A delicious children's cake for 6 years in the form of numbers 6 with your own hands - for the birthday of a girl, a boy, for 6 months, with mastic, without mastic, on the wedding anniversary, a cake 6 eggs, in the form of a letter: step recipes, photos, videos. How to make a number 6 from the biscuit: Instructions. How to decorate cake 6: ideas, tips

A delicious children's cake for 6 years in the form of numbers 6 with your own hands - for the birthday of a girl, a boy, for 6 months, with mastic, without mastic, on the wedding anniversary, a cake 6 eggs, in the form of a letter: step recipes, photos, videos. How to make a number 6 from the biscuit: Instructions. How to decorate cake 6: ideas, tips

In this article you will find interesting recipes for a delicious cake for 6 years in the form of a number.

The kids are looking forward to their sixth birthday. The child already understands that this is his triumph, and knows that he will be given gifts and make surprises.

  • A cake on a festive table is the main attribute of this day.
  • Therefore, mom should try and bake the dessert for her baby and guests.
  • Such a large sweet cake can be made in the form of numbers 6 - original and interesting. Look for recipes in this article.

How to make a number 6 from the biscuit: instruction

Number 6 from biscuit
Number 6 from biscuit

Number 6 from biscuit:

  • Make the dough for 2 portions and bake two round cakes.
  • Cut one of them along in half to impregnate, and cut the “tail” of the six from the other, as shown in the photo above.
  • To maintain the integrity of the number, insert another small piece of biscuit between the “tail” and the circle.
  • Cut the hole in the middle through an inverted glass or mug.
An example of how you can make a number 6 from a biscuit
An example of how you can make a number 6 from a biscuit

It remains only to lubricate the dessert with cream filling and decorate the top.

A delicious children's cake for 6 years in the form of numbers 6 with your own hands - on the birthday of a girl, a boy without mastic: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

For any hostess, when baking the cake, it is important that the biscuit cakes turn out to be tender and melting in the mouth. Below you will find a recipe, thanks to which you can bake the delicious biscuit treat of Kinder Slis. Here are the components of products for chocolate layers and cream layers:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Now do the following:

  1. Remove the separated proteins from the yolks in the freezer for 10-20 minutes so that they become cold and grasp the ice slightly, but not frozen much.
  2. During this time, beat the yolks with granulated sugar.
  3. Put the milk right away, plant. Oil and honey.
  4. Stiring with a whisk, put the flour, cocoa and baking powder connected and sifted through a sieve.
  5. Remove slightly frozen proteins and break them well with a mixer.
  6. Divide the mass into a couple of parts and bake each in the wind compartment of your stove for several minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Check your readiness with a toothpick - stick it into the layer, and when you get it, there should be no raw dough stains on the stick.
  7. Then cool the chocolate layers and cut along.

It is important to make a cream layer correctly, because the taste of the future dessert depends on it. The stages of cooking will be as follows:

  1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and pour milk to it. Let him swell half an hour.
  2. Mix sour cream with granulated sugar.
  3. Put the gelatin mass on the stove and bring to 80-90 degrees, stirring.
  4. In hot milk-wishes, lay out condensed milk and honey. Mix and combine with sour cream mass.

You will also need a chocolate lipstick:

  1. In half a glass of warm milk, dissolve 2 tablespoons of cocoa and half a glass of sugar.
  2. Put the mixture on the gas and bring to a boil. Add 20 grams of butter.
  3. Reduce the fire and cook the lipstick for 10-15 minutes.
  4. When the mass becomes thick, turn off the fire.

The turn of the dessert assembly came:

  1. On the lower part of the baked layers, lay out the cream mass.
  2. Cover on top of the other part and press a little.
  3. Lubricate the cake with chocolate lipstick on top.
  4. Disable color sweets by color and make decor, as shown in the picture from above.
  5. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

As you can see, in 30-40 minutes you made a delicious treat that will perfectly decorate the celebration and help to remember this holiday for a long time.

Video: Cake number 6 for the birthday of your beloved son!

