A delicious cake in the form of a number 1 for a birthday, 1 year to a boy, a girl, a child with mastic, without a mastic with her own hands, for 1 year of wedding, September 1, in grade 1: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos. How to cut a beautiful number 1 of paper and dough, how to decorate a cake in shape 1: Tips

A delicious cake in the form of a number 1 for a birthday, 1 year to a boy, a girl, a child with mastic, without a mastic with her own hands, for 1 year of wedding, September 1, in grade 1: step -by -step recipes, photos, videos. How to cut a beautiful number 1 of paper and dough, how to decorate a cake in shape 1: Tips

The cake in the form of 1 is simply done. Look for advice and recipes in the article.

At the first day of the baby’s birth, everything will be for the first time. Mom and dad are trying to make this holiday bright and memorable.

  • It doesn’t matter if it will be a modest home holiday or a thematic party in a children's cafe, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail.
  • On the table, among different foods and drinks, the main place will take a cake.
  • It should be especially beautiful, since you will probably take photos and videos on memory of the holiday and how the baby eats the first piece of cake from his first birthday.
  • In this article you will find recipes for safe children's cakes - beautiful, tasty and with original decoration.

How to cut a beautiful number 1 from paper and dough: tips

To make a figure from cakes for a cake, you must first cut a stencil of paper. You can print this figure on paper with A4 format and cut out a unit, then transfer the number to the cakes.


Tips on how to cut a figure on ready -made cakes:

  • Bake the cakes rectangular shape. So it will be convenient to cut out a unit.
  • On soft biscuit cakes, it is easy to cut out a unit. Just attach a paper stencil to the finished cooled cake and cut the excess with a knife.
  • If the dough is sandy, then you need to cut the number on a rolled dough dough. Divide a piece of dough into pieces and cool them well in the refrigerator, then put on the parchment and roll out. Now you can cut out the number 1 and then bake in the oven.
  • When cut out from raw dough, alternately get the parts of the dough from the refrigerator, you do not need to keep it on the table, since it is easier to cut out one from a cold sand cake.

From the remnants of the dough, you can make flowers, hearts, round cookies and then decorate the finished cake with them.

Tasty children's cake in the form of a number 1 for a birthday to a boy with your own hands: step -by -step instructions with photos and videos

Cake 1
Cake 1

The children's cake should be not only tasty, but also safe, that is, baked without the use of cream, since they have a lot of harmful vegetable fats, without preservatives and dyes. Make a cake 1 for your son’s birthday from gingerbread dough. Here is the prescription:

Ingredients for cake 1
Ingredients for cake 1

Cook cakes like this:

Cooking the dough for cake 1
Cooking the dough for cake 1
  • Mix sugar, honey and salt in a layer in a homogeneous mass in a bowl.
  • Add butter and mix everything again.
  • Put a bowl in a water bath. Stir constantly until sugar and honey dissolve.
  • Then remove the bowl and put soda in a mixture. Mix and let the mass cool slightly.
  • After that, add the egg and mix well.
  • Pour the flour and knead the dough.
  • Wrap it in a food film and take it into the refrigerator for several hours or at night.
  • When the dough becomes cold, divide into 2 parts.
  • Take one part back into the refrigerator, and put the second on the parchment and roll out a 3 mm thick cake.
  • Now attach a paper stencil and cut the figure. Remove the excess dough and stencil.
  • Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, put the first layer on the sheet and bake until the appearance of the "blush".
  • Remove the cake from the oven and put on the table, let him cool.
  • Do the same with the second cake.

Now prepare the cream:

Preparing cream for cake 1
Preparing cream for cake 1
  • Pour the cream into the stewpan and bring it to 70-80 degrees.
  • Pour chocolate with hot cream and stir. You can beat this mass with a blender.
  • Then cover the bowl with the resulting mass lid or cling film and take it into a cool place at night.
  • After time, beat the cheese with a mixer so that it becomes homogeneous and soft.
  • Pour chilled creams with chocolate to the cheese and beat all together with a mixer to get a lot in the form of a thick, but air cream.
  • Put the cream in a confectionery bag with a “wave” or “tube” nozzle.

Prepare raspberry confiture:

Confitis for cake 1
Confitis for cake 1
  • Mix sugar with starch. Then combine with raspberry mashed potatoes.
  • Mix all these products until a homogeneous state.
  • Put a bowl on the stove (on small fire), stir and cook the mixture for 1-2 minutes.
  • Cool the finished confiture and transfer to the confectionery bag.

The time has come for the assembly of the cake 1:

  • Put the cream into the first cake with “drops”. Between the cream - confiture.
  • Cover with the second cake and again put the cream and confiture on it.
  • Garnish the cake to your taste using meringue, pasta, macaron, marshmallow, marmalade and so on.
  • Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours and serve.
  • Such a cake can also be decorated with slices of fruit for the season: strawberries, kiwi, orange and others.

