you plan to level under mastic when you need a perfectly flat surface. 

The following components are necessary for cooking: 

  • 320 g of milk chocolate 
  • 70 g butter 
  • 220 ml of fat cream 

Ganash cream on cream for aligning the cake, recipe:

  • Please note that it is best to take cream with fat content above 30%. This will achieve perfect plasticity and consistency. A couple of hours before preparing goodness, it is necessary to set ordinary oil so that it becomes soft.
  • Creams are poured into a pan, put in a water bath or on a small fire with a cutter. It is necessary that they become very hot, but in no case boil.
  • As soon as small bubbles appear on the surface, it is necessary to set aside the pan from the fire. Using a blender and coffee grinder, the chocolate is crushed into small crumbs.
  • This baby is spilled into hot cream and mixed with a mixer or corolla. There is no need to achieve a lush mass, it is enough to become homogeneous, and the chocolate is dissolved. It is necessary to let the mixtures cool for 10 minutes.
  • After that, oil is introduced, which is cut into small cubes. Again it must be mixed until this component is completely dissolved. Before lubricating the cakes, you need to put this cream for the whole night in the refrigerator.

How to align the cake with cream at home: Tips

There are some tips that will help to quickly level the surface of the cake. Please note that all creams that are used as a substrate for mastic should differ in high density and not respond to temperature change.

How to align the cake with cream at home, tips:

  • Typically, for these purposes, a dense cream is used, which is prepared on the basis of oil, or brewed. If you want the cream to be brilliant and differ in a beautiful surface, you need to administer a little more oil than in the recipe.
  • If you need a cream for applying chocolate glaze, then there is no need to cook ganash. Oil cream with the addition of condensed milk will cost much cheaper. Please note that all oil -based creams before applying to the cake must be maintained at room temperature within one hour.
  • In this case, they will not be thick, but supple, perfectly applied to the surface. All creams based on cottage cheese must be applied immediately from the refrigerator, not allowing to heat up. 

Is it possible to align the cake with custard?

This is not the best option. It is suitable for impregnation, but not for alignment.

Is it possible to align the cake with custard:

  • Cathedral does not hold shape, floats and spreads. It is not used for alignment.
  • Very often, cakes after applying the cream give shrinkage, can be deformed, and lose their shape. Thus, if you decorate the dessert right away, then all defects will be visible after decoration. The decor will have to be done again and correct all the shortcomings.
  • Therefore, the cake is imposed immediately, and only after it is saturated, decoration. Ganash cream is applied using a confectionery bag, aligned with the use of a metal flat shoulder blade or silicone spoon.
  • It holds decorative elements well, and is often used as a coating for mastic. That is, immediately after alignment, a thin layer of mastic can be applied, and it will perfectly keep the shape. To taste, such a cream is cunning, with very dense bubbles that keep their shape well. It is not the most delicious, however, it is rarely used to impregnate cakes, using for decorative purposes. 

Cream for aligning the cake: reviews

As you can see, there is a decent number of creams with which you can level the surface of the cake. Before doing this, you can find the reviews of the hostesses. 

Cream for aligning the cake, reviews:

Violetta, 45 years old. I cook cakes on holidays, not so long ago I began to decorate with the help of mastic. As a leveling cream, use an option with butter and chocolate. It turns out a little expensive, but at the same time the mastic lies perfectly evenly. Recently, the neighbors have even been ordered to be ordered. They talked my home cake on the name day. 

Svetlana, 30 years old. I cook cakes infrequently, only on holidays. I think that there is nothing complicated in preparing a very beautiful cake and decorating it with unusual colors. I purchase all jewelry in the market in ready -made form. I cook the cream on my own. I really love the curd option, since it is perfectly applied with a silicone blade. It remains only to supplement with flowers and swans. 

Oksana, 35 years old. I started to engage in cakes a few years ago, now I have many orders. Usually I align the surface with a cream that I cook from confectionery glaze. It turns out not cheap, but there are no misfires. This cream is perfect all the time, it is well applied and never fails. After all, there is no opportunity to redo work. This is a classic ganash cream, I cook it without adding a condensed milk, based on butter. I really like the result, the mass is dense, ideal for mastic. 


In such cases, a liquid cream is an ideal option, such as custard, or using cream, eggs and other liquid components. However, if the cake is prepared for guests, it is planned to treat a large number of people, it is necessary that it be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Video: How to align the cake with cream?

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