A delicious children's cake for 6 months in the form of numbers 6 with your own hands - on the birthday of girls, boy: step -by -step recipe, photo

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

Does your baby come to 6 months? Do you want to make a real holiday with a feast and a cake? Excellent! Below you will find a recipe for a cake that can be fed even your baby without fear. It will turn out soft and even sweet, but at the same time we will not add sugar. The sweetener will be a banana. Kids just adore such a dessert. That's what you need:

  • Any children's cookies (you can even bellied) - 1 pack
  • Agusha milk - 5 packs of 200 ml
  • Kefir 2.5% - 2 tablespoons
  • Banana (depending on the size) - 1 or 2
  • Butter - 2 teaspoons

Preparation tips:

  1. Break the cookies into pieces. Fold in a bowl and pour 100 ml of warm milk.
  2. After a few minutes, open the mass so that it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Add soft oil to the mass with cookies and stir well.
  4. Divide the mass into 2 parts and separately put them in 2 forms. Put the forms with the dough in the refrigerator.

Cream layer:

  1. Mix the remaining milk with kefir and put on the fire.
  2. After boiling of this mixture, the serum must be discouraged.
  3. Do not remove from heat immediately after boiling, constantly stir for 20 minutes until the whole serum exfoliates.
  4. Now the hot mass of the sewage rod with serum should be filtered through gauze. Spread gauze in 4 layers in a saucepan with holes at the bottom. When the serum escapes, you get a soft and delicate cottage cheese.
  5. Grind the banana with a fork.
  6. Mix the banana mass with cottage cheese.
  7. Remove one shape with dough from the cold and put the cottage cheese cream on it.
  8. Put the cake from the second shape on top. Grease a cream mass on top again and remove the dessert in the cold, covering it with a foil or cling film.

After 2 hours, remove the dessert from the refrigerator, cut out the number 6, decorate and enjoy the unique milk-bananic taste of the festive sweetness for children.

A delicious children's cake for 6 years in the form of numbers 6 with your own hands with mastic - on the birthday of a girl, boy: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

A sweet product with mastic is any biscuit dessert that is decorated with a soft plastic mass. It seems to many young mothers that it is impossible to make a mastic mass with their own hands. But it is very simple. Read in this article on our websiteHow to make mastic at home.

Advice: If you do not want to make a mastic mass yourself, you can buy it in any pastry store.

So, biscuit cakes and any cream are suitable for such decoration. We proceed - here are the products:

  • Sour cream - 200 grams
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • RAS. Oil - 2/3 glasses
  • Looser - 1 teaspoon
  • Flour PS. - 2 glasses
  • Vanilin - 2 grams

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 500 grams
  • Sugar - 1 cup

We will impregnate the finished baking strata of the biscuit, we will be pineapple juice. The pulp from pineapple will go into the layer. If there is no fresh fruit, you can use canned.

We start cooking:

  1. Mix all the cooked products necessary for the test workpiece in a blender.
  2. Pour the mass into 2 shapes and bake in the wind compartment of your stove for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  3. To prepare a cream layer, mix the necessary products with a mixer. If the mass is liquid, you will have to add a thickener, for example, a gelatin mass. To make the cream thick, choose sour cream with great fat content.
  4. From the finished cakes, cut the details of the numbers, cut them along the 2 parts.
  5. Pour the cakes first with pineapple juice, and then lubricate the cream layer, laying pieces of pineapples.
  6. Lubricate the top with cream and decorate with a mastic mass.

It remains to decorate with mastic to your liking, using imagination, and the cake is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Video: How to cover the cake with mastic? I am Tortodel!

A delicious cake for a wedding anniversary of 6 years in the form of a number 6 with your own hands: photo

Cake 6 for wedding anniversary 6 years
Cake 6 for wedding anniversary 6 years

Wedding anniversary of 6 years is a cast -iron wedding. You can bake the cake in the form of a number or with the help of a mastic mass to “blind” the decor in the form of a cast -iron pan. Cakes can be biscuit or even sand.