Watch the video how a woman bakes cake 1, using a special shape and other devices - quickly and conveniently.

Video: Cake 1

Tasty children's cake in the form of a number 1 for a birthday to a girl with her own hands: step -by -step instructions with photos and videos

Cake 1
Cake 1

For a girl, you can bake a cake 1 of almond dough. It is easy to make it, and the ingredients are the simplest. The result is a delicious dessert that will appeal to both your baby and all adults at the festival. Make a paper stencil in advance, as described above. Here is the prescription:

Ingredients for cake 1
Ingredients for cake 1

Cook like this:

Cooking the dough for cake 1
Cooking the dough for cake 1
  • Cut the cooled butter into cubes using a knife.
  • Add sugar powder, salt, almond and wheat flour to oil. Do not forget, before adding to the dough, sift all dry ingredients.
  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Then add the egg and yolk. Knead an elastic soft dough.
  • Divide the finished dough into 4 parts and remove it into the refrigerator.
  • Now prepare parchment paper or silicone rug. Remove 1 part from the refrigerator and roll out on paper or rug.
  • Cut the number with a paper stencil, and put it in a oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. A golden crust should appear.
  • Do this with all the cakes and put them to cool.

Now prepare the cream:

Preparing cream for cake 1
Preparing cream for cake 1
  • Mix all the ingredients. Add the cream a little bit so that you can control the consistency of the future cream.
  • Beat with a mixer for 3 minutes and put in a confectionery bag with the nozzle "Wave".

After that, you can collect the cake:

  • Plant the cream "drops" to the first cake.
  • Cover with the second cake, again the cream. You can put the fruit slices for each cake.
  • Then the third cake, cream and the fourth cake, again cream.

Decorate the cake at your request: cookies, sand figures, flowers, fruits. You can also bake the letter - the first letter of the name of your baby. Both cakes will be eaten instantly, since the cakes are delicious and the cream is air.

Video: Cake one for a girl

A delicious cake in the form of a number 1 on the wedding anniversary 1 year with your own hands: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake 1
Cake 1

The first anniversary of the wedding is a year of life together, I always want to celebrate brightly. The holiday should turn out to be memorable. In addition to different snacks and corporate hot dishes, there should be a cake on the table. It is better to make it as a unit. Sand cakes will be perfectly combined with creamy-wewatin cream. Such a thematic dessert will be a great decoration of the table. Make a paper stencil in advance, as described above. Here is a recipe for such a cake:

Ingredients for cake 1
Ingredients for cake 1

Cook cakes like this:

  • See you dry ingredients through a sieve.
  • Now, using a mixer, mix oil and powdered sugar.
  • Add the egg, salt, beat again. Put the yolk - mix.
  • Add wheat and almond flour, knead soft dough. Divide it into 2 parts. Wrap in the film and take it into the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Then take out one part and roll out a 3-4 mm thick cake on parchment.
  • Put the stencil on top and cut the digit, removing the excess dough.
  • Put the blank at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
  • Do the same with the second part.

Prepare the cream:

Cream for cake 1
Cream for cake 1
  • Soak gelatin in hot water until it dissolves.
  • Mix half sugar and starch. Add eggs and a little milk. Beat a mixer until smooth.
  • Heat milk, add vanilla and the rest of the sugar. Enter this mixture to a sweet egg mixture.
  • Put the mass on the fire and stirring, bring it to the formation of light foam.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat and add butter. Mix well.
  • Heat the swollen gelatin over low heat, but do not bring to a boil.
  • First strain the gelatin through a strainer, and then pour it into the cream and mix well.
  • Cover the cream with a lid and set aside to cool.
  • When the cream has cooled, whisk it with a mixer.
  • Beat the cooled cream and enter them into the cream. Mix well.
  • Transfer the finished cream to the confectionery bag.

Now collect the cake, squeezing out the cream for each cake. The top can be decorated with cream, fruits, sweets, or you can make decoration with protein cream. You can even decorate with fresh flowers, but do not forget to isolate the stems with a special teip tape. In general, it all depends on your imagination - how to decorate and how to surprise your guests.

Video: Home cake decoration. Cake for the anniversary. Cake heart. The wedding cake.

Delicious children's cake in grade 1 in the form of digits 1 with your own hands: step -by -step instructions with a photo

Cake 1 in grade 1
Cake 1 in grade 1

When a child goes to first grade, this is a particularly exciting event for children and their parents.

  • The whole family gathers in the evening to congratulate the baby. The table is set, congratulations sound.
  • The main decoration of the table can be a cake in the form of numbers and letters - original and very interesting.
  • If your child has a tea party about such a holiday, then you can also bake this interesting cake.
  • Its recipe is simple, and you will not spend a lot of money on the ingredients, but your baby and his friends will remember such a surprise for a long time.
Ingredients for cake 1 in grade 1
Ingredients for cake 1 in grade 1

Cook the cake like this:

  • Separate the squirrels from the eggs from the yolks. Take the proteins in the refrigerator for cooling or in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Mix the yolks with butter, orange juice (150 ml), salt and a third part of sugar. Put the mixture in a water bath until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Remove the yellow mixture from the fire, cool and beat with a mixer until foam forms.
  • Add orange flour and zest.
  • Beat the proteins with granulated sugar and gently intervene in the mass to other ingredients.
  • Turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. At this time, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper greased with oil. You can use any baking form, depending on what a cake you will have - only in the form of a number or with a letter. Pour the dough into the shape and set to bake for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cool the finished cake and cut into two layers.

Now make the cream:

  • Grab three yolks with granulated sugar, flour and half of the cream. It is not necessary to cool the cream, they should be at room temperature.
  • Heat the remaining cream on fire to 70-80 degrees. Pour a sweet yellow mass into hot cream, and stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

Make the lower cake with cream and cover it with the upper. Leave to the side, let the cake be saturated with cream. Now we collect the cake:

  • Cut out the number with the letter from two folded cakes, and smear all the sides and slices with the remnants of the cream.
  • Lubricate the cake with a confiture on top. You can use any jam, but only dense, so that it lies with a layer.
  • Prepare the fill, as indicated on the packaging. Instead of filling, you can make jelly, for example, from any juice. Dissolve 50 grams of gelatin in a liter of hot juice. After half an hour, heat again, then cool a little in the refrigerator, so that the jelly begins to grasp. After that, pour it onto the cake. What will drain is easily removed with a kitchen.
  • Put the cake for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator for impregnation and filling the fill. Then take out the cake and draw the contour sugar pencils.
  • On top you can put circles from mastic with letters and numbers, which are also painted with sugar pencil.

Mastic circles and sugar pencil can be bought at any confectioner store. Everything - the cake is ready! Serve it to the table with tea or other sweet drinks, for example, lemonade.

How to decorate a children's cake for a child in the form of a number 1 with mastic and without mastic: tips, photo

The decoration of the children's cake is a special process. It is necessary to make sure that it is not only beautiful, but also tasty. The child will not wait until the first piece is cut off to him. He must take his hands on what he wants and this is his right, because Krokha has a holiday. Therefore, the decoration should be colorful and appetizing. Here are some tips on how to decorate a children's cake for a child for 1 year with mastic and without it - photo:

Macaron cookies are often used specifically to decorate confectionery. It can be bought at any confectionery workshop. If you want to decorate the cake with fresh flowers, then isolate the stems with cling film or a special ribbon. But for a child, it is better not to decorate the cake with fresh flowers, as he can pull everything in his mouth. Such a "decor" is suitable for a cake for 1 year of wedding.

Cake 1
Cake 1

The best decoration for a children's cake is cream. Lubricate the cake with cream, put sugar beads and make a figure of some cartoon animal. Set it on the cake - the original decoration is ready!

Cake 1
Cake 1

Not every mother will be able to make decoration with mastic. Experience is needed here, but you can still try. It will turn out original and beautifully.

Cake 1
Cake 1

The berry-cream decoration will most likely be eaten immediately by the baby. However, as well as the gingerbread letters of the name.

Cake 1
Cake 1

Half of the berries, sweets, meringues and cream pyramids, plus the favorite kinder-surprise-an unusual decoration for the cake is ready.

Cake 1
Cake 1

See how interesting you can decorate the cake with ordinary colored sweets. It turned out a rainbow masterpiece, which will delight not only the child, but all the adults present at the holiday.

Cake 1
Cake 1

Cream, fruits and jelly pouring for a cake is another very simple, but interesting option for decorating a cake.

Cake 1
Cake 1

Again, the mastic is bright and beautiful.

Cake 1
Cake 1

A beautiful cake for a girl, decorated with figures of mastic and marzipan.

Cake 1
Cake 1

And again, your favorite children's sweets on the cake - cookies, berries, sweets, waffle tubes.

Cake 1
Cake 1

Anything can be done from plastic mastics. Therefore, this is one of the most used materials when decorating cakes.

Cake 1
Cake 1

This jewelry made of mastic and cake for a cake for a girl is stylish and beautiful.

Cake 1
Cake 1

And this is a round cake 1, and the unit flaunts on top of it - unique and peculiar!

Cake 1
Cake 1

Each woman can bake cake 1. It will not be difficult to decorate it. If you do not know how to work with mastic, then make a “decor” for this dessert of cream and sweets. Such a cake will definitely appeal to all guests, and especially the culprit or culprit of the celebration.

Video: Cake unit assembly and decoration with cottage cheese-oil cream

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