Here is a recipe for a simple biscuit test:

  1. Separate proteins 3 eggs from yolks.
  2. Remove the proteins for 15 minutes for the cold.
  3. Mix the yolks with 1 glass of sugar.
  4. Add 150 grams of soft butter.
  5. You can put a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. It will give the dough softness and airiness.
  6. Then beat the proteins to the peaks and add to the dough.
  7. Mix 2-3 cups with 1 teaspoon of baking powder and put to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly again. The dough should be in consistency, like thick sour cream. If necessary, add flour.
  9. Bake cakes at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  10. Anyone is suitable. You can make, for example, a persistent cream chiz. The recipe for this cream is described in the article on our site on this link.
Cake 6 for 6 years of wedding
Cake 6 for 6 years of wedding

Then cut the figure, soak all the parts with cream filling and decorate the dessert, or just decorate the round cake at your request.

Tasty children's cake 6 eggs for 6 years with your own hands - on the birthday of girls, boy: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

A cake of 6 eggs is lush and delicate. Such a biscuit dough always turns out, but provided that you will put the ingredients in the correct sequence. If the preparation technology is violated, then the biscuit will not work. So, do everything as it is written in the instructions. First, buy all the necessary products:

  • Eggs - 6 pieces
  • Flour - 150 grams
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Vanilla extract-1-2 drops

Stages of cooking:

  1. First prepare the baking forms. Lay to the bottom parchment. Do not lubricate vegetable oil, otherwise the biscuit will not rise.
  2. Now separate the proteins from 6 eggs and remove them for 15 minutes into the freezer.
  3. Pour half sugar to the yolks and start rubbing until the mixture becomes light and increases in volume.
  4. Beat the proteins to the peaks, adding the remaining granulated sugar.
  5. Combine two sweet masses and pour flour. Stir. The dough should be homogeneous in consistency, without lumps.
  6. Put the dough in two forms and bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  7. Then pull out the dessert from the oven, cut the layers along and cut the details of the “six”. You should get an air and light biscuit.
Biscuit for cake 6
Biscuit for cake 6

You can use any layer to repose such a biscuit:

  • For example, you can mix 1 can condole. milk and 1 pack of drain. oils.
  • Beat these two ingredients well and lubricate with such a layer of the detail of the number.
  • This fat and juicy cut will perfectly complement the air biscuit.

You just have to decorate the top of the dessert and you can enjoy its taste.

Video: Biscuit (very simple recipe)

A delicious children's cake for 6 years in the form of a letter with your own hands - on the birthday of a girl, boy: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Cake for 6 years in the form of a letter
Cake for 6 years in the form of a letter

A dessert in the form of a letter or several letters is another popular trend in confectionery art. Cakes for the letter can be made, both from the biscuit and from the sand dough. The crumbly sand dough is crispy, and the biscuit dough is tender.

Advice: If your dessert has a lot of cream and other jewelry, then it is better to make biscuit cakes, otherwise it will be inconvenient to eat.

Cake for 6 years in the form of a letter
Cake for 6 years in the form of a letter

Advice: To make the letter from the dough, first you need to cut the stencil from sheet A4, and then transfer it to the finished layer. Remove the excess dough-you have biscuit workpieces that need to be impregnated with a coloring and decorating from above.

As a decor for such a confectionery design, there is a dense cream-chiz (recipe by link above), fresh berries, Macaron cookies, slices of apples and even live flower buds. Your imagination has no limit, but in the end it will turn out tasty, beautiful and elegant.

It is worth noting: You can bake on the table and letter and number - original and stylish.

Video: novelty cake letter - trend 2018

How to decorate the cake 6 for the birthday of a boy and girls: ideas, tips

Each mistress can come up with an original decoration for her work of culinary art. But ideas from the outside will help to make it beautiful and unusual. Do not be afraid to work with mastic - this is a very plastic material that is perfectly amenable to “modeling”. From mastic mass, you can make various figures and much more. Here are ideas and tips on decorating a cake in the form of a number 6.

See how from mastic you can make a whole plot on one cake in the form of a number 6. Such a dessert will definitely like the baby.

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

This cake is suitable for the girl. Delicate sweet flowers look great against the background of chocolate lipstick. The contrast of different colors is always considered winning with any jewelry and decor.

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

The decoration of this cake is a real embodiment of tenderness. How much you can make interesting from ordinary sweet mastic and air cream.

Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6
Cake for 6 years in the form of digits 6

Now you have interesting ideas and you can surprise not only your baby, but also guests who will come to the holiday. A pleasant appetite and a fun celebration!

Video: Tort-digit 6. Building BZK.

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